PAGE TWO. { Never .in the history of the store have we i g 2 5 % f LADIES CON-. TEMPLATING A rvs nin. nian awn s-- | gi ho = F : 3 1] Now is the time to order. can give you our best ser vice. Our Btocks of Skins, Linings, ete, are complete. We are here to show you. No obligation to buy. EEE JOIN MeKAY T.F.HairisonCo. Carpets, Furniture, Curtains, Chairs. YOU MUST HAVE SoME. R. McFAUL. CARPET WAREHOUSK. B00000000000000000000 . PEARS. No. 1 Stock, KEEFER and VICKAR OF WAKEFIELD, A Fine for Preserving. D. COUPER"S, 3413 PRINCESS STREET. Phone 76. > 3 Prompt Delivery. COAST SEALED OYSTERS, KITCHEN AND DINING, » Large variety, " B0c, 75¢, $1.00, Very strong. (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Zducation at Lowest Cost" Twenty Sixth year. Fall Terns buglus August 30th. Courses in Bookkeeping, Hhorthand Tele: eit Civil Service and ng lis Our graduates get the ber positions, Witkin a short Lime over sixly secured positions with one of the largest tallw oor # in Canada Enter Hime, I or write for Info . . ¥, METCALFE. Pringipal k _H PARKS& SON, Florists | Buy, Phone 239 39. ight "Plone 235. All kinds of Cuf Flowers and Plants {a season. WW ed Funeral ve to all Ar EASY CitaTRs, AYN ; Hand 1 eof jomely Xp. 3, | Hz bolstered, Tap- =<H ¢ estry, silk AY |S ed leather, oo a' oo $6, $9, $13 up. CETEERETAA sng PARLOR CHAIRS, Gold, Birch, Ma- hogany, any cover- ing desired, $3.50, $6, $11 up. Over 50 styles. CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, OILCLOTH, CURTAINS, DRAPER- IES, WINDOW SHADES, Ete. Repair nd Upholstering promptly done. "Phone 90. Yours, I. FF. Harrison Co. "Phone 90. MARKET SQUARE. Bhar THY FRONTENAD . LOAK & INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED sen. Prestdent--Sir Richnrd Cartwright. Mpnay Jasied uh City and yarn bre Ne Jnichant anor Toho, hs x i h ' Thirrent allowed : : ot %: yg Nagi ls Nunagiug, Waneinn, ASSESSMENT IS TOO HIGH. Portsmouth Philosopher Talks About a New!Council. The Portsmouth philosopher sags that there is likely to be a number of new faces in the village council, this year. He states that an effort is being made to get some new blood into the comeil as the' péoplé: on the wholk, are not satisfied with the way things have been managed. f 1t appears that * the one big kick with the residents of the hay is that the assessment if too high. The philo- sopher points out that the highest in- dividual assessment in the village is $6,000, and there ave sixteen who are assossed at only $1,000 and over. S-------------- Sensations at the Orpheum. The spectacle of seeing a slim lady supporting three people weighing over 54! pout % on one arm, while hang: ing head downwards from a rope su- spended Troms the roof will be one of the features of the Riva Larsen troupe, Europe's foremost novelty gymnasts, which are at the Orpheum Theatre for the first three days of this week. Thur act is one of continued dating and cleverness all the way through and Some of the stunts dope will 'alintst make the audience © hold their bresth. Unustal musenlar steencth, dexterity and endurance mark the bill as one of the strongest ever presented bere by this or an ther house. Al Shoes acrobatic w is donb on a nickel 'plated appara: sixteen feet high and nine fect wide, In addition to this the manazement Has secured the musical Silvers, a hit-hly entertaining and very. pleasi act, which has been brought here i by snecial request of some of t trons ol the house. he pu ANOTHER Bio SHIPMENT | WALLPAPERS JUST ARRIV- © They are Beauties, . WEESE & co. em WILL CURE ECZEMA. "The greatest healing agent known for Cuts, Buenas, Wounds, Ulcers, Old Sores. Soothing and antiseptic. PRICE, 25¢ BOX, Sold by We MAURICE FOX WAS FINED $20 AND COSTS. thown That He Made a Brutal At- tack on Robert: Moon Magistrate Stated That a Far Morg Serious Charge Might Have Been Made Against Him----bosing Temper Uuuse of Trouble. - For assaulting and ill-treating Rob ert thomas Moon, us lavorer, eugmoyou Ly Lhe Oty, oh Uctoper ist, Maw ie : uk, & Young man, was @ calied upon, in police court, Monday morning, to jay a hoe of ¥U and costs, or wn de iault, two months in jal. Moon went into the witness box aud told his story. He is sevenly yeurs of age. A large piece of court pussies was plated over his nose, to heat up «» wound, and his right chees carried o wevere bruse. Moon said that be haa 'been an employee of the ity lor many years, On the day in question, he was «ngaged ia getting some stone ready dor a sidewalk, on Montreal street. » little' girl canie up to the sand pile, und commenced to fill a basket with jthe sand. He caught hold of her, jusp ito get her out of the way, but did not in any way molest her. 