Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Nov 1910, p. 2

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© PAGE TWO. Besmennesss sssasImEnS . Blankets Comforters White All-Wool Blankets. \ 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000008000000 Grey All-Wool Blankets. Union Blankets. Comforters in Batting, Wool and Biderdown filled. All fresh new stock. oo 0 R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. 00000000000000000000 SE0UEIIRNITINIRNTERONN SONS Drop IN Flour $2.50 Per Cwt. Saturday Only. Potatoes, T0c per bag. Northern Spy Applés, Malaga Grapes, Table Raising. Oysters and Sausages Byresh Eggs 30c per doz. S. T. KIRK'S Cash Grevery, 281 PRINCESS STREET. Agent for Asselstine's Yara, "Phone 417. THAT TIRED WHEEL In all ages the only natural and me- chanical and solentifie way of working iron is by hesting it and sticking it while it is hot. at also stands good In the msatter of setting tires, as every. one must admit that the most natural and meehanical and selentific "way of sotting tires is by heatl and ting them on while hot. Th you ave a rfect job. More on this subject next w 3 of wll Kinds got our best fn tention. : 3 'on our Carriage or bl also Four Ba y Carriage Tires attention, weil prompt balance of our Stock off cheap. JAMES LATURNEY Cari Makor, 800 PRIN STREET. eteteeeeettstetentess Best by Test * Try One in Your Home "They are sweet artistically designed, reasonably N KINGSTON'S LEADING MUSIC HOUSE. In all popular and classic Music in Book and Sheet Form. » Orders promptly filled. THE 5 282 PRINCESS STREET, an estate we are sell the fol- Gold in Guwilight Srvavressend " reveedteeeey i 4 'p "ed > *% From Trapper to Wegrer.- { Regintered) BEAUTIFUL COATS in HUDSON SEAL. and _ looks like real Seal. MeKay Model. Trimmings of Ade- faide Chinchilla or Alaska Sable t Med. EK. Sparks , Wellington street, was hostess at a ¥iost enjoyable tea, on Sgtordey aftfernoon. Mrs. Wil linms, of Sarnia, ond Mrs. Chazles P. Johns, of Thorshdll, were the guests of honor, and recdived with the host- ess, who was bec omingly gowned iu pink silb orgurblie.| The mahogany tes table was devoissted with pink chrys- anthemums, and] wis presided over by Mrs. Thomas MBlls.. She wns assisted by Mes. S. Ho Simpson, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Jr., Miss Bull and Miss Lena Wilson, Wears $105.00. Same Coat, plain, 11] Near Seal, £125.00. : Come in and see our designs. No obligations to buy. JOHN McKAY The Fur House? 149-155 BROCK STREET. . > 9 Miss Kate Stuellie, William street, entertained at a imiscellmneous shower, on Monday afternoon, in honor of the bride of next ' wmonth, Miss Eva Rogers. Miss Hilla Kefit and Miss Helen (orden presided over the ten table. Tho guests thur Craig, Miss Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Urace Hem- ring, Miss Aileen Rogers, Mise Leta i i " Carson, Miss Kate Craig, Miss Bessie Kingston, Ont. 1910 CHRISTMAS 1910 Buy Presents at once while selec- tion is the best. We open this sale with a SPECIAL OFER OF 12 PARLOR SILK" UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, regular $6.00 to $7.50, for $5.25. Never sold at this price be- Miss Mildred Jones. + @ Mrs. William H. Greaves, No. 1 Mack stroet, will not receive to-morrow, but will receive on Thursday, November 94th, for the first time; alter that on the second and fourth Thursdays ol the month. ® + Sedzowick, Royal College, entertained at dinner, Friday evening, in homor of brother, Lord Ritchie, of Dundes. > + Military on her Mrs. The social event of the week will be the medical dance at Queen's Univer- sity, which is looked forward to with great interest by the young people. * > +» Mrs. B. R. Watson, 326 University. avenue, will receive on Friday, No- vembér 18th, and the first and third Fridays of each month following. ® + Miss Eva Richardson, Stuart street, was hostess at a small, informal tea, on Tuesday, in honor of Miss Fanny Field, of Winnipeg. * WOOD FANCY ROCKERS, $1.20, $1.75, 33.50 i + Mrs. W. C. Barber, Rockwood hos- left, yesterday, for Toronto, and pital, til after the fist of will mot receive un the new year. * * Mrs. John McKay, Sydenham street, will receive on the first and third Thursdays of the month during the winter. * 4 * Mrs. Georges Roy, Brock street, will | not. receive again this season on ae {count of being in molirning. i ¢ + Mrs. Felix 8. S. Johnston, 169 King street, will receive on the first and Big new line of China Cabinets, | third Fridays of the mouth, * square and oval glass fronts, $1.00, $12.00, $15.00 up. RUGS, CURTAINS, DRAPERIES, CARPETS. LINOLEUM, OILCLOTH, POLES. SHADES, etc, etc. Repair and Upholstering as usual, promptly and good. Phone 90. T.F.Harrison Co. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Re- porters on Their Rounds. Gillette razors for Christmas, Best's, There will be an eclipse of the moon this evening up to ten o'clock, : Lots of appropriate 'Xmas gifts at Knox's, Lome and see 1. If is to be hoped that Indian sum- mer will now: be in evidence. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders romoived ot VMeAuley's. Phone 778. De. G. F. Emery, of Ottawa, son-in law of Samuel Birch, Bagot street, is seriously ill "Hizh class Soaps," Gibson's, Pr. Hodgett figures that Kingston had 31.2 deaths for 100.000 from typhoid in 1980 H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's bookstore. "White kid gloves look - like pew," after using Do Luxe Eradicator, sold in Kingston, at Gibson's. Special "Nmas stationery sale Boox's this week. Mrs. Laird, Wolle Island, was brought to the general hospital this morning in RJ. Reid's ambulance. She is seriously ill, The management and property com- miltees of the hoard of education will meet toight to cousider the question of a new school for the upper part of the city.' Only thirty-three days more to shop; at Knox's before 'Nas. - Mabe the most of each of them. The second meoting of the week of prayer at the MOA was held on Tuesday night. Ehuer Davis address- ed the meeling for half an hour in' a Sor spirited moanaer, * * Mrs. ©! A. Aykroyd, Earl street, will not receive on riday, nor agsin till further announcement. : + & 9 Mrs. 1. Phelan, Johnson street, will receive to-morrow (Thursday), and not again till Jananry + * Mr. Thomas MoGinnis, Belleville, t the week-end in the city. pen Ti Yours. There was gy Dutch luncheon at the Country Club on Monday. ee & Mrs. A. H. Oliver and Mrs. James Higgins, Gore street, will mot receive again until after Christmas. Cadet Corelli, from Winnipeg, who has undergone a slight operation in the hospital, expects to be out again in a few days. : : Captain Douglas Young, Toronto, is in New York. Mes. H. W. Richardson and family, Siuart street, expect to move to their beautiful new home at Alwington next weok. wt * + 9 Mr. Gibson, of the Merchants" Bank, returned to Kingston, frem Montreal, where he has beer for the past three, weeks, and left, vesterday, for Bran don, having been transferred to the branch of the bank there, Miss Mabel Meek, avenue, is visiting in Brockville, the yuest of Mrs. W. H. Sparling. On Monday night sho assisted at a gath- ering of pekahs. Mes. Codville, and Miss Codville, Ot- tawa, spent a few days iu town this weok, the guest of Mes. Codville's sou, Cadet Codville, of the Royal Military at 21 Mo University at College. Mr. William McGinnis, who has just returned from a trip to the Pacific boast, spent a few days in town at the beginning "of the week, : + * Mrs. 5 Fomng. King street, is the guest 1a Mex. William Gwynne, To- routo. y Jord Ritchie, of Dundee, who has been the it of Mrs. Sedgewick, Royal Military College, left, on Mon: day, for an extended trip through the Bier Ftbinertut Moutzeat, will i Farthing, ontreal, wi arriv the city on Saturday and of Bishgp and Mrs. A Lemmox Mills, at ""Bishopeourt." Miss Mary Hamilton, Toronto, spent the week-end in Kingston. the guest of Miss Agnes Richardson, University ave wd takes cal all inflimimation in one ay. The mont serions Rurns and Scaldr | instantly relieved and quickly healed by Db r.Parte r's fT: ting Oil cred by an] inchaded Mrs. Ar | Frances Sullivaw, | Smvthe, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, and | ESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1910 ®' ternodn, in Bunor of Mrs. Williams, of Mrs. GM. Macdonuvell, University entertained informally, on F ¥ eveting, in honor of Miss | Frantis Field, of Winnipeg. {Mr Arthur Britton returned to Tor onto, on Monday. i Miss Jean Marsh, of Qudlwe,. who . has bee visitivy in Montreal and Tor j onto, is the gwest of Mrs. HE. A. Cal vin, King street. Mrs. Calvin is enter- taining at' tei this aftestoon in her Me. and Mrs. D'Arey Magee have arrived in Ottawa, after their wedding trip, andl aré at the Rideau Apart. 