Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1910, p. 4

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hg ONLY THE GENUINE Plough Repairs For all Ploughs at Corbett' | ge ay LEE gor Setr, . in styl work; nine Pads lah. The Briish Whig Pblishing Co., Lud. TORONTO OFVICR. Suite 18 and 26 Q City - PE A Dail Wibia. A VERY TIMELY DECISION. A pew aspect has been put upon the divores business by a recent and most important decision of the New York court. A woman, who wearied of 'her marital relations, and not, perhaps, without some reason, went to Nevada, lived there a certgin time, and secured a decree which fed to be legal and binding., "The husband waited until she had completed her plans and = won her sceming vistory, and then began pro- ceedings to have the decree nullified. {And he 'succeeded. In New York the ! justice ruled that neither man nor woman could, in Nevada or else wheres, take up residence for the pur- CAC 0D HE business man who 1 # does not make him- self conversant with the adwintages of the Under wood Bookkeeping Type- writers is giving his com- petitor, an opportunity to steal a march upon him. UNITED TYPEWRITER Co 3. 8. G DORSS, KINGSTON. 'pose of securing a divorce, and that "any decree issued upon wuch residence and for such purpose could not be "sustained. i The Montreal Gagetle, after re marking that the New York judgment i# in accordance with the decisions of the Canadian courts, adds : "The de- cision is one that will be continued by those who desite to see the di: vorce evil checked, for, if anything enn check it, this judgment, requiring not only the legal jevidence called for by the laws of the state in which the divorce is issued, but also an inde terminate period of subsequent resi-! dence, will do so. But few people want a divorce badly emough to put in a couple of years or so of resi dence aiter the matrimonial relief has been removed." ib h---- A BCARCITY OF FUNDS. It would be just like the luck of the discover that there has to with the council to be a serious expenditure water system, and, thanks to the raid of the finance committee some months ago, the department has béen lif 1* CONSISTS OF WOOD | Make It ff from a' indle to a 10. » 3 | WOODWORKING FACTORY Bad Wellington St. i of typhoid fever there CHASES CAND DUST, | ae That's the result when you allow ul to elsan your lace ortaing A eres. We're pi diy. mbel sought after impoverished. Every time there is an is improvements. is outbreak n new agitation for costly The intake pipe may, nowihat it troublesome, have to be replaced or supplemented or overhauled; and it may be, that the water in the lake is being slowly yet uevertheloss surely contaminated, and that sooner or lat- er there will have to be a filtration system. In any case the cost will Le heavy, and the department is not ih a posifion to incur a large expen- "diture out of cwirent revenue. "To. be sure there can be a vesort to the ide of debentures and the raising through them of many thou sand of dollars. That is the expoen- give way of doing anything. 'The im- provement that is made with bor- rowed money, even at four and a half percent, is expensive, for a dollar will have to be coversd with another dol- 3 lar, a8 interest, when the loan runs a little over twenty years. "Boil your water," friends, and re- | member when you do so that the de- preciation account of the water de | pariment--the notount founded accord- ing to business principles and to meet wear and tear and complete restora. tibn=would 'be ample to meet all pre- sent cmorgencies had it been left alone. TERT OF THE ELECTION, The address of the premier of Udn ada, in Montréal, on Monday evening, was a masierpiece. It was just what it was intended to bu, 'a clear and unequivocal exposition of the policy of ply on Fr Aly nRITSH | $1ed people with o different policy for every proviuge. The enemy, indeed, is welcome to all the comfort it can find fin the eomtemplation of such an out- 160k, combined with the fact that the party convention, ordered for this vear, has been abandoned, and because there was absolutely no hope oi har- mony between ils component parts. The position of the government wag defined in 5 way which will leave no doubt about il. The Bourassa-Monk combine was mearit tg undermine the popularity of the province in Quebec, and he carried 'the war into territory by showing that he has been copsistent, that he has stood by the programme of 1902, 'the programme for which both Bourassa and Monk voted, whilé there had been wobbling on the part of his opponents. That Montreal speech will be the text of the next eléction, and the test