Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1910, p. 7

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% THE WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, eagerness end the. longing, to shut | study ? Some bave said, "We must{tertown. Sore persons) were poisoned woke Atvas Bus all the beautstul world (have a text-book." HM by this theylby eating toadstools in place of of \nuture which he has. so loved, and | mean a text-book for the pupil we|mushrooms. Another argument for fasten him down 10 a dreary routine [say emphatically, "No." Nature study | nature study. Were persons taught to of grind, grind, grind, on things is essentially an observation study. |distinguish between the species such , HE e nm at that age have very little interest | Place a text-book in the hands of | tragedies need not oceur, hy 4 { i 2 [x SR or meaning for him. By all means, | the pupil and his interest dies out] On starting =the study of corn, ; ! HY M 5 No! let us bring a little aus into {at once. Nature study becomes af] learned that a farmer in the vicin- A & pb Why It Should Be | (ii school-room, and let it sefve to mere routine. ity had specimens of sugar corn and : HE Hf] ; : . introduce the elementary work in| But should not the teacher have broom corn. I spoke to the boy Taught in Schools. those other studies, which he finds to 'some aid in the preparation of the] belonging to the home, who brought 'se later on, beth interésting and im- jira * Of course, every teacher has|samples of these, We had thas a ena < portant. {the great work of 'mpature outspread | good opportunity of observing the / : This from the child's standpoint. { before him, a neverdailing and = ever | points of similarity, and also the FOUNDATION IS LAID But there is anothec All-inportant | yarying supply. But some may not |differcgees between these and the com- ; reason. It leads to the corelation of 'find this sufficient. There are numer: {mon field and garden varieties, of : ihe studies. Nat study lays the ous works dealing more or less with the | which the pupils brought specimens. 3 foundstion for other studies. It is the subject. The following have been| The subjects for study vary acoord- BY NATURE STUDY FOR OTHER | mucleus of physiology, reograghy, [found useful : First, there is thejing to the season. The leaves just STUDIES. botany, zoology, physics and Shomiy- {Canadian Teacher. This, although of [now Jost he Jot adigetion. Com: : try, - and includes age w {much aid, will scarcely be found to]pare the leaves oO i i composition and drawing, What in cover the whole course. Next comes g | their. Shapes, color, ete. Y Then Shere Lack of Time is Urged Against it by | ature study in the lower grades will | k by Dearness, "How to Teach the | are the caterpillars. They may Some Teachers--Iit "Will, However, | be found to differentiate intg the var | Nature Study' Course," and also procured asd allowed a form is Pay acher jous other studies in the hi grades | "Syouies in Agriculture," by the staff | S0c00U8. SC y : i pe G av each i, Sor And how much easier for the child to' f the Ohare Agricultur al College, the Meatuition, mute uatiL next speing. Easily y ngs maste- scientific subjects, whew be en- Guelph. When purchasing hooks for Ble he thre ous ; . ters high wehool, if in the elomantary ' our public school library, 1 procured nes isin, the Lu ine : Lo g 8. E Revelle, Hartington. grades he has learned something of "Birds of Ontario," by Mcllwraith, a}® oring at og ah A i, Joho iy Fn Shall nature study have a place on | plants and animals, of light, heat, | 0 excellent work, giving a concise weeds wi useful. pa 1 stidios i ioite Bad ' i SRE I noxious and useful, and show that the programme of studios in our pub | sleetricity, ete. | account of every kimd of bird known ion Bow i color Br 0 orn Jie ? "But" some one says, "this @& all' be found in Ontario, with a de what is a w mn v v s v t cb opt apa | V2 De 10 n ' be a useful plant in others. Have the { At first , her Pp j t sight this question may | very wall as a theory, but there ave ' intion of their nest and eggs. It Bop make' 