Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1911, p. 2

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PAGE TWO. All Furs sent to us for storage, first | 4 An electric go mto the cleauing room. of dust heater removes every particle ns well as any moth eggs that may be in the garmeut. When Shoroughly cleaned, and the matted fur car ully vombed out, the garments are hung om shoulders, in our storage vaults, Receipt covering lows issued after roeeipt and examination of goods. Telephone 459, our Storage Waggon will call John McKay Early in March customers to buy wl once while the stocks were large They are doing it, and many are hav- ing their goods stored untll needed They avoid the rush and have a big cholee, and are certain to have their wants supplied just when needed We advised our If we hyve any specialty it is in the Upholstering Our Parlor Sule styles are unequalled The work is the very best Phe covers carefully selected from English and Frénch makers. You don't tire 'using or ad. miring our make. I'rices are lowest Our pew American designs at $36 and $330 are great Polished Mahogahy finish. Slik coves 1811 aleum, Carpets Lin- Rugs, Shades licloth, Curtains, shops and Our - Repair do thelr work good and Upholstering promptly, cheaply 'Phone 90 T. F. HARRISON CO. $25 Yours Best yet | Vacuum Cleaner, tried. -% Arriving Daily NEW 60ODS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Mattings from China and Japan, Silk Drapes from Constanti- nople. Rugs from Persia, and Germany. Lace Curtains from Switzer- land, Carpets and Ollcloths from England. Linoleums from Scotland. Art Denims from Boston. Austria, S000 P2200 0000 R. McFAUL. WARKNOUSE. crassa a efptioRetetetttotetene $8pring is the "Moving Time" Are you a vietim the moving habit? In other words, do you find it Im- possible to find a house that suits you at the rent you want to pay, and you move from one to another im your hope- less quest for an abode that answers your requirements? BUY A HOME. You'll have no rent to pay then and besides, if you want any improvement or alteration made you will not have to go to a landlord for it We are offering so many modern Womes for sale that it's almost impossible not to find one that will suit you ®t the right price and terms. of a BGuwilight . * + 0 An extra 'meeting of the Skating Club was given, on Thursday evening, 'and was greatly esjoyed. Among those noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Hal laway Waddell, Mrs. C. Ashby, Miss Frances Sulivas, Misses Mabel, Doro- thy and Marjory Brownfield, Misses | Phyllis and Charley Shortt, Miss Doro- thy Hill, and her two guests, Guernon and Miss Barnes, Miss GO Rankin of Stratiord, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Kirkpatrick, Nis Mamie Miss Helen © Gor- dun, Miss Lillian Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Nau Paterson, Misses Bessie, Eva aml Mabel Richardson, Misses Susie and Mamie Anglin, Miss {Vera Carson, Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Misses Rate and Minnie Gordon, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Lonore Hamilton, Miss Brooke of Birmingham, Eog., Miss Marion Lesslie, Miss Madge Daw son, Professor Davis, Dr. J. Gutman, Messes. John Davis, Arthur and Bart- | lett Dalton, Gordon Smith; E. C dersieeve, E. Van Lesslie, James Swift, |. and N. Morgan, Leonard Birkett, Frank Smythe, Albert Shannon, J. i Birkett, Archibald McCausland, C { Nelson, Rodger Clarke, P . | Baker, H. Richardson, John Calvin, {J. Conway, F. Aird, E. Bosak, A. W, i Browne, 1). Anglin, Murdock, R. Cal- vin, D. Marsh, Sidney McCann, | Mackay Meikle. ! * + ¢ and Mrs, M. C. Upper, the engagement Kathleen, to Mr. Purpee, of the Canadian ok of Com- !merce, Kingston. The marriage | take place early in April. { + Lassie Cmrrett, H. Mr | announce | daughter, Fi their Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lappen ane nounce the engagement of their daugh- | ter, Jane Eleanor, to John H For- {rest, of Brandon, Man. The wed- {ding will take place the first week in | April, + ¢ & Bateman returned N.Y., vesterday, spending thre weeks Mr. S. L. Rose * * » I'he officers of the R.C.H.A. will give a Bal Poudre in the City Hall, on the 26th April. Mrs. G. A ~chenectady, {she has been | vith her son, LE a J Farrand Pringle, who has [been spending some. time with Canon | and Mrs, oh, "Hazeldell," left, 'on Friday, for Montreal to meet Mr. