Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1911, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. minutes is all the time required for brewing Red Rose Tea; 'and the a beverage of matchless flavor and satisfying strength. The verdict of your family will be that result is NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It TROUBLES IN JAPAN, Troubles of Those Ignorant of Language aml Native Ways, All Japanese inns, of co a great deal more to ting European tourist who speak the language, since not content to travel Japonaise Worries household demands cause they provised pillow, dinary guest takes what is and at the hour that and is thankful), knive spoons because he ha practice eating his food sticks, a bah with fresh because he will not of entering the bath arrives, thus getting of first bath and the fresh, and hall a dozen ments, He reserves hi until he leaves, and often undersfands this action he will get recompense tra trouble, the ese, charge lobe tr de or the ws strict the varwty © and with a quilts to the floor special extra fined food ® him hast forks neglected with w his pleases to chop it tom he opportumty iter nn follow as the Ww Soon ns ater while it is, itl require. chadar also the host mis fearing lis ex wide and, for hill ace no augments unusually treat the waitresses like novel playthings, especially of the sterner sex, who sometimes fail hope- lessly to distinguish profes. sional geishas and ordinary maidsers ants.~Vera Collum in Wide World Magazine. p visitors not: S80 many travellers bet ween ------------------ It has been 'arranged that the sou- venirs for the Frontena hockey will be presented at the Grand Opera House, next Friday night, when a lay, "The Rosary," to be offered. 'vee tickets will be provided all sub scribers to the fund. ists 1s STOMACH TROUBLE ENDED. Indigestion, Gas, Sourness, Heart. burn, and Dyspepsia go in Five Minutes. If you have some Diapepsin haady end would take a little now your stomach distress or indigestion would vanish i» fiye mioutes and you would feel fine. This harmless preparation will di- gest anything you eat, and overcome n sour, out-of-order stomach hefore you realize it. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little yon do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump- of lead in vour stomach, or if you have heart urn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask vour Pharmacist for a 5c ease of Pape's Diapepsin and take a little just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risin no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, or heavy feeling in the stomach, sea, debilitating headaches, ness or intestinal griping. I'his all go, and, besides, there will be undigested food left over in the stom ach to poison vour breath with nau seous ors. Pape's Diapepsin is certain cure for outlof-order stomachs, because it pre vents fermentation and takes hold of vour food and digests it just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom- ach misery ing for Jou These large 30c. cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure al: most any case of Dyspepsia, indiges- tion or any other stomach distur- turbance. oR, fullness nan 71 will di no your ley yéur store . all he hd Sento fout- mentee "i and T hen ! Get In that, 2in me Wha end, worth ' all. its cesi i i In | in tine | I the | ! for at any drug store wait- | 1 Mrs. 1 THE it arday, "he i Goldin | Guwilight * + 9» inued from Page A y# swovable and inileresting bridge was given by Mrs. Robert Fras West on Thursday afters Fhe in a dainty gown re 1 her guests ym, Cards were tables, and the prizes Mrs. A. W. Wingett, Mus H. Moore and Mrs, J bridge play wer Waldron, Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. J. L od; Mrs, J. Massie, Mis on, Mrs, J, Smith, Rankin, Stratford; Mis Mrs. John Mack TEP PVTT OPIN Con er, street hostess, ile, ceive were y by H. Dyde, Mre N, Smit | he Richard Mr ers James < rerirude b d laidiaw, vd My etd Mahaod, W Win Mrs bi "als i 1 H La, Wilmot Mrs. Noel five o'clock y and dainty refreshments ausind Bb Miss Isabel Polson, [Miss a Ok irieve, Miss Bessie lobert- oy Miss Williamsop and |," dith Fraser. Mrs. Dayid Laid- tet, : aw ied tea, and Mrs. Ricaand "Mu 1 Waldion poured coffee at the polished! M on table, which was centred by |" *™ onal o i cluny lace, on which rest Ny an. J bowl of pale pink tulips, | K De " A valley. The few guests 4 alk iropped in for téa were: Mrs. J. \ Connell, Mrs, Gordon Mylks, Mrs rs Fllis, Mrs. W., 6G. Craig, Mas { Winler Cieorge Mackay, Mrs. 1 K. Robert I son, Mr<. J =, Mearns, of Toronto; Mes. oJ Fhied, Mrs. M. Macgil Hvrag N. C. Polson, Mrs. Charles Livin Mrs, F. 0. Willhofit, and Smith, * + Aly Walter Macnee, Union street, will entertain the mésnbers of the Lad irs' Kingston Curling Club, at tea, on | Wednesday afternoon, "when the prizes! for the vear will be presented to the following ladies. The Shaw medal for | the singles, to Miss Mabel Dalton; the | president's prizes for the doubles, to | Mise Beatriee. Birch, and Miss Mabel | Lichardson; special priges for drawing | played in Jannary to Miss Beatrice | Birch; special prize for drawing in | March to Miss Ada Birch; the prize for | the highest score in points for the year | to Miss Beatrice Birch; the prize | the highest points | day | i At 0" * * + mes Lesshe, Wednesday, for Mes. JF. Rowlands Norma Flmer | Callege, street, William on Florence St, Catharines from the lowr Guelph, ge gan 1 ry : ' § be here of the Wee R wit! PD. Aa het " i glin, who Rev R.1 brother's, ken aw tucket Rev, W returned health Mr ronto, shire, H wmes Mrs geton, 0 Charles New Ye where hes and are m wth, scored one to Miss Mabel Dal prize for points played in Janu- | Mis¥ Beatrice Birch; prize for] in Fébruary, to Miss Mand price for points in March to Mabel Dalton. * + + | i Mrs. George McKay, Stuart street, | was hostess, on Friday afternoon, at | a most enjoyable tea, when the guests | were Mrs. J. L. Gurd, of Montreal, Miss GG. Rankin, gf Strat ford, and Miss M. Tett, of Newhoro. I'he tea table looked very pretty, with | a basket full of pik carnations, and | ROBERT smilax arranged on a handsome lace | aes sol with the centrepiece. Mrs. A, W. Winnett pour- in Grant Hall on . 4 Kay eof -------- teas re. Jha Ye Kay soured the | William Faversham in "The hey were assisted by Miss Edith | William Faversham will present Young, Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Dora {new play, "The Faun," at the Grax Oldrieve, Miss Florence Williamson, Thursday, April 6th The Faun" Miss Tett und Miss Hazel Massie. Dur- | was written for Mr. Faversham by Ed ing the alternoon the guests were de jad Knoblauch, nature of lighted with vocal solos from Miss Tet: stoty pre nt nd Miss Massie, of great novelty * * 2 je In this play jolly luncheon was given {personates a faun, Club, on Friday, in hou | Pay, the god of Audrey Durnon and Wiss [1 might indicate New York. Covers were | pure fa and the table case pretty comedy that of night is d m ton; ar points Betis; Misx to ol honor CHARLESWORTH, Bheffield April 1st ist Ch ed ; Faun." fee, icek his a +3 the entertamm and {the mises { an { and dramatic Mr. | being in & wersham im the hepherd the play this 15 not entry Mr. Knob natural ele son of While w A the or of Tuliet Jad for vory the that Lovniry Miss Barues, fourteen daintily arranged with dils The guests wee iss Lassi Kirkpatrick, Miss Dorothy Hill, Mi Charlie Shortt, Miss Dorothy Ca ruthers, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Doris Rent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Mar gery Brownfield, Mise Madge Dawson Miss Vera Carson, Mass Sylvia © i Miss Helen Gordon. e+ Jenkin and Miss A. Jenkin street, were the hostesses of | a pretty tea at their home a-glow with lights and flowers. The tea tabl in charge of Mrs. J. Hughes and Mr: ( Ie Carteret, was attractively