_ PAGE TEN. HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERONTO. Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Sommercial Hotel. Rates, §1.50 per ay. JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. IRE Se Hunters" Excursions Single First Class Fare Going Oct. 10th to Nov. 12th, to points in Northern Ontario, Lake Superior, Georgian Bay and Eastern Provinces; also From Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th, to Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, Lind- lay, and all Hunters' Territory in Muskoka reached by steamer lines. The above rates apply to nearly all Hunters' Territory in Ontario and Quebee, and information: will be cheerfully given on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, .. Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. In Conmection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. HUNTERS' EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October 10th te November 12th. Petewawa to Port Arthur, Temiskani- Ing Northern Railway Stations and points ia Quebec Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th, to stations. Sudbury to 8 8. Marie, Havelock to Bharbot Lake. Lindsay Branch. Severn to North Bay Madawaska Sound, Parham to Calabogle 15th, 1910 Full particulars at K. and I" and CPR Ticket Office, Ontario Street, F. CONWAY Gen. Pass. Agent, BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Traiu ieaves Union Btetion, Ontart Street, 4 pm. dally (Sunday excepted) for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, Deser- nto, Pannockbury and gil points north © meciure quick despateh to Hannock urns, Maynooth, and points on Centra tario route your shipments via Bay of Quinte Rallws For furtber part! Solar, sr? R Dic . Agent one, No. 3 A Bay of Quinte Lake Outario and Steamboat Co., Limited Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays at 3 pm. tor Pleton and Intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full fuformation from James Swift & Co., J. P. Hanley, Freighi Agents. Ticket Agent / H PARKS& SON, Florists | Night 'I'hone 283. All kinds of Cul Flowers and Plants In season Wedding and Funeral De- glgny a sneciaity shipped to all patsr. 126 King strect. No. 1 Stock, KEEFER and VICKAR OF WAKEFIELD. Fine for Preserving. D. COUPER"S, 341-3 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. COAST SEALED OYSTERS. ARS. ---- nt Highest Grades PLHONPT DELIVERY, W.F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. Toye's Building. the Vide Savers of the Gas indus- "The red] fact seems to be that advantages obtained by the 3 ns i } 1d 8 fried always used." i 94, Sco i In a further letter Mr, Tyrrell adds: to Parry | | All tickets good to return until Dee, | pin mass of i : | } i i ! Scratched Tn [Tore The Flesh "It was in the latter end of the year 1008 that a nasty itch came though my skin, and I scratched it until 1 tore the flegh. I tried several ointments to ro of I went to a skin hospital. 1! advised me to £ to the ---- Iiogpital, but I re- used. I could not sleep with the constant itch. I'wus that way until on or about the month of January, One day I chanced to see in the papers a case like mine, but I gave it no credenios. © Af last 1 said, '1 will try the Cuticura Romodies,! With the first wash and Cuticurs Ointment 1 used, 1 found thoir effects. 1 got one box of the Ointment more, and in'less than one week the skin was all right, and left no traces after it. 1 have not had a return of the same since, and I.shall always praise the Cuticura Remedies a8 beings the means of my care." (Signed) Jory tland TYRRELL, , Liverpool. "The first appearance of my skin eczema was a burning #tch which I tore and left my Dady legs and arms sores. It edused sleep- ess nights, but now I can sleep as well as ever." (uticura. Soap and Ointment aro wold by driggists everywhere. Potter Drug & Chem, Corp, Bole Props, Boston, Mass, Malied tree, Cuiicura Book 'on skin diseases. w | ney Williams, W. Stuart and I. RAND UNION fn no ge. HOTEL 2%. NEW YORK to Hegel, » Bondo stamp tor BY. Dior 0 aide Book rod Map ---- tno in The Army of Constipation" Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE Small Pill, Small Dose, Small Price. Genuine must bear Signature RL Bo CS from the kernel of the cocoa or chocolate nut. The only positive way to avoid frequently adul terated forms and tc pro- cure the pure article jis by personally selecting This explsins why the coat. ing 0 ur Sodbons is so much to insist on | beck's; © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TT WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. | The Tidings From Various Points in | Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. : Washburn Wafts. ! Washburn, Noo. 3.--Some of {farmers are not finikhed digging jtatoes vet, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Balls jars visiting at Glenvale. Miss Ethel | Balls and her cousin, Miss Richie, have been visiting at the Perth Road, at her uncle's, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lan worth have been visiting at R. Fair's. Glenhurnie. db Donaldson Items. Doaaldson, Nov. 4.