in its' action is So Healing this wonderful soap, that after a few days' use the skin will be soft as velvet. You 'owe it to yourself to buy a 10c. 'cake to-day Cf INFANTS' "DELIGHT THE SADDEST 01 "What are you king . abosk | dear?" she akked : "I have just been trying to decide something." ""Car. 1 bel"y you? "No; I've arzived at a conclusion." "What is it about?' "I have just decided that the sad- dest Jot in the world is that of a man who maeries an heiress and then has Record-Herald. A Mean Trick. . __We wajtedd for the bride and groom To start their trip. - . There was enough rice in the room To sink a ship. Each fellow held a rusty shoe Behr his back, ° And there were Tihhpps, pink and blue, Upon the haok. The bride and aroon, they held aloof, To our dismay, Then took an man from the roof © And got away. x . ~Lowaville Courier- -Journal. ¢ Geometric Finance. fected for those monepolists a square deal?" "Certainty." replied Mr. Dustin Stax, with a chuckle. "It represented a quartet of our greatest and most far- reaching enterprises. Since the deal has four corners in it it must be square."--Washington Star, Love of Football, Breatres there & man with soul so dead | Who never to his town has said, "This is our own,' our trusty team!" Whose heart has not been stirred with pride HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. g Go to thé BTRWA oa Jansing o Comiusrciar Hotel A yor BY. JAS, -------- Prop. . Christmas and New Year Holiday Rates Trip Tickets will be {issued a : Round Single First-Class Fare Good golug Dec, 24th, 25th, 26th. Good to return until Dee. 27th; also, going Dec. 31st, Jan. 1st and 2nd; « good to return until Jan, 3rd. and at Single First-Class Fare and One-Third : ioing Dec. 21%t to Jan. 2nd inclu- sive; good to return until Jan. 4th. TICKETS ISSUED FROM KINGS: TON TO INTERMEDIATE STA- TIONS ON MAIN LINE BETWEEN MONTREAL AND TORONTO WILL NOT BE GOOD ON TRAINS 1 AND "For further information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Ei and Ontario Sts. KINGsTONE PEMBROKE RAILWAY " In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. mas and New Year Excursions One Way First-Class Fare Gpod going December 24 and 26; re- thrn Hmit, Décember 37th, 1910; also going December 37, 1910; Jan. , = 1911; return Hmit, Jan. 3, 1911, First Class Fare and One-Third ar going December 21 to Jan. "1811; return Hmit, Jan. 4, 1911, "pun particulars at K. and P. and CPR. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. AA F, CONWAC, Gen. Pass. Agent B By records made 'upon his side, 'Who on the grand stand does not mean To lose a bit of all that fun When quarter makes a long end run? | ~Judge. One of These ----* Cars. "Where did you spend your two weeks' vacation 7" . } "In an automobile." "Indeed? Long trip, eh?" "We got nearly twenty-two miles." "*Here insert name of wiachisie you hate most.--Cleveland Leader. TH The Happy. Soldier. ¢ "A soldier of the Legion ve % Lay dying in Algiers," 7 While a thousand weeping women Watched him through a flood of tears, But bg murmured as his lifeblood Ebbed at each convulsive throb: "Gee! I'm glad I left the army For: this Moving picture job!" A ~P. ¥. Horufsh in Puck. ~~ No Idle Boast. - ; The Famous Painter (angrily)--I bear, str, ihat-you're boasting that you studied under me? The Near Painter (calmly)---And so I did, sir, so I did. Why. FFoccupied a room under your studio for nearly a month !~New Otiesns Times-Democrat. The Hustier's Epitaph. Wives of married men remind us We can make our wives sublime' And. departing, leave belitnd us * Wealthy widows In thelr prime. --New York Times. No Sale. "1 see you are smiling at my jokes" sald the waiting contributor hopefully. "Yes," replied the editor; "that cour- tesy is due when one meets old friends."--Philadeiphia Ledger. 1a yey; She stooped for something on the floor, { Forgetful of the gard sha wore. A ripping sound, a shriek from Gert 4 Alas, she'd torn vr hobble skirt! "Have you no i d "I have, mum, bat their gifts. 