Our Crystal Brand Of Staadard Granulated Sugar 1s ua excelled for preserving or table use EW MACLEAN ANDR Ontario Brest. COAL Try WM. DRURY, 233 WELLINGTON STREET. : * "Phone 443, CANADA'S BEST Mvalid Port is the Ontario Craps Grow ing and Wine Manufacturing Company's of Bi. Cotharines. It is guaranteed 18 renrs old, and 1s a pure, dry and per ect wing, erjual 10 the best Imported ar onc shalf the nrive Bold only by R. J. LAWLER, Golden Lion Block. "Phone 787. THOMAS COPLEY, HONE 987, Drop a card to 19 Ploe Street when wanting anything done in the Carpen- fer line. Estimates given on all kinds of repalrs » and new work alsn Hardwood Floors of all kinds. All orders will receive prompt attention Shop. 60 Queen Btreet THE GLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. There are other hotels, but none approach the Club for homelike sur- roundings. Located in centre of city and close |} to principal stores and theatre. Charges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor. BE WISE And have your heating and cook- ing arrangements in good shape deo ore the cold wintry days set n We have & aplendid lot of Ranges and Heaters in stock, as good as new, at extremely low prices It will pay you to see them be- fore buying elsewhere. All kinds of Household Goods bought and sold. Antique Furniture a Spectlalty, Give us a call ow riiud ESSES, Kingston. PER RRRR oR RRR RRR RRR 2 9 ) @ 2 fi I) © © 5 & I'he kind you are looking for 1s I the kind we sell. Scranton Coal 18 good and we guarantee © coal prompt delivery. @ BOOTH & CO. @ FOOT WEST STRENT. Peep Highest Grades - GASOLINE, COAL OIL. LUBRICATING OlL. FLOOR OIL, GREASE, ETO. PROMPT DELIVERY. W. F. KELLY, Clarence and Ontario Streets. @ The three great factors requisite to the Happiness, Comfort and Welfare of Mankind, are furnished by Gae. The Central link, Heat, is the one we wish to draw your attention to, as ft presents a source of Comfort and Convenience. ful in the sitting-room than a Gas Log--no dirt, dust or ashes. Easily regulated, You pay for just what you use. NO WASTE. CHEAP-~CLEAN~--CONVENIENT. ey Kingston L. H. & Power Co. ©, POLGKIL ten. Mavager. ¥ Qinger Sraps, Te. * Ib; 1 Ibs. for 2c. 2 1b. Box Sodas, 22¢. Orange Meat, 3 pkgs. 22¢. per | Corn Starch, 3 pkge. MAN'S MISERY 3 PROMPILY BANISHED. : (From "Man's Maladies.) | A certain sort 6f misery which CAuses a man 10 become abject tain no'oplates to harm the sys- & tem. v in manner, timid, suspiefous and PEEP E EEL IP EL EE LIB 0444000 ed et Jealous without real warrant, can be readily banished by a syste- matie nerve treatment which can be followed out iu the privacy of home and restoration of a normal, or natural condition speedily ensues. A man feels and knows. when he is not getting out of life all that it holds, and this knowledge makes the misery which occurs with such symptoms as unrieady galt, weak voice, downcast eves, cold extremities, loss of flesh, loss of self comtirol. lack of self esteem, pains in the back and back part of head, shooting pains heart palpitation, nervousness, sleeplessness, hollow eyes, sunk- en cheeks, coloriess lips, dizzi- ness and trembling. The requirement these dreadful symptoms is a restoration of . power and strength to the nervous system which has been pvorly nourished or abused by thoughtless eat ing, drinking or social duties, perhaps superinduced by over. work een, strong. sensitive nerves which carry every sef- sation or emotion to the brain centers of consciousness can and should be the possession of every dng individual. Let this pre- a fon be used and the resuits wiil surely reward the efforts Obtain of any good druggist, three ounces of syrup sarsaparilia compound, In a six ounce bottle Add one ounce of compound fiuld balmwort, shake and let stand for two hours, then add one vunce of tincture cadomens compound (not cardamom) and one ounce of compound essence cardiol. Mix. Shake well and take a teaspoonful after each meal and one when retiring. The 'three last named ingredients are Fpecially prepared and powerful concentrations, much used in various prescriptions, but con- PEP PPede Bd dnd to overcome TETTEITIPTIPRreeee Beals i ali ae deb ee TETETITPTIRENI YOY Sees TEP PeNe . p , p A rieh yet mild, brew like REGAL Lager, in good for the nerves, heart afd stomach. Your physician knows this, and wili tell you that REGAL is a stimulant thet cannot harm you. Try It, wa NO SHABBY SUITS If you're a customer of these $ works. We clean and dye and press men's clothing to make it 4 carry all the marks of a new | suit. < R.PARKER & CO. 0; and Cleaners, : © Princess Sty Kingston Ont. hor them Te. 25, 50c and $1, at it rownenr I edbugs am Rochen i Nothing more cueer-| § economically operated. | y | HE Underwood Mul e T tiple Unit Type. writer has a feed which enables thirty sheets tobe "brought into Perfect regiss tration at the printing point. This is an exclu sive Underwood feature. