Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Apr 1911, p. 10

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 3let, in the éghty-seventh year of her Jar recovered as to be able to go out age. The was highly es Master Ebbie Perry was She guess of teemed by all who knew her; she leaves | his sister, Mrs. E. Wood, , for and Mrs. E. Jolmson, at iokinson's; Mrs. Walter Cooper, Brockvidle, at hed father's. : a few days last week. The wood bee || Eastern Ontario--What People Are + Doing and What They are Saying. rr News From Plevna. Plevna, April 10.--~Those who are trying the sugur-making report very poor sap year. J. F. Card returned from Kingston, whae he was a jury- man. Mrs. Clement is much improved after a severe Gold. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Sallans, a son. Johs Douglass, who has spent the winter with his sop, in Criffith, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Olhuman, at her daughter's, Mrs. J. Brouse. \ x News From Westport. ' Westport, April 11.~Dr. and Mrs. O. Lillie returned, on Saturday, from Flotida, where .they spent the past three months. Miss Lynett, whe spent the past three weeks at home, return ef to New York city, on Tuesday. B. W. Conron, of Toronto, has sped the position of elgetrician at the West- port electric light plant. Miss Katie Uavaragh, who was the guest of West- port irlends, the past two weeks, re turned to Perth on Monday. : Cheese Factories Open. Wilton, April 10.--Almon Brown is still suffering very severely with in- ! ory tism. Miss Pearl Switzer is convalestent., Measles are still remsining with us while several are - fing from some complication as & result of measles. The Wilton and the Metzler's cheese factories op- ened on the 3rd with a good supply of milk, Mrs. L. Griggs, Montreal, is visiting at her father's, 0. ©. Storms'. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan, of Campbellford, are visiting relatives in Wilton. Died at Hartington. Hartington, Apeil 11l.--Alexander Hill, a young man, formerly a resi- dent of Hinchinbrooke, died at the re- sidence of his sister, Mrs. Thomas Sigsworth, Thursday, 30th ult, Deceased had or the past few years resided in Cobalt, where he contract ed typhoid, which resulted in tuber culobis, and carried him to an early grave. Siz weeks psevious to his th he came here and remained with his sistor umtil his decease, The fune- ral was held at Verona on Monday. 'The service was conducted by Rev. J. A. Waddell, At Marysville, Tyendinaga, Marysville, April 11.--~The school is favorably under the able bt of Miss McAulifi. John made a trip to Napanee on Tuesday. Mrs. J. C. Meagher left on lay for Nairn Centre, to visit her hter, Mrs. J. B. Scanlon. Mr, Mrs. James Toppings, of the S| Road, are rejoicing over the ar rival of a baby hoy. Miss Lizzie Shee- Tanda he Tanita of She pre. Toth t! Rigor y| morning. - S---- Echo Lake, A 1) ~Sugurwa i is very good. has been no ser: Robert hats [of Westbrook, is vidling at J, MN to the Roman Cat! Event at Echo Lake. vies for a number of weeks, Hamilton is to erect a barn. je Ruttan and children, from visited friends here. « [took at Julingest aughter, Jennie, who was us in k to Isaac Wagar, of Katerprise. About one hundred took supper. i ---------- ! Salem Notes. Salem, April 10.-M+. and Mrs. C. Naunuaker havh returned after vis- iting t atter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Fox, Picton. Rev. 8. A. Canifton, visited his brothes, Kemp, recently. Mr. Heas- Albert C conducted ser. in Salem church on Sunday. Vis 1: Mrs. Morrison and Miss 'Spencer, Wellington: Mr. und Andrew Coulter, Smithfield, , Spencer's. The monthly meeting _ of the Women's | Missionary Society, be held on Wednesday at the itors A Swerbrickiat H. and happy Hdescerican Westbrook News. Westbrook, April 11.--& number rom hers attended church at Collins Bay Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs Jobs Eedmond, of Kepler, were re cent visitors here. W. LL. Grass purchased two fine cows fran J. L. F. Sproule. Mrs. D. Ames and Mrs. C. Redden spent Thursday with Mrs. Sarah McDonald at Collins Bay. Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule and two little daugh- ters, Lorna and Marian, are recov- ing from a severe attack of grippe. Miss Lizzie Sheehan left on Sunday for Marysville to spend a month with her Soir, Mrs. A C. Meagher. ° Nir. and Mrs. Delbert Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ames, Miss Sadie Ames and Mr. Medeof spent Sunday' evening with Mr. and Mrs. RB. Rose and Sdwin Bell. Réports From Malorytown. Mallorytown, April 10.