THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1910. PAGE TEN. - HOTEL DIRECTORY. DESERET BTEWART H . Leadi elal fioion, tes, $1.50 re _ JAS, STEWART, Prop. Ep -- ---- "OUR ROOSTER BRAND Ot Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? ANDREW MACLEAN, Ontario Stree. ey Wood's I Pe a Aen i makes ein, Cwres Nero -- wm " . . singer's popularity may be had from the fact that every seat for these pur- formances was sold out in twenty min- at 300 per cent. above the reguiar NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND rates. The lowest priced seat soid at PLAYHOUSES, the box office cost $7.00. Within an hour speculators who had been fortu- nate enough to obtain reservations re Boman Catholics Protested Against ad $25 each for them. Orchestra a Show in Dublin--The ex-King of chairs fabulous prices after Portugal's Stage Beauty Appear- they had been through venders' hands. ing in Vienna. i E. H. Southern and Julia Marlowe "Priscilla Runs Away" seems to be _ their Lott, Sting Tehearuals meeting with great success iy dus a "Macbeth." Tt is rumored that W | vincial tour as it is at f London ? " * Haymarket. It is said that W. A. Bra- w: brody, Purposes offering Ihowas A. dy has acquired the American staging Hen "Iv ry om an : ~ Aug rights to: this play. nt KE Satan date. heeint y ydueti in London ; 3 anger. Lo Dorn hone of TD Arey of the Guards 8anounce a brilliant production of a Fo eomedy staged : at the' St. James scintillating musical farce called "She | Theatre, in which George Alexander Stoops Jo Conquer," by one Oliver played the prioeipul part, and of . 2 | "Young Fernald," a romantic comedy | yee Guilert hues boom on. the Lon at the New atre. 1 "32 + - i Shy ow don Coliseum bill lately. Bernhardt Miss Florence Reed has captured the contributed the third act from "L people of Poston with her characteri- pol bn 00 TL ion. On _ the zation of Anne Brown in "Seven evening o. Ourober Thou. Nae eh i : ark - ' eceptio Days." Miss Reed is a great favorite was held in honor of the distinguished with the Hub folks, and they fully en- poo actress which w ttended dorse the New York verdict as to this § large nmber. of Pho folk A Cio y " yo ] societ) + Pro- ples: r medisane"s ability. tre. which Minent players, dramatists and others, i be Hig Py vi atre, WICH including - the Countess of Warwick, will be called the Irving, is to Sir Herbert Tree and Miss Ellen Terry. erected within one hundred yards Mary Garden omises ive the statue of his illustrous father, in "strikingly pw Atarprotasion $ London. The new playhouse will 'have {Carmen when she appears at the Me- its main entrance in Charing Cross \ronolitan Opera House in that role Road, und will provide accommodation | She hints that she will have some sur: for 2,000 people. | prises for New York audiences. The ) HOW NERVOUS MEN GET MOST OUT OF LIFE. {From "Buccessfyl Men") norma minded man et all he can out of ny & man knows far short. man, works, the keenest r+ his nerves i i very i wishes to { life--but ! -- ci -- that he is fallin e successfu eats and dw FS N YSTEM highest emotions vigorous healthy nerves. As a consequence he has stamina, endurance and personal magnetism, which makes those near and dear to him worshi his maniiness, ehLralry. and strenousness. Without keen, sensitive, weil nourished nerves, such a man would be an abject of pity, and not the brilliant success he Is. } All men should have well-nour- ished nerves, but if the blood and vital organs do not supply the chemical or subsiance known as nerve fluid, then the waste of the nerves is not renewed daily znd Pour as it should be. e nerves become exhgustéd, giving rise to such sympiloms as Hemi ling hands and limba, cold feet and hands, melancholia, hysteria, timidity, nervousness. Rieapless- ness, dizziness, he palpitation, ains In the back. headache, angour and weariness at all times. A most valuable nerve treatment, restorative in eve sense, is to be found In the fol- + Agent, lowing Brescription, mangting, and s ®aid, from a br. Ontario Sts. successful specialist on nervous : ailments The treatment can be prepared in the privacy of home and thus causes no one any embarrass- ment. First get three ounces of syrup of sarsapariiia com- pound in a six ounce