Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1911, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WE DNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1911. INTERESTING HISTORY OF THIS | A OLD STRUCTURE. je xge of the | rental of the APPEAL TO BE MADE." BY THE 2 FRONTENAC. made by Company Formed in 1827 "Tolls | Ii Authorized in Charter~--Those in|&% the Incorporation, i the Ca w 'thal ver i The récords go faragm bri history. The Cataraqui formed by an act ing the reign of The list of incorporaters contams 80 well-known John {the matter. Marks, Jol Kirby, he company' have to Christopher Hagyasr and .is compelled to oper James B : = fate i ration wright, ober: © D. ¢ artwrig i generally deacon George (VKill to be collected Sampson, Elizabeth 1 i Every foot erine Markland, Arc id Mebx , i a he bridge had John Counter, John Jenkins and for crossing. This © ward Forsythe. . ined in existence a The tolls authorized at ths There ave also very Two-horse waggon, seven how the toll ¢ halfpenny; one horse and on, ame. th be seven pence; every horse and rider, hat the dsiver of a pence, ' 1 ying theqold penny Whe capital given as 300, toll for foot 000, of which the holds 82.000, hed, it was retain In former bridge paid a | those who drove Tairly good but during the | penny toll past twenty kas only pui itaragqui bridge. ge has a Bridge' comp THE ror Years of pal i a8 let ge IV, i =3. jt ! y is great to eoliectors, reor { me | been nse { includmy 1 John John known that pen- 'ata Enger ht, on ( Stuart, Herchmer, ( to penny toll great few who ol The 8 pence x were © cent horse toll, ¥ * stock 1s «d in the vehirle ely years the dividend, years, still exists in a OLD CATARA QUI BRIDGE --------------------------. te en mimainn GRAND OPERA HOUSE. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Tungsten Lights for Residential Streets, flo ry Edi some connec May Robson in "The Rejuvenation | Kingston's of Aunt Mary." Robson co ly stand one | ingston, Jan. 17. Iie Miss the writer took ion that roposed that the ydopted on The Whig did not the idea: nevertheless the city importance illum advocate impers occa ome Tt She 'Aunt Mary," 8 could have done with the ial. There dull ambiguous no' proble: very - funny well told acted, It to the Grand ¢n |ix that Fhursday, January 10th. The play is stalling th in three: and concerns an in to sug other actress | tion with the § i scheme in new Tung street are mater ten moment no mpl and are plot, story comes no con fact is in- nation treets, eur in every of . 3 18" modern does not for the business aunt of | Your correspondint a somewhat harem-scarem nephew who | Tungsten lighting ° for is finally expelled' from college for | streets, Al his for this purpose thrashing a hack had in- | are guite efficient, but in fhe resident- sulted him, ind dhstriet, especially trees abound, our city ways will be a failare proposed - for Kingston magnetite ares 'with an occasional series Tung- sten, this necessitates using 54 4-ampere ! are and it is quéstionable whether such he will be satisfactory, Jt would he bet. de. | ter to dispens se with the series Tung- T ston and use 6:6 ampere magnetite or other lumingus arc lamp. The writer in his former letters. did not refer to "OTIes famps, but 'to the multiple system used in Toronto and other plates. The following clause taken from the report of Toronto's Fiectrical Engineer, will the street lighting scheme that at, 'Hesirdential streets, single 100 Watt Tung®ten lamps will be erected on con- poles 100 feet apart oun sides of the street. These will cost 2, 166 cents ea nizht, or nine dol lars per annum. The power to be supplied from overhead wires, quoted include capital charges, cost of charges and ucts us driver, who where is the case dn many streets, -------------- ax TEMPERATURE. are lights MILDER Just One Degree Below Zero at Eight is O'Clock This Morning, The weather was a little to-day than the past couple of This 'morning at eight o'clock official thermometer showed, 1.3 grees below zero. Monday and dav mornings the thermometer between eight and nine begrees 610, Those are great davs for the ice men and the skating rink men. Thove will be great ice for the Frontenac Belleville game to-nigh milder days. stood below hy Tungsten street explain -------- adopted by Not Yet