as well, and it will be Jmportant to note how far it will allect the result in the province of Quebee. ---------- EDITORIAL NOTES. About eight or ten girls from the institute are taking domesiic science and perhaps a hundred manual train- ing. What do you think of that for n choice ? Another picture show resort is talk- od of. Burely the city is pretty well equipped with these establish- ments now, or the people are picture mad. going The council is loosening up towards the close of the year. Has the threat--the esenomists must go--had thie desired effect * Usually about this time the aldermen grip the hags with a firm hand. money There has been a shuffle fn the Me Bride government. Jon, Mr. ser retires, It is alleged that he has | differed with the premier Unless he is a stronger man of Bow- on - several matters. | than when in Ontario a couple | years Madame Melba offended the people of Edmonton by failing to give the National Anthem at the close of he concert, and on the ground that he pianist was 'not farhiliar the air. The reecipls in Edmonton wen 6,000, and of this sum the - madame eecived $4,000, ALLEGED LUMBER COMBINE. Investigation Now Under Way. by Department, Washington, Oct. 12.---To determin: if there is any foundation for numer ous complaints received at the depart: ment of justice, alleging the existence of a "lumber trust,'"' special agents ol the department are quietly iuvestigat- ing the operations of a large nomber ok dnade; nasociations and other or | wanizations in alk parts of the country connected with"the manufacturing and marketing "of Itmber. It is alleged that the price of dress ed lumber is fixed by agreement and unduly raised by "powerful interests which control the lumber industry." Chdrges of blackmailing, elimination of competition, and divisions of terri- tory are also made. i. Tao Many Hands. Utich Globe. The electric ventilating fan on the wall of the restaurant was' whizzing round. A gentleman 'who had dined ex wy. wi sad looking at it for rome tame. - "Waiter," he complained, at last, "that clock's fast!" What About a New Derby? We have all the up-to-date hat store styles and in such worldfamed makes ns Scotts, Healh's, Buckley's, Christy's, ete; $2.50, £3, #1. Campbell. Bros', the style centre for ago he will not be missed. with ad their # TA _ 0% ney J HUNG UP IN SPACE AWFUL EXPERIENCE OF A YOUNG SWISS LUMBERMAN. 2,400 Feet High for 13 Hours--~Was Sitting 'on a Leg Attached to Mountain Cable When Machinery ~ Was Set in Motion. : Geneva, Oct. 12.--A man. named Fer- rari, twenty-three years of age, had a terrible experience in the village © Jadiano, in the Blenio Valley, Canton of Tessein. : He was sitting on a log which had not been detached from one of the electric cables. which the lumbermen use for convevmng timber from the mountains fo the valley, when some one wet the machinety in motion. Ferrari was taken up along the cable into to a height of 24% feet, and then the machinery was stop- WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. Lr i a DR. SOPER in diseases of Nerves, Bladder and Special Ali. nents of men. Due visit advisable ; if impossible, pistory for free opinion and ad- 3 Question blank and diseases of men free free. Medicine furaisl form. Hours : 10 am. to 1 pm, sud 2 to ¢ p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. DRS. SOPER & WHITE » he was left pended in mid-air within fifty-five feet of the top of {he mountain. He shouted himselt aoarse, but no oe heard him, and he vas not discovered until thirteen yours Iafer, when some workmen low wed the log into the valley, He was hen almost unconscious, but recover «fl after medical treatment. A wejeuted rival in a Jove affair, sho was seen loitering pear the 'elec trie works, has been arrested on a harge of tampering with the machin ery. . i ------ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, The Marshall Discussion. Kingston, Oet, 11--(To the Edi tor)i=1 was somewhat surprised to road vour editorial contribution to the Marshall discussion, us published in the Whig, of October 10th. Is it yous idea of the Canadian spirit that it must advocate peace at any price, no muitter what the saerifice in national ell-beirts or honour; that, by de Ining Lo mate our army and navy dheient, we shoul! refuse to Hear hare of the burden of the' anpire that owr principle of conduct, divi inal and national, should we based o the most absolute selfishnes®® If so, 1 wg to take sharp issue with you and in satisfied that, in doing so, |] tand with the great of How citizens. . May 1, further, oxpress the hope iat you do not offer the indec ney of ankhoy puldic what was said to one 1 private. conversations (unfortunate cy af ik would gopenr, without re ard even to the accuracy of the quo ations), or. the disposition that vorapis to run away from the fight nd then shoot with poisoned ballets rom a tafe distance; as cxemplifica jons of the Canadian spirit. On all these points I am vlad to 'nd mysell on the same side. with 'ringipal Gordon, Pr. Watson, Prof V. EK. Grant and the rest of the so alled "British group."