18. ot : J *¢ & i Miss. Fanny Feld, who bas been the {guest of Miss Harciet Watson, Union I street, sails 'the end of the week on ithe lonian, for Seotland, where she lexpeets Lo spend several months with | her sister, Mrs, Patrick Ford, of Edin- i burgh, | Mis. W. Bi Daltoss, Johnson street, | who was in Toronto for the wedding of her son Dr. George Dalton, return- ied to town on Monday. | Mr. Seymour Rathburn, who has | heen 4 guest in town for several days, returned to Ottawa, ou Monday. rs. Kenneth McLaren, and little son, of Ottawa,' gre expected in tdwn, fou Thursday, to be the guest of Miss {Leta Carson, Brock street, for 4 few {da 8, . i Ma Bessie Sanderson, who has been the guest of Miss K. Gordon, Queen's University, returned to Tor rotto to-day. * So» Ritie Workman, Toronto, Ww Miss {the guest of her sister, Mrs. | Baker, Clergy street. | Miss Marguerite Stewart, from Lone don, has returned to town to attend in 4, ees Mrs. Robert (CHary left, on Mon day, ta be the fuest of her brother, Rurad Dean Dobbs, of Brodiville. Mrs. E. A. Moore, Winnipeg, is ex {pected next month to visit her jents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard i Barrie street. Mrs. Holton, Montreal, will' visit Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl street, for a few days, arriving on Friday. Mrs. Theodore Lyman and the Miss par Waldron, ceive until January. * + 0 The engagement "has 'been announced of Miss Emily Violet Patterson, duugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Patter- son, of Guelph, Ont.;, to Mr. J, E Murtitg K.C., of Montreal, * + The, engagement announced Hamilton of Mr. Mrs. William Gilmour, known here. 1s in Both are well Motor Boat Races. Motor Hoat enthusiasts of the Lawrence are interesting themseives in promoting long-distance, reliability contest for motor boats, similar to the Glidden tour for automobiles. It Will be the first event of the kind and will be the leading feature of next season in the motor hoat world, A trophy worth $2500 will co to the 'winner. There is tafk of baving the race start at. Detroit _ and end at ) i nothing definite. as we "liad been ~Meeidad Entries will be confined fo boats § cruiser type. St. to +8 u of t On Power Question. At the meeting of the board trade, Tuesday jiight, Ald. Chown in- formed "thie memers that the cily had now under consideration un offer for powet, from the Seymour Power company.' and that negotiations were also dn foot, With the Hydro Electric commissibu. It was proposeil to have some representatives of the city meet the Hydro-Eleetric commission, to wards the end of this month, ani se. cure all the necessary details. tesa -- -a@hange of Place. The Charity Circle toa and sale, to morrow afternoon, will he held at The Residence, 171 Earl street, in- stead] of Mrs: 8. Bireh's, ax advertised & nd She is Recovering. Friends of Mrs. H. Burns, 61 Union will be glad to hear she is improving. Just Think of It. McAuley will supply Daily Globe or Mail from. now May Ist, 1911, for #1. the until vou with Priotiog that stands out and nard, at the Whig office. RAE Hk ihgntons Famous For Store" "The Store that Sets the Pace" i LJ ] One of the reasovs why {this store has EE great reputajion for Fine J a Fes 220s ] ve m arid selling of the é Lyman, "Calderwood," will not re. | Murray Hendrie and | of | street, who broke her arm on Friday, | hits | ANNUALS GLOBE CANADA'S TWO GREAT THE CHRISTMAS TORONTO Fifty-two pages of Pictures and stories. Eight full pales 'ine lors. THREE SUPPLEMENTARY PLATES Its Keynote Is Canada in the summertine. the Autuma Winter Canada in CANADA THE MONTREAL STANDARD forming companion