'the child ran home, and Witness thought that she ihad been frightened. ¢ Witness said that Fox, the father of [the little girl, then appeared on (he incene, and struck him in the face sev- feral times. ° He could not say just how many times. i To J. L. Whiting, who conducted the Iprosecution, witness said that he did not do anything to provoke Fox, and {that he did not' hurt the child. He bad to go to the doctor, as a result of the injuries he had received at the thands of Fox. . Fox claimed that when he came up to Moon, the latter raised a. hammer, (as if to strike him, and that be had caught it with his hand as it was coming down. This Moon denied, | Rev. William Craig happened to be in the vicinity where the trouble oc curred, and he tld the magistrate what he knew about it. He said that Moon was on the ground, and that Fox was hitting him as fast as he Could. $4 Shonght it was murder," said the witness. latter succeeded in get ting Fox to let the old man up. | Witness stated further, that he econ - "ivory brutal for ome mine td be pounding the other, and not giving him a chance to get on his feet to protect himself. |. The accused had no evidence to give tin the box, on his own behalf. _ C. H. Finkle, by whom the accused is employed, spoke on his behalf. He said that Fox was a steady worker, 'and that he had been employed by him for fifteen years. He had no doubt but that Fox allowed his temper to get the bettsg of him. On account of his previous good character, he would ask the magistrate to make the fine as light as possible. The magistrate said he had no doubt whatever of the guil} of the ae- Cured. The Svidance, had brought this very elearly, Hf Moon ABphing to the child, he could under- stand getting warm over the mat- ter, but, however, even if Moon had at- tacked the girl, he had po right te assault him. He could seek redress in another - way, if he thought his child had been ill-used. Moon was an old man--seventy years of age--and the ab- cused a young man, in his prime, and he looked upon the attack as a most brutal one. The magistrate stated further, that thy complainant might have lodged a more serious charge. He would impose a fue of $20 and costs, or two months in jail. PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY. Evening. An extremely sad and pathetic death occurred on Sunday night, when, with- out a moment's warning, and while, duties, at 6.30 o'clock, Mrs. William Kelly, wife of W. Kelly, photographer, fell to the floor and expired. Kind and loving hands raised the stricken woman and tried to minister to her needs, but the angel of death had passed, and the saintly and beautiful spirit had taken its flight. In mmon with most of her de ceased relatives, the late Mrs. Kelly was subject to heart trouble, and during recent years passed through in- deseribable suffering. Her father, the late James Moxley, of Gloucester Sotmship, near Billings' Bridges Sue wa, w engaged in icultural pur ruits, some years ago. foi dead in the Mes. NM illans, of Provi- 3 Island (her sister), and I oo . 