Ja JE INO. " t chiffon, TheBigSale Still moves Happy cust mers sa ul | parm in beattifoly ow A Bigh-chaes Furs, 'Note the Following : 1 Persian Paw Coat, 38 bust, 24 im. long, $90, now 7.60 2 Russian Lamb "Conte, 3% 'and 40 bust, 21 in. Jong, 852.50 a Astrican ow 36 bust, 26 long, $35, now ...... $26.00 i Russian Lamb, Mink 'Collar and Revers, 338 bust, 24 in. long, $100, now areily slong. $75.00 Nevers, 40 bust, 24 in. long, $40 now 1 Grey Lumb Coat; plain, 36 bust, 24 in. long, %70, now ... £52. | Grey Lamb, Natural lar and Revers, 88 bust; 24 in long, £75, now 856. Fur-lined An $0, now 1-4 Off JOHN MCKAY, THE FUR HOUSE, 149-157 Broek St. pope Besssssenessenneesues Blankets Comforters OARS ( ont, I Ndr -----; White All-Wool Blankets. _ Grey All-Woo! Blankets. Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Eiderdown filled. g All fresh new stock. » =i * . o » - - §An . ° » . : » g : ® ® | . . R. McFAUL., CARPET WARKHOUSS. 800000000000 06000000 THE GLUB HOTEL a Club for homelike sur | to Lhted In centre of ey and close to and theatre. {FOR SALE 1 KING STREET WEST seven | 00000000000000000000000000000000080000000n 1 Astrican | Lamb, "Sable "Collar and] jo £ most aniovably fea was given | Thursday afternoon by Mrs | Macpherson, University avenue | hostess received in a pretiy | blue taffets, veiled in white dotted with 'broad bands of Pessian | trimming. The drawing roo beautifully decorated with a pr lof , pink roses, and" the dir | which looked lovely, was done {quantities of dark red roses. In [wentre of the polished mahogany 'table, a huge cut glass: bowl, | with crimson roses, rested on a hand | some lace centre pieee, and the whole {effect was most artistic. Mrs. Hu | Macpherson poured tes, 'Mrs. Charles | Livingston poured coffee, Mrs. Jame iB. Mcleod served the icererepm, they were assisted by Miss Myla Dyde { Miss Florence Eliott, Miss. Hele LUglow, Miss Irene Williams, Miss Mil Henderson and Miss TFlorrie Stewart Mrs. W, I. Sills we in charge of ii tes roors, Mee. Macpherson presented tench of her assistants with a bunch of {lovely roses. The guests) included Mrs i 8S. Eilis, Mrs. Johs Macgillisray, filled and i 1 Mrs. E. Steacy, Mrs. Robert Mchet bi Mrs. W. wv Jordan, Mrs. J. ( iliott, Mrs. W. Gill, Mrs. Hare, Mrs. ! David oan Mrs. Jobm Nicolle, Mrs. David Laidlaw, Mss. Lawrence Loc "kett, Mrs, Herbert Lobeftson, Mrs. W sordon Mylks, Mra. Athi Ellis, Mis. | W. Renton, Mrs. . Baker, Mrs George Mahood, Yew R. FE. Sparks, Mrs. Ernest Sparks, Mrs. James Third, Mrs. James Minnes, Mrs. Oliver Chown Mrs. T. G. "Smith, Mrs, Hobart Dyde, Més. Mrs. John Mrs. J. Massie, R. Uglow, Mrs James Henderson Smith, Mrs. George iff, Miss Edith Massie, { Miss Spangenberg, Miss Eleanor Mac- donnell, Mrs, George . Young, Miss Edith Young, Miss Mamie Anglin and Misses Sarak and Sunes Gibson. ® At the marriage S Misa Morse, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C Morse, to Mr. Charles Stewart Tup per, Winnipeg, which takes place this afternoon, in Grace, the bride will be attended by Miss 50 | May Wyld as maid of honor, and five 0 | bridesmaid, Miss Hope Wurtele, Miss Jessie Cassols, Miss Aung Oliver, Miss Janes Tupper (Vancouver), and Miss Frances Tupper . (Winnipeg). Mr. Clande Aldous, Winnipeg, will be groomsman and (he ushers, Mr. Hugh Fraser, Mr. Cameron Edwards, Mr. Depends largely on what you GIVE. A useful, handsome piece of Furniture, | Curtains, Rugs,ete., will