- . YRAR 77<NO, 251 RUSSELL REA Was Elected For South Shields, Eng. HE IS A LIBERAL AND HELD A SEAT IN PARLIA- 4 MENT BEFORE. 1910. ---- MANY OFFERS |Are Made to Marry Ethel Le Neve. SIXTEEN PROPOSE CRIPPEN, TOO, SENT HIS LOVE TO HER a KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, USED RUBBER == KILLED WHEN LINE BROKE. Man Has Skull Fractured Stopping! Wasthe Material in Win- ning Balloons. STLOUIS AERO CLUB Fargo, N.D., Oct. 22-8, 8. Has-{ FOR THE SENSATION. LAST EDITION --- WEATHER PROBACILITIES. Toronto, Ont OBL, 28 moi. tawa Valiey and Upper St. Ben de West to north.west winds: unsettled and cold to-day and Saturday ght local rain or snow Here's the Best Coat Bargain of the Year: * 4 9 WAR TO THE KNIFE CAUSED Against Special Privilege Abuses in Portugal. Lishon, Oct, 2W.~Jose Relvas, min ister of finance, in an interview, de: clared that he was appalled at the corruption of the old regime, which his investigation is revealing. For the future, he said, it would be war to the knife against special privilege abuses. It wns almost unnecessary to say that all the old government em- ployees would be dismissed. The king's civil list of $500,000, the minister added, would be replaced by a modest. presidential salary. Taxes on necessities would be reduced and those on luxuries increased. The rich er classes, who hitherto have been evading taxes, will be closely watched. In conclusion Sedor Relvas express od the opinion that the separation of the church and state would be accom- plished within a month, TRIED TO ESCAPE FROM ASYLUM IN BALLOON-- ATTEMPT BY DARING INMATE. Held a Good Reputa- tion, Niagara Falls, Ont., Oct. 2%. The ar- rest of Luther Baker, as being the man who shot Mrs. Maude Washing ton, a week ago, has created a great sensation herve. Buker, who is a well: known carpenter, has a wife and two children, and, shitherto, has been look: ed upon as a man of integrity and good character. The woman was a tenant of his. Some time ago, and as a result of trouble with her, ahout the non-payment of rent, Buker was compelled to eject her from the house. Buker strongly declares his mnocence and claims he oan prove his where nbouts the evening of the crime. Chief Mains and Officer Hay, who took the woman's statement will not say fur ther than that the woman declared Buker was her assailant. REACHED MONTREAL HAWLEY AND POST, THE FAM. OUS AERONAUTS. Buker Has brook, of Page, N.D., was instantly | killed while endeavoring to save his} wife and children from being hurt 'in a runaway. Une of the lines broke, and be was hurled 10 the pavement, fracturing his skull. Mr. Hasxbrook and family had been driving. They re- turned home, and Hasbrook went in- side to light the lamp. He heard commotion oktside, and rushed out to fimd the team starting to run. He managed to grasp the lines. WILL MAKE A BID NEXT RACE. An Expedition to Rescue the America l.--New ork Will Give a Big Time to the Aeronauts Who Won First Place in the Race, 8t. Louis, Mo., Oct. 28. --~Elated by Capt. Alan R. Hawley and Augustus Post. winning the international bal- loon race, the governors of the Eero Club, of St. Louis, have decided io bid for the next race. Lewis Spindler; now in Canada, has been advised to organize, if possible, an expedition to rescue the balloon America IH. Rubber gas bags were victorious over the Was in Vain. cambric in the race. America II, Bn Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 28. --An original midort Lau rae the cading jlers of marriage. These offers, all of ! way of escape was attempted Sunday |' : which are signed and unguestionably ht oper] 1900 until the hy a patient at the Pennsylvania A Suitable Welcome. bianuine. Hiteate the: ada: elon wy petal Hoss Jhon he. was state insave asylam, in Dismont, a New Yozke Oct, 2iiicers of the notorierty upon comparatively degene- He is the suburb. who endeavored to fi way ¥ , i founder and senior partner ; : hating Aero (lub of America are arranging Wi, W er minds, offered p © of the from the institution in a balloon Miss le XN : a Le pve has als firm of R. & J. H, Rea, shipowners which had required the nights of many [for a suitable welcome to Capt. Haw- 81 "00 ye Faw ah o oon, i he and merchants. wo ley and