Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Oct 1910, p. 5

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Ssgert=getorssrrtntteng=aneaecss-g Try HUNT S i For a Natty Hat} ¢ The Shirt Collar and Tie Store of the city. Collars in } sizes. THE HONEYMOON SPECIAL IN LEW FIELD'S "MIDNIGHT SONS," "7. AT THE GRAND ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 0TH. 53 BROCK STREET * you're Interested In good Shoes N I 1 Cir--better Bhoes possibly than pe + » a lr you Lave been in the habit of wear- ing we'd like to shew you the new Fall models, and talk Shoes with you We offer nothing in the way of any particular sentiment which will appeal to a Man to buy his hoes here, Ve foulid our plea for your trade rather on the basis of good common sense and good Shoes Every Man wants the best Shoes his money: can buy. It Is against this measureof goodness we put up in our Men's Shoes and offer splendid values at such moderate prices as $3.50, $4.00 and £5. Dox Calf, Gun Metal and Patent Colt. Bluelidr cut, Straight Lace and Button styles ! All toe shapes----some viscolized and some double soles. - All slees and widths, We'll stake our expectation for your patrogage Spo, and It will be a good proposition, Sir, to test them. J. H, SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD ---- OME OF GOOD SHOES. | on - these ship was not yal to the task put upon it, and he had to abandon it. He was fortunate in being able to do so in safety. His experience, like that of Andree. sud Franckel in their effort to vouch. the pole by balloon, will be rather discouraging to those who have thought of voyaging by air across un. inhabited regions, Much has been done in perfecting devices for air naviga tion, 'but much more must be done be fore "transoceanie voyages ean be un- dertaken with a reasonable hope of be- comploted jag Wellman's Ballon Failure, Montreab Gagptie. 3 n has Nigar) in eon' h* a oi of big pros small results, and when Warting on a balloon voy: across the v Alaaic there were if he would accomplish = any- i ne Ie startash; Fe and ho lapse enterprise dees not, however, appear' to be the result of any courage on the Fort «t of himell oF hig crew, His aie: A Belgie Hair | Dressing T hat Maes Hair Grow tigen but Parisian Sage cleaned stopped all irritation, made "weap, my hair Sy. silky, and loft no trace % THE DAILY BRITISH wine, MOXDAY. OCTOBER 24. rm -------- DEFEATED BY 25 10 2 DEAN'S SERMON. Kingston Collegiates Defeated Queen's IIL. by 20 to 4 in the Junior Game--"Ken"" Williams, of the Montreals, in the City. i Ottawa College | Queen's The students from the with rugby tern for Men and Women--Know-' ledge of His Father" s Laws Secret of His Power. Voor old 25; College, 2. capital ity came to Kingston the hope of carrying home a victory, but oh how sad they went away, I was Quesn's all the way, The Ottawa College team id evidently not in the same class with the 'organ- izations of the sistér yaniversities. It possesses the essential weight = but fails to use it to advantage. Its only redeeming feature on Saturday was its ability to hold Queen's on the majority "of her bucks, although when Elliott kit the line a perforation was gencrally the result. The Ottawa backs Tumbled miserably and were frequently ghilty of an unpardonable offence in passing the ball behind their own line. No footballer with reason- ankle experience would ever resort to such a hezardgus move. The speedy the Dean of Ontario in St. George's cathedral, on Sunday night. His sub- ject for the course is "Lux Mundi," and last wight be spoke of the pegson- ality of Christ, his text being, "What manner of mau is this?" It was g nerally, admitted, said the dean, that the "personality of Jesus Christ i» the characteristic of the Christian religion. It has its theology, its ethics, its philosophy, but jts core is the one unique Persomality--His rela- tion to us our relation to Him. Human personality is al most impossible to define. We all know what we mean by it, but find it hard to put it into words. The ner esl we can come to it is to describe it as the power 4 man has of imphessing himself, his thoughts and convictions upon the life of his fellows. Personality is the greatest gift God has given wan, & gift that has often been made wrong use of in this world. But there is Une Personality that stands apart from all the rest, the Iersonality: of the man, Christ 'Jesus, who was morally perfect. Should it fe objected that this very moral per- fection might be a barrier between our God