--J, McDonald Howat. om body my Editor's NotéMiklhe Whiz bas al epdy cordially snd unreenvedly en dorsed the naval policy of the liberal government, aifaglid rot, and could not, emlovse fr. Marshall's peace olicye The Whig did mot quote, and hid not distuss the college wossip yout any man; it hid having the ox- serience Jol twa Vnglish tgachors in view, suguest 'that trom Canadian teachers the students would get the greater inspiration, It shoaki he able to say this withett cCauEI'Y any sur- prise. ; His Definition. Newark News, Senator Albert B. Cummigs at o Chautauqua bantjiet at Countil Grove, Kansas, said of an wnjust law ! "They. declurve, the upholders of this law, that there are compensations to ita injustice, but such talk reminds me of a conversation bdtwern two Des Moines men. " "What is this ere compensation, Bill 7' said the first man, "Well said Bill, 'it's like this. If ver blind ye heay the better.' "Oh, 1 sev, said the other. 'For instance, if a deller's born with one leg shorter'n the other thea thie other leg ix longer. ™ EE ar a can . AA SB AAW SERA AN SAAR A SI a AAA AA SH A 1 AAAS 4 01 25 Torente Street, Toronto, Ont. On Instal- DRY GODS O2 frssar- Ten cases of New Fall Dry Goods and Yuikiing, Moots and Shoes just receive . These Include, Overcoats, Suits, Men's, Ladies, and. Children's Unders vear, Sweater Coats and Dress Goods, 3irl's and Children's Coats, Flangelette Blankets, largest sizes made; Woollén Blankets, PE 0 to $6.50; Table Cloths ind Table Linen, Towels and Towelling it low prices Rapestry Curtains, Lockets, Bracelets, Rings, Watchies at Lawest Prices, Easy Payment an, weekly. Come, examine and compare orices. Jos. B. Abramson; 4 COLBORNE STREET. -- -------------- -------------- Skin Sufferer Says "If I Had Only Known," "If T had only known how quickly Eczema can be cured, what long years f awful suffering it would have saved ne," writes F. A, Will, of 2006 Wash nglon street, San Francisco. This, after forty years of suffering ind after using less than one bottle f the Oil of Wintergreen-Thymol D.D ). Prescription, Try at least a trial bottle, Writs or it to-day to the D.D.D. Labara ories, Dept. K.W., 49 Colborne street, oronto. To our certain knowledgd 1L.D.D. Prescription always gives in- tant ol ute relief inside of en seconds, Geo, W. Mahood, drug- 1st. BIBLE SCHOOL MEETING Held at Sydenham Street Methodist Church. The fall meeting of the officers and teachers of Sydenham Street Metho- dist Bible school was held, Tuesday wening. About seventy-five persons nterested were present. Reports from the different departments were read ind showed advancement in the work. tev. Thomas Neal was in the chair, ind the superintendent, T, F. Harri ion, conducted the business. F. R. Anglin, E. P. Jenking, Misses I, Kidd, M. Bell, M. Anglin and 8. Jenkins were appointed delegated to the an- nual Sunday school convention in Oshawa. Mrs. Barnett, Miss E. Norris and Miss H. Anglin were appointed as iternates. Elmer Davis gave an ad- ress on "Lesson Helps; Their Use and Abuse," which was listened to with iy- erest. Mrs. Barpett also gave an ad- ress on "How 1 Interest My Class." fea was served under the manage: ment of the primary and intermediate lepartments, Some new teachers and slicers were added to the stafl. A new department is being added to the Bible school. Tt is called the junior grade. It has been recommend- Wd by the International Sunday School Association and will be given a trial. Frank Anglin will be superintendent of it. It will not be started just yet, as ilterntions are being made in the building, but it is expected that these will be completed by the end of the month. Best's Short Stop cures all coughs nlways and costs but 15¢. On Tuesday a» pleasant event took place at St. Francis Xavier church, Brockville, being the marriage of one of Brockville's popular young ladies, Mise Pryce Cosgrove, daughter of Mrs, Thomas Cosgrove, to Michael Fitz: patrick, an equally popular and high lv esteemed resident of Elizabethtown, Picture postcards, Be. dozen, at Best's. The sum of $200 was voted by the Renfrew council recently to the family of John JKebrawski, who was killed by the cave