Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1910, p. 2

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I -~ PAGE TWO, . BOOT COIOICIOIBOIPIOIOIITIOTSY Never in the history the stare have we wn such High-Class signs and lower iiss is) Sealskin or Persian Lamb Coat | Now is the tbme' to order. | can give iH P00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 you! vice. Our Stocks of Skins, Linings, ¢te, are complete. We are here to show you, No obligation to buy. 5 3 C0000 ONEC 0000000000000 0OTONTTREES : a : eo R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSE. POOL PPNLRBB0000000 -. PEARS. No. 1 Stock. KEEFER and VICKAR OF WAKEFIELD, Fine for Preserving. D. COUPER'S, 841.3 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, Our Banner Spring fis the best thing made, and when coveréd with an Ostermoer Mattress it Is not equalled at double its price, Our $2.50 Spring has been sold for years and not one ever returned. $ KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE § (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenty-Sixth year. Fall Term ES OR XC orthan ' Ent Service and Our graduates get the tions thin a short time over sixty secured tions with one of the largest railway corporations in Can Enter any time. Call or write for Informa- tion. H. F. METCALFE, Principal h Cots strong enough to sit on for day use and sleep on for night, a fine arrangement, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. All kinds of Sleeping Comforts. Mattresses fine, thick, well made, $2.50, $2.00 up. : CARPETS in AXMINSTER, WIL- TON, BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, all colors. RUGS, all sizes and prices, some beautiful shades and paédterns. LINOLEUM and OILCLOTH. Repair and Upholstering work promptly done, Yours, T.F.HarrisonCo. 'Phone 90. Every Man WANTS A PAIR OF OUR WATER. TIGHT BOOTS, 'Goodyear Welts in Tan and Black. Prices from $3.50 to $5.50. 9 THE HUNTER'S GEM, ANOTHER we SHIPMENT Long Lace, 'R PRICE, $5.30. WALLPAPERS JUST ARRIV- OUR E, $5 ; ED. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. They are Beauties. WEESE & CO Men's $2.00 and $3.00 Boots for $1.50 and $2.50. Grandby Rubbers at Bottom Prices. J. E. JOHNSTON, 70 BROCK STREET. * ------ ----------" ---------------------------- H PARKS& SON, y H Day "Phone 239. Florists | Rin Fone #35. n f Cut Flowers and Plants in" Seren 1 Ww dding and Funeral De- signs a tality shipped to all patsr. 126 King Street. ™R ESTMENY SOCIETY LOAN & INVESTMENT A ehard twilight, MOTE lagged gn CIty und Fara Bo. nsed. Deposi hod orisoNes purchased. sid ©, MeG1L Manat Director. 2 ®7 i han Rt Are You Losing Weight ? PROUSE'S EMULSION COD LIVER OIL Will build up the system and strengthon week lungs. Pint bottles, regular $1.00. OUR PRICE, 50c, PROUSE DRUCGIST KINGSTON, ONT. HAD THEIR MORNING DIP. ¥.M.C.A. Boys at Cataraqui Bridge 2 on Wednesday. This was a very frosty morning, but it did not prevent the members of the |¥. MCA, early morning swimming ! class from taking their usual mornin, Idip off Cataraqui bridge. The ice will | Mrs, Walter Macnee. sisted by Miss Nora Macnee, | Helen Gordon and Miss Madge Daw- Guilight Lan A The much looked for opening Gr Country Clg), was held on Satdbday afternoon. Despite the inclement weather many went over to congratu- late the committee on the success of their efforts. To say that they have been #uccessful is mild praise. On openimsr the front door ove is struck by the cosy appearance and the artistic urra ts of the general sittin; coom. e the color scheme is b| Miss Lee, missionary f Wel rien, and in the dining room beyond, red predominates. Both rooms are furnished with mission ruitute and pretty chintz hangings. To the right of the general room is the men's room where the color scheme is green, and brown, and here the work as in the rest of the clu, is white enamel. Up- stairs is devoted to