and us, that weak nature vould demand like weakness that there wight be sympathy, we answer, Who was i, Who while on earth attracted sinners 7 Where has there over been such svmpathy with moral imperfec tion as was in Him from Whom men then and still' today receive power to | overcome ? Christ was unique in that be based His authority for His teaching on Himself. "Moses said, But I say un- to you." He had no hesitation ind revising 5 code which He, Himself ae I nowledyed, hot divine authority. He did not direct those that lajored and ; were heavy laden fo go to a higher | power than Himsplf. "Come unto Me," He called. "Didi ever oeour to you." said the preacher "'that Jesus Christ was the ideal for women as well as for men." Not a virtue we can conceive for no- hle manhood or noble womanhood, but we can find in Him, He bad the splendid capacity for leadership which | is a characteristic of the best men, side by side with the unselfish tender- ness that is our highest conception of {all that is best in woman. Touching oy the supernatural power of the Divine Man over material things | the dean said the explanation seemed to him simple. If the Son's will was 50 in harmony with the will of the | Father thai He knew the workings of | the laws governing. spiritual things, | was it any marvel that He should al- i #0 understand the Bather's laws in tegurd to material things ? Was cleansing a body from sickness any more marvellous than the cleansing of the soul from ¢in? The centurion hefore the cross answers the question of the text "What manner of man is | | this?" hy the words "Truly this man was the Son of God," --nothing short of that explains Him, "1 have called these sermons which i I hope ig preach to you "Lux Mundi," Let us turn towards that Light, and try to understand what that Person- ality can be to us. To the young would say, 'Do not be ashamed to take as vour guide the God-Man, Christ Jesus, who says to you as He said | to the disciples. long dw 'Fol low Me." Ask: the old if they have ever regretted following Him, ask { thems +f He ever failed their trust." j He asks for the life of us all. Let us give it. In simple trust like those who heard Degide the Syrian Nea The gracious eallng of the lori, May we like them, withoat a word, | i Rise up and follow Thee. WILLIAM DOBSON, , Who is now a fixture on Queen's half - back line. | Queen's wings never once allowed their opponents to get away for anything that looked like a run; Smith, Sliter end Eliott got them ull, The Queen's back division is a splendid piece of football mechanism. Seldom' did the cogs clog. 'Leckie caught and kicked the man to the king's taste and his several prolonged | runs were the events of the day. "Leck" has the happy faculty of be- ing able to ime his arm, either right or left, in throwing off his opponents when he # on the run. "Billy" Dob son made his initial appearance . and gives promise that before the season is over he will be one of the best in the Intercollegiate. "Dobie" is in first-class condition and made several - subbtantial gains for Queen's. Elliott, in spite ol the painful gnawings of a nasty knee, was into the harness again * playing his wsval horse-of-u-gume. When "Ed." starts on a ren he does not stop' at. any of the flag stations but goes right t rough, and usually, as was the ease on Saturday, ecnrries with him several of his opponents. | The oig fellow was in his right! place, He is without doubt the mest valuable wing man in the college as sociation, Smith and Sliter are as speedy and neat a pair of kickers a could well be wished for: they both know their game and seldom fail get theic ' man. The Queen's sorim mage clearly demonstrated that the: are capable of holding a whole Jot more than Ottawa College. The game was anything but an in- teresting exhibition of football. The spectators tired of the almost unvaried monotony of Queen's scores, and had it not been for the weral special stunts provitled by the woarees of ths tricoolor, it would have been a poor affair from the onlookers' viewpoint. Queen's over for two touches, | 3 rT | fare, ain he nal in he on, Bast Chrch. Hugh Noung stole the hall at ten 5," I® absence of the pastor, Rev. yards. "Paddy" Moran did not fail B. Laing. sho is attending the lap i to put on of his sensational iist convention, at Toronta, Rev. A, : "drops." He endeavored ta Yepent ths Laird preached at the First Baptist | stent in the last quarter; but kicked church, Sunday. mocning, and deliver | a. fine sermon. In the