re Quality and Value vays Keep Company." igor & Wright. RT NAIL FILES. ng Handles, files, 50c each. CLEANING OUT- with subject discussed {# | suppose. fo Quscus, CONSERVATION COMMISSION SHOULD HANDLE INDUSTRY. -- Canada Should be Able to Supply ts Own Needs--Officers Were Not Ordered--Told. What Dress Was Proper. Special tg the Whig Ottawa, Dec. 6.- SOysters was the in the house, yes- terday afternoon, but it proved more interesting than many will perhaps Mr, Warburton, member for Prince Edward Island, talked of the oyster industry of the maritime provinces; quoted statistics to . show that the care was not being taken of it that there should be, and showed that Canada had the finest oyster, perhaps, in the world. He was of the apinion that the proper preservation, care and regulating of the oyster @) | beds of the maritime provinces was a 1l oak box, sontaining ®) chamols skin ( ller's soap, sh and sawdust for dry- A most useful gift for ket , $1.26 and $2. 25, PEARL RINGS. id Gold, genuine pearl, little fingers, $1.50 AL TIE PINS. ® Pearl-haped Coral bination. with a 1, very nifty, $3.50. OF STAND FOR HER, in tiny Glass, Sterling ' Bilver hunted, $4 to $12. '$25 DIAMOND RING a superior qualiy stone bunted In an 18K. gold ting. DUF. CUSTOMERS: io contemplate buying pensive diamond orma- ni we 'would suggest aki their selection early the assortment is now plete. ; DOO Igor & Wright ¢ Spangenberg's, KING : #1. KINGSTON. OOCOOOT le) (OSE OC OOO 000 Of ) | were produced OH REED IRNIREEN © matter that should be left to the Dominion Conservation Commission. "Do not kill the 'goose that lays the golden Ad * advised Mr. Warburton. Then he quoted statistics showing|; that, whereas: last year Canada' ex- ported 226,128 gallons of oysters from he Tnited States only 306 sells in Canada. of the opinion that there was no Sebi son why Canada should not be able to supply sufficienit oysters for its own and that they should be re ga_ded more in the light of a neces sity than a luxury. The speaker dwelt on the care there is taken in developing oyster fisheries in Japan, France and other countries and show- ed many directions in which the Cana- dian oyster fisheries could be improved he, = of course, dwelling specia ly an the ones in the maritime provinces, Lately Col. Sam Hughes asked these Man's Greatest Asset, in sical strength and bodily health. The bread winner cennot afford to give out. It is uo vital necessity that he keep his nervous and muscular system 'in good condition to withstand the daily wear and tecr of life. Those who are rundown, weakened or nervous should remember that nothing excels Vinol, which is a com- bination of the medicinal elements of the cod"s kiver and tonic iroa to strengthen the digestive organs, create an appetite, make new blood ond restore strength. Prof, James Mitchell of Jasper, Ort. says his system was run-down to a critical point from overwork, A friend told him to take Vinol. He di} #80 and is mow enjoying perfect hea th, and he considers Vinol a wonderful tonic, (We unantes this testimonial tobe engine.) every run-down, 3 iad, » weak person in thie viene" io uy a bottle of Vinol with the under- A ng that their money will be re- turned if it does not do all we claim. G. W. Mahood. Notice 18 HEREBY G'VEN, cation will be made to ture of the Province of E09R its next sitting for an Act jaw DUTR. ratify and confirm By- porstioBer 15 of 1910 of the Cor- finally We the City of Kingston, March, 'sed on the 28th day of "By-18¥ 10, and being entitled propel partially exempt the ing CO™ the Kingston Shipbuild- Datedyy, Limited." vember ston this 15th No- LD M. McINTYRE, for the said Corpora- tion. Sol who makes the air who makes beautiful r. Frank Pember. of the pone and oede. 3 Mr. Store, Toronto, will be hair mn Pember Hair RANDOLPH HOTEL, Kingston, Welesty & Thorstay Des. 14, 15 Al alien or Inte A at auth: upon hare it its pre- "Rw and ts | ment. be & pleasure to meet those 3 Edith a, Med Saavics. Will" be "given he new and wi hed. fAfiant Sib ai Re SLE, ¢ Swill reas Sane « Toupees for hah ue Batt