Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 May 1911, p. 3

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DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE| NEW FLOOR, KINGSTON, ONT,| DRILL L HALL, NOTICE 0 CONTRACTORS 3 | ten er, payable irable ths whick pariy into amount « ef the Minister of Militia an 0 will be 1 rte ndering declines Def ited nee, the er tract bir tender a itself niawa wapapers advertivement authority f wilt is inperted the Departy SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. ANY PERSON WHO 18 THE BOLE head of a family or any male over 1% years oft may homestead a quarter Sfction of available Dominion land ip Bnitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must Sypear in person at the Dominion Lands Age ncy or Sub- Agenty for | the district. Entry by proxy made at. any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son daughter, brother or sister of intending homastpad er. Duties --8ix months' residence upon and Yeultivation of the land In each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead or a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and occupied by him or br bis father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister In certain dfftricts a hoMesteader in od standing may pre-empt a quarter od alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside u up- i" the homestead or pre-emption six months In each of six years from date of homestead entry (including the time 'required to earn homestea patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-empti,n may enter fcr a pur- chased homestead in certain districts Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must Teal six months in each of three yea cultivate +550 50! acres and erect » house worth RY, , Deputy of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement, will not be paid for Notice to Ce Contractors Tenders For St Station And) Other Buildings. TENDERS ADDRESSED undersigned and marked on the envelope "Pender for Station Build. | ings," will. ba. reseived at the office of the Commissioners of the Transconti- nental Rallway at Ottawa, until 12 o'clovk noon of fhe 14th day of Jugpe 1911, for the erection of station and othel buildings required ong the line of the Transcontinental Rallway as set forth below: Bection .1.~From Plaster Ilock in the Province of New Brunswick west- ward to the Quebec boundary Section 2 --From Mile 161.5 Mile 184 eant of Quebec bridge, Section 3.--From Mile § to Mile 105 east of Quebec bridge Section 4.--From the Quebec bridge westward to Mile 46 Section 5 From Mile 66 to Mlle bridge Cochrane SEALED to the to 194 x in the Pro- vince "of Ontari pt Section From the divisional yard Graham, Ontario" eastward for a distance of 60 miles Seviton 8 From daogan, jn the Province wick Section. 9 From 159 west of Moncte Plans and spectiloations may be seen and full information obtained at the office of Mr. Gordon Grant, Chief Engineer, Ottawa, Ontario, and at-the following district offices Bection 1 Mr. OC oh Engineer, ®t John 1 Hect! ns : nd Mr Doucet, Engineer, Moneton to Napa of New Bruns- 281 mile Jaile 0 125 Foss, District 2.2 5 AE District Quebes, Molesworth, Pay, Outario Poulin, IMs Boniface, made on the Biciion 6. --Mr Districe Engine "OT. Section 7.--Mr trict Engineer, St Tenders must be supplied by the Commissioners must Be signed and sealed by all the parties to the tender, and witnessed and be accompanied 'by an accepted cheque on a. ehartered bank of. the Dominion of Canada, payable to" the order of the Commissioners of the Transcontinental Railway, for a sum equal to ten per ceat, (10 p.