~The whistle the threshing mill is again heard here. J. Jones lost 4 valuadle mare a few days ago. Miss A. Lett visited her home here, through the holidays. Miss H. B. Cones has returned to Winnipe: after visiting her home here for the past two months. Farmers say the potatoes are proving a very poor crop. the po ok Bath Personals. Bath, Nov. 3.--Robert Mott spent Thanksgiving Day in Belleville. Misses Margaret and Fannie Forrester, teach- ers in Odessa school, spent: a few days with their parents here. PP. K. Kirby has a new lighting system in the customs office and public library. H. €. Morris, of the Northern Crown Bank, spent Thanksgiving in Ottawa. Miss Sutherland, of Toronto, visited her sister, Mrs. W. W. Gourlay, for a few days this week. Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Nav. 3.--A. Abrams, of Kingston, was slightly injured by & fall while threshing in this neighbor hood last week, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, spent Sunday, 23rd ult., with {Mrs. Cloakey. Mrs. Revelle spent the holidays in Kingston. A number from re are attending to-day the sale at t. Davy's, near Sydenham. Thanks- giving visitors : Minor Babcock and (William Morrison, of Kingston; Mr. land Mrs. Rice and F. Clow, of King Iston; Mrs. Bdley Campsall is ill. Notes From Bethel. Bethel, Nov, 3.--George Smelly was in Kingston, on Saturday. Charles Riley visited Edgar and Harry Sals- bury, on Saturday. Messrs. levi and Albert Salsbury, George Babcock, Sid- H. | Stover left last Thureday to hunt deer | near Denbigh. Miss Bessie Pdear is | visiting her sister of this place, A. {Judge spent Thanksgiving at his {home, Odessa. Miss Lena Robinson | was visiting her sister Mra. P. Scott, | Frnesttown and has also been visiting { with Miss Jessie O'Hara, worth. at Tam- News From Maberly. Maberly, Nov. 3.--James Buchanan and Mr, Covell, of Montreal, are here deer hunting. William Buthanan and Miss Annie chan were in Kinmston this week on business. Trapping of the little scented animals is the order of the day. Missionary service will be held in Bt. Alban's church, on Sun day, Rev. Mr, Orr being the preacher. Mrs. C. Briggs has gone to Verona for a visit. Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth held quarterly meeting last Sunday, in the Methodist church. Miss Ethel Elliott gnd GG. Morrison spent Sun day in Bathurst. Miss Julia Garrett spent Sunday at Zealand. At Pleasant Valley. Pleasant Valley, Nov. 3.--Dame ru- mor says a young man of this vicinity is soon to become a benedict, Hogle and bride arrived home and were welcomed by the young people. The telephone line on concession six is completed. Mrs. ™. if I. Watson is suffering from 5 severe attack of neur- algia. Nise Maria Watson leaves to- day for Plevna to visit her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Topping. Miss Eva Whitty has returned from go visit in Kingston and Calaraqui. Bertram Belding, of Queen's, spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. Mrs. Noble Ellerbeck at Thomas Bradford's; Mr. and Mrs. Fred- terick Aylen,™of Kingston, at James Kerr's; Robert Freeman at R. Eller- Mrs. €£. Whitty and Miss Au- gusta called at Thomas Bradford's; Messrs. Frederick Babcock, Minor Bab- cock and John G. Walker called at E. Whitty's recently. Messrs. John Man- son, ld and Russel Boyce spent Thankegiving al home; Bruce Hender- son at T, H. H. Watson's; Miss Idell Ellerbeck was at home to & number of little friends on Hallowe'en. Miss Dot- tie Campsall and Miss Lilliam Eller beck at E. Whitty's; Miss Florence De- line, Harrowsmith, at T. Ellerbeck's. -------- I WRITE TO THIS WOMAN IF YOU WANT TO STOP A MAN FROM DRINK She Cured Her TE er Rats ghbors and Prompted Restored Hapbiness. she lag Ad CI ody that she so Success "Wor over 30 eum the bushend of NM sears the husband eo re. Margaret Anderson was & hard drinker, but nine years ago, by using a simple remedy, she stopped kis drinking entirely. He hes rot a drop since. Drink can be given seerctly, to icity of your private affair: man or woman who has home to write to her s she can tell them just what remedy she used Hundreds have freed their homes from drink using the information che gave them, but are still hundreds of others wha need have it, so wo earnestly advise every one of our readers who have a dear cnc who drinks, to drop her a line to-day. The proofs of tho kvndreds of really re cures are too strong to be doubted or denied. Yet sho makes no charge for her help, (she asks for no money and acceptanone; so there is no reason why you should not write her at once. She only requests that you are personally interested in curing ong who drinl Send your letter with confidence to her home. Here is her address: 155 Home Avenue, Millburn, oe Note: (Write your full name and address