ar ranged with cluny lace, a large vase : with smilax ~ draping jsham is supported by a ine I'he assistants were Miss | | His leading lady beautiful Bisonette and Miss May |UPPe Mills The out-of town guests wer Mr. J. LL. Gurd, Montreal and Mis Gi. Rapkin, Stratford. * > Lindsay Malcolm, Earl street entertained informally at a five hun dred party, on Friday evening, in honor of Miss Gertrude Rankin, of Stratford, - The guests included Miss Fdith Young, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss Edith Fraser, Miss Florence Wi liamson, Messrs. Bruce, Amers, Bert vam, Sterling, N, Polson and Doug! Ellis * 0 Mrs. N. Leslie, Bagot street, en- tertained - diner, on Thursday even: ng. LJ "* * The Licutémant-Governor and Mrs Gibson and & large family party from Toronto, will come to Kingston, in a privaie car, on Wednesday, to atteml the assault-at-arms at the Royal Mili tary College. They will return to To- ronto on Thursday. Lo The commandant, staff and gentle. | men cadets, Royal Military College Canada, have issued invitations for their annual assault-at-arms for Wel nesday afternoon and evening, March 20th. La BR J Miss Bessie Weese entertained at tea for the Queen's girls of het vear, arts "13, on Thursday afternoon. Miss May Nash, vice-press of the year, re ceived with Miss Weese. * Mrs. I. Is 1 sv, * faun ny his woods was dafio ves fields, London, ight m , the and 3 Y one wanders into overed bath As where | [he i in a fountain he 18 taker a hur bay whatever it dramatist has end that secured of "The being, As the about easily riothed stor w house, then the ins un knows entions nothing of hie, the to results the yel 13 conv may » imagined that stilized the theme some surprising Ir. Knoblauch, aun," had the greatest {cmrrent on the Loudon | same being 'Priscilla Runs the Haymarket Theatre rane an in 1} 1 he I Mis. J the Princess are author SUCCE now the at aver stage, Away," Mr. F¥ company Julie of earnations, the table Walsh, Miss 1% the As George Sces the Peers, David "Llc from Wales, ** heard him many Carnarvon. Speaking in once ridiculed in Carnarvon {tof lords. He said averag | thought so much of himself | prayers he always made { known passage run; Surely goodn the davs House of obe vd-Leorge 8% a ver id Mrs or is A Welsh, er. I've the at family one well i merey "shall { life, and Lowdsg for liollow me all my I will dwell in the London { A Well-founded Preference, If there i {which vou le tire-buving wall heed in this any she uid is ularly { eve | "That man is no in tries to talk vou out af yong prefer ence for Dunlop Tar urs who Heaven on Earth. "The man died eating watermelons, some one said to Brother Dickey "Yes, sub," he said. "Providence sometimes puts. us in paradise beio' we gits ter heaven." --Bufialo Times, flowers, Purdy. Mrs. Ui. Sleeth has returned to her home, lan's Bav, after spending the week visiting friends in the ety. Napanee council has given $100 fo the Kingston General Hodpitsd funds Wobbly Nervas ? It may be from Cat + C. Stevenson and Miss Helen | Crowg won the President's Prize in the | ladies doubles at the armouries last | Saturday afternoon, i The Bri ub win meet for the | too much coffee last time this season at Mrs. W, A! . Mitchell's, William streat. i Quit, avd try Mrs. A.W, Cooke, "Haseldell," ay P 0 5 T U M ° + Nea W Hughes Sud" Net two soins, Earl street, arrived home from Mon- not receive again till after Easter. 