Ep .-- THE STANDARD BANK. i . OF CANADA - Satisfactory Service a-gurod to all Businesa Entrusted to this Bank. Savings Department ct Every Branch LAMBERT, A TT - --" «TAILOR For Gentine Goods, Classy Style and Teasonable Prices. SHE knows if your clothes lookwright, You know' il they feel right. . Give him a trial. TO THE GIRLS him. Pring it say & word. Loml-ert ean please both of you. You are doing some fancy work for a vest for along and we will sks it up for you and never MERCHANT TAILOR Thos. Lambert," 5 pre s. § ttdatesesetestateteny eoctttttottttetseete' § i i 3 Crawford Leading Tailors. We Revise WHO ENJOYS EVENING CLOTHES TO GET FULL ORDERING ONE OF TO-MEASURE FULL DRESS SUITS . WITH DINNER COAT TO MATCH. WE AUTHORIZED STYL 1910-11, THEM TO-DAY? Every Man ENJOYMENT BY OUR MADE- SHOWING THE FABRICS AND WINTER OF INSPECT ARE ES FOR THE WHY NOT & Walsh Princess & Bagot Sts. . ' ¢ : i 1 ' : : - ! . 4 i t : 2» 3 3 * 3 » 1 ' SPF IP IIIIIR SINFO I APTN FIP III IIIII III IIIO 5 SPECIAL SALE! OF paisian Mall and qm Princess Dresses For EVE In Pink, White, prectily trimmed with tucks, Valencien Applique, $4.00 £3.00 F6.0( b.n0 $10.50 See our CORSET CLEARANCE D. M. SPENCE, The Leading Millinery, Store, The Sure sssemmmm-- Call and examine before purchasing a excells all 'others. Note its poin Ist--sllonsumes its own Smoke. 2nd-=tinaranteed 50 per cent. in Fuel Saving. Ard---Latest Prodact of Stov 4th--Madé from Original W RANGES FROM 8 18 Sold in Kingston only by Nugent & Graham ; | 835-877 KING All Kinds of Hardware, ete. NING WEAR M:uve. Sky, Ecru and nes Lace and Insertion and $2.67 $3.34 $4.00 $667 $7.00 * for. . for. . for. . Dresses Drosces ) Dresses Drésses for. . Dresses. for. . SILK WAISTS White and Black, HALF PRICE, New Tailored Coats, suits and AT -25¢. 200020 VOPLELVVOPOVH0ODOL00O 000000000 me" Range} Range, This Range ts of superiority ¢ Makers" Art, ood Patterns, to $65. B11 VYIISVIVIISIIE STREET. Assorted A Lit of sicilly. "There ix no~Yalian town more ple turesyue than the Sicilian capital, Pa {lermo," writes a traveller. "ln its port {lint crawded the quecrest coasting craft I ha Ve ever set eves on. Sailing ships ? tot all rigs, their hulls gainted all the COUPER', nik ies Soe Deli Av. colbrs of the rainbow. nose wp agsinst the 'quay, where mule carts, whoke voices, wait to take away the merch andise. The fr » house icons examine the goods ught ashore is a place of terrific noise. When a driver, twa clerks and two custem house officers are diseising the contents of a bale "er a cask it seems as though murder "of Basis of Union. mat Be'committ:& with, + the net few Charlottetown, V.E.L. Dee. 10. ~The rh Sof Prince Edward Island y Sete Bat somebody signs some thing, the cart moves on, and eves laughs." . one of the most impértitnt | body he an en this provinte 1 t. "The meeting was ory of the, Pres {. -------------- 4th Regt: Christmas Souvensr. of Kingston, makes souvenir that would be ap i i drivers ure shouting atthe top of thin narrow street where the | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1910. cs ---- THE RINKS EARMEST SKATING IN SEVERAL YEARS. i And oF Result Rink Mahagers are Smiles--=(icod Weathe: Christmas Shopping i Wearing for. the rived. The rink managers are wearing a | broad smile. And they have good reason to feel happy. for this is the | earliest skating Ringston skaters have 'enjoyed, in some years. Just pat | down id your diary, that woth the | the covered and wpen rinks. opened ov Deeowher 10th. But this was not the first skating There has been skating all week on the ponds, an'd at Anglin's Bay, anc ii pardows is granted, the fact might be mentioned, that quite 3 number o youtig men and boys were noticed or the street, last Sunday, with skates and hockey sticks, and this zoe8 1c shaw that Ahere must have been poo sisting someplace, in this neighbor hood. It vs not on the harbor, how ever, and the reader will have to mak, a guens. : Has the vold weather come This is the question that is being ask ed on all side: ? Some have apn ides that 'the cold spelt will only last few daz, and that it will be. quit wild agam bofore the wehther max settles down ageiv, to provide for the