30 ge over > A ort time ago paid Mrs. Kelly a visit. v hours after her - done] in. 3 Déath of Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Sunday] with her husband, about her household. MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1910. PROF, KXIGHT 10 LECTURE To Queen's Alumni on "Conservation of Life." The chancellor's Jectureshi a vear in connection with the Theologi- | eal Alumni conference at Queen's 'uni- versity, is lo he delivered by Prof. A. | P. Kbopight, of the chair of biology. ! Frof. Knizht's subject will be "The! Conservation of Life," a matter of! the greatest impoltance in these | days, and which will be found most' profitable ry the theological alumni, | particularly when the exposition of it | ia in the hands of yuck a skilful lec turer as Dr. Knight. Prof. Knight says he intends tod give one lecture on heredity, two on samtary science or public health, and one on personal hygiene. ife, says. is conserved in the following ways:-- z 1. By heredity. There is a systema- tic effort to improve the heredity of the race. In Indiana, Coanecticut and Michigan, there is a law to improve 2 the heredity of life by forbidding the marriage of people suffering from 24 transmittable Jiseases. ndiana. there is a law autherizing a body of ts to unsex criminals guilty of cerdain offences. The heredity of the race is imroved partly through edu- cation and law, 2. Iie is prolonged snd conserved by sanitary science. Laws have been | assed Soo sthjects meh as the aT hours a in factories, child Ja-| En oe of ranks iv | DUAL LANGUAGE SOLUTION. . ig } ios, , Al S-------- rT ire 4s A 3 these 2 in Let French Lads Wed Irish Lasses---- ountry. That's the Cure. 3. Lalor oiganisations help m tue! gy prof. Paul Demys. nothervation of life, Ly sSeouring the! [s it not true that man, endowed as shortening of honrs of labor, and! 34 he is with social instincts, will at better provision for fresh air, heatin:' (imes. crave a colloquy with his fel- ind. lighting of places of labor. Tom- | |owmen, and if he is of a reflective perance otganizations also help tn) urn of mind, passing events in their «incatn the people along the lines of gwilt succession wili not fail to fumn- »sublic health. The preas does its share, ith ample opportunity for indulging Research laboratories, are also an im- | that inclination. Indeed the difficulty of | would alinost seem in the superabund- ance of subjects and the choice made trying by the variety of tastes. To Apread a table so as to meet all ap- petites entails thought and teil, and even then, rest assured, there will be some who will not be served as they would wesh. Intellectually, foo, what oftentimes gladdens one grieves the other, pleasure and pain ever being in such close contact, and hence it is each, 1 presume, must yet lon; con- here he Worm Gearing. Drafting- Room Practice Drill Jigs Mitling Rixtures. tn : iy rinciples o heoretica echanics. : Punch and Ive Work. Lathe and Planer Work. Working Drawings and Kinks. Designing and Cutting Cams Examples of 'Machine Snop Practice. bs J Bearings. 2 Mathematics of Machine Design, Blanking Dies. Details of Machine Tool Design. Spur Gearing. Machine Tool Drives Strength of Cylinders sSnep Arithmetic for chintst. D. R ~ " WE DP EE SR - the Ma- © mean Use of Formulas In Mechanics, Spiral Gearing easuring Tools. Calculations 01 Elements Machine Design. Theory of Crane Design Examples of Calculating signs, Tht ed a of Ip De- nortant factor in the conservation life, 4. The better knowledge and prac- tic of personal hyziene conserves life. This includes the taking of proper sleep, sunshine, exercise, food, etc. THE LATE JOHN LANDERYOU. \ Wellkknown Kingston Builder! Died on Sunday. i The death occurred on Sunday after- joon at two o'clock of John Charles | Sinte to take his enjoyment w Frenowath landeryou, at his resi: | finds it. lence, 83 York street, after an illness | Aq to my ¥ NLR or RP PRN TT RE LR ich is on trifle eatier | vas born in Trare, Cornwall, Jng- ! practising, and if there be a law 'and, oii Sept. 26th, 1841, and came ove to extol, it is to treat others as to Canada, with his parents, when he we like to bo treated, which excluded ¥as five years old. Ever mince, he re. | advocating cream in one case And sided in Kingston. He was a building | degling out skimmed milk in the oth wntractor for the past eairty-five | gr, Were this rule of regard but a years. Early in life he worked in the | little more remombered, we would hear dog and marine railway. He also | Jess of dissensions, strikes, rebellions. workell at the court house, the old | Unfortunately, most men nowadays Irill shed, and on several of the city | socm not to have time to be consider churches. He was a builder who had ' ate. Their whole runnin is after coin the confidenice of the people, and was | gud all it brings: power, pleasure, sroatly liked: Ho orectod quite a num- | pomp, pride. These, to some, are as ber of houses in Kingston. In 1866, | many Caesar's whose car may crush he was in Chicago, when the Fenian | whosoever will resist them. They are aid took place, and, with other Can- ! apt to forget that perhaps in the diane, came home to defend his coun- | lowly lot which lies in the shadow of try. He 15 gurvived by the following ' their ambitions ahode there are souls shildren:-- i. (br) HG. Tillman, sighing for a word of sympathy, nay Yictoria, B.C. Mrs, (Dr) W, 'G. hungering after a crust, but ne ove Kelly and Mra. 8. Tennant, Bay City, gives them heed. It has been said tha: Wich; Mrs, 8. T. Plaskptt. and John , "fhe greatest happiness is+ found in '> Landeryou, Toronto; Mrs. J, making others hapjo," and, touth. fo VeClollan, Mre, Robert MaMahon aid TTell, no star on the row of night Miss Notedl, of Kinpston. In religion, | can be more sweei than the smile leceasied was a Methodist, a member | kindly, thoughtful deed will bring to of Queen street shureh. He was also | the lips of sufiering. How is it then so x memier of the A.0.UW. The funer- | many will wait for a man's fulfleral to al will take place on Tuesddy after. ! say 'something nice, whereas had they avon, and will be of a private nature. | shown the same spirit whilst he lived, a. -------- { be might not have died at all. True, Typhoid Fever Cass. | there are noble exceptions, large Medical Health Officer Dv. William- soll, when not playing, J J tr than {hearted citizens whose presence in a jon stated, to-day, that since October | community is a blessity, manly men ith there had been reported seven cases | who love justice aml right and. fair of typhoid fever," and two of (hese | play; they are the oaks that defy the were patients from the country. | storms of intolersee and bid the a | gales of prejudice be still, William: Huflinan; aged thirty years, | So also with the nations. Whilst passed away on Friday, at Belleville, ' some are ever intriguing, quarrelling, after a long and patiently-bousie ill- | conspiring, others you find whose ness, due to tuberculosis. lie was bora strength and dignity are an uhjest ut Thomashurg, being the soy of Elias lesson to the world. What an in Huffman, who resides at Midland. 1; spiration was the raising of the Rri- telizion he was a Methodist, {tish flag over the scene of & melee Alfred Bates; a former well knows in Lisbon the other day, and how resident of the Rear ol Yonge and thrilling the thought that the mo- Escott, died Thirsday morning at the | "ent the glorious banner, whose folds residence of his nephew, Hirern NN. spell truest freedom, appeared in the Brown, in Yona, Mich He went from Mr, the firing ceased as if hy on Detroit to Iona a few weeks age op (Chantment. All praise to the liberty- a visit and while there was strichey | Joving land that beécomes the home with paralysis. fol the homeless and crownless and Bargains sn slightly used comeras, { whose power is sa pre-eminent as it at Best's. is prized. i And, now, too, -. near future, i Ireland and Seotland are to have { their local government as we have in Canada. Then, indeed, will Erin's skies gleam with grateful joy and | Caledonian hills resound with bo sannas, and the thistle and = sham- 'rock and the rose thus entwined in mutual confidence and love shall {consecrate a bond too holy ever to be broken. ! Pioing "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" as 1 do for the perfect 1} 'cannot but touch, en saant, on the Burting question of the &ay--dual lan guage. see only one solution--let French bays wed Irish lasses, and vice { versa, and ull this trouble will itself, unity of speech not being all necessary to union of hearts as we have many living examples. Menn- while I may soon do the Rockefel . act and send you, Mr. i i three million dollars for erecting a {temple of conciliation in this bright young land of Canada, which, T am sire, we all love and want to serve [to the best of our ty; therefc THE FINEST BOOK 260 PRINCESS STREET, 25 Deep Hole Drilling 26 Modern Panch and struction 27 Locomotive Design- and Cylinders 28 Locomotive Desig: Motion 2% Locomotive oe box, Frames Machnery 38 Locomotive Design--4 Springs, Trucks, Cab and Tender 21 Serew Thread Tools and Gages. 