Augustus Post, who won the : hi i aE months to make from pieces of silk } 3 ife wi 'rippen. Thi same "had fiched gradupy fo he teil international balloon race with Ame ile with & rippe n, Xia offer fate {ou > A Toronto Criminal. s rica IL. The celebration is to be the . lon paper, but s is holding London, Oct, 28~«Jacob Farris, thop. \ TW ut for move p Henri Dupre, an aeronaut, who had [greatest thing in aeronautic circles She aid, he never had been alias Smellie, a native of Toronto, been injured hy falling from a balloon [New York has ever seen. Plans are : was charged at the Guild Hall, yes- several years ago, and later became under way for a big banquet next Photographed, and that mone of the terday with stealing 7880 pearls valued insane, since his imearéeration had By His Counsel, With Whom He Chatted as to His Chance of Ap- peal--No Pictures are Like the Girl=Offers to go on Stage and Write for the Press, London, Oét. 25. --Since her acquittal on the charge of being an acgessory after the fact 10 the murder of Mrs. Crippen, Ethel Le Neve has been in the country; under the protection of !Arthur Newton, Dr. Crippen's counsel, Newton has been swamped with offers for Miss Le Neve's services from music halls, beauty doctors and others, } He has received for her sixteen of He Went Under at the Last General Election--He Now Succeeds Sir WW. 8. Hobson, the New Attorney General-~Conntess as a Monk--- Babies Born Drunk. Rondon, Oct. 28-Russell Rea, lib- eral, was clocterl al the bye-electiof in Shields, over R. E. L. Vaug hati Willing, by a majority of 5, O19. The vote was: Rea, 7,929; Will inme, 4,910, Bauth Shicide 3 tion in th Shiel was eral by the eleva- tion to the bench ot Sie ..s Rob- son, attorney-general, riding has been strongly Sexal for many years, Mr, Rea, pew i member, sat for Gloucester Caracul Coats New models made of Black Caracal, 84 inches Jong, semi-fit tiny models, trimmed with black silk braid and buttons, well lined throughout. These Coats Joseph Gauthier, a Waiter, Secured as a Witness in the Michaud In- quest Case~~Arrested Him to be Sure of His Presence. Montreal, Oct! Meswrs. Hawley and Post, the famous aeronauts of th America 11, record-breaking trip, from St. Louis to Northern Quebec, mivived in this city from Quebec, this morning and left at ten o'clock for New York where they will arrive this evening During their short stay here they were entertained at breakfast hy the cers of the Auto and Aero Club, of Canada at the Place Viger hotel. The two aeronauts were none the worse for their thrilling adventures, the details of which are now well-known. Nr, Post has numerous friends here, hav ing been here three years ago the Glidden motoring party. Before leaving Canada, Messrs. Haw- Jey and Post sent telegrams to Six Wilfrid Laurier, Sir James Whitney and Sir Lomer Gouin, thanking them for the steps which they had caused to be instituted looking to the rescue and succor of the balloonists at a time they were thought to be in dan ger of perishing in the uaknown re gions of Canada. Manufactured Gas Bag Out of Scraps of Silk From Tailor Shop---Ascent aw are snld in large centres at B17 each. They are hora for you at $12 ofh- M. WRIGHT, President Stratford Y. MCA Hard on the Printers. r Heged bDicture > " ht © th avaors whe alleged pictures of her that have been in the hospital. : f Washington, Oct. 28.--Tuberculosia at J. the property of F. C. Caesar, worked as a nurse are competing at Helmont Park, and, published were genuine, She certainly Holos Viaduct Harris was recent- Sunday he had begged off from at- if Hawley and Post are able 10 reach Joka Yory litte Se any of her pub- ly convicted, at Bieningham. He was tending church, saying he was feeling |New York by that time, they will be [caused 51.50 per cent. of the deuth® = oo Pictures. She is slender, with remanded ip order that he might ill. When every one else was at the the guests of honor and the heroes ol | nmong printers, lithographers and small nose, little eyebrows, a receding cure lebral mid. church services the man (Dupre) took the occasion. pressmen among fifty-five per cent. of chin, eather dark eyes and a shy, re SESS Se Se sass ST re DRTTOOR. Team 16 lading Pras Ea e-- the estimated population. of the. Ling JHE almost i manner. Rabies Born Drunk. to the roof of the hospital. A Universal License; tet States in 1900, according to al Eigen . gr will es: pe ot BRA doctor, "speak- | 'He connected a gas pipe with the |, Paris, Oct. 28.