¢) of the amount of the tender The right lg reserved to reject any or all tenders jy order, BY RYAN, Secretary the Transcon- P.B The Coinmissloners of tinental Rallway, Dated at Ottawa this 123th day of May, 1911 Newspapers ir ment without Commissioners will » wserting this advertise- authority from the wot 'be paid for It, a ---------------- -- msn 'We carry INEXPENSIVE as ell as high priced pieces = ' suitable for gift giv and 'we give good value every time. nn -- Rodger & Wright _ Formerly Spangenberg's 847 KING ST., KINGSTON "gesesnsiessesstaseds "] Suffered Years With My Back." Backache resulting from weak kidrieys, a bad cold or other cause, "usually 'renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per- manent disability. wT suffered for years with my, back; or kidney trouble, and' have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our-Jocal druggists induced me to try 'Dr. Miles' Aati-Pain Pills and after using them some three months I found a decided improve- ment in my kidneys, and [ am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. ALLEN, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened is exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be jnclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos- sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As aremedy for pain of any description Dr Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar: antes assuring the return of the price of the first box If no benefit results. MILES MEDICAL CO. Toronto, Can Removed May ; TO 2% PRINCESS WKEE A first-class Boot and Shoe ing Business, convenien for your trade. All neatly and promptly done. J. GREEN. egul: woron which women can depend. Seid in thrice de of strength--No. 1 10 degrees st. for R pecial cases, Sold b hy all drug Cook's | Cotton Root Compound The great Uterine Tonic, and 3 ree Damp! hlat. Coox ----r Toronto, BONING, 3 ot of price Address : Twi spin ELLA BEEN ir Post Juplicate corse free bon breaks or rusts in one vear ments to your convenience ww 'phone call will bring me MARGARET DUNN Uuzaetilere, 105 Wellington St, 1st tepalr- kinds of rej airing only safe effectual Monthly CN 2 No. . (formerly W HL Appoint. card THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WE DNESDAY. ACCIDENT. AT FUNERAL MRS. MAY PAGE THREE. 31, 1911. coy ne ey PAALLAAMALLAAA LAMAR RERAS sesens | FHmusements 13 '. GRAND "OPERA ROUSE M Train Frightened Horse, and She and | SATURDAY, JUNE 3rd Her Husband Were Thrown Out--| . . MATINEE AT 2.30. EVENING, A Marriage in nae, | Leon WW. Washburn (ifers ad q > i o GaRinogue, May 31.- Serious ae | STETSON'S HIG PRODLCTION vd * DORWIN. CROSS MAY FROM INJU RIE: Ss. ME; The People's F orum | t an &L a [Serves TR TTT TRI TT RT RT ITT TV Ta 8.0% | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES TEACHER WANTED. sal or] pr va dent occurred as the. process '| "UNCLE TOMS. CABIN"! Neo. CARVED WALNUT {ibe fittle son of Mr. 5 I : ®' With Alf Vdded Features. M of nt of Leed IW ateh for lig Strect Parade at Noon i teady; of Fre Aoshi townshi wis ear Lansdowne, Matineest Bildren, Fyening, AS v {GTR ord terday afternoon. © An tea frightéted horse Seats on Dorwin Cross, which ran ¥ SPR ing Mr. and Mrs. Cross both latter was picked up insensible hcal i at once summoned, was found her injuries to be . Shght hopes recovery. nt took the home « Round, Oak t Mary Priest, of Dedworth, G. ¥, Burns, of Theresa, united iu marriage by . Serson, rector of Christ church. This marriage was eon samimation of an "affnire their vounger 'days in the motherland, Mi. Durng eating for America, make a home for himsell and bride. Having done so, she crossed the ocean ined was met Montreal, brapght 10] Gananogue, to the of Mr. awd} Mra. Round, told-time friends in Eng Mr. and Mrs. Burns left, Tues day afternoon for theif new IT hervea; N.Y. Gananoque lodge, held their rs, Monday sult Past 0% FOR ron NaLr: LARGY SIDE. a wird, Bach cond N.S, " AS tusertion thereafter half cent a werd, Minimum charge for one insertion 26¢; three insertions, SOc; mix, $1; ese month, $2. me HELP--W ANTED. bt -------- APTLY, GENERAL nt Insertion le TE at HER er, A +--xz SF ARLE AND . 1 ALSO Mrs BUSINESS vHAM kn. