bite a 1b Glad with warm water soft fosmy Lather of Talaute' Delight Will take eway all the fatiyue of a busy diy. The stepined nerves eelss, greamy Lither of the boap ceanses and Live thousand by yo lv of ny pores. tales on appearance and fed i ot a Satiahy Jaby. and you are all a night of rex refreshing sleep, soc, at all dealers, % yn ~ noquainded with 5 AT a Y | Albion Hetel propert, and Queen streets, ill at a sacrilice. For particulars y, corner Kingston, permanent. | reputation as a comedian Bed nn | il Charlotte Nickerson Morrison | to the great possibilities of the i hitta and Saskatchewan as agricaltur- failure of the -- E HARRY LINDLEY AND THEATRE CAL EXPERIENCES. § ---- vi Played Away Back in 1857-<Has Travelled Far and Taken Many Characters, Toronto Telegram Down in the dieing room of the tonal Theatre, the veteran ntor, Harry bindiey, ehattersd ubout ih old days yy the early ssvenlics, wins ba vgs possibly Lhe hrsl-Known ator in the city of Toronto. He lamented the, tendowy of provegl getitvation of theatregoers Ww wards vaudeville and miuving pictures. "Ihat's what » desing the legitimate off thie loses ne sad, soribwlully. 'But the tide s moving that way at present, and Umi going with the tide. "i dont do muh malting up for part," he lasghed. "Dow't that Ceuel phe, the an Irish have to, The Lord attended to part of it for me." the names of plays, players, the town sad upera Houses wm which en gruements were Billed Mr. Lindley re mondas clearly, even togllie dates, Uressixl for incidents oF anecdotes coinooied with such, he hag Hut one answer: "There weren't guy." And it is the same in regard to his muny nota'le nepdaiptanees outside of the profession. He Loew them all wall, "Thuy were persoval [riends of nine-- brother Masons, some of tlem." Far ther he chnuot or will not go. Me. Lindley luoghingly referred to old days, when he would invade the ! officers of the Globe aml the Telegram f with & small ad, and a demand for a large local writeup. He was well the late (ieorize Brown, Alex, Jacques, sud knew Kd. Farrer "long before the Mail was an , Kappire." And be wished to be kindly rememered to numerous othér news. ! papor men of that and the Prevent period. : x "Do you remember Captain Prince, the handsony chief of the Torobto police?' he ashed. Then answered his own question With an "Of course you wouldn't." A Mr. Lindley regretted the death of his old friend, Ned Hanlan, and won- dered what had become of the Trotter Fionn, . Although Mr. Lindley's stage carcer dates from as far back as 1557, when an a lad of 17, he ran away {rom May- nooth College and joined thie - Samuel Vhelps Comedy Co., which was then touring ¥ngland, and a fow years lat. er played with Sie Henry Irving in Manchester, it was not until the year 1872 that he became popularly known in the city of Toronto. George Holman, of the Holman Opera Company, was at that time les- see of the Royal Lyceum, which stood to the rear. of the south side of King street, shout midway between Bay and York streets. It was here Mr. Lindley first made his how to a Toronto audi- ence, he having succeeded William H. Crane ss comedian with the Holman Com y ; Harry Lindley soon gained favor with Torontonians, esta'slished i wood fellow, which iti the hearts of those whose womory carries them as far back as that time, ; : During his engagement with the | fiolmans Mr, Lindley played in al of . Offenback's operas from the "Grand Duchess" to Re Linchen and Trischen," and, wonderful dor that period, these operas had a turn in Toronto, of two waoka each. The company also pe duced Charles Dickens' "Wilkins Micawher," "Shaun the Post,' "Rob- ertson's School," with Sallie Halmon in the lending female roles and Harry Lindley playing the principal male parts, * i In the early 80° Mr. Lindley found himsell again with the Holman peo- ple, QO holding forth at the Harry Piper Zoo, on Front street, just east of York. Later the ssme com- pany prodaced summer operas at the old Horticgttural Pavilion, which used to stand-in what) is now known ax Allan Gardens. / Both the Royal Lyceum and the Hortioultural Pavilion were destroy. oil by fire) In 1873 Harry Lindley secured a three months' lease of the Royal ILyceum from the late James French. Here he played 54 summer season with the late Oharlotte Niekerson-Motrison, whose death took place in Toronto hut a few weeks agor James W. Wal- Jack (greater Old Falrin), Baron Hill and Ben Rogers. This was the