heined needs it Hair. THE LY questions in the house : Did any Bon military officers or servanis of the state in Canada in their garb of robes of office take part in any pro- cession or public gathering not under the auspices of the state and. not state function, during the past sum- ner? IM so, had seach officers the 26- thority of the government, or of any messhet thereof, for so acting 2 Yesterday there were answers. The replies amounted to an intimation that it had been customary for years for officials * in uniform to attend such functions and public receptions; bat "that the officers were not ordered to attend the reception but were simply of the proper dress for such oc oy should they desire to attend." Mr. Armstrong will ask in the house, on Wednesday, "does the government allow certain weekly papérs and ma- gazines to enter Canada from the United States on more favorable terms than oiber papers and maguzines com- ing from that country? i so, why are they po favored and what are the names of saids zines and papers 7' There was An the house i terday correspondence that has Bataet between Sir Wilfrid Laurier tain persons in 'the North-West gard: ing the Manitoba school which has practically been pu the press before. Sir Wilfrid' Laurier made "a reply. First he quoted what he' had Said at Winni In reply to a further re qt' Foin Mr. Beuplen for a state | ment as to recent developments with | regard to the question of the exten sion of Manitéba boundaries Sir Wil: frid read the correspondence between Premier Roblin and himself. On Qet, 17th Premier Roblin wrote that he was prepared 40 evme to Ottawa at any time and urged Sir Wilirid to give an answer to Manitoba's propos- als as to the terms upon which the territory agreed upon should be trans ferred. The house was also given the tents of these letters. Col. Hughes enquired if the gov. erament intended to send representa: tives of the cadet corps and a body of the Royal Military College cadets to take part in the king's coronation next June, Sir Frederick Borden's reply was that as no official request had yet been received to send a military con- tingent to take part in the _corona- tion nothing had been done in matter. However, when the proper time came he would be glad to con sider the suggestion contained in the honorable member's question. In reply to questions asked by George Taylor, Gananoque, as to lchanges at the printing bureau the secretary of state said five employees had becn dismissed, suspended or su- serantated, namely : William Me- Mahon. supevannuated: R. E. Cook, dismissed; 3 ished in | con G. A. Harweod, missed; -A-E.Gooden, dismissed. I he only ane of these entitled to Supsto: nustion is William McMahon, ccives an allowance of 81,155. It has been arranged that the big deputation from western Canada, that ie to be here this month, will wait on the government at the house of commons chamber from 10 am. to 1 p.m. on the 16th inst. A notice has been issued to the effect that members of both sides of the house are expect. ed to meet them. It is fkely that, including deputations and mexhets, He ion, | the! Amusements. (emAND. OPERA HOUSE ) The People's Forum SATURDAY, DEC. 10th RETURN. ENGAGEMENT. Matinee at 230, LOUIS F. WERBA PRESENTS The American Romantic Drama, "The White Squaw" A story of Romance, Langhter Heart luterest, by Della © fie Seats om Sale Wednesday. AT Geiffin's $ Orpheum The Heme of Polite Vaudeville and Motion Pictures. motto is: | NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW 00D. andes, Tuesday, Wednesday DEC, 5th, 6th, 7th. PROGRAM : The Sternoffs Novelty Dancers. : { { Stevens & Primrose In Bits from Musical Comedy. Arthur Lynn Pictorial Songs. Overture, "Right of the Nine," Bert, Butcher. AFTERNOON SHOW, 2 O'CLOCK. All Seats Se. 5 Evening at 7 o'clock Admission 10c. Children under 15 years admitted at all times for Sc. Miss Kathleen Parlow UNDER AUSPICES OF QUEEN'S MUSIC AND DRAMATIC CLUB, GRANT HALL AT 8 P.M, Music, and Herr Werner Sehlbach, Ténor, PRICES--$1.50, $1, Plan now open. 75¢, and B50c. 4 there: will be i A i. : is 'the Tathering ymany ways. Bir Wilfrid Laurier ph most of the members of his cabinet, who are here, will receive the deputa- tions. THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, A Lot of News of Interest to Every body. 