plainly not delay.) FPEPEP PPP P PPR PPP P EPH E EPP KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 3 (LIMITED), HEAD UF QUEEN PTRERT "Highest Education ai Lowest Cost" Tweuty-Sixth year. Fall Term begins August 30th. Courses In Bhorthand, Tele- il Service ! &raduates get the positiona, Sr ithia : hort over & secured positions with one of the largest railway forporations in Canada. Enter any time. i af on. Call or write for {nforma- H. F. METCALFE, cipal. * SOA l sls sas cE Petry Bn" Wd Muskoka Free Nospital, 3 Gravenhurst SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY GIFTS WILL YOU HELP? DI™ Not a single applicant has r been refused admission because of poverty. IN YOUR WILL ---------- Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives The following form will serve: 1 dive, devi in Badoiepand beauanth Further particulars may be had ys tar kis ational Sanftartum ssociation. ng St. oroato, Phone Maio 0h . "CEETEE" Under- wear conforms to every movement of the body. It fits perfectly. That's.a "Cee- tee" feature you should know. Perhaps your old underwear is of the "sack" variety -- A PARENTS OF THE BOY Were Found to be Inmates of Jail. Toronto, Nov. 5.--A startling con- dition of afiairs has been revealed in {the family relations of George Clancy, | the Jtensyearold boy, found, a few days ago, lying on the street in an intoxieated condition. Investigation by the police, led to the laying against John 'and Barhara omens' the. hops parents, of a ting I a ot Ws Tara trae called morning it was t the father was jail. Cut from the woollen fabric and sewn into shape-- that sags, wrinkles or binds---a constant annoyance to grin and bear. Enjoy the delightful sensation of underwear that fits--underwear that conforms snugly to every movement of the body. From first to last 'CEETEE' UNDERWEAR young and old pleases all ages, alike. It ismade the finest It ismade {apm Merino Wool, and knit to fit the form--combines health with absolute comfort. Insist on your dealer Showing Ios "Ceetee" Unshrinkable nderwear. : In all sizes for men, women and children, Husband, Her Brother and | SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 35, 1910. | WHOLE TOWNS DESERTED. | Places Where All "he People Take a { Vacation at the Same Tine. { Persons unacquainted with the north |e! Eogiand and Scotland are often | Surprised during their visits to those { countries to find whole towns desert ied. Here in Canada only'a few of us i take our annual vacation at the sam time, so that business is still carri on, but over their various weeks or forinights are set aside for rest, when | business practically stops. In Lancashire these holidays are known as wakes, andi beginning from about the middle of June one tow: after another takes its holiday, until early September sees the end. Liver- i pool and Manchester are sbout tho {only towns of importance that do not follow the custom, as they are too i large to shut down in this manner. Every town has its holiday fund' which in each case amounts to i many thousands, Oldham saving be! | tween $750,000 and $1,000,000 for its jouting, while Blackburn operatives | have more than once saved some $750, {000 for the same purpose. holiday seldom traveled farther afield i | thai the Isle"of Man, Blackpool of { the Yorkshire wast, but now many | of them go to Switzerland or France- on one occasion 700 men from Burnt | | ley paraded before the President in Paris--while great numbers visit all | { the English seaside towns. Most of the Scottish towns take a { week off in the same way. In July thd | visitor is often surprised at the crowd. ! pass him as he is jour | | eying toward Edinburgh, and when | he inquires 'why his train is an hous | late he is told that traffic is very heavy | When | | ed trains that i as holiday week has begun Edinburgh's holiday is over Glasgow's turn comes, maybe, and so on until the season is over. ' towns that shuts down for This»is Swindon, the Wiltshire one week of Great Western Railway workers, Naturally when some take a holiday all must follow, so about the begin- favorite destination. About two doz this holiday crowd. King Edward's Card-Indexes. Several persons of importance when first presented pressed their amazement at the mar- vellous knowledge His Majesty pos achievements, and the members of their family. As people never obtain. ed access to His Majesty without a previous apvointment - or invitation the sovereign had plenty of time to order those under him to look up particulars of the "caller" and place the same before him. In this way the King became quite intimate with ple who entered his palace. It is not generally known that King Edward for many years ran a series of card-indexes, of the kind common in all large commercial houses. These were kept at and when a person not attached to a royal family called upon the King, his name, together with a short aec- count of what passed at the inter. view, particulars