. i . . | Take the stedmer Ameri OF CANADA A HOW THE VARIOUS BASEBAL L! a of "the lobe, or TEAMS STAN ip.m, Sbec. "The Accounts of Corporations, Merchants, 3 (' i C.L.Cs., Civil Se : Visited at 'Kingston Cot ) Manufacturers and Individuals Solicited. and Drak Sand mai ire Coals! citord Siltan, son of Hom. Clifford fo : a Small Savings Bank Accounts rcceive spective Baseball Leagues of Each, om 40d Gerald Emery, of Ottawa, Ho ; New P atent {were guests for the week-end at the Special Attention. The baseball season is more than 'cottage of Mrs. 8. Birch; Thousand Is- he oi ' Cxf & ords, balf spent, and the end is drawing land Park The » young men came in nigh. With the idea that the stang- their automobile. 4 ing vy ihe three leagues in the city! ° A e-- Xr = fH : -- ~{ mght interesting, the position of mateur Photographers. : aa : S d Thos. Lambert Merchant ailor the different teams is given. Each! All amateur photogradhers will find [J "SESS EN a : traps an eee: | eague has succeeded in interegggng a [it to their interest to have their de- large number of followers who turn | veloping and printing dove at R. Ug- a / ve ; i g ; LOOK HERE YOU MEN--- * | Jout regularly to root for their respec- |low & (o's. The best and quickest umps You bave to wear Clothes, and when you buy you look for. theshest tive teams. Jere at reasonable rates. . oir ' 7 0 R w 0 M EN value for your money. Low priced clothing is seldom cheap. Good a . S 5.4 5.00 S 7 cloth, well made at reasonable prices is the cheapest <lofhing to buy, a, City Baseball League. : . wi Resign Rustad, i See our $5.00 and 6.0( pecial, ev... (be, Nachavis aoke' he . $2.30, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. and thie you get when dealing with Cg Won, Lost. To Play. 2 i ; CLCS ooo wos 8° 2 3 lohureh, Kingston, at. Regina, holiday- "They Win the Trade. Sp : : Viation, oo. oe A 3 3 ing suys he will resign his Kingston > Bathing Shoes--30¢, 63¢, Tic > : , ics 4 torate and adéept the tion of x re ad . The, way the lehgue stands tow the Ba for the the pont Temper- |] Other Suit Cases $1.50, 2, 3 to 20, White Canvas Ties--%2.00, Thos. Lambert, 157 Princess Street |. teve led me over ance allluutt, "_ "1B Trunks $3.00, 4.00, 7.00 to 18.00. Brown Canvas Straps--$ 1.00. C must defeat the Victorias in one more | Yacht Club Ball August 9. - % WE HAVE A FEW GOOD SNAPS wes , en men : - game 'before the season,is finished.| \¢ the meeting of the Bags $4.00, 7.00, 8,50, 10.00 to 20,00. ON THE BARGAIN TABLES. Ov ssasw . They have two games with the Athletics directors ofl the Fromtenge Yacht Club " " and unless something unforeseen hap pound Island, it was voted to hold pms they will have no trouble in win- the annual yacht club ball on the even- ning these. They lost one game to This i h ing of August 9th. This is ome of the Sulta na Cake ] ihe or a, Bot fila event of the 'lan A . ' Athletics have no chance whatever of "¢**°®- : winning out, but t : " Sultana Cake, made from the very best material at 25¢ -- Ya ald make & Mark Twain's Werks. per 1b, 4 other teams. Being one game behind, If you are interested in obtaining a -- Se -------------- Our Fruit Cake leads in quality at 30¢ Ib. Try a Ib with the Victorias will . aa ie ai | comin set of all his books at one your next order, & thing from now until the end of he tn a ta wl sok pin Tl WILD TIME WN HARBOR EE -- -- ------------y segson in order to capture the silver ioulare and irty-t v ware. Shug: they win from he full part tow 4 we have never: been more evenly matches Ashore--Schooner Katie Eccles than they are this season, and it i Almost Crashed Into Bridge { lay, was dismissed on ment of : . just a LORs- which b tard sy W payme ' Hast a "op Fhich wine w hon Hie | costs." Two weeks ago, after the case] The storm on the lake Monday af AGAIN ALL j HIS WEEK the Sefehdant i i A ens trophyis worth fighting for, and | %*% first heard, visited | ternoon and night, and