Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Mar 1911, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. MARCH 23. 1011 A -- -- be. 1aisedihis hat, soled and burried DRESSING A SHIP DROWNED THE MUSIC. | off. . 4 - ° ! \undience Was Angry, and Theadore -- i Two Emily turned abruptly and moved toward the dock rail. The water be Thomas Obstinate. i i! v low, glistening in the siaphight, seemed | THE INNER AND OUTER GAR- kt Theodore Thomas : a : 1 iren's res 1 By Nellie Cravet Gilmore. to flash a nallion mocking colors MENTS. ise a su tion fad erin ; | 1 in all ints st tints cons : : } k. Jd. DUNPHY, back into her burning eves. Her heart : SrA! had been + the | ) 'Cer. Montreal and Orduasce Streets 26,000 grocers wat (Vewae «oe L | beat in her throat; every nerve tingled x was (A Man-of-War Wears More "Thani = °° hr ag and the | ' . in Canada are S Emily Roswell had thought . land ached. To think that she sterprs - ang hn : -- selling 'Salada' Tea. BAN | Lin; out detail by detail. The oo sill fool wnough 36 eared Lt ie i Clothes wSoue f Ulu that Ens ou . R BEAVER BRAND : sult of it all was a broken heart-- re i gar nderwear Made of Mineral Wool. | ach concert, i ; nd | one pound package y All was a broken ri--and g ' ssod he: ckly 4 : a A makes 200 cups.' §] |* pride that recognized no dimensions. Rails ous dre 3 Huson Shickly pur 3 iecanse she had been so foolish "J and calmly in accordance with the 4 ean 8 88 | brief directions she had - received out 3 is unexcelied for dread or EJ u Price is moderate Battleships wear coats of stout ur A mor plate, as overvi » ban cit i rule ag BOOres . to lose her head over x stranger, a | Soot J eCUONS and harried out toy *verY body does not t hey ro hey were allowed t | ] A. MACLEAN, Bteest xl #2 - ; 3 ) < 3 Wmiar . pical "man of mystery," was no rea- where the women ' were huddled to. | ¥o3F undergarments whi are pro. @§° : } f ay | jar'e er 3 lause ths 4 d i : Sia i son why she should loge any time in kh ified Th ria duced chiefly from cocoanuts. Yow Jause, hut that was al he | Sap f 3 | x eadjustment. The situatic } . gether in terri groups. e wind , : : He is ranciscans held that Ev J o po SilUalION Was DAN: | us blowing a gale, and the deck wag | 29%! Powerful man-of-war is really a harsh' it rh aE | il, impossible, bumiliating in the ex- |. 1 &! ' . : very delicate object and_ requires §' ArShy's engagement w hag vA e | weme, but t of the ob of in absolute darkness. Suddenly she ¥ sponsible for the raicin . 5s y out of . the chaos « her felt the pressure of strong fingers om | "P™ ial underclothing so that some Wr the raring throbbing brain she wrested the one her arm, then the sound ot a man's | *'t2} PACES of its anatomy may not be | MY Were entitled ¢ : sncore her ex EX 2 DAY OR NIGHT -- ---- oluvion Accordingly' she wrote the voloR come too cold and so that other equal rr Thomas, ollowing : . 2 i bacomae io stubbornly his rule HOTEL DIRECTOR. . "Fimwood, March 4th 'Don't lose your nerve. We've struck | IY Vital portions may not become to . a pis fala, SL . | On the lamt night's determined of. | | Phone 201 Bo to the STEWART HOUBE. Leadin, | - . . There's seat Bod hot. he ATHY ARLE A Ms Dear Mr. Hartacre : a rock and ther 8 no caloulating the From stem to stern. which is another a , : b+ Under separate cover I am return- Suri0usnsus of the Stun won. But way of saying from head to toe, yow ples 3 BN b OR 1 JAR, STEWART, Prog ing to you vour ring. Of eo . re | they're getting ready to lower the = 0 © Loe, hanks, i ch 3 > : A unch inner or H -- both understand ing the oo » lifeboats now and I think it will be all ia super-Dreadnought is envel sereased instead of dunia i ! : : wih, : For ealth TRAVELLING air was a jest. My briel--and plea- | right with everybody." Opetl in an undergarments placed im 0" Bence bag, Ane. (AL) on those occasions Drink McCarthev's Al j y brief--and plea ht ) ) : mediately behind soat OF atte : began