Replaced. Thousand Island Steamboat company - have not yet secured a new boat to fill the place of the steamer Ottawa, destroyed by fire at the wharli at Cape Vincent. It understood that the company have a couple of vessels in view which would be most fitted for thefrade among the is lands. The crete per 1s each renewals rent." The ghove would be of are lighting but would be more efficient, and it would be well some such scheme in the the Macdonadd of hghts, for Ne Ki reet add the city, especially when the water. Maed: mald pak water front it' also be lighted this way. It is "hoped that apd power committee will - the barge Jessie, | multiple Timoston Hohting the water, { sideration. --FIATLUNX, around her Ra ready for] - Attend Robertson : twenty per cent. off. mspection May be County Wa arden. The selection of a county warden seems to be in the hands of the reeves of the rural townships 'who hold pow er in the Frontenac coune il, owing to their outnumbering the reeves of the) front, Tt is said that Reeve A. Mill er, of Arden, is likely to be chosen warden, cost OXCORS much m on, v esplanade greatly to the heauty from tie in viewed on "Jessie" at Alexandria on the = Ww ork on Hinckley, - Bay, looking after which is on the ways. swith about two feet. of ie Everything will be made work on her in the spring, the Cant into cons Bras' china sale; SS Nyy i125 % Discount; sender YN seer Fancy Vests, Multicrs1 Smoking Jackets HUNT'S, 53 Brock Street at the Free Cooking Classes in BIJOU Theatre Everything explaingd in a simple way from start aad * to fi isk Sed fers within on 3 « . present | tion of but now |! collecting its own toll, maintain a pay - a many | passengers many Std, of | are and al- | The scheme both 1 prices | cur- | in- Hah | Fake the To be Given harger Representation Cogncil--Little the Rear Control the Townships of the Affairs of Froatemac, on County h a point in that the Things have come to i Fronténae coun larger townships wil the existing condit yminent front towns kip a etent 5 de- that the Ontario pass t Frontenac, the bulk of the county { have the power, At { Frontenac is controlled by the nine {ar tem reeves of the rear townships, i which pay about one quarter of the {county taxes. The tront townships, Kingston, Pittsburg, =~ Storringtos, Loughboro, Wolfe ls land, Howe land, Garden Island and Portsmouth, {| which pay about three quarters of the irate, are ruled by the representatives of the rear, who, when they can elect a" warden and run things generally as they please. The reeves of the rear gre very clanish, and\when hey want a thing, they generally get t. li 4 rear reeve is not elected ward- Frontenac Yor 1911, it will be a | strange thing. { It is intended to semd a | deputation to wait upon the { government with largely signed me- i morial, asking that legislation be { enacted, giving the large townships | greater representation on the teouncil, It considered scandalous {that the township of Pitsburg with an assessment of * a million dol lars should have representa tion a little rear hip with an { assessment of onl Froptenge this re in a Posie its ships heing anything im population gnd wealth are i ten rear ) representatives it is considered by front that there si I, not than hall that nunsel uf for Severs government i whereby, In hips that pay taxes shall present time, re legisla the tow: | Imusy the ge len of good-sized Untaro 1s same as towns £730,000 peculiar tow od in OW town- be the OGILVIE'S FLOUR MILLS CO. of Demonstrations To«lay. Ogilvie's | opened their Opening in City The iour Mill Company, definnstratio i theatre afterncon they will be « ntinae } company own until is ttin 18a roval and y lady to Aa 0. ( this distriet ef thd ar- demonstration, put hou id something city should he Bissell, manages is in the city, looking rangements tha The demonstratic commence at 2.30 o'clock every sfternconm. Miss Jean MacPhee and Miss Leddy, ithe chiel demonstrators for the ecom- pany, are in the city, and thy will be here to carry on the work, dating the {time the demonstration is on. Both have had a great deal p# experience | and are masters in the art. To-day {and to-morrow, bread making the make-up of the these free cooking full explanation, in a the demos ratias, is which e sure sales for programme for classes, when a simple way work, It wom should is the time regards that and now given as something mnderstand, it. The company is making house-to-house canvass of the éity: the grocers dle the goods, which have won a also fame, some Whig recon the of Kingston to atte nd these els asses daily. David A. Hute Market Square, is an agent for company The company has taken great care to give the public the posside, in this demonstration here, "deliver the goes with business doubt their with great MARINE ENGINEERS every An also company's name past years ] ladies They goods," are and no crowned people, will be efloris SUCCess. 