Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1911, p. 1

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The Daily British Whig LAST EDITION noon and evening of Good Friday, YEAR 78 -NO, 88 KINGSTON; ONTARIO, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1911. . NN fr bm ete - me EES Bn em---- - t------ fwan then 'taken up, but before it wa ! AUTOMATIC TRAIN STOPPER. ; CONVENTION AT NAPANEE. | WEATHER PROBABILITIES. i, Chairman Renton referred to the | . . an} , I~ Abril 13, 10 am, Fresh Font ny wan yors herd ote | i {A New Device is Undergoing Some Held Under Anspices of Presbyterian | ' r * the board 240.000 for a new school | | Tests. . Union. i . tit was gratifying, he said, to know { 3 Buffalo, N.Y » April 15 ~The test 'The convention held in the Presby I? 5 | that the ratepayers had confidence in | lof the automatic train stopping de terian church; Napanee, on the after | S---- lithe bonrd. In thé granting of this : ' famount, the understanding was that F or Kingston ] N € W/the sum remaining after : the school Ly: Qo {was paid for, would be used for the Public School. | reconstruction of the old schools. T0 ERECT BUILDING tall. However, only ome school could {be built, and the only way open for ON PIGEON LOT ON ALFRED the board was to erect this school STREET. -- . : i { The Board of Edcation Reopens | Negotiations Regarding Admitting County Pupils to the Collegiate In- stitute, | i The board of education ing, Thursday night, authorized the | property committee to purchase as much of the Figeon property, on Al tredl street, as will be necessary fort at its meet | the erection of the new school, at a cust not to exceed T4,500, 'Ihe resolution, moved by Trustee Meck, was carried after a long dis | cussion, on' the casting vote of the chairman, 7 to 6. : { The board, by this close vote, "put aside the recommendation of the pro perty committee, which read as fol lows : "That the property forming the southwest corner of Division and Up- | per Uolburne streets, owned by Ken ney Bros, and S.'H. Miller, and ha borne street, and 220 feet on Col borne street, and 235 feet on: Division street, be procured by arbitration otherwise, as a site for the new pub | lie school building." ! As a result of a deputation waiting upon the buard, from the cowily coun el, negotiations were re-opened re garding the admittance of pupils to the collegiate. 'Ihe depu tation was composed of members of the educational committe wil. It was decided to the management commitiee meet the coun | cil"s committee to reopen the matter county of the coun have | There was a iproperty diversity of opifiion re- lgurding a site. If the board had the money, it would build two schools, mstead of one, and thew there would be no trouble ip giving satisfaction to should the where il was most needed. It be erected where it would relieve congested pdrtions. It was announced that no commumi- ion had been received from the city council, giving the board offitial notice that the ratepayers had grant- el the $40,800, and this was regarded as rather strange. However, the mows ey was looked upon as a sure thing, and it did not prevent the board from cat discussing the location and cost of the school In the ahsepce of the chairman, the was Trustee Macnee, through illness, report of the property commitive presented by frintes Anglin, The report of the committee con tated no reference price, and | Truster Merk asked the anforma- | tion Trustee Anglin pointed out Colborne and streets, owned by Renney could be purchased for $3,500, and that of | H. Miller, for £6,200, including the | as lo for that thy | on Divisioy | ros. = | orchard The Pigeon lot had 264 feet fromt | age on Alfred street, about 266 feet on Elm street, at a cost of probubly £4,950. There were three buildings om | Canada have applied for a board of the property. {conciliation he ig Yigre | ' | The total cost of the Pigeon pro | St. Andrew's Presbyterian congrega wrty necessary for the school wy i i ry. ¥ 3 RA y v 00 A% tion, Stratiord, purposes erecting " placed at £3,480, muck less than the {non