Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1910, p. 8

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<i PAGE EIGHT = 7 WHAT TRE WOWEN += THINK OF GW PILLS AETTERS FROM FOUR OF THLIA 3 Wright Ave, Halifax, N.S. 4] have gulfered with Sick Kidneys {or about five years und Lad got vo relief from. various rene which 1 had taken until | tried Gin Pills which pave me fistant relic! I ecan not speak too highly of u and recommend thea to my friends * Mss. M. LAWRENCE, Tyneside, Ont. #1 received your sample hex of Cin Fills and then got a large box from i} druggist, After taking three boxed of Gin Ills, the pain across my hack and Lisnegls Las entirely gone and I am better than I have been for years. 1 wus a great sufferer from Rheumatibm and gt aay all left me." Mrs. T. HIARRIS, Williamsdale, Ont. "Before I had taken Gin Pills, I suflered dreadfully with my back for twenty years. I tried abdut everything but got yo relief until 1 got Gin Pills, I have taken six boxes and now I have DotA sign of 4 pains or an ache in my back. 1 amynow 48 and feel as well 2s 1 ever did iu my life. There is nothing flat can hold a place with Gin Pills." w 4 Mrs, We. P. RIPLEY. y+ # , Davigville, Ont. f "Yor fiflcen Ie , 1 suffered con« tinually with Kidney and Bladder Trouble. I doctored ell the time bu nothing gave me any lasting reli until I was persuaded to try Gin Pills, Within @ couple of days, I received great relief and after taking one box, was completely cured, and now would . /m6t be without them. I can highly recom Gin Pills to all who suffer froth any form of Kidney Trouble," £138 Mrs. A. SIMPSON. Write the Natienal Drug & Chem. Co, Limited Dept. B, Toronto for free sample. wWRegiflar boxes, soc, 6 for £2.50 £4 THOMAS COPLEY, rHeNE 987. Drop a card to 19 Pine Street ter line, and new work dardwood Floors of all kinds. orders w receive prompt attention Shop: 00 Queen Street. { repairs "THE GOLUB HOTEL WELLINGTON ST., near PRINCESS. are other B90. hk mons. Hie Tah iomelike sur- ruundings. .Jocited in centre of-city and close Ao prince stores and theatre, ; arges are moderate. Special rates by the week. P. M. THOMPSON, Proprietor, SNAPS... Ginger Braps. 7c. per { 1b.; 4 lbs. for 25¢. 24 Tb. Box Sodas;-22¢. Orange Meat, 3 pkgs ne. Corn Starch, 3 pkgs. r Bbc" S. T. KIRK'S Grocery, PRINCESS STREET, HAT a With foot " detormers and temper {rtitators. ; 3 od Kedp ur. tongue from un- seemly ds. Hut rather wear INVICTUS : SHOES, for they are models of y@nd sorviee, and ereat- fooling and joyful- 5 i AA e when wanting anything done. in the Carpen- Estimates given on all kinds also. All| DEATH PENALTY| PERPETRATOR OF BRUTAL CRIME WILL BE EXECUTED. | Enraged by Wile's Scolding, Weed- | mark Murdered Her in Drunken Frenzy--Natghtyr Gave Damaging {| Evidence Agzinst Her Father--To | Hang on December 14th, i Perth, Oct. 12.--~Rufus Weedmark, tof Smith's Falls, was tried here to- | day, Belore Chancellor Boyd and 2 {jury and found ignilty of the murdes {of his wife, Katey in their humble home, on Main 'street, in Smith's Falls in the early morning hours of { Saturday, April 80th last. I Ths «crown eontended that Weed- {merk had mide up his mind to kill {Lis wile for revenge on her in send ling him to the Central Prison for | ix. months for nomssupport. The plea tel the defence was that Weedmark {van provoked by his wile, who, it was allesed, Bad thrown a teapot at jim wiwn be was under the influence «ft iimer, thereby so enraging him ht br had Jost control of his sefides wud choked her to death on the floor of ther heme. The killing was not disputed. The question turned . on tthe point whether Weedmark had re- ceived provokation. "The jury return: ed oo wuanimous verdiet after forty- five mindted' deliberation that Weed: imars wis guilty of murder. | We dmark remained stolid out the trial, even when his | daughter was