oc i of Charlotte Morrison's first re-appearance after the death of hor Up to this time the Royal was the only "meal theatre" in Tor. il onto. It was due to the efforts of the late that the Grand Operas House was later built, She herself scoured the manage ment of the new theatre. "I was the first to draw attention Al riets, in a series written hy me for the Des Moines Register, Towa," is the claim of Mr, Daring the gold boom in Rossland, Lindley lost a fortune. Aside from unprofitable minitfz ventures, he had a Great deal of money in: a theatrd ouilding in Rossin, * The camp d the worthless. : Re -- being Harry's stage name. Wis mother was an Irish lady, A Mr. Lindley sailed for America from Bristol on a blockade runner in 1861. He landed in Wilmington, N.C. Me. Lindley's twst wile was Flor etice Wehater, very popular in Toron- to in thie carly seventics. She died in Chitago shout '76, Mr. Lindley is the futher of seven children, two by bis fast wife and five hy ihe present Mrs. Lindley, With hut one exeeplion all of Mr, Lindley's children are in the theatris cal business, "Mr. Lindley's present eompany of nine includes hig wife und three of his daughters. The youngtwt child is but eight. Mr. Lindley is a Nason and also a member of the Knights of Pythias. "I'm not quite sure but what I've been excompmumiented by this time, bat a Catholic," is Harry's way of @ it, : #1 have played every town in On- tario. from Cobocook to Magnawanda on Munitoulin Jsland, not forgetting Toronto, London dnd Hamilton," isi one of Henry Lindley's statements. Nr. Lindley was born on the same day und date as the late King FEd- ward, ; Tennyson's "Dora" was produced for the first time in America, at . Rich- mond, Va, by Mr. Lindley, Was also "An Arabian Knight." i Mr. Lindley is author of "The Cast- | aways," "Sky Pilot" (drama), "Girl From the Klondike." He also trans- | lated "A Pretty Sinner," from the! French, for Sally Holman. Mr, Lind- ley still collects a small royalty onl some of the above, | During Harry Lindley's more than] half a century in the 'show business" he hus heen assdiated with many of | the most famous actors. : " In 1869 he was stage manager for | Edwin Booth, and played the 'Grave: | digger" to Mr. Booth's "Hamlet." Played a short season as "Roderigo' | to Kdward Forrest's "Othello." Managed Denman Thompson of "Old! Homéstead" fame. Also played in | "Colleen Bawn," and '"The Octoroon" | with the same actor. "James O'Neil was a protege of } mine," declares Mr. Lindley, "1 starred | him in "Monte Christo" in Cincinnati | for a season in '69." He was also | with Keene for a season. For two years Mr. Lindley held us theatre in Montreal in His bill included Augustus Davies (Fifth Avenue theatre, New York) and the great Fechter, In Ottawa Mr. Lindley had the mis- The. veteran. actormmanager claims the Canadian west, having played every town from North Bay to Skag- way, and every miniug camp in the Rockies, without exception. In fact, you cannot mention a town from east to west, north to south, on the Ameri: can contient, in which Mr. Lindley has not appeared on the boards. Resurrection. Yale Chronicle. President Johnson, of the Ameri can Baseball League, was pointing out to a sporting editor the wonderful making possibilities. of the base ness. ' "Baseball is ingrained in our peo: ple,"' he said. "They'll give their time and mohey to baseball though heavens fall, i "There's a 'spice of truth in the ce boy : "Well, Henry, I don't sée how you'll get to any of the games this sepson, as your grandmother died | twice while football was on.' * 'But, sir," said the boy, 'grand- father has married again, much' against the wishes of the family,' "' i --p-- Truth may be stranger than fiction, but fiction always wnakes a grand stand finish. DISFIGURED "FOR LIFE! Mothers Should Realize What Neglect of Skin-Troubles ! al lease of the Theatre Royal, "the only |. those days." | also | fortune to be "burned out twice." | to have been the pioneer show man of | the | story of the boss who said to his offi- | 4 po teur { Reichel THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THU HE 2 JE Prima Donna in "The Alaskan, THE SPORT REVIEW. Baseball! and Other Field Events, "Reddy" Dixon, "Varsity. centré-half, is ludd up with a rained ankle. Detroit and St, Lows wete the only teams to { play the full schedule of 151 games. | Wile Bender is. highly regarded as {a pitcher, Walter Johnson of Wash- ington is considered