church. ther prope : 0 hae property The United States democrats propose he estimated cost a the new to further extend the tariff revision | sehoal was given as i 2% 5M, includ { programme. l mg the heating system, and in view | The T. & N. (). fommission has | of the figures presented, Trustee Meek, | completed the purchase of the Nips remarked that there would be a very ging Central railway | {smal amount left out of the $10,000 | "The reciprocity bill was reported to | to repair the other schools ithe United States house by the vice on the B., RB. & P. at Rochester Iwas a success in every particular, | H. J. Staley is a representative of the board of seven experts: appointed | about «four vears ago by the inter- | state commerce commission to test sta 2 appliances dev ised to make rail TIDINGS travel and train operation mors | safe i "Apother test 'will be made on the {road on Sunday before the entlre board," said one of the members. "la yesterday's test of the deviee which lis known as the Warthen train-stop, {the device was installed in an engine Matters That Interest Everybody--| hich was operated. along a hot Notes From All Over--Little of! of track where contact points had Everybody Easily Read and Re- been established. None of the tests membered. failed, ; "The apparatus when brought into _ Rev. John W. Bell was injured by a use through a dangerous condition of Toronto street car. the block, shuts off the supply of air On coronation night 3,000 bouafires | 3 flowing from the main reservoir of the will be lighted all over. Britain. airbreak system to the tigin. A dan: Despatches From Nea And Distant Places THE WORLD'S GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. The Toronto Public ity League alms | por signal is given in the cab of the a r Jpn aah of a million in 191%. locomotive and the train 18 brought ' eavy sleetstorm played havo to a stop by the gheral application with the telegraph wire in Manitoba. ! ¢ (po ir Lrakes Some eight hundred teachers left To- Sr -------------- ronto on Friday morning for New | York. ! ! The Presbyterian charch will raise! ESO 600 for the scheme of the church. | 191%, "Tom' race at Utica, night. . the provincial government may build a custodial institution for the care of insane the insane oo» = The Niagard military camp begins on June 12th and the London camp June 19th The striking coal miners of Western Longboat N.Y. won a handicap on Wednesday on Ways al the date for this meeting to hi ar | Trustee Bennett looked upom the and means committee ranged later. s [property on Colborne street as being | Hamilton is having a by-law prepa : The board first heard the deputation [ton expensive. He favored the pri {ed to enforce the sanitary handling oi | ha KING OF Ri JUMANIA, from the county council. Messis iperty on Alfred street | bread and other foods in delivery } Ring Lares, ve tvarel, of Roumania Reid, Donnldpon, Rogers and Foley | Trustee Henderson was of the same | Government will not pay for dredg | _ .,.,-- were the representatives. Messrs, | OPIION | ing done without authority by the | J Donaldson, Rogers and Foley address | Trustee Meek said that the site |Loggie company, at Bathurst, N.B. "KEPT IN ROT WATER od the board should not cost more than $4,500, Al i Hon. Mr. Roblin, premier of Mani Aouncillor Donaldson said the mem the money possible should be saved {toba, is on a pleasure trip to Picton ---- : . NOT . it : 3 ig Rasta HE te . x fama bers wished to find out if there was | fo! he reconstruction of the old . visit his father during i ter. {A NEW CURE FOR INSANE i { mh whopelty hools. : : ' ; » age ity-two years, u county BE I edt | Trustee Anglin did not consider the {died suddenly. while sitting in a PATIENTS, the collegiate, ti@ board having de price for the Kenney property too ex- {back room of the Algonquin Hotel, | -- : " z i a tly theme of alter Jute, | Prasive. There was room on the pro- | Poe sch ol : |The Water is Heated to Ninety De. The committee had no offer to make paris to erect twelve yood-sised | st igh oy hn stevel Stoney | grees--It is a Successful Cure for OuN . + ER 9 Pp Fe. an to the board but were very anxious | "Hh » Sectetaty stated that th ti le feberg. and four : Yo apt Excited Patients. to have negotiatiofs reopened to ny uty stuted that Lhe op ion W Hk, y sajlors were | wee if a settlement could aot | {Continued on page 8.) [drotvned. Poughkeepsie, N.Y, April 15.