bottle. Te this add one ounce of compound fluid balmwort, shake well and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce of tincture cadomene # Hunters" Excursions ae Hr Sati tam fan EN iy pan Ou 20m. to Nov. 12h, to : id, Lind- Though there i» practieally ne savh thing aa really poe water, the adaits v. the family need not de without a beverage that benefits. Hegal Lager's nhaolute purity is its maker's pride; and this delicious brew is also a health-helper, tétes apply to nearly : Tuttary in Ontario and be § BLANCHE RING IN "THE YANKEE GIRL" AT THE GRAND ON SAT. of | URDAY, NOV. 5th, MATINEE AND NIGHT. WHO SANK THE MAINE? THE SPORT REVIEW 'Notes on' Baseball and Other Field Events, President Murphy, of Chicago Base- Official Declares Cubans De- troyed the Vessel. Kansas City, Nov. 4.--Lecturing at | U.S. a nS 1 at HE oi composer of "Haus the Flute Player," HUNTERS' EXCURSION /Roupd Trip Tickets at '+ SINGLE TARR, October 10th to November 12th. Potewawa to Port Arthur, Temiskam- in ¥ nn. Rallway Stdtions and pelpes n ehec, : Opt. 30th to Nov. 12th, to stations. o B. 8 Markie Havelock to y ranch. Bevern a to Parry to Calabogie. ts good to return until bee i partieulars at K. and P. and felet Ofleg Sutaria Street. v Gen. Pass, Agent. RAILWAY. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston daily except Sundays #t 8 p.m. for Picton and Intermediate Bay of Quinte ports, Full information from James wilt & Co., J. P. Hanley, Prelhf Axents. Ticket Agent. y& SON, | REE hema "Fis. compound (not cardamom) and one ounce of compound essence cardiol. Mix. Shake well apd take a teaspoonful after each meal and one when retiring. Jt is astonishing to feel the new nerve force, 'the. steadied nerves and the control of every muscle in the hody after using this Overworked office men, and the many® victims of #o- clety's late hours and dissipation will surely find in this the re- storative, rejuvenating force they are sorely in need of. The ingredients are used in various preseriptions and any good drug- gist éan supply them. i 3 . iy pvard bd HOTEL tor 274. 837 0% Bond Our Crystal Brand | Of Standard Granulated Sugar is wa | excelled for preserving or table use. | i ANDREW MACLEAN' | Ontario Street. { BIBBY'S CAB STAND. Phone 201 DAY OR NIGHT picefric Restares Jor Meo Phos : n Tred Le Or at Best's Drug Store. wed }' CLEANING LACE CURTAINS. } We excel iu the cleaning of lace curtains to a degree that ) brings us large business. 4 RPARKER & 0. Sadi } &8 Princess Wa WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS, There are other hotels, but none approach the Olub for homelike sur- roundings. Located in centre of city and close to principal stores ahd theatre. es are moderate. Special rates by the week. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor M. NOLAN: 838 PRINCESS ST. Our Coffees at 35¢ and 36¢ cannot be beaten. BE WISE SFRRHTER SS Spesiiny Bal ol 3 as new, st extremely TH to see them | I is reported that Louis Ganne, the | Devereux's , parently to the Protestant spirit of the {public in the matter is speedily over- | come. is at work on the score of a new op- eretta. This, according to rumor, iis based on the legend be entitled 'Marie | Flore The libretto will be by Fran- cois de Ninon. Following its premier at the New theatre, Mascagni"s grand opera, "Ysobel," with Bessie Abott and the Abott Grand Opera company is ap- nounced for Boston, Washingtos, Bal | timore and Philadelphia. A short Ca- nadian trip follows and then the or- | ganization moves west to Pittsburg, | Chicago and St. Louis, 1 George Edwardes is said {o have had a quarrel with Leo Fall, the com- poser of "The Dollar Princess," and other musical successes. This is not policy on the part of Mr. Edwardes, as | Mr. Fall was a valuable aide to the | producer. Mr. Fdwardes has fallen | back on Leslie Stuart, a composer he | Hew Sb Te Te TOF GSE SENS DRE: ch A gala performance wasarecently giv- en at the National Opera, Paris, to | raise funds for a monument to Vie! torien Sardou. Many famous artists | took part in it, among them being Lina Cavalieri, Mme. Bernhardt and Mme. Rejane. Another. gala perform: ance was held at the Theatre Sarah- | Bernhardt, in honor of Saint-Saens' | seventy-first birthday. The