invigorates the thousands of tiny pores. The skin takin On The wppearanis wil fod baby, and you are all restful, refreshing sleep, INFANTS' DELIGHT V Forever Prompt Relief--- Permanent Care Genuine mus bear Signature Ri, TENDE ADDRESSED undersigned, DRE Snderaign and endorsed onk and alterations 6 the Public Bullding. Peterborough, ro." "will be received at this of- 4 pan., on Wednesday, 1. 1810; for the work men. specifications and form of seen and forms of at this Department veh ons ad 8 MEA leation to Wm. Blackwell, ect, Peterborough Ont. tendering are notitica that re will nof be considered unless on the printed forms supplie Sslgned with their actus) signa. stating their oceupations and of residence. In the case of the actus) signature, the nature gecupation and place of resi 'Gf each member of the firm given tender must be accompanied accepted cheque on a chartered ayable to the order of the I¢ the Minister of Public equal to ten per cent (16 pec) amount of the tender, which forfeited if the person tender- ine to enter into a colTEEN ted upon to do so. or fall to Khe work contracted for. If @ hot scocepted the cheque returned. i#tment does not bind itself he lowest or any tender, R C DESROCHERS, Secretary. fie Works, ovember 35, 1910. will not, be paid for re if they insert it the Depart 'to her school at Camden East; after a ; A { son, calvert and work; "86.50; Ww. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS] WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Varions Points in Eastern Ontario--<What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. rr h-- Plam Hollow Personals. Pium Hollow, Nov. 30.-~The sheds have been completed at the Mitchell's appointment F. Flaocher has ' an auction sale to-day. He intends moving to Athens later on, Mrs. Barker-is the guest of her daughter, irs, OC, Kilborn. Wolfe Island Party. Wolfe Island, Nov, 30~There was a sucessful party held in the CM.B.A. hail, which: was one of the grandest events of the season. There were sev- ently couples present. The music * furn ished by the Davis orchestra was ad: mired by all who attended. The steamer Wolle Telander made special trips for the occasion and brought a large number from the surrounding district. The committee were J. Latey THE DAILY stone, SH15 4. Neversor J. A. Spe Hoe: MH. MeCrow H. Mclean, w ye work on board Ik, #6; stone, $0; Selectors of jurors, $6 Clerk, account salary, 836; J. Esford, caretaker, 36; Treasurer, account ary, 850; P. Cough, chatity, ¥5; Winborne, refund taxes, 37.68. treasurer ziven a check for $6950 anl H, The J. 1. Winting, Eaq., re . count of Mr, McCallum for stone, no avtion; from Kirkpatriel, Rogers & N of Mr. MeAdoo for sheep fe no action; from le killed by the Deputy from Dr. Sidwards, M.P., re government grant an yvoad; from Kingston General Hospital, re grant; on motion $23 was granted. Om motion J. 8. name to De placed on tre in the stead of D. D, journed until Dee, 15th. r's cond Ad- PUBLIC MEN 1 NTERESTED. Temperance Workers Feel Encouraged, Ont., Dee. Greatly Ingersoll, 1,--President ¥ ose ing the temperance. movement, said : and D. McGlynn, who did everything possible to make the affair enjoyable. Doings Around Picton, Nov. 20.--Perry Clark * has sold out to Mr. Chandler, and taken up residence in town. Edwin McCaw recently sold a colt for $15. Mrs. B. McCaw. attended the funeral of the late Daniel Sullivan. Earl Coi lier has gone to Syracuse, NY. t he has secured a position. Mr. Rorke intends moving on the Belleville road, where Miss Mabel Rorke will teach schoool. The entertainment in 5.3 No, 2 was well attended. Picton, has Murvale Personals. Murvile, Nov. 29.--Miss Fdna M well, who has been ill with typhoid fever, ¥¥ convalescent. lace, has weturned from where he. spent the summer. Miss } gio Swerbrick, spending some at Tichborne, has returned home, Sunday school scholars are practisi for a Christmas entertainment. V tors: Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, Kings . at F. Bowen's; Mrs. Hill, Hinchin brooke and Miss J. Hamilton, Har- rowsmith, at Miss E. Homilt8n's. Allen, Wolfe Allen, Wolle Island, cheese factory has closed. of the season have been fairly good. A number of farmers are busy pressing hay and shipping it to Cape Vines N.Y. Vincent McDonald returned ) Watertown, N.Y., on Tuesday, after; two month's vimt with his parents here. James Frazer, Kingston, spent Saturday and Sunday with J. Me Donald. 