' ' 5 'HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1940. : IN "HOLD-UP" CAME NOT QUITE $0 YOUNG AS HE USED TO BE CENTURY. PAGE FIVE, ry Overgaiters - |.eggins| NEWEST AND BEST A eeu STROHS Bohemian BEER | Served Wherever Quality Counts Ges tian 3%2% Alcohol LESS THAN Er ---- ALLEGED THAT COUPLE TEMPTED IT, AT. IN LAST email -- But That it Did Not Pan Out Way Sheriff Eilbeck in the City Greeting' it Was Intended--Claimed Wife His Thousands of Friends--The ® A TRUE TEMPERANCE DRINK GEO. THOMPSON, Jr. Distributor, 2 Princess Street, api "Phone 304 for a case delivered to your home. THOS. LAMBERT, Merchant Tailor Hand You together and see il we merit and give a deal time Sour own measure is the best and most economical, Overcoat ? Now, We trade on # juare every tailoring to Lr let us get wand a cannot atisfy you. THOS. LAMBERT, 157 Princes Princess St. St. - 24220ausstege Brass Castings, Bronze Castings, Aluminum s Castings. TIIE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. @ ® . ° OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO MELITEseusIULeEI eset nBisItIEtEd secovesceon BATE me. ~ Monuments Latest in Design and Best Work. manship Guaranteed at Lowest Poss. ible Prices. A Call of Inspection Solicited. Bruce & Mullen Gramite anil Marble Works, COR. PRINCESS & CLERGY § 00000000004606000600000 200 allowe' en Ee ele Sree oe Chestnuts, Hickory Nats, Filberts, Wal Wal nuls, Almonds, Peacans and Brazil Nuis, Figs and Grapes. 166 Princess St "and - Bookcases $4.00, Pus $8 A. J. REES, Ladies' Desk, large size, $6.50, and up. Solid Oak $12.00 and up. Desks, Early English, Guan Book Sec, best make, in Golden or Early English. Library Tables 'in Golden or Early English. AMBULANCE, "Phone 677. R. J. REID 42 Ladies' Long Coats in Fancy Twaeds: Beavers, Wool ersey, Ete. Regular prices. from $7.50 10 $15.00--now all at one "*" $4.90 Each Clearance of Waists White Silk and Lawn Waists, beau- tifully trimmed and embroidered, all at HALE PRICE. an Arrest. Yesterday afternoon Frank Bennett and his wile, arrested on a charge of vagrauey, were removed to the county jai, on the week's remand, given them oy Magistrate Facrell. The story they told will be investigated, but it was stated last night that there was no doubt but that the couple would be deported, that is, of course, pro- viding that there is po additional charge against them. Although they were only charged with being vagrants, it is alleged that evidence could he secured to show that the two were eigaged in a very bold "hold-up" game, one which has been played for many years, but which has often been nipped in the bud. It is alleged that on Saturday night the two were at the Kingston & Pem- broke railway station. The husband left his wife m the waiting room, a few minutes, and it is alleged that when he came back into the waiting room, and found a young man in con versation with his wife, there were wigs on the green. "That's my wife, and I will have you arrested," the husband is alleged to have said, But the fellow was not 'stung.' He appeared to, be for such an accusation. "You ean and get a man if you like," he replied, and the same time walked away. It so happened that a police constable did arrive on the scene a few minutes la- ter. The husband claimed that his wife had been insulted by a young man who came up to her in the tion ahd opened up a conversation, but he did not eare to press the char and the matter dropped. The fact that the couple were rested on a charge of vagrancy, they pleaded guilty, had to the belief that the incident at railway tation was nothing than a straight attempt at a ap In the police court, to be ready | police at go sta- ar to led the which mare "held Wednesday, stated that when they ar- city they secured a room ou Earl street. on the couple rived in the at a house WOULD BE UNSATISFACTORY. To Pave Only One Block in Business Section. i afternoon the city engineer will report to the hoard of works that he has secured