Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1911, p. 3

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Dr. Martel's Female Pils SWUNG INTO TREE HE IS A DEFAULTER EICHTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD | Prescribed and recommended for women's sil ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proves | worth. The result from their use is quick and | permanent. For sale at all drug stores. SPIRELLA CORSETS. THE TDEAL BONING. (5 LEE iN Corset free if he oning | breaks or rusts in one year. A style fur every Iigure Aspolutments made by eard or 'phone 37 RGARET DUNNETT, Cotuetiiere, 100 Welllugton Street. Phone STA Geo. Mu Muller &Son ¢ Carpet Cleaning, Sewing ' und Laying, Ricyeles, Go farts and fHaby (Carriages $ repaired, A479 King St.g ' Spiing Time IS Wiring Time KINGSTON, ESTIMATES SHEERFLL LY GIVEN FRER Bop CHARGE. W. A. Sprig gs & Co. Elec op C TIZES cx 107 PRINCESS STREET, 'Phone 68. . Near Bagot NOTICE On and after April 1st the Coal and Wood Business con- ducted by me will be known as the Jas. Sowards Coal Co. All accounts will be ren- dered April 1st, and must be pald on or before April 15th After above dafe accounts will be placed in the hands of our Solicitor JAS. SOWARDS. G16 1A il 0100 iv Wo ¥, { ; og Duplicate Telephone 7B Lt : a 14 BYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONN, ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family or any male over 1% years old may homestead a quarter section of available Dominion land in Manitoba, Baskatchewan or Alberta The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub- Agency for the district, Entry by prox) may be made at any agency, on certain Sougditions, by father, mother, son, aughter, brother or sister of intending i steader [Muties --8ix months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and octupied by him or by his father mother; son, daughter, brother or sister In certain districts a homesteader in gO standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price, $3.00 per acre. Duties--Must reside up- vn the homestead or pre-emption si» months in each of six years from date of homestead an (Including the time r homestead patent) ade cuitivare A ry acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted nia homestead right and cannot obtalr a pre-empti.n may enter for a pur. chased homestead in certain districts $3.00 per acre. Dutles- ust Foals six months in each of 'hres years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a Bouse worth 300 hy . W, CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the a Interior N.B-Unauthorized publication o this advertisement will not be pald for Whether it is bare floor, matting or carpet, , DUSTBANE carries all sweepings be- fore it, and prevents the dust from rising. It is real health insurance in HOUSE CLEANING, Yours for health. DUSTBANE All Grocers. ROR Packed in barrels or kegs for Btore, Office or School use. - SOLD BY a ee er For the EASTER BRIDE | "WE OFFER ABSOLUTELY i NOTHING oF UNCERTAIN QUALITY." [ KITCHEN CLOCK, DUTCH DESIGN, WITH EGG TIMER ATTACHMENT $6.00 SILVER FLOWER AND BEAUTY ED Saras . HANR-PTERCED BASKET, TALL -Y DESIGN. . a PE Se! ERLING BON BON SILVER WITH FINE CHINA PLATES ON SILVER RACK ... $22.00 COMBINATION Li EARL 2000000000000 00000e RUNAWAY TRAIN IN COLLISION. WHEN CAME i to the | Himself--Presentations | Misses Rogers, Who West, | Gananoque, iker's frisky team gras William Baker, took Inght {¥nternational hotel, yesterday fie and started at good | Main street. As thev came in lof Charles Macdonald's one of {ines broke and the horses striking | tree, the driver seized one of the fer branches and swung himself up | the tree, and the team, S {% ammen's residence, ran astride i it other (ree, breaking the neck-y fand rig, one horse rumming out lice and the other stopping at | way wharf. Gananoque's new board of trade {a well-atlended session in town buildings, last {port of committees. {gain in. membership {two weeks. Ihe town council, in lappeal for assistance from library, has appointed Mayor (and Councillors McParland and 1 lor as a committee