the ladies' bridge room, dressing room, and lockers. Not the least attractive of the decorations are the gas fixtures in each room - of The club. During the alternoon tea was served, and the tes tahle, which was made very attractive with white and yellow chrysanthemums was presided over by Mrs. D. Norton-Taylor, and They were ase Miss son L 3 J Miss Madelon Carter, West street, entertained at a most enjoyasle bridge on Tuesday afternoon. The first pride was won by Mrs. William Harty and the second 5y Miss Eva Rogers. The ten table was very prettily arranged, with pink carnations. Mrs. William Lesslie poured tea and Mrs. R. C. Carter poured coffee. The floral de- corations in the drawing room were white and yellow chrysanthemums. The players were Mrs, William Harty, Mrs, Halloway Waddell, the Misses Amy McGill, Dorothy Browntield," Grace Hemming, Frances Sullivan, Agnes Browne, Bessie Smythe, Irene Swift, Mildred Jones, Carrie Waldron, Mar- ion Redden, Eva Rogers, Mabel Dal- ton and Nora Gordon, Miss Alice Mammee, Miss Loretta Swift and Miss Lilian Kent dropped in for tea. +» Mrs. D. Norton-Taylor, Wellington street, asked a few of Mrs. William Norton-Taylor's old friends to mwet her, on Tuesday afternoon, at the tea hour. The tea table, which was prettily arranired with yellow chry- santhemums was presiled over i Mrs. A. Z. Palmer and iss Lois Saunders. Miss Constance Cooke cut the ices. They were assisted by thé Misses Lassie Kirkpatrick, Margery Brownfield and Mase Garret. The annual meeting of the Kingston Badniinton Club will be held at the Armouries on Wednesday afternoon, the 2nd of November. The courts will also be open for the commencement of the season's play. + "is + Mes. Samuel Birch, t street, will receive on Friday, for the first time this fall, and will be at home on each Friday during he winter. Mrs. Arthur Craig will receive the first time ince her marriage, Friday and Saturday afternoon, her home on Albert street. + + 9» Miss Lillian Mowat entertained, very informally, at the tea hour, on Tues- day afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Mc Lennan, Toronto. t * + + Miss Olive Boyd, University avenue, was hostess at an informal dance on Saturday evening. + Mr. H. B. R. Craig, Union street, will Thanksgiving with his fath- for on at Parry Sound. Miss Katherine Gordon, Queen's Uni- versity, will be the guest of Mrs. Wal- , Ottawa, for the Thanksgiv- ter Bo ing ho idays. . George Brown, of St. Andrew's church, Campbellford, has spent the past few days with Dr. and Mrs. James Third, Wellington street. Dr. and Mrs. Overton C. Knight, of Narragansett, are spending a few days with Mrs, E. J. B. Pense, "'On-gwa-na- da," en route for Europe. Mrs. L. L. Henderson, Westmount, Que., will arrive, on Thursday, to be the guest of Mrs. 8. Birch, Bagot street, + * . + Dr. George Dalton will be the guest of his mother, Mrs. } | Johnson street, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. William Norton-Taylor, of the Bank of Montreal, Fredericton, N.B., have been transferred tle son, Paul, Toronto, will arrive town, on Thursday, to vi , Weat street. « R. J. Craig, Depot Rathor, , Fredericton, N.B. . reside in future. spend- Het. | Master Reginald Third is leaving the end of the week to visit his grand. mother in Camphellford, { es ¥ * + : i Mrs, Noel Gill, Earl street, and her: small son expect to spend Thanksgiv- ing in Campbeliford. | IN QUALITY EQUAL TO THE Worm Gearing. Drafting-Room Practice. Drill Jigs. Milling Fixtures, First Principles of Theoretical Mechanics ~ Punch and Die Work. Lathe and Planer Work. Working Drawings and DD. Kinks, from Foo, Chow, will be the guest of Miss Mue- | Ine King street, to-morrow. i Mr. J. Almon, Jr., will come up rom Montreal to spend Thanksgiving | in Kingston. | - . Ns.Aintuld Sounders, 4 the Hawk of { Beabics and CE Cam {British North-America, West Toronto, | ctice. {who