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 4, BG Doan, 8 a woman doesn't look gaod in a stylish bat she always sayy is he ' hair i=n't fixediup rightc "es ho hard for yi wo- man to impress people with her dig i you are offered somvihing for nothing, look for the invisible giving. There's many a proitent fan in the '| team defeated QUEEN'S HI. DEFEATED BMC. IL BY 28 T0 10 And Won the Junior Round---Will Meet Collegiates To-morrow-----Ot- " tawa College and Queen's I. Also Mect Here Saturday. Winds that blow from the south are not always light and balmy. This was substantially verified at the athletic grounds, Thursday alternoon, when the Queen's Ill rugby team commenced to kick with 4 wind behind them ghat closely resembled a small-sized cycle: It carried with it chilling propensities which seemed to have a telling effect on the members of the second team from the Royal Military (College, who faced the Presbyterians in 'the prelim- inary event of junior C.ER.F.U. series. The (pide came on the field with a seven point lead, having downed the students on the R.M.C. grounds last Saturday to the tune of 10 to 3. Queen's, after choosing to kick with the wind, started the scoring right from the drop of the hat. Clark early displayed the student goods with a strenuous swat to the dead lige. One of the Cadets fumbled a high one be hind his own goal, and Connelly' climb- ed on to it for a touch, which Hag- yard, converted, making the R.M.C, lead look like the yverbial snow- . Queen's, 7; RM.C., 0. When the quarter closed and after the smoke had cleared away, the official' scorer, who had been working overtime, an- nouticed the figures, Queen's, 14; R.M. C0. In the second period, it was expected that the soldiers would reverse mat- ters. but they failed to make » marked impression on the heavy sta- dent line. The Cadets either did not or could not kick. Queen's were forced to rouge three times hefore the close of the quarter. Queen's, 14; R. MC, 3. ol The students doubled their score in the third quarter. Queen's, 28; RM. C'., 3. The last period saw the sol- diers playing much more consistent ball than their opponents. The final figures were : Queen's, 2%: RM.C., 10. Queen's winning the round, 31 to 20. The teams were : R.M.C.--Full-back, Pearse, Storm and Gordon; forwards, son, Bishop, Greenwood, Wright, Fisher, Edmiston, Greene and lory. Queen's -- Full-back, . MacDonnell; halves, Clark, George and Dick; quar- ter, Hatch; forwards, Buchanan, Dun- lop, Reid, Hagyard, Craig, Hamilton, Rodden, Nelson and Ramsay. Officials--Dr. Etherington and W. Dobson. An Ottawa despatch says: The fol- lowing players will bkely- represent the Ottawa College Football team in their game at Kingston, to-morrows-- Percy Mulligan, full-back; Dick Shelly, Silver Quilty and Harry Smith, halves Ed. Nagle. quarter; "Tony" Loftus, George Whibbs and "Pat" Leacy, scrimmage; "Jack" Sallivan and "Con" O'Hallorgn, inside wings ; "Jerry" Harrington and "Dan" Breen inside wings; "Jim" Kennedy and "Bert" Gilligan, outside wings, Two full teams lined up at the oval yesterd~y afternoon, and went thro8zh a hard hour's workout. "Jack" Cont- way was an absentee, he having a sprained ankle, which will keep him out of Saturday's match. He mjured it on Wadnesday, but played right ahead. Yesterday moming, however, he was unable to walk around. As » result "Jim" Kennddy was switched to outside witly, where he put up a fine gam: tackling and following up in great style. "Pat" Leacy was phay- ed at centre scrimmage and "Dan" Breen looked after the middle wing position. The only ohgnre from last Saturday on the back line is that Mulligan is back in his old place at full-back, and Egan will be taken to Kingston as spars as also will several others. A big crowd of stpporters will accompany the team. The collesians have not won in Kingston since they entered the intercollegiate, the nearest being a tie in 1997, when the