4 SMOKER. | A Jolly Affair Was Held on Tuesday Evening. The marine er a-s@oker. in®the the Nortl evening. bunch and tell and volume was in | Ewen neers of the city held rn Urown Bank, on Tuesday The engineers are a jolly the stories they are able to did tell would make a President "Thomas Fleming the chair, while John F. Me toastmaster. The re- freshment committee, undec Chief: Me- Sorley Chief . Kennedy, did good work which was heartily relished all present. { = Speeches were these present, Sergt. Batley acted as and by a number of were sung by rt and Mr. McClymont, whili GG. H. Hunter, the veteran colo nel, gave one of his humorous selec- { tions which delighied evervone. Meo Aunley & Salshury's orchestra furnished { music. The engineers are a jollv bunch and | some of the experiences which they re- lated in connection with their work | dnring the summer were very laugh- | able. These smokers seem to be just! | the thing for the wen to get better! | noquainted with each other, while the | { younger men get the benefit of the {older one's experiende. intend" holding another smgker Sa the near future. 3 Frontenac Club Officers. Theve was a meeting of the Fron | tenae club, last night, when some bu- | siness matters were were akan, Sp C. Bir mincham was slnctodl prasid mt. Major A. J. Sinclair was elected chairman of the house committee and P. C. Ste veason was re-clected hoerary secre tary. given by Songs . A Social Evening. 'The "Canadian Girls" club, organ- i ago, held its second FRONT TOW NSHIPS OF combipe, ' county | the | will be | is | is | for | al Alt | and | The | to} as the saving | dodge rosms over... premratBH- and worse than worthless. The engineers: OBJECT NOT ATY AINER Meetings Failed the Workingman. ston clergyman ye semi-revaval her the past two hat the objett of the mee ot heen attained. It was and particularly the that the meet: and these had not He was convinced thods would have reach them. said he, "that ii the re were engaged and mov a sacred nature « by wood addresses rominent men of the city, it would ave a good effect. On Saturday ight 1 woulda recommend a ro ¢ meeting of the men of the city tc eep up the interest To-day, in con versation with the great majority workingmen, they will tell you they have more respect for the Salva tien Army than for any church. This to Draw in talking services weeks sai tings the had mer city work nen, ally for, reached. me pted to were ferent a of nied Hin . } [. held | of i given | by | ] of | that | 1 hows that the churches are standing | from the workingmen. i rot say that the churches are wholly" o blame, but in a great measure they re 1 Ahink it is about time anges were made in the working principles of the different denomina tons, or our congregations will be decteasing. If you want to reach the workingmen of the city must ourselves on their plane and ourselves in their positio. * WORD OF DAUGHTER'S DEATH loot we At Riding "Mountam, Man.--Father Speeding Homeward. On Tuesday evening, Postmaste: James Stewart received a telegram from Riding Mountain, Man, un- rouneing the death of the eighteen ar-old daughter of A. H. Reouten, postmaster of that western town. Md seouten had here, on Mondat, to visit old friends, intending to mam a couple of weeks, when he re ved word of his daughter's danpw us illness, and telling him hurry He left, at Tuesday, and come to rome. noon, ved do | some | put | place | At Aberncth's SHOE SALE $1.98 One lot Men's Good Working Bluchers. Sizes ( 5 to 10. See them in window. $1.98 Hundreds of other bar- | $2.25 Men's Tan Working Bluchers, solid leath- er,sizes 6 to 11. Best Bargain in Kingston. 