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle wil then. go to Cornwall to visit Pringle's parents, Judge and - Pringle. Miss Jessie Reid, Princess street, ex- pects to go to Brockville on Monday Word has been received of the safe | arrival of Miss Jessie Dickson in Kelowna, B.C, (Continued on Page 6.) 2-YEAR-OLD DRANK WHISKEY. Consumed Half a a Pint and Was Deathly Sick. his parents were in another room, a two-year-old boy, son of a well-known family, on Wellingtom | street, got possession of a quart bot tle of whiskey, which had heen left on the table, and drank about hall a pint, deathly sick. A hurried call was sent to Dr. Han- ev, and the latter succeeded in brimg- ing thie lad around all right a very sick youngster for a time, how- ever, and will have mo love for "strong stuff' in the future. Public Notice. "Grant Hall" is an ideal place in which to liold the world's great "Shel field Musical Festival." The acoustics | could hardly be betler and the hall has a seating capacity of over 15M | people. Mr. Telgmann is to be gratulated the music and drama committees Queen's University to take the of the great shoir under their auspices, Mt Mes. J. While com of visit was of one, citizens are certainly showing that they, are in sympathy with this hig undertaking, as the seats are be- ing quickly taken up. management to place the price tickets within the reach of every and the } | American Capital Invested. United States Consul Johnson is {preparing for the department of com- merce and trade, Washington, a state ment of the capital invested by Ame rican concerns within the bounds of! his consulate. The total amount is (shout $2,000,000, of which fally one Miss ford Gil- | H.| Lyman, | | and | Cayuga, } de Mille will | from | where Dutton's, 209 with the result that he became | He was | the | i in being able to interest | possible tp place | PEGIvequent Iy ' ¢ . and Muslins the price of admission at a much lower rate than in other cities, owing to | And Lots ot Stier Goods not having to pay a high Opera | manufactured in Canada. House rent. It is ever the aim of the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs pbs Picked Ep by Re- porters on Their Rounds. Tulips, «ll galots, Purdy. Fresh eggs, 0c. J. Crawford. Bananas, 10e. 5 to-pight. Gilbert's Ross Pringle, Stella, spent the day in the &iy. Best's short stop cures for 15 cents. Waldron's have the new skirt in their mantle room. Sale of corsets, new spring styles, Dutton's, 209 Princess street. William McCandless, Princess street, went down to Brockville, to-day, at noon. 2 cans strawbermies, all coughs, pantaloon 25¢. J. Craw: William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. "What 1s True Religion" will be the topiy to-morrow evening mm Queen street church. Men's 82.20 boots 81.75 during sale Dutton's, 20% Princess street. George A. Batzman has sold his pro. perty at Sutton West, occupied by the Metropolitan bank. . Extra strong stockings, 205c. per pair. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. If vou are well insured you don't 'need to worry over what may hap pan. Get your policy from McCann, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. Pretty' infants' shoes, clearing prices. Dutton's, 209 Princess street. Police Constable Downey has laid up for a week, owing to but will resume his duties on (day. "Buy Peruna," { 2 cans strawberries, | ford. George Tuttle, marine engineer, has 'sold his fine brick dwelling on Bagot street, to Sergeant Fdward Charles Hubley. Great sale woollen 'silk mufflers, 25¢.; o'shanters, 10c., ete. Princess street. . { H. H. Gildersleeve is retained as manager of the new Northern Naviga- tion company. H. Richardson, Kiug- ston, is a director. | Roll butter, 23c¢.; eggs, | Crawford. Men's leather:lined boots, cost price. Princess street. | Alexander Hood, who has been em- ployed with R. J. Reid, undertaker, for some time past, leaves next week for the west, where he has secured a ! position. Call and see our value in corsets for 50¢c., o in Kingston, four hose supporters. Dutton's, 209 Princess Gilbert's. 200. J. 21 Me- been illness, Mon. at Gibson's. 25¢. J. Craw- goods, clearing; toques, 23c.; tam Dutton's, 209 We. J street. } Bananas, 10c. doz. to-night. Roll butter, 20c.; eggs, |G rawford. | Rome of the coal dealers have about run out of their supply of coal, and they are very anxious for the boats he get running. The severe cold weather has made a 'very heavy de mand | Roll butter, J. | Crawford. See the new pantaloon skirt Waldron's mantle room. Quite un number of farmers came to the market, with sleighs, Saturday | morning. Sleighing is still good in the country, the farmers say, but it is very bad in the city. Bananas, 10c. doe. to-night. Silbps s. Order vour corset now, perfect fit, from &3; shoulder braces, 5ie., epec pieig) id 209 26c.; eggs, " 20c. at ty made of abdominal supports hygiene waists, ete. Dutton's, | Princess street. The street railway sweeper was this morning clearing the tracks ispow and water. The force of the broom carried quite large pieces of gravel to the windows and merchants trembled for fear they would break The Trusts & Guarantee company, | limited, Toronto, are applving for {letters of administration in the estate {of the late Percy J. Kinsey, of Co- 'balt, Ontario, who died on or about | September 22nd, 1910 The estate jconsists chiefly of cash aud personal teffocts. out of AT THE POLICE COURT. Befor the trate. "Has anyone here seen Kelly some one whispered in the police court Saturday morning, and a man oi that | name popped up in the prisoners' box, [to answer to a charge of vagrancy | William Kelly is a marine fireman and The magistrate Three Cases lis looking for work. also up on a He said he cam. be James O'Dell was [ harge of vagrancy, irom Toronto and his record will looked up. John Brown, also of Toronto, arrested as a vagrant. Beth Brown and O'Dell were remanded a week. The, were arrested with Kelly on Rideau [ street, yesterday afternoon, a com- | plaint having been received that ° the men were begging from door to door. NAVIG ATION VE v ERY LATE was | half is invested in Kingston and Fron- | tenac Death of W. A. Myers. | At the Kingston General Hospital, lon Ratunday morning, W. A. Myers, » | resident of this city, whose home on University avenue, passed away as Li result of an illness of some duration irom pledro pueumonia. He was forty. six years of age and leaves a wile. is Syde nla Millinery Opening. On Wednesday, March 20th, following=days, Wiss Wood and Garvin will show, to the ladies Sydenham and vicinity, a beautiful | stock of spring and summer millinery. Kindly vive us a call, Mrs. Garvin, Sydenham. -- . The Rosary. A new play to be vity at the Grand on' po luced in this y, March | 71st, is the beautiful precio. "The A is ' from the pen The play no the condi. | homes of the present Rosary.' Rose. tions in many day. High Class Reading. : Regular 23¢. novels, Saterday, three fou Se Kingston News Co opposite | Boats be Delayed by i Weather Conditions. ' {| "At this rate it will be the middle of April before we have the opening of navigation," remarked a marine man to the Whig, last night. However, the general opinion is that the opening will be earlier than this. Avopestin to reports in local marine circles, opening at the port of Fiatecal will be just as late. It is { ctated that the government ice-break- ing boats are tied up at Three Rivers, owing to the thickness of the ice. All efforts to force their way above that point have been fruitless, and with the wintry weather of the t few days, | it is impossible to say just when an- { DXher attempt can be made to break i | { The will the ice. i Ex-Convict in Trouble. James Coulette, an ex-convict, was gathered in by the police, on Friday, jon a chargé of beigg drunk. He was fmed 31 and costs, when he appeared | beiore the magistrate on Setukday Harem Skirt View The Ottawa Citizen says' A King. ston mimister declares that he'll shoot San RDAY, ---- MARCH ---h 1911. TE ------------------ TWENTY-TWO MILLS Second Shipment of Madame Sherty Music Received TO BE KINGSTON | 8S. TAX R \TE| THIS YEAR. b to Ree -- Mowat Memoral Hospital ceive Civic Grant of Commitiees Will Get Grants. Larger Kingston's tax rate this year will twenty-two mills, iucrease of une avd one-half mills. The civic lmance an al a meet mg, the chairman, fixed the rate on Friday evening, when was prepared. council must have more revenue for the needs of the city, unless the civic departments are to be starv ved. The tax increase will yield about £15,000, and this amount is urgently needed. The various civic committees will re ceive a little more than they did last vear. The board of works bably get another $1,000. The city property committee will receive a sun ilar increase for improvements to the city buildings, it betng the intention to give this committee an extra appro- be impossible, | a healing syste cessary work. It will this vear, to instal in the porth-east wing bably be done in, 1913. Ald. Kent's than last year. It was decided to give a grant 82,000 to the Mowat Memorial Hos pital