cold weather. Nedrly every person is remarsing upon: the wity whicn the cold weather set in It is good weather for Christma shopping A little - were sleghin, would nake it better for the Christ mas teade, nnd 01d Pras has promis ed to do the right thing within _ the course of a few days. There is jus two weeks for shopping now, and i thers two wees, it will be a case « work very hard, and long-hours fi the clerk. When the two weeks wi aver, thore fil be a tired army eres in the city. Ths week, the trade has been" ver merchants say, but they ar forward to big sales durin o weeks. It would not b ont of place to renew the old stosal "shop early," und as the Portsmout philosopher remarks, also shop often i UiCs ness good, the looking the next tw Good Templirs' Mecting. Hope of Kingston Lodge of femplars met on Wednesday evening when five new menwoers were added t, the order. It was resolved that (ih, alleged perjury. in eonnecti n- wit Sunday ligror gelling at the Reven | hotel, which case before the jo ! lice magistrate last moath should ) investigated by the crown attorn Hhe-exeentive --commitiee--al-the jus wile lodge. gave the childien a party which they were all delighted with. Kingston Business College. The pupils of the uss College ave planning gonual "At Home." There are a large number of student attending at present, o more are cx pected to enter after (livisgmas, The boys are organizing a hooke team under the management of law rence Dobson. Howard Aselstine has given vo li civil service studies and is now takin, up the sie nograp hpe's course. Goo wai Bus the; Kingston for Masonic Efec tion." _, At a regular lodge, A. F. &*A. M., held last even ing, thé following officers were electe for 1911: W_. PD. Crozier, master; J E. Singleton, senior warden; DJ Evans, junior warden; C, 8S. Wheeler tre Shure # Robert Hendry, secretary Rev. FI Sproule, chaplain; R. Bunt A J. H. Birkett, Ceo. B. McKoy J] Through Experience. With the coming of the snow and th, introduction of ihe sleigh comes als the practice of the children of the town of "stealing rides*" on the. de livery and farmers' outfits. At is of ton the case the children become in jured but it does not stem to show the others that the practice is Cpnger ous, Learn Four Degrees Delow Zero. Instead of 3 break in the it grows still eolder. Early morning, the thermometer Knight's ouservatory degre w helow sero, than Friday. weather Saturday at' Prof. registered fon one deoree colder William Rae, who is emploved. in the upholstering department of Robert J Ruid's furniture store, was unfortunate enough te slip on the stairs\.on his way to work, Fridley morning, mx broke his ankle. He was taken % his home, on Main street, where the injured member was dressed. Prices low for good quality, at Coates", whether you want a diamond or a bahy ring Mrs: Thomas Campbell, ~ Princess street. was taken to the Hotel Dien vesterday afternoon, in 8, 8.> Cor bett's ambulance, suffering from & 'complication 'of diseases. to stay. . / - meeting of Catéraqu iP Er -- NE Se ------ IN MARINE CIRCLES SCHOONER ST. LOUIS HAS SOME HARD LUCK. Held Up With Bad Weather at Os- wego, and Afterwards in Severe Gale on Lake--Certainly Has Had More Than Her Shares of Mis. haps. The schooner St. Loiis, tithis port, has certainly had than her share of mishaps, this son. According to. the report received hore, she loaded six handed tons of wal for E. A. Duncan, at Lohourg, in Twego, With several "otlier vesiels, he was compelled to stay at Dswego, win y the bad weather. Some ihe schdovers got away subsequently neluding the - schooner Kitchen and the Chariev Marshall, but as the St. $.ottis' was short of men, she had to stay. in port. More bed hick. How- wer, last week she got away from Oswego, but'was held up at Charnl or a couple of davs..