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, © AN > ART | a mail er Dust x Ny. | canvas Hriving he ImiLLianD Cues; yes ' approaching driven i aw thr mit, and me i ry AND si OND. HAND GO rs reason wices Hose - a B ANEW et i ; : 89 Lac -- -- THIRTEEN 4 AND IER HEN WOMAN. ; HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. SECOND-JAND ad am Al Ring's i i ® } nj BEEF re FYENING, i f fr ---------- IA COOK. M APPLY, Calviy ™~ AAHE of a vi JACKS Mea at : SEVE N- ROOM Sa r1Ons natu ire hold out fe CHL Y » PRAME HOUSE, Church ree Eg i MAN x oR RITCHEN it A * street, Terouwto, 23 I k 3 oven w y a ig spitty Cont ARIO t ne YO NG veuing \ -- PPA --e------ BRU Nw ICR nore he, COON; A FEW RY FER) N¢ C1 = ne at IRE le Mrs stves ST, when Miss 3 Eng., and N.Y, were Rev, J, R. re - CHOI) IN THE New GARBAGE. | All b LOTS car | A of line; } Wines es moderate 'the week Joho | x ------------------ i (HEP YOR 1. ni 1 ry wp Y 9 MOTOR HOAT, raies by au, Prop special Cousine th coeur," "oun bie AR de in GIRL Srmr \ GRINASON rincess Stree the best Liquors, Cigars rates stable reasonable wed WM. MCCAMMON Ipspecter 0 BS CONSIMERS Litine C1 AnBorT In VE ARS KN Ror fh, 842-344 r stocked with Beers, Wines Brands of or speuial Yard and] tes | Ewin 3 DOUBLE WRAME HOUSE, te tach, ca Al ca i GIRL FOR LIGHT not > Wann; cach, { A 3 at x : t Ra & Driscoll - You WANT A home x HOOD STORE OR land, home in To LET, BE DOOM, vc 10d | FRONT i Avy Office Bro Fl nNINHLD, We No. IM, 1LO semi-annual election of « evening, with this re grand, Siduej Mullins: | woble grand, Roy Kemp; vice grand, | / Anderson; - recording secretary, | Bowden; financial Russell: treasurer, A. I Mogg representatiy grand lodge Wilbur Clow, Joseph Mills and N. R. | (Rardner; district representative, George | Gardner, Swath, W, W. Kuight, R. Cotton. vived here John or, sSinfth Yor w Nr is Jewel . --- ; n mm On STO STORE ~, $1 Brock : GENERAL xs a JN, a McCann, a ardiy OLBFIN & CO, Lo, wi one h GENE n bo t ishe ¥ aN y Sa Mr Walter Albert IM. A ASSENT \ secretar OND GIRL TO | ny Ae i SUMMER COTTAGES XD FURNISH. OTOR nov so 5 ANT s =" a M4 ' ' s 150: « es to 50 : ; + ' IMMEDIATELY, MAID FOR GENE-| : ive, te ED An TOR GENE. 165 PRINCESS STREUT, KNOWN ¥. Co Jesse xr, {. and C, rec death of his daught where he home, Deceased was being father of proprietor of and for many years hawa, where he w Thomson for Torontp on AG Mrs M el es La J. Mills, Word the home of 'oronto, Ka TENTS + We apartment of Milita and Defence ARMY CORPS, AND srder oNcr, COD STRONG BOY, DE. a % v f ; AWNINGS, - LEAR relative AY or ngs ts May at th Mrs. Devi in muking well known }. A. Th que Je resi held left, war bry Ah will it 168 lL srorAGE ron ¥ BIT RE, dry, alry re 8 a proof your Frost's City 'Ph 526b tead nd CLEAN t 1 wis his i : MEN nd <a key 289 Queen St | re PREIRMANIENT MEDICA) mson, | [LABORERS AND QUAMR) Oa] | ; es. $1.35 to $1 ie Storage, ---- aw the Gana wrnal, Ny INTE AAs, nd bo -- ------ ------------------. ---- wen, | ® ' A ISTRONG noy FOR in in bigh vester teem. MAILING "pe, | FUBNISHER.. FOR THE SUMMER, | ui rong, fukeral . Court day, in appeals ag appear attend ' of the revision . town was to ful sment DePencier, with J. at a wéek with THe YACHT GIRL, AHO 1 EG wr g nd 1 listen | GASOLINE AY cn . 1A v ' 3 ment i unst OR NINE / ¥ on the Mr. and Mrs. D. a short time here returned home. Dr. of the sanitarium Monte, Que, , the past HOLSE, exten: : ' . BRICK ® WOMAN AND YOUNG | work relatives, "Welch. Roddick St. Agathe few days duri local relative A COMPETENT spent ha M Hanne -. NO REASON FOR DOUBT A Statement of Facts Back by Strong Guarantee. ed sufierers from constipatidn. In every case where we fail we will supply madicine free. Rexall Orderlies ave a gentle, tive, dependable, Sind gafe bowel lator, strengthener and tonic, re-establish nature's functions easy They do not any inconveniened, griping or nausea They are so pleasant to take work so easily that they may be en By anyone attany time. They oughly tone up the whole system healthy activity. Rexall. Orderlies ideal for the use of children, and delicate We recommend them to They in quiet, way. tak and