sufficient signatures for paving only one block in the busi- ness section, thmt block beng on Wellington street between Drock and Princess, It is considered that it would be very unsatisfactory to pave only one block as the conditions would be very unfavorable. As the adjacent blocks would not be paved this one would be always pretty mud- dy in wet weather and would draw adverse comment. Whether the board of works will decide to recommend to council that the block in question be paved next spring is not known, but it is not thought that the engi: ner would recommend it unless. there was to be a larger amount of paving to be done. This Made Telegraph Editor. Wilirid MacTavish, son of Rev. Dr MacTavish, of this city, and formerls a reporter on the Daily Standard, ha been promoted the post of - tele graph editor of the Leader, a flourisl ing paper in Regina. The promotion curried with it a substantial incre in salary. Wilfrid's many friends } will be glad to learn of his success. to Of course we dye. My Valet. Arnprior has a corps of Boy Scouts with a membership of over fifty. Do You Breathe Like This ? I's Catarrh Consider my offer. I willingly send you free of charge a trial treatment of the wonderfol Gauss Combined Catarth Cure. You bave everything to gain and whan 8 to lose. If up fo you. If you ih te be cured of that foul bapiiing and hawkin [~that wretched, de; =n tion "don" t-dare-L0ok-a any «in The: face" feeling. then Bh out the coupon without further mast supply it. ho. s all 1 ask. Simpy i} out the Jotiow ng R uBOm and it to i to-day. at | Hoppes, on." "gv to a perfiery" no ving you a sweet, pure FREE fu in plain wn ga hie Same ox below saw Ba dA NE dee ae a Had Been Insulted and Threatened | as deputy sherifi a for civilization, | LADY I nesday alternatn; These few changes, Jutates he remedy that will cure You. {rm made wt as 1 have not your address Yukon is a Wealthy Land. Sheriff R. J, FEilbeck is shaking hands with his thousand or more old ' friends in Kingston. Having corralled all the criminals' in the Yukon, of which he is the sheriff, he left his son,' J hn Eilbeck, to work out the details to hang such me, as the courts d , and started out from Dawson City, with Mrs. Eilbeck, ! towards the end of | September. He reached Buffalo, s he is preeninently a baseball fan, | he could not resist the temptation to! sce several of the world series at Chi | cago. | Last week he visited his daughter in! Newcastle, and also participated in a family reunion in which fons, sons in-law, and almost "fifty-seven Dther verieties" of relatives met at Sheriff | Eilbeck's old home, and a time was spent. He spent a few days | h's week in Belleville and came on here yesterday. the sheriff is the old "Bob"! same of Dominion Telegraph company days, | [8 and | | Spats for Women in Blue, Red, Fawn, Grey and Black 50c. 75. $1. 1.25. i Overgaiters Best Grades 'n Black and Brown 8 75¢c, $1, 1.25 Leggins Good Quality Black $1. 1.25 1.50 ang : delightful { 54 Leggins for Children in Leather be and Corduroy nd he had enquiries for every pekgon | [8 hom 'he had ever Known. Last night Le was a"guest .at a small bridge par ty at his old chum's, Charles Livings- ton, and, to-day, he was Judge Macauley, of Dawson City, who is a former Bellevillian. ! Sheriff FEilbeck's years rest lightly | about with | | ABERNETHY' S upen him, and this must be due to the | eng days and short nights enjoyed in | 'ha far north. Speaking of the Yukon, he says that | To-Night "The Arcadians" Will be ihe great need, at the present time, is rrospectors. The country is full of | gold. aud only needs discovery. valuable mining properties are in the |{ hands of large corporations chiefly, now, the yield is as great, if not greater, !, than ever before. There are millions | Jf untold wealth still untouched. Daw- «n City is a gqaiet business centre and is managed just as efficiently as Kings- |, tn itself The sheriff notes the passing of many his friends in Kingston, expresses admiration at marked improvements, | and the only thing that troubles him! is ito see some of his old friends look- ing grayer dnd whore dignified than t hen he last met them. But in this roapect the sheriff has nothing on them. He will leave in day or so ', for Ottawa, : ol « a MAY HAVE BEEN DROWNED. ! Capt. Niklassen Cannot be Located-- Searching for the Body. Word has been received in the city that Capt. IL. 