Covrood Crpator for unlingited 'manifestations oo -- , eho y TABLE APPLES. CDOKING APPLES. J the government calls upon the natin THANKSGIVING DAY. The Canadian government, Christian in ite character and belief, has set apart Monday next for thanksgiving to God for His benebeent providences of, Ake year. As 10yal, thankful Cans dians we should crowd the churches and publicly 'mauilest our gratitude io oir Heavenly Father for loving are, bountiful provision apd usoum- (bered mercies. "But," says ope, "with ff thapicful heart, 1 daily acknowledge my dependence upon Ged for goodness "and. meccy." This is well, but when * to gather iu the houses of worship and' (with one voice acclaim praisk to the, of regard, it iv the duty of every true citizen to do so, Will it be done? i 1t is well to pause for a moment in the busy rush of our ever-multiplying activities and thoughtfully review fall the way the Lord hath led us." In every church some minister will recall the past, will fell of God's borntiful provision, "drawing us closer fo the Divine, and the thrill arousing a song of thanksgiving in our hearts." Sydney Hope, of Bloomfield, Unt., in woek's Guardian, has put into | poetry g fitting tribute of thaghefping | SATURDAY, octonEn 2, 1910. I to nccopt orders without knowing the gh08) raion. why." Coe diet is outlined in the New Ee Herald, which says that the co thal "the big noise has scaied off the an [campaign cash." Appeal is even being ite the disgruntled republicans for Ba id, "and to theénd that the democra: tie candidate for govegnor may win, Sgotes of men who have always con tributed from $50 to $500 for each | i have "this year declined to pe give oa penny." The mew nationalism x, therefore, having a unique' @hperience. It is be ipg forced to direct a 'campaign with- out funds, practically. "Io may be disastrous, but the jon will. be pure. Col. Roosevelt 'wants™ this, but be also wants his man to win.' VOICE OF THE DISSENTERS. A section of the Presbyterian church, tie executive committee of the Pres byterian church, which dissents from the proposed organic 'union pro- gramme, has issued what is called "A Study of the Situation." This com mittee disclaims any desire to raise any grievanse or speak with autho rity for the ghurch as a whole, but it is so convinced that the time is not {will mean the nearest approach io a | Vice-President Sherman and President cut," New Jetiey Rand Indiana form the centre of the line of battle in "the elections on November Sth, and if they should be carried by (he democrats, it political revolution in the United States sinde the great deinocratic cal: lapse in 1894, ---- There has been a coldness between Taft since the fatter sent that letter denouncing the vice-president as a be- trayer of confidence. 1¢ has gone so far that when Mr. Sherman was in Washington, this week, he refused to call at the White House. A happy family, indeed ! "Ontario capservatives mist feel. bu- milisted over the alliance of their party in Quebec with the Bourassaites. The attéek on Sir Wilfrid Laurier down there is that he is too loyal to Great Britain, that he was g traitor to his race in taking part in the South African war and in founding a ngvy, The alliafice is not one that we should imagine a follower of Sir John Mas donald could stomach. The Winnipeg Tribune says a citizen driving within twenty-five miles of Winnipeg, mef six youths, belonging to ripe for church union that it pro jocks a proposal' whick it thinks should invite at once Serious ough eration, To begin with it is assubied' ha ony uniod which leaves out of sc count ang considerable number re presenting any sects or denominations would imperfectly represent Protest: antism in Canada. It, therefore, sug- gates a substitute, a federation, which "while preserving to every church its individuality and history, would rem- ely any evils' that result at home or abroad, from unwise denominational different' families, ranging in years from twelve to eighteen, and not omé could speak or understand a word of the English language. He finally com- municated with them in their native tongue, and ascertained that they had been attending bilingual (*} schools. This is only one illustration, sit a remote one ? Stories Less Than Cent Each. In the fifty-two beues of a year's volume The Youth's Companion prints fully two hundred and fifty stories. The suyoseription price of the paper to Canada is but $82.00, so that the stor- ws cost less than a ent apiece, with- midt, DRS. SOPER & WHITE 25 Toronto Street, Toronte, Ont. LADIES' WEAR On Instalment Plan Ladies' Sulta, latest New Yhrk styles just received, im Green, Grag Hue, ote Prices, $12.50 to Large consignment of Ladies Skirts jas arrived, all prices, Som 43. 