--Ross Burn- bam came here last week from the Belleville hospital, Heyslip is raising the roof on his use. syrup season is now here and syrup is selling at $1 a gallon, D. 8S. Mallory and A. W, Mallory ' were at Brockville on Friday attending the Water power meeting. Mrs. A. W. Mallory and Miss J. Page were at Kingston for a day last week. Miss Ethel Goodbody is seriously ill at St. Vipeent de Paul hospital, Brockville. The cheese factories are making cheese every day. B. E. Elliott left on Mon- day with a vacuum cleaner to work in Gananoque. During March A. BE. Jordan gathered 250 eggs from a flock of twelve hens. Mrs. Charles Williams, Poole's Resort, is a patient at St. Vincent de Paul hospital, of Brockville. Harrowsmith Wedding. Harrowsmith, April 10--On April dth, Miss Myrtle (larke, the only daughter of Mr. and Mre. Thomas Clarke, was united in marriage to Frederick Reynolds, the you son of Mr, and Mrs. George ynolds. Both are of Harrowsmith. The young couple drove to Yarker in the morn: ing and were quietly married at the parsonage by Rev. Mr. Batstone, and returned home in the evening, where a reception was awaiting them at the home of the bride. They were unat: tended. The bride was attired in a suit of navy blue with white net blouse, and bat to match. The beau tiful and pseful presents received by the bride showed the esteem in which the bride and groom are held. The bride was a favorite with all who knew her. Testing Feldspar Property, Tichborne, *April 11.---Some experts are testing the feldspar mines with a view to opening them up if the yield ves satplactory. Rev. Mr. Acton, n's, has been installed as minister here for the year. George Gray has returned from Toronto. W. Dermott has rted for the west after a visit here. Miss E. Swerbrick, of Murvale, is spending a few days at her home ere. Other visitors '--Mre. T. H son, Miss Jeanie Allison, and Crawlord, Oconto, at C. Clowbridge's; Mes. H. Gray at Mrs. J. Brown's; Miss F. McKivor and Miss Lillian Black, Parham, at J. Allison's: W, Swerhrick's; R. Howes . Ritchie's; Miss Pearl Ritchie has returned home after an extended visit to friends at Battersea; Mrs, W. Steele, Mississippi is at J. Hanna's. Golden Wedding Celebrated. Glenvale, April 10.--A pleasant event place on evening, March 29th, when the children and randchildren of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. dlerbeck assembled at their home in Glemvale to celebrate their golden wed- ding anniversary. Mr. El wan born in Kingston on the street which bears his name and resided there until some thirty-five years ago, when he moved to Glenvale. He was for some time connected with the forwarding Sompaiy of Routh E. Holdcomb, Mon- treal, who 'had a branch in Kingston. Mrs. Ellerbeck, whose maiden name was Clute, was born in Brighton. Nine children and twenty-one grand. children are the fruits of their long wedded life, and all their d dants live in Kingston and vicin- ity, with the exception of one son in aicage, and one daughter in Hamil- ton. The old Reople are still strong and well, and look as though they would enjoy a number of years yet. one son and ome daughter to mourn the loss of a true and loving mother. The funeral service was ted by Rev. B. Pearce, on Sunday, at the church. Mrs. Louis Lavee is quite ill with measles. A little daughter has come to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lepnard Meeks. Visitors : Louis Villard, Kingston, at Thomas Per- rauit's; Mr. Bruce, Kingston, at J, Pomeroy's. Presentation at Willetsholme. Willetsholme, April 8.--The hospita- ble home of John Carey, Willetsholme, last Monday evening, was crowded with the friends of W. T. Bell and family, who are leaving for their new home in Prince Edward county. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bell have been very ag- gressive in all that made for the good of the community and will be very much missed by the chusgh, the Sunday school and the missiondgy so- ciety. It was with great regret that al, classes in the community learned that their association with them was #0 soon to cease. During the even ing an address of appreciation and esteem was read to them, after which Mrs. James Wilson and Mrs. William Lucy, on behalf of the people, pre- sented them with a beautiful clock and a silver cake basket. Gordon was also remembered. After several musical selections dainty refreshments were served. The party broke up a- bout midaight, after singing 'God Be With You Till We Meet Again." Reports From Berryton, Berryton, April 10.