2.25 them at Bargains In Women's Shoes, * Children's Shoes, Girls' Shoes, Boys' Shoes, Slippers, Leggins and Moccasins. iO OEE RESET in win- oh Vee! 8.8.8, THE SPORT REVIEW ROOTERS' CLUB READY FOR TO- NIGHT'S MATCH Between Belleville and Frontenacs-- Collegiates mouths in a City League Hockey Game. Ie with conveving the sad news cume speeding om to his Mapito He had left word for Bost to take care of his telegrams, and the lat family that he was eo The deceased voung lady vears of age, . . wire he was home ster SMewart iil and ired to his nte home hiteen 18 ely and » father's assistant 'in the post office, i Dog Was Shot, Ihe little which bit a farmer's | wee on-the leg had to pay the pen elty 'at the police station when it shot by one of the eonstables owner of the dog did not to the station to claim the animal snd could not be located. {invited to take part m th tunes dog was "| he come When the Stomach Stops | Working Properly Because There is Wind in it, Use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to Set It Going Again. A Trial Package Free. Ihe doctors call. it fatulency, Lut } unprofessional fotks know it .as "wind { on the stomach," and most distress ing state of Bhi cs it is. It is a seri-, ous condition of this greats moter ore | gan, Always annoying and painful in extreme, at times often leading {to bad and fatal results. The stom- embarrassed and hampered with { wind, cannot take care of its food properly and indigestion follows, and this has a train too appalling to en | umerate. The entire system is impli- ted--made an active or passive ho he i : { i t | the ach ce tor in this trouble and life soon comes a questionable * Hoon. All this is explained in doctor books how indigested food causes gases by fermentation and fomentation in which | process some essential fluids are de | 'stroyed--burnt ups-wasted by chemical action, followed by defective nutrition and the distribution through the ali mentary tract of chemically wrong ele ments and as a consequence the stom- entire system is starved. ach and hor | i: i f'lenty , of food, you see, but spailt in A deranged stomach is the epitome oly evil; nothing too from it, but the gas it generates is | probably its worst primary effect and the only way to do away with this is to remove the gause, Stuart's Dye pepsia Tablets go to the root of this trouble. They attack the gas-makKing | foods and render them harmless. Flat] tulency or wind on the stomach simp ly cabnot exist where these powerful and womderworking listle tablets are in evidence. They were made for this very put pose to attack gas making foods and convert them into proper wputriment. This i= their provinee and office. A whole book could be written about them and then pot all told that might be told wath profit to sufferers from this painful disease, dyspepsia. It ds mention the veéars of patient and expensive experiment in effort to arrive' at this result--of failures in- nuberable and at last success. It would make mention of the different stomach correctives that enter into | this tablet and make it faithfully re- present all. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not alone integded for the sick, but well slks as well; for the person who | craves hearty foods and wants to eat heartily and run no risk of bad eficets | they act like a charm and make eat ing and Hiagation a delight and pleas- ure. They ead hie active a. 3 al ing to er po Pr pe Well - ort © peo- ple are shen neglected, but the Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets have them in mind. bad to emanate | ! {fe HT | we. members Supreme charge, preme- Rooter | ther fast j fon tenacs A it Littl whi hr or a ters ight final reher ht, iy niy and the the tha and say 1, and that is rs have we root e programme, h will. be t. The 0 will 9 he we," so busy. in W N.H. tawa anderers Canadiens Quehee | Ienfrew Capt. taw afte blood vessel in his right elbow up the under On their form Saturday diens Wanderers The Outside P rey as, was 1 ch against { r the game He expe in ne Canadians. ys doctor are pic Pracebri suspended for an ineligible plaver, Friday night. Pr Hock fine faili association the contracts four Quebec Quebe by esident 4) Rey of ng to S106. on It rules that th game on Satu that Root ably match progr ov ery one Saturday's 's « are to-nig Associat conform any 4 After Befeated the Ports Club, Cousms assisted