evening, Dr. E. | into the hue. i Queen's gathered in ten points in | I. Lake had charge of the service. | the opening quarter, one in 'the se | cond, eight in the third and six in the | final period. Ottawa obtained their ' charity in the second quarter. Dr. Etherington and 4 satisfactorily substituted avoidable absence of : | Tot on ong "Orchid cream soft as velvet. Sold at Gibson's Crass Drug Store. William Lever, of Rees Bros'. staff, has returged from a week's hunting Je makes rough skin Red | 0. Shiter the an Patterson in } trip up the river. | { Eyes tested free amd ghas 3s proper ly fitted, at Best's, for $1.56 and ""'Mariy" Walsh, The teams lined up as follows : Detawns ult back, Mulligan; halves. | John Hughes, William oo left ! Sheehy, Quilty, Smith; quarter, Na te; t 4 busi ha, Wii | sorimmage, Loftus, Lacey, Whi o-day, on a Ness ip to, Winni- | 5 wings, Sullivan, O'Halloran, Heer. HEY 2 alii Harrington, Kennedy and Gilliorgan. Raid} +} shave powder," makes shav- Queen 's--F all back, Leckie: halves, x a s Sold at Gimon's Ko Moran, Dobeon, Cook: UAPter, Reid; tom Store, ] Supplemental examinations in theo scrimmage, Overand, Bruce, Kinsella; Queen" wings, Sliter, Eliott, Erskine, Young, D3 began at 3 Tnivarsity tu Smith, M. Smith. i Wine of ft | Liver Oil, in 0 ; en's i hotties, at Best's. Ottawm ( at . 's Comment. f Mes. 8. Warner, Napatiee, is with the The Ottawa Citizen blames the bad. Misses Clark, Auiversity Avenue. fambling of the Ottawa College backs Jacob = Hatten, Chicago, is visiting for the loss of the game at. ston his cousin, J. Gawley, Glenvale, on Saturday, but concedes ur? had © Fars dry clented, My Valet. the better team. It remarks ; Ee What the Guards Want, | Penitentiary guards say they want | cent 1- On Sunday Night--Christ the Pat- 5 | with compassion on them.' i age ; chureh-- { had to go to the { and the up-to-date | found iy almost every home. {the Sunday morning service. i sands of cluldren ake not trained QUEEN'S WON | EASILY THE PERSONALITY = OTTAWA cota. OF CHRIST SUBJECT OF THE g PAGE FIVE. re spe - - 1m The first of a series of six monthly (8 sermons to students was preached by | [§ MANUFACTURED BY THE RAMSFELDER-ERLICK CO, CINCINNATI, OHIO. THE RESTSHU is a thick Flesible Sola Shoo -made for comfort - at the same timo full of style. Price, $4.50 We also have wonderfal $3.00 VALUES in Women's Up-to-Date Shues-- in lace and buttot s, in patonts, gun metals, kids; also gun metals with cloth tops. "Inspection Invited. ETHY'S MANY WORSHIP, WHY SO PUBLIC Rev. T. E. ~--Like Christ, Have Boundless Compassion Men. A large congregation assembled Brock street Methodist church day evening to hear the pastor, T. EB. Bourke diliver the second mon of the carers. The preacher announced his fext Matthew 2X; 36, "But he saw the multitudes, he was reveals the heart of Christ ward the To fulfill its mission the church have boundless compassion for The preacher advanced further re why the masses are away from 1." Some say 'that the movenint of our day, and the whions and lodges ave responsdile the drift from the churches. Ther vo doubt hut the socialists are oppofed to dnt many find in socialism a su CHURCH AND MASSES REMAIN FROM Bourke Gives the Reasons the Church Must for in Sun Rov, ser- series of sermons 10 wam or w hey move! This puss to masses, said the preacher. must men ason th socialistic labo for e most radical of the the churgh, sti tute for the church, and thousandsiol others find in the labor unions which hive done so much for the betterment of human cowlitions a substitute fo: Where the church has antagonistic: to movements, it has allowed them { develop without the guidance sympathy of the church. the church. been openly not suct te am If such move { wents help to lighten the load of th toiler god better = human conditions, then the church ought to be sympa thetic toward helping ta correct. their mistakes Jreater power for the betterment fioman conditions. 2. Others say that 'the drift tho church ig characteristic of etn life. The body 15 so weary the nerves are so exhausted that the time Sanday comes along eary and helping them to be ol from. md nix 15 nn copscienve does not find it difli- cult to get an excuse to remain away from the church. 