Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Jun 1911, p. 6

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§ REV. A. H. " DPRUMM WAS ELECTED MODERATOR. Are offered In The Bank of Toronto that satisfactory banking service which comes from long experiénce and com- plete equipment and facilities. Commissioners Report on the Meets ing of Assembly--Commission Appointed to Deal With Urgent . : 3 The mid-summer meeting of the pres bytery of Kingston, held in Napanee, en Tuesday, was. an exceptionally in- teresting one. Although much of the business was necessarily of a routine character it called forth many isspir- ing ah helpiul discussions. t were Rev. Messrs i . Business accounts of every Re careful at- ih $i the claims of - the Work bell pre erie ght before congregations, Arrangements were made to have all the mission stations and augmeni-i. . od charges visited. by (represesiiatives: of the presbytery. , The next meeting will be held in thy Jehan street church, Belleville, on Tuesday, Sept. 19th. It was agreed that hereafter four yuarterly juetings be held in the year, and it was cided also that elders would be ap- pointed to the general assembly by rotation. ie sp ------ CHAIRMAN. OF THE BOARD 20 AlLot of News of Intergst to Every body: "Puy Witch Hazel Cream." Gibson's. Wait for the big Irish pitnic at the air grouvads, Monday, July rd. © W..B. Allen, St. Ustharmes, archi "Tlect, died suadenly in New York. The strike of the masons is still on, and from all appearapees,there is no ot rete, tT WE on Tuesday, are anxious to have a Car. and Foundry Co.| ' Of Canadian" Car settlement, having written to the kE. on Canadian Locomotive Co. one of the newly elected directors of tie Canadian locomotive company, 18 eet the strikers' committee and wake Snettlemant, but thus far this meeting has not bern held. The ma- Ihe housewile who prelers ' "Quality" flour hes good reasem for doing so. Just iwo more days now for the June brides. Cupid bad a very busy month. " A new company has been formed to operale the pissing Central rail- way. Ask your grover for "Quality" flour, P any - > Rev. G. KR, and Mrs. Beamish, Belle ville, will sail, Sswuday, for Glas gow, returning Sept. 1st, R. Beckwith, asking that the contrac maglactyral by: Maple Lodt Milling |- : } Montreal, Jane 28. James Redmond, {rons Eniniale wohialgieie ses nnn Sy» irk NIGHT GOWNS Nicely fashioned of good, soft Nainsook, with high or low Wilkins, Dromm, Keer, Binvie, Sheac-| er, Dowling, MN Mae! + Nit | past sanguine regarding the future A lions state that a letter was written k ne hol, Mitchell, Gracey ani Drs. , Jordan, MacTavish, Maogillivray, and Prof. R. Laird, ministers, and Messrs, , Alexander, and Vrol. Matheson, elders. Rev. A. H. Drumm, Belleville, was dlected moderator for the ensuing year. : 3 1h: following were appointed a commission to attend to emergent business, which may "arise between meetings of presbytery, viz, Messrs. Seen see NBenenINsstIReRIssERY § KINGSTON BRANCH 107 PRINCESS ST. GEORGE BD. McKAY, Manager, gilliveay, MacTavish, Mathesen, Rus. sell and Mallory. Commissioners to the general = as sembly reported on that meeting and, according to the reports, the bly was in many respects the best ever held. 0000000000000000000009 0000000000000 000000000000 S00000000000000 the minister-evangelist course, with additional studies, was given the fail standing of a minister. Nev. J. Binn'e, in reporting ci home missions, recommen that Crofton and Demorestville be raised from mis sion stations to the rank of an ang mented charge. Thin was agreed to. Rev, JH. Gracey, in hia repost = on augmi n'aticn, "stated that all the augm nted charges in the presbytery, with the exception of: Svnbury, had in- creased their contributicn: ta the stipends of their ministers, De. Bodh: nan gave an ipspiggn: »d misnicns, and, for tha Shap Your. Fit Tress. THIS 18 THE TIME FOR THE DEADLY CODUING MOTH, And it is astonishing, but the De- partment of Agriculture says that §0 per. cen.. of the blossoms are de stroved by the Codling Moth, and the only way to get rid of it ls J SPRAY With the Arsenate. of Lead: for all : Insec ts and ~ Sulphate of Lime for all Fungus Growth. driss nn foreign this he was cordially thanked hy proshy tery. committer en social the ass-mhlv's evangelism, and urged service and Let us tell you how to do it and fncrease your yleld of fruit 60 per I cent, WILLIAM