} ¢ he Bes 0e 00202204 28528+208> 052 Pr ge a Try HUNT'S -- For a Natty Hat ~ The Shirt Collar and Collars in mm Tie Store of the city. L 1 sizes. mn 53 BROCK STREET TEL EA » NS] dons ES ne I yo ing «we'd like to show you the pew Fall yo ¥ you're interested in good Shoes BB) £ir---better Shoes possibly than u have been In the habit of wear- i models, and talk Shoes with u, We offer nothing in the way of any particular sentiment which & We found our plea for your vomion schse and good Shoes. Every Man wants the best 8h It 18 against this measureaof Shoes and offer splendid values a will appeal to a Man to buy his | shods here, i trade rather on the basis of good B' i0es his money can buy. goodness we put up in our Men's t guch moderate prices as-- § $3.50, $4.00 and $5. « Box, Calf, Gun. Metal a nd Patent Colt. Bluelier cut, Straight Lace and Button styles All toe shapes---somie viscolized und some double soles. All sizes az We'll stake our expectation Bhoes, aud ft will be a good pro; nd widths. for - your patronage on these : osition, Sir, to test them, i J, H, SUTHERLAND & BRD. | THE HOME OF GOPD SHOES, : Our Crystal Brand Of Staadard Granulated Sagar is ua- excelled for preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Oatario Street. (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" Twenly-8icth year. Fall » i th. Gonrasy 1a Poh 3 wening Baths Tele: AA IE and &n Our Ap ot th . Wu r i 0 Dany panit fom Withi ¥ time over sixt with one of Sime. cal i. write [ Ror ant 0 ar fut tion. H. F. MUTCALFE, Pri i .PEARS. VICKAR OF WAKEFIELD, ~ Fine for Preserving, : 'D. COUPER'S, 41-8 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone 76. Prompt Delivery. COAST SEALED OYSTERS. Vein RRA SRR THE DOCTORS AGREE, Two Physicians Both Agree on the New Scientific Dandruff Treat- ment. br. JJ. M. Powell, of Spokane, Wash, says: "Herpicide has given good sat: islaction in my family for dandroff." Dr. W. (3, Alban, of Walla - Walla; Wash. save: "1 find Harpicile all that is dlaimed for iloas a dandruff cure. 1 ddl proserive it." Damiruff is a gorm disease and you can't cure it unlcas vou kill the dandeafi germ; and von n't da that unless you uke News hro's Herpjeide, the only preparation in the world that destroy=the para- sites, A delightful hai dress al lava itohing instantly: hair glossy and soft as silk. Tt is a sure dantiruff destroyer, Sold by leading denggists, Send 10e. in sinmps for sample to The Herpicide wo Betroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran tend. Jas. B. Moleod, druggist, spe inl agent, Kingston, Ont. With foot deformers . an tamper irritators. 3 ' Keep your tongue from un- § 'seomly words, e : r \ De Effects of dimsc or Irerusce en urd Hla By alt dries or ali on ot price, New peemphle ot Oo Medlin Should 'be vitally interested in these two :pecials. They mean money in your pocket: . Me's Viscolized Rubberless Roet, "Black or Tan, . $3.50 Dry Shod Boot, Goodyear Welt $5.00 Best Fall Shoe on the market. E.. JOHNSTON, isupply power to the city on the kilo { conditions. i help. to could recommend a counter-reply contract should first Le ; the company. Mr. Cunnirs ham AS CHEAP AS CITY SUPPLIES IT TO STREET RAILWAY. { Light, Heat and Power Commitee Surprised at Seymour Co's. Offer by Kilo-Watt--It Seeks Farther foformation Reghiding one of Ofiers. The light heat and power commii- {tee is moving cautiomsly with regard jo the offer df the Seymour Eleetris {and Power company, to sapply cheap jpower to Kmzston. It has the eom- |pany's these alternate propositions be {fore it, but some explanation is newd- ted in Tegand (0 one of these, and A, {B. Cunnmgham, solicitor for the eon: far the necessary particulars. In the 'meantime, the Jhydrosloctrie commission ds to © be asked to quote a figure for power, to seg how it compares with tnat of the Seymour company, > pany, bas written 4 The committee, yesterday afternoon, received : the various offers of the Sey- mour company for the supply of pow- er to this city , and from one of the offers, it learned somewhat with sur prise 'that the company could not watt hour basis as cheaply as the eit, gives power to the street railway, The offers are based on the construe tion of a single circuit line to King. ston, ; The company pointed out that if the city decided to distribute power to all consumers, it would have to erect wid operate the sub-station