'The schooner Acacia, of Chaumont, called at Boyen hatin where she loaded coal on hee way to Marysville, So Island. Nov. 29.--The Report Reports From Kepler. Kepler, Nov. 28.--Rev. Mr. Hanna, Sydenham, gave missionary sermons on Sunday. Alexander Ferguson is very ill. Stewart Babeock and Ross Wart man have returned home after spend- ing a week near Desert Lake. Hubert A. Townsend is visiting at Antrim, Harvey Buck and wife visited at New- burgh recently. Mrs, Herbert Buck is visiting her mother at Sydenham, 'A number from this place attended the Glenvale tea-meeting. Visitors: Mi H. Alma Johnston, Boston, and Mrs, Smith and children, Latimer, at A, Townsend's; Mire. ("Brien and son, Sydenham, and Mies Wyatt, Allan's Station, at T. Garrett's; Miles Crans- ton, at his father's, Harold Jobn- ston has taken up his abode at Wil- liam H. Horning's; Lorne Lawson intends going to the city to learn the harness-making trade. Budget From Sydenham, Sydenham, Nov, 20.-There is great number ol people sulering from grippe and the doctors are hoth kept busy. John Woodrufi, Sr, is very ill Frederick Ellsto is ill with diphtheria, at the home of William Hobbs,' J. P. Lacey is able to be in the store and Miss Bessie Lacey was able to return a illness. There will be services Wednesday night, in St. Paul's church, during Advent. The guild will meet at Miss Dean's, on Thursday of ternoon. The Misses Roberts have moved in James Foxton's new brick house. Calvin Framer has been eco- gaged as caretaker of the high school in place of ~ Mr, Kavans, who resign ed, apd Mrs. G. Curran will care for the public school in place of Mrs. ©. W. Smith, who resighed on account of loess. The Bell Telephone company's men have left the village, after place ing y poles around here, and leading® to Spaffordton, and placed 'phones in several homes in the vil- lage. Migs Celin. Wood has returned from Kingston, after a two weeks' visit. L. W. Hull, Deserontp, spent a woek at his 'gousin's, CO. Smith. Rev. Mr. Stewart, Sharbot Lake, at the rectory for a. couple of days. Waltér and John Sha Boek Lake, visited friends in the vi last week. Mrs, Ryndus is visitng in Toronto. Mre. John Connors Shiite: Kingston, ex to spend the winter with her , Mr. and Mrs. H. Leitch, dur- ing the, absence of Mr. Couuors, who will travel for his firm. Nov. = 28th Members all presen The minutes of Jast meting ed. Accounts passed: Col: MeGill, re fond tases, $16.36; Anglin & Co, lumber, $21.62 Frontenac Lumber & Coal Co., lumber, $3.04; Standard advertising, $12.40; 'W. H. Godwin, insurance on 1, $16.50; Thos. Wier work and cuvert, 85; Robt. Gates, repairing bridge, - $3; DB. McClipent, repairing 5 culverts, $14.00; week's overy * Johnston, work, 84 A. Brennan, work on town line, $4; W. Bennctl, nails, We; J. Wilson, 2 culverts and work, £310. FP. Johnston, work, pairing culvert, #5: J, ditching, $10; R. Donaldson, ditohing, 8h: A. bonus 200 rods fence, rman connection with the great movement f that is now taking place is the recoy- { nition the hands of leading public men." Continuing, Mr. Gibson stated with ia great deal of satisfugtion that he just received check for 2400 Hon. George Cox, Toronto, a A. has irom {ready planned by the alliance, s { that the letter accompanying the con- tribution stated he would make a further contribution at an carly date, Dr. Osler and Vaccination. Toronto It has of vaccination to rejoice in the "'enr- sil of Dr. William At last, however, he has spoken and not to the comfort ob anti-vaecination sete, Writing in the American Maj azifie for December,, Dr. Osler says: 1 would ¥ke to Mount Carmel- llie challenge to any ed priests of Baal. I will go into the next severe epidemic with ten selected vaccinated persons and ten selected unvaccmated persons. 