Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 May 1911, p. 1

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YEAR 78 -NO. 124 SENATE ENQUIRY Into! the Actual Causes 'of Reciprocity 'Really Started It? The Movement to Be Determined bj Finance Committee of United: States Senate---Vote Expected by June 15th ---South Dakota Cannot 2. "to- committee to the will, without Washington, Starting . Bay, the will begin of re procity doubt, the attention siderable of worthy who had no expectation that. their do- ny by would ever. be come a matter of publi® enquiry. In other "words, the committee has determined to go 5 little betow the she to find out who real which has ay senate finance an engury Causes which of a con- patriots engross number good stealth in an effort darted the movement split the United 'States somate inte factions as that venerable body has never been split helore; has placed many estimable members of the body in the disagramble position of hav to chose between "the dp. proval President Talt that of their constituents, and has 'precipitat- ed generally and econ- Liking of senatorial face by intensely ing of or wore Rscussion ill to the of fusion thivn at the average emighre we President Sherman, House enller to-day, declared expected a to be taken in politician White that he on the Vole ' ¢ Daily British Whig --BISGSTOY, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 2. 1811. TRE MENDOUS INROADS, Being Made HAS BEGUN in Towa. Des Moines, Towa, May -A i port. completed in the office of Si { tary of State Hayward, giving a parative statement, of the number i - 2. m o financial neturns to: the cities wntries since 1906, shows that nendous inroads are being made aniti-saloon forces wet tery tory in lowa. In the period from September 1906, the same date in in Le ¥ it he on 30th to | on ration of mulet decrease from forty-three to thirty-eight anc { there was a deer s» of mord than 40 'Last ve showed rev of 86, 227709268, when the hi | Gg r business was carried on over territgry, saloons Compete With Canada. hil in said he YOTIS, 8 revenues wow ever, ente against 7 the #én wonld al Sher- | expect | Canadian reciprocity ate by June 15th, not be surprised to see congress journ before October. Mr, man «id not whether he ed the bill to pass, In opposing the Cangdian city agreement before the senate ance committee Saturday, Prof Chamberlain, of South Dakota, elaborate wray of statistics, the ruling of the to show that the.cost of production] court here, of a bushel of wheat in the United! "It is with great reluctance we reach States was fifty seven cents and in| this deeision,"" the court savs, in Canada forty cents. He declared that | awarding to Leopold Meéver the cus- the South Dakota farmers could not: tode of his Little daughter who, compete with the Canadians in pro- | mother had willed, should go ducing other staple | wes mithy urandparents Powerful corporations, Alfgther's right 10 the fave a child, the eourt may {Lo the mother's and wider MOTHER CAN'T WILL ong " 5 ¢ : CHILD. Say Rights Become' When Mother Dies. New York, May 29. That reviprocily : | Father's Absolute recipro- | fin- | Aw | by sought | a New York Suprem to or ops, the order professor | possession of tha at great | the | anid, explains, is des These provisions ideration. that for by its future is said, Lhe stretehes of Hudson Bay was controlled SUH, O000) control highly iw reciprocity sell at fancy prices land. . He declired company, which, he by Wall street, and the Canadian an empind that would | valuable the ari] in and on her becomes absolute J override child randparents, the cor well i and well provided for, law the eared that its owns | Iw % OTe rail ways become if by Aunti-Saloon Forces re- salooys in operation in the state and and tre: by 1910, the number of countries permitting the returns, £179.516.- a mother 1| can not dispose of her ehild by will is the the of | "WHEN DOCTORS DISAGREE | English Practitioners Suspended for! Unprofessional Conduct. London, May 29.--The" general liead couneil' has found three medienl men guilty of unprofessio: conduet owing to ther dt ron with Ban dow's institute has ordered name of one struck off the 1 give others time to ol i an n the Lear The that I'he council's consider | position : against in mplaint jiesced advertising Express criticises the mand contends a avill ban on brass door phates | | chied they Daily act ex A next and red lamps. put a i i ) SACRAMENT \L w INE PQISONED. Two Priests Arve sted on Charge of! Attempt to Kill, Rome, Mav templing to.