MURRAY, Auctioneer, City and Country Sales Care fuily Conducted, Market Square, Kingston. | Arsenate of Lead Sulphate of Lime .. .. Tbe gal. Bold only at Wk Nils fv tLe Pde i esi -- -------------------------- stp A * Our Sensational Sale of ; the Summer Season Our Entire Stock of Summer Goods Must Be: Reduced, Hence This Sale. Gingbams, Puncy Musing, Chambrays, Dress Liners, White Victmria Lawn and Suwmer Fl nuelette Gioghame, Stripes, Checks aid Figured, albcotors, Regular 28c and 3te, "Thursday's Sale Price 10c Yard -- mat a be Fancy Muslins & Chambrays Muslins from 60c down and Chambrays 25¢, 20e, 18¢-and ic. - pea Dress Linens i at regular, prices, 00c, 50c, 10c, 25¢. iid H afternoon, § hays >. How-} Drumm, Wilking, Gordon, Jordan, Mae- | assem- | H. G. Steers, who has supplemented | the company. As is well known, Mr. Redmond is actively identified with the Canada Car & Foundry company, being chairman of the board of dives iors. He is thus in exedlent position {to kiow the requirements of the rail- | roads in Canada and bekeves that the ! demand for locomotives, cars and lh er railway oquipment is only commence ing. In an interview to-day, Mi, Red: mond said =~ "Railroad development in Canada is tauly in its infancy. The population of (Canada is increasing very rapidly and will: continue to increase with the conmting vears. At present we have only <,000,000 people hut"as our population' linereasen our prisent railroad mileage {will increase correspondingly." Speating of the Canadian Locomo- tive company Mr. Redmond. said: -- "Phe growth of thix company in the past tim wears is little short of phen- ominal, Ten years ago the womwan wae housed in one Building, toad they have twelve. During this time they expended over $1,000,000 ou, "new plant, machinery and Jjuipment. The whole of it came out of the varpings. In addition the company was able to put aside a cash reserve of over $1, 250,000 rnd are thus in a most envi able povition." Mr. Redmond is neturaliy very opti. mistic reganfing the futur of such a feopviany, ad iv siowa hy Wis identify - | gat Ling himpelf with it. Th { brokers, Aemilins Jarvis & Co., of] De. MacTavish outi'nd the work of | Tore ntg, are offering to the public the | Vid, | { $1,500,000 of ths seven po cont. dumm- | ' carrying vithit | fa bonus of twenty-five per securities of the new com any, ative preferred stoek, cent, on commen stock. sing Ontario. pertain that the old established James fioldie Milling Co., of this city, is to ome merged in the propos>d amal- amation of winter wheal-using flour mille throughout Newtern Untarw. The stated object is to swure if possible a larger share of the export trade, and to do away with overlapping of or ders. Six tompanics are interested, sit- uated in Chatham, Blenheim, St. (Mary's, Stratford, the Joha Campbell Milling 'Co., with two mills. at St Thomas, and the Goldie Milling Co, of this city. : INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By i well known liem of bankers and tGuelph,- Ont., Jupe 28.-1t is pretty | to E. R. Beckwith asking thal such a confer nce be held, but that Mr. Beck- with, who formerly acted, now refuses to be the medium of communication between the masons and the contrac. tors. The masops have handed the | Whig, for publication a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Beckwith. Ii reads as follows: ~ : $ " ston, June 27th, Wil, Nr. E R. Beckwith. Dear Sir.--1 am instract- ed to inform you that committee appointed by this. union prepared at any time to meet the contractors and try il possible to~adjust the dif- ferences now existing between that hody and this union thai the same i good feeling 'which has existed ip the past may ba restored. An early reply with Sate and | og for such conference will ceatly yours truly, ALEX, FOWLER, te See. No. 10." Work is still' progressing on the Nivol building, but at the WE jobs, There are no nuisons at work. William ' McCartney, the contractor on the Nicol building, claims that some of the striking masons have been get tin off the jobi and le! states that he will prosecute any of the men who can be caught endeavoring to in- timidate the nem. Mr. MeCartuey "ued a notice paced in the Whir to-day, in regard to the matier. i STOCK MARKET™ Furnished hy RB, n Lyman & to. Anchor Building. June 25th, 1911. 2.00 Pam 1133 ul 79 100 Sof 42 363 1374 180 Fd 142 1343 Open, . 