score was 15 to 15. Pr. Patterson and "Macty" Walsh, of Ottawa will offvi ate. Powell; halves, Fisher; quarter, Armour, McPher- M: Mal- To Reorganize Baseball League, There will be a meeting in Harvey Milne's store; on Bagot] street, next Tuesday evening, for the purpose of -e- organizing the City Basketball League. All the members are requested to be present as the officers wish to get things started at once. Send in Names. It is requested by the secretary of the Y.M.CA roid races that those who contemplate entering will kindly send in their names at once. A great many leave off entering until the last day and then the wok is piled up and sometimes it is impossible to get things straightened out in time. To Play Saturday. The C.L.C. va. Queen's association football game will come oft at Queen's campus, on aturday afternoon, at three o'clock; referee, Sergt.-Major Hughes. C.L.C. team--tical, H. Carey; full backs, F. Couling, J. Collinson; half backs, 0, Carey, C, Batty, W. Smith; forwards, T. Wilkinson, R. Woods, R. Watts, W. Roe, W. Kershaw. | All Kinds of Sports, New professional hockey teams talked of in Ottawa and Montreal. Yi ver is ised an artificial ieé rink for hockey, curling and skat- ng. Boing will be resumed at Lima Ohio, but no heavyweight bout will rhe wh The University of Chicago baseball the Weseda university 5 tilel:f LH da Are lchased a house Str HE DALY Brrrise WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910. Sm ---------- out a new song which it is hoped will help the boys to get a touch before the smow falls. "Rah, "Bah Ardouin will be in command. Battling Nelson and Anton La grave, a "Frisco lightweight, have been maléhed to fight fifteen rounds in San Francisco at eatchweights. Sherwood Magee, the heavy-hitting Philadelphia outfielder, with an aver-| age of 398, wins the title of cham- | pion batsman of the National base ball league for the year 1910. "Eddie" Collins, the dashing 'se-| cond baseman of the Philadelphia Ath- | letics, is well known in. Ottawa, hav-| ing appeared at 'Varsity Oval with Burlington and Rutland when Ottawa | was on the Northern Baseball League ; circnit. FEddit was a student at Co-| lumbia university at the time and it was through his presence in the Northern he was refused permission to play any more baseball or football with the Columbia team. Last week the Montreal Gazette call- ed the turn correctly and gave the! dope as follows for next Saturday : The feature struggles will be the meet- ing between Hamilton and Ottawa in Ottawa, and between McGill and To- ronto in Montreal. Argos will have to take a remarkable brace and Mon- Areal as remarkable a slomp to make the outcome of the game in Toronto anything else but a victory for Mon- treal. In Kingston Queen's will dis pose of Ottawa College without much difficulty if the past records are to count for anything. ' -------- FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. 'At Plum Hollow. Plum Holiow, Oct. 20. -Mrs. ¥. Blancher is seriously ill with pleurisy. Mr. and 'Mrs. I. Barber are guests of Lyndhurst friends. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Blancher, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Wiggins, a son. Mrs. J. Wiltse and daughter, have.eturned home from Hammond, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. MH. Stewart have moved to Eloida. Plowing Match at Perth. Perth, Oct. 20.--A plowing contest, held at Senator McLaren's farm, to- day, was attended by 500 spectators. Peter Cavens Harper won the first prize; Henry Chalmers, Smith's Falls, the second; 1'. M. Anderson, third, and William Gordon, Drummond, fourth. "Tommy" Oliver won first in the young men's class, Alonzo Taylor, se cond; 'J. W. Scott, third, and J. D. Cavers, fourth. Tn the sulky plow competition, James McMillan and Roy Barrie were first and second. John Fixter, farm superintendent of Mac donald College, was judge. The con test was held under the alispices of the Perth Farmers' Club. Lansdowne Locals. Lansdowne, Oct. 20.