composer presided at the piano. The performance at the Theatre Roy- al, Dublin, on Monday, of William play, "Walter Raleigh," was turned into dumb show by the persistent interruptions of the Roman Catholic audience, who objected, ap- Beauty, and will piece. In the third act a gentleman in the audience rose aud made a pro- test, and some people in the pit and gallery sang "Faith of Our Fathers." Martin Harvey, speaking at a public meeting in Leeds, said that one-fifth of the half million sterling requived to erect the proposed Shakespedre Me morial Theatre had alteady been sub- scribed. The theatre will not be ready for public performances in timé for the Shakespeare anniversary, in 1918, un- less the apathetic attitude of the Caruso, the famous tenor, made three appearances at ths Royal Opsta the in Berlin, last week. Somme idea wii; § The Patient Brain A Tireless Worker so Long as Sup- plied With Rich, Red Blood. The brain is one of the most pati- ent and industrious ans of the body, It can be induced, hy good treatment, to perform prodigies of work. But it is sensitive and will not brook sbuse. It responds to the lash at first, but if the lash is laid on too hard it balks. The brain insists on having plenty of good, red blood wherewith to re- new its wadte and from which to man- ufacture the nerve force supplied to the whole body. Nervous trouble is generally brain trouble, and no suffering is to be com- pared to mental sufféring, with the accompanying dread, suspicion and melancholy. : x One-fifth of the blood in the human ly is consumed by the brain, so make the blood rich and red by usi Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and you wil overcome diseases of the nerves. > y. Stimulants hope. Narcotics deadea and temporary relief is a condition which is worse than the it. Get the blood right and the nervous system will adjust itsell. Headaches will disa 4 ir Sanity. will go, di- gestion mprove, weakness and despondency will give place ol new hope and courage, new vigor and Mrs. George Fuller, Lakeland, Man.,, writes : "Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cur! ed me of mervous headache, from which I was a great sufferer, and I longer witehi nerves of the Slee ing "dane, man emperor's son Miss Garden will return to sing in "Siberia," a work by Umberto Gior- which was given a single per- formance in Paris some vears ago. The! Chicago, New premier is set for May 15th, Whether Miss Hattie Williams is still a hoodoo as an actress or whether the vehicle in which she and G. Huntley are appearing as co-stars is not up to the mark as an entertain ment it is impossible at this distance ! : " to say. The New York rum of "Deco- aredtest halves in the business ! e a | nual meeting, Wednesday rating Clementine" has come to sudden and inglorious end, however, and Mr. Frohman doubtless blames poor Huntley for the play's failure. Mr. Frohman's faith in Miss Williams' ability as an actress is one of tle modern wonders of the world. Mlle. Gaby Deslys coutinues to ap- pear at the Apollo in Vienna, and will remain there for two months longer. One. reads in Il Secolo, ing Tibéral organ of Milan, the fol | ing pronunciammento from the pen of the proudly indignant actress in con- tradicting the rumor of a morganatic marriage on her part with the young king, whom she describes as "such a good boy, intelligent, and most re- ligious." "'Gaby Deslys has no de- sire," she herself proclaims, 'to de- scend from the throne she actually oc- cupies to-day. She is a queen in the great world of art, whereas Portugal is but a petty state." From the shores of Merrie England comes the news that Martin Beck is not going te take his medicine lying down as, i i Mosut Keith, A , The English report says that by the first of the year Mr. will break into New York and start a stampede amongst the people st: ly intrenched behind the defences affo by the tbited booking offices. In partial con- rmation of the news it is said that r. Beck is erecting a vaudeville house in the heart of the New York theatre tone, Mr. Beck is bound, evidently, to figure still as the fly in the vaude- ville ointment vituation. Martin Harvey, while playing "Rich- ard HI" at Liverpool, last week, was Wounded seriously in the duel scene