~The sixth annual [Census bureau bulletin issued. The a a rN Cri Newton hud "Band of Hope gathering at balloon and filled it. Dupre hung to a |jonference of the International Aero- White Plague's" mortality among TO a ied pan in Pen. ings 2 a . i to -thesinfluence - of trapeze made of a broomstick, and |fautie Federation was opened, vester- prison, yesterday. Afterwards As he day. The conference voted to suppress farmers between the ages of tweniy- } id; v ' swith a razor cut the guy ropes. five and thirty-four years of age was, "Md: omen inebriates upon their children, wa i . "Crippen vehemently pr i viquite omtly he said, "1 was had hoped, the rose easily. A | po international calendar and allow | Pr wmently protested his each country to arrange its own meet Frec h:Neckwear with ; For by us eréations ladies--imported direct nn Paris--the daintiest ou'd wish to soe, from we . Ibe * %* » New Spanish Scarfs Black with ilver Priced from . to de. silver, and white with 6.2 per cent. for the same period. : F | innocence and asked me to.lodge an the very latest novelty, uard in the instituti te Ehard in yard the institution appeal against the verdict on the told of the case of a female iebria who had had nineteen children, whom femetens had died, and her ho band d Some thenewly born babies a very strongly 'of ram. The ve living Ghildren were born before she became so 'ed. He was sifting on his broomstick Dr. Saleeby has told "a that ig and waving at the crowd below. "Ha, fi g sums « ha pd York, he attended the of ave the first alarm, which broke up i the churcly , vorvices. Several guards had aimed repeating rifles at the hal loonist. : x Probably one hundred feel wp --and almost stationary, Dupre was saspend- : on't you catch me *" he a minute the erude balloon slow- ly spun around, never beyond the walls. tliat of he, institution i ! ' marveled at the stra air, which London, Out. 3A S€ Petersburg was of many colors. It was about fil- bt states that pn womaR teen feet in diameter aud very ragged beauty, the Countess Kimin-' 4¢ the seams. Just been mrested after pass' Finally the head guard went to the the hospital rool. "Let the air out of that ' of Selowestsk, she and come down or we'll shoot I" he mn as. Brother Arsene. The cried. Dupre was becoming flustered is now about forty ut his failure to soar higher. In about yours of age, was the heroine of a three minutes the balloon was much much-disctissed love affair, the Morn- lower. It was dropping slowly. When ing Leader states. A dwel fought be- the balloon reached the ground tween hor lover and her husband end- guards seized' Dupre and hurried him ed fatally for the latter, and el a cell, TEE STAND ACCUSED Solowestsk. The countess, to' bear the separa. C.N.R. BLAMED FOR THE FIRES IN MINNESO.A. wan colintess, who tion, , and to be near her lover, gained access to the convent, and lived there unsuspected during all the eightegn years. ----------------------------. OLD POSTMASTER DEAD. Found ou' Poor With K Right Prosecutions Pending Against ' - Guard. Pag Keeping : Railway for Combustible Ma- N.B, Oct. 28.--Post-| terials on Right of Way. master Lauchlan McLean, Oromoeto, | St. Paul, Minn, Oct. 38.--~The Cana: found dead 'on the floor of the Boat. office with his faithfuldog keep- sible for the five that destroyed Beau watch, The was seventy. dette, in a report made to General C two vears old. He had been postmas- C. Andrews, formerly commissioner, hy ter of Oromocto dor hetween thirty. George Chapin, of St. Paul, and Frank Curtis, of Roosevelt. The report says there is sufficient evidence to show that the fire was started by the railway on the Cana- hian side during the latter part of July. It worked south to the north branch of the Beaudette river, and north te Rainy river; covering about 'eight square miles. It burned up to the west side of the town of Beau dette, and lay smouldering until Octo: ber 2ud, when it was fanned by a tor wind and led to