> Wednesday the made for Cobourg. Thursday, she was anchored outsile he harbor and unable tg get in. It 4 stated that the vessel Tost her sails, vas faking water, and that the life mving crew had to be sent out. This was certainly a string of bad luck, ------------------------ er A SPLENDID DINNER yx We Lranown more sea aT. 1 Was That Given by Queen's Aris Society. hundred lusty studenis in hall, last night, awoke the whoes in that: grand old building. "hey were at the second. apndal din- wi of the Arts Society and were out wa good time. They sang and touted, and laughed and mimicked in . fashion that was good io hear. The passed off with brilliancy =~ and he alert generat committer, composed df Messrs. C. Tully, F, L. Burnett, ..M hoi P. T. Pilkey, W. R. ecadbeater and A. J. Wilson, with G. lelford, presideat and toastmaster, gre 6 be complimented on the task they o ably "performed. Grant hall looked fine; the decora- ions. were approprinte and the tables omplete and 'well garnished. . The nent, under Cuterer Marshall Reid, vas derved with promptness and was elicious and appetiging. The R.L. {.A. orchestra rendered popular and deasing music and © a catchy: song woke the vocal powers of the, sturdy tudents. When cigars wire passed it vas found that not a single 'person ad aught but thanks to render ° for he hounticd enjoyed, The galleries were speedily filled with ipactators, "Rite eight 6'vlock, to Tie sn<to the oratory and they wore harmed.' President Telford skilfully iided the proceedings and fine toasts efe honored with song and cheer. "The King" was remembered with high onors. "Our Guests" was wittily sraporsd by Prof. Mitchall and the re iponsse of "Justice Riddell" and Prof. Atong, "of Torodto Univerdity, * were doquent 'and timely. Juitice Riddell vas vivid in his remarks upon freedom of speech and action and called for jourageous, vigorous life. It was a luty students owed to their country © be helpers io its upbuilding. With )oetic quotations, stories from the lassics and with language pure and iplifting he discanted upon the work sf men and the call that came to them to he true to conscience and to God. Justice Riddell' declared himself old in jervice, but still hopeful; He envied be young men now starting out in Jfe. He recaligd his college days and vas proud to say he was the oldest '.8c,, in Ohtario. ~The studen{s were harmed with his eloguence and show- wl 'appreciation by applause as the dress progressed, Prof. Wrong yas brief, but effective in woclaim ni the search for truth as he great ovject of all university raining. He brought greetings / to Juden"s and expressed wonder and ad viration at the progress being' made here, Queen's was rival¥ng the best in 'anada. Tersely and offectively oh toasted *'Our Country' and Hou. i. P. Graham, minister of . railways wd canals, in reply was witty, pun gent and foreeful. He appreciated Juecn's. No other dollege he knew of sould have thought of giving him an wonoravy degree, hut he was proud of it and proud to accept it. He ro jewed Canadian history leading up (0 responsible government and inci léhtally spoke of the loyalty andede- sotion. of French-Canadians to the crown, even alter their conquest ~ in 1763. He touched on treaty makin, m reciprocity, and a Canadian navy. but all in a non-politieal- way; though his presentation of reciprocity and the naval issue woh heacty approval as he showed that Canada would be craven if she did not aid Britain in timo of need, and 'safeguarded her own shoris at other times. He lawded character and honesty and devotion to duty a¢ Unoada's best awmtis W. F. Nickle, M.P.P., ably toasted' Queen's and -equally able and pese- trating was Principal Gordon's reply dwelling on: Queen's traditions and Four rant went Prof. Morri | ideals. Manhood, genuine and helpful was what universities produce. McTavish proposed "Sister Uni ersitios™ and vepresentatives from Toronto University and Vietoria od MeGill spoke. During the evening Apihur Blight, Toronto sang magnificently three times, each time answering viZorous recalls. ! Ohiugary Sofas. im The funeral of "the late Edward his sc Bath, took place Friday mogn- Service was conducted Hy Rev, Ne Snider, The funeral was' one of in of | ! ner CHURCH SERVICES THE FILLING OF THE PULPITS ON SUNDAY. There Will be Tuterestinig Themes Cosbidered in the Pylpits--The Gospel Message to All Peoples. St. Andrew's--Rév. Jobn M Mackie, b. P., pastor. Services Il am. and 7 pn. Strangers and students wel oto. gt. Paul's--Morning prayer, H o" cloak: Sunday school and Bi ble classes 3 p.m; evening prayer, 7 o'clock, preacher at Loth services, Rev. Wi iam Frederick Fitzgerald, M.A, BD; Mon day, 8 p.m, A. Y.PA, The teachers' class at 7. 