1137 694 7 Atchison ... . Amalgamated Copper American Smelters ... .. | Baltimore & Obio .... Brooklyn Rapid Trans ELE hasta d SRA EM iis ann ares eda Geeat Northern; pid. | Lehigh Valley ...0".a0 Missouri Pacifie : MS.M. Soa Lol Northern Padifie Pennsylvania RR. . 498 143 1343 1248 1604 LA 125 1H aq 00 188% Southern Railway i: Southern Railway, Union Pacific'... .. STOUR QUOTATIONS Reporters on Their Rounds. Misses Zinkan, Peslin, Ont, jected in town; Thurtday, to the Kan»Zinkan wedding. 'RF. Davis, Mugston, has ate ex in. | n the July H about automobiles, including a HM attractive talk about Detroit, the areal ; Thursday's Sale Price 10¢ Yard ; If originallys from [{ that ihe Just on the stoets to-day. § IL wos neceseary H dute : Chicygeh will hold: a picnic at Riv- Florvi ark, Ch steqd ng a few days with Mr, Mrs. Walter Fleming, in Ottawa, Prof. Paul Denyes, organist. of Mary's cathedral, left at noon, Wedn sday, for a month's vacation. Mre. G. HI, Milne, St. Clarens ave St. uh | pue, loronto, is visiting hor pacenis, Ji Me. and Mus. James Kane, Colborme Sireet, The July Columbian, of New York, fs &t once a lusury and a necessity it has an array of contents neve dquall d or approached, in any maga: Columbian maya tne Raymond F. Barnes tells all the Titest autre of automobile wanufacture. Bishop "delencier, of New Westmin- ster, formerly from Ontagio, was pre sented to the king. Bishop, dePencier Burritt's, ta bids and was once a priest in Ontario acese, Re Tralk about the Sahura Desert, but wasn't in it with the ondition Of he dove not appear to keep the dust down when a good: strong wind comes ! ! White and all colors, extra goad. quality, Hi », Mike unnual picnic of St. Mary's cas | was held Wedsesday afternoon fat Rtaley's grove. About 1.000 in all went over to the poplar pivnie place. or the steamer Am- stica to make two trips to accomiigy- SvIYy One. : ingaton Old Bove! association, cago, on Sat urday n 1st. © The circular July + "Being d, end imagine you are 'al old 0 , 8 Ques 's stunt, ond loved for the suitimer on thy steamat. King, was take ffi ambulance {From attend | i been i abo Ran {or { Crown Reserve yore | LEACH WITHOUT AIR off the hoat'} MeCunig Bros, Montreal Through J. OO. Hutton. June Sth, "Asked. 242 MY 55 23} =i 733 1603 2 67% 1103 omy 1434 9 VL. Offered. 2414 M3 a bo | Ss 73 eu 11g 674 1403 108 42 . NO mg 101 65 643 62 62 Fastern. Canada Pulp Canada Cement Duluth Superior Detroit United Montreal Power ... .. Minn. & St. Paul | Dominion Textile Toronto Railway Twin City... ... Lake of the Woods MeKay, com. p... ... Nova Seotia Steel QueblQuebee Railwny Porta Riek... ... The Barrel Turped Over--Iis Now in Whirlpool. Niagara Falls, June 285=""Bobin"' Leach attempted, to-day, to repeat performance of his trip. through the Whirlpoo! Rapids in a barrel. The barrel turned over submerging the air hole just after leach had stepped into it and in this position it floated into the rapids. Efioris to sevwwe the bar: rel so far have been fruitless. Girl Tried to Suicide. A young git! is reported to have at- tempted to commit suicide by drink- ing & mivture of laudapum and car bolic acid, breatse her mother objeot- rng Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, To- ronto, successfully 'treats piles, fissures, ele., without .an operation. Write lo free booklet and references. Sale, men's socks, two pairs for 25¢. Dutton's Shoe Store, 208 Prineess St. Canon A. J. Broughall 1s about to retire as rector of St. Stephen's An gliean church, Toronto, after a con tinugus servige there of fifty years. See our, special suit case on sale at $1.50. Duiton's, 200. Princess. street. lhe Chinese government is making ernment to Wave legaticn guards moved at Pekin, K cool by wearing canvas shoes. All kinds at prices that will astonish. Dutton's, shoe store. re Tuesday _ morning, at the home Martin Knapp, Newboro, * when ol his interviewing his meg, in an endeavor to | 1244 tdemanding 1593 |All trans-Atlantic steamers are de daughter, Ethel M., was united marriage to George E. Fuster. Sale, barefoot sandals, 6le., 75¢,, | 85¢. pair; also Roman sandals, cheap- jest in the city. Dutton s shoe store. { St Paul's church, Brandon, Man. { was thy scene of a wedding on June {2hd, when Miss Blanzhe MacMurray, | Belleville, way united in marriage to Henry M. Farmer, of Moosé Jaw. "Hay Hazeline Snow" at Gibson's. ! Wear rubber heels, put on without extra charge; 1¢., 5c, 35¢. Dutton's, shoe store. * A