for Tuberculosis Aid Society will receive of R150 same as last year. Cure for Liquor Drinking. The Gatlin Institute, advt, appears in another rapidly gaining a reputation in ronto and throughout the To- habit. In three days the guarantees to remove every trace alcoholic poison from the syslem, to send the patient home with cruving or desire for kind alcoholic liquor, ments up by a written guarantee refund the money if it fails treatment is provided 2 for cannot attend the institute and no any ut those who Good Show at the "Orphe um. A musical act is the headliner at dhstinctive high-class act was seeing. Their york is very and well rendered, especially playing of Mr. Copes. Miss Parker, descriptive vocalist and come dienne, has a very pleasing act which was well received. found instant favor and were applaud- ed. The pictures were also refined wood Excitement Running High As to who will win the librar Help your favorite to win out by buying your groceries at Henderson's, Brock street. A vote with every ten cent cash purchase. given Holding an Examination. Ja W. Curry, of Toronto, was the city, to-day, holding An examina tion in the George w will come up for trial on ill case April ith. Purds skirt carnations, pantaloon room Violets roses, See the new Waldron's mantle ut Magis- | "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" Distinction | zave him a chance to get emplovment. | People who know tell us we are showing what they have always looked for in ladies' up-to-date, ready-to-wear goods. No two suits are alike. All are exclusively our own styles New Suits, $12 to $30 New Coats, $9 to $20 New Skirts $3 to $12 New Waists $1.25 to $7 » . Millinery Our Millinery Depart- ment has been a busy one of late, and the new hat} creations are the delight] of many ladies. Moderate}, prevail. $2.75, 3.75, $5, $6.50 and up. ILLS & GO I'éronto, whose column, 1s | { be | Birth of committee, of which Mayor Graham is! By special arrangement with the publishers, we have secured for THE s2.000-- TEN DAYS the following numbers from Madame Sherry :- ™ Witmark Dance Folio No. 7 i Every Little Movement. i The Butterfly Passion. I'm All Right Uncle Says I Mustn't, So | Wont She Shook Him in Chicago I'll Build for You a Little Nest. budget The Other Fellow It was agreed that the won't Someone Take Me Home? il Want to Play House With You { Theophilus | will pro- | priation for three years to do the ne! This will pro- | 260 PRINCESS parks committee will receive $300 more | Ihe Children's | The | other charitable grants will remain the | I Mr country | for its success in curing the drinking | ° mstitute p of | It bucks its state-| to A home the Orpheum for the remainder. of the | of the sufiering week and the musical Copes in their! [ang pointed out worth | Her different songs | 1 opened, have i } in Bae whicha Whittacker, at the I ax { School at we lis pra Hirst of the { condition for oe f | {around the harbor i well as other sports. i i { solos, 1 "T Heard { Mrs. i i ! {of good character | his i The Smile She Means For You { We Are Only Poor After All Weak Nonaie) zes {introducing Birth sion) Dance ttle Movement) Walt tintroducing Publishers' Pri 6h OUR PRICE, 35c. Yoc sal Sc Ore OUR PRICE, $2.00 | e, NEXT Oaly a few more copies left, which way obtained at per Publishers' be G0 Col This folio ¢ arranged for and mos price, 7 i umbers, f the latest N.Y 0 piano alts of the season. Karl Hoschaa, Con Bright Eves, A by 1sic by »f Three Twins, My Dreams, ety Mail Orders Filled at above prices. The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. STREET OPEN NIGHTS Phone 919 PASSION PLAY LECTURE Sydenham Street Bible Friday Evening. greeted Re In A good sized audience Lang, of St. John, NB, la evenimg, m Sydenham . stréet Bible school hall, -to listen to an Hivatvated lecture on the world-famous i Play," every ten vears in Ober ame a vill of 1,500 inhalnt ling among the Germany as the i all men or v Passio held age mountains i The result , 0 Southern lay" is given of + and the plavers gre natives ol the seven hundred take the Jeogusa About in the play, umphal entry of Christ lem and ends vith the Mount Olivet. The pictures Mr were beautiful lucid lage which opens with into ascension « shown b tear, thd Lang and « descriptions were amd inter esting A feeling of dience as they Tha pict as passed over the Awe Wu res My It was looked on of Tesus, and fact that that had flu two thousaut the Jesus for of world this story enced the the violin | vears. Nellie and Mrs