'There's a Reason" DAILY BRITISH WHIG, IFROM THE F ARMED MERS BY 11 | : : |opinion } wl | 8 ATURD. AY, MARCH 25, PAR i TIES, 4. Donaldson Reciprocity--It That the Bleed the Farmers, March have your pape: forth ou the Uttawa reciproeity for be such the people question tor monster con the liberals 1803 was to A atform for the panty ft the approaching gene One of the prinapal the platform adopted ut was tariti revenue only at the 'next els the people of ¢ piatiorm by to ve W. for Comes is Time, He says, Ceased to iy d i "niterest It the | of read 10d floor arding in Ma set parhament at proposed i vey agreement, {1 am at a loss understand of of Canada | there should a difference among it - deleg ention bald of 'the do Ihe object onsider a | go tu add t hotor be a ile attend a by Ottawa i J ine, nm that convention country on at { eieClions | planks in | that Hin | tions, al thy time INu6, tor general sda the overwhelming are told that an returning power with And yet {the government has'. ithe people tu carry reciprocity agreement. | It has been shown that {of assets over expenditure A we Hig out the the surplus the last has reached over 360.0600. shows that the tanff amount required for may be that cireuny changed since 1896. We admit that such is the this makes the necessity for ansion our trade all rent inry has ge in the have ac- Millionaires but how attribute their of the soil? there Car anto samo in {fiscal vear | von, | which i the It have aN ec eds ves sand | stane are we free to but ler ge jen , ol {the ir Dur « ni rrone i | und a wonderful ¢ Many ith of development great wea counted hy Yay cumulated {are now scores of wealth t How m {ada to-day sport mobile and life that manufacturers can farmer may. take 313,000 in & farm. By the for his farm, stocks and equips will have invested the above amount What, then, has he to face? He has to take off his coat and work hard from twelve to sixteen hours day for bar living. This state {of affairs driven many of our far- { mers off farm and forced them I! th where they ean make | i those the farmers wuLo oan tiling jmany ) in Ans are can in the 0, enjoy in wn) A and in v it time he pays it, he ng a | | | | i | a has the into ey, an easier living. Then, if we take the duties, we will find that of farmers figure very mall in the revenue drawn by the government from that source A hy does this state of afiairs exist Simply because the farmers have been Hos sed by their more fortunate coun- | trymen Under the existing protec- tariff they are made to pay tri- manufacturer, to rail ay monopoly and combines of every form. We gpoor fed those great infants for over thirty {vears and 1 should think it high [time for them to paddle their own snccession the estates | conceivable have is feanoe | Give legrislZtion tillirs of the 1 hey wealth producers of Make them prosperous by good markets, and P other ir will prosper without the bottle dreak combi s the doors of trade oper } the has riculturalists that will foster soil is \ he are the our coun j ureat {try {them stress giving Shek the throwing I belies the domimor voke of be heard election ha birthright He come this the will at time will on having and general insist hondage AL from irrdpective remove the of party ties, them of DONALD- next hitherto robbed Ww. J which e thee SON. Lethbridge to Have Building. Lethbridge, Alta, March 24 city council has to ihe The decided award the erection of the exhibiticn at Smith Bros. & The cost i the build- of Win- for building for The tend will accepted £35 000, the contra main An once Wilson ill be w of ibout AT ill ba finest west Expect Great Benefits, Washingt March 25.--Representa ampbell, of Kansas, who has ' m recentiy view of rea procity, President Taft for a few yments vesterday, Mr. Campbell said that the Canadian farmers are expect. ing great benefits from the removal of American duties on their products and treaty onl, tive ( wada been travelling gathering the Canad w m are enthusiastic over the The Finishing Touches. "The famous epitaph placed on the monument over her husband's grave by a woman up in Maine, 'Rest in peace until I join you,' has almost a duplicate in a sign on the door of a doctor's office in a downtown office buiMing," says George A. Schueider This sign reads, 'Do not absolutely abandon hope until you have ween nie." "Cleveland Leader. Suitable. "That young painter's wife is not pretty mor clever, hut she is as good as she can be." "Then I suppose he married