Champion 3 Belts For Sal Cheap H PAGE FOUR. : . : ee ee ponies -- THE WHIG, 77th YEAR. AILY BR WHig, 1 106.316 King St Kingston, Ontario, at 36 per year, itions at 230 and § o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 18 ublished in # on Monday an ursday morning at $1 a year. To ates, arge for postage had be added ooking price of Dally $3 kiy $1. and of Wee r year. Att. of the best Job Print ached is om Ing Offices in Canada; rapid stylish, presses and cheap ib nine improv: TORONTO OFFICE. Buite 19 and 20 Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church Bt. Toronto, H, E Smulipeice, J.P. representative. Daile Wing. INCREASE OF ACCIDENTS. The railway statidtics, which have just been published by the United States Interstate Commission, tells their own story. Train accidents are not detailed, but there is manifestly something amiss, many things at [favit, when the casualties during the your so far number 20.650, and in | connection with them 766 persons have been killed and 19,884 injured. Collisions qecur through carelessness lor neglect. For instance the other "day an inbound passenger train left 'the track at s nearby station, and the wreek of the tedin. was complete, though only one person, strange. to say, was hurt. The tower man--that (18 the man who regulates the switches * --disappeared after the smash-up, and 4 there was only ope conclusion. He bad failed in his duty, One enn imaging the confusion of orders or ideas which must have pre vailed on the American roads when during the year ending with June 0th, 1910, there were 5,861 collis ions, causing the death of 433 per sons, and the injury of 7,765. The derailments were very numer ous, 5,018 in number, resulting in the killing of 840 persons and the in jury of 4,814. The people must tra vel fast. They want to goon a "Ayer" if 'it be available, and fast running, to be safe, means that all the appliances are first-class, that the track is the very best, and that th train service is ns perfect as it can be made, Over in England an accident or a fatality is of rare occurrence. The trains make good time, as good time as in the Uhited States, but the pre esutions against accident omit no- thing that can suggest itself to th mind of man. At long intervals ¢ mithap does take place, but if hy man ingennity can prevent it there will not be a repetition of the ex: perience under similar circumstances, FINANCIALLY RUNNING BEHIND, When the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill was passed by the American congress three years ago one desired effect wax accomplished. More revenue was se cured, and more was desired. The promise of the president--a promise he was mokt anxious to fulfil-was vhat the tariff would be reduced, hut Lhe re- vision was generally upward, and it added enormously to the national re coipts. : The United States has liad a great public works on hand, however, in the Panama Canal snd already so far this year the deficit is $21,000,000. The espenditure of over flty millions a eg a viey month cannot be avoided. The nation electric bekt oa ju committed to one great work, as an Sure Canada is committed to the National ADDRESS Transcontinental railway, and though ' Storm Sash Hanger and Fastener is the only ideal Sash + Hanger and Lock. Tt "clamps "the sash Brmly at top, middle and bot- Top Our' Cedar 400 top of many of the oldest houses in, this city, doing duty the Same As ever, S. Anglin& Co. Shingles are still McDONALD the cost may be heavy, and for the Moatreal lime burdensome, eventually large ad- vantages will accrue, and the people will not be disappointed. Meanwhile there is a free outflow of currency. The expenditiire exceeded the receipts in October by about five mil lions contrary to the calculations of : st Houses 'ii 'Nos, ®*perts, and it is hoped that there will ni, ur Ord a ti be a general improvement in = the 04 th i Aires. Soma, moderti situation during the next two months, Past, . \ S or, when congress meets, steps will eet, 12 rooms; all modern; brick; have to be taken to balance accounts. One way*-and the only sure way--is to reduce the expenditure, to practice eccnomies, to put oud of business the Appropriation Committes, with alt its corrupting influences in the interest of a dominant party. A change in the ® government may mean a change in gO the fiscal policy of the country, and of a change there is just now a very great probability. -------------- RACIAL WAR IN VIEW, The rumour proceeds from Ottawa that a vew party is being formed in ihe 'sommons, . one representing Protestants of Canada, aid that th 0 posed. upon. They ure to be excused in some degree, but there is uo justifi- cation for of palliation of the sets of those who have been campaigning in Quebec with the nationglists. Men like Monk and Boarapss, amd Lavergne and Blondin, are phponsible 10 the people for their deceptions, for making " electors believe that Britain has any designs upon them or their sons. It was "a dastardly campaign which they conducted, and they will live to' repent of it in sackeloth and ashes, The