§ sh 29.~-Om a charge of at in another priest by | wid into the iehroticn of the arrested of pouring sul wine sed assy the re in the k th twa priests + been village mons, Wikn oy tice we i p a Lombards. the the priest! CONSECTs ated "wine he no-i taste threw the cha Chemical analysis | esehice of sulphuric acid | w Attend Coronation. Bermuda, May 20 ind Tucker, with the Bermuda | represent of King Saturday netyhborhood after euchari st, of the dri an aed and to the ved the pr the wine 4 lice floor. pr in Bermudians to Hamilton, tains Smith Cap saoven volun Bermuda at sailed "team York | the | corona i sergeants Ter the 1 1 ' Orge, the New and the on From y Quebwe for Berm will ship they nn Canadian ent tion bars were lowered "OFFER OF SITES. Choice of Two St. Lawrence Beauty Spots, Boor Washington, May fh, A) Staples, of the Thousand Islands and Washington has offersd the United States, through President' Taft, an is land in the St. Lawrence on which to erect a summer residence for its presi dent, He gave the president his choic of two of the most delightful spots on the river-Helen Isfand wind Sehooner Ixland, Schooner island consists of ten acres and located off Bondural point, 23, is PUT IN ASYLUM. Loses | - a Bauval, Found Insane, Fight for Freedom. Auburn, #lay The vision has affirmed the order Sawyer denying corpus- of Lots De from Watertown to Auburn prison for grand larceny in the theft motor boats on the St. Lawrence giver. De Bauval, who was regarded eceentric from the time of his arrival here, has been 'declared insane since the institution the habeas corpus proceedings in the Matten- wan state the criminal De on appellate of Justice habeas release on phesied by Senator lauval, sentenced of ' miei ren As Washington, 20. May --Senator {um mins, of lowa, sees bloody fimes rhe: or the United States unless the cumulation ,of vast wealth in a ro w hands is curbed. He predic ts that this -d of and is now about three miles be plowg Alexandria Bay. It is one of the most beautiful islands along 'thé river and commands a view of the very interesting St Lawrenes traffic to Montreal. Island Helen is located about and a half miles below the Bay consiute of twelve dores. four and HEARST'S PREDICTION, Peclnies Speaker is Logical Candi- date of Party. New York, May 29. William Ran- dolph Hearst, sailing from Europe sail that Speaker Champ Clark loomed large as nn demoeratie ¥presidentinl possibility, Mr. Hearst he Wived the democrats be oesaful in 1912. "I think Champ 'Clark has dond such good work if the House of Represen tatives, and is so largely responsible for the democrgtic success that he very conspicuous for IM." "Would yon run yourself 7 "No," replied Mr. Hearst, and then added, "well, you never can tell, but I don't think that is a legitimate ques tion." President didate of Hearst, sid bee would sue Talt the can Me, war the logical republicans, said hospital 'for question will be settled da the next de eade by a revolugion if not by lawiul means. Addressing - o Lhe graduating class of the Washington law college, he said : "We are living in an period of revolution. Therd is danger in the spirit. of discontented men who would rebel against the law. But iostite tions at this day in the balance, Within_n.decade we will see whether the griovanees of to-day--the problems which confront will be settled by the law or hy * the manner that has been in existence for 2,000 yeags-- the | revolution of violence shd terror and bloodshed. If there are wrongs, and 1 insane, Horse Topk Rat Erom Lady's Hair, Chatham, Ont., May 20.