1 get six tn BAX OF QUINTE RAILWAY. loaves Union Station, Ontaric Lie Jail (Bu y excepted) den am, apanes, Deser- for aro) burn aad all olnts north | despatch to Bannock S A and pointe' on Central | thts te your shipments via Bay | ulnie at Por § further SATS SPY - Pickaow, i ---- ! WARD LINE | New sloamships, excellant cuisine large. comfortable recms and lounging | aud Saturday GU aterior Points, | for Havana Tle of Pines i Where rigorous northern winters are | oxy xvhanged on wonderful Cuban clim- ! mati 2 sae atlings oach | Jhu | - 3 Tera Cruz Tampics. = © Making con dectiony for Mexice City | nd all a n the interior of Mexico i BAHAMAS Salitngs . Ran, Write for literature and particulars about rates and dccommodat N XO nA MAIL 8.8 CO, ik East River, Connéctions for | Haines Santiago. 3 a praday First Cabin | od and { i Round Trip $30 and Up : Fast Twin Screw £2 "Dermud- : (230 tons, sails from New Dec. 341k; Jan. 4th, 25th, aud every Wed- i Wireless Bt |» shut you up."--Baltimofe. American "Ay husband reads me like an open book." "I'll bet he would prefer the power An Aimless Thins. tis Oh, shooting star--oh, tar, I really don't know what you But I'll bet a big round dollar that You don't know what Shooting ate ews. : The Law. Knicker--~Dark clothes protect you | from the sun's rays, Bocker--They won't if they aren't | in fashion.--New York Sun. Pay Those Taxes! And now the man who owna his house' Is putting up & row The cost of living is Hoste forhim Than ever it was before. - . ' ~Chicago Tribune, i A-- . It Would. - Elia~They say that sugat alone will sustain life for some time. Stella--Life 'be sweet, Sagat it?-New York Press dh Curious. ¥ Life is a curious story, - No mater ous Sor. ti * Ridin' a race hoss to glory When you can win in & walk! --Atlapts. ---- em ------ Enos Ahalwhien wT ew plete plage ed for the last tim?" "Ibe first time "Spokane Spokes te od to work for the purpose of earning | his awn spending monéy."--Chicago | § £ 8. ! . hk "Do you eall timt merger you ef- i -- i BURN YOUR BRIDGES. when All Retreat 1s Cut OW, Then , 'You Must Go Alead, Young wen often make the mistake | when theyestart ow an important un- lertaking of jeaving open & way of retreat if things go (00 bard, says Ori sop Swett Mardes ih Burcess Maga tine. NO A0e rin callout his greatest reserves, do the greatest thing - pos- L » Mim, while he knows that if lie b attle KEIN 100 hot he had a line of retreat stil ®fr open Only is no hépe of escape will an y fght with that spirit of des ration Which gives no quarter. Many a great general in his march 'on the enemy has burned his bridges hind him, cut off his wuly possible re it, for the bracing, eucouraging ef- | fect upon filinself and bis army, be- | eause be Kuéw that men only call out their greatest reserves of power when | all retredt is cut off and when Oght- ing desperately for that which they | count dearer than life. |- We are-80 "made that as long as | there 1s @ chanée to retreat, as long | as there are bridges behind us, we are | tempted to turn back when the great test cames. "Will you Hold this fort?" asked General Rosecrans -of General Pierce at Stone river. "I will try, general." "Will you hold this fort?" "I will die in the attempt" "That won't. do. Look me in the eye, sir, and tell me it yon will hold this position." "I will!' sald General Plerce, and he did. -- es THEY SEPARATED. 8 But the Parting Was More Strenuous Than Jim Expected. A man named Roynar wien gold hunt- ing in Alaska liad as partner a vener- able prospector, who went about habit- ually with his boot. legs stuffed full of dynamite sticks. The old man had a | plegsantly casual way of filling the stove oven with these sticks in order that they might thaw out there. Some- times, too, he forgot them, which was improfenty to say the least. Royner was n alt of a timorous disposi- tion, but the Senclent prospecter's reck- there He remonstrated with him and strenuously, but his protest w not seem to have the slightest effect. "Jim," be sald finally when driven to desperation, "if you can't be more to separate." That. night as he approached the | and knocked him