day may not come when Protes- tants and Catholics will be lined up against each other--that would be & lamentable spectacle, and the reverse of 'what the premier of the dominion has used his good offices to prevent but the day will come when, if the French of Quebee must have if, they will be against the rest of the domin- ion, for this is an English country, and Fnglish sentiment and English loyalty will not be ¢ontemned by the minority, however aggressive it may be. EDITORIAL NOTES. The order of 'it may be uncertain, but it is clear that the bi-linguly schools must. go. 5 The strike of Windsor pupils: against the proposal that they shall be tanght by one not of their own faith is an avidence of the times. The people are deciding on religious lines, and it is a very ;uncomisrtable thought. Burning the morigage! The Queen Street Methodist: church people must be in luck, and they are to be con: gratulated. But, what are they going to do now? The average cong ega- tion suffers without an incentive of some kind. v Sir George Ross appears to reflect current opinion cn the reciprocity question. The people do any mission which grows out of the sire for annexation. H. 8. Whitney and the North Ameri can need pot worry about Canada. It is not seeking commercial union with the United States, and will not even blink at the idea of political union. The plan of driving Canada into a treaty of 1854 was a pronounced fail- ure. The English conservatives in' Drum- mond and Arthabaska voted for the nationalist candidate. Anything to beat Laurier. The British flag may be insulted, 'and holes may be, metaphori- eally shot in it, and these party vot- ers can remain passive and contented. Their loyalty under the circumstances is seriously open to question. Mr. Tait is being sorrowfully bidden adieu in Australia, having resigned the railway commissionership. His re tirement was criticised so that he was glad to facilitate his departure. He made the government system pay, which was the first consideration, but he could not please some people. The Apgel Ga: briel could not do that. The anti-British campaign which was conducted in Drummond and Arthg baska will not end there. The feeling engendered by the irrational conduet of political fanaties will develop diffi culties of a more or less serious na- ture until there is a violent clash all along the line between French and English, and it is not difficult to im agine what the result will be. Ths other day a liberal Jew an- nounced that he had changed his poli- tics because his party did not exalt any of his rice. Now a host of He brews leavk a tory meeting because they have been shamefully trpated in the matter of offices. The idea that each partichlar race must be recog nized in the governments of our sity and country is becoming an acute one. The Bishop's Good Job. Toronto Globe. x Bishop Fallon has conferred an un- speakable benefit on the French peo- ple of Essex by exposing the ineffec- tiveness of the education given in both priblic and separate Je to the French children. Tn many of the kehools it is not a good education in and for this state of te are vot en corne= by the repeal of the reciprocity ! is lamented, but his service | 'le | ® e00eOdPOOOL OOOO RRROOSES Inspector ~ Wright's "Indian list," may be a good thing to reduce deuns: euness, the Lampman ackapwiedges, but he points out that sometimes ga little. mouse may be the greatest pos: sible aid to temperance. One such ite sreature was the means, be maps, of a resident of Kingston givin { the booze entively, It Baprencs thie way : One afternoon, the townsman in question was sitting in a room with several 'friends. He was strongly "in liquor." Suddenly he espied a mouse bastenivg 'across the floor, The mouse {was quite visible to all, but when the "" man asked his friends if | they had seen the mouse, they ex- pressed surprise, and replied that they had not. Then it suddenly flashed across the nian that he was "weeing j things," and thay ahead. And so, "tis said that he has never taken a drink since, f * + @ In the opinion of the Lampman, the clergy do not preach enough on 'damnation and hell fire. If t ied on this subject more, he thinks there would be larger male congrega- | is nothing like scar ' | tiong, for 'there ing people in order to get them to seek religion. Those old "'end of the world" scarves used to drive the wicked into the : churches, and make thew. ~gpinke. A townsman draws the Lamp- man's ditention to the Tact that there not favour | necessities of the American politicians, | and which is associated with the de- | JOHN E. GILMAN, New héad of the G. A, R. of the United Staves, is no use of preachers talking about hell five any move, for tis said that | Some scientists who went to hell, man- aged to harness the fire and to utilize it for commercial purposes. If euch is the case, he would Councilman Elliott - to make applica tion for sor a of the heat wherewith to heat the - town buildings and get rid 'of the ald stoves, -* * His worship, Mayor Couper, Lampman thinks. is a fine represen: tative of