-Wil a p---- Archduke Kar! Franz Josef will re [liam Cavert, of Albany, up before reached which would give satisfaction to both parties. Councillors Rogers and Foley spoke along similar lines, the latter also referring to the fact that it was only | within a radius of five miles of the] cily that rivilege of the collegiate was desired. The rest of the county did not care about it Mr. Foley pointed out that the county was quite willing to pa cighty per cent. of the cost of the tuition of the county pupils, where upon he wax informed by the chair man that the board could compel the council to pay this amount, Trustee Farrell suggested that Wolio Island be attached to the collegiate institute district, This could be car ried out by making application at Toronto. Trustee Bennett pointed out hoy the collegiate would be regarded as sn approved school if the county pupils were left out. While the board ACCOMINO- first duty city's in that the and have would like very much to date the county pupils their would he to look after the tevests. He would suggest city and county amalgamate one high school i i i i FEVER | | : { NAPANEE LADY DIES CONTRACTING FROM HER CHILD. AFTER The Late Mrs. Emma Dunbar Passed | Away After Four Days' Hiness-- | Sudden Death of Luella Asselstine, | Napanee, April 10. Terribly sad was | the annoymeement of the death, on Thursday morning, of Mrs. Emma | Dunbar, at her thome, on Robert | street, after but a few days' illness of | scarlet - fever. She contracted the dis ease from her little son, Harold, whom | she nursed through a severe attack of | it. She complained of illness on Sun day last, and every thing that medi cal aid .conld do was resorted to, but the attack was severe and her heart | gave out She leaves two children, Mabel and Harold. Her husband died about two vears ago, and since that time she has resided in Napanee and | endeared herself to her friends ard | neighbors by her kindness and thought | fulness to others. The fumeral, which | took i vesterday | Trustee Meek said that a date!Was private, . place h should be arranged for a meeting oi morning, at ten o'clock, to Riverside | the management committee of the | Vault, ' a | board and 'the commitie from the Another sad amd very sudden death council. No action could be taken |"V™® that of Luella Asselstine, daugh- at this meeting of the board iter of Whitney Asselstine, Roblin, in | After a great deal of discussion it {her fourteenth year, after but a few | was finally decided, on motion of [83s illness of Bright's disease | Trustees Elliott and Meek, to refer the | Mr. wd, Mes. VJ. Fath aml matter to management committee, the jSaughter, Marjorie, are spentiiiy the | latter committee to arvange for a Easter vacation with his mother in | : . thy C1St. Thomas. Miss Eleanor Davis, To- meeting with the council's t- : 4 ¥ h nels mm , is the guest of her grandmoth- . tee. Trustee Donaldson, before the mat- | romto. er, Mrs. T. W. Case, Piety Hill. | George W. Fretz, of Dresdom, Omt, | Judge Hasprouck, in the county court, on a writ of habeas corpus, said that patients in the Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane, were forced to stay in tubs of hot water day' af ter day "One nian was kept in hot waler for a mouth," said Cavert. "He was forced to sit in hot water all day lomg, with the water covered by can- Ivas fastened about the patient's neck He wad forced to eat his meals while he sat in a tub of hot water." present the emperor at the coronation of King George, instead of the to the thrufe Miss Elizabeth Doyle awarde $400 damages for breach of promise | against Joseph McDermott at the Barrie assizes The mill heir was of the Dominion Textile Co., Windsor, N.S., has been closed as the company is unable to secure hands to operate it. Two officials of the St, Vincent de Paul penitentiary have been suspended by Inspector . W. Dawson for traf- Dr. Marriam, who was in courl, ad ficking wath prisoners. mitted the truth of Cavert's state Mctill University will confer the ment, and explained that water, heat LL.D. degree on Dr. fi. E. Dawson, (, wd to ninety degrees, was being used Canada in Two in Case of War THE OBJECT OF TAFT IS TO CREATE NAVAL FORCE ON LAKES. Western Canada Might be for Weeks--Londp Post's War Dream. London, April 15.