giving evidence against him. When his lordship was passifig sentence of death on:bim Weedmurk gave no outward sign that he ap- previated or cared for the awful meaning of the court's pronounce ment, ! The ecrown's story was told in twa hours' time and was pieced. together by E. A. DuVernet. The defence was handled by 5 J. Foy, of Perth. Pr, C, L. B. Stammers swore 'that he had been called to Weedmark's house a4 little after four o'clock that Saturday mornits, and had found Weedmar's standing in the ljving- room and found his wile lyin on a lounge dead with livid marks on her throat. To the witness Weedmark nad sail: "I did it Doc. Didn't {| make a good job of it, Doc, ch?" The fourten-vear-old Jaughter of the prisoner told of 1roing downstairs edt "on Saturday morning ind see- RE TPR TRBYYI RGF TotheF Ur. Foy, eounsel for prisoner, call' ed Weedmark in his. own behalf, Weedmark said he was fifty-four years old and had been twice married. His first wile had died fourteen months after their marriage, and he had mar- {ried his sceoiid wife twenty years ago. | They had five danghters. / He swore he hal drunk about three pints .and a hall of liquor between 4 in the aftévnoon and nine in the | evening of the Friday previous to tne tragedy. In the evening about nine | o'clock when his wile came home she had asked hime to get her a drink of whiskey, and ne refused, Mis wife an- gered hig with her "chewing the ray)" They bad fallen asleep in the sittingroom. After waking about half past. two he had ordered thy children | to oo upstairs. He had then 'asked hiv | wile to pet him a drink of water, and words folloawid, during which she bad thrown a teapot w¢ him. "I lost my hoad altogether, choked Iv to death," he anid. "When [| grabbed her 1 had no in tention of Willing ber. 1 was drunk | ned didn't know what 1 was doi. 1 | am worry for it, both for children and { mysell: There wopld never be any Trowd until there was whiskey around." : : in. Brage Smit swore he exam ined prisoner orf May 11th, and found him in oxgellent condition, Hoth men- { tally and Pheaieally. This closed the ease of counsol for' defence. fo dhe case was given--to-the-jury- at" 19.30, aml at 4.15 they returned through- own and Jmirest way to litness. ! fori; hone' 7 'month, captain, $50; "GOT A BAD SPRAIN. Thanks to Zam-Buk, Now Well. Don't lijap about Mm pain when you dip on the sidewalk or get a sprain, of get n bad twist at your recreation. Rub in Zam-Buk, and be well in a short time. Me. Clarence D. Black, legal depart- ment, Transcontinental railway, Ot taws, writes: "1 have used Zam-Buk with very satisfactory results, but 1 did not know its full value until just recently, when 1 fell from a street ear and badly sprained my ankle. . 1 immediately applied Zam-Buk, and am pleased to say that it has 'proved invalualile to me. The sprain was soon cured." Bear in mind that Zam-Buk is used by 'dll the fimous football teams, all the best tramers, and all the leading athletes. Men who are at sport all the time--whose living depends upon their keeping "fit, find Zam-DBuk the They are the hest judges. In addition to its use for sprains, stiffness, rheumatism and sciatica, Zam-Buk "#8 eminently useful for skin irijurips 4pd diseases. Blood-poison, festéring. adres and ulcers, ete., « it aickly ounés. Also cures ecuts, burns, scaldy, phapped bands, cold sores, varicose ygins, bad leg, eczema, ring- worm, ete. All druggists and stores gell at B0e. box, or post free for rice from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, fuse harmlul: substitutes and imita- tions. FIGHTING THE HOOK! WORM. Three Hundred Thousand Cases in Porto Rico. Washington, Oct. 14.