'Niklassen, known to many in local marine circles, is miss: ng, and that it'is feared that he has been drowned. Capt. Niklassen is mas- ter of the steattier Dronning Maud, which has been in the Kingston har bor. Tt is fagrpd' 'that be has been drowned in the Windmill Point Basin, at the foot of the Lachine canal. De ceased is a Norwegian, and has no re latives in this colintry. He was about forty-five vears of age. It appears that last Thursday evening, the cap- | tain had supper with a friend, on board a 'vessel cat Windmill Point Basin, and it is believed that in get- | ting off the boat, he lost' his balance and fell into the water. F ELL DOWNST! AIRS. I EYRE Mrs. Mary J. McCammon Broke Her Collar Bone, A distressing accident Thursday morning, to Mrs. Mary J.' McCammon, 333 Queen street. She had | arisen very early and mistook her {way. Instead of entering the bath- { room, sho fell headlong down the back 'stairs, and suffered a fracture of the | collar bone, She was removed to the general hospital, whege she had been only receiitly for other treatment. Mrs, [ McCammon is seventy-eight years of age. i a ------ i For Whom is This Message? J. Reid & Co. undertakers, received a telegram from: Toronte, this morn: | ing addressed to Mrs. James Reid, | {and they are at a loss to know to | {whom it belongs.. The message reads: | "Mrs. Graham is very sick, come at {one e. Jim will answer." The message lis signed by W. J, Graham. occurred, on Mr. Reid | thinks that possibly some one may be {waiting anxiously for the message. He | | has made several inquiries from dil- | {ferent persons bearing the same name, but no one seems to know anything ! {about such people. Mrs. James Reid,' {mother of Reid Bros., has relatives in | "Toronto, but none bearing that name. Death of Inverary Lad. | The funeral of John V. Simpson, the thirteen-year-old son of John Simp- son, Inverary, took place, Thursday (afternoon, from the residence of his father to the Methodist ¢hurch at In- Jerasts where services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bishop. Iluterment was made at Sand Hill cemetery. The de- | ceased, who was a bright boy, had been ill a lovg time. His illness was borne with a great deal of patience, and his carly demise regretted by a large circle of friends. "Frederick Reid, of James Reid & Co., undertakers, Want out and took charge of the fune- ORL. i Court of Revision. assessment appeals was held, on Wed- {off buildings: - I a eos ry m, a Shieh on seven houses; J. HH. : reduced; C. 8. Kirk- patrick, $100 off; Clint property, $100 {off O'Connor rty, $200 off two + S100 off build- "onmell, $500 be Matil- off; Michel Sullivan, $200 Wood, business tax of late Gibson's. The ' gical comedy in three searons who work them on system, and anything in the nature sparkling and that ter duction in every Ly are score, no which pleted a long | ston. | ville. !gregational church not a man, Iman's disobedience, , sinners; | evening at eight o'clock. iworks, Court of revision for' Ontaric ward | ¥ AT THE GRAND, a Feature. a fantastical mu comes to Grand "to-night. Not for many London sent to America of a musical omedy that .is more dainty and de ightiul than "The Arcadians." It is a most captivating composition, = of melody and wholesome mer- iment, exquisitely staged and sung, acted by a company of artists, is as uncommon as it wel The public have welcomed it af of ridiculous fara is a charming pro respect, but its deli maces" the appeal. Thek tuneful numbers in its "The Arcadians," acts, he has is one, a long