make the sea- Jardiniere Stands, B0e., 8c. up. Pictures and mizrord, 15e. up to $10 8. edgh. : Cabinets, Parlor Calvimets, andy Car- | | pets, Rugs, Curtaing, ete. Open nights until' Pheies 'Phone $9. ° | J. Boyd, Mrs. Thomas Mills, Mrs. | Madge, church; Ottawa, | CHRISTMAS -| burnie, announce Hl Austin, daughter of the late. Rex Me ntague Belt, Mr. Talbot 'Papineau; real, and Mr. C. T, ugh Cal: ry, the bride's brdther. Car Tos tay, Union street, will ww Club, on | inson, Bagot left; on ae day, for Chi- spend tl with Mr s. Challe Mgir. 3 Browne, who.has . heen , his holiday# in Brantiord, re- | tu Pd to Kingston on Wednesday. Mr. Staplex.r Cunningham will ar ¢ from Red Deer, Sask., on Sun to spend & few weeks with his «r, Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Eari treed 1 Mrs. Richard Cartwright, Napanee, spent Wednesday in town, the guest of Mi iss Hora, King WiEeet, Wy. Edward i Bank of Commerce, St. Catharines, will arrive home, next week, to spend Christmas with his ts, Mu andg Mrs. Joseph Swift, King street. . {| wr. W. FB. Honey, who was a yuest at the Campbell-Rogers wedding returned to . Lachine on Wednesday. Mrs. Henry and their little daughter, who have been the guests of Miss vileen Rogers, for the past week, left home, to-day, Mr. Charles U. lead, who" has also been the t of Mise Rogers, left, to-day, for home in Lachine. id * ¢ 9 Edwin Loucks, of Winnipey, will srrive in town, to-mbprrow; to visit her sister, Mrs. F. Strange, Sydenham street. Mrs. J. C. Connell, West street, en- tertained the children's dancing "lub last night. Dr. Chown Sherman, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atwater, Otta- wa, will spend Christfnas with Mrs. James Sherman, Earl's Court. - & @ Mrs. i I Me. Vernon Crawford, 'Pittsburg, Pa. will arrive in town, next week, to spend the holiday with his parents, Capt. a rs. Robert Crawford, Barrie street. Mr. and Mrs. Clmke" Taylor 'little son, Keith, of Gananoque, | spend Christmas, with Mrs. N. mot, Clergy, street. Miss Lambert, is home from Whitby College, to spend the holidays ' ¢ +» Miss Frances Fraser, St. Agnes Col- lege, Belleville, will spend Christmas with Mre. John Fraser, King street. Cant. Russell Hale arrived from Ot- tawa on Friday. The Messrs. Geoffory and Frederick Hale arrived, on Saturday, from Upper Canada College, Toronto, te siend_ the Christmas holidays with their parents, Capt, and Mrs. Russell | Hale, Johnson street, La amd will Wil Lay Ladies' * . | Miss Spangenberg, 'Mr. Frederick Spangénberg and Miss Jennie Philips | will leave,Son Wednesday, for Toronto and will be' guests of Mr. and Mus. F. Philips. | Miss Freda Burns. will leave, on | Wednesday, for Toronto, to visit her | sinter, Mrs. Robert Sastridge, | Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Johnson, } Neutral, will spend Christmas with IM Johnson's father, Mr, W. Bailey, Barrie street. +* Mr. H. G. Beall is home from | Springfield, Mass., te spend the holi- days with his mother. Miss Tollington," of Vancouver, is spending the Christmas holidays with {her Triend, Mis. W. Beall, William street. Mrs. Hugh Walkem, of Montreal, will give an afternoon "bridge" next Mon" day, in honor of Mrs. C. W. Drury, of Halifax. : + * Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson and daughter, Marjorie, Montreal, will ar rive in town next week and will be the guests of Mrs..R. H. Toye, Gore street, for the holidays." Miss Eva