--Sugar-making is rather dull this year. The cheese factory started for another season, om the 3rd. The mount. of ilk i ap erasing rapidly. . Ty's son, oS pid very ill. Mrs. Ernest Rountree, of Morton, visited at R. Moulton's, on Saturday. Miss M. Moultpn is visiting at A. Leadbeater's, Seeley"s Bay. Mrs. Delbert Smith paid a flying visit to her daughter, who is attending the Collegiate Institute in Kin Mrs, R. Moulton visited at s a short tile ago. Miss Hazel Green visited at Seeley's Bay recently. Miss Leita Berry, at Ellisville; Miss Jean Nicholson, at A. Elliott's, See ley's Bay; J. Lappen, at D. Daryaw's; Walter Birmingham and Isaac Stan- ley, at Wiliam McPherson's; Miss Clella- Willis, at her sister's, Mrs. J, Dormer's; Mrs. Dool and little son, of Bishop's Mills, at her father's, J. B. Dormer's; D. J. Walker, of Gana- nogue, at W. Free's; Miss Eliza Ken- ny and brothers, at D. Daryaw's. -- . Dam at Yarker Damaged. Yarker, April 12.--The dam at Wood. mick was badly dam by ice and rt of it was carried away. Charles "reeman is having his store fitted up to be ready for his removal on } Ist. Manly Foster has purchased the building now occupied from tan Curl. J. C. Connolly has his office, store rooms and barn again placed on foun- dations. This was a case of moving to allow of the crossing of the C.N.R. Fletcher Huffman, teac in the lig school, left for the west. Miss ner, of Colebrook, has charge of the school for the present. ' Andrew Warner was taken to | the Kingston General Hospital, to under- go an operation for appendicitis. He is doing nicely. Mrs. F. Walsh goes to Montreal for Faster. Madeline Foster and Harold Freeman, who 'were seri- ously ill, have both recovered. Auto wheels will likely be manufac tured here. There are no houses to rent in Yarker. Mrs. H. Stirk is here from the west, visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Vanluven, him, Died at Inverary. Perth Road, April 11.--Arrangements are being made for a rural telephone line from lnverary to Perth Road in connection with the Leeds and tenac Rural Telephone company. An old ident, in the person of Mrs. Provest, passed away at Inverary on Shturday, Sth inst. The funeral, which took place on Tuesday, was attended by many from this neighborhood. The farmers report a good run of sap dur- ing the last few days. Alexander Me- Fadden has purchased a team of colts. The members of the Methodist choir are practising some ial music for Easter Sunday. Mrs. Brown has re- turned home after visiting friends at Jackson's Mills. John Shales has re- May | works of charity and kindness, far 15 Fron- i "Jat Mrs. J. C. Alguire's. at John Vanalstine's, on . Thursday last was well attended. Master Willie and Miss Bessie Grey spent the week- end at Lakeview, the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mie chell. Miss Henry Lloyd, Northbrook, who was the her parents, Mr. and Mrs, week, left for last. Mrs. 7. D. Perry and som, | James, spent Sunday at W. Loucks'. BUDGET FROM ATHENS. The Late Mrs. J. P. Lanib--Old| Folks' Service. Athens, April 7.--The rural telephone central changes hands this week,. T. S. Kendrick taking over the office. The assessor is making his anntal round. S. Boddy, because of ill-health, has resigned his office as magistrate. E. J. Purcell, who was appointed some months ago, has qualified for the of- fice of police magistrate. J. C. AL guire has been appointed census com- missioner for Brockville riding. Miss Mollie Stinson has resigned. he: position as teacher of the second form | in the public school here. Led by Rev. P. K. Dayfoot, Toronto, provincial ¥ of Baptist Sunday schools, a conference on Sunday school work was held in the Baptist church on Monday of this week. a Under the auspices. of the W.CT.U,, a medal contest was held in the town hall on Tuesday evening last. - Fight young ladies, all students of the high school, were the contestants, and ac uitted themselves very creditably. medal was awarded to Miss Mina Donnelly, the seven others receiving each a pretty silver pin. The W.M.S. hold their annual thankoffering ser vice in the school room of the Metho- dist church on Good Friday. Easter Sunday «morning there is to be am "old peoples' service" in the Methodist church and the members of the con gregation are asked to provide car mages for bringing in as many of the old people as are able to attend. { Rev. W. M. Montgomery, B.A, BD, | Sombra, has been inducted to the pas | torate of St. Paul's Presbyterian | church. The funeral service of the late Mrs. | J. P. was conducted in the Me thodist church on the lst inst, b-- the tor, Rev. F. A. Read. Deceased been in failing health for the past seven years, but heg death occurred quite unexpectedly, She was born near here, sixty-three years ago, and was a daughter of the late Harmonious' Al- guire. One brother, I. C. Alguire, and one sister, Mrs. Lydia Phillips, both of this place, gre the only 'surviving | members of