pictures (each 23x28 world the beanties of Canadian Canada in There will Le Give beautiful supplements, two large ones ia colors, itches), aud three large panoramas (15x52 inches each), revealing to all the scenery. er issued in Canada. ' To insure securing copies, orders should be placed at onge. The College Book Store, * THE FINEST BOOK STORE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, 260 PRINCESS STREET, One of the Finest Holiday Num bers ev Phone 919 PPV OPVVIIVITVITVITVIYTTIYTIETEY v 4 e 4 4 4 4 - 4 < 4 4 " 4 4 <4 4 4 4 4 4 y 4 4 SENT TO CENTRAL MAGISTRATE GIVES VAGRANT TERM SIX MONTHS, A Stick Pin Is an admirable present. Toilet Paper Syracuse Couple Arrested Three Weeks Ago, Gave Wrong Names to the Police--Woman Was Fur- ther Remanded a Week--Chance for John Sullivan. the Central prison mn Stick Pin ideas are changing; single stone designs are nowy very prominent, HK gold. Rolls of 1,000 sheets oach, sel in velvet finish, tough texture, The Tepaz, Sapphire, Peridot Amethyst, patterns are just Six months in This was the senteuce polico court, to-day, to the man who gave the name of Frank Bennett, ar- rested for vagramey, three weeks ago, with & woman, who claimed to he his wife. The woman wus further remand- od for a week It appears that the parties gave the Hi {police their wrong name The two | have been remand, in jail, and when the case was called, today, Mag istrate Farrell sentenced the man to {six months in the Central prison When the woman was called, and ques tioned by the court, she said that her right name was Stewart, and not Ben- nett, and that the man's name was Edward Bradshaw: His home was in Gouverneur, N.Y., and her home was in New Syracuse. It will be remember- ed that the police made an investiga- tion of the case, and found that the story told by the accused, when they were placed under arrest, about being married, was all a fake. Now, to-day, it was found that they had even given the wrong names The magistrate told the woman that Sf she was inclined to tell the truth, he would deal leniently with her. She said she would be willing to give all the information desired, and further investigation will be made into her case, It is likely thet papers will be secured, and that she will be deported. John Sullivan, who was arrested on a charge of theft, at Abernethy's shoe |store, was found guilty, and allowed {to go on suspended sentence. The ae loused said that drink was the cause of all his trouble; when he was drink- ing, he did not know what he was do- ing. H given the chance he would take the pledge, and be was sure the police would have no odeasion to lock him up again. The magistrate said that he would give him the chance, but i he ever came before the court again he need not expect to be leniently dealt with. pot only regis. dan ot Te mer ve) Cheap at 10c. per roll Thompsonite, hk Opal Matrix the The Birth plu worth considering in this dive Don't delay selecting. meted out, See them ia our window 4 Rolls for 25¢ Pius men want. Stone it tion, | on SMITH BROS., Jewellers. Opticians, 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses MAHOOD'S (Rue _RINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Ribbons For Fancy Work PEPE PPREP PREP P IPO PY We are gaining a great reputation for Ribbon Values This season finds us with a larger range than ever before, All the pcpular shades in the various widths are to be found at this store. Better get a supply while the range of shades is complete. Popular prices. Are you rveeding a NEW COAT ? If so, we cordially invite your attention to our big stock of exclusive styles. Not the kind to be had in every cross- road store. But new styles that are confin- ed to ourselves .only. Beautiful garments at $5.00 AND UP. Newman | & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Of the Best Quality and most up-to. date styles. W. F. Gourdier, BROCK STREET. We Have a List of Good Properties For Sale And can suit you both as to location and price. Don't walt until you have busines Come and seo me, Choice bullding lots can be secured from ug A large, commodious Solld Brick House and good Stable, on plot 87 ft by 