'Fresh caramels," Gibson's. Every garment of Imperial underwear is guaranteed by the makers. A new G.T.P. dock was dedicated at Seattld, Wash., with appropriate cere: monies. Perfumes for Christmas, 10c. to $6, at Best's. The man who assaulted Hon. Win- ston Churchill was sentenced to prison for six weeks. 60c. blown glass tumblers, this week only 33c, doz. Robertson Bros, New Zealand troops will not be sent to the coronation, but some may go at their dwn expense. "Huyler's and MecConkeys sweets," Gibson's. has been incorporated at Grand Falls, N.B,, with a capital stock of $1,200, - 000. Have you seen the Gillette razor display in Best's window. Grand Trunk railway system's traffic earnings from November 21st to 30th, 1910: 1910, $1,132,674; 1909, $1,127, 837; increase, £4,897, ""MeConkey's sweets," 'Gibson's. At Centocello, Ilaly, an Italian offi- cer and a private were killed instantly when the aeroplane in which they were flying fell eighty feet. Get some of those 60c. tumblers at Ralittern Bros" this week, only 35ec. doz. The provisional court of the city ol Hestin and is. suburbs under the sene- ral 'census shows an aggregate popula- tica of 3,400,000, . "Molasses crisp," Gibson's. ' London's offer of $100,000 for the vo- | perpetual franchise and 'the plant of the London Elec company has been turned down by tl Best's handy i ge wi will help you re hinge ear manufacturer, p i rker, fotirteen years old, one of tia richest in the world, safety feos A new international paper company! Combination Manloure and = Tollet Set In genuine ebony, in fancy shield. shaped hinged box, covered with em- bossed seal grain black leatherette, 1 satin lined with satin ribbon in lid, printed in gold, "warranted genuo- ue woony,' conhdains 9 pieces genuine ebony toilet and manicure tings; 1-2 inch heavy bevelled plate mirror, § row brush of good quality bristle, large black comb to match, nall file cuticle, polisher, two salve jars and long handle manicure Scissors of goed quality; all sterling silver mounted. From Best's Gift Stock. Provision for the Future is wise economy. Nothing ing well supplied ne choice Tea "Thursday, Dec. 8th| Assisted by MR. IRWIN E. HASSEL, CONSENS ADVERTISING BATH) First insertion lc a word. Each con secutive insertion thereafter half cent a word. Minlmum charge for ene in- sertion, 35; three Imsertions, She) six, 1; sne month, $2. GIRLE, AT ONCE. APPLY TO IM- perial Steam Laundry, Barrie St A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORE no washing. Apply to Mrs W. Shaw, 284 Earl Street. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK in small family; no washing or 111 Welling- ironing. at top. Street. SALESMAN WANTED FOR WINTER «= for our choice Nursery Btock and newest varieties see potatoes; liberal terms. Cavers Byes, Galt. COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, one who understands plain ceok-~ ing; references required. Apply to rs. Geo, McKay, #6 Stuart Street. Apply EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERV- ant;. nc washing, lroning, or sweeping. Apply to Mrs. Francis Macnee St. Lawrence Cottage, 143 King Street West. AN AS TBLLIGENT PERSON MAY arn $100 monthly correspending for newspapers. No canvassing. Send for ockport, NT Synd! cate, 3,969 kport, OLMRES T 0 SELL ARTICLES MUCH needed in every home, eapect [ly Wy working men; good salar per. be for small salar yeh the you can ent positien; if you are 'werk- counter. rite our eS yo wo Jost on oe ouble pply, Box "E ice. WANTED--GENERA L. ONTARIO AND B.A. YETE RAN B@RIP to buy for cash. J. 8. R. McCann, §1 Brock Street. BUY, AT ONCE, Horses, fat and sound, from 1.000 lbs. upwards I A Jenkins, 687 TO TWENTY weighing pply, Princess Street. ROOMS, CONVENIENT TO QUEEN'S and Collegiate, by two students, after Xmas holidays, preferable with breakfast. Apply, Bax 612A, Whig office NOW 18 THE LAST T% double windows an there is no need to be satisfied with poor work when good job at small expense can be secured from Window Cleaning Co, 9%4 Queen Street. E TO CLEAN put them up; LOST. POR SALR. biils Satu Generous Yeward - SMALL BROWN cess Street, Friday on LARGE. ROUN Monday or Merchants' Bank, ward, 4 weeks ago! of Puna basket, reward. A SUM OF MONEY IN TEN rday. Dee. with sum of money in if, velurn te Whig office. 