a family of seven. Besides | her husband, she leaves one son, Cur | zon, junior partner of the firm of J. ! P. Lamb and Son, druggists. While in health she was actively engaged in and | 3 [she will be long remembered by a large circle of friends. ' Alexander Taylor is seriously ill at his home, here, following a cold con-| tracted while on a business trip 10 Montreal recently. I). Fisher, who has | been so low as a result of a stroke, | is able to sit up for a short time. His | ns, Charles, Dauphin, Man. and | Arthur, Regina, § ., wera summoned | home to attend him. His daughter, | Mrs. A. E. Donovan, Torento, has! been wth him for the past two weeks. | Mrs. John Caros suffered a slight | stroke this week, but is improving. Mrs. Almeron Robinson, who has been so Ul with inflammatory rheumatism, | is convalescent and was taken last | week to Westport, where three sisters! and two brothers reside. Born on Ap | ril Ist, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hamb-| lin, a daughter. i Mrs. W. GG. Towriss entertained at tea on Thursday evening, a number of | married couples. On Saturday evening | over thirty boys and girls enjoyed the | hospitality . of Everett King at aj sugar party. Mrs. Francis Sheldon én: | tertained # few ladies at tea last even ng. - Recent visitors: Mrs. W. V, Lee and | family, Almonte, at Mrs. Sarah] Wiltse's; Mrs. John Jones, and daugh- ters, Hamilton, at J. Earl's: Mrs. I. M. Spaidal, Brockville, at Mrs. H. FE. Cornell's; J. Doolan, Chicago, at Wil Given Awavr | of . : © "foe. lif Famous Specialist Offers to Send a Special Prescription For any Ailment, a Letter of Advice, and a 192-page Valuable Medical Book Free: t My Hom: Medical Book on the "Ils of Human- Ity--Their Cause and Cure" contains 192 pages of valuable professional information and private ad- vice. it is written in plain English, that all can understand and is well iNusiraied A copy should be in every home and read by every man and wo- man. It describes all diseases, explains all sym- toms, gives the causes of diseases, tells how to prevent sickness, tells what to eat and what not to eat for each disease and explains how a great many diseases can be cured In your own home without a doctor. * If you want to be well and remain well, this is the book you should have. Fill the coupon below and I will send it to you free, postage paid. Ouly one copy will be sent to a family 'Diseases I Cure I don't claim that my preseription will cure can- cer, leprosy, and other incurable diseases, but 1 do claim that they have cured and are ACTUALLY, POSITIVELY curing every day desperate, stubborn chronic cases of all kinds---cases that nounced incurable by other doctors. Thousands in despair, in pain and misery have written to me as a last resort, have taken the treatment which 1 prescribed, have followed my advice and have found a new life' bounding with health and vigor. were pro- I want to prove what the treatment which 1 pre- scribe will do for you have or how how No matter what disease you long you have sutfered--no many remedies have vainly tried--no matter what other doctors have failed- you should 'ry this treatment from a doctor who SUCCEEDS WHEN OTHERS PAIL Thousands of weak, de- spondent men have been restored to vigorous, forceful, energetic "activity, full of the GO--VIM and pcient strength that make life worth living. Thousands of suffering, pain-racked women are healthy and happy Why not you vou? Fill out the coupon, or if vou wish, give me a description of your case in Your own words. Send the coupon to me, and by return mallFREE and postage paid, in a plain sealed letter, Lill send the prescription, my 182-page medical book and a personal letter of NOT ONE PENNY advice 1 ask no pay matter 43 sent Medical Book FREE TO ALL Who Write Free Prasceiption for Any Disease Dr. Kidd's name and fame are world wide Wherever civilized man can be found there 'his wonderful skill and success are Khown He has cured thousands of desperate chronic cases, many of which had been declared jagurable by other doctors. Much of his remarkable Success has been due to the wonderful remedies used. No time---no expense, no trouble has been spared in bringing ther these healing, curative, life-giving medi- Asia, Africa, Australia, the Islands of the uttermost parts of the earth have been or the rare roots, herbs, fruits and pres minerals from which these remedies are These private prescriptions have been im- proved year after year as new drugs were dis covered. They have been tried and . proven in® thausands of cases. clous made Dr. Kidd now has a private prescription for uearly every disease to which flesh is heir---pre- scriptions that are the