whith raged CL. 2 "page book. "Little Stories About ai ee Ds ae 3 {R H.TOYE, MKag§t, vo | [0s Bi BE Bo wy or Blo it looks as though the finish of British Whig. SEA 10 ROLL: this league would be very interest Defendant Set - >e " sea Pees ssw oe 8 The te me leading the ng Ae. ' The Pete t Settled, ., |Vessels Were in Danger of Drifting : . | 'The -Duncan-Hicks berry case, which ; ii 4 : leame before the police court on Sa. ee A A a a a A NAA alt PN i . both teams will strive for all they ave | | the" complainant and settled the case |nearly all day Tuesday, was the only worth to obtain it. Ly paying $10. Through a mistake it topic of conversation in marine circles . ' was said the complainant bad settled | (uesday. . The storm for the most {whereas it was the defendant. part was wind, although" it rained ' Mercantile League. | = wi --- -- heavily for a while during the night. . . . Tea. "TGROUP "A" i Gone to Castle Rest. Evideutly 'Kingston: got: the I i not realized ite the Amount 174 WELLING N ST. - | 'vidently Kings on got the brunt di JTON ST. Won. Lost. To Play | Congressman Frank Lowden of Chi- [the storm for B. W. Folger was in ving qu > 4 : ¢ Civil Servi 3 : wil Service ...... ... & 0 } A ». " . 8 . cago, a well-known figure at the | long distanee ge Monda, L had fier Thousand Islands, and son-in-law of evening, with Toronto, relative tol . we required, we will again 0 : 4 ' ---- y Losomotives .. 3 va 2 Bankers i } the late George M. Pullman, . reached | the safety of the steamer Chippewa Unique Hand-bound Bamboof Retailers rR é #. Clayton, on Sunday afternoon on the [which runs from Toronto to Lewis : for the remainder of This "Week all Baskets. he / pol don" | under the Club train. He was. met by his decor- ton, and Toronto suid she made y High-grade Hand Painted able direction o oe" Daley, has. n nted yacht, flags flyingMrom all points [safe trip in good time. Mr. Folge ol chi if IDS dv, ee gt fs ok 15 od he, Boods at Cost Price. Positively Thi bi the fact that it has not lost a wane. in honor of his arrival. The Jerwilenin informed the party at the other en 0 a 0S E Pre 3 g J ¢ re f th pth D was Everything at marked Jrice. From present indications, it looks ax will remain through August at 0! e line that a hurricane va home, ('astle Rest, near this vesort. raging 'here, but they say there wa a a . though this team would be in the final | - no storm to speak of up there. | Week Only. All Merchandise n this GROUP "B.» | Trying Out the Boat. As a consequence there was lig To P | The new yacht Watertown was tried [moving in the vessel line Tuesday fo a . Live Coals ; > gn, Lost, In Linx! out at Chaumont, Sunda , in an im- | the vessels were in Shelter whereve Immense Stock, at Cost Price. Wormwithy ... ... ... 5 3 Dromiptu race against the Crescent. [they could get it. Although th Railvoaders .. JS e new boat showed up well but in [steamer Pierrepont bad a hard tio Printers . 3 3 'the heavy. breeze the Crescent kept up | getting over Monday afternoon fro Suits For Live Coals. have 'things capped hers 'well with the Watertown. The now [the Cape she made the return trip i Ep ang Ya ge ees tnt pretty well, with three straight games. boit is expected, however, to "do good time. It took her five hours t A AAA A a at A A A A A tei but the things" when more fully worked into | come from the Cape in the afternoon They won from - Wormwiths, game was thrown out and ordered to shape ind fitted up after more com- but she left here at four o'clock o umimer ear be replayed. They have threes games plete trials, the return trip and was back in King : to play yet, and if they meet with | r . hekipe elven Stash hove x dg : 2 3 ie schooner ate keeles anchored Need the same careful He, sams Susoes Tat da attapded] Seeking Damages. in the harbor came nearly getting in attention g iven your . with "Joe" Daley' s angels, | The hood, covering the wheel shaft {to trouble. She wns 'anchored