ode SE Fe mg E "Dailo = PULLMAN CAR RATES: ' In the @dmiksion by the Pullssas be had for sleepers, and that the ln. tesstats Commerce Comsission has thy right to regulate the rates, there is hope for the man who climbs into the upper berths and the woman = who struggles with the edrtsin on the low- or one. There i a strong hint * also for the dominion Fuilwey gommisvion- and po doghit, © on. M ©. HARNESS OILS. Every comfort for your Jed States. Perhaps the ---- and vi car' comipatiies may discover, ta the Toranto World, that intes- aon by the boktd is upvecessiry, snd that the public is entited © to nome 'of the dividends thar pow go to fatten unduly favored shareholders. i -------------- THE CITY'S WATER SUPPLY. Phe water works committee has made a wise but nobe too early move RANGES J in detiding upon the replacing of the npc sedtios of the intake pips, which Has proven faulty 'afd beyond repair, 11 this dection_of fipe is allowed to reshain the chafiodh' are that it will again give trouble' It will colt 92, 000 to refilace it With pipe that = will give satisfaction... This year it has 'alvesdy cost about: B00 to make repairs to two ldaky 'joints, so it is STEAM BOILERS rly evident that, besides providing ontamijusted ing water, the S. Anglin& Co ; A willbe oa, goodifibsucial i "investment. has had the North End Wellington st. nation. o Kina dad she TELEPHONE No. 66. Does GRATES 'supply in the provinee: Ouly on three docasions in' twenty yeilrs has: the sup- "ply been found . contaminated, atid on' 5 Wash That Itch Away. % each pocasioniit: was! caused by acti It is said that: there - are; certain dents to the 'inthke pipe. Pie. About seven springs in' Europe that give relief years" ajo thife" wis "o' typNoid epide: cure to. Kezema and ot skin b dite" to 14H waker.: a8 it: was H, you knew thst by .washiy "mie, duo 'to water, ¢ ip ib val wi ators syon be reli found 'that the pipe hud' been injured that awful Sitch, i hy "yon by the. anchor of a vessel! {catching on every efiort to {ake a-trip t& Twice thik'year two leaky joints Ee i Lom, vo sun shore. oe. allo sewage | to 'enter the Te plpe and a 'number; ob typhoid cases 'fibed not leave home for resulted It ia satisfactory "to know! 1 itn. Relief is right that" the" contimination has cecurred | te 'hame town ! 'i from inshore water, ' in which * sew- ima noth other 3 SEO of Wintergreen, Lo. ities, anid 'that 'the . source : of pounded 'in D. only Jb. a Fiotinh the water supply, at the mouth of the will brig instant i to that terri- intake pipe, -is not résponsible. Jiit ble 'burning itch, and leave the skifii wore the matter would be decididly an smooth and iéalthy as that ol 'a Soil Prof. Kiiight, of Queen's, ies it --, declared. mie (lin that there EL jt .of 'the . water, KW, 49 ) Aminated A NG us RING ST Noh 53 resses. | 1902, Car company, that cheaper. rates cen | being rama upon the people, 0 ub lic opinion is coming to the conclusion that the Cansdian navy is just as much a necessity ds a Canadien mili- tia. "It is a fact, which must be faced, says the Ottawa Free Press, that con- ditions have 'materially changed since agd even since 190%. Then there were British fleets upon both our coasts; now there are none. And it | should be the duty of politicians, both in public meetings and in private con- verse with their electors, to drive this very important point straight homme. That it requires merely to be stated 10 be schnowledged is proven by a re tharkably trenchant editorial in the conservative Montreal Gazette, which thus ckowledges the responsibility which devolves upon Canada to de fend Berself, now that Great Britsis has withdrawn her fleets. After de scribing the manner in which the Brit- ish troops were taken away from Can- ada and in which Canadas was compell- ed to take charge of the army sta- tions, the Gazette goes on to say : "A ion of the naval sys tem came in course, It was decid: ed to contenirate the fleets in Euro- pean waters, and abandon local dock- yards which were not to be longer re (ited. Bo the British navy as well 88 the army ceased to be permanently i a edst 3. Canada, t Vv a The i e gone a rom the and. nat was evolutionary It has .worked to méney for .. Great Britain ang ve ts do what little ily por' fon service the conditions of the ; require and have the militia Sebi them. * Now 'Canadian paid it not Canadian manned ships will re- places British vessels for suth naval service as in deemed necessary. The process of change is complete." Is. this. not. the liberal case in a nutshell ? Canada needs naval defence as well us land defence and the insti