Richardson, Stuart street, entertained informally, on Thursday evening, in honor of Mrs. Austin Gil- lies, Carleton Place. Mr. Austin Gillies, Carleton Place, arrived in town last Tuesday, and next week he and Mrs. Gillies will go to Toronto. + * The marriage of Misy Jessie Begg to { Mr." Hetry Perrin, will take place at the end of the month. *e @ Mr. and Mrs. CG. Shannon, Glen- the . engagement - of their daughter, Ida Mae, to Mr. R. H. Ward, of Kingston. The marriage will take place December, 28th, 1910. e +e The marriage of Miss Alice Reiver iH THE DAILY BRITISH wai, SATURDAY, vs BT -- of the Canadian jsen's. LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. | Ooemrrences In The City And Vicinity Easily Read And Remembered. "High-class Christmas sweets." Gib- son's. Sec King's Hill of fare for on page : All Kinds of watlery;-high grade, | lowest prices, at Simmons Bros'. "Life membership" Tabard loa Li bray, $1, for Christhpas giving. Gib- son's. Harold Trotter, Division street, is able to be aroind after his "recent illness. "Pocket Gillette safety razors.' Gib- ». Sunday, A large horned owl perched on the sapmost limb of a tree in Victoria Park to-day formed ite sn object of curiosity for passers. "High-class is Christ- was, Gibsons. A convict released from penitentiary, to-day, was taken to Montreal by a eonstable from that city. He is want ed to give evidence in a theft case there. for Salvation Army Work. Complaint has been made in some * al f 1 of ; 3 guarters ut the convicts released from the penitentiary, not having | ovepcoats. Capt. Turner, of the Salva- tion Army, meets with all the con victs as they leave, mnd makes ar- rangements for army officers to look after the men, wherever they may lo cate, and he says that he would . be very glad to receive overcoats and other garments w citizens would like to give to help thése poor unfor- tunates. The captain would also like very much to receive clothing suitable for children, for distribution. Dona. tions could be sent to the citadel. Placed Under Arvest. Constables Ariel and hogs Fi" day, placed under arrest a mic woman named Mrs. Greer, who ito be charged with using het daughter for immoral purposes. The warrant for her arrest was taken out the latter part of July, but Mrs. Greer left the city, " ¢ The Crescent Yacht Club, of Water- town, N:¥., has challenged the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto, for the George cup. A Watertown syndi- cate is arranging to build a new Loat to succeed the Crescent. The Crescent has been bought .in by Mr. Moore, a member of the club. See King's 5ill of fare for on page 8. Sunday, "Kingston's Famous Fur Store." Just to show you how much Queen a R. M. C. Pennants. Hats of every kind, Umbrellas. Canes. Snow Shoes Austin, Gananoque, to Mr. Frank Richardson Burgess, of Ottawa, is an- nounced to take place in Toronto on December 28th. (Continued 'on page 3.) QUEEN'S CONVERSAZIONE, In Grant Hall Friday Evening a Grand Event, { The conversazione, given by Queen's Desks wind: Music Cabinets, edi Alt Mater Society, in. Grant hall, y night, was an ualified suc- cons. The Grand T. F. Harrison n Co, 4 DECEMBER 17, 'The fra. DAY'S EPISODES 1910, P00 000000909 : College Book Store THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN E ASTERN ONTARIO, # The - Christmas Storer ™ : | BOOKS MAKE THE BEST GIFTS. No Man's Land, Vance At the Villa Rose, . A EW . Rest Harrow, 3 