nen: -- upon the steamer America, is the oc: | Lataragui bridge, too near marine wen - Winter apparel. Sunday School League. [casion of a suit for $2,000 begun in say for safety, when her anchor slip- . . Won. Lost. Tied. To Play. Watertown, NY. by Inez F. Shan -Jred, and the vessel digg! towards Try Us On A Summer Suit Queen i 1 ~ 'graw against 'the St. Lawrence River [the bridge. She was load®® with con Sresesssssssassssssescssrecscsadecssascacscrsen Brock ... ia 0 3 Steamboat eompany. She alleges « she | :nd what the calamity would have Cooke's ' 1 2 fell over the projecting covefing after | been had the boat struck the bridge Svdenham . ... 3' 8 3 boarding the boat at the Cape Vineent | would be hard to say.* She drifted to Bethel 0 4 dock, in September, 1910, sustaining {within a few rods of the wooden - - right over her decks. At the present. time Queen has a injaries to her ankle that troubled ber | structure shen help came, and shel © g ur 8 | - ammer {CRA W If ORD & W ALSH } lead of" one. game over Cooke's and for ome time. as saved from ging " Pieces, Ogdensburg Harbor. --: _-- Hd -- game io pias a ane nag -- United =~ States Engineer J. ( Sal > rock has X ! X g 2 hill, of Oswego # t e ow Leading Tdilors. Princess & Bagot St and Coke' LL ve omit Savy | Rideau Lakes Nav, Co.. Limited. ste was anchored -off Richardson's Supretill, of Yawego, N.Y chins Qube as . if oy. Steamers leave lor Ottawa , every [wharf but. the second = one - wns} robo . spaf u if it wins the last game, will have . T . - ii were made recently in regard to alleg- Sarai Monday, Wedsesday, Thursday anc thr t 1 enught J . slim chances of winning out in the end, Suturdey. at 6 am V Arown oll. ane aght, N od waste in dredging the Ogdensburg Brock has a strong line-up; and thei" reay, a En Lo Three vessels, "the steamers Aletha ||. bor 10 a depth of nineteen foot, three-eornered gam _ a Cooke' For Clayton, every Tuesday, Wednes _- Quinte Queen, and "The stéiainbarue It was claimed that x fifteenfoot . p oke's se: 1 ef) R 35 ' ; £ ' on foo Brock and Fon will be oir day, Friday and Saturday. at 6,1 Waterlily, storm bound t Stella, will | channel was deep enough aml that in - p.m. > x W tay there until the gale is over. stead of deepening existing channels Jones Falls and return, every yal The high wind played havoe with | to nineteen feet they should be cleared POING FINE BUSINESS. | needay and Saturday, at 6 am. Far things at Dead. Man's Bax. and up land widened. ' { for round trip, ae. edar Island, where the fesidents pot Engineer Churchill, who had much The Plano Trade is Developing, James Swift & Co., agents. the full force of the storm. Large [to do with preparing the dredging Finely. i J. P. Hanley, agent, tress fully a foot in diameter were | plans thay Are now being ollowed, The annual meeting of the share | : - bent to the ground. The wind shook | says : i, wave been much interests holders of the Wormwith Piano - com-| Great Doings at Kingston, Ont. the large houses and caosed the r@%- in the discussion regarding the width ne t a land depth to be made in the channel pany, hmited, was held at the head | The Chicago Canudian-American [dents to tremble. ; | f Orde b & nate fn Lhe gui office of .the company in Kingston, on The Kingston Old Bovs, of Chi- | The steamer North King is storm- | © ensburg, aarbor under the | Monday, July 24th. Reports were *0Y% ihe RiNgston , » Charlotte, N.Y Neither [Ject upon which, the Duluth, Marine presented showing that 'shipments for Contracting comphifsy ba begun work 914 3 third large k o 3 on | When the work under' this project is ; " og EE I Lore ent indications are that they will have] to cross the lake Monday night "| completed Ogdensburg harbor will a 3 : "the t of their lives.' In addition | account , of the storm. The SRP 1 { the best and st accessible of first six months of 1911 excegded the he time © + g 3 f Quin. | one of the best and most accessible