PAJE TWO. rg ne McKay's Special Persian Lamb Coat Made from Extra Crown Head Persians, 26 Inches long, made to special measure, Only $160 the skins on to-day"s market are worth this price. OU may sclect your skios, any curl your wish, and linings Brocades or Skinners' Furrier Satins. OUR REPUTATION for Quality, Fit ond Workman- ship guarantees YOU satis- faction in every way. J Our 24 Inch AT $130 is an eye opener. We can accept orders for only a limit- ed number. * Come and examine. No obligations to buy. NOW READY--CATALOG D. THE FUR HOUSE, 149-137 BROCK ST. Kingston; Ontario Blankets White All-Wool Blankets Grey All-Wool Dlankets. Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Biderdown filled. All fresh new stock, ® ® 0 R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSS, 0080000000000 0000000e | : : § By All Means Invest Your Money at Home No city in the land offers opportunities for pro- . investments Kingston, It is growing , and will continue to through your life. 3 k NOTHING MORE SUITABLE, MORE DURABLE OR MORE PLEASING--A JOY FOREVER. PARLOR. SUITS AND. ODD PIECES, EASY CHAIRS, covered to sult yout taste and pocket, the best values in' Parlor Fancy Chairs, $5, $6, $7.50. $6.50 styles is unequalled. Buffeits, Sideboards, Hall Racks, Book Cases, Macey or Globe, Wer- pnicke styles; Fanéy Tables, Parlor and Music Cabinets, otc, all make good presents dus" CURTAINS. ' CARPETS, 'ote, Yours, RUGS, LINOLEUM, "OILCLOTH, Phone 90. ©. ( DESKS for House or Office. Our T.F.Harrison Co! THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, ZION CHURCH BAZAAR. ST. ANDREWS DAY] cums wos YN. KINGSTON SOCIETY TO HOLD BANQUET THIS EVENING. | Greetings Sent to Outside Places by President David Murray--Some of the Greetings Received--The Ban- quet Bill o' Fare. This is St. Andrew's day, and, this evening, St. Andrew's Bo- 'ciety will not omly commemorate its |ple patron saint, but will also observe its | own seventieth ammiversary, for it is {just three score .and tem years ago | since it was founded. Flags floated on | public buildings in honor of the day, but there was less strest observance than in years gome by, 0 ( were alinye down-town gatherings of who made St. Andrew's day so cheer the t few years, that there is less a show than formerly. How- ever, the Scotch society is the only national organization that has re mained alive in Ki , and that has a gathering once a year to com- memorate the deeds of their forebears in the land of the heather. This even- ing, in the Randolph hotel, the socie- ty will hold a hasgust, and it is ex- pected that sbout eighty will sit down to the bill o' fare to be provided. Here are some of the viands : Barley broth, cammeock cunmie, biled grilse frae Tweed, mauchline tatties, Alloway neeps, Muirland earock, Loudoo leeks, Kilbirnie peas, ha , Braeloch ber- ries, lugar beans, Kilmarnock punch, Craigie carrots, Girvan parsnips, Monckton radishes, auld reekie dump- lin, shiverin' Jimmy, rasps an' pineap- ple, brand forbye, Dunlop Kebbuck and faris, Kilbirnie butter, Auchinleck crowdie, Ochiltree celery, almon taibet and jujubes. J. MeD. Mowat, vice-president of the society, will ide ald act as toast master. Besides "The King," there will be only three toasts. Prof. W. L. Grant will respond for "Canada," Prof. W. B. Anderson for "Scotland," and Prof. John Dall, the chaplain of the society, for "The Day and A' Wha Honor It." Piper J. W. Fraser will furnish the bagpipe music. There will also be a programme of song and story. nmin Greetings From Kingston. President David Murray sent out.the following greetings:-- To Philadelphia, Trenton, Quebec, Winnipeg and Montreal:-- "Pow! and dowie be his lot, Whoe'er denies & brither Scot, Wi helpin' han' to share a grot - If want should mak' him crave it. To St. Catharines and Cornwall:-- 'Here's to the hills of lorious deeds, And streams renowne n_ song: . Here's to the braes and blossom'd eads, " Our hearts have loved so long. To Toronto, Chicago, Ottawa, Hali- fax and Hamiltonr-- "Where'er we live, whate'er our lot, Still we plead and pray That Scot rejoice wi' brither Scot Upon St. Andrews Day. Greetings From Outside. Secretary James Stewart received an invitation to the annual banquet of the St. Andrew's society of Phila delphia, Pa., the oldest Scottish so- ciety in America, and which is cele- brating its 161st anniversary. The Halifax St. Andrew's society sent an invitation to President Mur- ray to attend ils banquet to-night. The Montreal society sent him an in- vitatiion to its ball in the Windsor hotel. From the president of the Ottawa society came the following:--"St. An- drew's greetings from Ottawa to brith- ven far and near. May ve be haevin' as Yraw a time as we are haevin" here." The Quebec society sent a greeting in the form of a by its own bard. One line read: --" There is cling- ing and clumbin; for Scotia's sons abroad." Hamilton St. Andrew's society's Gard wrote:--' "And