folks too highly forers and Ihe. and 25e tain Rexall pity Store persons atl aul from any form of constipation | attendant evil Remember, Ramedies ir at our Mahood its Two sizes, vou can ob this com The Rexall only GW + BELLA ARSAALALALS0404 ¢ Pineapples, Pineapples FOR PRESERVING AT A. J. REES 166 Princess Street. "Phone 5%, A yoseV 3SIIIIIIIIHIIIIIE PIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIY | EFFECT ON ALL WOUNDS OF THE FLESH NEVER YET EQUALLED AS A COMPLEXION BALM . OR Skin HEALER J ELECTRO BALM" "eure ECZEMA, 0 Piles, Burns, Sealds, Chap. ped Hande and Face. 818 Wet shaving, This d by the best firms, pd by those Write for Free § ENCLOSE 2e. STAMP POR POSTAGE Marriage Licenses i tings Trond on the! rian frontier. Retafis 8 . soc. 2 Bak aif dealers or upow: receipt of price from, at rw. DM, oT a We guarantee complete relief to all the effec regu] a cause and thor- to! are unsurpassable old eannet | Mrs. Geor 1 Peterboro, re Andress, visiting frie has returned home Mrs. Seally, Kingston, spent past week here with her parents, and Mrs, Willimn Whitmore. Mrs, Lee, Alexandria Bay,. N. Y., is spend ing a few days with loeal frie nds, Mis Nellie Quigley, guest of My hk E. X. Belnois for the aN returned to her home A. DOES GOOD WORK INT ELL IGENT or RSON earn $100 monthly corresponding for newsnapers No canvassing Bend for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3 969 Loc kport, N.Y MAY TUTE \ heey FOR SALE OR TO LET, THE AN he : My Sf tl nt SINENS SALESMAN WANTED FOR IMPROV. ed Automatic Sprayves; best ma ehine for potatoe tree white washing: big demand; secure terri tory {mime Hatply Cavers Bros | Manufacturers, © APARL E Newspapers { NEW this of ™o HOUSES, CONVENTEANY to Qi L gr ah etait a i | HQ OUR BEAVER BRAND Of elled for pastry moderate, AN, and 5 week, } Renfrew. past mn Galt FINANCE AND INSURANCE. Y. MC. "wi INSUHES GO ol ANOS "cot NTRY sulecte DOMES arriving , The flour une bread or THAT ian ARCHITEOULS, FOR INSURANCE Ww ho » to Camps, YMCA who attend without Peas is A. MACLI Ontario Street. For Men the Military ronto, the men That for the {camps {the general tent" fil lotta Lang Servicy supply western of the good at the annual the efforts put charge of the work association to Keep the men and away from the hotels The Kingston YMCA doing Jd work and on several complimented by the officers in « Col. Sam Hughes, commandant last camp, tendered the thanks the officers, non-commissioned and men Of all the to M.C°A. workers for making the camp ARC mre CT, 4b does' good ETC, oT | HENRY P. SMITH, work Se 258 King Street military he hone t saving that gap pro 1 tard 169 goes Agent FWO COOKS, ONE FOR MEATS ANI | ses cn i tat i f read . opinion i the ARTHUR itversily 1013 WALLPAPER wit i ELLES, ARCHITECT, Avenue Telepk 151 | ne A In » J. 7°43. Army | 8 or | divided speaks M.C.A hers to a great fo the ton, o SAAPS BATE MAN, CINTOMS BROKER rin zen Corps, in nto I ¥ s SON,.- AR( fur- | 28% Bagot Blieet officer the Uni rece NEW LANDS "& 0] WM. i Le Ullice, ATO . omima the He D. Photos, NEESE & Vieture CO. Framing Silverware i Let us have it to replate. the time; also Skates Plating and Wleetro Pl iiry kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, ' -- ¥ How TEN AC me | work of LOAN AND Yet P v; esta } camj res forth thie POWER & SON, AR¢ TEOTS MUR. hants' Bank ¥ CENTS men - in ol the " a oi A camp. | i PER | Fis Now tha oreasions LEGAL. mn DIE, Aw n £0 along line BARRIST- | AVERPGOL, Office, 7! CUNNINGHAM ers and Bol Clarence & T LONDON. AND LILORE has heen Nickel St. Kings f all ete. We suarantec a good job PARTRIDGE & SONS Paoli g STREET WEST, [$5604%4etussessisetnit ! $ BRITISH AMERICAN $ % * ® LADIES' HIGH GLASS Tage; 3 Ty ® ® + * | CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH | needed In every home, espe Hy» by Espa working m gavd salary; per- manent fon; ff u are wourk- 1 salary behind the eounter, write tosday; ou CA double your wakes and be J Sut own Dads. Apply, Box "KE. B Whig | DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, | 230 1 Princess Street, Kingsion "Phone 46 { = DD.8, DENT. | Teleptione | ye | corps v.