The Handicap, R. E. Knowles. Lizbeth of the Dale, Marion Keith. Rules of the Game, Stewart Edward White. The Second Jianee 3 Nelly The Rose in the Ri McCute heon. A Splendid Hazard, Harold Mc Grath 060 PRINCESS STREET, Maurie Hewlett. - McClung Chums Boys" Own Girls" Owh Mason BOOKS FOR BOYS: Annual Annual The Herbert Strong Annual dtrang's Historical Series. ty & Alger Books TOY BOOKS. Pictures "Her Gift," ored, PICTURES FRAMED FRAMED. The most exclusive line with The largest and finest lae of Toy" Books carried ranging from in the eity in. price be to $2.00, . AND UN- of Den decorated frames, the latest and best sell- ing picture in the country, at $1.50 and $3.00 a hand eol- Phone 919 + 85.50, ST « i For Xmas --Liggett's Chocolates, ** The weit Story Ever Toll." Half pound, 45¢.; pounds, S5c.; two pounds, $1.70. Chocolates, *' Where off Quality Counts." We have just received a fresh supply for Christmas. Beautifully boxed. Half pound, 35c.; pound, 65c.; special two, pound box, SL30, --Fenway Pens, £2.50 . Fountain boxes, ~ Waterman's special . Christmas up. ~Rexall Fountain Peuos, pen for only $1.50. a GOOD --Remex Fountain Pens, the best pen on the market for 81, --Gillette Safety Razors, 35, $6.50. MAHOOD'S ston: | Ea i -- CHRISTMAS Fast Approaching 1t does not pay to delay further your gift choosing. See our prices for 'High Class Pearl or Diamond Rings, « Pearl Necklets or "Pendants, Scarf Pins, Links, Lockets Ebony Goods, Leather Shopping Bags, Efe. A ct Na HNN SIAN MANNA SMITH BROS, 350 King St } Jewellers Opticians Issuers of Harrioge Licenses 9000000000000 00000000¢ "ON THE PRICE OF YOUR COAT BY BUYING AT THIS STORE. IALL LADIES CLOTH COATS Being cleared out at Hzlf Price. 3 new this season, and built on the very latest lines. $10.00 COATS FOR $12.50 COATS FOR J $15.00 COATS FOL . $20.00 COATS FCR Every Garment CALL EARLY WHILE THE : BANGE IS AT ITS BEST. ER WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES THAT - WILL MAKE ACCEPTABLE PRE- SENTS FOR FAMILY. EVERY MEMBER OF THE IF YOU WANT TO SPEND 2c or $20.00 FOR AN ARTICLE WE CAN SUIT YOU. TRY US AND SEE. Newman and Shaw | % THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Furnaces, | Brick New Books for Boys. % series, bv H. 1 the following thrit Es Is a Pair Eveglases or Spectacles tested choose your mounts now and %§,} rt eed the testing done after the i a ---- ---- n Gift of propecly fitied Our Stock of Eyeglasses fs 3 complete, and we cap Ht any face with an attractive Pair of Glasses Our testing of (he eves Is done scientifically with The Iat- est instruments, satisfaction iz guaranteed and entire If too busy to have the eyes before . Christmas, Ideal' LADIES LIKE FURS For Xmas Gifts W. F. Gourdier, 78-80 Brock St. FOR CHOICE LOCATION AND BARGAIN PRICES Interview Mullin 81 850--RBrick street, 32 AM } He has the good Dwelling, Wellington A Nice Dwelling, Unis Modern improvements Earl Moder provement . avenue 82.2060 - street £2 500. Brick Dwelling Earl electric hight and gas Univers Modern impro 1.600 £3,500) BEVéniue ements, furnace I ohimad; street, Maderr £1 Rt oh jarge RE, O00 Stable, ali part : Mullin Corner" Johnson, and Division Strests, . All Dirt is infested with discsse germs and poison-breed- ing microbss, By our modern selon. tific method of launder- ing everything men- acing your health = . Vanishes Leaving our washes as clean and pure as ihe pinescented air -of the mountain forest