3. Some others say that the is partly due to the fact that tions have so changed. the pulpit was about the only Cc drifi sueli In former day: source: of intellectual and spiritual stimulus For instruction and ingpiration peopl sanctuary. all this 5s changed. At the time the pulpit has to compete | the good books, the able maga papers which no doubt hut from such sources veople get much that is informing inspiring vet if they fail to pu' solves into the life of the church, we deprived of a stimulus and iration which can se 'secured | no other source 1. Some say that in some But now prezent wit} mes un Therg i the anv hem the: in frou meas the modern Sunday school has becom a substitute for Many of the children go only to day school. They are pot found go to the regular serviced of church. 'Later on in life when 'hezin to think they are too big Sunday school, and not having f ed the church-going habit, they away. The prescher said that if boy can attend oily one service day morning service, 5. Many ing of pews, and see in pew rents which assists in the drift. They not feel like coming lest they placed in a seat where they are wan 5, Sell others see a cause for themselves to tions. No doubt there js a the community for the beautiful thedeal service, and a place for family church. But is there not adapt the church service Sun iH Thou te tin thee fon orm drif hi: bis j prefers to have him. attend the Sun find fault with the rent that de an not the wdrift in the failure of the churches te modern condi place it ca the 4 place even in Kingston jor the insti tutional church. The speaker that would put «ap the money and trustee hoard give its consent would have a downtown Shuteh his own opened every week, have reading Dy and rest rooms neatly Palio. sak if the rich men of Kingstos hb Wn Tike ht» the Ji Wants to Have All Tax Exemptions "hurch, or TI Woltk OF F IHR CHURCH Emphasized by Rev, Rev. T. W, on Sunday. Jn his sersion, on Sunday morning, Nev. .T. W. Savary, of St... James" church, referred to the work earvied on by the various organizations with. in the chmch, amd emphasized the luty of each member to take a share in the work. It was the duty, he winted out, for every member fo ake part in some hranch of the sork of the church. Some had tal mt for teaching in the Sunday chool, others for singing in the choir, wd so in the different branches. of he work, and it was their duty to attend this work. The speaker made an eloquent peal for service and was listened ¥ a good-sized congregation. R. A- FOWLER, EMERALD, ONT., STEANER ON SHOAL BELLEVILLE "MET MISHAP oh LOW ALEXANDRIA BAY. & Released by Calvin Company. api Came 10 KingstoneShe Escaped Damage--Oaly & Few 'Bolts on Her Rudder Were Loosched, The steamer Belleville) of the Rich. leau and Ontario Navigation Company' ran on a shohl late Saterday night close to the Siiters Island: in ; vicinity of Alexandria Day. Shy wav vunnitiy full speed, abd was makings good time when she struck, IL wan account of the Tact that the hE was so dark that she went on ii, shoal. The blackneps was so in that the lights could aot be rive guished -alonz the shore, eomsoquedtly' she ran off her course' She rock! hard ond fast pear the stern. A call was sént to the Calvin Com yr, asd it guiekly dispatehed 5 tug a or assistance. She had considerable 3 2o on at the 'me and most of this was moyed forward lighten elle stern. The tug VOIR AL the of distress somewhere about be nthe and worked until Swaday hoon before she wis liberated. She oltre On to Kingston under her own: steam. [4 spite of tha fact that she ran oft hard, but every little damage was done. TG only Runes was n few loose "bolts an the itudder, * The Belleville is .one of the widnt: eeaworthy Boats on the lakes to-day; nl isi for this fact sho would hay bon. damaga® to somo extent. crew are at a loss to undersis~d haw she came off wo Tuoi ly. wo she ran on is an Cefoeedingly rocky oft, "ant it Was a mivhele that whe Wag * ale to proved 'on bér way unavsists Savary, ape to Abolished. R. A. Fowler writing in the Cana- lian Farm says : "Fhe best thing the dominion gov ornment feould do for agriculture would be to pass an act that would abolish all tax exemptions. Any institutions or industry that sannot get along without the public paying its taxes, should go out = of business. 