to look weeds of the library and report on advisability of continuing the grant t¢ {that institution The Third Form Gananoque high school held a court session, vesterday afternoon, the assembly hall, under the sion of Miss A. A! Howson, teacher, when, on a complaint Mise May Wilson, Alwwvn wraigned before Judge | Chiles Harrie, Clare been confined to time past with Latimer has been laid up with grippe for the pat week. Morrison Acton Queen's, who has been confrmed to his home, illness, for the past twee weeks, able to be out again E. Shurtlif has been confined to his home by illness for the past few days Mrs. Thomas (dover spent a short time in Kingston this week. Mrs. H Griffin has returned from a short visit in Mallérytown. W. V. Battams spending the past Hew days with rela in Tweed, has returned home. A Faylor left, this morming, for Jor Miss Gimblett, Kingston, gues Pine street, for the returned home yester are Ba driven by ot near the mor speed down front the Mc near the evening showed a during the answer to ihe the public Rogers ay into tin Literary Society oi Ve mn siiperyi moder ns by was we 8 for ankle. F home SOI a spraiped here, by is tives Ww. rento of Miss Glover, past jew days, dav A pleasing incident took place last evening, alter the session of the Y.P.S in Grace church, when a handsome sett of Parkman's works was present: ed to Miss May Rogers, and a hand some club bag to Miss Edith Rogers, are leaving for the west at an date. A neat address was read Jackson. The presentatior Clifford Sine. Al Kinds of "Sports. lacrosse may be taken up in public schools, Nix clubs have entered the Western Canada baseball league, Renfrew will place a team Ottawa Valley baseball league. The Vancouver amateur lacrosse teen may go to Europe in 1912, The United States amateur cham pionships will be held in Boston, April 10th and 11th. George Mullin, the Detroit aims to surpass Cy, Young's as a major league star, He has with the Tigers nine seasons. The bill to permit spring duckehoot ing on Long Island passed the New York State Senate, but was defeated in the assembly. The National who early by J. was made by the in the pitcher, record been Association of ama teur oarsmen propose to make Sara toga's the permanent course for the American rowing championships. The Frankfort enicket club, of Philadelphia, purpose making a tour of the western coast in September They will play in Winnipeg and Van couver. The Amateur Swimming associa: tion bas put a ban on races between opposite sexes, which induces Miss F. Smith, one of Canada's best lady swimmers, to say the association is getting alarmed lest the improvement by the fair sex lead to their suprem sc, Germany's, Growing Millions. Buffalo News. Still the population in the . father land increases, and there "is scarcely room for further expansion. Nuremberg, the town of the toys, had a population of some 50,000 twelve years ago; to-day, she has 300, - 000. Berlin has, in » pulation race, passed Chicago. Hamburg has near a million. Leipsic, Dresden, Mu- nich, Cologne, Breslau, each of these approximates 500,000 souls, their po- pulsation. having doubled within ' the last twelve years. Nor is this growth of the German cities a draft upon the German country, for the country, too, is crowded, It is plain that Germany is about te face a problem that may well be serious one; a proplem of which none \dave forecast the solution. Holds Veil in Place. Get the narrowest kind of round elastic, the same color as the veil {pain} the white elastic with water colors for a colored veil}, and whip it over the extreme odge of the veil, tak- only a single thread all around. Inely any cut edges, but afterwards pare them off neatly with a small pate of scissors. Fasten in hack with tight knot, The veil | is slightly goer ed on the elastic, ly uly sauder chin and over Sutin Tu ter ytha i is ra Hyacinths, valley. Purdy. E. McKay Edgar's motor boat, Maple po HI. showed a wonderful burst of spesd in a trial on the So- lent, making 494 knots an 0: hour. This is claimed as a world's Admiral Dewey has dentin Presi to represent the dent Talt's offer navy at King George's coronation, saying he was too old. Arthur Xuudusn; miley, has been sent -- 'entral prison for eighteen months for stesling from his father's "iy infants' foo * at Gibson" Wr ; in be in | The Way a Gananogiie Driver Saved] Going co J them RE nly BRITISH WHIG, Es Fa TAX SHY COLLRC THINS F SOME $11,000, AR Sensation at Anprior--On Promise That Friends Will Make Up De- ficit' No Prosecution Will Begun, be Ottawa, March 25.