| | | their Ma] STOCK QUOTATIONS 's. m MEDICAL int $26 emer DR, C. C. NASH, PENTIST; DR, Weicker istant, 183 Princ 'Phone ? SIMPSON, LDS, i 468 Princess Bireet 4. F SPARKS, and Burge Off OUT McCuaig Bros, B.A . ns Through J. O Montreal Hutton. Asked yy 237 0) 4 58% 0 2 | 137 og 139 1561 ou | From MASONS WANTED M.D Cc. ear HH Bt Offered ; and 'anada Cement JPR. rovh Reserve | Detroit Electric i Bominion Steel | Dominion Textile, j Duluth Superior ... . | Le ake of the Woods . | Macks ay, Minn. & Paul Montreal Light & Nova Seotia Steel Permans, Limited i Porto Rico i Quebee Railway Richelieu & OUnlaneo { Toronto Railway Fawim COity : Eastern. Canada P. & ON LAKE THIRTY HOURS. 3 2 UPHOLSTERIMR, Ry. 000000000000000000¢ Ihe Tine work a mmm 1 pric au AVINK & and ¥ | DR. A. B. KNAPP, DENTIST, 18 MONT | VPHMMATERING, Rile . ial Street ayar Princess Bireet | card one 652 i w A NTED--GEN ERAL. ---------- EE ating APPLY, 1 ap oF fr com. UArAar call 218 EK uw L COHEN 231 Princess Streer, 00004000000000000 MARSH HAY. Ma nit rm eae ets | LEAVE ORDERS Ment Mark ¢ vse} ns ? a 2 3 HR or F PERSONALS, ISTEOPATHY, MOLES, RIRTHMARKS, i ete remoyed permane Liy Bane TWer ty cary' ex Elmer ake, Eye at afid Skin Blem- 268 Bagot Street com. ro St 1 i e | "HE ALTH wiTHoL 1 shoroft, | DRUGS "rR. mB onder + Oster pn fort Power $ hu - TO Re NT, HOUSE ] at on ier of ree! 2 (ir SIX | the Princess Phone 447 sultation ' hours 16 to EE ---------- ---------- ty FPPPPPEPPPPFLPE PRR L040 * Hu : 3 4 3 1rd ™ ad oO 65 {i ah Bpec jaa 4 IH os? 142 [ELL a" FR <n PORK ha dnets OCEAN STEAMSHIP = - --= | FRANSATLANTIC $8, ALL CLA aie DETACH- on. O. Kirlepatric wt LF te Clarence, Sireet, Kingston Phone | { (UNSTUMERS Fon i 3e Sars AGENCY. P. TO PURCHASE OR RENT, * ¢ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITINN, The Dally British W nig The Weekly British W big, > Box ig! i Young Men Could Not Handle! Dinghy and Prifted. May 31.--G. U. Macklem, | and Edward Fleury, af- | thirty hours on the lake! without food, sucveeded in getting ashore carly this morning. Fhey start | ed out from the Queen City Yacht club | Mogday afternoon, about five o'clock but' could not handle their dinghy and | were blown out on the lake They t drifted until the boat struck She EVERY ATTRACTIVE MEN. near Grimsby. Se ------ Pat all Wilfrid Me Arthur, Renfrew, aged ter died of peritonitia sud appendicitis, healt His father is working bevond Edmon- | ton ol 3 Thomas sixty-one is FURNITU SHOE REPAIRING OF EVERY RE FINISHER. sexiption; first elnss work; leather only |} sped; one trial suffice. ring your repairs Scott's, 208 Birrie Street, cor Clergy West DE- | best | will | to! Oat ANTIQUE FURNITI RE A SPECIALTY, ebonizing ands ghidin and all col ors of Deaf." Fon: on FH John Street. Toronto, Of Kingwion W. G. Harvey, ter spending siter in Price and circulat od, there is no be ing medium tn Ca "Phone | SESS EIERSEEI LEH ER 44S 1 ERIAS 2 of | ENTLEMEN TO BRING ain] Cloth and have it made up into up- o-dats sults. Price and workman guarant eed to picase. Pressing repairing done on the shortetl] Thomas Galloway, 139] next BIbby's Livery. 3 Ng! "HAVING GOOD SE. seasons ends with delicious, ¥F raiture and St I pleskure-gwing ICE CREAM 3 Always on Aedightil 'Mean hot das out of the quick, eco: choice ho # Pa» i Thought Rar gen iii ) Gu Searf, Admaston, aged Gf it's hand | gb J. Thompsos, AAS} vears, died swidenly at a! heee-ihe bo : Bore 10 Gehbor's, where ha wents lor milk tvoged ¢ ! Silverton, 1 Ls Shree wore te} Best ia {and wal injufe] in a fire that Xt Le most wip oat' the town. to he got! finest; most of alk vergaent ye ILS ket Crem Pry ry CLE AXING ~ 2000 ge . « Gigsind HED orse' i" o 1860. i FSTABLY SW IFT & C #1 pin PF the Renidg Mereury work surly in the marmig earls in the alte. start | oat od O. ut "

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