Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1910, p. 9

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Thetn im West Must Address Auditors iv English, / London, Dee. 2.1 feel like one who has just shot the rapids and finds himself in a quiet back-wai.-' said Father Bernard Vaughan ns be welcomed a representative of the Yorkshire Post at the house of his host, Col. Coghlan, at Headingley, 1e- cently. This was in allusion to the fact that during" thirty days recently spent in Cansda and the United States he delivered no fewer than six- ty speeches and travelled great dis tances. The objset of his visit was to Here is one of the many cases in which several members of one family have benefited from the household box of Zam- Buk. Col. Sgt. Lous Elliott, 2rd Co., 46th Battalion, Peterboro, Ont., £ays: "The attend the Fucharistic Uongress sat lower par of my face, check and chin Jj | Montreal. : ont i : Two things particularly struck him i in Canade--that * splendid pioneer of civitization," the Carfadian Pacific Railway and the position of the Ro- man Catholic church, '"'set upon a hill, its light. the searchlight that sweeps the land." "But what is the position with vegard to other forms of religion?' "The : highest - credit," be replied, "is due to Anglicans, Pres)yierians, Methodists, and others who are put- ting forth their best and most 7eel- ous efforts to capture the western rovinoss of Canada, If we Catho- jer are Z' compete with then we must make no mistake about the language in which we present our message. If we are to hold our own e. pov vg } address our (divom, in the only language acceptable to t --English. I would be sorry to he- little the splendid work that Fas been done in the speaking provinces of Canada by Frenoh-Cana- fians, but outside those provinces in the west and north-west, we must go forward charged like : balm daily, the tion out, and in less than a week's time the sores were and every scab . ---------- oa ar ZAM-.-BUK WILL CURE. + will be found a cure for cold sores, chapped hands, 1 RN x sro ie Hee blood-poison, varicose sores, piles, scalp nd The ' Catholic no racial distinction Her mission is to the children of humanity. Rit in an English-spea ing land we must address ourselves to its community in that tongue which is the recognized symbol of justice, truth and liserty." As to openings in Canada for the youth of this country, Father Vaugh- an declared that there are innumerable opportunities for all sections of our community provi the seeker of them is ready to fit 'himself into the openings. The mistake Englishmen make is. that they go across the At- lantic with preconceived ideas that they are going to boss, instead of to pal, to teach instead of to learn. That will not do out there. You must take your coat off, tuck up your sleeves, get your back into the work, and push and shove for all you are worth, A Unless you are the prizes life are snapped up from you by Poles, Scan- dinavians, Italians, and workers of al most every race but your own. In some places Father Vaughan saw notices, "Englishmen need not apply." 'That surely was Gnpleasantly stgnifi- cant," wap hix copment. "In Canada, tnd 'especially in 'British Columbia, there "is* mote than enough work - all WORK WITHOUT FATIGUE You won't feel exhausted when you take EPPS'S COCOA sieiiasr: It will sustain you as nothing else will --there is strength in eve ry particle of it. As a supper beverage it is perfect. ri rn round, and now is the time to get hold of the ropes and to work ahead with the resolve to take jobs as they come till at length you are your own . . show and come out on top." ualit in R E( A L The conversation drifted into Cana- y dian politics. Father Vaughan paused . . and smiled. Then he spoke, but guard- LAG E R 1S SO hi edly. "Having surveyed the situation, yi "1 candidly at that I have very ., y . strong personal views about the fu- that it IS even to-be ha 11 | ture of Canada. But not being a L