itself, This sub-station would cost the gty $20, 000. I the city decides to purchase power only for its regular service, and allows the company™ to sell to cons wumers using Agwenty-five horse power and over, them the company will erect and maintain the sub-station. Power in block will be sold to the gity at the sub-station at twenty-five dollars a horse power. The compahy slates that its enguiries show thay there is a posgible market in Kingston for 3,000 horse power, Its offer of power af twenty-five dollars is based on the sale of a minimum of 2,500 horse power, involving an annual minimum payment by the city to the company of $62,500. Payments would be made monthly on a minimum peak load of 2,000 horse power, but the monthly average would have to be 2,500 horse power. It was pointed out by the chairman that the present year i ly receipts for electricity at the city | plant were $15,150 for the 900 horse power used, « On the kilo-watt basis, the company offered to supply power to the city at the rate of one and one-half cents 5 kilowatt hour. This rate is for the present city business. A rate could not be quoted for factories on the | kilowatt hour basis, the company said, owing to the different conditions involved. This offer was considered by the commities as very unsatisfactory. At present, the city is supplying pow- er to the street railway company at the vate of one and one-fifth cents gu kilo-watt hour, | Ald. Eliott said that he was very much disappointed with this rate. It had heen figuwed dhat: the rate should he about ofe-tni "or three-quarters of a vent, and by Bo means over one cent, but one and a hall cents was bevond all understanding. Ald. Toye pointed out that it cost the city 1,87 cents a kilo-watt-hour, including all fixed charges, to manu- facture power. It wonld cost the city just as much after adding 'the neces- sary charges on to the one and one- half cents offer of the company at the sup-station, There would be no money in that proposition. The third offer of the compayy was an intermediate rate, which was $12 | a horsepower plus five-vighths of al cent for a horsepower-hour, the com- | pany; in case this offer was accepted, to build the sub-station and dis- tribute to consumers of twenty-five horsspower and over. In conclusion, the company stated that in its opinion the présent at-! rangement between the eity and the street railway company could not be altered with advantage to the Iat- ter, und, therefore recommended that in contemplating the purchase of powegy, the city should continue to supply the street railway company. It also added that it would cost abot 810,000 to put the city's plant in order for operation under new con ditions, Ald, Taye advocated sending. the manager of the plant to investigate the contracts made by the Hydro- Electric Commission, under certain This would be a great the commgittee. Kingston wag not in a desparate hurry for that it could not wait a or so longer. The manager to the company's offer after he had stud- 10d: power conditions elsewhere, The committee, with this information, wonld be in a better position to meet the company. At present important details were lacking. To get cheap pow: r for Kingston the rates' furnigh- ed by other companies must be re ceived as 'a basis. Ek Ald. Elliotts thought that a draft asked from held that the neyotations were not far enough advanced to econwder a eon- tract. Ald. Toye moved that $100 he plac- od at the Saponl of the committee to 'carey on © power megotiations, 'amd his resolution was earvied. Ald. Hart's sugtrestion that the | mansger write the Hydro-Elect power, month samu sssssssssecie --surely pure : T made by Sneed Lo ! tlemen adjourned | Goodwin's home, on Alico street, | great favorite. {1 "Mrs. T. Ee mission and get a price from it for guest of Mrs. Colin Macpherson, Uni- power supply, was adopted, Its firures virsily avepue. ; ty \ would heb) the committee by way of Miss Emily Sears left, on Monday, comparison. to spend two months' with Mrs. Lee Alds. Elliott, Toye, McCann, Harty. A man Sherwood, Peterboro. and MeKay were present st the, meet . Mr.J . D. Craig, who has been on mg. g the Alaskan boundary work all What the committee would like is a summer, arrived in Ottawa on Sun- figure from the hydro-electric commis- day. sion on power developed at Wadding: © Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick and Miss ton, N.Y., which the commission pro- Lassie went down to Brockville, this poses to supply to Morrishurg, Pres: morning, to the Jackson-Britton wed- coit and other eastern places. The dis- dine. They will return to-night. tance to Kingston is cighty-three miles Mrs. V. Schuyler, New York; Mrs, I', whereas the Seymour company's line C. Gilbert, Montreal: Mrs. D. McPhail, 16 this city would be from a point (ayuga, and Mrs.' W. B. Brock, Otta- ninety-eight miles west of here. Wa, are the guests of their father, Mr. The figures quoted hy the Seymour Justice Britton, Huron street, To- company show that it would prefer the Tonto. city to take power at the twenty-five * dollar rate, and allow it to supply the Mr. and Mvs. Arthur Cunningham, local manufacturers. The company Beverly streets leave, on Sunday, for does not want to supply power to (he Toronto, to spend a week at the Prince stoeet railway, as it points out that George. ; the rate at present given to the rajl- Miss Annie Muckleston, who has been way is very low, a could not be Visiting her nephew in Montreal, re bet tered. turned home on Monday evening. -------- Mr. 3. Macdonald Mowat, on Tues TOLD IN TWILIGHT. day, motored to Brockville, to be present at the Britton-Jackson wed- {Continued from Page 3.) ding. A moet delightful tea was given by Mrs. Cartwright, Napanee, has been Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, at "Elm- in town for a day or two, the guest of vist," on Monday, in honor of Mrs, her sister, Miss Mary Hora, King Norris, of Montreal. The drawing. street. re y Which was beautifully decorated Mr, H.' Walkem is expected to arrive ¥ a profusion of white and mauve in Kingeton on Thursday. ebrysanthemums, was softly lighted by = Mr. ant Mrs. Arthur Craig have re many pink candles, and the cheerful turned to town nnd are now settled low from the huge grate fires at eith- in their pretty bungalow on Albert ur end of the room. The hostess was street: assisted by Miss Millie Ferris and Miss Barwick, of Montreal, * * 9 The members of the Country Club have missed their club house very | Harold tinch duving the past few months, ' Commerce, has while it was beiny re'uilt. They are Montreal. ooking forward with a great deal of | Mr. Stewart Sutherland is t brasure, to the formal opening, which 'his parents, 150 Earl street. will take the form of 5 tea next Sat- I Mrs. John Webster and children, who weday afternoon. thave been yisiting Canon and Mrs, "or * +9 {Cooke, "Hazeldell," leave for their The ladies' golf match of the Coun- 'home, in Hamilton, on Thursday. tiy Club, for the president's prize, is Mrs. J. J. Telford, who has been being very keenly contested. The se- spending the past (two months in ¢ nd round is being played off this Rineston, will leave, on Thursday, for week, and it is to be hoped that the Louisville, Kentucky. weather will be favorable to the play-| Mis, G. Taillon, who was the suest jo! Mrs J. B. Pense, for a few * % 9 { days, left, on Monday, for Belleville, Mrs. H. B. R. Craig entertained, in- to visit her mother. formally, at "the tea hour, on Mon-! * > day, at her rosidence on Union street,! Mr. and Mrs. Edward IL. Fortt, re- Mm honor of Mrs. Wright and Miss turn:d homo, on Saturday, from New Horwitz, 'the guests of Mrs. Stafford : York and Lindsay. I irkpatrick. Mr. Augus Maodonell and Miss *® + 9 t Macdonell, Sydenham street, leave for Last evening alter tho lecture in Toronto, on Thursday. vonvoeation hall, a company of gen- Miss Emma Pense returned to Utica, to Prof. W. 1. [N.Y. last Friday. to! Mr. James Rigney left on Sunday meet Dr. Hare, and to enjoy a social for Vancouver to be present at his | siater's wedding. Mrs. James Rig- Hour: + & !iiey will spend the next few weeks It is whispered that an engagement with her parents in London. will shortly be amnounced which willl Capt. and Mrs. Georges Roy be of great intevest here, as the groom- now comfortably settled in elect is an old Kingston boy, and a new home on Brock street. Tandy, Clergy street, expects to leave for Toronto on the first of she will spend the Karl Tandy will go They will: be very by their numerous > 9 Mis Leta Carson, Brock street, is siting Mrs. E. B. Stanled; Clinton, Marshall, of returned home Bank of from visiting ory, are their November, where winter, and Mr. ito California. puch missed ends, * + Mrs. A. McPhail, Clergy street, ve- teived on Monday afternoon, and her drawing-room was again thronged with visitors, * + » "Miss Aileen Rogers, University avenue, will receive, in'the future, bn the second, third and fourth ~Fridjy of the month. | * 9 Mra. R. J. Gardiner, Bagot street, will oe at home, on the first and third Priday of the month, beginning in November, * * » Mr, and Mrs. Jobn Galt, Winnipeg, fbent a few days in town the' be ginning of this week with their aon, who is a ead at the Roval Military College. 