or same months for 1910 by thirty er to the Chicagoans, there will be old- | wll come down from the: Bay, ~ the lakes. One of the Ogdensburg : ' 0 r "here A . WR ( cent. with good prospects for fa timers at the re-union from Montreal, [te as far as Kingston, arriving "he papers intimated that no vessels draw | BUFFETS, COMB BUFFETS AND trade. It was also reported that there Ottawa, Toronto, and other places. | about two o'clock, and leave op the ing more than fourteen fest (Welland i x iia was a very satisfactory increase in the The home folks have prepared an ela- | return trip 'at five o'elork, canal draft) could enter the harbor CHINA CLOSETS, output of Piano Players. H W. borate programme for the entertain- The fact jo that every day during the EXTENSION TABLES AND DINING poss o Richardson, George Y. Chown and W. ment of their guests and former fallow . 4 com | gongon of navige! om vesss enter Og A310. 4 possible ecnuse. of 1t. conaistent. igh quality. i Wormwith wore elected directors. citizeim. There will be all sorte 'of The Pierrepont's Battle. densburg harbor drow from sixteer CHAIRS, FROM YOUR GROCER. At a Silwetjoent niveting of the direc. games and diversions as well as band | The steamer Pierrepont arrived al [to sixteen and one pit tors, H. Richardson was elected ous at Macdonald Park, where on | Folger's wharf at 3.45 o'clock Monday Ee OR BALE ada gar fining Limited, Mo president; George Y. Chown; secretary} st evening of their stay the vis- |afternoon, "being about three hours AT LAKE ONTARIO PARK. The Can Su Re Co, ntreal Sreacer. ¥. H. Wormwith, was ap Me In wilt ois hands at an immense [late. She left Cape Vincent at eleven ---- {Established in 1854 by John Redpath, 'pointed manager, and 'H. Urethwaite love feast with. the Kingstoninn® and [o'clock and it took her nearly five The Vaudeville Bill is a Good One JAMES REID was appointed superintendent. all will sing "Auld Lang Syne." hours to get here. There was a fair This Week. ' : number of passengers and none ofl wu. Liideville entertainment at The Leading Undertaker. 1,000 Islands--Rochester. | Library Complaint About Boys. them felt #ny too good after their Lake Ontario Park, Monday evening, "Phone 147 Steamers North King and Caspian | Of Hate &. aumber of boys who long trip by way of the foot of Wolfs bin Infgely attended. The. programme leave at 10:13 a.m., daily, for Thou- {have been frequenting the public lib. | Island. : ; Ulaas'n good one and was (Horoughly sand Islands and at 5 p.m. for Roch; si Quite a time was experienced *lenjoyed by those in attendance. Frank Passed Examinations. Cv irary, have been making themselves a . ] ' 1 . y ester, N.Y. J. P. Hanley, agent. | mime. I thes I the tilmary rounding Point Frederick. Captain | 00 oF wo vio werobats, oon At Lanark the following phased. ihe ¥ t » : * ® > : of iy Hinckley had to 'take a long turn on tortionists and balancing wets, per<antranece examinations : Lilias M | with the object reading and stud of thé wind and vet he : - Summer ry in vo + te EE Te BE ett SEAT SE gl ne BE X od to ma Lt Ge oved that they were up-to-date in librook illie ¥. "Anderson, Dram . , to the city Monday. | nothing would be said, but they have the 'boat seemed to be fight vit. of J PE° 3 r alibroo : x eg a heavy sea. Some of the breakers went FOR NEARLY 60 YEARS. cago will deave on their great bome hound at | NN. hue going excursion, Friday, and all pres- [the North King nor Uaspian was ab Inspecting our Stock of EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR has stood the searching test o preserving time. This is only i ted he I 1 Holder ol and writ- 8 . % theit work and wom for themselves mond. Gladys Middleton, Jennie a en Daley and Ear 1 ol of es. touting the petiadical sod on | the ater - ons side. It is il to vigorous applause, Miss Octavia Neal, Laughlin, John Donaldson, Ronald Hamilton, the desks. The management commit- be ne O th gr trips