hat tte rink McCartheyv"s Ale sant aequaintanes with you will not Emily had reeled. With a little 1 y behind its topcoat o hor pad tend of : "11 when good fellows get gi > 5 Ww foraotien Further : smothered cry she turned and chung | Plate: This is its special mackintosh, . stead oly ud | Ey . and Porter. It's the CN ¢ more, (I trust hal ide. | OF rather, waterproof, which acts as a | 2: aud Mi by tur together, you can't find ( SYSTEM vou have no objections ?, it served to | tonvulsively. to the man at her side. protection or aa, 1 hd o. : Ooms i : | h bett ak v } hs best. n > provide me with just the material 1 "Robert !"" she moaned, "is it--does A from re as w as waley "RK & > i etter ale than . | MEBUCED HATES.PACIPIO COANY | wadted for one of The chara rari my | it--nRan--death a Me urdinasy pay # « shot Pietend [ + you have to bow Agent, R. J. LAWLER ie side of a battleship water wonld i In effect until April 10th inclusive | hook 1 foo) u ; . as grim iA bo ev cantly tified know In"the darkness Hartacre slipped a v t SECOND CLASS COLONIST PARE TC | that ae 0 ano otly gratified to kno ting Crt : pour in at the hole and possibly th he Thor aha ho ! OUR CONSIGNMENT that as a certain type of southern girl | protecting arm about the girl's trem- ship might sink, But thi is oheiated hy we k omas dir od ) | U I a to po a t] " . Green and Black Teas from Cey Nel Vancouver, Vietoria I furnished you with the desired 'knowl bling form and drew her close to him. : ' 3 by providing a backing to the armor Of : . em -------------- eu minster, D.C. i b i Brush. Indeed 1 icht ** 4 1 Seattle, Spolase, Tacoma, ge in the use of your brush. Indeed, | "It might," he sai gravely, "but | q he ad a 43 . Wash, a I might say that T am more than | don't think so Emily 1° " Great secrecy is kept in the vanousl , 3 : Hg dignant, | Gn have arrived Though prices 4 4 i nates regarding the material used and {| n but mas | Are h higher, we are still sell ing at Joc per 1b na Francises, Los Angeles, ] 08 Hattered by your choice. Allow me to| For answer she sobbed softly aghinst vas infexible. 1} stra : | Mexjeo City, Mex. . congratulate you on the success you | the coat sleeve, > its arrangement. a Mavi wt yy hs Went aa gon i have achieved--of which | am constant. "We're facing eternity," he went In muny of the latest batteships, 1. ab Si! ANBREW MACLEAN, . \ onium of ul test 5 . i i ests wh at | Ouatario Street. Low cates to many other points 5 howey the cant F- call TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. ly reading and hearing. My little on hoarsely, "tell me the truth. Did Ie Nay he eaating is made of ceri 1 vas probe 8 Kingston for Chicago on volume is already in the hands of the | vou never love me *"' a hich again Is obtained from the thomas » Ea { ! rd _ iorous cocoanut rind. Cellulose pos d At em i Teese sssseteRettASRANE Thursdays and Saturday | publishers. lo wish me luek ! Sin. "Always," she myurmured, "until 1 Berths available for ac- |cerels RR myrmure, until sesses the peculiar property of swell --_-- } v of passengers' howdin ¥, in : i . new--about--the other girl. es : pro! The Sanit Sari . first or Second cinss tIeKots Oh a EMILY ROSWELL. "But there's never been any girl | °% immediately it comes in contact R anley ol Paris, ¢ TINSMITH and PLUMBING ¢ ' with salt water. Therefore the moment he French live within, their mea W.C. BENNETT, : i Foreman for 8 J sey for 23 ment of nominal charge. Connection She dropped her pen, caught a little Miss Kenton is my cousin." i ; 8 : that water pours in at a hole at the § *"d bY a sense of economi wnown to as smith Sen made with train = i 1 " RAINS Carrying cars offhand breath and read over what she I read the news of your expected ship' J "ly For full information, apply te ship's side the cellulose almost in manage tc x nd r n "Sh 3 King 4d. PF. HANLEY, Agent was a masterpiece of frivolous indit your su 'Di , 11 work : - ccess with--D : } i 