1 should pre- fer to choose the latter--three mem- bers of parliament, three anti-vaccin ation doctors, if they could be found, and four anti-vaccination propazand iets," He adde: "Neither to. jeer nor to jibe when they catch put to look after them brothers, and. for the four or five who, are cer- tain to die I will try to arrange funerals with all the pomp and mony of an anti-vaccination demons- tration." At there will he further doubt where Dr. belonlzs in the eontrovergy over aination, News jone ence' issue a as cere- least to no as vae- Some Police Mismanagement. Hamilton Herald The case of Mr. Coulter, a respect- able voung Toronto man, who fell into the hands of the Hamilton police on Saturday evening, is a 'hard Without any apparent reason he seized by a plain-clothes officer downtown hotel and his pockets searched in view of many onlookers When he made a natural protest against this indignity he was ° threat- ened with arrest for disorderly = con- duct, + When he went to the city hall police. station to lodge a complaint against IMs treatment he was seized, handeufled and hustled to the cells the patrol wagon. A charge of dis- orderly eonduet was entered ag him, but when he appeared at police court this morning there was nobody present to prosecute him. The Herald understands that Mr. Coulter intends to bring a civil action for .damages against the officer who arrested him. He ought also to bring the matter to the attention of the police commis. sioners, one. was in a were unst Adopts Poor Family. Boston, Mase., Dec. 1.--Mise Dorothy Forbes, n Boston society girl, has vir- tually adopted the family of Mrs, Maria Pevor, and once a week at least, Miss Forbes gives up her social engagements to visit the humble hi of the Pevors in' Taylor street. : Pevor's husband died recently, leaving her with several small children and in destitute circumstances. Eczema is Not | Fatal But its torture increases as it spreads over the body antil it makes life a burden, It is cured by Dr. Chase's Oinbinent So many have eczema of one form or another and do mot know it. The constant itching snpoys them, but they scarcely realize how the disease is gradually spreading and becoming mote aggravaied. Particularly during cold weather, when exposed to sudden changes and dampness, this ailment becomes more severe, and during the night, when the Hody is warm, ® ing is intense | Wa Hi is culvert and work, 83; M. Mangan, © days work, #2: J. Rochefort, work, for | evrrent exe nies, Comm us ration from, 2% unt Mintater of Militias re grant on road; | Hibbett's | sh Gideon, of the alliance, discuss- | "One of the most striking features in | which the cause is receiving at | to, assist in carrying out the work al- | and | been the habit of opponents | Osler. | ten unvacumat- | the diseuse, | the | Osler | in! BRITISH WHIG, THAURSPA QUITE PROPER | SELLS KISSES FOR $10, WOMAN THEN ARRESTED, But She is Discharged and Gets Money Back by Ovder of Court. New York, Dee, 1~Selling kisses fog apiece is lagal in New York, mad | the purchaser has no redress ¥ the kiss doesn't suit him. Julia Woods got 85 for a kiss, and n the Harlem court. and a man, who Platt, with a Chinese restau was arraigned The young Woman said he was Leroy second man, went to 5 rant at One Hundred and Tweuty-fikh street and Highth avenue. After dinner Miss Woode offered to | selt- her kisses at 85 each. Platt placed va 85 hill on the table and got a kiss, {7he vounz woman took the money, { The second man also put up a 35 bill gu the table and got a kiss. | Up to this time the men thousht it {was a, joke. They demanded their | money back, saying they eould get all oe kisses they wanted from other irls for nothing. Miss Woods kept the mobey. Platt called a policoman, Miss Woods was arcested and the two 35 hills ! were taken away from her. fn court Miss Woods told her story {to the magistrate, and said she was i entitled to the money, Magistrate Cor- | rigan discharged ber, instructing the | policeman to give hessback the $10, i BANISH ALL DISEASE, i ia | Doctor Predicts All Cases , Yield to Science, New York, Nov. 30.