ol -- character comedienne, in songs and Seott, Margaret Guthrie, Hilda Mw .. Seasonable Goods Frank W. Coates, wife and daugh-|iee has decided that this must be |perienced. Fhe 3 merepant pr gr dancing, is =a fascinating brunette, phy, Alex. Duncan, Anew Afleck, Li } ter, went up to Napanee on Tuesday stopped and the names of three- of [her freight aud cleared again *{who sings with a sweet soprano voice Tins Leslie, Lanark, Julin Class, fit i morning to attend a wedding. the boys who are implicated have heen Cape at 4.15 o'clock. . two pretty songs, "Tis Good to Have Hard { math {Pi mmaandy Radin «At Half Price... po | Miss G, Hujton left Monday for her [yecvred. The authorities do ag ! Some One 0 Laeg> - us, Boys, Let Melania, " : Sharia, Lisa a home in Ottawa, after spending some | wunt to make any trouble but if it " # Have » Time," and ends her sct 0 y Jean . soul, Lanark % © little time with Mrs. McNamee, Brock lis necessary they will make the names | ~~ Movements ot Fount, wo, | Mith a selection on the saxaphone, | Lear ¢ ow Dalhoutior Yai \ Maland: Lawn One-pjece Dressin, in Cream. White, Mauve, street. public and action will be taken a-| At Swift's wharf © Steamer Lethe Motor Song March," and being elartone, Lanark; Efi Neatigall, sty nd Bik ot Ralf Pree : | Ro suridie Samage Wie Soue by She Enid thas, A_werd to, the Wine raHlo made © She wp ap Soar: freafled , ig "AIL fish of an et othend, Panark;, Perte Camatoy, 4 » - steamer a ¥ Ove, She was warmly appiatde { rin" Bisann , i Skirt Wash Suits, in White, Cream, Mauve Blue, wind on Welle hula, Monday vight, shouhi be sufficient from Ottawa and will go to Clayton, } Mis Neal, who was app of the Halibwdo k; Furtle 3 . ong. Hagold Ne , Half Price.' 3 trees. Blood Humors X.Y: Sheet Lamonde from Ganan Porcupine Jf Jost alt her wart d Dougall il Shausie;_Ettnes. R glen, . Halt Ww: 'main, on the corner of oqte to-day 5 t re and t only thing she AYeL Lottie Penman, Lanark: Jessie Anders Lv a Cream Coats In ddnen and Indian Head - 4 fend wale Po rota, whith ; At Polger's wharf : Steamer Pierre |, oo her snxaphome. Wien Rosevenr | 2011 Lom a Nordin 2 . = ¥ y morning, has been | Commonly cause pimples, boils, hives, | pont on the Cape route; steamer Alex: | 00 with good taste "Loose Me I] Nr Shree: Hon Ladin Do v White and Cream Skirts at Halt Price. : repaired and ay water supply in the | eczema or salt Sheu, or some ather andria passed down last evening with | Lovers' Lane" and SHucsy Up Thos |}, ousic; Eve Stesd. Jennie Hickey, is) : ) Pre . section ption Someti t a heavy passenger list. Weddi Bells." The pictures word iMonie Stewart, Willie Aleck, Clair & 5 Th. me Gloves, at at Halt, . "ihe lower a a ol form hos {he yatom. indicated oy feel- The i Wolfe Islander had guile Wedding. the ry ores being ? im Latork. A ; TE . ) ictoria Park is heing erected, the | Ings of weakness, Jangtor. loss of aP- | 4 time coming across the lake 'oulirh, Feopotamos Hunt," "There's m= = i hy being in charge of Assistant | Petite, or general debility, without | ju, morning, on account of the! Woman in Town," 'The Fomiamal? : -------- ; : : | Chief Elmer. causing any breaking out. The steamer Pierrpont experienced | 4 "Runca Pale." | Gilbert selle Crown Blend tes. There The campers at Cedar Jsland are They gre expelled and the whole sys- hard times getting to Cape - tid . is mone better ai any price. Ask for tem 4x renovated, strengthened and |Vineent. Tuesday morning. On leaving | Admire a woman and whe will ad ia sample. ; the whar! here, she had to run hearly mire your wood taste. I C4. Cartin, BSe, » gradusie of i Gatien Island, before she could | Open during Joly and August, thirty Queen's, who bas been in Mexien, ie and when she did turn the wind, (days means too much Lo Moon - Col in the city ro vewity of sngunintan *enerind her at a terrific pact down the ive to admit of vacation. Pre | jos, oe A Soom daven's hockey: Youge " : yor.