--A horse tied nenr the Central drug store reach- ed ont at the head of an unknown voung woman who was passing and pullad the rat from her hair. The screams of the lady brought the own- er of the horse to the rescue but the horse had devoured moet of the rat before it could: be taken away from hi are Will Suceeed Archbishop. The Accumulation of Wealth. -- BLOODY TIMES ARE AHEAD IN WORLD : | Revolution of Violation in the United States is Pro- " i | | | Commins of lowa--- i North { believe there are,. the lawver should | | seek to remedy them through | the jaw." ! Cummins 'then took up the jeitachs of the present day unrest, | | "The greatest problem we are facing {to-day," 'he said, "and the dne on which the American republic will be wrecked, if it is ever wrecked, is the question of | the distribution of the vast wealth of the nation. Kk do not for a moment suggest the enality of fortune. . The openness of opportunity is what is needed in this eountry, to Until recently the law of com which is the survival of the | 'fittest, has ruled the commerce of this | Jeountry. Now the business is being oancentrated into the hands of a few and opportunity that ~ once IE visted is being taken away. Senator day, petition, the vast Rome, May 29.-The Right Rev. Edmund Pre onder gast, auxiligey bishop of Philadelphia," it is. announced at the Vatican, has been' appointid arch bishop ~ of Philadelphia, in succession to late Most Rev. Patrick John Ryan, who died Feb, 11th last. PLACED NAKED CORPSE On Piano Stool in Chapel lege, Alfred, N.Y., May a naked human in the chapel of sity, on Thursday night, np {set the faculty the student body {that the programme prepared for the day of the ge vear has bee postponed. Students are suspected of the deed, but as yet the faculty been unable to. get definite eluss of a Col. 7 the : 29.«~The placing f O stool, corpse on Alfred has a piano Pastor Resigns From Church. myer Ottawa, May Rev, T. Winfield, re¢tor of Emmanuel Reformed Episco pad church, has resigned, owing to dif- fienlties with the « He has been rector: of shout | a year. His suecees vet heen chosen. : 05 so and Hast colle ongregation. church not the sor has has any For several days the students have DID BURNS SEND MISLEADING EGRAM. TO Washington, May Detective William J. Burns had seit a false meslending telegram to the governor of California, in erder to ob tain extradition papers for John 1. MeNamara, was made by Leon Rappa ports an attorney of Indiwnapolis, be fore the rules committee at on hearing the Berger resolution for nn of McNuwara's gr: rest, ~ Buras, in his telegram to Governor Johnson, Rappaport declared, had int formed the governor © that MeNamarg | was in enstody yt Iddanapotis on the charge of murder ix conection, With the Los Angeler Times explosion, onc week before MoNamura was wader are rest. Ta phtain extradition paper in California, the attorney explained," it is essential thal the man to be returm- ol must be under greest. pe LO! THE POOR INDIAN! Boukmiaker Fleeces Unsuspecting e Natives of Hombay. Romig, May 29. Betting has be- come #o prevalent among the natives, and evils arising therefrom so wide that the governor of Bombay, on Saturday, | notifisd the turf club that no horse racing will be allowed at Bombay or at Pooma, the capital of the division of Deccan, seventy-five miles from here, diiliss the meetings limited to tem: days and book. min apalished. A charge that 0, and house on myestiguntion- To Pay Visit to Canada. Ottawa. Mav 29. The Earl of Dune donald will wisit Canada during the regime of the Duke of Connaught, ae cor ave to oo latte written by him to a friend in Ottawa. nny MEMORANDA. ¥ Council, 8 pom | fufther delays. be in 'a sullen mood ovér the su: pension of the baseball team, played a game recently at Wellsville without having obtained permission® The body was taken from an. un- dertaking room in the town and plac ed on the piano stool. Prof. Annas, of the music department, made the griesome find when he entered the eba pel yesterday. 0 which SECURE MNAMARA Another Offer Made, Gouverneur, - N.Y., May 29 Vasco FP. Abbott of this village tendered President Taft fifteen of ground for hiv summer home in the Adirondacks, forming one of the prin- cipal points projecting into Cranberry Inke, in the heat of the mowntaing From the spot Judge Abbott tenders President Tait thirteen mowtain peaks are in plain view. of © the did net but agamst the Samuel Gompers, president American Federation of Laber, appear to the sent a letter - protesting "outragd®' of MeNamara's kidnapping President Ryaw, of the Structural Irén Workers'. Union, of which MeN mara iy - secretary, also protested to the committe. ------ Time Extended. Log Anges, Cal, May Judge Bordwell extewled the time set for Jahn and James MeNamara io plead to the imlictment charging them with blowing up the los Angeles Times from