--Dr. Simon | Flexner, director of the Rockefeller In- Lstitute, spoke at Columbia University on *The Rise of Bacteriology." He told of the achievements ' of Pastew and hoch, reviewing the progress of the science in late yews, and predict ed a great future for this "most prac tical form of scientific endeavor." The great check that has been en countered in the attempt to solve the problems of bac teriology, De. Flexner the impossibility, even powerful microscopes. the human vision some parasitic infection car will | declared, is with most to bring into very minute | riers. These minute germs are living the lecturer, beyond question, behave our | organisms, asserted { which is established | for only living matter could in the way they act. "Our present microscopes," said. Dr. Flexner, "resolve into vision only | relatively coarser particles of matter. An auditor questioned Dr, Flexner as to whether in view of this, Metch- { nikoff's prophecy of a diseaseless i world would come ever to pass. "Yes," replied Dr. Flexner, "I think | that that may be, but you {and I will never see'it. Dr. Flexner divided disease infec- tion into two classss, spontaneous and experimental, Natural diseases, he said, me the result of spontaneous in- | fection. Experimental infection is the attempt to duplicate spontaneous in- | fection for scientific investigation. But it is not always possible, Dr. Flexner declared, to reproduce spoutaneous in- | fections, experimentally, and our fail- ure to discover the cause of many diseases is due to our inability suc | cessfully to transmit these spontaneeiie {infections into the lower animals. While it impossible even by seg- | regation of the human being from all | sources of disease, to rid the world of | bacterial infection,' we may reduce the { extent of germ ravages. In addition | to the scientific means, which have | been found to check disease, nature | provides many mechanisms as a de- {fence against bacteria. This, said Pr. Flexner, is a msrvelloug example of so-called animal adaptation. Dr. Flexner told how Pasteur covered the character of the pest which was destroying the silkworm, and causing an annual loss to France of 100,000 francs. This work, = the lecturer, was the foundation of Pas. teur's later fruitful studies in bacterio- logical science. 'As showing how complete were Pas- teur's investigations in many fields of science, Dr. Flexder stated that in the twenty-five years since Pasteur's time practically nothing new has been dis- covered with reference, for instance, to the origin and treatment of hydro- phobia. De. Flexner also reviewed the work of Koch in tuberculosis, and dis- cussed the accomplishments of othe svientists, "In no other natural science," clared Dr, Flexner, in conclusion, "has practical achievement followed more quickly and surely upon what was in the beginning thought to be abstract knowledge, than in bacteriology." et pnp -- Repudiation of Mr. Borden. Toronto World. We do not believe that any country could remain in existence, whose policy in regard to its defence was left to a vote of the people. 1f there are any cases in . poin: we would like to sec them stated. For a. party that has the ropulation of being conservative and pro-British, and that assumed the responsibility "of establishing a militia service for this country to say thatit has pot a policy in regard to its de fence other than what the people ol the coiintey may decide om referen- dum; is a jon of weakness, or it may be ibe straming after the gome day 18 dis de- ' | somewhat doubtful object of putting {the other fellow in a hole. But it in not good pb. lities for conservatives or those who ow - responsible gov- arument, ------------------------------ Who Owns the Money? Ottawa Joparnsl The bill introduced by Mr. Lewis, of West Hurom, in the viding that alter six alf = une claimed balances in the chartered Catadian banks be turned over to the government, who will 'act as cus todions for the real owners, seems. to have the right ides; there is said. to be little chance ; heooming law. have hundreds claimed ther | O Pro lducing almost any unhedlthy condi- 1, 1010. IAN FLGI MURDER - - ---- » MEETINGS AT HABTINGTON Of the Farmers' Institnte Held on Monday. Hartington, Nov, 30.