quiet wedding took place, Tues: LUny. at Beeckville, when Ernest Mears wa® uaited .n marriage to Miss Ther 'esa Churchill, 'The groom is a con [ductor on the Grand Trunk railway. | Buy your suit case at Dutton's and save money. Bargains in all qualities, 209 Princess street. : Most of the roval guests eoronition in { s to the left England, cn Wednpes- { |day, Connaught seeing them off on be day at half of the king, who spent the at the Royal Agricultural show Norwich Sale of summer a corset worth 3), for The, Dress Reform. Work at the Liverpool deck yards is practicaliy at a standstill. Four thau- {sand dock hands. joined the strikers recognition of the union corsets, Se; also New York sort d hy crews. : "Grape juice," Prouse's Drug Stove. Women's &1 patent Oxford at special chocolate Oxfords, $1.66. Dut ton's shoe store. Word was received «by Charles Hace, Brockville, on Saturday, of the death 'of his brother, Vanamber Rico, at Lit the Fa'ls, N.Y. Deceased, fifty-three years of age, was o former resident of Brockville. "Hazeline Snow," son's. {To advertise: new stock. Patent {strap slippers for children, $1. Dut- i ton's, 200 Princess sireet. " Jobn Hodgins, Cobdén, died sud | denly on June 18th, at the home of | his daughter, Mrs. J. MoAllister, al | Tomkins, Sask. Mr. Hodgine was a {well known ¢nl highly respected citi: {zen of Cobden and had attained, but tn week or two ago, the ripe old age tof seventv-nine years. | "Huy Witch Hazel Cream." Gibson's. Lr. Hogyes' asbestos insoles for foot troubles and revolving rubber heols. {Sold only at Dutton's shoe store. i 'The home of Norris Westlake, at Brockville, was thrown into bereave bomen Tuesday morning, when his | youngest daughter, Miss Mary Rosa | mond, passed away after an illness of { three months. Born in Elizabethtown | in September, 150M; deceased was mix {tem years nnd eight months of age. | 2.25; for sunburn, Gib i e--. i [TWO MARRIAGES CELEBRATED {In StMary's Cathedral 2t Early Hours Wednesday Morning, The wedding of Michael Purtell to Miss Augus B. Laughlin, of Water: town, N.Y., was quietly celebrated in St. Mary's cathedral, Wednesday morning, at six o'clock, by Rev. Fath- Hanley. The ceremony was of a nature and was witnessed few friends of bolh parties. honeymoon the happy couple will take their residence on Montreal street, wi the groom has a prosperous grocery business, The second wedding was performed at 2.30 o'clock, by Rev. Father "Halli gan, when Dominic Donoghue, formerly of this city, but now of | Winnipeg, was joi in matrimony with Miss Bernedetta Donoghue, Montreal street, After the held at the home of ter, Mrs. Doherty, and the happy couple train. for their fulure Laid or very quiet by only a After a short the bride's left on the noon home in Winn |Bpecial 10" the Whig: Miaws, Jume he apd . Hardy, of Qu"Appelle, Sask. their: Ottawa visit. Beretheguests of fricn negotiations with the Lurgpesn gov-| A pretty wedding was solesunized ong ok. : Low Neck Styles, trimmed with dainty Embroidery with Beading and n, Puff Style Sleeve with Inser- tion tet in. y Price $1.35 30 Different Styles of Nightgowns, ranging in price from Sle, 5%, 152, 90c, $1.25,°1.50, 1.75 and on up to 4.50. ot White Shirt Waists White Irish Linets, plain shirt styles. Algo in tailored cllccte. 3 Special Makes now ready for your choosing. $1.95, 2.50, 2.95, = og . White Lingerie Dresses These Dresses have real merit. They-are properly made and finished and ready to slip on, 4 < NOTE THE PRICES : $2.99, 3,75, 4.25, 5.00, 5,95 and on up "through.a Jong list to $24.50. Long Sik Gloves ' In Black, White, Tan, Grey, : 50c, The, Yc; 99e, $1.23, FF Long Lisle. Thread Gloves i Black, White; Tan, 25e, 35e, Ve, 19¢, Toc. Children's White Sox All sizes, from No.0 up to the largest. "= 10c, 12§c. 1c. CHILDREN'S FANCY BOX, White leg with Plaid Tops, Tan leg with Plaid 'Vops, White and Blue Stripes, Pink and Blue Stiipes, all nizeg, from 15c to 25c¢. BABIES' SILK SOX, oh Special value at 39c. I+ White, Blue, Pink. J. Laidlaw & Son ceremony a _reeeplion was | LLL Montreal street, Sey All Our Men's Low Shoes At 20 Per Cent. Discount; SCR ACI CIC TCC) OOOO OO CICOCC COT | $) 2 + Y Stirting this week we will clear out all our Men's Oxford Shoes, 'Men's Tan Oxfords Men's Calf Oxfords Men's Patent Oxfords' All hew this season. All nice goods. L550 fc S00, $430 fr 60, S00 3.20

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