the best of the | Americn league (lingers. {Champion Johnson said: "It's too bad aout Ketchal," "He was a great | fighter--nut a hover, but a real fight. fer, and there are few enough of them | these days." | Manger George Stallings, will lead {the Bufiale ball team in the Eastern {longue next: year, and will draw down S900 a year amd thirty per cont, of the profits for handling the Bisons. Toronto Mail-Emmpires They have conxod" Ben' Simpaon into football bogs alzaimg and if theovillage sehool- master in needed in Ottawa Saturday [the old war horse will massage his deft Jog andl Jap Suto thefray. iA mtrong statement slleging wnfai treatmint in the Mann lacrosse cup al- {fair was given out bv Vandouver on their retuen home. They have asked for a meating of the Vansonver Ath- Hetic Chub and the British Columbia Athletic Union in the en deavor to get what thoy claim ay their rights in the matter. ' A now boxing, organization to con trol the sport iu France kas been or ganized in Paris, with M, Frantz ps president. The seope and character of the association is. defined as follows: To detormine French cham. pionships; to take where necessary, joint disciplinary measures Arainst boxeny; to control the engagement of professional Hoxees, and to decide the scale of weights tn ehanydonships. The hero of Tuesday's hall .rame between Philadelphia and Chieaso was "Eddie" Colline, secon] baseman the Athletics, who severnl times elec trifisd the crowd Hy His sensational work, and in five turns at the bat reached first overy time, making three hits, two of them doublet, recerving a base on balls and making a force wav. He sored two rims and sent tw, home, aeopiad ton chances without an error, figured in two sensational plays that stopped Chicago from run. ning the Hases, and stole bases on the famous Kling. Napoleon Iajoie. in an interview in Cleveland, stated that he did not wish to question the figures given out Iw President Ban Jobuson, but that he still believed that he should have heen credited with nine hits in the much- discussed St. Louis {sames. "| am quite satgdfied," he said, "that I treated fairly in every way by dent Johnson, but 1 think that the scorer at St. Louis made an error ip not crediting me with wine hits. How- ever, ] - lad the controversy is over. ve the greatest t for Cobb as. a batter gl a of his Auccess."" ' When Frost is on Notes on {| American baseball league of Pres:- {lands of Ontario," |Samping and fishing district 'in North hunter, where moose, deer, bear jother large Wu As the summer dies and the leaves [commence to turn sporisimen of the woods begin to plan for their annual two weeks' shooting. The "High the finest tourist America is also the mecca for the and game shound. Write to the "Haunts of i a rivigy aveeg { L an, Montreal, Que. * SIE STONER, at the Grand on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, matinee and Evening. tw ee was' --_-- EE From the Atlantic to the Pacific , finds a welcome in a hundred. thousand homes because of its unvarying high grade quality. Sold in 1 and 2 Ib. Cans oaly. 116 CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL. f Headaches -- nausea -- indigestion--muddy complexion pimples-- / bad breath----these are some of the effects of con- stipation. The mild, sensible, ' discovered and best evaclipat khown, which empties the bowels without the slightest discomfort and without dis- turbing the rest of the system. Constantly increased doses are not becessary. 3B. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25¢. and we will mail the, 28 National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited. . Montreal, RECORDS BROKEN. Flight of Wellman Airship Without Parallel. New York, Oct. 20~The America has undoubtedly oroken all previeus records, hath as tg.time wn the aig and distance coversd. The previous time record, that of Count Zeppelin, was thirty-seven hours The America's time, up to elsht o' elock this morninz, would be threefull days, or seventy-two hours. The previous distance was that of Count Zeppelin of 870 miles. The Am erica's distance covered js somewhat conjectural, but it appears to he about equal to or greater than the Zeppelin record. The latter records, however, made over land, whereas those by Wellman are practically comparison in the daring of a over the ocean, continuous as fromi start to finish, In this respect the Amwwica's flight appears to He unique and without » pacallel. WAS WITHOUT A COUNTHY "Cremate Me ahd Throw My Ashes to Winds." Winsted, Conn., Oct. 20.