has been spending the past week | a er of Machine Design. with his miother, Mis. Herbert J. Blanking Dies. | Saunders, Alice street, will leave for! Details of Machine Tool Design. Napanee, on Saturday, where he will iwend a few days before returning | home. R SW mam Gatie a. Spur Gearing. Machine Tool Drives. Strength of Cylinders. Shop Arithmetic for chinist. Use of Formulas in Mechanies. Shirat Gearing. easuring Tools. Calculations of Elements Machine Design. Theory of Crane Design. Examples of Calculating signs, the Ma- N i | Dr. Bonar, master of the royal | mint, Ottawa, is the guest of Dean | and Mrs. Cappon, Barrie street, while in the ty. . * + Mr. Geofiyey O'Hara, Bound Brook, N.J., will arrive in town, on Satur- day, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Craig, Albert street, for a few { Miss Stella Winnett is expected from Whitby College, on Friday, to spend Thanksgiving with Dr. and Mrs. A. Winnett, Bagot street, Mrs} John Nicolle, Union street, is spendifig a few days with her dagh- | r ters at Whitby College, after which tle, Montreal, was the scene of a latge she and her daughters will go on to and fashionable wedding, this after- Toronto, where Mr. Nicolle will join hoot; when Bishop. Milie, of Kingaion, them for Thanksgiving. | marry is piece, Miss Evelyn Stanley | Miss Kate Formers, hursb-ii-training, BARE: to Mr. Huntley Ward, Davids. {Ottawa, came home, on Saturday, to, color scheme of the decorations spend a few days with her father, was pink and white. . R. S. Forneri, Alfred street. ee Hay 3 Fa * & ae. The marriage of Miss Muriel Barwick from ; to Mr. Burton Holland took place in 'I8t. James' cathedral, Toronto, on of BUMS BRI NO re heh Ny EE ROE ETO De- + Miss Kate Smeftie returned 'Gananoque on Monday. by Be Nr ant Nes. "dobs Fairlie, Mon-| Tuesday, October 25th. treal, ate the guests of Rev. and I Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street. Master Kerr Skinner, St. Andrew's College, Toronto, is expetted to ar | SEE "A BEGGAR ARRESTED Thanksgiving with Mrs. Henry Skin-| JACKSON CLAIMS HE 1S VERY ner, West street. SICK MAN. Rev. Daniel Strachan, of Toronto, am ; ) 3 8 the guest of Professor Ross, Alfred Hospital at Toronto Was to Have Mrs. McLennan, who has been the Sent Him to Gravenhurst--Seck- guest of Mrs, . R. Duff, Princess street, left to-day Io Joroute, Tuesday Night--Was Remanded Mrs. E. W. Low and Miss Constance Week by Ye Magistrate, Low, of Ottawa, arrived in town, on! "Just give me half 4 minute to ex- | Saturday, to be the guests of Mr. C. plain, judge. 1 am on the square all {A. Low, Union street. Mrs. Low pe- right. 1 am sick and cannot work. If {turned to Ottawa on Monday, but '1 could, I would be able to get along Miss Low will remain in town for 5 all right." : few weeks. { A short, and rather stout little fel- Mrs. Robert Dewar, of Deseronto, low, bobbed up in the prisoners' dock {spent the week-end with Miss Rell, 'in police court, Wednesday, and made Kockwood hospital. [this plea. His name was given as Miss Leta Carson, Brock street, who , Thomas Jackson, and the charge has been the guest of her uncle, Mr, | against him was that of begging. Con- 0. R. Casey, Syracuse, returned home table Samuel Arniel arrested him late on Tuesday. Tuesday night. . J. Falconer, president of Toron.| The accused said that he would to Univerity, was the guest of Prin. Plead guilty to the charge. He | cipal Gordon while in the city. 