-The Morning solated Morniag Post says : *'Coronation year will be signalized by the grant of a prefer ence to Canada by the United States as part of a bargain with the do} minion, and the third refusal of a preference to Canada by the kingdom. "in eastern Canada there ar¢ many ground over my body. I would rath have the children romping over my grave than a hundred monuments.' This was_ the statement often made by Former Mayor T. L. Johnson, who died Monday night, to friends, when men in public life and monuments to their mamory were being planned. A mass meeting will be held to raise funds for a memorial to Mr, Johnson. CONFEDERATION FATHER DIES. The Late Right Hon. Sir Elzear Taschereau. . Ottawa, Apeil 15.---The Right .Hon Sir Ezear Taschereau, P'.C., owe oi the fathers. of confederation and late chief justice of the supreme court, diud the parliament buildings. ter was disposed of, said he hoped . LT : : ; . | As a result of the death of Matthew | . + something would be dose so that the 1° Visiting (riends in this viciity, al | Michaelson, of Chicago, kill<d by an!FOR JARDINE, THE GODERICH pupils could be accommodated. He [2T an -- £7 orty-three years. | guiomobile, while eoller skating, | MURDERER hoped the pupils in the immediate vi Walter. Coxa Lh Toronto, coroner's jury, has urged the police : . ¢ of Kingston could be diate vi | 4 daughter, Mrs. F. 1. Roblin: Missing to permit children to skate in the | 2 dated. If there was room for a enue Brsley is spending ms Easter igtevets. George Vanstone, Who Beat His few county pupils they shoul be ad- hofidats LN ielends H - Btouto. i The New York police are trying to Little Son to Death, Seatenced to mitted but it should not be expects] or) C Ue Ys al oF Pree oh {solve the mystery surrounding the | gp penitentiary for Life, . that the board would crowd out its ada ollege, is spending Fa - wy | finding of a human leg, carefully wrap- | > , own pupils, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Har {ed in linen, in the doorway of an! Goderich, April 15 Eduard Jardine The managemen shaw apartment house at 2036 Eighth! was, yesterday, found guilty of the brief report a 1c | An injury to the eye was received by avenue. | murder of Lissie Anderson, in the cel- " ee > F. J. is, who was pryming a troe| Father James A. Doonan, one time lar of an empty house near the fair recommended that no action be taken eB ah Miss Greenlees and | Mise , that kindergarten di: reetors be placed on the same basis as teachers, with respect to the Trustees Anglin and Wallace spoke in favor of the request But the clause was carried. Typewriter aderwood offer of the United six new 'U spending Fox, Mill street. of | Perey in the ga-dem, when a branch pierced } his eve. He wmy also lowe the sight | of i. : Mrs. F. Langhiin is spending Eas} ter in Toronto. Harry en | of Enterprise, spent Good Friday in| town, with her mother, Mee. H. Bru | ton. Armold Wolfe and som, | Morris, are i Easter in Kings | ton. Miss H. Fox, of Midland, is ing Easter with her father, Max y left, this week, for Weyburn, Susk., where he has secured a school, Mes. MH. E. Frahek and | daughters, Eva and Alda, and her mother, Mrs. Botting. leave, on Mom- od an operation. Write for 'and references. Dr, Hawke, , Parente. © L - {cated in the extreme northern end president of the Georgetown Universi- | grounds, on September Hith last, anl ties, Washington, and one of the best Was sentenced by Chief Justice Faloon. known Jesuit priests, died at the Uni- | bridge th be hanged on the 16th of versity, on Thursday. He