15 Monday evening. Princess Street' Methodist church Kev. Frederic H. Sproule, B.A, pas- tor, at both sérvices, Sanday, H a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday school, 2:43 p.m.; Epworth League, Monday, 8 pm; frayer and praise service, % p.m. Special music. Evervone made welevime at all times. First Church of - Christ, Scientist Sunday service,. 11 am. Subject, "God, the Preserver of Man." Wed- fAmday evening, testimonial meeting. kree public reading room. every aftor noon, except Sunday, 3 to 5 ofelock. All are cordially invited to the sex vives and the reading room, First Baptist ehurch--Rev. Laing, pastor. 11 a.m., "Chiist's Legacy Of Pence." 'The pastor will preach. At 7 pam., Rev. John McNeil, B.A, pastor of w almer Road Baptisi church, Toronto, will preach. Bible school aty 2:45 pom,; stu s And strangers cordially invited td'all services, : Cooke's Presbyierian church, street--Rev, W. 8. MacTavish, pastor. The sactament of the Lord's Supper will be rved at thé mora ing service. The pastor will preach in the evening. - Sunday school and Bible classes, 3 p.m; Presbyterian Guild, 8:15 p.m. Strangers courteously wel comed, Pethel ('« ngregational church, cor- Jolinston and Barrie streets--11 a.m., "The Grace and Truth of God" T9.m., "The Son of God." Pres aching hy Allison I'. Mershon, minister. Vol. untesr choir; male quartette; hearty music; seats free; Sunday school, 3 p.m ing, -Wednesday, 3 pm. Y. Friday, 8 p.m. St, Arch streete--Ven. J. M.A, DD. rector; Rev. T; B:A., vicar, the parsonage, Cor. Union and Barrie streetp--Third Sunday Advent. 8 a.m.; holy communion; a.m. 'morning prayer' ynd sermon, su'y ject, "Working For the Kinz"; 3 p.m . Sunday school and Bible classes; 7 Tan evening prayer und sermon; sabe et, "Andrew, the Missionary." Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Par rie and Rar stréets--Rev. M. Macgilli- vray, D.D., pastor. The pastor will' preach 'in the morning and A.D. ety M.A. 'in the evening. Sun- wehool, . 3 p.m. and organied po 4h Bible class. under Prol. Mathe- son, 3. pan. Prayer meeting, Wednes- day, 7.30 p.m.. Students and sfran fers cordially inyited to all the ser- vices. First ' Congregational church, Douglas Brock Phi), Prayer meet- PRC.Y., corner Wellington and Johnson streets--Morn ng worship, 11 o'clock, Rev. W. T. Gun, MA, of Toronto, will preach; evening worship, 7 o'clock, tne pastor will preach. Subject, "Confucius, the Light of China." Young peoples' so- ciety, Monday, 8 p.m. Prayer meet nz and tenchers' training class, Wed- nesday, 8 p.m. Strangers are made welcome at these services. Rev. 5 LeRoy Rice, I'.A., pastor. Brock street Methodist church, Cor. Brock and Montreal streets--Rev. TT. E. Bourke, B.D., pastor, 11 am., Roy Pounder, Queen's, will preach, suljject "Jethrons Vow; 7 p.m., the pastor will preach; 0 a.m., class meetings: 3 pa. Bunday se hoo! and Bisle classes onday, 8 p.m., Y.P.S.; Wednesday, 8 pam, ~prayer meeting. Morning anthem "I Will Extoli Thee" ; evenin'y ant hem "Magnificat"; solo, "The Penitent," William J. Trencer, Sydenham street Methodist church The pastor "will conduct both services Bible scliool, 2.45 pan. The Sunda. evening home hour for students and strangers at the close of evening so vice. Anthems, "Hearken Unto Me," "The Anthem Celestial'; The Saviour's Invitaticn," Miss Gertrude Laidley; Male quartette, "The Shep heed True," Messrs. William Mack, Armstrong, Harold and Harvey © An. grove. Orchestra and organ will play "Meditation" and march, "The Chris- tian Soldier." Praise led by orchestra ut evinimg service, Queen Street Methodist church S. Sellery, M.A. . B.D. pastor, will conduct both services. Mig a.m., class meeting; If a.m., "The Model Church." L™ » - r 7p, "An Evangelistic Song Pie x familiar and popular kvmns will be sung. 2:30 pm. Young Men" gv and in Rible ase: 215, Su day school and Bible class. Donald will address. the Young Meu's Clabgat 2:30 pom. Muiic © Anthems "Hix Loving Kindness," "My Pere | heave With You" quarteite, Shepherd True." Mr. Fyans