3 Box ez, ight. Finder Po a - kh return to Whig office and pre 18140 Whig. POCKET "BOOK, on Prin. "lease A ---------- ---------------------------------- R. MINK MUFF ON esday, Finder rétura to' Miss Hora, 45 King Stresi, or and receive Pee GENTLEMAN S WHITE FANCY VEST: 2 droppel ont. ix TwQ.S08 seorkp nix NY COAL MR WOOD COOK STOVES Heaters, Quebec and other of Stoves at Turk's. * J ------------------------------ Phone LONG MUSKRAT QOAT, IN condition, and Set of Grey Lamb Furs. Apply, Box office. GOOD. BUGGY, HARNESS pew. Garden and also good Whee! Li9 Nelson Street See. -- GOOD Persian 12, Whig ALMOST other Tools; Barrow. Apply, E PREMISES No. Donald, Sunbury, O SMALL WATERMAN Pen, Barrie and Kindly Felurn nt FOUNTALY dwrer's. name on geld band, Tuesday, on Brock Street, University to 314 Brook HOLSTEIN HEIFER, ONE YEAR QLD. ht ear split at tip, on or & Nov, 25th. frotn premises of A. ae Reward' for Information at above address betwesn Avene Street OR IR LEASE. THE 1 e. livery, siatie or Sonat ARaEhAD 'Mudie. asap, TWO GOOD Byron DEHAND FIRE King "Heater® in perfect condi- tion, at reasonable prices, Ap- ply, I. Lesses, cor. Princess and Chatham Streets, suitable for VALUABLE BTOCK Farm for Sale from Kingston two large barns, AND DAIRY 125 acres, 3 miles on Bath Road: in first-class re- pair, with stabling for twenty LEGALLY QUALIFIED eacher fOr year ferred; state salary Geo. A. Bmith, Parha rate School Ne. duties to commence Apply, ence, to Railton, A BIRDS, BIRDS, GERMAN CANARIES, ment - just received; in d hear them. 'Phowe No. 612 TEACHERS WANTED, PROTE 1811; male Ap? am, Ont Jan, Bec 3rd A QUALIFED TEACHER FOR SEPA Loughbore; 181%, stating salary and experi. I. McAuley, ~Treas., BIRDS. FIRST these Ww, J. SHIP- birds are in song and guaranteed: come A Driver Corser Quen and Barrie Streets. cows and four horses, a good seven roomed brick dwelll and other outbuildings; stock BY iii ments, and horses, with 120 tons hay may be purchased with the property if desired. a rare oppor- tunity for going into the dairy business Apply to J, 8. R Me- Cann, 51 Brock Street ONCE, OR BY THE FIRST OF Janyary, a Furnished House or rooms for light housekeeping. Ap- ty at 244 University Avenue. EARL STREET: 7T ROOMS, b. & ©. also other dwellings. stores, otfices, ete. Apply at McCann's, §1 Broek Street, SIX ROOMS; rent, $8 er to Isaac Agselstine, treet HOUSE, CONTAINING also shed attached; month. Apply 502 Johnson North treet, or 'phone 424. FINANCE AND INSURANOR. POR J SURANCE THAT INSURES GO win's Insurance Emporium, ern Crown Bank, Brock LARGE FRONT ROOMS, FORNISH or unfurnished; modern gonveni- ences, Apply to 15 Montreal treet, Dear Princess Street. FRAME HOUSE, WITH CELLAR, 7 rooms, in good. repair, No, 358% Vie- toria Street; rent, $5.00. Apply, F. Smith, §9 Charles Street, INSU: t and G Age laen rates. T. Wellington Street. NCE. FIRE, LI ealth Jolicles Sh first-class companies Boon, ndaba Anant 76s. SToRaas FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, pe 2 y rooms, abstlutely moth 0! Post's Ha 80 a8 Ng "0 GENTLEMEN TO R. THER Cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. Price and werkman- shi Juaranteed 4 Please. Pressin tion hemas Galioway, Ye Brock St, next Bibby's Livery. WOMEN WHO SEW, TO BUY THE Self-Threading Sewing Maching Needle; in a tubs 16g er § tubes 260, delivered array or mailed on receipt eof price; name Hachine, J. _Treneer, Quebec Street, Kingsto ANY | J ERBON HAVING Sa d-hand Furniture PE sale atl kinds of HE Thought Btreet. D SE. WINDOW CLEANING HOUSE Cleaning, Waxing, Olling, Berube bing, and Mopping Floors, Offices, best Stores; also Brass and lectric Sign Cleaning: of fe furnish sry - Prices Rade. ferences We 15 Ellice thing but water. rate. QO. G. Simpson, Street, Clty. -d en UPHOLSTERER. SAVING UPHOLSTERING, RE- w. J iring Sarpet werk, hair mat- trem. Fe vat ng; Bros a card or 218 Bagot Street. OSTEOPATHY. WITHOUT DRUGS."