tution of a Canadian navy is as much a national necessity as was the estab lishment of the permanent militia force after the withdrawal of the British |x. troops. The Gazette realizes the truth. Will the leaders of the party with which it is affiliated do so also ? Rut whether they do or not, there is the point which the liberals of Canada have got to hammer hone at every opportinity, and in doing so this com- i ment of the Montreal Gazette will help 4 some. EDITORIAL NOTES. The surest way to lessen the liquor , trafic 'is to make the individual re alize the evils of drinking and: be] some a total abstainer. he Chicago News' remarks that by] alicia J run teins, Dr. Crippen, painful though his late may be, is furthering an ex- cellent cause. ------ The sultan of Sulu says he will in troduce hobble skitts in his sultanate. What have the inhabitants of those is) done toburt him? To atl | pied It to inj ops e's woal- bucket bh hat. ge Taylors: the the tow ox-whip, Hp the success of tie tish 'cathpaign i Quebec thal ln ou your great fight and suc: 'Monk "Heartiest congratule- cose." "And George thinks he is a true - blue Britiste 1. ! A Bill will be 'broug brought before the Ontario leffislature to regulate the be cupation of barbering, to create a board to insure the better eddocation af Piitstners to provide rules re Sulating the 'proper sanitation of bar- ber Ishops, . schools and colleges, Canada jo be self-reliant, or |} nlling" attention to the right way tod he he will also intra: wa STATES. -Pansma Canal Opens. New York, Nov. 16.--~Considerale comment was heard in military figtite over the #tatoment made by ©. Rogers, or of the late Standard on magnate, H. H. Rogers, ' at Japan wilt provoke 8 war with and whip the United States before the opening of the I'anama canal. , a captain of the National Guard, has been in Edrope studying military' conditions. He said all for officers believed war with Japan wis gure to come, and that the Unit- of; States would be badly beaten. Eu rope, he said, hod u high regard fos navy, bat seqnrded our army as a "What we need," said Rogers, "is compulsory military service, forcing Ifa men. 16. serve three years. He a poor American, indeed, who iy ak willing 'te ive vp three years tn gunrding his own country." A Rectal . AT COORE'S CHURCH i Tuesday Evening. i Of Tuesday evening the ladies of 3 's church held their annual tea a oh and the event was a most shjoyable one, for the many who were present; The ladies had full charge of the , and it' was, indeed, a spl one. The ladies of Cooke's have always been noted for their abil iy: in. his line, and, on Tuesday even- ing, they exeelled themselves. iter the supper there was a choice programme, introduced by the pastor, Rev, Dr. MacTavish. The different numbers were given With fine effect, and much appreciated by the audi ence. The psogramme included organ solos by Miss L. Walker and "Arthur | Cogswell; readings by Miss Maud Dut- ton-and dames Dunlop; solos by Mrs. J. it, Madame Cochrane and Al- len Lemmon; duet, by the Misses Row. JAPAY BOUND TO WHIP UKITHD Son of MW. M. Rogers, Oil Magnate, Thinks War Will © Come Before] A Tea and Concert Was Held on ifr Mmpossibis. opinion and ad x ena boek on = Hours : 10 am. tee 0 to 6 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. 1pm » DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toroute Street, Toronto, Ont. MEN'S WEAR =. A en's and Tercoats, Many AR 8, crn ne to $18 each n's Sweater Coals Secks, Shirts, 'Underwear. Heavy Winter Pants, at lowest prices. Also Ladies' waar, ae Shoes and Rubbers for Men Women 'and Children All kinds of Jewellery Blankets at low prices Easy payments. Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORNE STREET. Baits, Skirts, 'Under- and Flannel A CL NIN G AND DYEING BY D METHODS, : hts years' practical ex- periefice and the largest and most: modern plant in Canada is the guarantee. | RPARKER & CO., Cleaners, Kingston, Out. or selections from a gquartette, o of Mesars. Camp! b Seinerville, Glo- ver and Matheson, and violin solos by Miss Jean Jobnston. Muring the evening, D. A. Shaw gave a, short address, in which he intimated ! that the session. of the church had un- consideration, what changes should be made in the school room, in order that it might be made modern and uptodate. In all probability these necessary changes will be brought about, in o !very short time. Fh Dies Suddenly. tt P Rther ae Jon was the call' of death hat cAme' to John Laird, on «Friday gh Aho Although a han About 'S. ago al caught cold Er oy of pleurisy; ' ion. followed, which so _as to cause his death He wl ae Ae" Wolfe Island, sixty ago ted came to Prigee ang iF mite a yolng , Ein ti gp) - he farm whee he hay Aiwafe lived, at ; voud.