disaster. About same time was set on the ight-of-way just east of Winter Road 'viver, This fire worked east three miles, and about two miles back on ench side of the track, where it con- fire which was started he Beandette side of the river. o prosecutions against 1 allowing combustible ma- the right-of-way are now the district court of Bel: - nge. opie principle. of a universal pilot's license avering aeroplanes and spherial dirigible balloons good in all coun- tries. ! I'm flying away, monsielirs; why i : au d ' : The Very Latest Culled From for shoute. Over the World. ; or DUIS. MCL L pings haioved 4 MAG ok sandals, was done to the jputh Africa monument, 'silure and Canada ean find a et there for potatoes. Be victurious neronauts. tempting to incite the soldiers the different barracks to revoit. fie Arrow was wrecked near St. John. Honorable Artillery of Massachusetts. he Toronto d tives, said he was not quitting lic life. idges, from teal, was seized at Ottawa and ton- Queen's on Saturday, has not yet been icked. » play again this season. Nas dian Northern railway is held respon | topping him forty feet. 4 still in a eritical condition. wnvent when a gasollue tank explod- nerd n Kerwnod and Arkona, instantly ki Mack), man ion was married Miss FLEf eT The conference also adopted the A BIG COLLECTION ANIMALS MAJESTY and GIFT OF TO PITH OF THE NEWS. ---- =King George Has Approved the Scheme, and Collection Will be ' Cot Hxhibited at Boo. Taronto Aa marking the corenation: year it is in- tended to form a collection of wild animals of South Africa; with a view to presenting them to the king. His majesty has approved the scheme, and has announced that he will The German potato crop has been a moog New York is preparing to give al reat welcome to Hawley and Post, Spanish socialists are said to be Zoological Society, next summer. In- fluential committees have been formed to make arrangements in Cape Colony, Natal, the Orange Free State province, the Transvaal and Rhodesia, and the respective governments are providing facilities for the transport and bhous- ing of the animals. In response to a Seven fishermen lost their lives when Newfoundland schooner Golden King George has been made an hon- rary member of the Ancient and request from Lord Smuts, Major Ste- who was formerly the' Transvaal, has been dispatched by the Zoological So- ciety. in order to advise art assist, Major Hamilton is now in South Af rica and a first eousignment of the collection has already arrived in Lon- don, and is on exhibition at the Zoo- logical gardens. It consists of a pair of giant bust- ards (Eupodotis kori), the Gom Paanw of the Dutch colonists, the largest and rarest of living bustards; a Stanley crane (Anthropoides paradisea), and a black-crested hirrier eagle (Circae- tus pectoralis), new to the London collection. These were presented by Dr. Lowis Peringuey, director of the South African museum, and secretary to the Cape committee, and were con- veyed to England free of charge by the kindness of the Union-Castle line. It is not expected that the bulk of the collection will be ready for inspection by the Duke of Connaught on his ap- proaching visit, but will be brought to the Zoological gardens in the spring of 1911, and exhibited throughout the summer as the king's South African collection. DUKE OF SUTHERLAND. A Ready-Made Farm Alberta. George E. Foster, addressing | Fourth Ward econserva- Gladstone and Mr. pub- |Venson Hamilton, game warden in Hon, part- A shipment of eight hundred Mon- Chalk River to seated. McGill senior rugby team to meet Matheson will be unable to Muga _Manstral, shaft constructor, illed at the Marathon Mine, halt, Ont., when a ladder broke, for Washington, at Nia The woman Martin Buker has been arrested hooting Mrs. ara Falls, a week ago. The mother superior, two nyns, and he janitor were badly burned in res ging the children in the Sherbrooke d, While cleaning his revolver at New Wunewick, NJ. I. R. Fosbrooke, for- manager of the Farmers' Bank Ont., was McGillicuddy (President of the world's champ- team, Philadelphia, Thursday morning to Katherine Hallohan. The man James Randall, New Lis i, lost from a hunting party near hm, Ont., has not yet been Cornelius