---A bomb-shell dropped into their midst could not { have caused a greajer sensation in the town council of Arnprior than the J uncement made by Mayor Mc. i Lachlan that John Mattson, chief of police and tax collector, has confessed that he is short $11,216 in his 'ac OUR Ly Since January the council have been i demanding the retiirn of the 1908 1909 rolls from Mattson, who 1} on the pretext that amo f were still following on arrears Eventually, on Friday last, in j tawa, it is alleged, he told the mayor {of his shortage, saying that he lost {the money in bad investments For the past twelve years lias heen the most trusted official of town, no audit demand for the tax rails having been made. He al ways retained three or four in his pos session, The it Mattison the or council communicated with th United Fidelity and Guarantee com- pany, of Toronto, in which Mattson is bonded for 85,000, and Inspector Gog man, after learning the cir greed with the town solicitor lay no charge, Mattson promising to make good the shortage, stating ' friends will pay up in full. is lying ill at his home with attack of recurrent bronchitis a umslans to that hus The chief a severg REEVE Town GODKIN Clarendon The Chinese Plague. The plague which. is now ravaging China seems, says New Yark Out look, to be of an exceptionally vir alent type. Of $36 cases recorded hy the Russians at Harbin, 843, or near ly ninety-nine per cent., terminated fatally. The period of sickness gemerally short--oftey only and in one case death came the was a few hours in ni appearance of the Phe di an epidemic ty mmutes after the rst gecognizable culty of his kind increased by hits ol the Chinese, and by their at tude toward Earopean--amd especial v Russian physicians. A irculation among the wee that the Russians deliberat ntentionally introduced nto Manchuria, with a populating the country could more easily This story the ignorant and naturally they from the Russian 18 far as possible, anitary measures. symptoms combating 18 greatly report lower-class Chi iv the View ) tee so that they ¢ Mel ot upy believed by mvade it. 18 general and suspicious coulies, their doctors i the earrving conceal sick resist it of Who Won? The Duke of Welli letter from a lady, vas soliciting = thsoriptions for a tain church, and had takem the liber ty to put his name down for £200, nd hoped he would prompt her a check for that amou forthwith replied that he $ ed in a certain church whieh subscriptions, and, is porrespondent's well-known liberality, he had put her down for £290 And he concluded, ~d pass between us late vt g once saving she oer send He erest needed upon counting m so,' "no money ne stmt A Legal Holiday. "Bindlesworth seems to rather upon his wife with awe." "Yes, I him yesterday, and wanted to borrow $5 from me. | ed him why he didn't for it, and he replied that he was unable to conceal * 'Why, bless me ! I'd forgotten that the banks were open to-day, just the same. You see, this is my wife's birthday.' "Chicago Record: Herald. " Ox met he ask go to his bank with surprise Once in a great while You meet 5 woman who is given to retailing gos- sip--but the majority are wholesale distributers, The Toronto Board of Fdacation is asking for $503 000, wherewith to build public schools. The failures ip the dominion week reached 23; same week, 1910, TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to April 16th, 11, for any or all parts in the eree- tion of a Brick Methodist Church in the Village of Odessa, Ont. Plans and specifications Seen at the office of J. C Odessa An accepted cheque of one hundred 2 18Fs must accompany each rantee of good faith. If tender i or cepted cheque will be return- All material furnished. Lowest a any tender not nec essarily accept- this 27. may be Fraser, Signed on behalf of ballding com- mities, J. ©. BELL, Chairman. J. ©. FRASER, Sec LIME For Sale REST FOR PLASTERING STONE AND BRICK WORK. H Mi 9 SATURDAY, MACH HAmusements. ( GRAND 1 OPERA) MOUSE ) FRIDAY, MARCH 31st Frontenac Team, - and Edwin tine.) THE ROSARY Compiete Magnificent Production, Grorgeous Eleetrieal "Effects. ---- Presentation to Hockey Ed. W Réwlaud Clifford 25, 35, 3 TI. SLon, An Excellent | Se -------- -------- Seats on Sule Tuesday. | =3. 