¢ who sold about two irs ago, and the agent of 'Bay. of Saints 3 Motul Fite J Insur- one term oc- wt eat gl chair, and for 3 represented Tecumseth trustee. Be married. Ms second] wife be- ac wo ok Spee der: 3. survives. $s Veterinary a Corps. iia HA Conia the * ST wi Tndty oo, a ie Shen of must be graduntés of a rs Soffiisd veterinary Fi . ~All 'the enlisted for the veterinary -- will be attached for duty Sith Hantited of the active militia for'n period not oxceeding four years, Tasative Bromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy reimoves tavsk: Call for full name. Look for signature E. W, Grove, 25¢. ORR hin for and - useful manioure and lady friend, the best assortment ped A most change back at Bést's. Make your selections eatly. Paste ithis in your hat also : If you ! waht to fight your .ay 1 theouth this C 's ehoico ol roar sweets, W fn of room at the top make mod peo- oo for Christmas, extra val oH always brags about 'her Conkng when Ju husband oly Biba Bitimonial play the of great phy- | a weak heart. | Ee corporation, | in't INTRO: Ss THE duction typewriter of the for corres pondence no machine has resulted in such a cur of ofifte ex. penses as the Underwood tailment Biller, | UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. R. C. DOBBS, KINGSTON. « THE CAU SK: 01 OF COLDA. i Advice Regarding the Preven: tion of Coughs and Culds. H "people sould only fortify and he | trengthen the system, the majority of casey of eoughs, colds' and pneumonia might be avoided. These troubles are irequently due, to weakness, which pro- | duces a estarrhal condition of the mucous membrane, which is an inter [nal skin of the body. When this skin is wodkenied it becomes eamily infected with germs which! cause many of the diseates to which flesh is heir. Heal: thi . mucous . membranes are essential safeguards of the body's general peaith. We have a remedy which. we honest- ly believe to be in expel. lente for the prevention of coughs, colds and all catarrhal conditions. It is the ription of a famous phy- sician, who haw an enviable tation of thirty years of ourts gained ough the use of this. formula. We promise to make no. charge for: the medicine should it fail to do as we slain. We urge everybody who has need of such a medicine to try Rexall Muaou-Tone. It stands to reason that. we could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee to this, remedy if we were not' prepared to ve the reasonableness 'of 'our éldim mn in. eSery particular, and we sée no rea son why any 'one should = hesitate to 'accept our offer and try it. We have two sizes of Rexall Mucu-Tone, jie 50c. and $I. Sometimes a Se. is sufficient to give marked relief. yn a general thing the most chronic case is relieved wilh an average of three Go | edi in Hom can Stain Rexall nm ingaton only at our tothe Rexall Store. G. W. Ma FORORCRDACECRORONOSYY FOSCEORORCROORD CHOCO ROROROR ORO A GREAT HIT 3 We certainly made a great hit when _weé ordered our Winter Overcoats : We selected the handsomesi and best' felitles, and 'the gar- § ments were built to our order amd according to our dictation in one of the country's best Tailor Shops Overcoats designed and Tailored: iH uecordpnee With the gea- § R Son's correct models The Talloring is of the hest J We certainly "made a hit" B who looks says: "THE FINEST OVERCOATS | EVER SAW." PE CRRA RFR RCRA in our selection, for every man ROARED THE CASTLE OVERCOAT. A great favorite with smart dressers, single breasted, button § hole through and .through, long pointed lapels, elegantly tailored g from choice imported Cheviots and Diagonal Cords in rich shades of Grey and Brown, . A BEAUTY FOR 218.00, THE SPEEDWAY OV ERCOAT. 7 A sntart O8t thar will' give most splendid service and defy § the told weather Fabrics are all Wool Scotch Tweeds, made in double breasted Ulster style, with the very newest style of two-fold collar. Swell patterns. Newest colorings. Remnlar $18 values. RINBY'S seca. $13.00. THE COLLEGE YusTen, $10.00, 3 We offer something very special st $10. goat" you will say 8 looks good at $13.50. vi 5 OUR PRICE, $10.00, a --_------_ What We Prove That every precaution is taken that will enable us ito furnish our "customers with milk of sbsolutely he highest quality. For! Milk, Cream and Ice PRICE'S Phone 845 277 Princess St. COR000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sess RS00ONY " . 8000000 . 5 AND INSURE DRY FEET. Sold in Kingston only at Sutherland (