the pdople. When he heard that Gananoque was afire on Thurs day, he put on his hat and accom- panied the local firemen to thé little eastern town, with a five ongine. His worship wanted to see how A locomo- ttive was run, and so he climbed into the dinky little machine that draws ithe cars to and from the Thousand Island dunetion, and rode into Gananoque with the engineer. The Lampman is of the opinion that if Coteilman "Christy" Geabam goes up against Daniel in a contest for the mayor's. chair, it will be Daniel all the way. » * % The Lampman remarked on the fact that in the penitentiary here there is a Jew imprisoned for smuggling, or for doiog on a Intge seale what good, (pious people. ave doing all the time, and think it po sin. He recalls hear ing 'a clergymen say that he thought it no harm to get the bettéf of the customs suthorities, and that he had on more than one oceagion "neglect: ed" to report dutiable goods. He also recalls that some time ago a well known cherchman of this town was held up hete by a vustonis officer for trying to sneak in an dee credm freezer, on which he did not want to pay duty. People seem fo think it quite right to evade the customs, but they. are comp t, which tells us steal, for smuggling is stealing the government of the country. "THE TOWN WATCHMAN. his heed Sees a Dish of Crow Ahead. bl on Con. that as eon save at 'a paper ought tither to be: independent or a purty paper. = A paper that wold sxy such a thing could net derstand independence. What some of our gontemporaries seem to un derstand 'as good party journalism is to publish everything they 'can think of that eat in any way east tions upon their Lppouenis, no mat. ter how much the country may be injured thereby. A remarkable illus- tration. of this sort of thing 3 in evidence in connection with the talk sbont reciprocity, According to cer fan contemporaries a paper swpport ing the general policy of the conser vative party i ex denounce not to from there was danger | hey shout-! recommend | the | _ Specialists In diseases - of Ekta, Blood, Nerves, Baa and Special All. ments of men. One visit advisable : if Impossible, send listory for free opibion and ud- vice Question blank and book on diseares ten Consultation : furnished in, tablet 2 to § pan. Sondays, 10 am. D0 am te 1 aud paw. DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 T Street, T Omg, Z LADIES' WEAR On Instalment EEE Plan Ladies' Suits, latest New York styles ust received, i'n CH Gray, Blue, etc. 'rices, $12.50 to $20. a Se consignment of Satie & rrived, Prices, fro » 750; a Ladies' Throws and uffs at reduged prices. . Large assortment of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits. Odd Pairs of Pants, $1.50 to 32.60: alse Boots and Shoes, ete. Everything 20 pes cent. cheaper than elsewhere, and all sold on the weekly payment plan, Jos. B. Ab 4 COLBORNE STRERT. i : BLOOD HOUNDS ON TRAIL 1 (Of. a Man Who Shot. Sixteen-Year- ; old Girl. | Carrauthersville, Nov. 5.-Blood- bounds are trailing Martin sling, who, Monday, shot and killed sixteen- year-old Anna Austin. <It is believed he will be caught before night. Farm: rs are organizing, and threaten sum- mary justice, if Rollins is eaught. Rol ling, before escaping, sent the revolver, with which he killed Miss Austin, to her mother, and then burned Sheriff Franklin's barn. Youth's Companion in #911, fifty-two good numbers, one after avother, of only the best read- my selected from the world's abund ance of avery sort. Nearly three hundred of the most en- Lertaining stories ever written--not the kind that are forgotten as soon as read," hLigt stories that one Joves to remember and talk about. Then there are she famous men 'and women who write for Companion read- ers, Tt is the nex: best thins 16 mect ing them face to face, for they choose topics which are sure Lo be of interest for their audience of thee million Campanion reads, The Announcement . ob the enlarged wil improved Cowranion for next voar will Fe sent to any Canadian ad dres: free, and with it sample copies 'of the ompan'on. Thoss in Canada who subscribe at once, sending §2,00, will receive free all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1910; also the Companion's Art Cal'nday for 1911, lithographed in twelve colors 'and wold. The Youth's Companion, 144 Berkeley St., Boston. Mass. New subscripMens received af this office. Liberals Solid in England, Te ~pnte Warid. A general election in England held in now or prior to the ecoromwation June next would leave the parties in pretty muoh the same relative posi tion. Bye-election conditions usually assist the opposition and in the late contests strenuous efforts were made by the tariff reformers to impress the electors with the need of a change in the fiscal system, but without marked results. The industrial situation in Britain is exceptionally good, snd the consequent. absence of personal discontent rather discounts argu- ments of considerable appeal when times are bad and unemployment com- mon. Fortune meantime is 'on the side of the government, and unless the