Cal ceived from the Duke of Sutherland, London, requests the colonization de- patment of the CPR. to proceed {with the preparations of his graces ready- farm colony at Brooks, in the eastern section of the irrigation block. The duke is rchasing 0 acm: nearly all of which is irrigable land. This will be divided fey Sixvn farms wh eighty acres each, In centre grace to erect a home for himsell Fifteen men are scouring the He has been in the bush with- i g iwo or three weeks each summer: "The duke proposes to scad out occupants these farms married of of his principal tenants. Dead Prom Football Fajuries. sons of Duluth, Minn, acti Comell' freshmen f at the Cornell I PE. team, died exhibit | the collection m London, through the | ¥ } } HI8 mains found in the cellar at Hilldrop To Mark the Year of the Coronation Warder on each side, behind the bars. We pam ir London, Oct. 3.~As one means of "an independent tribunal { He never fully recovered from the of { jn The police have taken into enstody Joseph Gauthier, the waiter at the St. Paul roadhouse, who served with Cecile Michaud, the girl who disappeared in August last, and whose body wae only found a few days ago in a Westmount vacant He was very cheerful and discussed the {lot. The inquest will be resumed this He od appeal with equanimity, afternoon, and the authorities th judge wos prejudiced | Gauthier ean throw some light on the him, and feels' confident thmt fatate of affairs when ¢ will acquit [last seen, and to make sure that he would be on hand they arrested him DYNAMITE POST OFFICE grounds of Chief Justice Alverstone's misdirection to the jury on the ques- tion of the identification of the re {Cote v the party Crescent. "1 interviewed Crippen, who had him. "He told me he was delighted to hear the result of Migs Le Neva's trial, and askéd me to convey a message of love to her when 1 see her." And Got Away With Stamps and Cash. Essex, Ont., Oct. 23.-~Some time luring last night the powt office here vas broken i12o and the din nited. Tha robbers secured about $100 n cash aml over S300 in stamps and toveral registered letters. An iron oar me found in the building Jelongint: o the M.C.R. section, near hy, which wilding was found broken into this worning. The officers are mvertigat ing. FACULTY ORDERS AT THE LATE JAMES DICKSON. He Died From Effects of Bad Burn. ing. James Dickson, Bagot street, passed away, on Thursday night, in the Ho: tel Dieu, after an illness of about nine weeks from the effects of a burn he received Labor Day. Mr. Dickson was sitting reading in his room with a lamp beside him on the table. He never knew exactly how the accident happened but supposed that he fell asleep and tipped the lamp over. He was horribly burned about the head nnd neck, especially about the neck COEDS UNIVERSITY. CALL BETW fects of the terrible burning which SYRACUS ultimately caused his death. The late. James Dickson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, sixty-nine years ago, and came to. this country when but a young man with his pa- rents. He lived in Kingston for the past forty years and for a numCer of years was employed as a blacksmith the locomotive works. Deceased was a Baptist in religion and 'an at- tendant of the First Baptist church, He was a liberal in politics but real ly voted for the man he thought wns best qualified to fill the position, He was a veteran of the Indian mutiny, having served with the Gordon High- landers in the uprising. About twen- ty-eight years ago he was connected with the 14th P.W.O.R., being a cor poral for some time. He was a jo- vial man, well liked and n ed by all those who knew him and was regarded as an honest and upright New Rules Relative to Social Fane. tions Prescribed by the Faculty-- Disobedience Means Dismissal, Syracuse, N.Y., Oct. 25. ~The faculty of Syracuse University, made new regulations concerning calls between the co-eds attending the insti tation and their male friends. Certain evenings of the week are prescribed upon which the girls may entertain and their callers must depart by ten o'clock. The girls are allowed to at tend only dances given by the univer sity societies, and the penalty is dis missal for attending other dancing