1911 PAGE THIER, PE sesssststassbestse ---- vvvevevvy 4 } @ |B | The People's Forum fa * 4 4 4 v1 & rrr EI SSI vvetss tv] 'ONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST. . FOR SALE. p--p-- -------- - - - re a mae-- -- - First Insertion le a word. Each con-} BU L1 mire H FLP BRINDLE AVDA MANDO an GEITAR, AND « OR- secutive insertion thoreafier half cent | k a word. Minimum charge for one io mr -------------- sertion, 23¢: three insertions, Soe; HELT, WATH GUILTY MECKLE six, $1: one month, £2 : : HELP--WANTED, '£ sip] YUU SQUARE MIANG, IN EXOEd hl ONE CONT IN. 3 SECOND-HAND - - MAPLE BROWN PURE, : LEAP SMALL Apply, D ta ¢ e Company. THURSDAY, April Gta "Back Nature with Roars of Laughter™ WILLIAM FAVERSHAM With JULIE OFF asd Admirable Players, In the most Original, CUalque and Mirth-proyoucking ( emedy of Gar Time. THE FAUN A Beautiful Production, © Sale Friday, . BL3O. 4 rows 82, Griffin' S.. THEATRE Thursday, Friday & Saturday MARCH 23vd, 24th, 25th. Expensive Engagement of! the Musical Copes | in their High Class Descriptive Vocalist and Comedienne! 5 REELS MOTION PICTURES. TWO HOURS' ENTERTAINMENT. Matinee at 2 van. Evening at 7 and 9 pom... Admis- sion, '10c. Children accompanied with guardian, Se, Bolg 54% SHEFFIELD Musical Festival TWO HUNDRED VOICES, Direction of Dr. Harriss Coward, GRANT HALL Saturday Evening, APRIL 1st -- Seats on" Sale Uglow's Friday, March 24th, § $100, $1 $2.00, Mail orders will re prompt attention and at 0G ARCHITECTS, ARCHITECT, ETC. 'Phone 345. HENRY PF, SMITH, 258 King Street. ARTHUR University 1013. ARCHITECT, . ELLIS, . Telephone, Avenue. WM... tects, ete. Office, "Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS ME n- chants' Bank Buliding, Brock and Wellington 'Phone 212 Streets CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, \ KELLAR, 56-Divisi on e prices on all Al work done DROP A CARD TO C HAS. Carpenter id St, nr re kinds of Jobbing promptly. DROP A CARD TO Joli R. MAYEL L) O arpente r and Joiner, 263 Syden-! ham Street North, for reasonable | prices on all kinds of Jobbing work THEE EEI Itt 0N tree | + BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. : The Dally Britiah Whig, The Weekly British Whig, Of Kingston, Ont, Price and circulation consider- ed, there is no better advertis- ing medium in Canada. * i BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE, ANYWHERE, CAN START a mail order business at home. Nu | canvassing Be your own boss Send for free booklet * how | Heacock, 236% Lackport yY. i N T $10.006 PROFITS IN SIX MONTH high-ciass business enterprise erating ir South America, w ive $26 000 in preferred stock sor | 10.600 cash John Butler, Jacobo Bide, Ml NOT SEND ANY MONEY OR PU R- chase any ofl stock of as without | first sending for fall information: | also Sqnaul it Dun and Bradstreet as ts pur integrity _ and financial standing; M we ofntot make yom per cent. per annum, do not} price, 33¢ June Rah. Juan! " any, Denver Calo . 306 Chromicle Ride QUEEN'S STUDENTS Whe want a gr money make Get, the Griffin Habit Novelty Musical Act! Miss Nellie Parker, | f Dir. 1816 NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHIE | 0 268 Bagot Street. | corner | All Aone promptly and neativ i ie APABLE OLD COUNTRY are f . ted: i 294444444443 i { AT THR a. SERVANT, APPLY, sof i nn nRi-| STENOGGRAPHER Fre HARNESS HORSE, HEA SPRING GENERAL We . KITCHEN WOMAN APPLY, ANT \ Wil AP- A POCKET HOOK LAST WE 3 5 \ \¢ FOUND, re ---- ---- MAD Lr. GPE " Af rons. MACHINE rie Wr A GIRL POR oF "oe, HARD. THE TIN TENDER, AND UNE ey, 1s i*r So . Rings i {ny ti -------- a DENTAL, { MORE. GIRL TO WORK M3 ON 167 W 5 SEARKS AND SPARKS, Princess Street DE NTINT 8, Kings ------------------ [SHOR YOU NG MAN . : 12 y, the DDS, DENT. Nhs AN ELYE. reel. Tels LD L tt : ihcess St GROOM, =} OME ont Am ¥ | phone Morn I En | wemm-- : ; ! 