may ye never need to beg for bannocks, brose or even an azg." The Toronto president, George Me- Murrick, telegraphed: -- "To-night the land o' Scotland's the proodest land on earth." Murdock Chisholm, president of the Halihax society, wired: --" "Here's New Scotia's gredting, an' may ye canty on fair St. Andre's nicht." Other greetings were St. Andrew's societies Catharines and Montreal, To Glenburnie's Laird. This aftermoon, James Stewart, sec- retary of the Kingston society, sent the following message to William Craig, of Ulenburme, who bas bean ived from Trenton, St. hy : ist CE ii IE ge the Scots. So many of the old-timers, | K ful, have passed to their rest during |) Part In Jt : The annual bazaar of Zion Presby- terian church, which was opened yes- terday, was the usual success which this bazaar is. always made. Yester- day was the first day and the affair will be continued this afternoon and evening. The aflair was held in the church, which was very prettily decor- sted with flags and bunting. There was a 1 attendance and the peo- bought liberally. Those who had charge of the different tables were: Homemade table--Mrs. David Harris and Mrs, J. MeMaster, Fancy table--Mrs. Fy. Boyd and Mrs. W. Peters. Apron table--Mrs. James Bews. Candy table--Mrs. George Gibson. Country produce table--Mrs. Charles Belsell. The work bag booth attracted a great deal of attention and was look: ed after by Miss Mabel Mil The showings were very pretty, uch admired. : The dinner table was ably looked af- ter by Mrs. W. Trousdell, Mrs. Joim Grant, Mrs. Charles Spooner and Mrs. William Spooner. Different ladies of the church assisted the foregoing ladies in their efforts to see that ev- eryome bought liberally, and had a good time. In the evening a fine programme was while. Among those who assisted in the programme were Mrs. Evans, Mrs. William Jackson, Miss Newman and Miss Margaret Spooner. This after- noon and evening, the sale will be con- tinued while another concert will be furnished this evening, when the sing- ers will be stengthened by some of the young men who took part in the Queen's play at the Grand last night. It is expected that the receipts from both days' sales will amount to $150. The plan of the retail merchants, of the city, to join in with the directors of the Kingston township fair, appears to have gnet with general favor. The announcement in the Whig, last night, that a committee had been formed to interview the township directors, to seo if the two oT work" together, was recejved as good news, and it is the hope of the majority of citizens that a plan will be worked out. It is a matfer which has been talked about for several years, but upon which no definite action has been taken. The exhibition which was held by by the township, last September, was a grand success, in every way, and at the time the opinion was expressed that there was no reason why the city should not have an exhibition. "It's a good thing, and 1 hope it will be worked out all right," sad a citizen, to-day, who takes a deep in- terest in such exhibitions. "There is no reason why have an exhibition, and 1 do hope that now it has been put on foot it will be brought to a successful end." LETTERS, TO THE EDITOR. Kingston, Nov, 30.--(To the Fdit- peared in a local paper, stating Mayor Couper should not seek a third term of office? Why? Has he not served the people well in every respect? Do you not remember how he stood for public rights during the small-pox scare ? Has he not acquitted himself well enough alone. What do you think of a master that sacrifices trusty old servants for new, ple imagine if a man sits too long in the coveted chair, he will make him- self a god, and citizens will have to trouble here ? Jealousy ? Mayor Couper has proved himself to be an able man, and he may rest as- sured that the people are with him. If he decides to "run" woe betide the man who opposes, that's all. --FAIR PLAY. Run Off at Murvale. Owing to a run off at Murvale, the regular morning train, over the Bay of Quinte Railway, was several hours late, today. No person was injured. The train arrived in the city about four o'clock, this afternoon. Five new names were added to the total of six, for the month of No vember. Eleven names were taken off the list during the month. Provincial officer, J. W. Gordon, Toronto, is in the city, to-day, of in- Inspector Moreland. y committees this afternoon, Read given, the selling going on all the |} MEETS WITH GENERAL FAVOR. I Plan of Merchants to Join in Annual | i Fair. the city should not Mayor Couper Stood for the People's 3 Rights. % 500 Yards of New Fall Dress Goods or) i+ A few days ago an article ap-|$ up | & nobly and honorebly ? Well, then, lst |g untried and inexperienced ? Some peo- crawl under his huge legs. What's the|3 "prohibited list," yesterday, making a specting the books of County License o There was no business for the city ¥ and the meeting