1 Nr. David MeGill, Montren], Sunday in Kingston, Mr. avd Mrs. William Harty and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blair, taking advantage of the fine weather, on Satur fay. motored to B:onte tn spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ¥ F. Osler, Mr. Paul Whitney, Ottawa, Sunday in town. Miss Dorothy Brownfield is expected home from Ottawa on Saturday. + @ spent *> S$ Miss Gertrude Whitehead, Barrie atreet, is home from an enjoyable | vikit in Ottawa, with Mrs. Clifford Sifton, * v9 i The Misses Ferguson, King street, | are entertaining at the tea hour to- morrow alterfoon, * Mrs. Howri Panct is entortaining at spent The marriage of Miss Bernice Jack- . 4 Friday 'altar. (00. Prockville, and Mr. Russell Brit- tea at the barcacks on Friday 'after | ton, Gananoque, was solemnized in {Brockville to-day. They both have noon. : im friends in Ki k - ~ . 8 » 4 ny rie ® Ry Mrs. R. E. Sparks; University avenue ber wih in _hingston, who extend will not receive until January. Miss Gertrude Strange, King street, | : : 2 return:d home from Arnprior, on Tues ' A marriage which will be of much day. {interest to Kingstonians will take Word has been received of the safe Place in Toronto, on Thursday, Oct journey and arrival in Sierra Madre, 20th, when Miss Marjorie Cochrane, Cal, of Mrs. R. H. Mackerras, and Toronto, will be married to Mr. Gar her two little sons. |row, Winnipeg. Mrs. Mackerras, Sv, has gone to P 6 a Toronto, and is the guest x Mrs. H.| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsay, of G. Hopkirk, for two weeks, when she will leave for her home in Sierra Madre, Cal. } Dr. Jock Hartly, who spent ihe week- end in Montreal, returned home on Tuesday. Mr. H. E. Richardson, manager of the Standard Bank, spent the week end at his home. | * % 9 } Those interested in Badminton are anxiously looking forward to the first ; Wednesday in November, when the play will be resumed. Mrs, Mellis Ferguson arrived in! town, on Sunday, and is the guest of , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M., 8. Suthedand, Earl street. 'Mrs. Karl Folger, who has been the west of Mrs. T. Tandy, Clergy street, or the last two weeks, is now with Mrs. Folger, Sydenham street, and will remain with her until the end of the month. J Miss Ethel Slater, Barrie street, expected on Saturday, after o' - + 9 Ever church, helped to Montreal, announce the engagemeny of their sdemg hitor, ; Katharine Ada, 1, Mr. Juline H. Grifiith, of Vancouver, B.C, eldest son of the late Licutenant Colonel Julius G. T. Géiflith, Royal (Bombay) Engineess. The marriage will take place shortly in London, England, * + 9 On Wednesday, Oct. 96th, in ouver, BA, the marriage will place of Miss Anna Rigney Arthur Macnee. there very Kingston friends send theit h congratulations and best wishes. Cw The engagement is announced of Olive Grace, third daughter of Mr. BR. W. Saul, Cn East, Ont, to Mr. Norman J. Blakely, of Sharbot Lake, Ont. The wedding to take place October 26th. HARVEST HOME EVENT At Brock Street Methodist Church Last Evening. The annual harvest howe tea of Brock Street Methodist church, o Tuesday evening, was a. gre: Tea was served at six o'clock. times were the large tables filled that it was nearly 8.30 o'oluck befor the programme was started. [let hers Treneer, the blind organist, preside! a the keyboard, and at the beginning o the entertainment gave a fino ori selection. Miss Jessie Reid, of Chal mers church: Mrs. Evans, of Cooke' and Miss Edith Orser; of Brock stree avisibute to the evening's enjoyment. Mayor Couper was also there, dnd rendered his solos in fine voice. E. F. Trimble, who is rapidly singing. his way into the hearts of the people of Kingston, con- sented th sing, and his rendition was much appreciated. Dr. C. C. Nash ov cupied the chair, Rev. 8. Sellery, of Queen Street Methodist church, in 4 brief address, complimented