was sixty. | June. Jardioe's lawyer made a strony nine years of age. ! . on the ground of insanity, 'bwt William Chapman, Toronto, arrested his lordship held out no hope of ap with his brother, Percy, for burglaries, | peal of commutation of the sntence, at St. Catharines, Oot., was sentenced Jardine took the judgment without a to thrve vears in penitentiary. He is | tremor. also wanted in Gravenhurst, Toroato, Vanstone, who beat his son ito death during a ft of hereditar Windsor and Peterboro. : futing_ a her . A . i 4 ahi pwntal trouble, becaise the con LE Latin, No Wn ghistaney » twenty, was sentenced i - - not count up 'tc grain elevator, valued at $700,000, lo- | ona ior Te oa : tion for manslaughter. of the city on the Burlington tracks, was blown into the Misswesippi river by'a severe windstorm. Drowned in Canal Locks. day, for Calgary, Ala. to reside. | (Xihert B. Perkins, of Pi 3 i. Ut. 2 15. Fltin Ser UH Abels of Torii: speot Faster [hrs of a Pas Taodtive Ra eee ei tress wie Hovmt sn Te in town. and his son, Walter Perkins, of ar Copper Discovery. April 15. Mr. Seo and JW, henora, Unt, ville, of this vity, have discovered a vein fiteen miles from here. The vein says high in copper. The holding the property at $15,000,000 First Death in Navy. Halifax, April 15. ~The first death be Midshipman Raymond RB. Yates, son of Dr. Yates, Montreal, died of heart disease, aged fifteen years Baseball on Friday. American league Cleveland, Louis, 5. Detroit, 6; Chicago, 0. National jeagwe St. Louis, 2; Chi cago, |. Brooklyn, 15; Boston, 2. Men's Easter Hats. Largest stock, gobbiest styles, best makes, at Campbell Bros', Kings {team's only exclusive bat and fur store. The funeral of the late Major-Gepe- ral J. "Frederick Wilson took 7. St turday morning. All troops of the garrison attended. : Canadian reciprocity bill is ex- ected to United be ready lor the Wednesday {cussion on the same subject united | the Presbytery's committee on young i people's societies showed what who sav that rather than see their be- during the past year. Improvement loved dominion severed they would | is sen almost all along the line. fight to the last man and last dol |. At the evening session two inspir- far. Taft seems aware of this' and "ME addresses were delivered, one by is making preparations accordingly by | Rev. Dr. MacTavish, Ringsion, on creating a naval force am the great Ihe Missionary Programme Before Jakes amply sufficient for the work | the Young People, and the other it would have to do. The CPR. by Rev. J. Binnie, BD, Tweed, on the only railway on Canadian terri | "The Cultivation of Spiritual Pow tory connecting the old dominion with | ®F the prairies, skirts the shores of Lake | The following officers were elected Superior, and traffic could be stopped President, W Moore, Plainfield; vice by armed vessels on the lake. With | president, W Maclutosh, LPS. Ma passage of the lak s denied by the | doe; secretary, Rev James Gallo railway cut, the prdiries might be | WAY. Foxboro; treasurer, n A isolated for weeks, pending the ar Shaw, Kingston rival of troops by the Hudson Ba | ------ route, by Cape Horn, or through the | Fur Prices. Suez canal to Vancouver. Instead of | George Mills & Co, report the fol- beginning by respecting the treaty of | lowing prices for raw furs Spring disarmament the American govern- | muskrats, large, 356c. to 45e.; rac ment, by massing troops on the | coon, 1arge, £2.50. medium, $1.50; Mexican frontier and creating on the | small, 75¢c.; skunks, large, black, $2 lakes a naval station is a menace to | rhort stripe or No. 2, large, 81; long the independence of Canada. stripe, or No. 3, y 75e. minks, small, ¥2 to 34; medium, 3 to WOULD LIKE PLAYGROUND. |large, 34.50 to #6530, according to Yolor; weasel, 20¢. to 60¢ Movement to Raise Funds for al a ------ ra Johnson Memorial, 1 The Answer to A.C. Cleveland, April 15.