iy Philip Howland, who was playing chimohd, receiving an awkward cut on the bridge of his nose, which imme- diately ed to bleed profusely, causing the actor obvious inconven- ence. When the curtain fell ao moment later, Mr. Harvey was recalled again and agin amid general cheers, and the reiterated demand for a speech evoked the remarks from him that "sometimes mimicry passed into the sphere of rédlity,"" and he was afraid that "that afternoon they had carried their ener- gy to too great a pitch." In view of the British Censor's em- bargo on Laurence Housman's latest play for impersonation of or allusion to King George 1V, it is of interest to learn that in a country where lese ma- jesty is suspected in almost every line, a play dealing with one of the Ger- direct ancestors--and gingerly--has received the imperial sanction for production. This is a drama by Kory Towska, entitled "Die Hosen des Herrn von Bredow" ("Mr. von Bredow's Trousers'), from an historical novel by Willibald Alexis, in which figures the Elector Palatine, who, in 1612, married Elizabeth, then sixteen. years of age, the only daugh- ter of James VI, and sister of Charles I. none too Called for Felicitations, The Countess Stephanie Lonyay was the first to atulate Francis Jos: e¢ph on his birthday, says a letier from Ichl, and the more remarkable fact is that the kaiser called at the rimenite of the conntess to receive felicitations. Having Autuntd his coming, the, , Accompan by an 5 ib pd hotel, whore Count Lonyvay greeted him and offered to escort his imperial visitor to the elevator. "No, not 1," said the old ruler, "it is so to meet with an accident on the lit." He walked up to the t, and seemed proud of ihe fact that he-was able to without tigue, ory | The. { Mathewson. New York scorned the of- ir. P| the. RE A OW- ball Club, has offered $30,000 for York, Boston, Pitts burg, Cleveland and Detroit will join a hockey league which is now in pro cess of organieation for 1911. Brophy has turned out with Mont- real again, and will likely be used, Saturday, against Tigers, at Hamil ton. Brophy is said to be one of the » Hockey Club held its an- night, and admission to the Senator P. elected presi decided to apply for | National Hockey League A. Choyuette has been {dent of the club. "Tommy" Burns, the pugilist, was one time champion of the world, is making a stay of uncertain dura ition at Calgary, and has allowed it lp-hecome bawnthabohe gaa wpe urni=n ing establishment in who that city. | Three Indians, Ivison Elijah, David {Oliver and John Roger, came home in front in the annual Sarnia road race, the winner covering the ten-mile course in 53.15. Thomas Brown, of Sarnia, was the only other starter to finish the distance. Toronto Mail and Empire : "Pete" Campbell, the crack quarter of the Varsity 11 team, who played with R M.C. last year, thinks Varsity will beat the soldiers here Saturday morn- ing, more especially with "Jeff" Tay- lor on the line-up. °° The University of Toronto rughy team this year is young and light, The players average 170 pounds wm waight and twenty-two years of age. The los+ of Hume (202), Muir (205) and Ritchie (210) nuterially reduced the weight of the team. Report has it that Frank Navin, president of the Detroit Tigers, wants to trade off Ty Cobb and possibly one other for Walter Johnson and Ger. many Schpefer, a former Tiger, who has been pastiming for some time with the Washington Americans. Ottawa Journal: --The college auth orities are of the opinion that the "Varsity team will have no' trouble in again winning the: Canadian rugh, championship, which they so easily lifted last seadon. Father Fallon coach of the college fourteen, stated on Saturday that they had the finest team playing rugby in Canada to-day. In commenting on the Intercollegiate track and field sports in Kingston, the Montreal Star says: "The boys from "Varsity proved to be the swiftest those from Queen's the strongest, while those from wld McGill struck a good medium with' an average that showed them to be, perhaps, the best all- round athlstes on the field. McGill's tenn, it is sdid, was the best Lalane ed. . Toronto Mail and Empire : The gall of Queen's has a canal horse beaten a block. Yesterday they sent a wire to Varsity