June 1st to July Bth. Both . of the defendants were in court. hy granting the continnance, Judge Rordwell said he would tolerate no address committee, ACTeS Diphtheria ¥ Epidemic in University, Minneapolis," Mion., May Diph theria is prevalent at the Lmversity of Wmnesot a fed bine even imvaged i oi Prosidons baneritas Cyrus Northrop. His son, Uyrus Northrop, Jr., and Miss Sarah Northrop, the boy's aunt, are the victims there. Sev- eral professors amd a number of stu dents are in quarantine. Franeis L. Richards, a butter mak- er, of Brashton, N.Y. is aceneed of ing butter from Capada and was held in $1,000 bail for the grand jury. SHOT FOUR TIMES oe] * he baie DR. JAMES SMYTH APPOINTED New Principal of. Wesleyan College, Montreal, Monten), May 20.--At the mesting of the board of governors oi the Wes- levan College, Rev. Dr. James Smyth, of Belfast, Ireland, - was appointed principal, in succession to the late Dr. Shaw, He will take over his new duties 'in August." Dr. Smyth is secre: tury of the temperance department im des the Wesleyand Methodist conference of Meland, a pastor in Belfast, aml ex aminer in U A ste. Women's Votes Cost Him $25,000, New York, May 20.--Womén's votes|®sd, aged sixty five, was shot by J. will goost. Willism Rockefeller, brother |R. Jessuman, aged forty- five, om Vey of the oil . exactly $25,000 and eter. street, this: morning. Wiliam ler is about it. | four times into He said so goday when te that the | baok and then walked calmly: women of Tarrytown. ry voted fot bicycle at the curb, puting fhe re certain improvements. He had promis fx hous ~vet into his pocket. "ed if the Cearrisd sh fon without - Bug, Toronto, May 20. James iough- bias and power committee. 4 Irving sme pital. Wis injuries sre sorioust $10,000 torard sireals, and end was taken to SEBI00 for Nobis i ON-STREET IN TORONTO: Som wn rs a He was ar. CURATE BOXES BIG NEGRO. Challenge of Colored Man Appeals | to His Sporting Instinct. | May The Rev. Harold | Shetfteld clergyman, who, day, in public Jim areolored boxer, is a curate church, Attercliffe fight spontaneous Lond. 29 (ribson, the n, the other Johnson, Christ His decision he said, ely seemed inclined take up the and appealed to sporting instinet. They rounds. met at | 3 i | to | pure No one t this man' My boxed challenge, Gibson's Power tor Mtawa Valley. Ottawa, May It is that the Ontario Hydro Eli Commission plans for carey its cheap power project into the Ottawa Valley. The proposi t to ag ontrol of the Chats Falls, thirty -miles=above the capital, and owhed by Honi William Harty, King A power plant is constructed there and. transmission lines are to be to Mtawa and to several of the leading industridgl towns] of the Oitawa Va broke, Renfrow, pis now an nounced tric ng Central | | | | on is jug » | ston to & w | | n as such as Pem Arnprior, Carleton Plage Almonte. The commission has been advised by Ms experts to secure the Falls, and it may ex propriate, ley, and Chats Boivin Introduced His Successér. Toronto, May Rev. De. Milli gan, pastor smerites of OW, St An drew's church, aves on Tuesday on | ia trip to the Orkney ldands, Oh Sum 'day morning Pr. Milligan introduced his surcessor; Rev, 8. KH. Gray, to the Lo geregat ion. oN, Autos Cquse of Cancer. New: York, May 29. Failure to take neeled exercise owing to fondness for motoring is gives by a member of the health department as ene of the chief causes of the mcreasing number of cases of cancer. ? : -------------------- {UB lime juice." Gildas IN BACK said Jessiman. The shooting is "be lieved to be the result of an old quarrel, Loughead, died. at nom, Jessiman, who is an elevator man in the Cen- tral office, has hem in poor for some time, and is said to have been 'threatened the | registe] lom lo'clock ! amusements would be open for old | promment {The cars crashed through to the {announced that feated in ld Johnson was, | . | the census { sm, | Eastern lin Head-on Collision Near MeCpok, SUNDAY CARS -ARE TO BE During the Afternoons Lake Ontario Park. i them int Street Railway Company the People-a Sunday Popular Summer Park. There has been sothe talk, durimyg the st few davs, of having street Sunday, running to Lake Untari, Park. Hugh C. Nickle, of the street railway spoken to by the Whig, my He said that it right, that the company run cars to the park on Sundays, mg uly