by Viee-Su Jacek" Macdonald, held sal, at the Arn now i Rooters' back" if the or bet ween Belleville team t the "kids" all there is had with the have to 1t wend a songs rendery FEvervone is @ smging to- be famihar, trouble in this Root-hog will all dill a be no imme Says, will have to get A. Standing. Goals. For. 22 1 i 1 i 1 AN Ni 4 19 Nn Won. Lost Ast i 0 i : "Hockej Circles, of (the M Saturday's disrovered Lesueur, niured Juebes that in He avin near the however, i gage ag Kerr will several pets, ainst bw days Albert for night, Cana ked . to beat Montreal O.H.A. club was playing David at rave Jorque, Nati imposed a of the mal has tawa the jor fim uh for the som in to rules of 5 a prov club shall file before playing the match note w had not He its with ne given ful reba na ttawa filled the requirements Hh hockey | statement has live. og Irgoy ne, up, caused the Saturday, and ™ | Now the players say schedule on the understood the { to Bellevidle, { The Cl. af te This is I | they KCL Portamos wt th m orisms a boys rnoon were their positions. one' were not with they played for the best that was them and practice mn i the «oll put one that Charlton, titi { the franchise and the plavers salaries Trenton Defes vert the pro the of Picton is anthority § SHYS rving frivtion the local plavers kept Picton man +H Gade run the It is appl Hope. they will hook. plan will and Port r Own same d Portsmouth, the Tuesday 1th e Palace the wath's reely The JUnIOrs met rink, foagu first game, accustomed have only series end to had and City ARCO a ah wpe to "bath a However, mn al egiate bo up a good fight, though the score was 6 to 0 in favor of the $ to 6 and in the gat Campbell, game in a highly students. | notcehed of Ba oe Portsmouth point, cent wart, rover, re, RS Mc ammon; Davidson; right wing, Thornton; Cooke; he half time score was last half the colle two goals. "Billy" arriefield, refereed the satisfactory manner, N-tGoal, MM. Kennoady; cover, McGuire: rover, Forsythe, left wing, Ken Kl Ste- Slee . Stewart: paint, tewart; centre, J, right wing, man; left wing, Denny. ¢ Portsmouth juviors held a council meeting yesterday afternoon before the game and captain: - They felt that "Mike" elected "Mike" Kelinedy, was the best one fitted to pilot the team to victory again this winter. The de HITE & F fii tit 5 r 3 £ | k in ray s game did not stick positions well, which left "a the K.C.I boys shot "hr ior Mont neal he had broken a 'i hurst on | "| ging he K.} BEAR AND PIG "WRESTLE Dn. The Brent of the & rason Took Place Are You Pale Near Verona. } . Verona, Jan. 17.--Allan Anaemic ? farmer living on the Frost tween Verona and Bell : large jou that was colorless barn ¥ard. quite badly tan 'eit RENQF, which SUP iy B, raCed seks, x iysg an ery the drowned ition cannot plenty of i Prouse"s Com iroh Pills makes rich, blood and strength nerves tha 8 y eptrated ind ron qunlities failing in colar Snyder, a Road, be Rack, had a in his dod bv a aad t slanched ive come | Anaemia means bear, from by, the one which 1s said 10 have ese aped | dst . from a French: through | last fall was the is 1 BIow near or | 'aa This o« thet 3 ian bio passing fate attack veudhe nd utritious during Nees pon the ight wa can; but, reluciantly prize | Décen in con form ¥ 8 } 1pO Pills that render anaemia, | and loss of his th her scene of a y 1 his Ludbrs sok, snd family, Harvey Sayder and family, Frederick and Allen Snyder ilies; Miss Hattie Steele, Mrs F Sus dar and Mr and Mrs. Je | Master and daug fof thi | met to honor the etghiv-zeventh a fversary of the birth Mr. Snyder { The venerabie gentleman was the deiffent of many tokens of love and re from those assembled, and the expression was unanimous that. he if | Wiggs they had met together Very se Mrs d ughter, J Bottle. 