her for economy's sake" "What do you mean "Why, isn't it economy for an ariist to marry ¥ model Baltimore Am- erican. Piles, fissures, etc, successfully treat ed without an operation. Write for free booklet and references. Dr. Hawke, 21 Wellesley street, Toromto. It takes 5 busy man to see through a joke and recognize the idiot be hind i "High class sweeks," Gibson's. How much money have you wasted in trying to get something for moth ing ? "Bay high class sweets,"" Gibson's. Ht sometimes happens that a pessi- mist is 3 married man who can't for get it, An ounce of scare is often worth a . . e ns i mandate from vented by proposed | re- | [BIRTHRIGHT ROBBED... | har ard Out contained Manufacturers {Ont., {Harmon { | ville, the | and | why ! i bs 4 endorsed | hiberat || {he became {of 1911. Doxtator Watertov counter abs we in supreme prose agaist N.Y aper tor, at frownviile Ww ANTS SEPARATION, Has Courts, The Doxtators w Ont came to They when have one ch { tember, 15 The wife' ye hived ' the treatm guage x { ber, 1910, tator Nove ab tnrea CAM ver and thre king on threatening wa t Later after he came to kill her, a she had t cause to live The cor a laint her she alley beat hor also ridiculous raj tifi, such window lighted jraintances he add as and mar groun the chi In a allegations of charges ti March ville with of desertion her cree anda { child. | hrm then eontinued on the woebegone figure crawled out the mire he saw his better ing teward him. Plucking up a he whimpered: Too Along and woman, stern-faced fe meek little front of Suddenly saw a bull rac hind them. in the hedge, canst ious ol au on bis way. Fhe bull caug spinning spirit, 'MM-Maria, that a-g-g-gain temper up, SO fork T at in as a Aug newspaper 1stus A had arisen bility of day for thirty Park ren. A Row would. w old mbex » | man Mrs that uren ving aparation Harsh a country fellow her with the She hut rh into inhuman abusive lan- -- In Séptem- Dox we and chok- n Browaville laimed that revol whith was the ins , exinbiting to kill aint a her sa) he wg out by he had would nother odeasion while they were Brownville, but was pre wha was with them. Doxtator had retired to whatever ick, be- great while ive streets at wal her, room threatening that nstanees that he wall being and anst the Doxtat imposed the plain- ent POT Appealed to the) I down | wa af mp men She de- | the | thw i and wried ham on in Brown: de- of the ms nome He asks a the d the i child groui dy or With Him. road walked ¢ The latter, le, was bullying ed head. turnir road be refuge un- kept who trig mst downcast woman, down the quickly took her companion, it but his woes, t v muddy ditch, its mad earser. of com» little half f you'll warn Like my hit reall y you me get Ideas. ve Real Capacity. Ti r cont dinner stor There ' nm An Exceptional Case, money "Yes, there i ng ho Wa if heats Her vid Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days, Your druggis Paco Ointn t Itching ing Piles ir , Blin 1, Bleeding te if case Protrud Sx Hous fail = an 1a da I "Buy When doesn't A horse "Buy a know like a wom what infants' Peruna," and makes erect she aagh. foods 'Gibson's. up to him and sent | As' of | i | been | er ps Se » in A "Killed by Whiskey' But the Doctor, Through Respect to His Family, Said it Was "Heart Failure." THE NEWSPAPERR of this report the number of , giving con actual deat FULI should the whale I "WET NEVER OR AG the ple, Pee in Cans Every vietim of DRINKER DEBASING 1 POISON dr by ink a at was never he Moderate dr ing, and has the same END th it just wit Alcohol tually Ww vourself as off Sl Ir'o-1 life Come to the Gatlin Institute ya have EVER MADE ia your ment will remove every trace end of the THIRD DAY you will anvkind of alcoholic liquer. Your your appetite. better than in vears properly without the stimulus of 1 alee After vou have taken the Gatlin treatment wt SATISFIED returned to institute, if vou it will be immediately cuted contract, are y Ve