August from afternoon until nine i The' park would remain as ha Cars company, Monday morn Wiis Was rue, intended ta dur and ans in the the evening {elo wd refreshments be Concerned, those to spend the afternoon there, and take He said, when the mattér ed a couple of years ago, s@iThy petion was taken. He did would be any serious far wold ns or Santad oe ening who and their lunch with them was. hroach not {there ob jer SAYS HOLD-UPS"WERE JOKE. Son of Minister Confesses to Prank. May 29 The man, who, at East View, a with 7% Id revolvers -- men i8 solved. Arthur Bousfield, son of Rev. George Boustield, Anglican mimster en to his father that as a joke, and the latter has authorities. There has been muster of Viet suburh of held Ottawa, the masked on i tn awa, the eighteen -year & has here, he did told the no arrest CRASHED THROUGH BRIDGE Carolina Men Killed. N.C, May train' erashed burning trestle bridge, near killed, and « 'atastrophe--F our | 20. A double through Charlotte, headed coal here men were none Bs missing river beneath, burying victims in the age : ¢ Rig University for the West, New York, May 29.--As a lasting monument to Fdward H. Harriman, the widow of the railroad king to-day she will erect at point the Pacific coast, and up bv an enormous endowment, largest university in the workl university, which probably will be either Sauithern California will be called the Fdwarni Harriman University He Was As Asleep Mav 20. -TIn filing Antoine Renhardt charges that while bh nt | | soe | keep | the | The , k on Nevada, finn Own Chicago. xT : i slept his of whch sleeper, o wife moved fieniture except the bed or wax lving. their he away every Ireland Losing in Population. London, May Ireland | population of 4.351,951, returns decrease 29 AS aceording to just made | of i TON ru This vel ws a ARREST DISCLOSES PLOT T0 ASSASSINATE MADERD May Den Duns, i pl * Fl rest Paso, Texas, of Daniel iliers, and W. F said to disclose n City, i to 8 n FINES AND SUSPENSIONS On Eastern Ledgue Baseball agers and Players. York, May 29.-To Wp President Edward Barrow, Baséball It day a wholesile lot spensions. Manages Joe onto, was fined Gilty dollars and speinded for abusing Umipare Hart Man-! New a the tor wl league de out ol fwes su the Toronto-Montreal game Saturddy.|trmin at Manager McGinmity, Newark amd Nee, | day suspended Backendorti were fin- were Newark, were fmed amd Corridan, Pierce, Sehirm, and Stallings all of Bufiale, ed fiity dollars each. All these rude tn umpire. NINE KILLED, TWENTY INJURED Neb., Monday Morning. Denver, Col, May 29.--Fast , and west bound trains om the Burlington railroad, collided head-on near Me Cook, Neb., this morning. Nine ner sons are reported killed and twenty injured. The day coach wis complete ly wrecked. Most , of the casualties were in it. The tourist car was thrown on its side, but thé occupants Sacaped serious. injury. Killed by Windstorm. Peoria, Il, May nh Pekin, IH; a wind storm on unday killed two boys. In Granite v the same storm upset a baseball bleacher ad injured twenty. Ob, liberty | How many ate uhmar- ried i in thy mame ! ' Has Practicdly Devil 1» Gin | tins vey, superintendent | all i! ju { parks i » but | Queer | ap | | pani | wi in pounds, she alighted from a Santa Ve - Bay sponges." Giloa's LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIM. Toronto, Ont. Mas 25. 10 am OM. jtawa Valley per Lawrence nerth-we winds fair and Tuesda atid cool | in uly and August w Wedding Presents For r fi i | i i Service to Kingston's ' however, speaking t | ; Sh | he had beard Bo | Perhaps of a are as a are a friend | June " bride-elect and 'you prominent of lizens, in speak. | Wondering what you will give the proposal, thought it was a i wedding present if let us try sad he rthought 'the { and Do know of bould push the thing wntil as iT anything acceptable or desir i than : wid. "Thase liv. | Able ® Beautiful Linens get away from the heat | except in this 1 do anything wrong in running the Sumday. A will have range of Linens, chief art that insures i" rue hes give beautiful, and oe apamst Sumday after you win Cars. Several of good thing ng RO, de Une help you voit newspapers more wi ul through he * ile wd," other hance to the cuy, not see r & a ££ oom t way few but CN THe t take many services, for the park Cals (nm men rk, 1 is in dong so humdi eds from the whi ter, We It will not religious away would to | ' at | We { Table | { {from those | in would not ailed offer a great Bedroom world's they we Fauvy Stay and seledted the home and swelter be linen de qualities tivat Leantres, in that are DID HE MURDER 1S WIFE? 3 way Charlottetown Man Has Maced Under Arrest. PEL, Mas Militows char - sigus Been! that make Are A superior, varieties choosing easy 20.