statesman, and not. even a politician, Germany. nd why' a it is better, like Dr, Pangloss, to keep "Q lit "» ] P : B 'in en, ents Ipod, in a word, to keep t to myself. course," a ual y ager €Causec he added, "there are three possibilities for Canada. e mi set up for - it 1s brewed in the old, slow |; ee. ait aot Up Joe tar hg : i i und fl it Munich way from purest yeasts to |", a wag with: the prec} make REGAL LAGER. a table [or the provd aad ity dang FATHER VAUGHAN TALKS IN- TERESTINGLY ON HIS TRIP. * | Says Catholics to "Compete With Sharbot' Lake, Deéc. 5. -- Gordon Meighan Bis returned from the west. Mr. and Mrs. John Allen have return- ed from Peterboro, where they tended the graduating exercises nurses of the Nichols hospital. daughter, Miss' Annie E. Allen, was one of the graduates. Plam Hollow Personals. Plum Hollow, Dec. 4.--Mr. and Mrs. D. Kilborn attended the funeral of the late Mrs. MéVeigh, Addison, on Sun- day. Snow bas come and sleighs are being used. Mrs. Newton Kilborn has returned bome from Gananoque, whure she spent the summer. Miss. Smith snd 'Miss Mitchell, 32 kills, spent Sunday, guests of Miss Susia Palmer. Mrs. B. Barker is the guest of Frank- ville friends. Napanee Personals. Napanee, Dec. 6.--D. A. MacMillan, manager of the Merchants' Bank, Hes- peler, is in town for a few days. ¢ weather has become very cold. The river is frozen over and the small boy with his skates is in evi . M. Parrott and Mrs. McCoy \left, ves- terday, to the winter man, pn pnd Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy. Miss Ethel Long, Grimsby, is spending a month visiting friends and relatives in Napanee and vicinity. Plevna Personals. Plevna, Dec. 5.--Mrs. D. Albert is on the sick list. The infant som / of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lemkije i sbetter. Miss Louise Lemkie spent Slate Falls, the guest i Thompson. Mrs. .(Dr.) Elkington spending a few weeks in Kingston. G. Ostler spent last week in Kingston. J. Godkin, of Fernleigh, and J. McKin- non, of Red Deer, Alta., at Mr. God- kins mother's; Rev. C. Huyck has gone to the north end of his mission for this week, ---- Rural Mail Delivery Held Up. Charleston, Dec. 5.--There is to be a farewell party at John Hudson's, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hudson intend moving to Brockville. Harry Botsford still continues very ill. Miss Shaver, trained nurse, is attend- ing him. The rural mail delivery to have started on Thursday, December Ist, failed to go. The service was being put of eomtrary to the laws of the department, and a message from Ottawa brought everything to a sud- den stop. je rural boxes were all in their places. Deathi "at Philipsville. Philipsville, Dec. 5.--Another old re- sident has passed away in the person of William Gutridge, iii the eighty-first yedr of his age. He had lived:all his trious, hardworking man. He was blessed with fairly good health until a féew days before. his death. Deceased was a consistent member of the Me thodist church. He leaves one son, Charles, on the homestead, and one daughter; Mrs. Harmon Earl. His wife predeceased him a pumber of years ago. Holleford Happenings. Holleford, Dec. 5.--The revival ser vices in the Free Methodist church will continue this week. Mrs. Coulter has returned to her home in Galt, after a three weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jdmes Walker. Miss Alma ker has been , engag- ed. to the Union school the com-' phans' Home, Peterboro., J, O'Rielly 18 recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs. C. Martin is glso ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whain, who have been visiting friends Here, will go to Cobalt to-morrow. W, Collins and family have moved to the home of his fathet, 2. / p Mrs. J. edmond, sr, Kepler, is spending a few days with iriends here. msl. Mallorytown Tidings, long' life on the farm where he was | born, and "had always been an. indus. |. "Fat and Be Stop starving yourself--stop suffering (he pangs of Indigestion--stop worrying about what you dare and dare not eat. Eat hearty meals of wholesome food, take ing year. Mr, and Mrs. D. Walker}, have adopted a girl from the Or- Pe ail \ lil bs Tai "A BASKET FULL 'of clean, sweet-smelling linen is obtained with half the toil- and in half the time if you follow the Sunlight directions. "Give up for once the old, hard way of washing clothes. Sunlight will shorten the day's work, but lengthen the life of your clothes UNDERWEAR hE Lock for the "sheep" Fg comfort-loving people "'Ceetee" is the underwear that pleases. Fits perfect- Iy--soft and velvety to the skin and guaranteed tinshrinkable. Insist on " Ceeter." In all sises for men. women and children. The C. Turnbull Co. of Gale, 008 Manufactarers--ath, 1860 Merry!" _ HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO, | Go to the STEWART BH OUSE. Commercial Hotel Rates, $1. pe .y, JAS. STEWART, Prop. ELIE SSS ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FAIR, GUELPH, ONT, December 3th te Sth. Round Trip Fare from Kingston | { { ! i i 96.38, Good going Saturday, Dec. 3rd, to Fri. | day, December Sth, good to return un- {til Dec. 12th ---- ! LOCAL BRANCH TIME-TABLE. | Grains will leave and arrive at City | Depot as follows: | Golag West. yr City. Arrive City. 13.35 ; Geolng East. Leave City. Arrive City. ee we 140 ame 2.17 am Fast Express 248 am. 3 " ie JES mh XR A "For full particulars and Pullman re- servations, apply to X P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. KINGSTON IPEMBROK! SEYTRLEN In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Trains Leave Kingston 1201 pm Ex 8-0 Ottaw Montreal, Qlievec, Toe NB, i fax, Boston, oronte, long: n- ver, Renfrew, ult Ste Marie, Duluth, t. Pau Wi nipes, Vancouver, cattle, bortiand a Ban Francisce. 8 m.--lLocal, for Sharbot Ke. Sohnect ng with C. P. R East nl Fest, 7.45 am Mixed--For Renfrew and Intermediate points, Mon, Wed, and Friday. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12 O01 pm. arrive in ttaws at MN. Peterboro, 438 pm; Toronto, 6.56 pm. Montréal, 708 p.m.; Boston, 7.80 am.; St. John, 13.00 noon. Full particulars at K. and P. and C.P.R. 1cket Offa Ontario Street F. CONWAY ¢ Gen. Fass. Agent. BAY OF QUINTRE RAILWAY. _| Lake Ontario. and Bay of Quinte ---- Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from ,| James Swift & Co, J. P. Hanley, «Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. BAHAMAS IDEAL WINTER RESORT FIRST capiy TOURS New twin screw S8 BRAZOS and four other large steamships in service connecting Nassau with Havana, Mexics, and Galveston. the gateway to California and Pacific Coast points WEEKLY TEMPERA - SERVICE TURE 73% FROM WINTER NEW YORK AVERAGE and you'll feel like a new person. Sour stomach--heartburn-- occasional indigestion -- chronic dyspepsia -- all yield quickly to NA-DRU-CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The properly digested food restores your strength, your stomach regains iis tone, and soon requires no further aid. SOc. a box. If your druggist has not stocked them yet send 50c. and we will mail them. : and identifying heruolf with her in all that promotes the highest interests of < : her strong-set supremacy." As to Sowpany b lasting seme Jock Fs by which of these three possible positions neat Yo Mills The" inspector of will become an actuality, this, Father post ole paid® an official visit here Vaughan declared, would depend SPOR | on Tuesday. Egbert Mallory went to the policy of those who direct affairs Montreal on Tuesday, with a car of Seat of British Colonial Government Splendid hotels excellent golfing, tem- nis. polo, motoring, yachting shing bathing A paradise of beautiful flowers and vegetation with abundance of fruits Write fof literature and further particulars 14 N.Y. & CUBA MAIL 88, 00. (WARD® INE) Mallorytown, Dee. 5.