--Mrs. Nelson Gilbert, of Brockville. is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. P. Moore, and other relatives. Mrs. George Latimer was ealled to Fisher's Landing. N.Y., to the bedside of her brother, R. J. Nulty, whose death occurred since. On Fridav evening last the Canadian Jubilee singers gave an entertainment in the town hall, under the auspices of the ladies' Aid of the Methodiet church. The house was crowded with an appreciative audience. Mrs. J. R. Latimer is still on the sick list. A bancuet is to be held, this evening. at the Commercial house, in honor of Dr. H. H. Murphy, who is leaving here shortly. Miss. Edith Wallis spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Wesley Keating. Mrs. Fowler is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 8. C. E. Dixon. A so- cial is to be held, on Friday, 21st, in the town hall, under the auspices of the Farmers' Club and Women's In- stitute. Mrs. Rebecca Burns left, on Monday, to spend the winter with her dghter, Mrs. Robert Bailey, Alex- andria Bay, N.Y. Village of Cataraqui. Cataraqui, Oct. 19.--Rally Day was observed last Sunday in the Metho- dist church. Rev. T. €. Cassidy and Rev. A. Fokes were the speakers morn- ing and afternoon to good audiences. Mrs. M. Boyce and son, Richard, and Mrs. A. Knight, have returned from their New York trip. Mr. and Nrs Valleau, Morven, and George Val leau, Cushendall, spent Sunday with F. Valleau, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Purdy with Dr. Edwards. Tag Day was observed here on Saturday. Cooke Bros. are still picking October straw- berries. E. Cooke is having his house shingled. Mrs. Walter Jack: son is visiting in Barriefield. Mr. and Mrs. Nu?tall, of Gananoque, have returned home after a visit | with their daughter, Mrs. E. 'Purdy. Rev. Mr. Cassidy has been helping Rev. Mr, Danby for a few nights in evangelis- tic services at Elginburg. Quite a fow women from here attended the W.M. 8S. convention. in Sydenham street church last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Harrowsmith, were recent visi- tors at E, Caverly"s. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward are moving to the village. F. Letherland is raising his barn. Budget From Barviefield. Barriefield, Oct. 20 Mrs. HH. Knapp and two children have retugned home, after visiting at Kepler. Mr. and Mrs. ¥. Stanton, Jr., city, spent Sunday with their parents here. Mrs. W. Nor. man is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Hunter, "of the Isle of Man. Mrs. W. Davy, city, spent Sunday with Mrs. Nevison. Miss M. Turner and Miss Lillie Smith have returned, after visit- ing at Glenburnie. Mr. and Mes. Th and little daughter, visit- ing Mes. R. Dowler, have returned to Orillia. Samuel Gray, city, has lot from Mr. ich, The boys of the front and back roads had an oyster supper at the home of Mr. Doyle, with the mon ey they collected at the recent chari- vari. Capt. snd Mrs. Blair have re turned home, after visiting at Toron- to. Lieut..Col. and Mrs. Wood have teturned home from Hamilton. Capt. ged Mrs. Cartwrigh apanee. Nise ight Mrs. and y , at Mountain Grove. Miss Quinn, city, spent & day with Miss age - I Stanton is visiting in the city. Mra. G. Medley. Sr., is able to be around agmin. 3 New Shades in Soft Hats, a the 4Pio-late hat store styles, god hats come om. * can only be built up by easily digested strength-producing elements. Cod Liver Oil is ac- knowledged by every authority to be the great- est element in the world. Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil scientifically pre- pared for immediate digestion, and so palatable that any one can take it. Nothing in the world equals SCOTT'S EMULSION for making good, pure blood; strong, steady nerves; solid, healthy flesh; and it is entirely free from alcohol, narcot- ics or any other harmful ingredient. It invigorates and builds up the entire system. TRADEMARK - Be sure you get SCOTT'S, The Famous The Lamp with Diffused Light should always be used where several people sit; because it does not strain the eyes of those sitting far from it. + The Rayo Lamp is constructed to give the maximum diffused white light. Every detail that increases its light-giving value has been included. The Rago is a low-priced Jamp, You may pay $5, $10 or even $20 for other amps and get & more expensive container--but you cannot get a better light than the Rayo gives. This scason's Rayo has a new and strength- ened burner. A strong, durable shade-holder keeps the shade on firm and true. Easy to keep og shed, as it is made of solid brass, finished nickel, Once a Rayo User, Always One. Dealers Buerywhere. If not of yours, wwite for descriptive CIrcalar 19 he nearest agony of tre , The Queen City Oil Company oft THE STANDARD OF PURITY Laboratory of Provincial Government Asalyst. MoNTREAL, 22ud