Store Open To-night Xmas Gifts JOHN McKAY, | FURS. §ii, = 3 atin, For . | The Fur House, 140-151 Brock Street. Blankets And Comforters -- \ Sassessesessesessrseesrsensesseseeseseesassen While All-Wool Biinkets. Grey Al-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. s Comforters in Batting, Wool ,and Eiderdown filled. All fresh new stock. o.oo R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. 88444980800 0evE Ee k- _ experience. Farewell The Old Year elcome Cav VN; ! ks to the patronage of many customers, we were k very busy during the past twelve months. To constantly. increa business is our aim object. HIGH GRADE. SUPERIOR PLUMBING AND HEATING such as we do, will add new names to our lst, amd make this New Year the best in our our and a David Hall, 'Phone 325. gn Hiadk St. Residence 856. | | | | i Hildg and Doris | George TT a small dance in the * * 5 4 luncheon will be given at the | ry Club, next Friday, in honor rs. R. NM, Hannaford, of Moa- and Mrs, Edwin Loucks, Winni- - FOES L PETE number of § pucen' 5 tudents, who to remain in town for the will entertain at a dinner at enjoyable socisi y, : British-American on Christmas vear, was the dance given by the '07 Science Club, . 'Ons of the most {events of the Lo Mrs. E. T. Steacy, harm street, entertain at a dance, on Thurs- her som, wills will ay evening, in homor of Ma er Betberl Stagey. in > & family gathering at King on Barrie dipner, op Dr treet, * * Dean and Mrs. Ve. Ellis, will entertain 'at Monday evening. * + & Miss Kathleen Sutherland, of gaty, is expected to arrjve in next wweek to visit Miss Lilian dell, Brock street. Mr. James A, Richardson, is ex- pected in town today, to visit his mother, Mis. George Richardson, Uni- versily avenue. Dr. Johmston and Mrs. Johnston Merrickville, came up, om Saturday, to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, University avenue. Mr. C. W. Livingston, of Toronto, is home to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Liv: ingston, Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. "Chaucer" Elliott and little son nrvived, hi week with My. Elliott's On Monday evening, the Elliott, Division street, will en- family party at diner, There will be a few close friends also, to share the festivity. * + 9 Mr. J. C. Brown, of the Standard Rose- dinner on Queen's colors. There was twenty o ('Connor's orchestra. The supper was ntertained at « farewell dinner, in at: the entrance to Grant Hall, by the re. Stafford Rirkpatriek, who | Miss Hora, King street, will give a with jet' Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, pride. re were Prof, and Mrs.' Willhofit, Mr. bachelors of Napaute, on December Rzers, Misses Mona and Phyllis Frontenac street, entertained inform. sie Smythe, Misses Leta and Vern Misses Nora wand Helen Gordon, Miss Mrs, H. * tin, Miss Edith" Young, Misses Ethel | on Monday evening. mine; Migs Dorothy Hill, Misses + ¢e Besse, Eva .and Mabel Richardson, | Monday evening. . Jessie Dickson, Miss Lenore Hamil- | street, will entertain at Mudie, Stanley Cunningham, | Frank Smythe, Professors Gwillim, | + an, Ernest Dawson, Arthur Boak, | (Christmas day. Hughes, Ronald Fortt, Wigle, Hawn. Matthews, Harold Davis, T. McGinnis, Grant' Hall, on Wednesday evening The hall was prettily decorated dances on the programme, and A pusic was supplied bv - Crosby nd 3 served in the reading room at que Messrs Belly Herri ge and Dorie tette tables. The guests were received their rooms, on Wellington street, patronesses, who were, Mrs, "LW. un Wednésday evening. handsomMy gowned in black * + 'wore ph! beautiful gown 'of black satin family dinner party, on Monday even- veiled! in black chiffon, bodice trisnmed | ing, after which she 'will entertain ab mauve voile, en traine, bugle trim ming dun bodice. Among those oresent | Invitations have been received "in town for a dance to be given by the and Mrs. Lindsay Maleohn, Miss Alice Kiug, Wies Loretta Swift, Miss Aileen 30th, | > * 2 fareht, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Irene Mr. and Mrs. Halloway" Waddell, Swift, Miss Madge Taylor, Miss Bes: 3 altv, "at bridge, on Thursday evening. Carson, Miss Marjory Brownfield, | + Misses Christine and Sylvia Cochrane, | There will be Bates', Hales' Cottages, King Kate Crpg, Miss lassie Kirkpatrick, street, on Christmas day. Miss Nan Patterson, Miss Eva Mur |. *. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Will. and Jessie Slater, Misses Blanche iam street, will entertain at dinuer, and Flossie Hudon, Miss Grace Hem Rent, Miss Nora | Mr atl Mrs. R. E." Kent, Macnee, ' Miss Mamie Anglin, Misses | street, will entertain at dinner, Miss E. Saunderson, Miss Marguerite | a ' * . Stewart, Miss Dora Oldrieve, Miss| Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, don. Messrs. W,' Anderson, W. Baine, | Monday evelpng. - . A. Ferguson, E. Davis, Balfour i i a wi ond Miss Millie Ferrip, 'Willow Cottage," James Swift, Noble Steacy, J. Cal- | will entertain at a family dinner par- vin, Reginald Calvin, George Smythe, |tv, on Monday. + Stafford Kirkpatrick, L. W. Gill; ] and Mrs. A, W. Winnett, Bagot Messrs. Irving Martin, Frank Strach will entertain at dinner on Russell Hewton, H. E. Doris, Allan | Dowling, W. Macnee, Douglas Anglin, | Birkett, Nofman Malloch, M Meikle, | H. Marshall, J. Newlands, Forgie, Douglas Ellis; Einest Sliter and A. W. Browne. * Cal town "9 0 Maye A very jolly driving party was given last evening, with Mrs. Muir, of Grimsby as chaperons. The guests as sembled atthe Yacht Club, and after the drive returned to the club, where refreshments were served and an in- formal dance was held: Those present were Miss Helen Gordon, Miss Dorothy Hill, Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss Very Carson, Miss Lilian Mundell, Misses Evy and Mabel Richardson, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Madge Dawson, and Miss Sylvia Cochrane, - Messrs. Walter Macnee, jr.; Laughlin Hughes, Sidney McCann, Kenneth Mundell, James Stewart, Douglas Anglia, Frank Smythe, Jack Smythe, Mackay Minkle, A. "Brown, |, Reginald Calvin, leonard Birkett and Harry Silver. ve Mrs. Daniel Fitzgibbon, 31 Colborne street, gave 'a euchre party, on the ' ] : 19th inst. the --ocension being Mr. | PORK, left, to-day, for his home in Fitzgibbon's birthday anniversary. An Bradford, to be gone over the holi- enjoyable evening was spent by all day. those present. DBeforé the gathering Miss Beatrice dispersed supper was served, and while Street, leaves, at table Mr, Fitzgibbon was: the re Hamilton, cipient of a gold chain, a souvenir of | Mr- A. the day, from Mrs. Fitzgibbon. The real, presentation: was accompanied by ao lents, Mr few appropriate words on the part of street. : ' J. E. H. Howison, assistant secretary| Mr. H. E. Richardson, of the Stand- of the C MBA. ard bank, leit, to-day, to * spend ee 9 Christmas at his home in Ancaster. Mrs. Hugh = Macpherson's Mr. J. T. M. Burnside, who has been "Kimhurst," will bo the scene of a|m town for the past month, left, to- jolly gathering en Christmas day, | day, for Toromo, to visit his mother. when she will entertain at dinner and) Word has been received in town of BS lil the safe arrival of Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris, at Kabat, North-West Frontier province, India, where she is the guest of her brother, Captain E. Dales Carr-Harris * +» Miss Forgy, of Queen's University, {left, on Tuesday, to spend the holi- {days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forgy, Belleville, Mr, George Tandy, be the guest of his parents, Mr. { Mrs. Tandy, King street. Mr. Gordon B. Herridge, of Queen's, left, on Monday, for Ottawa, to spend H Christmas with his parents, Dr. and iMrs. W. T. Rervidge, {| Mr. and Mes E town, Satuiday, foutt with Mr i Princess street, Mr. Ernest Newman, William on Tuesday, for to spend the holidays. Calvin, of the Bank of Mont- Toronto, is the guest of his par- and Mrs. H. A. Calvin, King home, will and of Montreal, Adams arrive in spend the week- and Mrs. James Craig to Bell left for his home in St. Lowe o., on Monday, where he will spend the holidays. Mr. Stewart Sutherland "is expected home,. to-dgy, from _(reemere, to spend Mes ML Earl street. S. Sutherland * "Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Phippen and Master Seobell Phi of Conway, will be She Juosts of Mr. and Mrs. [fa unter, Princess street, for the hol Mr. a Mrs. WT. Smith, of Co onday in town bourg, with Mr. "and Mrs. C. T. Dickson, Bar- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. R. McCann left, on Saturday, at an for Toronto, will join Mr. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATU RD aX. even- i will be th 'children, today, to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and' DECE MBE R 24 1910. guests of Colonel and Mrs 4 Macpherson Mrs. John E. Weeks, Montreal, wil be the guests of A and Mrs. © W. A; Gilmour, Brockville {for Christmas. Mr. Norman Malloch, of Wimipeg, has come east to spel Christmas with his parents in Arnprior. He stayed over in Kingston to attend the science dinner ad dace. + % Mr. George ack: leaves for tawa; to-day, and wi'l be. the of Mrs. Alexander Mackie, street. ( Mr. Chaties. A. Low goes to Uttawa, to-day, to visit his parents, Mi and Mrs. E. W. Low, for Christmas, Miss Gertrude Hewton arrived in| town, on Friday, from Kingsyhoite > College, - Hamilton, to spend the Christnas holidays with her parents, (eo Mr. and Mrs. John Hewton;- King | street. F sx J | Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Neish, New . Jorke are the glissts of Dr: and Mrs. |G A. Morrison, Bagot street. | Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lavell and three Smith's Falls, and Is Toronto, will be the and Mrs, G. Y Chow, | over the holidays. > + Ot- [& guost Gilmour | Sarah Lavell, guests of Mr. Barrie street, Moill will come dow) i from Toronto, this evéning, to visit] her parents, Col. and Mrs. Sydenbam [© M~Gill, King street. Mr, J, H. Doris, leaves home in Bridgeport, N.Y. day, ts spend the holidays. Dr. Harold Williamson, arrived Thursday from Port Arthur, guest in town for Christmas. ! > Mrs. Frank Patterson, and Mr. Gor- | don Patterson will spend Christmas in |} town, the guests ofi Mr. and Mrs Hj James A. Minnes, Bagot street. i The many friends of Mr. Stewart | Robertson, who has beeh attendine Ji the R.M.C., will regret to hear that jf he leaves on January 7th to reside | permanently in Ottawa. i Miss B. for his: on Sater. For Xmas 'The | Told.™ 80¢.; to be a} | Chocolates, Story Ever Half pound, 43c.; pounds, two pounds, $1.70. --~Fenway - Chocolates, ** Where Quality Counts." We have just received a fresh supply for Christmas. Beautifully boxed. Half "pound, 35c.; pound, 65¢.; special two pound bax, $1.30. --Waterman's Fountain = Pens, special Christmas boxes, $2.50 up --Rexall Fountain Péns, pen for only $1.50 --Remex Fountain the pest pen on the market for $I Gillette Safety £5.50, $6.50. --Liggett's Sweetest { Cays and | N.Y., are the | D. Ar Gays, | + 9 Dr. and Mrs. ' Egerton children, from Oswego, guests: of Mr. and Mrs. Barrie street. . Mr. F. McParland, of Calgary, will | go to Winnipeg, to spend the Christ- mas holidays. Miss Norn Macnee, leaves, on Tuesday, for, Hamilton, visit Mrs. Fuller. i} Miss E. McDowall, returned, on | Wednesday, from Bishop Stratchan | School, Toronto, to spend the holi days. Mr. Mellis Ferguson, Stratiord, ar rived in town, on Friday, to visit | Mis. M. 8S, » Sutheriand, Earl street. Nr. H. Bates, arrived in town to- day, to spend the holidays with his | ee : a a. GOOD Peus, Razors, $5, Union street, orders for delivered \ Any will be morning | MAHOOD'S PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. on DRUG College #7 ~The Christmas Last Minute Suggestions. : Books, @ 'There is a pecaliar digoity attached to the value of a bok, w .affected by its price." $1 50 and $1.25 Cloth Rebounds at 50c A large shipment cleared through the customs to-day of the latest additions to the 'See Window Display. Chocolates | Monday || STORE | | Seeouessossseses 000 SELIRITRIEIIEETIIPER SERS THIS TRI RT SI CTREEY ¥ Book Store: Storex™ / Books, Books. isin no way which re-bound lives. see sis ssn siane enn OOOO ORONO SOCIO 20000000000 00 CHRISTMAS Fast Approaching i i , It does not pay to delay further your gift choosing. High Class Pearl or Diamond Rings, Pearl Necklets - or Pendants, Scarf Pins, Links, Lockets bony Goods, Leather Shopping Bags, Etc. A ---------------------- A A eA A ANS See our prices for tn SMITH BROS. 350 King st. Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses $000000000000000000000 00900900000 20000000000000000000000000 MN *00 mother, Mrs. 'Jokij Bites; Princess street. Ln, Mr. and Mis: William street, left, on Thursday, to. visit Mrs. Aird's sister. Major L. W. Shannon, London, Ont., arrived in town, on hte, gud is the guest of his mother, J. Shannon. George street, . I and Mrs. Richard Cartwright, of Napenese, will be the guests of Miss M. Hora, King street, over the holi- days. «Mr. and Mrs Charles Kirkpatrick, Frontenac street, went up to Toronto to-day and will be the guests of Mr. Jolin Worrell for Christmas. Mrs. H. Mgearow, and son, Philip, of Ottawa, will spend Christmas with Mrs. William | Bermingham in Chat ham. g : Mr. Hugh expected visit Mr. street. Mrs. Charles Masters children the New Aird4 King for Barrie, * + 2 Farthing, Montreal, in town, on Tuesday, John C. Smythe, West and her two! are expected in town after | Year to visit her mother, Mrs. J. €, Paterson, Union street | Mrs. T. Muir, Grimsby, Ont, is the! guest of her parents, Dr Mrs. | VD. E. Mundell, Brock street, the | holidays. Mr. Kirkerarde, of Queen's. left for his home in Delora, on Thursday, where he will spend Christmas, Miss Loretta >wift, 4 panied by | "np father, Mr, James Swift, and hee! brother, Mr, James Swift, ir., left, on Thursday, for New York, where they | will spend Christmas. and fot 0 OUR OLD "Thank You, and Come Again." J OUR N * > 2 Miss Stella Regan, Montreal, ariiv «d mt town on Wednesday, and left on Thursday, accompanied by My anal | Mrs. James Rigney, for London, Ont of where they will spend Christmas i Col. €. Macdougal, from Halifax, | will come to town, on Sunday, toi 8 visit his sister, Mrs. Alexander Kirk- | patrick, Johnson street. { a Mr. Keith Macdougall, Stanley Rar racks, Toronto, is the guest-of Mrs. | Alexatler iirkpatrick, Johnson street, | br. E. J. Williamson, of Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y., will arrive Saturday to spend the holidays Mr. Allan Dowling left, Thursday, for Ottawa, to spend Chrirtmas.. je J i < 2 an OOOO: i, Xmas (ureetings PATRONS A "Mc rey EW PATRONS, who are con- stantly enlarging our citcle of friends, . we say : "Merry Christmas, and Wele ome | 2 to Our Store's" Be st." a ---- i | 3 LADIES LIKE FURS 0 HOSOI VO GOOG povh | For Xmas Gift Ww. F. Gourdier, 78-80 Brock St. { foe Choice Prete 0n - BARRIE STREET TO BE SOLD we say : Christmas, ¥ Mullin Johnson and Division Streets, on spend Fi. - * + + i x Capt. W. H. P. Elkins leit, Wednesday, for New York, to Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Kins. ; {Continued on Page 3.) i Newman and Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY Corner Ji ha Ine > 339. reeeeeses CFOS P0P00000 * STORE. POOL OOCO 'ocssnacosasascos CRO00 OOOO COGVOOOOOOO0D 0 HOOOQOOOOLOVOROO000 : OX 's m------ Heres To' {the holiday season ound at the Thompson Bottlin In Ports, Sherry, Scoteh, Brandy, Gin, Champagne, etc: we can please the most fastidious. We are Agents for hemian Imported Beer, Pilsener's Berlin Beer, and Fisher's Ale, Porter and Lager in Bottles and Kegs. GEO. HOPS, Tel. 304. Sacenss in the fruls, of esting. and You can make eh offensive by ing too geaerous with es we, § | Stroh's Bo |! Forthe spose And the Nurse Sterling Silver Thermometer Cases Hypodermic Pocket Case Needles Pocket Medicine t Pocket Surgical Cases Instrument Safchels Buggy Cases Nurses' Chatelaing, Sci Forceps, robes, Medicine 'ases, ete : Everything required by the actor er Nurse in the sick Santa for his ~ Syringes of Christmas and boots | is ready dinner Fur coat are discarded Ha Prefers Dress Suit, White Vest snd immaculate linen Imdnacul. ate linen means faultless laundering --- Our Laundering Of course flow about your Christmas linen? - Why not follow Santa's good example' KINGSTON LAUNDRY Sargical Cases OTe 0000000000000 000 SSSI oy