--' When 1 die | In answer to AC's problem in I hope thi people will make a play | Whig: "'T was born on Good Fri | year was I born? his | Good Friday, April lth, 1576. died | i | Moore | by Dr. phenomenal copper | Tiffany's, is 155 feet wide and the ore body es { British Columbia we parties ave | Superior, of the Canadian | morning, when | from AH Saints chapel, Quebee, Sa- Sergi. N. J i not degrading under the auspices of the Kingston Presbyterial' Union, was most cessful. After Rev. Dr. Howard had conducted devotional exercises the president, W. Moore, of Plainfield, de livered his address. It was decided to contribute $500 towards the sal ary of an ordained missionary, whose work will 'be to take charge of =a mission in the summer, and to itin- erate among mission stations the winter. As® there are about one hundred Sunday schools and young people's ties in the presbytery each will bExpectel to contribute at least $5. A practical address was tolivered by Rev. A. S. Kerr, BA, Bellet: on "What a Young People's Socwty Should Stand For," and this wis follofdd by an efamally practical dis- in which A. Shaw, Kingston, led Rev. J Smith, B.D., of Menie, convener of sue in E. splen did work the young people had done day, 14th April; this year is the first year since 1 was born that my | tirthday comes on Good Friday What | or The answer is You were born on Defends the Popular Song. In an article in the Detroit Journal, Annesley Burrowes, formerly of King- ston, cntidiges the statement that the popular song exercises a depraving in fluence upon the young. He claims that popular songs are harmless and ------------ it ce FOUND THE PLANT ALLEGED COUNTEKFEITER AR- RESTED IN DENVER. DISPLAY OF EASTER NOVELTIES . Was never seen under one roof In Kingston before. Everything that is new and desir. able for EASTERTIDE is here in glorious array, and your every desire will he gratified if. you call at this store Saturday KID GLOVES AT 75¢. KID GLOVES AT $1, KID GLOVES AT $1.25. All new and fresh for Easter, and the very best in this wide world for money the i "DENTS" GLOVES For Men, Women and Children. NEW LACE COLLARS, Jabots, Lingerie Coat Collars, Etc, Raster Hoslery. FANCY WAISTS, ISILK PETTICOATS, ; TAILORED SUITS, SEPARATE COATS, CHILDREN'S COATS, FOULARD DRESSES, HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY, Ete, COME WITH THE CROWDS TO STEACY'S | SATURDAY BORN. at his residence, 265 Laurier avenue - cast, Goth Friday oy a. - is Made the Best Counterfeit Silver seveniy-i ] yea ee € Se ad a % " beem stricken with paralysis three Dollars Ever Circulated in This weeks ago, Wut recovered somewhat Country. until three days ago, when fatal term. Washington, April 15. After a search ination became imevitable. Dissolution | i two vears, secret service men ar came in the presence of the majority |, yted Henry Reporter in Denver, and | | ment officials. This morning Curator Johnston announced that after a test Kunz, diamond expert at it had been demonstrated recently discovered in re equal, If not famous gems of that the stones to the {South Africa Edward Sydney Smith, KC, | ford, was to-day gazetted deputy- | Judge of the County of Perth, and George Murray, of Gore Bay, deputy judge of Manitoulin. | Enumerators taking the {census will get five cents for the name of each' living person and ten cents for dead obes, as well as special rates for farms, factories, schools, and so forth. Census com- missioners in charge of the opera. tion will get one cent for every name {in thelr district in addition to salary -------------- 47th Colonel's Dinver. On Saturday afternoon Lieut.-Col Ferguson, of the 47th Regiment of Froptesac, gave a dinner. in. the Randolph Hotel, in honor of the reg! ment's threes representatives who will {go to the king's coronation They are Col--Sergt Bentley, Napanee, . Gibson, Kingston; and Sergt. J. McConnell, Odessa. There t thirty in attendance in Tait re Strat. coming | Mexican insurgent lead- him | CLARK i Bie NOY | M.G., Ottawa, and Dr. Jean C. Brach, | as a new cure for excitable patients of the members of his immediate fam- | charged him with making the best | ---- 8 Gitinguished radnate: . : He said that the treatment was some ily. counterfeit silver dollars ever cireu- | ie ew brunswick legislature ' has | times conting for months time, S---------------- {lated in - this country The coins, | HERCHMER ' prorogued. The bill to prevent expor | and ha hurt Ja a et ® dire Too Many Bananas. | made largely of tin and lead, were al E ran ' } I 0) tation of crown land pulpwood goes | Hasbrouck reserved devision in Ca London, April 15.