8 Nasu, De YT | DR. ©, i v i {eid w {star 3 ee A FIRST LASS farence Po rm ra i" ss & THAT WELL a 1 STOR: EH MONTHLY TO ADVERTIS AND & ' : ! ata ¢ Foes era De ENTIST, 1 MONT. i : ar rincess Niree | | ox ae | - i $4 KXAPP, i . H. Emer x vhicag Phor § i ik, | vw ARTY BOYS, OVER 13 YEARS : Fort i . Poul way LEGAL. | SASOLENE. LAUNCH; iL. K : West = - en | fe } ben; b CUNNINGHAW & MUDIE, BRARRIST- | X '$1! tor Law Office i ! pes . LENGTH $50 MONTHLY 1\ND 5 I ers a EXPENSES, Clare ------ ae #0 > FINANCE AND INSURANCE swan BOY To IN MALLING | -- - - WANN RiGHy lepartn and Th s Assia M FOR INStrRANg FIAT INSTI RES Go i INURSE wun ooze om; --m------------ dj GENER AY A ide FoR INS an . | . at LRANCE FIRE, LiF P TENTS AND TWNINGS ed: fir | | FILL START yor EARNING 84 DALY | I ry ' £ | ' . . ! & ' X a; A... BATEMAN REPRESENTS i Red the 'rolect ors Und Mas HIVES nes AND Fras jay LV Cow SALESMAN w FANTED Jeon JMPRUY. ------------ -- [ RRONTENA( MARLERS, - 1 me ted i IN ST. {Joint HS, 1 YE.Y LOAN AND 1 OCT ie : tat Cartwriyt |All Seats, 3c. | Bhest wag nd : | ing' a hard da ! < Ly i LAN on WOMAN WANTED ¢ k at home p aying $2.00 Py day, with 'opor ity t $214 advante: Epare time can be used | LIVERPODL, LOoNDOY, AND GLOBE | : work not difficult ana requires t Fire Lusurmmes-+ company whi experience Winston, Limited, assets, §6i is | Spadina Ave, Toronto wiiieh the | #acurity the al ie L000 FOR Fat RE HO SES: RENT {ors Nix ror MEN AND WOMEN i a rg | Ly i TANTS LADIES BU PLAIN FURNITURE FINISHER. TO LET | WT FY RNITUNY sr ' A SPECIALTY, lrnov ist arn, DOBLE OFF bs | DESIR ALY BRICK HOS CLERKS TO SEL y bh needed in e UPHOLSTERER, ; 1 nel STORAGE FOR PERNITURE, GAVINE, NE Drop a card of } UPHOLSTERING, OCEAN STEAMSHIP AGENCY SUITS ROOMS, 1x1 oF DING SIT. WAREHOUSE MAN, LANTI LINES, ALL CLASS. og Mar \} 9 K i BRIGIIY, St yxy HOUSE, Now 0a | ¥ < | # | rt WANTE D--GENERAL. | i 2 y J " HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. bbsssapaty HOTEL, ONTARIO ST. SPLENDID SEveEsx.nooM Hovsy BRUNSWICK posite good {ONTARIO AND SA. VETER AN SCRIp | © bu) § J. 8. R. McCar { 61 Brock re GOOD HOUSE oN T-ROOW THE GRIMASON HOTEL, TO HUY, AT i . eet. Ha weibhhing -------- ---------------------------- J t ' r t i INTELLIGENT PERSON a Recommend t $ earn $106 monthly for newsnapers a Bend for particular cate, 3.9 $69 Lockpor ONCE. from 1,200 20 HORSES. pounds up- ® -- DWELLING, { i, | AN arrespe - IVAas 'ress Byndi- N.Y MEDI( 3. F. SPARKS. fA. Wn, i and A AL. DOMES. > ry Sh AN De nLE nioK HOI S§, | +400 estate rd + PEE bbD * PPR Pere EVERY work tri ir rep Street OF Fen AIRING DE FOR Tar ng ¥e 206 Barrie SALE OR TO LET. x xT1 Nave = -------------- INGSTON WINDOW BUSINESS Company Spring ears onc you will want vo ed Now fe the orders in before me a card 21 Montreal Str All orders promptly attended 10. : * $ $ i 3 i OSTEOPATHY. GENTLEMEN TO BRING Cloth and have !t made up date suits. Price ship guaranteed to p and repairi ng Sane ¢ notice Th Galloway Brock St bg si i & Livery TRER f------------------_-- te . "HEALTH WITHOUT : Ashereft. DO. Fd DO, Gradustes the . Found: Princess "Phone 447 itation and hours, 10 to 12 at Gs, nr. " Loh TO 1 msm, wart _ PERSON ALS, mRTHMARKS, ved permanently Twenty veours' sx. br f Laks Eye, lem Kolin Wood ANY PERSON HAVING cond-hand Furniture before Srpeang Aron 1 will pay geod prices sale Brass and lron Bed kinds of Furniture in Dak Happy Thought Ranges Will sell reason able J. Thompson, 333 Princess Street 2106 Goon SH ESTABLISHED 1488, TEACHERS WANTED, ------ Jon SCHOOL SECTION ~ uth Crosby and Leed Last fall we put in a lot of fresh cut Pine and Hemlock. We are spliting it up now for spring and summer lires. WANTED, I ny ai hay = ° 'To UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES AND Cricket Clubs Wanton soxnie-

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