parties. vestarday, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. Colony in| loss, Frederick, St. Catharines; John, ry, Oct. 22. --A cablegram re- | workman where he"was employed. Besides his widow he leaves four sons and two daught +6 mourn: his Heavy snow storm at Jamestown, N.Y., four inches deep. Shipping tied up about Lake Erie owing to gales. Protestants in Eagland urging got anment to shut out Portuguese igious orders from settling there. Munitions of war are being concen irated in Brownsville and other Texus towns near the frontier by Mexican revolutionists. Arrangements under wav at Perth to hang Rufus Wesdmark, of Smith's Falis. He still maintains the appear ance of indifference which he has dis played ever since the murder, | New York: George and David, King- iston; Mrs. Joseph Titley, Boston, and Miss Jean, at home. Queen's Alumni Association: Queen's Theological Alumni associa- tion held a business meeting or Fri: day morning, and elected these offi jeers : President, Rev, D. Strachan, M.A, Toronto; vice-president , Rev. Ernest Thomas, Merrickville; secretary, Rev. H. T. Wallace, B.D.. Kingston; treasurer, Rev. J. D. Boyd, BA. re where he and the duchess may reside | as | Thaea, N.Y, Oct. 38.-L. B, Pavne, | She is captain of the jas been might 'superin infirmary, Jast: night, internal, received Kingston. The conference sessions A rtmen Of Sishop have couiided and wry a a _-- napa t house on Bishoy street, Montreal, just approaching completion, was destroyed by fire on Friday morning. The loss is estima ted at 240,000, Col. Roosevelt was fifty-two years old on TI yr and celebrated the occasion in his usual mwhaner by work ing so hard that no one had time to congratulate him unless it was done beapite: she fast th r fact at Mayor Witte ben and Chief of Police Monahan say they have control of the Jer- wy City, NJ, express strike situa- tion Govermor Fortin has directed iad Spanier. oF teens % f troops at =» --------------------------- Table Apples in Baskets. Snows, | Appointed Lady Superintendent. La A er eid. fads oy 1 - intendent of the Galt public hope) in o imington, Del, hospital, and facintmdont o Bt. Luke's py Special at He and Ye * 4% 9» Special Sale Ladies' All Linen Hematitched Hand- kerchiefs WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. * 4% 9 STEACY'S MARWED, VBRIEN~--LITTLE-Iu Kingston, Ont. Oct. 26th, 1910, Miss Man BE Little to Alex. J. O'Brien, both of Kingston DIED, FURNER---At Portimouth, Oct. . 37th, 1910. Clara Annie McKitiley, belov- ed wife of Thos. Turner, aged 2 years, 1 month and 2 days Funeral service at the house, Saturday afternoon, at 2 &'clock Friends and acquaintances invited to attend Pleton and Toronto papers please copy CAMERON---At Portsmouth, on Friday, Opt. 28th, 1910, Catherine MacRes, widow of the late Alexander Cameron, aged §8 years Funeral from the late residehits on Monday October $list, at 2 p.m J. REID, The Undertaker. "Phone B77. Princess trees. JAMES REID ssa ned S00 BH. Nhat ER, Prone 147 far PARLOR SUITE. Two Beteos, Rocker, Arm and Small Chalr, In Birch, Mahogany, und Raw Silk peverings in Dest of condition, $25.00, a1 TURK'S. 'Phones 105 Than!:sgiving AND Hallowe'en New Table x New Table Raising, New Mince Meat, A I. Walnuts, Filberts, Hickory Nuis. Butter Nuts. Finest Select Oysters, Jas. Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCRII Ra Have Declared a Six Per Crit, Dividend. The directors of the Richelion & 1 tario 'Navigation company have decid- ed to raise the dividend on the stock from five lo six per cent, one-half pec cent being declared payable on: Decem- ber lst to shareholders on record No- vember 15th, The company's business of the past sesson, and the exeelient advancement made, was well-known to all the directors and required no fur ther discussion in its bearing on the dividend questiony Hon. E. . B. Garnpau, Cueber, diver tor of the Richelieu company, stated that the company was governed be conservative motives in declaring the additional of one per cent. dividend. "Tix financed," he sssid, "are in exenl lent shape, the pest senscn having been alfogether mere satisfactory i" any previous season," He felt that the future of the company was wow bright table beyond a doubt,