50 to $1.50; also Ladies' Throw uffs at reduced prices. Large assortment of Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suls Odd Pairs Tot Pants, $1.60 to $2.50; also Boots and Shoes, ete. Everything 2 cent. cheaper than elsewhere, and all sold on the weekly payment plan, Jos. B. Abramson, 4 COLBORNE STReny. BLOODLESS SURGERY POSSIBLE BY NEWLY DISCOVER- ED METHOD, Berlin Savant Employs Distinct Modification of Ordinary High Frequency Electricity. Berlin, Oct. 29.--Dr. F. Nagelsch- of Berlin, has just demonstra Specials WE CAPTURE THE TRADE-WITH OUR VALUES. Sn | seat and concentrate the united frotestant opinion of Canada upon the great social and moral questions tad before the Rlectro-Thevapeutic sec tion of the Royal Society of Medicine his discovery of a method of perform: out techoning in all the rost of the contents, Anecdotes, imimorons shotch- on, the doctor's weally 'article, papers 2 w MALAGA GRAPES. © TABLE RAISINS. to the Rahs How rich r in frat p rain To nou ell the ie bo part ORANGES AND NUTS. FLOUR $2.50 to $3.00 Per Owt. POTATOES 80c¢ Per Bag. S. T. KIRK'S er = Asselstine's Yarns. © ji " Nor fal ie soft showers, nor noonday est, That drew a harvest from the heart The cruel ward that broke our pride, The Death that brought the Hving The Nap Ungt withered in its blobm-- ere whose harvest crowned the year, Fok Shean; the tenia, the losa, the pain, © wiihe word of prayer or Beajse? mie ire that' buried the dross away nd made swowt Jneenge of our days? Vos flowers, triedlls and Sun:1it dir, A rew our meed of rane I for gain; | Bu ¥ Yaner is the Voir end Tow Delt hee Tor the God, we thal pain-- "The pain tht made wus love Thug drew us {rom the wapid's em- That adv us one with thos who Aug Nae Pach form' ¥ image tree." CPHE JUDGES AND ASATION. 5 Fhe high court "have notified | the Toronto court of 'revision. thal "hair salaries, being paid by the do- minion government, are not taxable, and that they! propose ' to sppeal against the nssossment of the same, Ander the Asvesyment Act of On: Then Mixtery, must vole dpon Why i éncape, ny spout ery! salary be | op from' the 'leyy any ore than' jg or vomplete success 7 If not can fury of the city 'or provincial, of- | Hn araadun Hj t it al t in § i "eh. (tine, it Was Rd ta provinsial orate had go wir 10 1s fipon the income a obit of the dominion gaverp: ot dp oy This eid t sion was na in J8T8, and #t is declarsd that ; Nes. never up 6 (he prestnt time "has an A "stone EET heen made: to paves a judge's' | it in . Fullerton, K. a Ts hon peg: Py sine Brigid Ah of New bi Xb .. tion for governor, thiy hips, been alfeady tried in Canada te ode the bridegroom a puppy?' power UpaR is ------ of the day The a t. of the pamphlet is that the wilon committes has not offered A fe idence«to show that a new denomination would be more effective ati the three negotiating churches federated so as to work harmonious ly. - The federation sa recommended tnd approved by the dissénters means | the definite agreement of eertain de nominations so that there will be a jerfect understanding © between en them as: fo the manper in which church ex tension may "he carried on. Finally there is a protest ji" the usual - em- phatic language, against" 'the way in which. some sections « opr shurch ure trying to force the redt age or- 0 is the priving; of course, of afiy chufeh body in the minicrity té dinsent from fhe action of the major- ty, ut the qusslion arises; What godd [hirpose is to be nocotaplished by 'an | appeal tothe people and to many who! are not direetly intereste? in the snbject,? Lach church, in each pres, wilbject abd it is assumed that the wilt 'of the militia Samp on populdr topics by