\ Irs SIE wd Fah 1 LA Sa doubt about an Af ve bears the "Ideal" Gi footrail. ee rims Thomas has returned to North Baya: Try Our Line A ------------ ot Chocolate Assorted Creams, Hard Fruit and Nut Centres, made with a selected coating. Just the right kind to make them delicious. | 102 PRINCESS STREET. SOLA L LLL Als ns : v > Sowards Keeps Coal a AND Coal Keeps Sowards. HAVE YOU TRIED HIM? "Phone 158. TO CURE ANY DISEASE. > The Cause Must be Removed, Same Way With Dandruff, Kill tho germ that causes dandruff, falling - hair and baldness, you will have no more dandrufi, and your hair must grow luxuriantly, Newbro'™s Her- picide not only containg the dandruff ~ germ. destroyer, but it is also a most delightful hair dressing for regular toi use. No other hair preparation is on this cluntifie Baki of Hestroying germs. It. stops. all irri tation, keeps he. scalp wweet, pure and wholesome. Rémeinber that somethin claimed to be "just as good," will not do 'the work of genuine Herpicide. Bold by leading drozgists, Send 10e, wn stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran- toed, Jas. B Melond, druggist, spe cial agent, Kingston, Onf. Ye Olde Irish Mill our forefathers, with its slow work at A suffice for our Papiily, TiCrenn. aa lation ys IN 000 to 7.000 barrels of flour a day, Such flour. See and test the fam. ous : : QUALITY BRAND, and. wonder at the presen t im Ting. UALY e Porovar of aa i Gut Ours 2a et, WhY nOVY Maple Leal Milling Co., Co ame [HIV HP, Eis J o enamelled bed's | : mone about its beauty about ts being worth its o . ) ---- { ee NEWS OF NEIGHBORS :=:-:: WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US, The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They are Saying. At Walnut Grove. Walnut Grove, Oct. 19.--Charles Bell met with a very painful accident on Saturday by running a rusty nail in his hand. = Mr. aig Mrs. William Cade, of Pleasant Lake, have return ed home #fter spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. D. Thomas. D. Boyee is threshing buckwheat ow this street. 1. Thompson is im- proving the appeatance of his house! with 8 coat of paint. Azel Buck has returned home after a trip the lakes down east. At Lavant Station. neve, WW. A, spent the past few days a short stay with Fatinaw The many iriends of Mrs. A are pleased to see her driving a her long and serious illness. ley oil Mesars, Hart had a narrow escape ' from drowning last week. "Messrs. Graham canvassing for local option on Wed- nesday, : i At Desert Lake. bee and dance at F. Grainger's was a general success, H. Snook's was well attended. After the husking games and music were en- joyed by the young people. Wilson Bros. have heen doing quite a busi ness sawing shingles. The threshers are in this vicinity. Mrs. O. Orser, Lavant Station, Oct, 18.--Rev. W. | poorly for some time, is better. F, ! Ferguson, Snow Road, was the guest [ees shot a bear last week. Visi- 'of T. Lee, on Monday. $. McDougall, ! tors © Miss L. Babcock, Kepler, at Hopetown, is painting 'the Lavant '§. Page's; Campbell Bros., Syden- hotel for A. E. Jackson. Miss Mag- bam, at: James Wilson's: Miss May gie' Mundle visited her sister, Mrs. 8. | Wilson, at home; Miss Mabel Orser, Allan, Donaldson, last week. Harry | Perth Road, visiting here; Miss May Wilson and J, Wilson, at W. Snook's. ---------- At Chaffey"s Lock. Chafley's Lock, Oct. 18.~The people of this locality are finished threshing and a fairly good yield is ed, Mrs. Susanna Murphy, Brockville, has been visiting friends and relatives dur- ing the past two weeks. Mrs. and Capt. R. Fleming, Newhoro, are eall- ing on friends, The steamer Westport brought a load of stone here yestor- day for the repairs of the locks. The work will be done durin; the latter part of the winter. The survey party for the C.N.R., is expected through here snovtly. Tt is reported the line will pass through here from Toromto ta Ottawa. Two large boat houses will. be erected here this Tair. D. F. Aoder- son's is under way, with Messrs, (i. Patterson and W, Kelsey doing the work, on ter visiting st his home here. r {and Mrs. R.- Alcorn are moving to | their new home. Peter Barr, Poland, License Inspector McGregor, of Almonte, vis- ited Lavant on 'I'uesday. At Brewer's Mills. Brewer's Mills, Oct. 19.