8 wolletion of off the +B | Seem irrelevant, but when it is found | lifficulties." Certiainly, amd there usu- (is liberally illustrated and beautifully | Gg. += pe a0 =F coeds which he yy } | | U that many teachers either fail to | wily are in anything worth the under- [| = 0 tg" bould have a place info pg bh : : t \) fo I a Two | ho Tho Sr 20 Br I et 0 Tn 23 WE ALWAYS HAVE § 4 A es PSS Sie kh tt no | Sim Sh en om | Pp 2. Phe Pairyiond of io hn pnp hp this most interesting and fascinating | parents, who if they have ever sttend- ad botang, simple <8 rh fom > Again a day vg our_old_surth in when we call on Mrs. Jones, she has one of those delightful Gram-o-phones and some beautiful records by Caruso and Melba, and some of the funniest ones by Harry Lauder. They are just the most natural and perfect things you ever heard. Really its better than going to a matinee. , : Your guests will always have a jolly time if you entertain them with a VICTOR or BERLINER GRAM-0-PHONE the sound reproducing instrument brought to its highest pitch of perfection, The nearest VICTOR-BERLINER Dealer will gladly play your favorite selections for you. Tio moe | iit of ag Sr le al . [) i "T Sein ' : the = Flora, hen the pat od OUP 4s Yer to the fftestion gentleman antici before, referred | through the kindness of our inspec-lery flakes of beauty. The winter tivh-abused od long sallring body of 2 tie, and the filling of the pupil's tars, has: Jpeasehtad a eatin ith [birds may now be studied, also the lasophers--anawer ' i: il wi : the book called "Farm 5." Some {domestic animals. Phila ould on, Jthetwise mind with an On moss of fo have said this book is worth 810. To} Then in the spring the whdie the I ngve ve pl " - Hemme 8 og on the part a the teacher of nature study it is fworld of nature coming to life, the With thin duaiaion; very Wholeeonied, | omatines. | hossamates. canshirabre Worth more. Then there bs Burcought [buds and flowers waking from : theie sstare lov} a al or Tt tact on the part of the chor 1 o "Birds and Been," alcondly mentioned.swinter sleep, the. birds. and their has been sai in the t and hot co-operation of the parents with the These are only a few of the many |nests. In July and August the pu without reason, that a asl, has been Sn hfer is greatly el bo desired do ' works which will prove of advantage. pil is out of school, but if the train- expelled from 4 the scheolroom. ¥wven | must xe secured if possible, otherwise Many very useful nefieles ar given he duking the ie? of the Year has : ae h : NE Cae. in our newspapers. In the Montrea n careful and eflicien is will be at tho promt st it Jo survceing th | $e mtr of he hd et 0 £3, "SEGRARL, 2l"Sy Son | 4 mon fri me fr the pol He le, as nt the | way, and with ronts and children {article was given on the "Value of will gain for himself a wonderful Ber Tosraabiing | Toth intoronted Trin il uirieds to the Farmer"* This might] umount of self-knowledge, and . will y hg ' a : : ; Ss #0 ove the foundation of some very [return to school not only invigora- atud in our public | smoothly. After all, parents worthy Prove t ? ok ted in body but: with 'his mind filled "sthools. It was my privilege to be | the name will naturally be interested Useful lessons. So mitich for books. tof in be OY ara) facts , t, last winter, at u meeting of | in what interests their child. Regording ha maiaria] far exami Wo a aagtationd. he Farmers' Institute, which was ad- A : ation the acher nee 10t tre Humbeds of ori ht} EE ¢ nother difficulty urged by ' ies d ROR undreds of others might be introdu dressed in the evening by a delegate teachers is lack 1 der | TTY, much ghout that. lat him one ced, Every teacher has an indi- : of time. | wonder! he mils interested in the work sont by the department of agriculture. if wi ; ro Eoh 18 PUPS 1 : '}viduality of his own and in this what would be thought if we said we a i lantly | viduality » and they' will Keep. him abundantly subject there is a wide scope. One This tleman spoke at some length had * ee i = . : ad "no time" 1 teach one of the _ : : ud They e of birds, their habits, nature of food. co