famous nen and women, Although the two hundrad and fifty stories cost so little, they are got chegp stories. In variety of seeme. di versity of imeident, skill and truth iy charactérdepicting, they cannot be exoelled The announcement for 1911, beauti- fully illastratell, giving rove detailed particulars of these stories and other new featnves which greatly enlarge the raper, wilk be sant to any address in Canady free with snmple copies of cur- rend issues, Every naw: Canadian subseriber wp cvives free The Companion's Art Cal wndar for 191), dithogranhed in tweive don' apd gold, and if the subscrip- n = received at ance, 'all the issees ing weeks of 1910, je re Companion, 144 Berk- dey es ; Masa, 5 ! "ool. Hughes Criticism. | Cabadiad Cottier ) Cel, Sam. Hughes was in connate at Kingston last both officers and ne "Breaking course of i t so long as they showed intelligence. he was not economical of One major, hough, got on the col 's merve; | and Brigadier Hughes t be until there has been an tds "of all the fats. Fed- cration--or af understanding » Has it been an en- al {inited extent. it Be considers] a fair substitute for jad union 7. . -------------------------- EDITORIAL NOTES. A New York woman had two train dogs for bridesmaids at her wed The question natucally arises, ° ue * Crippn wah the - fiewt. prisoner in Fagl#hid to' give evidence in his own 1whall under the new law. Ht is Hkely ie -itjurod his cose. he Erion of South South. Alrica' i is going 'he said. net's alld him down good and plenty. Fin- ay the 'masw's commanding officor in Racbetiod for him with the. brigadier. "You're pretty hard on him, =i," "Yet he's a decent follow." "Decent !"* ronred Sam. 'He may be ecent. What I want is sense, Did you ee how he mixed ap that wheeling ovement to-day 7 er nl pretty bad, I'll acknow- "Bad ! one 1" hawled Col: San. That fellow hagn't sense enough to know Dow to wheal around in a swivel hair Transaction Followed, New York Times Vera (eight = years old)--What does ransatiantic mean, mother ? Mother--Aerose the Atlantic, ours; but yet piusin't bothdr me. Veen--Does "trans" aleays mean cross ¥ Nother-<1 Suppose it does. Naw, if 'ot dnfi't s*ob Batliering we with your of to 'pay Canada 'the vompliment of tak-: ing as an exathple for. its mint the act pane by our parlisment in 1901. By a mnjority of 24,000 votes Swit- BR. arland bas rejected the proposal to adopt proportional veting. in the elec: tions to the national council. A good wad had hoped . that it would be Adopted, so that jt might tbe tried in avoruble circumtayess. > 3 a is now a il t. Mayor Gaynor for: sug "The spondor is gp) awn, N.Y. Times, but Witationa, 1 send yon right to I Vera a few minutes' silence) prs Jahr lew mi mean a cross hoon 7 ¢ An Interesting Recital A picital Oc Miss Mong Kpight and iss Muriel King will take plage, 'on! © Int, at Convention Hall, ot 8.13 . Plan at Uglow's. Tickets, Ge; Campbell Bros, 82 and $2.50 derbies are just right. J HE an pu he Feasts & Guarantes Company, ding blood by quency nidt's ing surgionl operations without shed employing 'a distinct ordinary high fre- electricity. Tn Dr. Nagelseh- apparatus, which gives a greater current than the high frequency apparatus, but with - a lower genera- tor to electrodes placed on each side of the part to be operated on, and on the application of the current the flow of blood in the region between the electrodes is stopped by the coagula- tion of the albumen in the blood and tissue, The area of coagulation can be. widened or narrowed by using broader or narrower electrodes. Hr. Nagelschmidt believes the method will he particularly useful in dealing with surface cancers, especially the type callod "en 'euirasse." He has successfully operated on threo or four cancers, snd has also vomoved tonsils without loss of blood. "Yhere is; however, ditheulty and, except in very skilled hands, danger in the opétation, becouse there is come risk of the blood coagulating in the large veins in the area between the electrodes, Ul forming clots, This difficulty is met by the application of vaseline ointment, containing two per cent; of pyrogallic acid, which retards the otherwise toa rapid healing, the restilt of which would 'mot