--R. Ne charge for cen- Hterature. fice 2tob & 447. suitation and hours, 16 te 12 to ARCHITECTS. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC. 258 King Street. 'Phone, 345, ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITRCT, OFFICE and residence, 181 University Ave. SPV AN a, ele 'Phone 608. igs Tent. ITECTS, MER- flding, _cerner ington Streets POWER & BON, ARC, We! MARRIAGE LICENSES. ENT| IREPATRICK, GOVERNME 42 Clarence Street, 5 oat. Téisphone 568. Res in d- bo. Frontenac Street. La omO, A BAT! 5a in the ¥e oh Rn rest. nsurance p aon & One cen ton. A stam on CUSTOMS BROK- t Si A in an envek ATWARM "TEN-ROOM laced h 'Phone 396. 67 Clarence St. Kings: pts e, 299 Pia SUITE #F ROOMS INCLUDING SIT- ting-room, bedroom and od lociited near Market Sugg Al ly to Cunningham job die, fs HOUSE ~~ Clarence Street. York Btreet, between Raglan Road and Cherry Street; possession at once. Inquire on premises or at R J. MeClelland's, 185 Clergy Street, LIVERPOOL, Fire Insuran assets 8! 18 which Hine Sie LL stockhelders. LONDON, pa GLO! Avaiiania Pn sddidion t Shaured_s rLy To ye Business hE ents th iders for The Selicgheldury hiabiity of Farm and 166 BAGOT STREET, NEAR EARL. splendid six-rooth brick house; £; good yard and: very warm; i 11.80; possession at onoe; snap. Apply, 369 Alfred Bireet, a LA, CO K BBIDRNC By: No=T19 MONT. al Street, containing 7 Tooms improvements, and one first-class condition; rent 10.50 per month: Hatsqssiph at ance. Inodern Ar MEDICAL. o Re rr 1 ~ and 7 to 5 p.m. 'Phone J. r BPAY BA M.D. PHYSICIAN 3. Wellington a to 38a, Ronty to 86 Bay treet. FOR SALE OR TO LET. -- sin a nator THE EXTENSIVE BUSINESS P| mises for ny years fed Hen ol Dru rontage on both, and tncludin tensive bulldings. A to ningham & * Mo die. "iy HOTYILS AND RESTAURANTS. PRES CARD TO CHA rpphiter and Sutide or reasonable premptly. ham Street North, W.K r. 266 prices on _al Xiuds eof jobbing. A work done re All DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL, Carpénter and Joiner, 262 Syden- N for wable prices on all kinds of jobbin work dene promptly and na ily. SRUNSWICK oT Bl. ONTARIO ST, G.T.R. station, one block Tinos pr. on street car Jina: hotel 1yy remodelled; chi moder special rates by week enn Cousineau, ». HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, removed permanently without . scar. nantly ears' ex- ERNEST Bpacts reet §dennam matea given for all el DENTAL. R. BECKWITH, CONT ing Ensingsr and Architect, cialities, 92 Plans ad an asses of Agent 149 €| sth work ¢ re Nod Freon: so and dd n blow: ry 'pe alist, ANYONE. A a mall WHERE, CAN BTART er business at home. No Sanvassing Be your own Send for free booklet Tells how. Hearock, 2.969 Lockport N.Y. e 346, Ee TRB THE NEWEST RULES REGULA- tions and forms pertaining to stallion agent and telegraph DR C C N ENT, Fe pER. ECB operator's work are incorporated in the new courses of traint fven in the Central ar chool, 1 Gerrard Street East, To- DR. A B. real 'Phone LEGAL. feet APP. DRT 1 19 ON. ers and larence see & MUDIE. BARRIST. w office, 79 Eston routs. Particulars free, Write T. J. Johnston, Principal FURNITURE FINISHER. ANTIQUE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY, eboniging and gliding enameiling and all colors of mission work: all work siven best attention. Pat. Pijacons, 23 Johu Street. 'Phone FAILURE Is often the prefios to success, However failure to deliver your Coal Promptly is atinoying. Try Us for Quality, Service, and One ae least $0 acres solely wiied vf father, uding the time fend patent) and Acres extr 7 who has exhausted hs right apd canvot obisin may enter for » pureh chased in osyiain distri Prices, MOTH, cash fi CORY, Deputy ony Minister of the inte N B~~Unsuthorise: babioation of advertisement w at be PB as house Ww