insensible. When he ! recovered consciousness he percetved | near. Hegtared atit a moment medi tatively, "Well, Jim," he remarked at last sadly, "T guess we've managed to sep- arate alf right, particularly you, hora ~Minneapolis Tournal. cad A Picture of Eternity. The negro preacher is noted for his enthusiasm and his picturesque, almost poetic, way of expressing things. In "Life In Old Virginia" J, J. M¢Donald tells about a colored minister who was 'f conducting a revival without much success. At last, however, he awak- ened his congregation by asking: "Does yo' know' what eternity iv? Well, 1 tell yo'. "It one of dem If'l' sparrows what yo' see round yo' garden bushes was to dip his bill in de "Lantic ocean an' take one hop a day an' hop 'cross de: | '| country an' put 'dat drop of water into ° de 'Cifie ocean an' den he hop back to de *Lantic vcean--jes' one hop a day-- | an if he keep dat hoppin' up twell de "Lantic ocean wuz dry as a bone, it wouldn't be break o' day in eternity." ren, "yo' sea for yo'sef how long eter "| nity 18." A Tribute to Woman. and dim in the far distance of the un- known future, when the world seems but a picture or a fairy tale and the universe a chimera. when the whole structure of ideas vanishes In smoke and all certainties become enigmatical, what is the only permanent thing which may still be his? The faithful heart of a woman. There he may rest his head; there he will renew his Strength for the battle of life, increase | & benediction.on bis lips.--Hearl Fred. erie Amiel." Fo Easy Maries, passing a week in the city, "us rubes ain't in it with them air teown chaps." "Did yew sell 'em enny gold bricks, Silas?' queried old Daddy Squashneck. "Naw, I didn't," answered Uncle Si las, "but I seed a feller peddlin' arti- ficial fee--hed th' sign right on his wagon--an' blamed ef th' chumps did not buy it fer th' real thing, by grassP--Chicago® News. -- .., Lots of Nerve. ~~ Farmer's Son--My father sent me over to borrow your horse and cart Why, he already bas ail our tools, our axes, our hay- There are some Shines better than a nm, but t don't get a chance at pris you every day, . to ot buks toni por Sg with You can often. 'tell what » girl is like by the powder. hat when | | less carelessness troubled his nerves. ' careful with that dynamite we'll have | shack a terrific concussion rent the air | | one of the aged prospectors legs ng "Dar, now," said one of the breth- | When everything around a man stag- | gers and wavers, when all seems dark | his faith in Providence and, if need | be, find strength to die in peace with | "Talk erbout yore easy marks" said'! Uncle Silas Geebaw, who had been | i i THE DAILY RETSH WHIG, THT RSA, DECEMBER 15, 1910. REFRIGERATOR 'CARS. / Evolution of the idea of "an Icebmx on Wheels." 1 : B Ther. AreBlimbers of & Unigus Dining Club In London. One-of the-most uniq . in London is that known as the Sette of Odd Volumes, which was founded 0DD VOLUMES," fw i i The | Quickest, Simplest || : Cough Cure 1 Easily and Cheaply Made a 3 : Home. Saves You $2. AE rs » E-- " - -- FRONTENAC v LOAN a INVESTMENT SOCIETY. ABLIS 1962. t=e81f Richard Carovright. ¥ eo Sy and F Pro=. | Snial and County ben~ . laifal purchased. YSenosta nterest allowed a na na a d. E. Hutcheson OTIONEER md APPRAISER ------ A card sent to $17 Albert Btreet fan odes left at H. Waddington's or 8. Headerson's Stores ii Toouive | prompt' attention Best references givan - Money portion, Mi ed rt aa Li This recipe makes 16 ounces of cough syrup--egough to last a family a long time. 