in of a drain which he was digging for the corporation about two months ago. A protiy October wedding took. place at Rideau Lake, Saturday, when Miss Anna, daughter of Lawrence Gemmill, Perth, became the wife of W, L. P. MeLaren, son of Senator and = Mes, McLaren, Perth. Pyrography Best's, . The superintendent of construction on the Canadian Northern railway has received orders that trainee must be running between Toronto and Pelle ville by June next. { King Manuel is on the verge of a nervons breakdown, wood for burning at fthe Great Maniton knows what else. DORON ROCCO OURS OROROFORH trade. HORROR No uncertain Hats here and other swell styles. ROR See See See NEW FALL SHIRTS, A beauty for We're as well up ip the Hat Business as we are in the Clothing We sell the Mats made by the most noted makers. New Fall Dérbys and all the new blocks in Soft Hats--all the new colorings, too. They're handsome. The very smart young dresser can find his College Teloscope Ribby's Special £2.00 is the Best Hat ever sold far the money, Come in and try on some of the new Fall shapes Good Gloves for every purpose. Our large Glove Stock is very complete in every detail have Men's Gloves for all purposes--the heést made. Dent's and Fowne's English G loves for men, CG £5 ORO PRA CRO CHOMORORORCRONORD Ea RCRA RRR CURR We Agents for Every Glove we sell is fully guaranteed to do its duty. Bee our Special $1.00 Street Glove, our Special $1.60 Washable Kid Glove. our Special $1.50 Suede Glove. our Special $2.00 Sueede Siik-lined Glove, NEW STYLE COLLARS, In Quarter Sizes, 2 for 25¢. Weak? Tired? Run-down? These conditions come from overwork, & weak stomach, overtazed nerves or feeble blood. When you feel * all in "--~Nardly able to drag about, no energy, no ambition, easily exhausted and can't sleep--take BEECHAM'S PILLS and note what a difference they make in your condition. The stomach is the first to feel thé good effects. Food tastes good, the digestion is strengthened; bowels and bile work regularly, the blood is clesiided, and the nerves rested, The whole system responds to the tonic action of there is the buoyant feeling of returning health, Fresh Strength Prepared onty.by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire glend, everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes a 's Pills, Soon and New Life J. P. HANLEY HONORED, By Being Made a Chief of the Huron Indians. At the close of the Ticket Agents' contention, held at Quebec, on Oeclo- ber Sth, a visit was paid to the Huron Indians of Lorette. The mail way officials were preeted with ad dresses in French and Huron tongue, songs and dances, and their wives were presented with nosegays by the Indian belles, But the most pictures que feature of the reception took place when J. P. Hanley, the retiring presi dent of the association, was surround ed by six or seven chiefs, who, amid lively steps, war-whoops and Wood: stirring ores, led him to a plat- on ais he wie ison u title of honorary chief of the Huron nation snd, according to custom, ehrist Owinde Kowindike, whichs means in in English; "the mild and popular man." 3 '1 After a few paiied, secrot 'signs, yells and throwing of feathered b up in the air, Mr. Hanley was/ decloral fully adopted by the tribe, and pre- sented with flowers, 'mocassing snd Mr. Hanley thanked the chiefs and the tribe in a speech that a French gentleman conversant with English and Huron, translated in the language of the braves, and the whole party returned to Quebec, walking respect fully and at a sale distance behind the mighty new Chief Owinde Kowindike, Senator Elibu Root believes that the republicans #6 New York "Have a chunes™ this year. | sin. - - ~ -_-ne EXTEND WATERWORKS WHARF - - $0 as to Protect Inner Portion of lie J take Pipe. It iv pointed out that more pro. tection should be given to the in shore pottion of the water works sue tion pipe and that in order to do this well the present cement wharf should be extended out a hundred feet allowing the pipe to puss under it. With this pre s pipe would be sale Ba » Passing over it whey the water is low an it is this year. It is figured that the water js fully three feet Idwér than ueual and it would he very easy for n vessel, heavily laden, unloading at wharf, to give the pipe a. jar would possibly loosen a joint. An anchor, of course, might also drag Aguinsl the pipe. It in, understood that the superintendent is of opin fon that the wharf gh a be ox tended. | that : Take Advice ad take ' S Physicians recommend it as the ideal laxative and liver regulator. ase and oc. At dealers.

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