R= a. sara . supplied with spec MENS, They will thing which should be in every school other Wubjecti--iay, geography. One a sh other their collection 3 3 a ote,, and showed the t benefit to oe ? vie with each ot in t . . rallectic of: HVihe. stows fey & ul A grea b excuse is just as reasonable as the ol : ota minerals, shells room is a collection « ving, grow the ngriculturist these feathered friends ject is ¥ : 0 of plants, insects, Lit. ling plants. © These not only beautify ) ' other, a» one subject is just as impor fo ties of all kinds, : 3 » of ours. prove to be, In the course of tant he other. But the fact i rare. hits ol curlositi : on a dull room but are of inestimable hin remarks he deplored the fact that At oe in it Er we. sige Which they will present with smiling jie for the other lessons they im- in our public schools almost all the lore: it ori og Cindi: Tor pride and faces beaming wit oo wt. Let the pupils assist in the time was given to reading, writing he ii ad he mind ot ) est, let the teacher beware o re-decare of these and have them observe und arithmetic. "No place," said he, il stiles, an A mine § a fusing any of these] no matter how dye oro cih of bud and blossom. "is given_to the study or observation | "™ he mo he AR rs fd insignificant. Take it' in the same] ye Ub Choad of trustees can be of ral objects surrounding the mare reacily retain tie i rf Presente | apirit in which it ia offered, and let persuaded to place a cabinet in the child." Now, knowing that the eub- |" ihe other Studies BY ving his in- | 30 small giver believe that his Speci § yehool room it will save the the cha- tellectual faculties aroused, or his in-', , io of vital importance in the col- | iy ond disappointment of réturning jeot of "Birds" was particularly dwelt h ) i terest developed by the study of the i. co 4 microscope or lens is of | fter the spring housecleaning has on in our schools, in fact having : : 3 nay} » shortly before taken up the different natural objects surrounding him. What | ree necessary, One should be in {heen in operation and finding that classes of birds, their beauty, their | me shall we devote to the teaching, ands of the teacher at least. vour beloved collection of specimens uses, ete., with my own pupils, and of this subject ? A short lesson nl How is it to be taught ? Objective: | has entirely. disappeared. Now come having found as usual that these sev. first part of the week, With the vari- lv, of course, where at all possible. | the drawing and composition. After eral lessons were amongst the most | OUs classes, and on Friday afternoon Ilave specimens of the article under | the subject had been dealt with in fnteresting of the whole year, and not | ® longer period, say three-quarters of | yiocuesion before the eyes of the pu-| the nature study lessons have the only this, but having read with the | an hour . or thereabouts. 1 have! ils. Have them examine it for § pupils make drawings of it. It also Is Burroughs' interesting work, | chosen Friday afternoon, the same af: | {hemeelves. This is tho one grest|{orms the theme for their next com- Bees," which as vou all | ternoon which I have chosen foc music | point in favor of nature study. Phe | nosifion. © This not only helps. to v. the i 4 . By this time | hupil is the active agent. He 'in-|impress it on their memories but is # il they have | vestigntes, examines and discovers for false a lesson in art snd. in composi: Tabored faithfully' all week, have be- | himself. "But," says some one, "what} jon or language work. gun to feel just a little f , as it if the subject belong to the animal! What is the aim of nature study ? were, ard the subjects which ave the | kingdom ?" 