--Farmers re- port a good potato crop. Rain is needed to make the plough slip along easily, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cochrane, of Sunbury, and Mrs, W. Smith and Mrs. H.°Orr, Woodburn, visited at Mrs. W. Fisher's. Mrs. It. Milne and children have returned home from visiting in Warburton, W and P. Murray spent Sunday in Lansdowne, Messrs. JJ. and N. Fodey, Lansdowne, at Robert Milne's; Nr. and Mrs. J. Rochefort at Dehnis Murphy's; Capt, James Smith spent Sunday at his home here; Mrs, Kelly, Elgin, at Mrs. John Webb's. [ines T. 'lee on Tuesday. | Allisonville Notes. Allisonville, Oct, 16.--8ervice at Bowerman's, Sunday evening was well attended. 'Mrs. Nelson Parliament, spent Sunday, at James Boyd's. The funeral of tha late; Mrs. Emerson Mo- Fuul, was largely attended at Bower- Man's,.on Thursday last. Mrs. McFaul will be missed. She was alwayy ready to aid any zood work and was heloved by every ome. The floral tri butes were beautiful, among them "be- ing a wreath from the Ladies' Aid and Sunday school, of which deceased was a member, Mrs. Elias Pine, who has been quite ill, is somewhat better. Mr. and Nrs. E. W. Marvin and Miss Verna, visited at G. Hicks, on Sun+ day. W. Goodwin, is under the Gare of Dr. Files. Miss Elida Pine of Chi- eago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Pine. News of Wilton. Wilton, Oct. 18.--Lyleman Babcock, son of William By'swock, is very low witli pleuro'pneumonia. © Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist churca next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Mo- Connell, Morven, will preach. The W. F. M. Auxiliary, of the Presbyterian church, will hold a Thanksgiving ser- vice, on Wednesday, Oct. 26th. The meeting will He adklressed by Rev. Dr. MacTavish, Kingston. Mrs. Burt is visiting her brother, Baxter Guess, Murvale. Miss Maude Patterson, Har- rowsmith, is vigitiok her sister, Mrs. L. L. Gallagher. Guy Simmons is suffering "from blood-poisoning in his hand. Caintown Cullings. Caintown, Oct. 18.-Dr. 8. ren, of" Rockfield, 'is cutting for Frederick Tenaant. Wai Edith Powell is. spendi a. ays a Po etl 4, jo and Mrs. Ezta Earl; of Toudpefints™ Lake, spent Sun- last" in Caintown. ° Kenneth War. ------ corn To Hear the Singers. Bethel, Oct. 15.~A. Tomkins' thresh: ing machine is going through for the last time this season. A number at. tended "the world's fair at Odessa. | 2} day Farmers have neatly completed their' Miss Maisie Renaud has resumed her duties after her recent ill f and James Ralph in Perth, Miss Stella Ralph has returned after friends, rers Charles + Yellen in the driver of (the Cedar Val tank for Herman Hameale. Luke Kennedy and Charles and Gallagher passed through here Desert Lake, Oct. 18.~The husking The husking at E. OTHER KIND OF TEARS. J Mr. Smithkon-1 went to see a per- formance of "Othello," last night and 1.don't believe 1 have a tear left in my system. foday, ! Mrs. Johnson tragedy gene- rally make you cry ? ' | Mr. Smithson<This one did. It was by an amateur company, and I laugh- ed until ¥ cried. 3 EDUCATION WHICH COMES TOO LATE. "Marriage is an education." "Yes, you have to get married be- fore you know enough not. 16." YRRY MBH RUSIYRSS. White, of Gravenhurst, who is attend- ing Brockville Institute, spent Sun- day last with Elmer White. Y. G. Tennant and Roy Gibson had a fow days' outing at Sand Bay. Mrs. An-' nie Kincaid, of Syracuse, N.Y., is visiting Mrs. Nancy Tennant. George Herbison has been erecting new chim- neys on the Graham residence. A Jordon, of Mallorytown, has been painting the residence of Mrs. Kdith 3 Brown. potato digging and report just a fair crop. W. Curl and mother, spent af day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wal. ter Higgs, North Napanee. A. Judge, | teacher, - spent Sunday at his home | near Odessa. Visitors : J. A. Salsbury on Sunday at his father's, H. Salsbury; Mr. and Mrs. | Luther Hawley, Hay Bay, at J. M. Jayne's, There wae no school on Thursday and Friday of this week, on account of the teachers' convention, | Nits. J. 8. Galbraith and children went down to Newburgh on Saturday even- ing to hear the colored jubilee sing- Inverary Teacher Pining. Inverary, Oct, 18.