--The appetite for | most perfect in workmanship and for ne os Hu ey Ia at the res inte effect October Ist. vert's case bananas of the four-year son of | two years have been passed upon mer + side fA : aw (ohn United States troops stopped a -- Archibald Munroe, of Glanworth, near | chants in Denver and on the street | Stewart), Harr wan on Sature butile Nit Hsxican soil because the | qooeettress PLPPEEP PINE ELS ly caused the child's death. The child | railw ay company thers in great quan- | aa) Me -- i ts Killec residents on the United { + disposed of five or six bananas, but tities | ROBERT J. REID States side of the border. | $¢ SLEPT WHILE SENTENCED, ¢/|the mother did not think much of it{ Every effort to locate the plant was . . hy Former Governor G. W. Glick of lo # | until later in the eveni rhe ast nimhi a i . The Leading Undertaker. ' . : 5 i rn ng, when the futile until last migh Official advices |, A 230 Princess Kansas, died at his home, Atchison, | 4 St. Martinsville, La., April child was suddenly taken ill. {to Acting Chief Moran said 500 coins Phone 577. Ransas, as a result of a broken hip, | & 15-80 unconcerned was Paul +! Dr. Beattie, belmont, was called, | were found in Reporter's honse when R smn . sustained more than a year ago. |# Jeane Baptiste, convicted of & | and after considerable work brought | it was raided { JAMES REID - At a banquet tendered the Oshawa |g murder, when his death «|the litte one around all right. Me! The arrest of Frederick Millburn and {| The Old Firm of Underiakesrs junior hockey team at Oshawa a few | 4 sentence was being read by # | will recover. Jesse Handlon is reported from In 254 and me PRINCESS STREET, nights ago, each member of the team | $ the judge that he fell asleep s| i | dianapolis. They are charged with} Phone M7 far Am was presented with a handsomely en-| @ in court. Court attaches had #| Sheldon Wanted in Texas. | passing bad half dollars. They an WALNOT FURNITURE. graved gold watch. : @ to arouse him In order to #| Montreal, April 15.--It has developed | "Ot connected with the Denver case. | Two (Bedroom Sets, one has marble : The provincial government will float @ make the sentence legal + | that Charles. D. Sheldon, blind 'opera-| }top: als of Old-tashioned small in Ontario their loan of S2OH0 to Baptiste was awakened ahd #|sor, now awaiting trial, here i» pe CANADA § DIAMONDS GOOD. {Parlor Chairs an Tasenstie extinguish the timber ficenses Of the! ¢ the reading went on ®lad in Gainesville, Texas, where: twelve]... | tne | +Pnone 105 4 Muu dumber company, of Orillia, in | @ #| years ago he was a Sundas school | They are Equal to Those of South | Roquin park. . ; L | veettetrd ie SEPP L 4020 ¥ RIP [Luperintendent under the mame of Africa. i Lieut. -Col. A. E. Belcher, Southamp- | Prof E Wil 2 lef i : i ton, has been appointed by ro pro- | b a. h. Y ilson, a . thers| Ottawa, April 15. That Canada | vincial government to a position in! b her aru) { Jag Siciongery- had i will shortly become as famous for her let 3 ins GENTENCE OF DEATH|™ orm som he fmt Wer ir Lo ew t po { assertion of the geological depart Maple yrup PURE and GOOD. Jas. Redden & Co. MURDERED IN TORONTO, uarrel Over Woman and Use Knives. Toronto, April 15 After o fearfal fight with koives and revolvers in the Ttabinn quarter, ons nan Was Gre dered and t#. badly wounded. Four are under o arrest. The quarrel wan over a woman, snd ~esme st the end of holiday feasting on. Good Friday Only Ome Bromo Quinine. That is : Lazstive-Bromo Quinine, { Look for the sigusture of ? Grove. Used the world o¥er to cure {a cold in one dey. 5c. A Washington despatell sain thal {hes Staten troops may be ordered 0 Mevico «ft asy Moment, Italians Q i

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