1 \ hxie. 1 thought, course the cellulose is es |'tored up for them, says lerkeles It has character, uni- are will Teceh L at- the lumps kept rising in her throat as a ty i : "» pecially treated in order to render it | Yih mm Suceess Magazine fo 1 for be ys ¢ tentl Thoue 1033, a HET 1 2nia Rept ri er 1 - | 88 a type and--and were trifling. firesroud. ' eens ee agazin he orm parity, and an un- SEES CT | EMBROK aul wimrahle caticature I painted your portrait because I" g moo rr a gamble less. The 24 usual deliciousness to ews The facts in the case) were manifest "fy | mously diminished if cert : s . ° ; i ) id certain portions thongh tiring nothing for hors Ron ill Jou believed vourself to be the | of it become too cold, in NE the | bourse, the races lt ning t P 'RE OR7 in Oonnection With rt Hartacre had divined her weakness "Why not | same way as its human tenanis. A Me is regarded Ly the nigss the HONE U5, k as at he - " " Cc i y t " h nt a ee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ie wag 3 wart a gentleman--and Because, she whispered, "because cordingly its boiler and steam Pipes ight of & ORDER FROM . : fen he nad 4 ' . AON € mates i n all nds ' 3 | she had lived in paradise, to find her ™ : cases the jackets ar ade of fine tetsu t k wl 3 8 he Dresden girl eame out on deck Je 8 are made of ordinary Sure, but they pever eliminate { i : a ; kori ae omeses ors Xeurs ons serpent at the end of «it in a para- just in tim 10 Seo, by a ite Gee: blanketing, others of a fibrous lav like | allow their » y v ' ' RIGNEY and HICKEY, Ir ll receive : prompt attention. weakly of lightuing, Robert Hurtacre = stoop | woot 1 ; vacation, as] : Suen Btewh ~ : : . . In general the materi use luncheon, the ap how tar Reduced Return Fares| "Rumor has it that a cortain, near | 0d Kiss the girl he held in his | jou a ay Sneral the material sed luncheon, the ay and 136 and 138 Princess St April 4, 18 famous artist, popular in one of New : scription consists of mineral wool June 13, 27 he married at an early date to a pro- Iv suffer alist Bh ] minent society girl of Pittsburg. Fhe A Book for Mothers. Sai? foRer from the wfiects of heat days Holgl : t i i i vi portrait of a beautiful southern girl, Jou ulotation that will enable her to type of machinery employed that the | their freedom ep the little ones in good health powder magazines may get too hot - m-- . Toronto. i cial world p ili i i k i y i : PACIFIC GOAST for the oa Lnticia a heitlisan lature issued a little book which contains a | 4p surrounded by a thick coating of 1! -- } : wih a rd ple, whose wedding | great deal of information on the care | nineral wool. Mineral wool, by the 'ARR ee an vl Ona Way second <lass coloalst tie. Plobably occur in the early | of babies and young children that ev- way, has. nothing uastever 16 a wll a 300 Cords Peeled" Pulp Wool | 10th, Nortifieation and pain struggled for | will be sent free to any mother threads of a kind of glass. It . . Full particulars at K. and P. and|/"™%tery. The world® seemed to slip | will send her name and address, with by hlowing jets of high presse st This Wood was peeled and piled : »® 8 eSwre Sie under cover to dry i Why not hay ade into a similar style at Chicago 5 'y . . : had written. Yes, in a simple way it marriage, in a paper--and all about i . J stantly expands and 80 closes the aper- [UT to enjoy whatever rtune has | tre: rk i to Corner Johnston and Ontario Bus |fuence, snd she felt satisfied, though | {hat you had been merely using me 3 ' A her real feelings. Yet it must , A » f-war has i ee h go. loved you," he said simpl A man-oli:war has its vitality enor- : € spore S ' 8 ply. Fe . > RAILWAY hrift 4 : » plung its flavor. 1 HOUMAS COPLEY, -- 1 i1% Pine Street when the proposal followed. For a week | were--the hero, Bob.' are clothed with "jackets In somu jristans w har MOU r "their | iv ) . . | t repairs » v wrk aso To the Canadian Northewest. graph conned from a well-known flash composition or even of , close grained | their traditic May 2. 