--~Farmers report a smaller potato crop, but of letter side quality, Some Infmers are shipping wl les to Sydenham. The village tele Cote a DE n: will Sogn he I working order I pu rl ut St; dos %, Pittsburg," The. many. friends of E. Darling, uflerin, Oct. 19.--An appreciative | i to hear that he is recovering Mudience greatly enjoyed the concert Fle a hi Poon The teacher reports a given in St. John's church, Pitts- a _--i attendance at school these burgh, last Monday evening, under the days. She is wishing the potatoes were ®9spices of the Young Men's Club. The all picked so the thildren would get Programme was of rare excellence and back to School. Miss Jennie Ackroyd Tereived merited attention and ap- intends taking a trip to the sea-side Jlauke. Miss Helen Rochester, of Ren- on the nd of November, for the bene: oo ber the Sander, The Sethal mals ¥ , yr ladies" GQuartetis, ¢ ingwton, captur i fit of her health, The young ladies dionce With thea os, taptiired. - the sewing circle frosts, at J. Gibson's, on ' r edn bday. Thompson Hunter is bhwid. each successive rendering strengthened ing a silo and pig pen for R. E, Har- their hold on their hearers" good-will, pell, Cataraqui. j Their voices are food. their utterances : acai are distinct, and their blending is * A Cedar Valley. pleasi and Jmaniots, iy Reede Cedar Valley, Oct. 17.--Invitations tied a warm welcome in her first are issued for an apple roast at the $olo and in each following song had Club House on. Oct. 21st. Dancing DErhing fnvar with hor auditor ie wi pstitute part of t iss Elder, ingston, in skilfu and music will covstitute pa he rendition of songs. made sh excellent | impression in ber first appearance and is assured of a warm welcome when- ever she again returns. W. Clare, whose singing is always enjoyed, had merit ed applause. The instrumental selec- tions by Misses Reede skilfully rendered and heartily receiv- Miss Elder showed herself to be an excellent accompanist. Rev. Mr. y the pastor of the church, pre- od ax chairman. . The patronage of he public was large and the receipts a sum, which is appro- inted by the Young Men's Club to decorating of the church, | ou | Old Mr. Gotrox--Didn't you see that sign out there, "No admittance except on business $1 - Tom Allnerve--Siire, 'T came to' ask Mr. and Mrs. you for your daughter's hand. eph Singleton's; Miss M. Lewis and E. Lewis, Chaumont, N.Y., at Ira Bovine'; Mrs. La Que, Gansnoque, at C.J. O'Connor's; Mr. and 'Mis. Cross, Lansdowne; J. Bums, Howe Island, at Mrs. 8. Burne'; Charles Slack, of Charleston, at F. Slack's; Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor, = Watertown; Mrs. John McDonald, Mise Annie Me- Donald, Sand Bay, at €. O'Connor's; George MeKinléy and little daaghter, at J. Singleton's; Mrs. M. Singleton and Mrs. B. Dillon, Ellisville, at J. Bryan's; John Desmond and Arthur Ames, Canton, N.Y; E. Donnelly, of Brewer's Mills, at Charles (Connor's, Tidings From Myer's Cave. Myer's Cave, Oct. 15. ~Farmers slmose through Siggy po'atoes and report a better erop than at first ao- treipateds Corn was a bumper crop in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milligan, of Deserotito,. renewed ae- aintances srowid the Cave and Lake View, on the 2nd inst. William 1oucks left for Wesbwoord, on Thursday last, to 'work in the lanier wools. Mrs. HS. Cuddy, of Harlowe, called on friends, RELIEVES. BAD STOMACHS. Your Out-of-Ofder Statith Will Feel Fine in Five If your meals don'tufit comfortably, or you feel bloated after eating, and you believe it is the food which fills on; if what little you eat lies like a ump of lead on your stomach; if there are PL -- nN Gre : OFTEN THE CASE. "That old saying, 'Marry in haste, repent at leisure," is a good one; iwm't nt» "Yes, but it was quite the reverse with Grace. She accepted a chap whe was not working and regretted it the next week," . J " "Ah, I see. With her it was, ") arry at leisure, repent in haste.' " Light on the Subject ma of Fashion-Craft Q Each Garment refle@s credit on the maker and the retailer. q No light of reason too ftrong by which to examine Fashion-Craft Clothes, which stand the closet scrutiny. € Fall WHAT DID SHE MEAN. Miss Antique--Love is pot blind, Miss Caustique--Then sometimes must be cross-eyed. he A WONDERFUL ACT. : "With your Kind assistance," | said the young man in the parlor scene, "I will now do my, great