un- expected happens it appears likely to remain in power during the notable imnerial events that will distinguish 1911, unless the house of lords again compels un appeal tos the country over the current year's budget. ' Regulate the Bowels "l have been troubled with constipation for several years, and bave tried a great many kinds of pills, as well as medicine from the doctor. Nothing seemed to help me until 1 be gan taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills. I found 'the little pills very &fective, and I am thankful that at last I have a reliable remedy." MRS. F. M. DUNKIN, LeRoy, Ills. Dr. Miles' simply cause the bowels to move in a normal manuer, and with: out the griping effects of chthar- tics and purgatives, That's why they are 50 usiversally used by women and children. o The longer they are taken' the less are needed Natural condition: Tirst ! simply breaking the" eighth i | | eonrianus | pleasing abilities BE un salesman See Our Special £1.50 Mocka Gloves HB BORA PREORORAR money can buy, SEE:OUR | HANDSOME Looking for Overcoat Swellniss, Stylish Overcoats, in Smart Designs Coats you will take pleasuse in owning and wear ing. x | It's here, Handsome, and New Fahries. The best At this price we offer an Fag- lish Beaver Coat with velvet collar, 48 inches long, would be excellent value at $10.00 RIBBY'S SPECIAL $15 Here is where we shine with our New Speedway Ulster, in Fine Seotch Tweeds, Double and Single Breasted Styles, Two Style Collar, New Greys, Kich Browns and Greens, beautifully tailored, would look good at $18 or $20, BIBBY'S SPECIAL $15 See Our Special £15.00 Blue and Black Beaver Overcoats, R50 $15.00 mn eee LOSS OF LIFF Feared in Devastating Storm Covers ing Four Countries. Paris, Nov. 4.--A devastaling storm, 900 miles in length, whieh has coversd four counties, either in past or indi- rectly, is sweeping the south-western part of FEurcpe. Alveady, vast dam age has been done to shipping and crops, and it in feared many persons have been killed, although the damage to means of communiention has made the reports meagre. Rivers throughatit len. some of them oul of their banis, and from six to seven feet ghove their normal height. Damage has been tone by the wind, and the signalling » stem an the Fiffel towe has been destroyed. Frante are swipl forty-eight hours ago. in Wesiwn Ita: ly, swept wpward, with ravaging winds and rains, through upper Italy, Switzerland, South-Western Germany and France. Wanted--A Pled Piper Montreal Star, The Star has repeatedly called the attention of the public, and of «the civic authorities especially, to the dan ger to public health in the plague of rats which infest. the eity A poew mone plague even more deadly than the bubonic plague has broken out in the county of Sufiolk. The disease is rocognized as the most infeftions and most fatal of ail types. IL seems to flourish mostly in arlental cities, where rat-breeding is fostered and encom aged, au it nin Montreal. At a ver moderate estimates there must be ten millions of rats in Montreal to-day: and if the eity eouncil persists in its whicy of exterminating the dogs, we ney reasonnbly hope to have at least wn hundred million of rats early next sumpier, ee Coming From Retleville. J. H. Neville, for two years a resi dint of Belleville, has accepted an im- portant position with the D. A Weese oe The Belleville Ontario 2 "Dury bs stay here Ni became 3 by his ¥ mavuer, and Al though ToRtet ting his departure, many i wish Bim success in his © bewpenk for Mrs i the same cordial, it Kington as they ' Newhovo, died oR yenrs, - Boys' Overcoats - $2.90 to 12.50 NN mn saan, TE $10 At this price wo give vou . Swell College Ulster, in' New Wales Cord, Grev, Browns and Lireens, good value at 2 812.50, BIBRY'S SPECIAL $18 At this price we show the real classy Broadway Style Over conts, with Self-Collars, Single Breasted, buttoned through and through, in the New English Wales Stripe and Seoteh Chovi ote, hand tailored, every seam is Silk Sewed. $inon Then you can buy a [ine § English Beaver or Molten Over: cont, with Velvet Collar, These are the class of Coats the tailors get $35 and $28 for. BIBBY'§. SPECIAL 218.00 en i The storm, which started moe than |. y The H.D.Bibby Co means a man or woman good for something --gool vork or pleasant times. Whoever has distecss after eating, sick nausea, bad taste, vaplegcant breath, ean- not {ind pood in anything, or be of much use in the world, he dae hes, y Es But these symptoms are only signa that the stomach needs a little care and attention znd the aid that ' RL IRR, ean give. Safe, reliable, thoroughly tried, this family remedy has won- derful reviving power. They tone the stomach, liver and bowels all organs of digestion. With these organs in good order, the whole system is better and stronger. Try a few doses and see for yourself what a splendid bodily - condition. Beecham's Pills Can Create Sold Everywhere, in boxes 20% EERE UR RR Ee COAL! § he kind you are looking for fs' the kind we soil Scranton Coal ® good coal spd susrantes prompt detivers B BOOTH & CO,,