16, 30 York's smartest social circles, is to en w-- However, the great ship is more like }sa gl ta give their du or ie / " BREWED BY Tickets good to return within 60 hl than from those of ere is thei a} \ artist's latest success, 'Dixie," the Every mother is naturally anxious ways the Pi of ald Fos newer - ur re 't . el vo DOMINION BREWERY (0 {id ---- . . REDUCED FARES TO has brought him rapidly forward in u the i hi : wv is " aod . : 8 ranks of his profession. The so- | The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. have In the latest men-of-war the stores kets on sale daily March 1st to Apri] *Priog ery mother ought to know. The book | woo, as it consists of & mass of ~ ' Effer- H F ih who laa Fe Sq vescont € ave You a Feather Bed ? e It m C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street from under her feet and swim about | the name of this newspaper, to The| (hrouch the furnaces in: the. manufac When you have to . 'Phone 50. ier in red and black circles. Scalding Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, tote of fry ol na ad oe, rat ¥ a We are offs g thie Wood to the | modern F. CONWAY tears welled to het eyes. On PN MTOR and Steel, Proven a. Hs worth 1 | ani 5.0 r any | nv > . t. Enormous quantities of this strange w a 25¢ "size" } th ; 1 Gen. Pasa. Agent. | For a moment she buried her face variety of wool are used on board for | P oy 21 buv fell. rosie otterod doy Demi lot of aRd 'newest me BAY OF CLANTR Nass. W av kg hasty and sobbed stormily. But | . White Flowers Most Fragrant. the purposes of underclothing the bulk ty you Pig oy Fae a yore Jur Amdt: con..l We will Buy your Cid Ded Train leaves ['mion Slaton, ( he emotion spent itselt quickly; pride According to the investigations of a | heads and the more delicate portions : eh Some otties for 3 od a | Hh Lp dat) ol brain . "ig a" trolled het Sowied German botanist, out of 4,300 species | of the ship's body. This. invalu r p -oromy. | Dominion Feather Co., nto Seed, Brdeu sam Naptuss sta fog She. Mauri is horse) I | of flowers, cultivated in Europe, only | substance acts equally well as a pro <oc and SOWARDS { KING S1REET fo secars auick deratty Poluts nord Pre ate 1s a in a heaven that 420 possess an agreeable perfume. | tector from heat and from cold. It i old everywher Phon ile (Opposite St. G-orge's Churél) Ruth duyne An . : ed ~ ad opened hee eyes in time Flowers with white or cream colored | such a remarkable nonconduetor of y y 8 North End Ontario Street rop A card aml our agent will eall od oie Sh ge 4 yaw in i, is ue mtuation. Por, of course, petals are more frequently odoriferous | heat that it is used for eo ering the H -- a . A Saints Hall or Jort | lartuerd's sicinzatioy could have sig- than others. Next in order come the | refrigerators and the cold stor Ze niliec only that he pitied her and was yellow flowers, then the red after them | chambers and therefore the ox losive Pasve ho § . he | : = -- ~ TT _ - {deliberately sacrificing himseli to her the blue, and finally the violet, where- | stores. : aay teFpeed ation of his iriendliness of only thirteen varieties out of 308 In the dockyards all men who are c da ] : So, with a hand steadied by a valiant give off a pleasing perfume. In the | employed in packing the miner il wool puzpous, hy Sealad and addressed the whole list 3,308 varieties are offénsive | in the spaces on the ships are obliged Ld er and laid it aside to be posted. in odor, and 2,300 have no percepti- | to wear masks. This is to pre SST by best teamship Co' [er duns astle ob. to wea! mack : : Steamship Co allowing reply "he bie sme, ther good or bad a ey he fetes feo hes your first 50c. bottle of Psychine OPERATING FLEE ." a - = TLEET New York, March 7th. Catering for a Crowd. | of fatal character The (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) OF PARSENGED STEAMERS