transformation act," "So be it," murmured the dear girl. Whereupon the gas was lowered and the big leather rocker was transform- ed into a spoonholder. at the cave anil Lake View, ou Mon- day last. John CriteMey, who spen the weekend in Montreal, returne: home, on Wednesday last. Mr. Crites- ley leaves for Monteith New Ontario, on Tuesday. Mrs. Critehley, will leave with the two little Boys, in o few days. Daniel Gray and Miss Jennie, were Ardoch visitors a eouple of days last week, the guests of Mrs. C. Gray, The corn husking a: -J. C, Mitchell's, on Saturday night was well attended. Mrs. R. Gray, visiting her daughter, Mys. John Cook, Forest Mills, returned home last week, "ac. companied by her yranddauihtor, Miss J Hazel Cook. Miss H. Critchley, teach er, at Flnton, spent the week-end; at the Cave, the Juest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs: John Critchley. IE. Dellyea and son, Henry, left for Webb. wood, on Friday last; to work in the lumber woods, for the winter. and Mrs. T. Storey, Colugue, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. €, Mitchell, Lake View, on Monday, of lart week. Mrs. James Fuller, Brock. ville, is the guest of her mother, Mrs, T. Neale. Mrs, I. Ddlyen visited at Lake View, on Sunday afternoon last, the guest of Mrs. J. C. Mitchell. A numer from bere attendnd the fuper- al of the late Mrs, John Cornwall, Cloyne, on Monday. Deceased was one of the oldest resideiss of this tow n ship. ---------- Te to Confusion. The Argonaut. Senator William Alden Smith says is difficulty in breathing after eating, eructations. of sour, and atid, Deartiun, brash or & - i gas, you make up your mind that you need somthing 30 stop food fermentation and cure Indiges- tion, heise Hh - i br 3 7Ei 00d | igten to the evident desire of Col. Roosevelt to the plaints of both insur gents and regulars places him in a dif- | ferent category from an 'Irish Justice | of the peace out in Michigan, Tn n | trial the evidence was all in and the | plaintifi's attorney had made a tong | and very eloquent argument, when the Ia acting for the defence arose. "What you doing *" skked the jus-1 tice as the lawyer began. : "Going to present oii side 31 the case, "I don't want to Hear both Sides | argued. It has a ti yr to confuse | the coort." ¢ ARAN Workman's Invention. M. Trevet, 5 workman of Paris | has one of the smallest | electric motors in the world, It weigh | about one-quarter of an ounce, and | will go into afl ordinary thimble, The a rite of the bobbi b | i about 1L50Oth of an neh. his Lili i was set ing before | Ee Sciences Inst month, driven by three and one-half volts. "TU vind.» quits « and produced a esecont of | seven watls, 5 Complexion of Senate Has Changed. Ottawa, Oct. 0.<The painting anid redecoration of the Senate chambre p= will be finished Baxt week, The cham | ber was last paivted tweiti five Jeans at the inetance of Nie Jou Models in Suit or Overcoat Styles corre in EVERY little detail. $15.00 UP SHOP OF bashion- (ft TP, JENNIS CLOTHING CO. 4 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. i NEW FIGS just arrived at 13c., 20c;, 25c. per 1p. Also Grape Fruit at all prices ES, | denesses R. H. TOYE, : SL00000000000000000000000000000000000008080Y HEALTH IN PURE SUGAR Sugar is one of the best, and hiost widely used foods. Would 'you risk your health for the sake of a few cents on a hundred pounds of sugar ? Buy only EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR. Its Purity and Quality cannot be questioned. Compare it with any other and note the différence in colof. PARIS LUMPS When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA. Limited Estsblished in 1854 by John Redpath Established in 1834 by Joke Redpath DY J.Collis Browne's / OL yl vg THE omimAL AND OBLY SENUMME, The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. "DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Ellectualiy cuts short afl sitacks of SPASMS. Checks 86d arrests those 100 often fatal Sisesnss-- FEVER, CROUP sad AGUL. Tha only paifistive ia NEURALGIA. GOUT, RHEUMATIN, Chiloredyne is a liquid then in drops. graduated acoovding to the malady. it sovaciably rriienes fain of Chiever bind crass culm [ol resbing siceh Pl # trritation ou. stem remedies ; deaven INSIST ON HAVING the Academy of |