called was cancelled. NOVEMBER 30, 1910. Water old Bags, quality 0 o AIS Al Nn Pure Rubber Hot Red Rubber, Slate Rubber, White Rubber, $1.25, $1.75, Large assortment. Fresh Goods Just Received. Rubber Bulb Syringes and Atomizers, 25¢c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75¢c. $1.00. These Goods are all fresh from the factory rubber to become hard and useless. found faulty. | MAHOOD'S wae week at 50c. The Barrier, Rex Beach The Spoilers, Rex. Beach. The Fighting Chance, Chambers. The Younger Set, Robt. W. Cham- rs. stress of Brae Farm. Rosa N rey. The Old, Old Store, Rosa N. Carey. The Veil, by E. 8. Stephens. Half a Chance, Frederic Usham. My Lady of the South. Randall Parrish, The Lantern of Luck, Douglas. Cardillac, by Robt. Barr. Robt, W. The by Hudson New Medal Library. New Eagle. Bottles i 75¢, $1.00, $2.00, $2.50. Just No first it guaranteed and exchanged DVVVVVR TTT BVT TLTRVG DRUG | STORE | qtr 0 9 Bertha M. Clay. The College Book Store, THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260 PRINCESS STREET, ore STOCK has never been complete in detail as for this The The The $$1.50 and $1.25 Cloth Books for 50c. ; Original $1.50 and $1.25 Editions and Rebounds on sale all Men of Crockett Last Vance. Nancy Stair, Elinor McCartney Lane. The Purple Parasol, McCutcheon Diamonds Cut Paste, by A. and BE Castle The Flaw in the Sapphire, by Chat E. Snider, ; STREET & SMITH'S LATEST PUBLICATIONS. Latest additions to the following Libraries have been received, including the December pub- lications: -- New Magnet Library. Far West Christmas, Practically everything of an Orna- mental and useful nature, pertaining to a jewelry store, is represented here. We are pleased to show these goods and feel confident of your appreciation both of designsland prices. VLR VLLTLTVRLTVRTTLRVLT TVR VLVLVRTRLVRALGS SMITH BROS., 350 King St. Jewellers Issuers of Marriage Licenses ' BVT VLTVTVTTRVVVVVLTVVVVLVLSLL VLBA yg Closing - Out. Including Diagonals, Panamas and Tweeds, in many of the newest colors. ed for room to show Holiday Goods, hence this big cut in price. 39¢, 50c, 60c and 75¢ a yard to be closed out on THURSDAY MORNING at We are crowd- 25c a Yard. Underskirts fron All lengths, 1 48 to 10 Dozen Fine Quality Sateen Fast Black with rich lustrous finish, extra well made, with deep pleated flounce and with dust ruffle. inches. . This is a $1.50 line that will run on THURSDAY for $1.00 Each" | 44 The sad, sad story of strong drink which comes wp in the police court GO TRL TLV LLL TTLLR TTL TLTLV RETO Jewels of Highest -------------------- aR i : | : : | | | Vorage Isabel, by Randall Parrish. The Prisoners Parrish Idols, by W Bronze the Mountain, S. R. of the Donaa of Chance, Randall J. hocke. Bell, Louis Joseph by Geo Barr Phone 919 CEILEERE000000000000000000000000000000000000 -- Merit ts ni as a i : 8 Opticians BBTV IOV TTR TBRROBBVOR 000 Fur Setts ERMINE. HUDSON BAY SABLE, W. F. Gourdier, BROOK STREET. For Sale A beautifully situated House on Uni versity Avenue, containing 10 rooms, modern improvements, fur nace Depth of lot, 155 feet Good stable Yours for $3,500 + i} i | i i " .® i n | Corner Johnson and Division Stréets, Telephone No. 539. f ~ me inion | Prrrssasasesasssasssssd so often, was again ong of the fen} tures in the court on Wednesday. The case was not gone into by the magis trate as the circumstances were too well-known by the magistrate and also the constables. The young man had been drinking so heavily that his mind hail become unbalanced and it ix likely that he will Bave to go to the asylum for treatment. The ma: # remanded him for a week to see what action will be taken. Chivers' Lf a indy, Amos Pin Your Idea To a Star Your idea of spotlessness, we mean This lausndry ' wii match you-4t will bring that visionary whiteness to your very home--in linens In cots tons and in woollens CLEANNESS You never saw such ness' Fou put your money f ; you want to Your Eyes? . If they are mot as good as they used to be, or if the strain upon them in order to get good vision is causing headache and pain over the eyes, COME IN AND CONSULT US. We are prepared to correct all cases of defective vision not caused by diseased eyes. Spectacle and Eyeglass James or Mounts Repaired rep . Lenses of all kinds duplicated or changed if "Dr. A. P.Chown, Page Poaches, : - D. COUPER'S, 'Phone 76. o41-> Princess Street. | = clean AND STARS? Well, we're the star cledbers of "em all TRBVLLLLRR AEP saresssPressesesssessreessee 15th. He will take as tas subject, "Universi y Education of English Workmen." A series of lectures are to be given during the winter and this is the second, Prof. Skelton haviag given one two weeks ago. The labor men appreciate them very much. Newman " Shaw's "Specials." ------------ rn alan Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess and Sydenham Streets. Phone 22, A STREET. BRB VLVVRVTLVLHLLS2LP Se Preset TBTRITTBLTLTBISS sass es $ Wo