--A picture of oonfidence. in the future of sound busi- ness enterprise and extension of in vestments and operations is given in the annual report of the governor of Portp Rico. The cepsus just taken will show a population of over 1,100,000, or 310 per square mile. s A campaign against the hook-worm has been conducted with island funds, At the fifty-five dispensaries through- out the. island 49,407 patients were treated, resulting in 19,423 complete cures and the improvement of 6,966 cases, The situation is much improv- ed, but in the mountainous districts it is conservatively estimated that the number still afflicted is at least 300, 000, ! Wolfe Island Council... "Wolle Island, "Ot: 38:uMunicipal conticil met." Members present : Reeve and Countillors Flynn, Furner and (iillespié. » Township accounts pass ed: W. L. Allinson, lumber for roads, $23.84; Mrs. Cadotte, charity, $10: Mrs. Matigr, charity to Norris, £6: W. B. Gard, amount of account, . E. Woodman, . gravel, for road, $0.95: W. B. Card, to apply. on cul- vert in village, $15. Resolved, that the reeve be empowered to sign the contract for the purchase of the Daw- son dock on behalf of the corpora tion, and' to give an order on tne township treasurer for the $400 in payment when necessary papérs for transfer are completed and signed. Resolved, that Hiram Davis be a poimed collector for 1910. Steam yat accounts paid: James Craw- Mullin, 'ané month, 'engineer, $66.66; James Duvis, thirty days, mate, $40; R, Berry, thirty days, fireman, $35; (ieorge Rattray, thirty «days, purser, "26, Mrs. Davis, 30 days, cook, $20; H: Marlow, thirty days, deck hand, £25. 'W. Armstrong, thirty days, deck hand, 225° George Rattray, 767 meals, £72.04; Roy Card, four days, extra deck hand, $5.50. Thomas Nicholson, ice, September, $3.60; M. McDonald, layi deck, $4; Standard Pub. Co. printing, 314; James Swilt & Co, coal, $185.46; Queen City Oil Co,, amount of account, $3560; W. B. Card & Son, amount of account, $19.- 15; Mrs. Rawley, washing, $2.50; the Jackson Press, printing, $1.50; Me- eelvey -& Birch; balance -of - -account; £22.70. Council adjourned to the first | verdict of guilty, Monday. in November at 10 a.m. intends to" Gry HE tn a P- | watchan, is plastering at Charles R. | Wal i ¥, ---- 3 CANADIAN DONATIONS FOR THE HOMELESS. CCastoms Barriers Between United + States Have Been Broken Down Collector at St. Paul, Minn., Has Washington, 'Oct. 14.--Customs bar- riers, betweep the United States, have been broken down, in faver of dona- tions, by Canadians for the forest fire sufferers, in the north-west. Collector of Customs Johnson, at St. Paul, Minn., was advised by the government that the Canadian dona- tions of emergency food, clothing, sup- plies, for the fire sufferers, may be ad- mitted as international act of court- esy. This action follows advices from Collector Johuson, who has charge of the customs district, embracing the fire devastated area, reporting that Beau- dette and the country miles around had been burned, that several hundred perished in the fire, and that several thousand others are left home- less and destitute. Canada, the col lector reported, is donating supplies and contributions of all kinds. DENBIGH IS REJOICING r---- Over Potato Crop and the End of the Dry Spell. Denbigh, Oct. 12.--Threshing in this vicinity is now all finished. Potatoes are also all taken care of, and have turned out a better crop than had been expected. They aré also mostly of ex- cellent quality. The copious rains last week proved of great benefit. The soil in most places was too dry to do good plowing, but is now in good condition. Many wells and springs were also dry, but are now filling up again, and Edward Petzold, proprie- tor of the Denbigh grist, who was be- ginning to fear that he was going to be short of water again to run - his mills at their full capacity during the winter, has been relieved of his anxi- ety. J. B. Lane has arrived home again from North Bay, where he spent a couple. of weeks making preparations for the huilding of a new house