--The meeting ¥ the Farnwrs' Ibstitute kel here yesterday, snd was one of the most. successful held by that body in » pumber of yéars. In the altemnoon, he meefing was held in the school use. W. ¥, Kidd, of Simeoe gave an adress on the Bary Cow, mad W. I. Kerr, of Woodroofe, spoke on the orchard. In the evening the session was held n the church and was largely attend of. Mr. Kidd took for the subject of his address "Dropped Stitches," sad was very clearly and in a most interesting Stitches" may be taken up by the farmer and ba thrned to advantage, financially and otherwise. At the close of his address, he reflected on the social position of the farmer, wh he says is not as hizh gs ne. This, he added, rests with farmer himself. Let him seek for; lation, and he will he accorded his proper place, one of the hizhest in the social scale. "Let we" the emit. aon pure in. thought, word and Joe gewtlem:n in the truest sense of the word, Mr. Kerr then followed, with most structive talk on Fraits" and seconded the idea brought out by his colleague, viz, the standard which the farmer a should Mr. Sproule, of Westhrooke, made 4 most effidcient chairman. The Harting ton choir turnished the fellowir tiont - during the evening: "i Bells," "Flay of Liber ty adian Boat Song." ¢ ---------- 3 yr tele. 3 Jenin and Hinchinbrooke Council. Piccadilly, Nov. 19.--Council minutes of last meeting adopted. Seve ral bills, communications and option vead. Moved, Clow-W that the clerk notify Olden council tl $1 has been laid be- tween Hinchinbrooke and and ask them remit their portion, $7.50. Carried, Moved, Clow-M« Knight, that the Sabbath school have use of town hall freer for Christmas tree. Carried. Accounts Hill, $3.75; J. 8 nedy, R.& Mcheever, Butterell, $1.55; . Lee, £3.60; I. Howes, $1.35; C. G Sue RR i Sade $1.25: E. Cox, $1.00; P, Nedow, Vealey, 33.75; W. Clow, 25: W, Loucks, 7bc.; J. Lowery, 0. Clow, $12.40: R. McCullough, &10: Jackson, $3; H. Smith, $10.08; W, Wagar, $6.41; A. #2: Ashley Wagar, k, 31.38; J. Draflin, 62c.; M. 2: A. Hughson, G.E A. J. Salsbury, Gl. Reynolds, £2; B. Judge, $1.50; Reynolds, $10.63; A. Salsburs : ', Wilkie, $81; B. Babcock, Réymolds, $6. S. Snider, $6.25; Reynolds, $9. Thos, Leeneck, $1 W. F. Nickle, #12; W. Clarke, % Harper, 81.25; A. Revnolds, 83. ( Moved, Clow-Wagar that the of the petitioners for local option be aranted, and the clerk prepare a" by daw and council Parham, Saturday, Nov. 26th, at one to consider the passing of said law. Carried. Council adjourned meet at Parham, on Nov. 26th. Parham, Nov. 26th. Minutes last meeting adopted, y-law was read amd discussed. Un motion Clow-Wagur, the local option by-law was read first and timed. Moved, MeKnight-Wagar, on boundary Older out to Cooper, 95c.; ye i R. A ; 2. Cronk, Yah Allen Wagar, $4.75; Buckley, $1.: Teal, : $18.36: Jos. x Genge, Tas, Joffrey, arried, moet. at on o'c of that officer for polbniz subdivision Carried Moved, Clo: Dunes, the following ie deputy retury ing officers: Subdivision No. 2, Wm Black; No. 3, Peter Ferris; No. 4, Wr Alport. Carried. Accounts passed: Vandewater, $11.10; J, Lowry, £2.70 G. A. Smith, $8; Dr. George, $5; D. Goodiellow, 2590. J. M. Smith A. Smith, 81; BR. X. Hamitton, A. Smith, tall year salary, R. McCuMough, 8% R. A. Hamil ton, $11: Allan Wagar, 813 ; Hamilton, 810.50; RB. Teal, Wagar, 825; F. Kirkham, Vandownter, 84; Foster, Council. adjourned to meet at didy, on Thursday, Dec. 15th. ing one, that n, = £2 Jos. You and 1 can never borrow dol lar on ancestral pride. A good many times promise is any- thing but performance. : a RELIEVES BAD STOMACHS. Your Out-of Order Stomach Will Feel Fine in Five Minutes, If your meals don't fit comiortably, of you feel bloated after énting, and you believe it is the food which fills you; if what little you est lies like so lump of lead on your stomach; if there is difficulty in breathing after eating, eructations of sour, undigested-food and acid, heartburn, brash or a helch- ing of gas, you ean make up your mind that you need something to stop oud fermentation and cure Indiges- ton. To lmake every bite of food you eat aid in the nourishment and strength of your body, you must rid your Sto- mach of poisons, exegasive acid and stomach gas, which sours: your entire meal--interferes with digestion and causes so many sufferers of Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliowsness, Constipa- tion, Griping, ete, Your ease is no different--yon. are a stomach sufferer, thotigh vou may call it by some other name; vour real and only trouble is that which ven eat does not digest, but quickly ferments and sours, pro tion, ; A aac of Paps Dispepsin will cost hy cents at any Pharmacy here, and will convinee amy slomach soferer five winntes after aking & single dose that Fermentation Sot Stomach met; | manner showed how these "Dropped | { i { h, | it should | {bave been working be | urged, 'be anove all, wen of houpur, "Bmall | {| Benjamin Coville, seek to atinin, socially and morally. | feording to Mrs | oath "Can- | : : { deathbed local} of o | the name d i Nemo, "ily 8. Clark, 'ohich + { Deere, $1.1 A.l i i praver i i fe Local option i second | J. Quinn he appointed toputy' return- | de Nos. : is camsing" the misery of Indigestion. No mstter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Ngrvousness ar Gastritis, or by suv name {of years ago 'he the death of { stipat | ondency, Sexval Weakness, hrivvions, | snatorrhaa, and Effects of Aluse or Ln , will eure. RECALLED BY RODNEY MAN: HAS BEEN AR- REST OF Principal in Trial Arrested ou An other Charge Through Clue Fur nished hy Carpenter's Rule, . . plic ingres Made of pure Xygen, Nat and: contair great beaut AT YOUR DRUCCIST™®. 25 St. Willis, rested charge Daniel British awakened. on 16th by a» she hail fall soreamed to quickly, and the hight and fled. carpenter's rule, ig sill, where ihe part house, and as the Calin FOR SAL The Albion Hotel property, Montreal and Queen stroet ¥ill sell at a jmacrilice, For "oa T. J. LOOKHART, Roal Estate Agent, 9 Wellington St Kingston. come the was a e window red | ot parts I's Hie the octives J Willis LL i the rule | SG : FEPPLF LIPPER LLEFL IIRL i GRIMI'S ICE CREAN Is made from Pure Cream, delivered int fo Vanilla, Tuti-Frutl, Neapo Strawberry, ete. Urde prompt attent ity u " elnino ------------ 1 iso wats arrested, belongs to him, It is = that morgi Mel as i declar vot her visit has created ¢ le interest «in the neighbor hood because ob the fact that Willis is the same man who five years ago last and tr following ti The case con Flizg Mis ney in the and, arrested ed 1m nection with the Lowery at the Sprig was of Mr. i Old were of near Rog The 'n house, when a man entered two Wi alone Coville's ed her, Miss Lowery man's assistance and by the isitor. 1 ways claimed that Mrs, (Lville the identity of the marderer quittal of Willis was followo a { 102 PRINCESS STREET. wn al | PEEERPPRRERRRREERIREPIY ows (THAT TIRED WHEE a couple 1 Mr 8 re ae Coville, and The to the effect that conleasion, gi made a the name the stoully of late has tion party od by her again been thorities story was b a n circula the te know wille, it your © Baby Carrisgs t arria or AL TANGLE. A PECULIAR Fires get prompt 'Am selling bal 2» of our cheap JAMES LATURNEY Poy RINCESS oF ERT. : -------- Btock oft Turns Up After Twelve Claim Estate, Dee, 1.-A in conection with » of Albbrt Lineger, of Mount Clow Mi ich, wared Years to Detroit has peculiar arisen trom In order to mr = b ) BUILDERS | ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AT/{ LOW PRICES, ASBESTIO PLASTER ! SALE, : { ALSO COAL AND ALL KINDS | } OF WOOD, i 3) S. Bennett & Co. || Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. "Phone 941 ! legully obtain his relatives dead nd FOR) beer dead. Until his application is granted or has no right 7 ¢ own name. Orders 328 Engines. Dankirk, Dec. I~Jt is announced that the New York Central has placed an order with the American Locomo- tive company for 23 passenger and freight engines, to be delivered during the year 1911, One-hall of the locomo- tives will be built at the Brooks plant. | ORDERING FLOUR Ask your g Cured they > Deafness Cannot be ' h rocer or you a trial sack of QUALITY F Try it and be conviseed are ca thing but an inflaz mucous surfaces, will give any case that Catarrh free J. CHEN Rod Dru Take Hall's fon celebrated quality of th Cure tired 1 Manufa« r tl gEist 75 : Famity Pilis for Leaf Maple Leal Branch Off Kingston inked ' jiood In o ins, Qures Nes Phone 3 Mendad and Brain Worry 886 ous Debility, 3 Sper £8808, Poe §1 per box, sixfor 85. One will please, six Sold by alt drug Kisty ww matiod js on peceint of price. New pamphile :,_ Tho Wood Medicine Go. Toronto, Ont plain pkg. aitol Px Yormeriy Wizlsor ACADIAN BE a a ee ton Ganong's Bitter Sweet Chocolates 50c. per 1b. AA 166 iiss St A. J. REES, A he er Phone 58 Rr ts ri cts at En i fe So CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS J nar Music Cabinets, 10 styles ; prices range from $450 np. - PHONE BIT 5