1f it be ananimal (hat | Firet, it interests boys and girls and were most interesting and which call for; can be brought into the school room |aventually men and women in the na: and it would have seomed | less strenuous mental effort ave, there- | have it there by all means. = When {tural objects surrounding them. Many jon on the part of an insig- | fore, the most suitable. Dullness and | taking up the dog and cat we hag people look at the beauties of nature nificant country school ma'am to gain- | listlessness immediately vanish, every- |the animals present. We oven Jog "Levery day and see them not, listen to L ' say a dignitary sent out by this aug: one is active, everyone interested, and [cd a tramp eat which wandered along | the * most beautiful sounds and hear imited. ust beg 1 was "e'en obleeged to | the last hour or two, of a perhaps{and fed and cared for it. It. was re lipem nat. Truly, "Hearing they shall ~~ thole it," 'as the Scotch say. Of course | somewhat tedious week, is passed plea- | ceived as a natural adjunct to thelhe.y hut shall not understand; seeing , MONTREAL. [it is needless to add that this gentle- | santly and profitably. "But," asks shoo) room nud waa not in' the least | poo chal see, but shall not per-| |} man belo: coun' y 4" i ! a disturbing e - i ceive." Po a Ban do the. a thie oT Tih ah Oh Study The Canadian Peacher Some Sime Baucttion has failed. nite objet if Remember the Victor, When thinking of | state 'may have existed, but | This is the time appointed on the | 220 gave an article on t % |it make not man happier and if it do Xmas Gifts 3 » T twentieth cen- | (i ble, but this is a study' which | honored ballad, "Mary's Little Lamb," | o) ble him to bestow happiness on with the the time table, a 3 ; app 5g a new era has dawned. The ts many different phases, and {© the elfast thas if. this intidant Se others. How can he do this "if he go : to Pi co: | ourred 8 Leac! onsh Ii : ros, EN hmaehite, wine | CF, Which jnnumerable opparianities would not have. "put him out," but (SG [i BRL UT SSL SUC lL ingredients 4 pry v ity, whe {think would have seized the opportunity the loveliness of this earth, formed for » every @ opportunity, where, and had a nature study lesson onhim. |," 4 : ; ! we have al, short talk will be of benefit. I say Whee. the leston was on the: horse and his abode by an all-gracious and lov- A nity. Ee sane This mas' occur in| (08 T did not think it advisable tof a inthe Willi a Habit 'of ob: are BL Age ol + § wil micient. his may occur nj; hese quadrupeds to school but 3 . tl to think, observe and discover any subject oven in that to some pu- being Shiss. yuadiubed hon at home yervgtion, Which wil sand jie malta . . { pilx most uninteresting one, akithme- |..4 brought the results of his in- rn a Fa al i : er an ma lot tating nature | Uo, ,0% POSS fOrRIL in Men he | gations te school. And simple| 350 "hue" if Jeada to a Jove for an fuublie school. ariChietie you wi aa the "habits of these animale stn mals, which will increase move and Every branch on every tree is | | government, | govered with a dress of snowy feath- | | HERE ARE SOME OF THE LATEST ONES. 5787--' That Fussy Rag" Peerless Quartet 10 inch 75¢. 31792--"' Love Divine" Marsh-Macdonough 12 inch $1.25 10 inch Double Faced Records 90c. for the Two (a) ** Come be my Sunshine, Dearie' Macdonough RED SrAL RecoRps 88246-- '* Gioconda " Cielo e Mar' Enrico 17h $3.00 [Caruso 64138--""Annie Laurie' McCormack 10 inch $1.25 PurrLr Las: 60023 -- #* What good is water wh ' (b) "The Arcadians" Favorite pre an ™ Nom Bayes Melodies Pryor's Band 17 inch $1.50 Double sided Victor Records are 90c. for the two, only #5¢. each. Samples by mail! on receipt of price and 10c. for postage. Find out to-day, what this wonderful entertainer means to you, and "BE SURE TO HEAR THE VICTROLAS"" Berliner Gram-o-phone Compan 16556 With Coal at $6.50 a Ton, the | Fuel-saving Device of . the fl this question: "How many toes have ninetesn cats 7" Now there is your opportunity. Cats and dogs are among our subjects for nature study. Can your pupils answer it correctly ? to be yet there are a few points which every day may not have noticed. For from a recumbent position raises the oven persons who have seen them |More till he fully instance, one animal when getting up § realize the words, He loveth best who loveth most All things both great and small or the dear God Who made them both, "Happy Thought' is an Important Factor in House- hold Economy. he oth i the front_legs, first, hic Mo Fa a He loves them