the ladies on the excel lent repast served, and the church on its prosperity. Rev. J. Talman Pitch er, of Gananoque, was the principal speaker of the evening, and gave a lengthy talk on his recent trip through the west, describing the possibilities of the western country and showing its growth. Rev. Thomas W, Neal, of Sydenham Street Methodist church, and Rev. F, H. Sproule, of Princess Street Methodist church, also spoke, sommending the people for the work done, Van take Nr mas arty io on SUCCES Fou ---------------- To Construct a Will. The will of the late Hon. John Band field Macdonald, of Cornwall, will Ix onstructed at Osgoode Hall next Mon day. The will beging : "I commit my soul to the hands of my Creator, by whom, 1 believe, I was sent here ion His own purposes, and, as to His es ate 1 will dispose of the same." Under the will, the widow received in annuity of $1,200. What the tras tees want to know is: What persons wre entitled: to share in the distribu tion of the capital now in their hands ? Two daughters, Mrs, Adele Pemberton ind Mrs. Louis Appleby, are applying for the construction. No Trace of Him, As fur as en be learped there is no trace whatever of Wiliam Meugher, the min who made his ésenpe from Rockwood asylum, He is looked upon ns "ry bicky, and by his enaning has been able to cover up his tracks. Outside places have been asked to kesp a lookout for him. Fine for the Mariners, These are fine nights for the mar iners. Last night there was a full moor, an! one could almost seb to read a newspaper outside. The cap tains on the vessels say that the weather has been simply grand on the water the past fow nights. Colds Canse Headache . Lexative Bromo Quinine, the Cold and Grin remedy cavse, Call for full name. signature E. W, world em ex Looic for w. wide Grove, 2 James Reid, who 8 being held pt Rochester, N.Y, to be deparicd bad hore, is a member of the AMC. and not of the artillery asx has in stated, "Pon't Syrups, Syrup. experiment" with Just take Hed Cross Seld at Gibson's, coughs, wart you will buy tull sized bottles for \ economy, 25¢ and 80s, Sold cverviviisre, WE KEEP OUR CITIZENS WELL DRESSED, Not a hard matter either Our way of cleaning sud dye ing 'gentlemen's clothing keeps them in neat and dressy aitipe all the year round. ¢ 7 1RKER & CO, Dyern.oud Cleanses, ® Privesss %0. Kingeton Wa. Flower Pad Border trom Pences and Gates of all k factured. CRESCENT WIRE IRON Waki trartridae & 'Phone Bx THE JAMES ROBERTSON CO. Babbitt Metals The Best Made All kinds for all purposes. Full stock with our Agents, McKelvey & Birch THE BICYCLE TIRADE, ------ . Consul Johnson Gives American Makers Bonie Advice. Another local matter that the Unite ed States consul, FP, 8S. K, Johiseng has been looking into, is with reas to the bicyele trade here. He ropa that the wheel now sold in Kingston is cheap, 'rothiling at. 830, with » wugranteo for a season. A waking manufactured ut Toronto js largely sold. Consul Jolson cay» that ». good and cheap sradde of Bleyols wonhy: take well, dud he ia worprised that: American manufasturors do not hike an offort to capture the Camailan market. He poitits dat that the differ ence in freight chavges as © agninel Faglish exports which have fo oom. uo' longer distance, will wike u the loge in customs duty. A Kingston deal or, the consul save, informe] his that; where thd Amorioan manufneturer huis wrong was to sell, not enh to deals ers, but to individuals at the whole. © sale price. What ix wanted & a eheip,: good nmi survieea' sle wheel which eay be wold in Kingston for £35 et Patrick Gehan, a wellknown resis dent-of Belleville, died; on Tumse, at St. Vincent de Paul hospital, where he had boett a patient for seme time. Mr. Gehan had heen in ilbhoulth vives last spring. He was aged aged torty- five, George Cavanagh, Frapkyille, has sold his farm to James Retney, who will take possession in a couple of months. Me. Cavanagh intends roe moving th Vancouver, RO Balaville is Kopi to have an cdeetrie railway Try Toasties delightful visit in Joronto, * * Mes. Rosamond, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs, J. P. with Cream ? Sweet, luff 7 hits of white corn (*"todst. ed") with a fluvour that lifts it above or- dinary things and gives zest sud relish to any meal, for old and young. rs Thoroughly Wholesome Very Economical _ Convenient to Serve "Delicin $8 with stewed fruits