35 Prouse's Drug Store Branch Post Office. Telephone 82, i amd fam Dan shir ter place, of re pect SOLD HIS WIFE. Were Disastrous to Seller and Purchaser. Mrs. Veter Beidisky, of Edwards Villa, Pa., was sold by her husband the other day, but with disastrqus results to the husband and the purchaser. Having had quarrels with his wife, | Beidisky anpounced 10 the Boarders ad fis that he was willing to sell I bidder, - Several nd 'bought by to the honor may be spared for many Christmas Results days Lo come. Harry Asselstine course in the hing lege. Miss Ethel with her friend Miss Gertie Cowan the Bay View, Fourteen Island lake; octogenarian, is said to be gradually weakening. Miss Grace Barleigh ie vas the with the Misses Watson, Pleasant | nd The Free Methodists are hold: | Mi rob Railroad workmen put bridg Rineday at South Verona Ih nd when Krokoss about and master has gone to take a ton Business * Col McMullen, Ottawa, of © last summer, W. J. Abrams, house nighest finally she was ons, who paid 8355 sale to man- house, she antl knock went hor amd sect @ 4m Beidisk wi 4 th began the spanning riser ume | A Kingston Man's Luck. A Goderich correspondent Waiter E. Kelly, of Picton when he opencd out his Goderich. He writes luck, jew store the {who has com to made in first marry niece of ! left to hs wile, the out hs of Kingston Walter helly hb aed has tis offer "for dhe North Am company, but his business be ices ' e has W waved dwell 1a . Selling The 1 arm amd Reciprocity. one A « Fisher, minister of Laurier govern ite recently near workman re his toil than the last few countryman versed." this WN Props beng ag Insurance of for in of the have been re deal of rise for the 8Y, pla advantageous govat Banding ded him with He get i twenty sellmg out issuer. of | marriage wn | elected a council wihions pr or, sumably, ir hanite after bh lect a couneil wile » 10 Flog month truth in the ¢ of part has farmer The isdusirial 2 ex- A twice real and I'be Or, he wa where in ont most wl position and his ha they will spend has 1 ¥ v m a very granu. of centres Notes From Bell Rock. #1 om RH Re k THF oe Be veers Hurd standstill an has pron market Hid te hi tune under here, on there 15 at a of no we mm 1 of Camden, i Yorke ter ness 2 home he much of the deep snow and ensive VEeAars we, and at tion the buy as much as n or wo for the fe he swamps prod same prote prices of things it he $ 10 Caress of Frid Har ts ir ntaria, Queber and British ! ha Fenwick, { Frank Amey, Mr Mrs Amey 's 1 Columb are H off, large me United and Desmond, ni any the olin Time. in Ntates Drew Their Money While there lost money Farmer?' has their facies an Sharbot m we | Hon of repress " of th \ Are hupwredds a ¢ been fortona mans Labor aml the imu labor member of Lawrds. matar Lake w the bans money ten days before od its doors. Whether sarned of th reife ox foundation of the hank did not say but it looks a kind Providence had gi oo thin premonition. - the British peaking and at the govern ts action a regard gr not ye use of Lords to what will reduce th chambers Matus ag, = branch of parliament. The labor men do not wont a representative and strong senate such as the government foreshadowed in its parliament hill, and which would not recognize herve. dite as a qualification for srvies, The taking of such a posiiion may be nataral rather than wise, Tt may also be useless. There are precedents for a prime minister, finding that be cam not effectively entry out what be thinks is a good programme, declining to carry ool any and resgning. Asquith is not bound to do ever) thing men outside of his party desire. posit the earl the npchat be enfin The Demonstrators Here, Miss McPhee end Miss Leddy ar rived in the cite today and will hol the first free cooking dias: to-morros at the Bijou theatre. 'ihe short pro ers of bread-muking will be the sub wet and the most simple method wil be thoroughly explained and dem onstrated to you, beginning at IM Pm Accident to Charles Vanarnum. On Tuesday afternoon, while walking 'along Wellington street, Charles Va Criticized Mr. Carnegie, sarnum, a well knows resident of this | Toronte Mail 3 city, shipped and fell, wevegely hurt Andrew Camegie is somewhat wore ing his thigh. He was carried to hin ried by the story that _althongl be is home, on Wellington street, by a con #0 miw h in favor of pears, and gives ple of young men, who saw bm fall, millions to promote #1, he was one of and, this morning, was resting easily. the first men to make armor plate in | the United States, and tu well it for ery cold weather dor {he list | war purposes. But Me Carnegio is twen very hurd on + the [only supplying the antidote after pre hs think this cold paving same. uf the poison. anther in what the risk ews want owt a aliveiiely a mir aud save pes arag Skater Gd i

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