will sing "Why Not Sav, Yes To-night."'A din) "welcome to all, Belasco Quits His Cotter Jags. = David "Belasco, 'the play wright, his reformed. Up to a short time ago he did most of his work between the hours of elovin o'clock at wight and eight in the morning. He kept bine awake by drinking black coffee, pe his valet liad orders to pul before him every half hour a dresh pot of ith) by. how over, % Mi LhBElaseo friends snd physicians have petsunde.] him fo sleep at micht and work in the davtime. He drinks only two ups of cofiee a diy. ~Popnlar Nagase) solo, n ev Rey oor Needs Prodding. a grést mistake, Mabel, "ter ith ou Wednesday, the! strangers welcome, | James' churen, corner Union and | Ker. McMorine, | W. Savary, | Prof. Me. "The homely and wisdom wis " Arthur has PAGR Fiy B. ABERNETHY'S C isimas Shoe Sloe I N-------------- Other "Lines of Boys lockey Little Boys' Hockey Boots Girls' and Women's Hockey Boots . . Hockey foot i ¥ ptits a pair of We have the Every Bboy Hockey Boots kind he wabts. Boyw' ~ Fahehing Wanderer Prof Special 3250 Boots, . $1.50, $1. rant $1 00, $1.25, oad 2.00 Hed Men's ldgntaing Hitch and Wanderer Professionals SUIT AND . $2.50, sont CASES RAVEL- LING BAGS Make Handsome Pie sents Swell Suit Cases Betser Grades. Handsome fitted Cases Laal $10. TRA VELL for J $5.00 and 80, i ; 7.00, $000, $10.00, sig. jes' and Uent's,, 00, B12,00, $15.00, #18,00, $80.00 ING BAGS: NEW LINES JUST AR Ye D=--FOKR LADIES AND GENTS. Swell Lines at Steamer Trunks also make GOODS INITIALE Bing us holes 1] gifts 0, $6.00, $7.50.°88.00 and $1000 Good values atl £4.00, $3.00, $6.00 to s10.00 D FREE i SLIPPERS wi a : bh PREC rowh aig ICL The § FANCY. ae, #130 ta. to w o i Slippers Men's and Boys' Fine Kid Brown and Black and Loys Fide Slippery... Men $ : Arctic Men's. Carpet : Felt Slipper 8 Slippers Boys"? and Little Boys' Carpet « Sijppers : "Come often to our 8 SLIPPER Pullman oh + Nik 50¢, IIRLS TIGR DREN'S PAN {180cs #00, 400, and Slippers, like oh 'in Black and Brown Kid . - OF 23, 81. 0, S175 and $2.00 . $3c, $1.00 10 81.50 : / te, abe, 851,00, 81.25 . B0c, 40, 300 apd 60c filustration, $2.00 trie--we keep sccrete." Bt ISG C000 000000000000000000000000000006000000000 TO OPEN A ROAD Quite » Route, Smiths Palle, Ont, Dec. IU, Ay drew Dagsows, of this town, i got ting wp «Petition to be sent to the Heatepant-zovernor and the Outa¥io lgislat re askin: rant of 'money for the openin np of a part of the old sovernment nd wilitary roid beiwesn Smith's fF antl' Franktown. This read lends to Pembroke and Ottawa. HH appfars that when the Youd was original i veyed, the government found it focel Ary To take a rousd wont conve so as. to get cenr-of the swamp pare now in guedbion. The road was thos made. between four and wiles longer. The swump is over a long and will cost upwards "of 84, 000 to be graded. The sentiment in this town is strongly in favor, of And ave' for a ile on Sin tne proposed opening of this rosd se | it will give the people the only direct route to Franktown and Paowhro'e, His wpderstood that the petition vas ned by [opr 5.006." 4 Men's Raccoon Coats. Made from choice well farted «ine. See the unginr passed Vales at Camp bell Pros'. sthe ntakers of fine Tors. rr Alexander Young, an old retired sol dior; living on Barrack street, died, on Friday morning, at the age of seventy six years. He had been sick about six weeks. He was an Anglican in relig ion and was in Jreland. Don't cock Sunday dinners. Go to pe MeArthur's 5 of y eter thar' for. cheerftl Canadians," . "Out again wn full wholesome humor, mod wrapped uh in wit. Me Me produced a ehing Or) ginal, something r of the soil. The 113 train, ithe west. ov F #., an hour and fweniy win: riday Roundabout member ol § mie A _- That Tone Standing Cough When your lings « feel all run dos bottle of « Emulsion: t fut on fi¢ Langs on and oii weed a Liver Oil voit up and the you ikke, and pertst and ua ay. Cod. Sdsex Oils Hoe, It js jleasant fo made f i 1h freshest X $1.00, Lidotle, Sm pr I Snr A ---------------- Prouse's Drug Store Opporite St. Andrew's Qrarehs Best's i 2 | il arm Mer. | ai ssion 1h oii + Vemalh oh bossing on land hak an hinges Js as ABERNETHY S i 4 a