O My D Miss Re 3 ¥ . TOUTE "My 8 S swell © } ST. LAWHENCE R Re My var Miss Roswell : London Express ; amminition rooms themselves SUMMER SAILINGS Thank vou vay kindly for your An. old parrot. ushil to live in. aj are hop cool by a refrigerating plant - | consideration and candor. I have only . b here there was al-| In addition to being clothed in mineral 3 ET- IT Y | public house bar where there s ng ¢ ! Mineral YOU G FREE Montreal to Live rpool to say that my avowal Was m no wavse a great trade on Saturday | Wool, the same applying to the ammu ROYAL MAL SERVICE sense a joke. on the contrary, it was nights. One evening the parrot was | "ition passages. The wool is also : most earnest and smeere. But realiz- missed Search was made. and at} Packed between the doubie alkia e n It has only been within recent And we have received hundreds of sands of these 50cent bottles of Pap ing--as [ am forced to--that I appeal- length it was discovered in the mid which separate the boiles s fron the other portions of the 3 Years that we have come to really thousands of unsolicited testimonials chine, A : ed to you merely as a 'study,' patur- . oy Sth 3 N 3 : Vv * dle of a field surrounded by daws, o Punisiun May 19 lupe 16th alte a - . : * | gethe » uses of the mine | v t C "VFletorian." ay ern. Flue 16th ally there - but smn. thing to do; 8¢" | who were steadily plucking out its | ether the uses of the mine vool on now Ahout De White corpuscles of Il due to this marvellous power of And we'do that to show our entire : ot Four Gisposal of the situation. (oops As the rescuers approached » are extremely nome ve. 30] ood 0 ® phagocyles and what strengthening and increasing the white cOufidence in this wonderful prepara Montreal to Lilasgow ! appreciate very much your 3 good the now half-naked bird was heard to] '®'P9eer hair is to be met with o e unction is corpuscl t the blo 3 tion. wishes for me, and have no hesitancy ph ; _{ board in the capacity of a particuls Th puscies of the dood. afd n 3 " » : call out One at a time, gentle i var at they are the policemen or A confidence that has been based on Ionian" May 6th, June 2rd in pradicting for your book a big sen- . : n Iv | fort of underclothing. Thi material | seave f the bo Here are the diseases in the treat our 30 years' experience with this "Gramplan." 3th, June 10th men, if you please; if you only res . Ti ngers of e body. 5 our year xperien it aT ampl sation. From some of the advance . A 18 very light--considerabl or thay ment of which Psychine is Indicated plendid preparatic tul . Scotia," May 20th June 17th, in ish a + | wait you'll all be served kecork. 1 Devouring every d that splendid preparation, with a full know "Hesperian," May 27th, June 24th notices of the publishers, I find no dif- : ork, for instance--and it i SO 81 gE every disease germ that 0. the diseases of which Psy- iedge of the hundreds of thousands of tieulty in recognizing the blazing per- tect to decay. For this reason amojip | ©0ters the body when they are strong chine bas éured many thousand eases: Cures ii bas made. : its many uses it is of great v; . | enough or in sufficient numbers. y sonality of the vilfain--and 1 take off | g 1e . my hat to your unquestioned genius 9 filling for the life bu losto Or being devoured in turn by these la Grippe = a One clase/(moderate rate). S "Col Fy Trauserip i 4 coling epiimoterate rate). Steamers Sorsiale yautw, | TR -- | dleace germs when taterior in ; | COUPON Na 4 i } To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, iad i For full particulars' of Rates ané | Six weeks afterward, when Family A. Answered in a Word \ Railings, apply, Roswell boarded the steamer that was | ® 0 prs Philadelphia Post : It has only been within the last few 193-195 Spadina Ave. Toroma. J.P. HANLEY, C. 8S KIRKPATRICK | to take her back to her southern home, < " A Mrs. T. P. O'Connor tells ar ¢ ey Jeune have fogsd Tat Pf en ¢ Ru Siler aotey $e hye J Ll I t " " of Puvchine (pronounced Si-keem) | of have not had a Se G.T. Ry. Clarence St she was not greatly surprised to re your sxpenss, Bes s dote illustrating the wall BITV . or cognize the familiar features of Rob - yf - : Edwin Arnold, the post. On ane ..