on some town lots he has bought. Miss Louise Stein, who enjoyed a month's vagation at her old home here, has re- turned to Ottawa, accompanied by her utefsistér, Wiss Fda Warlich, w 209, 0 while: Miss Martha Petzold intends to follow them in a few days, having al- secured: a situation. William Chatson has been again en- gaged _by the Gillies Bros. company, of ' Braeside, to repair their timber slides and dams on Snake Creek, and started, this morning, with a gang of men wand team to commence work. August Kollner has sold his real es- taté : herd, consisting of three hundred acres, to Oscar Ruttan, but reserved thei tase. of the dwelling house for his family until next spring. Paul Stein has been on the sick list for nearly two weeks, but is beginning to im- prove again. Adam McLellan, Hata: >» se, which will . now ape to be moved into. Iter: Blader has . the village 16t known as the Rat! hot, nd is fow building a mew Stable: on it. Harvest thanksgiving serviees were held in the Lutheran chirch on Sunday last, Stein's new be in a ALASKAN COAL FIELDS. Governor Clark to Recommend They be Opened. Juneau, Alaska, Oct, 14.~Governor Walter BE. "Clack, who has returned from a seventy-day tour of Alaska, said that jn his annual report to the president he would make a recommen- dation concerning the opening of the great coal fields of the territory. It is understood he favors leasing the land, but he declined to outline his plan further than to say that it pro Pillow Phone 147. OCTOBER 14, 1910. * hy ony smiles of deep conteniment # 1 is move than mere presevtment, Weil tk us WRIA 2yes on clock se, - 'Cange at seven we have our OXO. Nothing like OX0 CUBES has'ever been made before. They 'are absolutely unique in concentrated beef -- so handy--so strong--so good. Their usefulness in making Soups, Sauces, ete. is only equalled by the delightip]l flavor they give to all such dishes, Splendid as a beverage. One OXO CUBR in half a pint of warm milk makes a strengthening, nourishing food for children. Sold In Ting containing 4 & 10 cubes, Two Free Samples seni on receipt of 2c. stamp do/pay pastipe and packing. is also} od in Bottles for a0 who A iy y- in Fhid 3 Jor Fuapin A EE -- A ---- Ate Unwisely ? Sing rove do and ste, relieve the discomfort At once, and help digest the overload, The lower of good Wings may fel ele Sale With a box of NA-DRU-CO Dyspepsia Tablets at hand. . a box. or st has cl i bo y uggist has 'not stocked them yet send Soc. aad we National Drag wid Chictilcal Co. of Canada, Limited, « 0300000000000 000000000000000000030000000000 "FROM MILKMAID TO HOUSEMAID." No More Trouble We are now gteting our MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK, and ICE OREAM from PRICE'S WHAT A COMFORT. ~ 45 288 Princess St. V000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 a) ~ © S e ® he C The best, whieh does crease your shams. wood or fron beds. See pur Fall Display. The Latest Creations in Bird's Eye Maple, Circassian Walnut, Quartered Oak, and sold Mahogany not Sham 'Holders DESKS Go to the STEWART HOUSE. Leading Commercial Hotel. Rates, $1.50 por day. JAS. STEWART, Prop. - TRAVELLING. I= (EYEE aa? | RAILWAY SYSTEM eo * Hunters" Excursions | Single First Class Fare Going Oct. 10th té Nov. 12th, to points in. Northery Ontarlo, Lake Superior, Georgian Bay and Eastern Provinces; also From Oct. 20th to Nov. 12th, to Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, Lind- fay, and all Humters' Territory in Muskoka. reached by steamer lines. The above rates apply to nearly all Hunters' Territory in Ontario and Quebec, and information will be cheerfully given on application to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. TT PEMBROK RE YA TRS a In Connection With CANADIAN PACIFIC RATLWAY, HUNTERS' EXCURSION Round Trip Tickets at SINGLE FARE, October j0th to November 12th, Petewawa to Port Arthur, Temiskam- fog Northern Raliway Stations and points in Quebec Oct. 20th to Novi 12th, to stations Sudbury te 8. 