-- "When | die I wish that my body be 'wemated and the ashes blown to the four cor ners of the earth," was the last re quest of Miss Cleo Igresias, of Man chester, whose body was taken to Springfield, Mass., yesterday, for ere mation, "I am a woman without a country; there is no anchor that to any country," she told her friends She was born in mid-ocean, = her father a Spanish naval captain and ber mother a Japancse, and was rear ed in New Bedford, Mass. were made bevond flight such ties ma CANALEJAS CAUTIOUS. Will Not Give Portuguse Republicans a Chance, Madrid, Oct. 20.---Questionod re- gavdiny the répoFt that Quasi Mother Amelie of Portugal would reside at Sant Elmo palace, in Seville, Premie: Canalejas, to-day, said that if © ihe project had been entertained it was now abandoned, as the Spanish gov ernment was determined to not give the Portuguese republicans u pratexi for spreading republican propagandn in Spain. They Would Come, A young woman of a western town desired to show rome kindness to a young officer of the militia Yo whom she had taken a fancy. Bhe, there fore, dispatched this ndte : "Mrs. Smythe requests the pleasure of Capt. White's company at a recep tion on Friday evening." A prompt reply eame, which read : "With the exception of three men who are sick, Capt. White's company accept your kind invitation, awd will come with pleasure to voar redeption Friday evening." --Cosmaopaolitan, Cannot Stay in Spain. Montreal Gazette, Prime * Minister Canalejas says the members of the Roman Catholic religi- aus orders expelled from Portugal can- not be permitted to permanently re gide in Spain. They are also debarred from Franee and in Italy objection is being raised to their immigrating to that country. Perhaps the exiles will find a home in some country where Protestants have most. to say in the making of the laws and where the laws are made wide where matters of conscience are concerned. 10.8 bottle, Fresh Air in Winter In winter, it is hard to get fresh air in certain rooms. Some rooms in a house are usually colder than others, _ and if you open the windows it is hard again to heat the room properly. If you keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air; if you keep them open ou cannot quickly reheat the room. The 80 the difficulty. You can leave the windows in a room open all day in winter, and when\you closes them poly a\match to a Perfection Oil eater and heat the room' to any tem- " perature you desire in a few minutes. Perfection Oil Heater i nine hours; It has a cool er ish a Japan *h eke a Jor hii Bo - ' » which prevents the wick from being turned digh s and i to nd S easy to remove and d back so that the wick q conan An indicator always shows amount of oil mts fons. Se The fillet-cap does nok need to be screwed dows, Itis put in Nhs a cork #ltached to the font by a.chain, ibn ne Ep The burner body device in construction, and consequently, an instant for rewicking. The Partection made, built for service, yet light and orna Deglers N no! v Two Minute Talks About ANDORA RANGE HE Pandora Range is for those who desire to make a permanent investment. The high quality of the materials and the superior method of construction assure long life. The Body of the Pandora is very heavy. The Rods and Bolts are on the outside where they cannot burn or rust out. 'The Expansion Rings of the cooking section provide ample allowance for extreme expansion and contraction and eliminate the possi- bility of the metal cracking. The Cooking Top is Burnizhed which toughens the surface of the metal and increases its strength. McGlary Oil Cement is used between the joints. Unlike cheap, ordinary cement, it will not dry out and need replacing. The Nickelling will not tarnish and is many times more durable than the single coat of nickel on ordinary ranges. The Semi-Steel Fire Box Linings gre twenty per cent. heavier thin cast or gray iron linings. - Sulphur fumes, so destructive to cast iron, cannot penetrate the hard. sthtoth as. glass surface of Semi-Gtedl The Grates have Three Faces which sliows the wear to be digtributed on three sides, insuring triple durability, If you want a range of puaranised quality get the Pandora, It's builtte give you lasting service. } 20 5 - M<Clarys Stands for Cuaranteed Quality London, Toroste, Necires), Winriong Vascoowar, St Jobin, 15. lawton, Calgary. leby J. B. BUNT & Co.