surfeit "The Arcadians" 10us music twenty-fom and the gayest of its. "popu tunes are of a character which musician will hesitate to enjoy. ar' Blanche Ring. "I'he Yankee Girl," with Blanche Ring as its merry and bright. particu- lar and with the self-same and production Miss Ring has recently run at the New theatre, is to be sup- in com York the stax orting company Herald Square offering at the Grand Opern House for two performances, beginning Saturday matinee, November 5th. This will be Miss Ring's first gppéarance in Ring The supporting company theaded hy Henry Gilfoil, so long feature of the Hoyt farces and more recently a popular headliner in vaude Miss Ring has a group of new songs, all of which prove worthy cessors to the old Ring classics, ------------ Service at Calvary Church. special services at Calvary Con being well at tended. Last evening, Rev. H. D'Arcy Whitmore spoke from Hebrews x, } "Christ Our High Priest." Christ was | God with us, he said, not an ange! not a God, but a God man, But why need 5 man? Christ entered the bondage of the flesh in or- jder to suffer in it. He put on ow nature as a robe of suffering, as a sacrificial attire. God gould not die, but Christ could clothe Himself with the flesh, God could become man in order to be able to die. "By ome many were made by the obedience of one many made righteous." Rev. 1 Ww. will conduct (he service (hi The meet The are are Neal ngs are open to everyone, Died at St. Thomas. The death on Monday, of occurred at St. Thomas William Hall, B.A who graduated at Queen's University last spring, and who, since then, held the position of chief clerk in the office of the divisional engineer in the {Michigan = Central railroad. The de ceased was in his twenty-fourth year. {He had been ill for over two rhonths | His futher, mother, and one survive, sister Austrian named Dabylo Pets employed at the Lehigh cement died Tuesday at Point Aun. Pneumonia was the cause. Deceaped was forty-eight years of age. Baby robes dry cleaned. My Valet Rev. Mr. Elv, pastor of the German Evangelical church at Arnprior, is dend. An huck, Family Gough Syrup Cures Any Cough in Five Hours. NEW PRESCRIPTION HERE. Here is given the oy h prescription known teal world. It is 'a mild Too and this is what a bol needs when suffering with cough nnd cold on the lungs, A cough or cold indicates wisons in the system, causing Inflara- mation and congestion. Nearly a1 cough syrups relieve. but make the trouble worse by their constipating effects This prescription not only relieves quickly, but ts cures any cough that is curable. Get one-half ounce fiuld wild cherry bark. obs ounce compound eskence cardiol and three onnces syrap white Fine compound, Mix in a bottle Take for scule cough or bronchitis twenty drops every half Zour for four hours. Then one-half to one $easpads- ful three or four times daily ghildren jess according to ag A few hours' treatment will cure ana rend tree throat and. lungs of all but conspmp- tives. Cut this out and give It to some friend who may need it to be waved man early death by consu pri ion. effective to the laxative, most ve 'BARGAINS reese » FREER AL 040000000000! 8004080088000 0000 -- SIIB Cassa 2 Fall Fall Overcoat Suit $ FINIIINIIIII III IIIS IIIS INNIS IRIN Your order respectfully solicited. Crawford & Walsh Leading Tailors. Princess & Bagot Sts. FIPIIVIPIIIIIIINI IOV NIIP II II IIIS IIIIIVG IG SACRIFICE SALE SATURDAY MORNING, 8.30 O'CLOCK. At 48c. Each . a on ati ra AAA A i WE OFFER AT SACRIFICE PRICES LADIES' KNITTED UNDERSKIRTS LADIES' FLANNELETTE UNDERSKIRTS LADIES' KIMONAS LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES LADIES' FALL AND WINTER BLOUSES Regular V:l e; 7%c, 90c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 For 48c. Each Owing to the remarkably mild weather wo find cur stocks altogether too heavy, ard are' compelled to make this sacrifice. § ro i mip mg RE A son RA SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Sm -- ALDRON