of his career and his achievements, and a short history of his family, were placed on a card and filed in the usual way. If the "caller" again visited the King, the card-index was consulted. In this way His Majesty was able to recall to mind who and what his visitor wus, and prepare himseH accordingly At several courts of Europe, includ- ing Britain, brief records of scandals affecting people are preserved, in order that the appearance at court of those compromised thereby may be avoided. The British royal records of unpleasant incidents are kept by the Lord Chamberlain's department. People who invite the King and Queen to dinner must escort their royal guests into the dining-room first nd see that they are placed in the centre of one side of the table, with the principal guests on both sides of them. It is considered etiquette people to address the King as "Sir" and the Queen as "Madam." Best Known Portrait. In a discussion as to what is the most common snd familiar portran in the world, writes Arthur Loring Bruce, one man was sure Raphael's Bistine Madonna was the best known portrait in the world. Another was all for Leonardo's Mona Lisa. Still another contended that no likeness was so universally known as that of King Edward on the coins of Great Britain. The sphinx was mentioned and the Venus of Milo. The discus sion was growing warmer when a mild and callow youth chirped up with : "You are al! wrong! All of you! The best known portrait in the world is the queen of spades." He then proceeded to prove what, it seems, is common knowledge among the cognoscenti, namely, that the queen of spades i= a bona fide likeness of the late Queen Anne of Britaim. It seems. that somewhere about 1710 the English and European stationers fixed on the imege of the then Queen of England as a suitable | one to inscribe on their playing ecards. For 200 years or more her face has looked out at us, not altogether on. | 8 plessamiy-pasticulasly in bezigue-- | the depths of the pack. Huw will much longer, we wonder, corridors of time? A Carlyle Snub. . Carlyle had an inveterate haired for | Darwinism, which he described as the : "gorilla damnification of humanity." Leonard Huxley in his life of his fath- | that happened | "My | he writes, "saw him walking | er recalls an incident before Carlyle's death. ! » i and alone down the opposite i the street and, touched by hi: | § appearance, crossed over and | i Bim. The old man looked i "a " the affairs of the majority of the peo-' Buckingham Palsce, | ber | physiognomy be shuffled down the merely remarking, 'You're | 't you, the man that say: | from the » | air Ht | Never Fa'ls to Restore Gray Hair tc itsNatural | Color and Eecaunty. Nomatter how j or faded. Promotes a of peal lit. Stops its falling out, end pos ECMOow Dane @rufl. Keccps air soft pit pect | , Will not soil skin or linen. Wi i dnjure ar hair, | $1 and Soe. bot) air and Skin." Philo Hay Spec. O | Newark, N.J. US. A. and Torcstodut, Canaan | Hay's Bartina Soap . Com jon, tollet and batb, rod . Keeps skin fine and wit . dow LLBS ores. J.E. A -- Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Granulated Sugar is va excelled for preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Ontario Street. Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. -------- A card sent to $17 Albert Ptreet or an order left at IH. WwW, ugtou's or J. 8 Henderson's Stores receive srompt attention. Rest references given. THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur roundings. Located In centre of city and close to principal stores and theatre, Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. ALL Jas. B. McLeod, Agent. a " re-- At one | | time these thousands of workers on | i The age of martyrs is not passed co not of « fold girls ing do ¢ drug In the south of England there is | a town that consists almost exclusively | ning of July some 25,000 people leave | Swindon on one day, Weymouth and | Weston-super-Mare usually being the | en trains are required to carry away to King Edward ex- | sessed concerning their affairs, their | | neglected replying sooner. I must say I than in any other thing { about this medicine, I doctored away hu was dying with inflammation of the through the mall from a friend. The first {and in a few months completely cured you can imagine with what esteem 1 hold {is such a relief for poor, sympathize with others | Mra. E. Currah, Windsor, Ont.