saying they would refuse any men Varsity might name as officials for their game here Saturday at Rose dale, but had the nerve to suggest two Kingston officials. Varsity are highly indignant at the way Queen's have acted and there promises to be some thing doing. An Apostolic Decline. Marcus Stone, R.A, the famous ar tist, who celebrated his seventieth birthday the other day, tells a very amusing story about a model he out knew. e was visiting the Zoological Gar: dens, when he came across Nn who had sat for one of his pictures, "What are you doinly now?" asked Mr. Stone. "Last time 1 saw you Was when you were sitting for Mr, Blank for one of his religions pictures." "Yes sir," replied the model, sadly, "An" now I'm cleaning out the ele phants' staisles, Nice come down for one of "the 'Twelve Apostles, ain't it sir?" YOU TAKE NO RISK. . We pay for all the medicine used dur- ing the trial, if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of constipation We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever, it you our . Could any- thing be more fair for you? Is there any reason why you. should hesitate St. George's church, Col. Jasper Ewing Brady, one ol the four officers sent by the United States govern- ment, to investigate the destruction of the battleship Maine in Havana har bor, February Ath. 1595, declared last night, that the mine which destroved the battleship was pladid by the Cu bans in order bring war with Spain, and the deliverance of Cuba. He further asserted that the informa tion had been to the president and the secretary of war, In part he said: "Now 1 will teil you for the first time the name of the man who blew up the Maine. He is or Zavaldo. He was an elec: trician at Morro Castle. [It he who threw the switch, which set off the powerful mine that destroved the ship, and sent 207 to sent was, Jose was lives into eternity shot by We even got a piece of the cable that led from the the Morro Castle. That piece of cable is pow in the navy department at Wash ington." orders of Gen, Blanco mine to wire room in KAISER AN AUTHOR. -- Impartial Biography of Frederick the Great. Berlin, Nov. 4.--It is reported that a considerable part of the biography of Frederick the Great, which the kaiser is understood to be writing, is already sompleted. The kaiser is credited with reating bis subject with strict im- partiality notwithstanding his enthusi astic admiration for his ancestor One evidence of this is his whole hearted condemnation of Frederick's infidelity and his enthusiasm for Vol taire. The kaiser said to contem plate a series. of visits to all of Fred evick's battlefields before completing the work, i= ---------------- Added Manual Training Branch. Ottawa, Nov. 4.<The Children's Aid Society has decided to add a manual training branch to its detention home It was also decided to ask the Ontar- lo government to provide more accom madation for imbeciles, as there are a dozen here now in jail. 100 WEST BLOOR STREET, TORONTO, 01, A> 4 In . Ey | N 4 SPINAL CURVATURE, WEAK FEET, PARALYSIS, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Lots fianhoe davadd aoc afterwards | N nine out of ten of. I heaviest fices, where the demands are made upon a typewriter, you will find the Under- world's bestt wood the typewriter, UNITED TYPEWRITER Co. J. BR. ©. DOBES, KINGSTON. 20c. AT rms - . 4 0000000000000 000000000 exceptional merit. .Bhoe building. shoe A.J. REES, The making, the stock and the style It's the Shoes at the price that tell the story of value count for nothing until you see Lhe Bhoes. J. 1. SUTHERLAND & BHD. i Chocolate Fudge Maple Fudge } per lb. 166 Princess St Can | Get Fitted? This is the perplexing question that always confronts & woman when She's thinking of buying Shous. We're experts at fitting feet correctly, and we've every varia- tion in width and size of a Bhoe that's made, Madam! 1f we can't fit you perfectly we won't sell yeu If you'll do your part by coming in you can't be anything else than fitted and pleased with the Bhoes you buy here We call your special atiention to our Women's Shoes moderate ly priced at $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. ' At these popiilar prices we are showing new Fall Models of are the perfection of prices