result of years of study, years of experience~--prascriptions that have cured where all else had failed-- prescriptions that are making marvelous cures every day His offer to send a special prescription to any siek or-afflicted person is a 'mos! generous gift to suffering human- ity -from one of the world's greatest doctors Free Letter of Advice As soon as | receive the coupon below, besides sending the prescription and my big medical book, i-will write you a long letter of advice telling you exactly how tu take the treatment I will refer you to pages in my book which will tell you all about your case If you follow the advice in this letter it will be a great help to you in becoming absolutely well and strong Other specialists re ceive hundreds of dollars for verbal advice; this to you FREE, plainly written in plain words so it can be" remembered and followed I Ask Nothing " | will accept no pay -not one penny, for the prescriptions, my Medical Book or the letter of advice I want to prove my ubility 16 every sick or afflicted person who will accept this offer now before it is too late I may not repeat this offer I want to prove my skill to you, this will prove it th your friends and neighbors If 1 cure you 1 know you will speak a kindly word for me when convenient. This is all 1 ask You will be under ao obligation to me The Special Prescription, Book and letter of afvice will cost you nothing. ------ PILI. THE COUPON BELOW AND MAIL IT TO-DAY, sos Coupon for FREE Prescription and FREE Book Dr. James W. Kidd, 614 Kidd Building, Fort Wayne, Send me at once, all 'charges paid, vour free case and your 192-page medical book My Name is Address is S Age. | y How long afflicted? If your disease Indiana, prescription for all entirely free 10 me is not on the list opposite write the name hers My Principal Trouble has been: (Make a cpogg X in front of your trouble, Two crosses XX in front of the one fram which you suf- fer most.) my | | ==Itheumatism | ~Kidney Trouble ~~ umbago --Rladder Troubl ----FCzema weHeart Disease w--eerofuli Ne lmpure Blood i atarrh w--f'emule Trouble ~=Dlropsy ~Torpid Liver ellen ~Partial Paralysis Neuralgia wt hromic Cough wftiarrhoea we NEFVOURTIORS = onstipation | ----Prostatitis --fndigestion | ~Malaria | =--teadache ----eimples --iMzziness wel ung Trouble we Eo pile puy we Asthma liam Doolan's; Miss E. Barry, New Dublin, at 8. Rowsome's; Mise Mabel | Wight, Montreal, at G. P. Wight's; | Mrs: (Dr) King, Newboro, and Mrs B. Tett, Newhoro®at J. Wiltse's;? 1). Fisher, Harper's, at 1. Fisher's; Miss Kate Cummings, Lyn, at Mrs. Cor nell's; Mrs. Laura Buell, Mallorytown, a ---- home of Miss Alberta Adams. moening for the North-West. -|LUOKY MONTE CARLO NUMBER. 'harles Peters has returned from Visiting {titods : Found to be on Boot of Innocent] soci i Englishman. 1 Sunda; } i y there was an amusing in Lake, . J. McFadden's; in the gambling rooms. An Miss Bruce, M Leaf, at Mrs. R.|Englishman arrived early, and, sitting Harris'; M. W. Orser, Flginburg, {down, crossed his legs and stuck one at Sampson Darling es Miss Edith|foot out in an attitude of ease. Sud: Roberts and M. C , at J, H.|denly there was a wild rush of every- Roberts'; Mrs. Bertram Simkins body to the tables, Italian little daughter, Wilmur, at H. Shales': | batons, Spanish: countesses and Stanley Donnell, Kepler, at S. Orver's. | sian princesses fbught with each other \ their gold and silver pieces on 17. i tared, the in Death of Aged Lady. Bell Rock, April 11.--The reluctant Canadian spring is here at last. Those "musical wretches," the , have started their tunes for the this Ceilings Washed ? You cannot if they are plaster. You could, if you ceiled with PRESTON Steel Ceilings. And nn. less you do your home, your office, your store, has at least one surface that is a dust- trap. a harborage for germs, an absorber of grime and dampness --as every plaster ceil- ing is. Puta PRESTON Ceiling on over the old cracked, crumbling, dangerous plaster ceiling. It will cost but litle; it will be fire- proof and damp-proof; and it will outlast the building itself. Will you look at some of our beautiful new designs? Just send for the book to-day. Address METAL SHINGLE & SIDING CO., Limited, PRESTON.ONT. once more. Cross Millhaven and Amberst Is- g > : i HH 4 F f £ifs gee i I i E i ix J ! RirTiE EF ppb £ i hal f the Bad efiert which Bad upon the health, Some married men ame foolish enough to believe they should be ai wanid that there was noth. lowed to spend part of the iota y i uring indiges- | they barn. om 5 Pad + A woman always fellowes that her : really IE eames of Labors look larger than # they feel

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