Perth } the Sunnyside, March 24. --Mr A. Gray made a trip to | Kirkham, who has been on | list, School has | re Revell from here attend t Mabey has recovered with Miss } \ number of people od I'. Melregor's eale, 1 | Misses lets Gray and | » ! Saturday at Maberly. J. Armstrong R. Gray, Misses Pearl and Mik fred, made flying trip te Maberly Gray, and T. Dufiv are hauling hay ~ Kirkliam, visiting friends arst;, has returned home. Via Elmer U , Mr. and Mrs. ( Jr., and daughter, Mabel BE. Conrovia:. W. Weslew, \ wray's: Ross Gray od sister, Leta, and Miss E Revell, A Armstrong' A. Gray, at Ea land's; Mr. and Mrs R he ie famil it R Grav's: J. Armstrong E. Conroy, at W. Palmer's as teacher a 3 at tors n at and Notes From Ompeh Ompah, March 24. A to brighteyy the | Edw ard Watson s returned to spendmy OM Mrs ome wi te at NM. E. HB 1.. McDougall v's Strut Womp M Te at 1; : Mi Mis doa Eady, 3 « Mis I ty Miss | We he Mrs amd daughter, dvs Wemp and home of Ethel Wilson, Lawn Bowling Season. that the so far CONCCT NN Now end, curling season 1 chammons games are bers turning mg Made Their Escape. A report was received the effect that a couple f made thew ape from Min report savs wo The bs some from w herey thie making the man assistance mn the shouts institution by wh are al present unkno Shipping Pressed Hay Un Friday ' hat brought from and the remarking the late the bringing of } 1a Fhe the tically Arge consignment was over {o the dealers SPANO the islands, pon over on Cross) pressnt as POL SPARON Ice Boats on Harbor. the ne boating, and on Sa a few hoats were noticed This has been ie boating, lhe ice mn harbor turday quite very late sesson for a Sydenham Street Church. Music the G} Over." Anthems, "Now the Day Is frertrude Laidley; Miss Ardelle Fide of Jesus Sav," on Sundav ad! Tidings," Solo, Miss "Babylon," the Voice James Small Portrait of Prof. Dyde. On exhibition in the winddw of | Kirkpatriek's art store is an oil pain iting of Prof. 3. W. Dyde! of Queen's, {who is to leave soon for the west {The portrait is an excellent likeness jof the well gon: 1 professor. Held an an Euchre Party. Mrs. A. Fowler, 323 Johnson street, entertained a number of friends al & progressive euchre party on Fn day eveaing, the guests spent a most enjoy time. Fresh eggs. M6. J. Crawford, Hall} P m Shout" Farmers, Attention! line of CATTLE AND VETERINARY INSTRUMENTS. | | | Milk Fever Outfits, Cattle Trocars, Teat Slitters, Teat Milking styles Dilators, Tubes in different Syringes in different and sizes Dr. A. P.Chouwn, t, Optician, 185 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone 343. 0000000000000 RONORROTS TO-NICHT A FEW OF OUR $1.00 LEADER» Ethel Kid Gloves, in tans, browns, greys, black, white, all sizes, and every pair guaran- teed. $1.25 quality for $1.00. Cromptons and D. & A. Corsets in all the newestmodels, 6 styles, in all sizes, $1 @ pair. Ladies' White Waists in a great array of dainty patterns, sizes 3t to 42. $1,253 and $1.50 regular, for $1.00 each. = LADIES CONS AND SUITS A beautiful array of new styles placed in stock this week, Popular Prices, se | 'Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STOR. Fouts Pamintnn The Great ua syatom, makes new YVelus, Cures Neve. ous Debili Metal and Brain Worry, Des. ng, Ewtisvions, Sper. and Effects RE Houde or FEreeanes, 31 poz baz, ix for 5 One will please, six gy Fold or mative in pe PGi adie wetireval Mes A quiet weddn ad, at the residence of Crouter, Albur Miss Keitha Crouter marriage to Wilirid 'Smith by wearing 13. 3c, Be he Sote whe x as Save mones rev Gis rubber heels, put cn dree of charge Dutton's, 209 Princess street Gananoque abolishing foes, Roll butter, Crawioed. per pair agents is Markel py ane. J ees, pL | Shsessses Sessa) Tones and invigorates the re i Something New oN -- Modern Class Cutting have a new of tern called This pat Glass Old on display Irish and bette is than the Glass Designs of some Cut time ago See our Sample Pieces Prices moderate SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. £30 KING STREET, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. | I -- } * + @ {Just received a fresh ship- ment | | | of Ostrich and Marrabeau Boas ALL COLORS. 'W. F. GOURDIER Take Your Choice MULLIN, Corner Johnson and Division 'Phone 538% Nts. TRV VVLLLVLB RRS at Good Eystem tion of doing ing th most In This Laundry mins! well FRAT VTTTVLTAT BRT BCLLTTR RTI SS. ee £ Kingston Laundry; These 22 ' AARBALBALBRARBLRB SRB R. | -

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