only mean the encouragement of clotting, but the creation of redundant proud flesh and ugly scarring. Jf this is properly guarded against, the method is de- clared to be ah enormous advance 'on any existing as obviating shock from Joss of blood. modification of large Kisses From Sarah. Saturday Evening Post. Sam Pavis, the Nevada journalist, brother of Bob Davis, the inventor of wooden bait for bass and also editor of a flock of Mr. Munsey's mags: vines, j&¢ u great friend of Sarah Bern hardt. One time when the immortal Sarah wns in Nevada, where Sam lives and edits the Carson Appeal, she stopped over to see Sam. As vhe was leaving «he threw her arms around Sam's nec and kissed him. "Phat," said the divine Sarsh, 9 for the Carson Appeal." ' She kisséd him again, "That is for the San Francisco aminer."' She kissed him a thied time "That is for yourself." "There's wn lot of small through the state | represent us the Examiner," said Sam, am sure they woukl all like from you." . Ex- paper nn we! "and 1] 10 hem A Point of Resemblance, Washington Post, There's an old darby barber down { (in the House shop that has a gift of 3 'blarney that would put Bourke Cock- ran (0 the blush. One of the new prensa oh blew into the barbs He looked gu little frowsy, rnd Ye opi assume tha! he had dined tly, on_the blurpey to is a heavily and slept } tar; at once. ish gressmian, sin't yo' " he vk am," was the reply. ' Why do you oA jeu" couldn't. mistake it. 1 knows a slatesman when 1 sees one. You me of mah ole fren' Senator Thirman, of Ohio, jes' as soon as yo' set dows in mak chair." Do you need a new Overecat, opportunity ! Jn opder to make Overdoats we have decided to offer Saturday latest Staglold Collars, mado fi om Wales Cords in Browns stores at $18.00, 84.00 RIBBY'S PRICE SATURDAY AT _BIBBY'S.. . New Double Breaste sd College brics, new shades of fireyw, i. $13.50 qualities. BIBY" SONS FOR SATURDAY HORCEO CONST ROSOHOROHOHOON BO Saturday Specials in Overcoats Saturday the richest of colorings of Browns, and Chevys, and $22.00, Style Ulster, owns, GEOFFREY OHARA, 'ho will sing at Thanksgivizg Servi e in St. Andrew's Church, Monday Pve ing, Sir? Here's a glorious Overcoat a record sales day for some exceptional values. CHOHORORCEO $15 morning we 'offer' 50 Men's Swell Overcoats, with the Fine Scotch Wool Cheviota, in _Girgenn, Greys, and the smart These Cobts are sold in most « $15.00 New Speedday Overcoats $000 @ in newest style of fa Greens, ete. ~ Regular $12.50 and . $10.00 The H.D.Bibby Co The Be Biore With Little w. DOOL ROCCE TENOR, OF NEW YORK, Cause for Alarm, Cincinnati Times Siar The vremar resdmblanes of Vie x Merbert and Witham Lockeye bins die been the sulijert of comment t also happens that both gentlemen cmsess decided opiniors, are bot ad «ue bo miving then and rigudly we Lo yield nn point taken in ent. The other day the Lud ng on the pavement in wont of ae Lambe' clab, Joadly discassding KE wae matier of hethotunte varither member of the 1.4 it, Loked &F them and i Eto the clubs mtefior. Ii won one aad eadledd up ror arg Tere spn retreat tuldoon, the rest ewe mab. "ome gol me, Billy," gard he E ord ou rest; | know Tve been hitting i o Iataly, 'nt 1 dide't think § Bot bad. What's the mptder ° Ww Jost saw Vietor Herbert star rout of hive quarreling with # _ A ------------------) Selling the Beok. London Chronicle fn: Awierich sthe bool trade hes a pleasant way of bucking up He ules Ihe St. Louie World's Fair, publisiel sight volumes of, scientific report a most scholarly prodoction. Twents dollars, twelve dollars--and thon the fast two thousnod were sold ta a small publishing fine at warte paper prices. Put the firm took 5 chesp book of pictures, seattered the photo graphs carelessly a node figure with crescent in her hair as ~tlustention of a serious artivle on { ain -ared wold the éeht vobunes, Innotifaily bound, at & hundred and Hity dollars on subseription. A Realistic Picture, Bastion Herald 2 friend of the sditor of one of « thé evening yellow new % in New York Sippend toe editorial routs soon after Magor Gaynor ot "Pid vou get. a8 pictire of i? "a the wditor. we He eiinh A the editor, we he pictore 7 "repeated Nuightenidg ap and pats 4 should