'that he had been ill, was not able to +* 4 {work, and that he was trying to Rev- T. Crawford Brown, of Toron- | make some money by welling shoe to, is visiting ®r. and Mrs. E. ck, when he was taken in charge, enham street, for the past week, has marching orders from Ireturned to her home at Brewer's | American hotel, where, it is claimed, Mills. he annoyed some of the guests. Mrs. W. H. Scott, Division street, Continuing his story, Jackson said left, this morning, for Frankford, to that he had been ip the general hos- attend the wedding of Miss Anita | pital, at Toronto, Por two weeks, and Simmons, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. | that the hospital authorities there had Simmons. | decided to send him io Gravenhurst Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, William street, | for treatment, However, through some left, for Toronto, on Tuesday. { mishap; he did not get to Graven- * ee !hurst. Mrs. John McKay, Sr., arrived, on | Constable Arniel told of the accused Tuesday, to spend some time in Kings- tbeing put out of the hotel, and his ton. arrest. When taken to ihe polife sta- Mrs. George: Mahood, Gore, -street, | tioh, he his left, for-Toronto, on Tuesday, to stay pocket. till the end ol. the week. W. Telfer, proprietor of the British- Miss Muriel Robertson, Ottawa, (will American hotel, said that the acoused d the Thanksgiving holidays with had bees in his hotel on two or three rs. R. Uglow, Barrie street. occasions, recently. On ohe occasion Mre. Browett, Ning street, loft, on he had to put him out of the bar. At Monday, to visit in the west, and will 11.30 on Tuesday night, the accused not receive again till after Christmas. was in his hotel, presenting a paper ! Miss Anna Grady left, for Montreal, to his guests, and begging money. He Jon Sunday, after spending a very told him to take a walk, He did not pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. sce any shoe laces in the man's pos- rand Mrs. M. FS, Earl street. session. "But that's /what I do," said t Miss Lillian Miles, Toronto, will 'accused. "I "present the -- on {spend the week-end with Miss Bessie then sell the shoe laces." All the time Smythe, West street. he was telling his story he placed one | Miss Margaret' McLennan, Trafalgar hand to his side, complaining. of © ¢ Institute, . Montreal, will be the pain. He wanted the magistrate to guest of Miss Dorothy Chown, for the summon a doctor, in order that it {Thankagiving holidays. - . might be shown that he was a very ~ Mrs. William Norton-Taylor is stay- gick man. The magistrate, however, ling over for a week or ten gaps with stated that he would remand him for Mrs. BD. No#ton-Taylor, Wellington ' , week, and that he wounld then have street, on het way to Sarnia, from 'a chance to see a doctor. The accus- . a ed admitted having been in all the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Richardson, ed a between Toronto and Kingston. iWho have 'béest visiting in Toronto, | The police will look up his story about have left for Ninnipeg., ¥hare they will being in the hospital in Toronto. + 7 jJackson admitted he had been drink- * 9» ing. The Church of St. James the Apos- | Joseph Valois, a marine man, was ' d of being drunk. He admitted his guilt, and was very sorry. : "1 will quit the drink for good," he told the court. The magistrate pointed out that there was a comfortable place for the sailors to stay, while they were in the city, and that they had no oceasion to be loafing around the hotels. How- ever, he would give the accused a chance. not said ¥. laces. Evidently he carries on his busi. Scott, University avenue. | ness late at nights, as it was 11:30 Mrs. Kelley, who has been visiti 0' . #s. iL. ¥: Murphy, '» Syd dpe after he had been given his b t ritish- had some shoe laces in : ------------------------ { Increasing Y.M.C.A. Membership. The mem'ership campaign which is on at the YMCA. this week for the purpose of brinvio® the roll up to 500, is meeting with great success, notwithstanding the fact that several of the leaders are taking the o% imetractions : THE FINEST BOOK *-18 260 PRINCESS STREET, ing Help From Hotel Guests Late | |i £5 Deep Hole Driliing. 