one and all." ave quite positive of the | hind | first. ) ' 2 hy The Tehildren are instructed | does the former and. which the lat-| Not only does it Serslop the child to examine Pussy and bring the cor- [tor ? When eropping grass one eropy| physically and mentally, st is of in} vect answer. Again, in a dictation {the grass inward, the other ' outward. [finite Imbdreance 8 n spiritua Jesson there occurs a sentence on {Which 8 which? Has each animal growth. The world of ha ube begins One big reason why it Ia toads. We, therefore, have a short the same kind and same number of}to glow with ee he begit cheaper to use a HAPPY talk on toads, their habits, their teeth? Has a sheep teeth in bothjlo realize that he has heen on i n THOUGHT js because it is easy uses, the they do, reasons why [upper and lower jaw ? this world for a pusphss-th t there on the coal bin. And when you they should not be destroyed and so] Simple h questions, but bow ia a wg 83 Pag oes a nobler - Dart Teale De Ztearful regularity " »" ure of t ans- (to seek. with which you receive coal on. Or the word, "Bees," comes. up. an ae pa earth; will soon bills during the cold months you will conglder this a big advant- + béduties of God's For a few moments, attention A good way to deal with some of|learn that a heart impure or sinful is the niin is age in buying a range. The reason many ranges are by contrasting two jout of keeping with the great plan of objects. Thus the animals mentioned |the universe, will feel the pathos in and bd VV THN HAPPY THOUGH By the way, how many of the teach seas : i i spending money on building a THOUGHT firebox. which Is new chimney or putting a stack _ scientifically proportioned to on the one you have But the size of the oven This what would he the 'use? The Sounds simple, but if you have # A ever had a range with a faul- deme i With the range, and ty firebox you'll see the differ. ence in fuel-saving and baking Now, in the HAPPY THOUGHT roguits / the vety first month Range there Is no trouble of that you use the HAPPY this kind. For years we have THOUGHT. studied flues. We have learn- Send for our 2 I & is tl; i g booklet--it's --~cats orses and ecattle-- {the words of Bishop Heber : would be better dealt with in that "Where every prospect pleases i ing hc ll [Bg Wa on ior studied 1 contrast, ially ireat set us ap exam- with i toadstools--one|ple in His teaching, for He drew His wholesome and nutritious, the other [lessons from the beautiful world baneful and ous. Some weeks faround Him--the ws, the grain ago a was reported in Wa-|of mustard seed, the lilies of the field. . How true these words, birds and bees and butterflies, tell of God's love: It ------------ a ed their little peculiarities and free--which explains the vari. Just what kind is required for ous features of the HAPPY and the Best is carried past the best results, unfil now we THOUGHT plainly and simply. point where It is especially know; and exact know- Your name on a post ecard sinti i tars, it radiates wanted (which requires an ledge we have embodied in the brings It promptly. Or i you scintillates in the stars, enormous. fire to do little construction of the HAPPY prefer, go and see the HAPPY from the sunbeams, it glistens in the work); of the flues are #0 THOUGHT Range for your THOUGHT dealer, who will be dewdrops, it ripples and sparkles - i small the oven wou't work and benefit. glad to explain without ohii- the eddying currents of 0oks a you get no satisfaction at ail Another feature that tends gation, the various exclusive rivers. Leal and bud blossom | This leads to your probably to fuelsaving is the HAPPY features. in one grand paean of thanksgiving, the The William Buck Stove Compomy, Limited, Brantford. Mc¢KELYEY beginning and the ending of which is, al A, "God is love? IRELAND'S REMOTE PARTS. big coal consumers ls because either the flies 'are too large & BIRCH, g £ i Pd 2EiF fsi 1 ii 52 $8.7 EfwE £ : fri "igh HHL th i has rare food valne, Splendid for is "° Wholesome, nourishing and Of $0 good for breakiast, dinner and Supper. F i Eres

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