32 Berew Thread Cutting Systems and Practice of the Drafting-roem 34 Care and Repair an ators 36--Tablex and Formula for Bhop and Drafting-room 3¢ Iron and Steel 27 Bevel Gearing 28 Grinding and Lapping. 29 Fans, Ventilation, and Heating. 40 Fily-Wheels. 41 Jigs and Fixtures---1, of Design, etc 42 Jigs and Fixtures--3, Closed Drill Jigs. Die Con- 1 Boiler 2 Valve Design~3, Bmoke- and Driving of Dynamos Principles Open and & m= LEGGETT'S CHOCOLATES "The Sweetest Story Ever Told." The purest, most fascinating and delicious morsels that have ever delighted your palate, Have you answered the offer in this week's 'Saturday's Post?' We will redeem your coupon. Fresh supply just received. Sole Agents. See our Windows, HAHOODS 2 | PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. wt rotor We Are Headq a rters For the Best Ladies' Under~ wear, Men's Underwear Girls' Underwear Boys' Underwear Flannelette Blan~ kets, three sizes, white or grey, White Wool Blan-. kets, Grey Wool Blan= kets. Pret ty Comforters Buy now whilo the range is complete, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. t Dutch Bulbs for Fall Planting : For Indoor bloom during the winter there is nothing like the Dutch Bulbs. They require little care, and by bringing them gradually to the light, - blossoms may Be "Had unis ¢ Our imported Bulbs are all sound specimens and of the best varieties, Including: -- Prices, Se and 10c Each, and 25e, B0c, 35¢ a Dox. Dr. A. P.Chown, 200000000000000 | Machinery Reference Books for Self Education in Mechanics § THE FIRST PRACTICAL MECHANICAL BOOKS OF HIGH GRADE TO RETAIL AT 235¢ PER COPY, IN QUALITY EQUAL TO THE MOST EXPENSIVE WORKS, LIST OF TITLES WITH NUMBERS 1 TO 60, 43 Jige and Pixtures--3 Principles of Boring Jig Design ete i4 Mat hine Blacksmithing 45 Drop Forging 46 Hardening and Temperng, 47 Electric. Overhead Cranes. 4% Files and Filing i% Uirders Tor FKieotrie Cranes 50 Principles and Pradtice of As. sembling Machine Tools Part 1 81 Principles and Practice of As- sembling Machine Tools Part 1} 52 Advanced Shop Arithmetic for the Meri tet ofLogarithms and Legare arithon Paeies i 8 ton of Triangles--Part 1 £3 jon of Triangles---Part 1 56 Ball Bearings BT Metal Spinning. 58 Helical and Eliptic Springs 69% Machines, Tools and Methods of Antomeblle Manufacture 60 Construction and Menufacture of Automobiles Overhead 53 Use The College Book 'Store, RE IN EASTERN ONTARIO. Phone 919 Whole Pearl Set Rings Our stock comprises many beautiful specimens of this pure gem. We have them set singly; in three stone, hoops, and in b-stone hoops. Al our rings are made to fit" the wearer comfortably; free of any extra charge: Prices to suit all pockets, are arranged accord- fng to the pize and quality of stones used, SMITH BROS., Towellors, Opticians, 250 KING STRE&T, Issuers of Marriage licenses. Of the Bést Quality and most up-to- date styles. W, F. Gourdier, BROCK STREET. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP! Foot of Johnson Street, upposite GT.R. Biation, known as the "Clim" Property. The building is of stone and contains store and eleven rooms; gas and electric light, Se me at once about price Open this evening till ten o'clock -------- Mullin, Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Sie0scssesscsssscsccee S8ceIC000000000000000 Hand-Washed "Blankets and flannels washed by hand In our way our own peculiar way---which prevents ® shrinkage. result Is ® gratifying beyond measure white and soft as ermine, fluffy, porous just like new and they are delighted. " MAY WE DELIGHT YOU? Kingston Laundry, Cor. Princess & Sydenbam Sta. "Fhose 22. add] 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000