26 Modern Punch and Die Con- struction 7 Locomotive: I» Boller and Cylinde Locomotive Des otion Locomotive Valve Design--3, Smoke- box. Frames and Driving Machnery Locomotive Design--4 Springs, Trucks, Cab and Tender. Serew Thread Tools and Gages Screw Thread Cuttin 33 Systems and Practice of the Drafting-room, 34 Care and epair of Dynamos and Motors. : 35~--Tables and Formula for Shop and Drafting-room. 38 Iron and Steel 37 Bevel Gearing. 38 Grinding and Lapping. 5% Fans Ventilation, and Heating. 0 Fiy-Wheels. 41 Jigs and Fixtures---1, Principles of Design, ete, 42 Jigs and Fixtures--2 Open and Closed Drill Jigs. LEGGETTS | CHOCOLATES 2The Sweetest Story Ever Told." The purest, most fascinating and delicious morsels that have ever delighted your palate. Have you answered the offer in this week's "Saturday's Post?" We will redeem your coupon, Fresh supply just received. Sole Agents. Sce our Windows, MAHOOD'S sro: PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. Big Values In Flannelettes WE HAVE A VERY EX. TENSIVE STOCK ov FLANNELETTES,AND EVERY PIECE is TOF NOTCH VALUE, Plain colors in Pink, Pale Blue, White and Grey, Sc a yard and up. y Fancy Stripes at 9c; 10e, 12 1-2¢, 16c and 20¢ a yard. See our leader at 10¢ a yard, Heavy Cloth, 34 inches wide, fast. colors, neat patterns, in light, medium and dark shades An extra good quality at the price. 10c a Yard. Heavy English Flannelette, double warp, extra strong and durable, dainty colorings, the correct line for Night Robes, Pyjamas, etc, Price, 20c a Yard. A wide range of patterns in Flannelettes for Waists, Kim- onas, Wrappers, ete, Price, 10¢, 12 1-2¢, 13¢ and up, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. Machinery Reference Books for Self Education in Mechanics THE FIRST PRACTICAL MECHANICAL BOOKS OF HIGH GRADE TO RETAIL AT 25¢ PER COPY, MOST EXPENSIVE WORKS, LJST OF TITLES WITH NUMBERS 1 TO eo, 43 Jigs and Fixtures--3. Principles of Bering Jig Design, etc Machine Blacksmithing 43 Drop Forging 48 Hardening and Tempering 41 Eleotrie Overhead Cranes. 48 Piles and Filing. 49 Girdeors for Electric Cranes Principles and sembliag Part 1 51 Principles and Practive sembling Machine Tools Part TI $2 Advanced Shop Arithmetis for the Machinist 53 ofLogarithms arithmic Tables Solution of Triangles--Part 1 Solution of Triangies--Bart 1L ¢ Ball Bearings. Metal Spinning. Helical and Elliptic Springs. Machines, Tools and Methods of Automobile Manufacture Construction and anufacture of Automobiles. 4" Overhead Practice of As- 50 Muchine. Tools of As. Use and Leogar- 60 The College Book Store, RE IN EASTERN ONTARIO, Phone 919 Walking Weather And an excellent companion is one of our Selected WALKING CANES, We have a complete range of welghts, shapes, woods, and prices, with much decora- tion or little as desired SMITH BROS., Jeweia%e. KING sae, Issuers of Marriage Licenses ¥ Of the Best Quality and most up-to- date styles. ' W. F. Gourdier, BROCK STREET. A Desirable Brick Residence on Princess St., frontage 07 feet by 155 feet, Containing ' 11 Bedrooms, Double Drawing-room, Dining-room, Library and Kitchen; combination healing, gas, b. & c., good stable and drive house. The above Property will be offered at one-half its regular value this week. SEE ME AT ONCE. Mullin, S000000000000000000000 Dutch Bulbs Fall Planting For Indoor bloom during the » winter there is nothing lke the Duteh Bulbs. require little care, and by bringing them gradually to the light, may be had until Our imported Bulbs are all ; , Spring. » Bound specimens and of the best * varieties, luding: -- and-Washed Blankets and flannels washed o by hand in our way---our own ® peculiar way--which prevents ® shrinkage. The result is gratifying beyond measure -- white and soft as ermine, fluffy, porous--just like pew. Particular people are using us and they are delighted. MAY WE DELIGHT YOU? Kingston Laundry, (Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sta. Phone 22. P000000000000000000000060000000000000 = |

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