February, 1900, I Heresy CERTIFY that I have drawn by my own hand ten samples of the St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co's EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, indiscriminately taken from four lots of about 150 barrels each and six lots of about 450 bags each. 1 have analyzed same and find them uniformly to contain 99-00/100 to 100 per cent of pure cane sugar, with no impurities whatever, (Sign=d) MILTON L. HERSEY, M.Se. LL.D. Provincial Government Analyst, The St. Lawrence Sagar Relining Company Limited, Montreal r Why our smiles of doch contentonent 9 17 ts more thaw mere A BEF su thoes swith eyes om clock so, "Cause at seven swe have our OXO, Nothing like OXO CUBES has ever been made before. They are absolutely unique in concentrated beef -- so handy---so strong so good. Their nsefulness in maki Soups, Sauces, ete, is ond equalled by the delightful flavor they give to all ch sdishes. Splendid 2s a leverage. One OXO CUBE in half a piat of warm milk makes a strenmibiening, pourishing food for children. vf Said be Vier contenivg £ 8 10 onder, VF Two 7 Sevples sort on receipt 2 stewp Hr Fay postop oat pecking vy 3 od In i Od Rr er nm ASP ERrettttt tas itant erste tte | PAGE SEVEN. HOTEL DIRECTORY. UESERONTO. Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leadin Commere al Hotel. Rates, $1.50 per JAS. STEWART, Prop. TRAVELLING. GRAND TRUN! THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1910. | Round Trip Tickets will be fssued {at Single Fare, good going October | 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st, and valid j for return until Wednesday Novem- | ber 2nd, 1910, Note Tickets to certain points are not good on trains 1 and 4. Full particulars on application Hunters' Excursions Single First Class Fare Going Oct. 10th to Nov. 12th, to points In Northern Ontario, Lake Superior, Georgian Bay and Eastern Provinces; also From Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th, to Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, Lind- lay, and all Hunters' Territory in Muskoka reached by steamer lines. | The above rates apply to nearly {all Hunters' Territory in Ontario and {Quebec, and information will be {cheerfully given on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. RAILWAY SRE NC CER TAR Le : RAILWAY In Connection With . CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. THANKSGIVING { Return Tickets Between All Stations at | Single Fare | Going Friday, Saturday, Monday, { OCT, 28th, 20, 31st. Wednesday, Nov, 2nd, 1910. HUNTERS' EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets at | SINGLE WARE, | October 10th to November 13th. | Petewawa to Port Arthur, Temiskam- (ing Northern Railway Stations and peints In Quehe® | Oct. 20th to Nov. 13th, to stations. | Budbury te 8. 8. Marie, Havelock to Sharbot Lake. Lindsay Branch, Severn to North Bay. Madawaska to Pasry | Sound, Parham to Calabogie. : | All tickets good to return until Dee, 16th, 1810. | Full particulars at K. and P. and PL Ticket Offices, Ontario Street, F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Afent. | BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. | Train leaves Union Siation, Ontario | Street, 4 pm, dally (Bunday excepted) {for Tweed, Sydenham, Napanee, 1 - | mto, Bannnckburn and all points north. | Fo secure quick dempsivh to Bannook- pura, Maynooth, and points on Central Intario route your shipments via of Quinte laliwa For further » wulnra, wr " DICKSON, Touone, No. 5. | Réturn Limit | Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. Str. ALETHA | Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and Intermediate ¢ { Bay of Quinte ports. Full Information from | James Swift & Co, J. P. Hanley, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. OUR ROOSTER BRAND Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound Is a good Tobacco. Why pay eighty-five? > ANDREW MACLEA Ontario N, Hiroe. | { 1 i i : i { | ! i i i BIBBY'S GAB STAND Phone 201 | DAY OR NIGHT J. E .Hutcheson ALCTIOYERR sed APPRAISER. i A d sont to $17 Albert Strest or {vo ordér loft st H. Waddington's or J. Henderson's Stores will receive srompl attention. Vina rafearances glean | OPPReLLLLLRRtORtRLe0n Best by Test Try One in ~ Your Home They are sweet artistically AA a In all popular asad classic Music in Book and Sheet Form. Orders promptly filled, THE WORMWITH PIANO CO LIMITED, : 232 PRINCESS STREET.