'You couldnt buy as much or as good cough syrup for $2.50, Simple as it is, jt gives almost in stant relief and usually stops -the most obstinate cough' in 24 bpurs. This is partly due to the fact that it -glightly laxative, stimulates the appetite and has an 'excellents tonic effect. - It is pleasant to 'take--chil- | dren like it. An excgllent remedy, too, for whooping cough, sore lungs, asthma, throat troubles, ete. . Mix 2 cups of granulated sugar with with one cup of warm water and stir | for 2 minutes. Put 23% ounces of | Pinex (50 cents' worth) in a 18 oz. bot- tle and add the Sugar Syrup. If kee perfectly. Take a teaspoonful one, two or three hours. Pine is one of the oldest and able concentrated compound of Nor- way white pine extract, and is rich in guiaicol and all the other natural healing elements. Other preparations will not, 'work in this formula. - The prompt results from this rec. ipa have endeared it to thousands of Lousewives in the United States and Capada, -which explains why the plan bas been imitated often, but pever successfully. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money -promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinax or will get it for you. If net, Send to The Pinex Co., Toronto, Ont, Dr: Martel's Female Pills Prescribed and recommended. for women's ail ments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The result from their use is quick and permanent. Foesale at'sll drag sors, and failing to recover it shall be fined by the president the sum of © shillings. | Discussions about anthropology, re- Ngo 424 Salitien qhal). bs yur down by the president. Any Odd Volume giving to another Odd Volume unasked-advice shall be fined by the president. No Odd Volume shall talk unasked on any subject he understands. No Odd Volume's speech shall last longer than three minutes. If, howev- er, the inspired Odd Volume has any more to say he may proceed until his voice is drowned in the general ap- plause. y Volumes have'to: address each other as-"Your Oddship." Argonaut. | : - "The MajoNe Tip. When Major Banks" was the «best known figure around the race tracks of Clnclonati and the middle west he was extremely generous in tipping off his friends to "sure winners." One man who enjoyed his confidence and played the horses according to the ma- | jor's advice lost all his ready money and finally succeeded in reducing him- | Self 10 Khe Point hare Be 2d tn. sll | One afternoon, following the placing of last ten doliar note as the major ad , be caught Banks by the arm - and said tragically: "Major, you've made me lose my last cent. I'm a pauper, and my wife and { family are practically starving. I am | now about to go dbwn to the river and | drown myself. It's all over for me." "Al right." answered Banks, "but in | the event you change your mind meet ' me here at 3 o'clock tomorrow after- noon. 1 think I'll have something good « | for you."--Exchange, Lm Kongo Tattooing. | In the Kougo colonies of Belgium | both men and women are tattooed ac- | cording to their status in society. A {| woman of high caste will. have a de- sign pot unlike a zoupve jacket work- | ed upon her back, and it would seem | that the native ds as content with this | mode of covering as if it were a sub- stitute for clothing. By injecting the | Juice of certain herbs the scars left by the tattooing process retain a swollen appearance, giving the effect of bas- | relief work. The thorns of the acacia | are generally used as a needle, while « | a certain black clay is used as a color- ling medium, | > "Classified. Was there ever a bettér example. of the witty and concise form of espres- sion than the answer of. the grim wan who, when asked about the character of a neighbor, sententiously replied: "Mister. I don't know very much about him, but my impression is he'd make a first class stranger." Ex. change. i Frigid. Neli--That Miss Copleigh is an aw- fully cold sort of girl. Belle--~Mercy, yes. Why, she's so frigid that wher- ver she goes on rainy days it snows. ~DBoston Transcript, . wo Irish Wit "I pever give alms to a stranger" '| $911 olgi'Shgster to a poor Irishwoman. "Share. then. your honor will never relieve om anges" was the reply.-- elt ons Rees ake following: * Any Odd Volume losing his temper - GRAND UNION #& HOTEL 7% STATION NEW YORK CITY i A Map .{ forty-five cents a pound fs a good in 8 anythiag done in the Car SEVENTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD | larence reet. (UR BOOSTER, BRAND THE En CAPE © 183 Wellington St. : The Up-to-date Restaurant an Eauog House. Separate appartments. Well furnished and lighted. Try omr "THOS GUY, Prop S420840000 22 CHRISTMAS pr Béautiful Boxes and Baskets, Filled with the Finest Checo- lates, All Sizes and Prices. Tobacce. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN LAN ro wm ------; -- - Ssssnsssssssssssansned I WM. MUKKAY, Auctiofeer. yp Furniture Sales given spécial at- tention. Country Sales of Farms Btock,etc, have been my srecialty. for long years. If farmers want the b dollar, get my services MARKET SQUARE $ presasasesas IAAI AANG full Teourse dinper, 1 £ ve BIBBY'S CAB STAND ~ Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT 1 THOMAS ( C COPLEY; Frooxe 987. - Drop a card td 19 Pine. Street hen line > repairs Estimates given on all kin and new work oy Hardwood Floors of all kinds All wrders wil receive prompt attention dhap. §8-Jueen Sireel. 9 Phone Grimm's S$ 797, 102 PRINCESS STREET. "A Treg is Known by Is Fruit" AND " OUR COAL is known by its good burn- ing qualities. P. WALSH, 55-57 Barrack St. COAL WM. DRURY, 285 WELLINGTON STREET. "Phone 443. Chivers' Pure Orange Marmalade, Assorted Jams and Jellies. Plum Pudding. Pineapple Chineks, Victoria Plums, Dawson Plums, Peaches. 0. COUPER'S, "Phone 76. 041+» Princess Stree. Coast ealed Oysters. Prompt Delivery, ---------- A KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE § (LIMITRD), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. : Day 'Phone 239 Florists | Night "Phone 23 All kinds Cut Flowers and Plaat n season. edding and Funeral De- tgns a specially suipped wo ati past 26 King Street ge. Every Woman 18 interested and Shiai dq So. about the wan MARVEL 'Whirliag Spray The wee Vsgmal Syn ee «=Most convenient Instat ly Sal your druggist taend | stamp for ris rated sak --sealad. 1t gives foil partic. dars and directions iavainable to ladies, RNDSOR Surry €o., Winds or. General Amants for Co Christmas At Sc, 10¢, 166 Princess St. H PARKS & SON! Fun For All Stockings, 20¢, 35 ag, 50¢, 7 75¢c, $1, 1.25and 2 Crackers or Cosaques Contains Hats, aps and Toys, at A.J]. REES, rs ----. -------------- $95000000000040000000 | Sowards Keep Coal Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIE: HIM? 'Phone 153, C9096 9000000000000400 " 3 "" Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-Bixth year. Fall Drm estos Augun 30th. Courses ep! ng: 1 Fhorthand, Tele: aphy. cat vares oe r Er uates got the (tions. a short time Aver any secured POait Jone with one of largest ra tions on a a ey i Call or write for Informa. tion. HH. F. NM ALFE, Principal. "FOR THE 'XMAS TRADE We are oing te wind up this year's business with a rush by offer] A nl Xwns Discount On every artiole in eu stock We were very fertunate this fall in securing a fine lot of Antique Furniture, which we are offering for the holidays at very lew rices Call and gee our big lot of Stoves and Btove Fittings, Ranges and Heaters of all sorts anf elzex vary cheap Household Gebds and Bric- Brac of all kinds bought pi L. LESSES, .90 each ; ) AL i» The kind you are looking for ® is the kind we sell. = i ny Phone 58 Scranton Coal % is good coal and we guarantee ps prompt delivery, every - mafch a light, § and every light a. 8 ady even flame. nly "De- "Light * for the Smoker=Trya Box. Always ever Ask og in 2 "The Jafest Marah (eation Greatest Match Manufactory BOOTH & CN. FOOT WEST STREET. PEE ew Eee Highest. Grades * GASOLINE. COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OIL. FLOOR OIL. GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's. Building. Brings + You could not give a pr appreciated than Footwear. Christmas Time Cheer Felt Boots or Felt Slippers, |a Good Pair of. Shoes or Oe eiioss 'Suit Case or Trunk See our big range of Women's Slippers at soc. : and a bigger range of men's at The. : 3 st by Test Tula roves ln # Voruneun Try One in Your Home They - are sweet artistically designed; ° reasonably priced. KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE, all popular and classic usic ia Book and Sheet Form. nay tiiled. Good toned, and esent that would be nore eacarseseises 233 PRINCESS . KING 3