PARTICULARS liquor drinker excuses himself from being a SLAVI steady drinking a of alcoholic go home with NE ONLY ONE would for directly traceable in each anid DRY" proposition be AIN would there bx ntry MONTH hs drix if ' lot Case, at « end sabmi y drop tied { for being the declaring that he is but a MODERATE in his hfe, a , periodic « cumulative poison OWLY AS QUICKLY, JAY In MOVE Uatkin it wi be the THREE DAYS poison from your BEST the that treat. At tha fesire fiw le stromg system no craving ot RVES will be and he vital or yur bendy vhol, steady { gans ol working and the are to beave the treatment an ready fee paid for embodied ek for That »Q. 1% wn a HOME TREATMENT Home Treatment is f The Gatlin the followed. institution. is effective in are Call information. wr write, telephone or telegr North 4538 < lelephone GATLIN INSTITUTE for aph, for hod those whe t conveniently Ch case where plain, simpde dire ik 28 Jarvis Street TORONTO, ONT, Cor. Maitland St. A, Hargrave, Mgr, GOOD FOR N RVES, Women Stand Little Show of Curing Themselves, little show curing and temper, Enrico Serafini, silence the deurasthenia and all Women stand of themselves of nerves cording to Dr. Italy, wh® says cure for disorders. "Nervous depression and neurasthe nia are due--it results after diligent re search"--said Dr. Serafini, to-day, "to a tendency to talk too much. Now, to talk does not mean to sound letters, but a mental effort which excites the entire nervous system. The effort of thinking, of making up phrases, of listening to and forming arguments with of being attentive to them, of co-ordinating the thread of onversation All these things in tensify a general awakening of the which finally results in ner. ous breakdown, "Persons medical r remarked and this silence i the first order tient--that York World, mw of only nervous hearers, person, L who eeords fe are not loq show, have their goin tly octor iamous always w dire ad absolute gives quiet." A Contortionist, solemnity of the meeting disturbed when the eloquent ing theologian pictured in glowing The was mewhat ds the selfishness of men who spent ir evenings at the club, their in loneliness at home. Think; =rry= ers," said he, 'of or, neglected wife, all alone in the at dreary rocking the cradis eeping babe with one foot and her tears with the oth Tit-Bits leaving wives po gre of her sl wiping house, Away London There is said to be happiness among FOme vage gribes where money known, 'Buy infants' foods," Gibson's Swdetrack fair weather friends saving vour money for a ramy day sa is un. at by ai 9, \ , Cook's Cotton Root Compound The great Uterine Tonio, and only wear effect Monthly Regulater on which women can depend, § in thrge SE - of strength--No. 1, & J degree wironger, i No: Jor pial cases, per, a 7 all dru ta or wend Ps on receipt of price J Juinphlot, Address: Tw Coox Mraweine Oo., TonenTo, Vormerly Windsor Silverwear Let us have it to replate. the time; also Skates Nickel Plating and Electro PI {log of all kinds. Nickel, Copper, Brass, ete. We guarantee a good job. PARTRIDGE & SONS a WESK, Every Woman evind » w Now 1s W he cannot supply the SARVEL acoRpt no other, oe directions ave -- he ° , ladies. WINDSOR SUPPLY CO., Windsor. Ont. Ficnnral Awents fue Cp 0000000000000 000000000 CLEANING BLANKETS. Send these works Wie clean return them to you the or iginal fluffine retained R.PARKER & CO., Dyers and Cleaners, 69 Princess Si, Kingstes, Ont. - 0000000000000 0000000s blankets to cleaned well and with all and your to be them sofine Skin Comfort is largely a matter of the soap you use. The greatest amount of skin comfort--skin cleanliness and skin health 1s daily use of assured by the But get * Baby's Own" and do not accept any soap that omly resembles ** Baby's Own" and is made as cheaply as possible to kook as nearly like ""Baby's Own" asthe law permits, ALBERT Soars LiMiTED, Mrrs., MONTREAL.

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