¢| CToRSe these white corpuscles, or bodily ight 8 1 Bott t Px under plan. . Jy asian uve. Sopnize the fandliar femtur 8 nr TOL is Life and Accilen ir ew in Ar ol h, Soe p et. 0% ne of scavengers - " | bottle of a ir w deliver ange Street, Toronto. plank with a dainty girl clinging to ance for your tee 4 8 interview with the inevitable reporter, | See | | una buttie tu sn, his arm. She had, uncomsciously. produce decay and discolor teethcan- | _, 0 © him a hundred or = s0| And these Derbs largely compose GO BERM watched for one well-loved face so not exist where Sanitol is used. Sanitol i {uestions, concluding with the quite Psychi TO continually, that this abrupt appear- a scientific germicidal preparation assunng | conventional What de vou think of iyea1ne, lance of the owner of it failed to hi hid teeth, hard healthy gums and | American women For thirty years Psychine has been strengthening and increasing the white Round Trip $20 and Up chock, or even ruffle, her admirably ac. 3 : Sanitol; One word wil i w . | quired 'poise. She bowed pleasantly as | leaving a refreshing taste. spure ny eS er Wate corpuscles of the blood. word for the tremendously beneficial Screw 8.8. ""Bermud- '(wired po a I Afrin," "* replied Sir r | ie effect of Psychine. Fill out the cdupon Fast Twin : fan," 6,630 ton sal ew { he passed her and paced the deck, be- no matter lo cover 2 The orter confessed h & has bee " York, 10 Be a 3 arom N 'stowing » casual glance of interest ) ' a reporter confessed his ignor » yo thirty Years Psychine % below, mall it to us and 'we'll give Bilge keels; vieciric fans; wireless upon each newcomer. "It is Turkish * : - . uliding up rundown vitality, curing your druggist an order (for which we telegTabAY. { The girl ! ™Was she--could she be-- wr JUrkish," explained Sir Ed-| many of apparently hopeless diseases. pay him the regular retail price) for a test. newest and opi Jeamor her} joaloks pang shot thie wan, "and means, 'Ob, + make We have sold millions of bottles of Scent boltie of Psychine to be given dock ! xh many more of them Psychine in that time you free of ces; Pais, gers, at o her. Perhaps---perhaps they were even WEST INDIES ow Be than The man wha pleases only himself We have cured hundreds of thon We will undoubtedly buy and distri- steamers 'stary atiorauts © Baturdby, heart and soul--and this little, doll has to supply the applause sands bute In this manner hundreds of thou from New' York for St. Anomas, St. faced wisp! She bit her lip storply; BER: A au suddenly her head went up. +What oes, and Demerara. right had she to cherish such feelings iwhen she had deliberately given him up to this other woman ? sudden E reappearance of Hartacre cut short hes reflections. He came straight to Iward her and held out his hand. "This is surely an unexpected plea sure, Miss Roswell. 1 Jresume we A sy +hall be fellow-passengers *** | The scarlet mounted to Emily's tem- ples. She gave him her fingers easily, X however, and smiled an afhrmative to : : 'his question. ; : | The man's heart gave a quick lurch. ; \ L : What hi ine 7 min Now, we don't ask you to take our | {He flushed as their hands met. iwas it 7 He had never seen her half Iso lovely hefore, he thought. Was it because of her unattainableness? Was it because of a certain softening ; 8 3 i : . WILY = frau that fad come to her face 1 : i , # On DON jon, "Is i o re 1 A ' STs SR : and Rath Compu a ar ince. in Hidden between two crisp, i Ty = bat a a # § : of unique design, is a fuiry- R like cream, with a flavor of : id tehi ieht of hi : : : . La pial El of Sant hn qo : -- About sixty to the pound WRN

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