~The G.T.R. , pa beverage, a home drink. For Sale by all Liquor Dealers and Leading Hotels averred, "that this stately daughter of Destiny is standing with her arms out- stretched and her eyes set towards the WHOLESALE ORDERS motherland; for her love and sympa- at home. "One thing is certain," he stock. The. Outario. Dairy Associa: tion met in. the Oddfellows' hall on Wednesday. Henry Lake and family have moved into house owned by William Viandusan. The remains of NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA LimiTED, MONTREAL. L 2). 7 General Office. Pier 14, East River, N ' New York i thy she yearns and pleads." ho Ite rs, John Yannattan, of Ev x La <0 BERMUDA COLL, were in vau . caw armen. (20 Sm 8 0) Fresh Adr in Winter) ros mi so wiv Among the customers in a drug store . +H St salls 10 am. Dec. 10th, 24th, Jan. ét} one day last week was a little girl who 11th, 18th, and 25th and every Wed is known to her playmates in that vi- In winter, it is hard to get fresh air | nesday thereafter i Bilge keels; electric fang; wireless cinity as "Peggy." As she stood wait. - new year. Leman Guild, in certain rooms. Some rooms in a celesranns img for her turn it could be noticed | the Whig stad, ingaton, was home on, house are usually colder than others, WEST INDIES that was ting somethi un- | a brief visit wit . s Ew" N "IU AN A" other de a Drath Beng on gen "|W. Wells was at Five and if you open the windows it is! xew' ss "at IANA" and oth New York ber what her mother had sent her to «Phone 439, Hamilton; Main 3681, Toronto; 4248, Ottawa hard agdin to heat the room properly. for 5. Thomas BE Sot Be Kits oy a sup »ominies "Mother wants five cents' th of If you ep the windows closed Martinique Bt eat Baad a han) Vv wor ) you res - n gl divine." . oe o i great i i Ln don't get h air; it you keep ee astrated pamphlets with full ot ev au: children: of i : them open you cannot quickly reheat | information arony "te what ? . = ; po = A. E Outerbridge and Co. Agents the room. The % i i o ~ > Quebec Steamship Company, 29 Broad \ } way, New York. Quebec Steamship Company, Quebec, ar to J. P. HANLEY RFECT, and C 5. KIRKPATRICK., Ticket Agents, Kingston Smokeless = : 4 Absolutely smokeless and odorless MLLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. : EE 1 hy h Add gelatine, and when it begins Kansas City, Bee: 8. Ww ON A fruit : with the following sauce or : a ) lv the difficu Yi homelike white of one egg stir: add biespoonhil ¢ ' i 1 in Kansas | Mh : solves Ity. ou can leave tab 1 sur- one-hai AJ Sp pus sho ty. Favor with vane . 7 . dn that she is wolf ; . the windows in a room open all day Supredch the Club for fH ®e y i sister. She. is 3 in winter, and when you close them | Located in centre of city and close wor ™»os . ¥ . 3 I We, G ] : h ai " ly a match to a Perfection Oil | to principal stores and theatre. Ox sii (relatine TE Hear and eat he Soom to ay em | 4 oT Knox Chocolate Plum Pudding box Knox Sparkling Gelatine. * ' Bp Barton Gotten. cup stent cro or wate an Aaneuar, cup'cur: ants. TWIN WILL INHERIT $40,000 spoonful vanilla, squares oll SRE py Seeded raisins 2 § S sauare. Ol It She Chn Prove That She is Her- Roak & in the = ¥ 3 2 > ne : is ghocolate; add to a oid a nts ifs Tr 3 i EETERE § a higsc - money's w Spreader, which prevents the wick from being farmed high | cannot become 3 new | is the kind we sell. ridge. Alta, Dec. 6. 4 ni , perature you desire in a few minutes. P. M. THOMPSOX, Proprietor. . e, and is to nd : Ne al quarts 1" An Indie shay Shas op, beck th hat ie wick can = ne or ! y it ; Scranton Coal | is good coal and we guarantee will encGurnde the appetite. It is one of the Oil Heater is finished ~& - : in - secrets of § od cooking." Kne Eh a cool handie and s demper sop hel. a Al.} io en not meed fo be screwed down. It is put in tike a cork | COA > . granulated and attached by # chain, |® The kind you are looking for i prompt delivery. BOOTH & CO. \ 7 § OEP ee Dues Breryetare (ot 2 ys. arte for desriptive ces The Queen City Of Company, EN CX ov. 0 fo ov a8

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