-Wil "re was ed with the | found in the body deatl first is sand Charlottetown, Liam NM urested on Saturday, of of ly neanx ss urder his wife. She was aj weeks ago hanging the that Lertain marks on give ris: to the saspicion hy An eight-vear-old not cand hit suickle as tho On to siven informa tion { i N Ome. s | have FO tarthing TROUBLE MAY BE CAUSED By the Census Among the French in Montreal. May It eNsus mas Pe la circnlated | | Tea Cloths Centres, Searfs, Cov- D'Oylies, Table Napkins, Fancy | Towels, Bedroom Sets, ete. feared the | €F% trouble Frencl objet to} M itpproaching mtreal, 29, 1" Cave the poorer os ' f its which that from for the navy The authorities have taken the | up and gssured the people that | should all | ue Table. Coths and Napkins in Matched Sets, t obtain names recriits SEE WINDOW DISPLAY FOR SUGGESTIONS. the ES guestions fo an Given Eight Years. Agua Prieta, Ye May gunty f deserting the | the nsurre shandoned his fi hohting ont Fo of "| STEACY'S Pole X00, wi | i ' Lopez, who ° "Red dant during SEIN, comma fowers the recent -- ourt-martialed and anced to Was eight years prison Agents for the New ART" ---- a ¥ Her. ~ Sold Mas Wr ear-old wife, that her fathe, hus for $30 ven Says Father "FUSTAGNO" delphia r Habbitt Ma Adi her dre Phila 3a iit A Gift that would be appreciated oo ott . Lulia Id t trate Se sr w-- BORN. KX hac band May » ' on Mrs Rireet Eston Mrs and Bagot and a sik which 'was to I er mother Wer Tat wy Presitlent to Speak. 5 Ma the MARRIED, Y President uvitation Yor ted Jubii, May 25th "aged 3 63 his Inte Jonn afternoon, at. 2 and acquaint fully requested from i Frien end respec ROBERT J. REID, The Tcoading Undertaker. 'Thone 377. 230 Princess Streel. JAMES REID The Mid Pirm of Usdertak and 256 PRINCESS STR w tor NINE FOOT WOMAN, Missourisdgiani ess, Chicago for Treatment, May 20. Th world has 5 WR wile HANING TIME, We ha beautiful Brussdis Car- pels, also some Squares, al reasonable pric at Turk's "Phone 7% ve out Ella K_Bawing, in | The Weather is Warm aad the Water is Bad--DRINK *Gued's Ginger Ale, Gurd's Soda Water, Imported Ginger Ale, Imported Champagne Cyder, Radnor Water. Poland Water. White Hock. Lime Juice. Lime Juice Cordial. Grape Juice. JAMES REDDEN & C0. Lost Money. "National "Opera Jost about tallest beard i S ne hundred sme-half inches, and weighing thie (ihile - treat 1 hes to No A tn height the Polk street depot vester- Her name is Ella K. Kwing and | she i famous as the 'Missouri Giant , oo. " Miss Ewing denied she expected | 'to be married io a Eovopesn giant. | This tallest of women lives at Gorin, | Mo. She is thirty-eight vears old, | si---- nan i Twin Girls Left in Church. ! New ' York," "May 29 --Sapp omedy | abandoned 'by two well iy wor mon, two girl babies, about four weeks old, 'were found y@¥terday alter- noon it a pew in Trinity Chapel, { Twenty fifth street, just west of Broad | way, by Gaarga, Jaeger, sexton of the | church. | ® 'French National 0) Paris, May 29.2 year just endi the budget showing a deficit lof this amount. The 1910 Xcite are Pittsburg, May 29. --A jury in Jodge| said 14 have been the cause Havmakers's court has decaded that] Stage hands got more money W. B. Derringer, wealthy Monalactore) the authors and composers of do bes no redvees even Hf bis who uorks produced, aseidiny to the does' 'sleep at the foot of the bed and | gnoncial report ballets. cost rest her feet om his face $45,000, the 8 a $85.500: eon tuinés and personnel comnected there May be Hurmed to Death. | wit 42,000. wtage hands, $60,000; San Francisco, May 29. Two believ. {royaNies to authors and compose od to have been burned in a © Sire; | ere, $55,000, She which destroywd a large S| » resort; were asleep in a lodging house | adjoining. Two employes of the Thea- tre werr-scrious's jused, Where a Wife Sleeps. than the Grape Juice. . Pie, 3, gle, Me, Melood's.

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