8. Marie, Havelock to Sharbot Lake. Lindsay Branch. Severn to North Bay. Madawaska to Parry Sound, Parham to Calabogie All tickets good to return until Dee. 15th, 1910, Low Rates To PACIFIC COAST ONE WAY $45.10 Second Class Good Que unl OH UBEr 18H Full particulars at XK. and P. and "le.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street - soil or Made to fit Furniture, here. 5 TH NIGHT by ' JAMES REID'S, aA Meet your friend. They all deal vided for protection of the - people ainst the coal falling into the bands of mon ies The, governor said : "Alaska is entirely capable of sup- porting a large permanent population, but more liberal treatment by the fed- eral government is necessary to the de velopment of the territory. The Alas ka coal at the present rate of con- sumption on the Pacific coast would last the coast six 'thousand years or more. The coal that Alaska is now burning is fmported largely from for- eign, Gountries' and costs SIS a ton. A few miles away is much better coal locked in the ground." ima A FOXY TRICK. Used Guia on Stick to Rob Store of Bills. Rochester; N.Y. Oct. 14.~--For some time money has been missed from cash exchange of a large departmental store. 'A watch was set, and the po- lice solved the mystery, when they caught four all boys fishing bank notes off the piles by means of a stick posh through the steel screens, on the end of which was a piece of gum. The bills readily stuck to the gam, and hauls of from $10 to $20 were made at a time. "The boys were ar rested. to a ------ Of Equal Wit. ¥ at a public din- . The former, as a t, gave "Fame follows where Everett goes" The Leading Unde Fall Opening The most comprehensive - stock of Shoes ever put on exhibition in this city is now ready for your inspection. All the new creations in Dajaty Boots for early fall wear, all the new and clgssy creations for Men and Wanen of taste and discrimination, g "The Royal." ym pay more than the Rayo for extra that cannot add to quality You can't pay for-@ better there is pepe. An oil light r taker - ¥F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves Union Station, Ontario Street, 1m. 4a (Sunday excepted) enham, Napanee, Desere d all points north, patch to Bannook- 4 Eithta on Central te your ipments vis Bay ay For further parti. ny R.'W. DICKSON, ent, Phone, No. 3. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Oo., Limited. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally except Sundays at 3 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from James Switt & Oo, J. P. Hanley, Freight Agents. Ticket Agent. Wah Long's First. class work me a card and 1 wil your laundry. 155 WELLINGTON ST. between Brock and Clarence Sts a ] : H PARKS& SON, Florists | Day 'Phone 239 Night 'Phone 235 All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants la season. Wedding and Puneral De- signs a speciality shipped to all patsr. 126 King Street Our Crystal Brand Of Standard Graoulated Sugar is vwa- excellea for preserving or table use. ANDREW MACLEA a Ontario Laundry uaranteed Drop call promptly for WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. Furniture Bales given special at- tention. Country Bales of Farms Btock.ete, have been my Specialty for long years. If farmers want the high dollar, get my services MARKET SQUARE. reet. REID & CHARLES PI' 048 £7) DAY OR NIGHT Jd. E .Hutcheson AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER. Sint sent to $17 Albert Street toft at st or A card an order Try WM. DRURY, 235 WELLINGTON STREET. 'Phone 443. For Pickling . We can supply you with strictly PURE SPICES, ground or whole ;also Pickling Vine- ar D. COUPER'S, Princess Prompt Delivery, "Phone 76.

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