160 ft, Princess Street, contain. fug 11 bedrooms, double drawing room, library, dining-room, and so forth; combination furnace, gas and good cellar Worth $5,000 We sell for $5,000 Rents collected, properties manag- od, and meney 10 loan Mullin Corner Johnson, apd Division Streets, Telephone No. 529, George Vaunas was tered as a drunk, bit was also accus- ed of being disorderly. At 1115 o'clock Vannag was King street, {near the Chinese restaurant, and was {endeavoring to through a war dance. Constable Arniel objected, behalf of the people in the neighbor- hood, who were endeavoring to get good night's rest. Vannas was taken to the police station, and was given time to "cool off." He did not deny the charge. Three dollars nnd costs or fifteen days. on a go on a | DEATH OF MES. GEO. WILSON -- | Passed Away Early Wednesday Morning. {| Mrs. Hanah. Wilson, widow of the Hate George Wilson, passed away at {her home, 2X2 Sydenham street, or { Wednesday morning, at three o'clock She was stricken with heart trouble jabout 'a week ago, and was uneonwi ous until her death { peacefully, sorronoded ad watched at her pant week, - The late Mrs. Wilson was a Meth odist in religion, being ao attendant of Queen street church up till the time she was stricken, and was a faithiu Christian lady. She will be sorely missed by a large circle of friends to whom her demise comes with startling suddenness. Her influence = over her children and grandchildren was always for that which wax best and truest, Left to mourn her Joss are five sons and three daughters, besides a number of grandchildren : Frederick, of Los Angeles, Cal; Samuel, of Kamloops, Robert J., of $his oty, and v PITT Josephine, George and Charles, at home. Much sympathy & being extended to the bereaved family. Death of Miss Margaret Derry. A sudden death, which caused muck sorrow amongst her relatives and fri , occurred Tuesday evening, Miss Margaret 'Derry passed ay, at the home of her brother, W. Derry, Barrie street. Paralysis was cause of desth. Deccascd was 'the daughter of the luis James of this city. She formerly re t Troy, } x. but for the phat and uw half she had been ber brother, in this hy a retiring disposition, woman beloved oy afl who hed of her acquaipisnee Khe by two misters, Wes. M.A, Toronto: Wiss Flizabeth, of thin and ong breather. - H., of Ey funeral will 14ke oy. aut]. will be of a She passed away by bedside for thos who the i "Re-Form" Arch Support The term Plat Foot ix used. not only o indicate an aggravated form of the Sisegse breaking down or depression of the arch of the foot, but mise where there is a tendency ta ihe sreh Seakening, which is correctly diag- apsed as Plat Fool The person may have & 'high instep arch, and yet suffer seriously the carly Sage of Fiat Poot. muse is that the foot muscles snd the Hgmments and tissues membranes be some Strained or weakened to a de- gree that unfifs it for carrying the pody's weight. ¥ HM Areh Bup at thls time ix recouimended, am arched sutficlentiv high te uphold the instép arch anti] these dpaments ind muscles become normal and active to perfor their satural funetions. RE-FOR From the first 'ring-up" of the curtain to is final drop, you are asked to inspect the work- ings of THIS LAUNDRY. See how we attain perfect, § © sanitary cleanness; see things come fn primmed and sofled see "ein go out with shining faces. 1 EfEEC PTTL GTTLVILLLTRBBBBLTLBGNS MN Avek Hy rig, xiso- res ovens a depressed arch: or when the foot i8 In & more advanced age of flat foot. Jt is ocerrectly shaped aller anstemien] Jitnes, and the plate Is of Jermun Siiyer, the wide sills have openings at their exterior plai withoh vi : Prevents breaking whduly soon and cise ives the spring natur- | iy respaived, on ddition to wearing » RE-FONM | Ad © trestaeopt fe advisable | quickly rewpand normally Nesithivl .A . B. CHOWN, EET, KITesros, 3 «f i d 2 ¥ Observe every singe of the transformation Ask ques. tions. 7 b * aA A A Sap Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess & Sydenham fits. i i # i TUBER ETRRBBRLRES Burial service wg Bev. B. levey Riew, Er

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