-- Dear Friend, --I feel it my duty to wr | Lily has doné for me. 1 | #carcely do my housework { was never free from pain in the womb an { groin, so I weuld fr equently nearly | back of my neck to my brain wmtil {was a burden indeed. I finally could end {town doctor and had a rigid condition of the generative organs. | tion. He sald I would have to take a { Overcome the rigid condition I might, in {moved. T objected to that. so filled out | Yarded ft to 'him. and he diagposed the d decided to take Dr. Coonlev's Treatment {two packages of Herbal Womb Tonic | montha gince I began the treatment 'but through everything now Hardly know a j often say, "T would pot take $100 and he shall continue to sound its praises wi Yours grat i as a remedy for thes | periods, irregularities, cancers in their ear | atio- and all ovarian troubles. has long | confidant am 1 of this that 1 will send ten to any sufferer ABSOLT'TELY FREE and no physician is necessary. FREE TRIAL = that Dr. Coonley's Home Treatme ORANGE LILY o homes ry wil ® MRS. FRANCES E. CURRAM, W wi rAd Inst Delays are dangerous. 1d; they in sile --afe Knowing disordered co their I have ever used womb, a box of ORANGE suffering women, for I h Your sincere friend, Ast winter 1 was feeling very miserable indeed during my menstrual period, and for two months or more 1 double up I hardly knew what 1 was doing at times. ne He pronounce produced by n ed 8 Of course of treatment, and if that time. be compelled to have the ovaries ree and six boxes of Orange Lily demonstrate that ORANGE LILY will cure you +P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. I, LA -- MODERN MARTYRS! There are thousands of women all over the ry enduring physical torture and mental Ash almost beyond description. 'They are victims of reecution, tike the martyrs are t called on to face the soul or the SAKE, but thelr sufferings--borne nee and hidden from the world at large scarcely leas intense. These ladies, as a rule, are women and of refined and sensitive temperaments that their sufferings are due to a fon of the female functions native modesty deters them from seek. relief In the earlier stages. and when they onsult a physician, they 'usually get some mixture to take internally, which is not more effective for troubles of this kind than it would be for a toothache, a brulse, or any other strictly local atlment The seat of the trouble being ui some one of the female or gans, the remedy, to be effec tive, » t act on this portion of the & Ly This is the secret of the suc- cess which always follows the use of ORANGE LILY in de rangements of this kind. It is a strictly local treatment it is absorbed directly into the parts that are inflamed and congested and its benefloent, soothing in. fluence Iz noticeable from the start The irritation of the delicate membrane is relieved, the congestion is overcome by the discharge of the watery matter which served to oppress the nerves and cause mental depression; the nerves are toned and Invigorated; and the sunshine and joy of life again becomes part of her eink. Read the following letters Archer, Ont, Feb. 1, "09 Dear Mrs. Currah:--{ received your kind letter some time ago, but was feeling s0 well, and not needing medicine, that 1 have more 'confidence in ORANGE LILY Réfore [ knew or found out anythir ndreds of dollars, and when 1 thought LILY was sent me suppository I used | was greatly relieved, THat was nine years ago this winter, so the ORANGE LILY. I am thankful there ave been one of them and can MRS, NORMAN WEAVER. Trenton, Ont, Dec, 4th, 1909. ite you a testimonial as to what Orange I could d ovaries. The pain would run down the Then the palin began golng up, the Ale or, 50 went to our leading it af t the h } a f 1 - fal to ure it no Jon r Dr. Coonley's symptom blank and for isease the same as my local doctor, so 1 I have used two tars of Cerate Massage, It is eight I feel like a new woman. I work right pain, even during menstruation now. 1 in the state that IT was last March." 1 t ix a Godsend to suffering womankind, and tr I have an opportunity ny MRS. T. H. HATTON e ills, as well as for leucorrhoea, painful flier stages, tumors Aisplacements, lacer- since passed the experimental stage. So days' treatment, which is worth 35 cents, The treatment Is Inexpensive, used at Bend at once for the TREATMENT Enclose stamps, and . Rep., Coonley Med. INDSOR, ONT, Can 1 | | Two Min | for 0" a pay for The brainy at y § ir The £11 fue than a heat But ing largely ordinary range. Wide Fire -- ute Talks About 3 ANDORA | "RANGE | Coal or Wood course the Pandora Range is few dollars more than an But it will soon itself in the fuel it will save for you. Pandora Flue System and Jox, designe by our stove experts, save about half on of coal per year, because they more air than the flue systems e boxes of ordinary ranges, causing better combustion of fuel. Steel Oven saves some more 1, because it heats up more rapidly cast iron oven. The heavy Fire Clay Coating on the main bottom of range prevents any heat wasting towards the floor, It drives the :k into the oven, and thus saves still more fuel. the big economizing feature is his : The draft for cooking on top of ¢ range is also the draft for in the oven. The heat does cuty and your fuel bill is reduced. ¢ Pandora---the range that itself. No other range is lass enough for you McClary's Stands for Guaranteed Quality Lenser. Taronts, Ancouver , &f. Jobs, Fi ™ Mosires, Wirnipeg 8. Hamiiton, Calgary by J. B. BUNT & Ca.