'The farmer is for the heaviest taxpayer. It would not only lighten his burden but: would give a tremendous © "boost" © to the whole country. To be Married Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, E'T. Bennett, Oshawa, have sent out mvitations to the mar- ciage of their fourth deugbter, Kia Alive, to Daxid Lorve Jackson, (form- aly of Kingston). The wedding will take place on Thursday, Oet. 27th, At; home after lst November, a Brock street, Oshawa. at -------- Movements of Vessels, The government boast Scout was in. port over Sunday. The stoambnrge W wt cleared Tot Rideau canal ports, with freight. The steamer Mighisguoi m a tip to Kingston on Saturday from Gan: ANogue, The tug Cardinal and barge were in Mrs. Priscilla Davis, Thurlow died mther suddenly on Thursday night, heart trouble being the cause of death. Deceased was eighty-seven years of age. THEY ACTUALLY DO THE WORK. Food Eaten is Worthless Digested port over Sunday of the way to. ~Some Stomachs Must Have Help. [Chaviotte. yi Food taken into the Stomach which, | "The steambarge Waterlily passbd from the nature of the food or the [dowh on her way to Brockville, Sa: sondition of the stomach, is not di turday. ; gested, is gorse than no food at all The steathbarge Mary Louise, loaded This is a true statement as far o« "it [with frgight, deared on Saturday for zoes and a great many dyspeplies go | Rideau canal porte. wily this far with their reasoning i The steamer Midland Queen, pPasseth They argus with themselves that down, on Baturday morning, loaded cause their stomachs do not de the 'with grain from Fort William. work given them, they must ie given] A large number of vessels, Lind ny, less word: in other words, they must 'on Saturday on account of the storm, w starved. It would be just as sen | were able to clear on Monday. shle for a business man who un- | The steamer KRenvoile unloaded Jer able to do all is own work out cargo of wheat, at Hichardeons' eleva: lows his business to his own capa | tor, and @vared for the upper Inked, ity ap it is for a man to starve him- | The tug Edmund and barge Ublug wif to relieve his stomach. The "bia, loaded with lumber, arrived fram ible business man emivio ss help Vediord Mills, on the way to Ogdony- soes forwartl with his busines, burg vise the Wilible dyspostic wilt Fhe ges buoy in the. middle grodml foy help for his stomach and give iat Nine Mile Point went out on S§ hotly proper nourishanent. tarday pight. The steamer Scout is Stuart's. Dysrowia Tablets actvaliy ' aplacing it. : lo the wat'c assigned to them. 'hey | [he stenmbarge John Randall clear. relieve weak and overbindoncd wtom- of from Righardsons' elevation, with whe of g reat portion of digestive | gegin for Washburn. The barge Valen action. Their component parts are | a also loaded grain at this elevator identical with those of the disostive [foe Montreal. fluikls and secretions of the stomach Marine men. state that thers is tik and they #imply ta% up the geind | 4 some of the Canadisn and A ahd curry on the work just the came] CL a sing Juid up, owing as a good, strong, healthy stomach jack of trade. Therd" is not rong' > sould do Wo. d On this. acconnt Muart's Dyspeosia ig for grain, just gt the. presong Tablets are perfectly natural in their! uy or eos elevator 1 Tug. i sw0tion and effects. They do not caus wy ulinatural or violent distur ance n the stomach or bowels. They them selves digest the food and gunrhy the system with all the pourisiiment con Tainerd at is eaten and carry out Nature pluns for the sustenance and maintenance of the body How much more sensible is this method than that esploved by mans sufferers from weak stomachs. Dv this meatis 'the body nod brain get all the! od, nutritious food they nwd and the man ix properly noliffshed and wuipoad to carry on his week and wrforen his duties. He could not 1os- bly be in proper working conditing en Wendi, +S food that comtaig enough nilriment rth A strong wan work must be propecly to sen and ike "m hie | from: Mes wniveal. with en a Bneigen, cleared from North + Fairhaven, barge Dunmore, Josdad wi ol Nontreal: steamer Kinetry Fort William, with grain, is po during the alternoon to disha i The steamer Renvoilé arrived &t Richardsons" -dlevator, Saturday. dose noon, with aia, fro from Fort William, and the crew reported 3 rough passage wn the lake daring the night, (efits a fot of rough weather was experienosd ton the way down, and this edused some delay. At Swift's wha : The Waterlily coaled yesterday on her way up the Takes: steamer A. F. Ames » her way up, Sunday, sod di considerable freight; Britannic down, yesterday; steamer stopped yesterday and coaled. stepmor Brockville down and up, today. The barge P. .'B. Locke, w dis cHargine a cargo pt cont & st the walt j house wha, Saturday. had qile An lexditing experiéner. os was j running, so high he the washed an over "her eal, It i bi Ev phe | erate ard regain Nature | 5 a fi fy h $

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