Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Sep 1910, p. 8

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v ia RE invited to open an ace A count at The Bank of Toronto early in life A Savisgs Account to a - young man or woman will be a great assistance in saving money for future use, and a deterrent against wasteful or "We can offer you the best value in te ai" Winchester, Marlin. or ing uns a alow you priv | of trying any gun in t ouse re buying. : FARTRIDORS. -- We handle none The noted Arrow. of the U.M.C. Compan ¥; New lLeval (Winchester), 6be | 4 T.M.C. New Club, 65c box. + Ely's and Dominion, 50¢. And guarantee every shell, GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody-- Notes From All Over----Little of Everybody Easily Read and Re- membered, Ira Rymal, a prominent farmer Mersea township, is dead. : John Eldon Bankes, K.C., has heen appointed a judge of the British high court, Mark Pearce, Hamilton, Ont, was sent to jail for three months for bru- tally kicking his wife, The New York Central plans to have its main line across the etate a complete six-track road. Eight persons are reported killed iu a wreck on the Michigan Central rail- way, at St. Charles, Mich. Toe members of the royal commis sion on industrial training. and tech- nical education are at Quebec. The story sent from Montreal that Hon. 1, P. Brodeur is seriously il at Caledonia Springs is denied. Owing to the spread of scarlet fever, among foreign population in Winni- peg, several schools may close. Pringle's grist mill at Mglrose was destroyed by fire on Monday. The loss | wus heavy and insurance small. Six union bricklayers al Winnipeg have been fined one hundred dollars each for "bolting" during the recent strike. Harry Gaskin, Chicago, on ecom- plaint of the Molson's Bank, St, Thomas, Ont., was committed for trial for forgery. ; ay morning, near Marysville, on the G.T.R., a body of a man, un- known, was found alongside the track, terribly mutilated, Judge Donovan, Detroit, fined Julius Haltzenberger $2,000 for offering to sell to the Jules Motor company, To- ronto, prints of the King car. Lina Cavalieri will have a bitter leag- al fight to secure absolute ion of the fortune signed over to her by Robert Winthrop Chanler upon the ove of her wedding. Williams Clemens, conductor, St, Charles; Mich., and Guy Doty, brake man, St. Charles, were killed when a south-bound freight train crashed into a special near Saginaw, Mich. A despatch apnounces. the sudden death of Wynn Yates a millionaire, formerly of Brantford. Mr, Yates was a son of Henry Yates, the first chief engineer of the Grand Trunk railway. C, M. Hays and C. W. Smithers, of the Grand Trunk board, are confer- ring with Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. Wm. P. Pufslev in reference to term- inals at St. John and other matters. Manilal B. Nanavale, assistant direc. tor of commerce, for India, is on a tour of Canada and the United States, of John Sts. Prompt Delivery, a So Useful. "And how is your college son get- tr with his career ?" Aan, Tach hia Saree } a bill +a shiping clerk and a soda "dispenser. '~Louisville Courier: ui -- of boots and shoes sow on. Shoe Store, 200 Princess St. nude Steel company will build s Raya! Hovsahold B ie' our, quar f » oe. Crawford, king a study of industrial as well as trades and labor problems for his government. Because they had sold liguor to pas sel on board their vessels, R. Irvine and J. McGuire, bartenders on the R. & 0. steamers Toronto and Kingston, were fined $150 and costs each at Toronto. Cables from Hugh . Mclutosh, Australian fight promoter, Johnson and Langford a $30,000 purse to meet in London, have Seen received, It may result in an arrangement of the much-talked-of battle. The White Star line has sent through its Canadian agents word to the trade a oe department at Ottawa that when the ' t coniract ex- with the Allans it will be in the , and will tender for the carria of mails under whatever conditions the government may lay down. The - Vancouver, B.C., News -Adver- tiser Ammounces in a cable from Aus- tralia the resignation of Thomas Tait, chairman of the railway commissions ers of the state of Victoria, He is ro- signing, the despatch says, because of recent accidents and loss of life on the state's railway line. The despatch adds that Mr; Tait is returning to Canada. the SEPTEMBER. I FURNITURE, 00D PIECES, LOWPRIGED Many pieces left over from summer selling have become of less interest than the space they occupy. To accomplish their immediate clearance webhave made big reductions. This slso includes our High Olass Dining and Bedroom Furniture. R. J. REID, THE WORLD'S TIDINGS {wan E -- ™HE | GRAND COUNCIL OF CM.BA. Invest in Government and Municipal Debentures. A meeting of the grand president and executive officers of the Grand Council of the CM.B.A. of Cenada was held at the head office, King: ston, Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. {21st and 22nd. The followiny gentle {men were present: Hom. M. F. Hackett 'grand predident, Stanstead, Que.; Hon, A. D. Richard, grand first Viee i esident » Dorchester, N.B.; J. J. fichan, grand secretary, Kingstone W. iJ. MeKee, grand treasurer, Wi i | Geo. Lynch-Staunfon, K.C., 'grand legal adviser, Hamilton; Dr. Edward i Ryan, grand supervising medics! ex- {aminer; J. E. H. Howigon, assistant | soeretary, Kingyston; erend trustees, Dr. Alex. Germain, Monireal; J, W, Mallon, Toronto; Hom. Judge Me Hugh, Windsor. After the adoption of the minutes a large amount of work arising out of the recent convention was taken up for consideration and dealt with. Re ports on the membership and finances of the association showing both to be in & satisfactory condition, were pre- sented to the meeting. The question of organization occupied some consid: erable time of the meeting, and ar ranzements were made for extendin and perfecting this work. It was decid ed to invest a certain portion of the surplus. funds of the association 'in government. and municipal debentures. Af'er dealing with a number of mat- ters of a private nature the meeting adjourned. e grand officers present waited upon his grace the Most Rev. €. H. Gauthier, archbishop of Kinzston, grand chaplain of the association, to nay their respects to him. He received them most kindly. PAULA BRAEUDLE, With the Aborn English Grand Opera Company, presenting "Il Trovatore," at the Urand on Tuesday, Sept. 27th. KINGSTON GOLFERS LOST. Defeated at Napanee on Wednesday by 18 t6 11. The golf enthusiasts from Kingston day, to play the team there, were tn- fortunate enough to be beaten by a score of 18 to Ll, The players were somewhat crestfallen to think they had journeyed up only to be immed, but they were compensated somewhat by the fact that they had a splendid time and were exceptionally wel used. The Kingston men attribute their de feat to . the fact that while Napanee has a very fine natural links, it was overgrown in places with long grass, which embarrassed the - visitors very much; as it not only interfered wit their play, but made it difficult to find the balls, All told, the Kingston men lost gtwenty-one halls. Arrangements have 'been made to have a return match played heve October 5th, when the local men hope to even things up. The order of plaving of the local team was : Capt. Palmer, D. NM. Meclntyre, George E: Hagus, 0. T. Macklem, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Watson, Capt. Coch- rane, Major Panet, Capt. Brown and James Swift, Jr. May Enter a League. The Whig was in communication over the telephone to-day, with B. M. Dow- ney, secretary of the Brockville Row- ing Club, relative to the entering of an intermediate football league which is being Brockville, Prescott and efforts are being made to have a team entered from Kirsston. The Whig gave Mr. Downey the name of a focal foothall man and srrangements will be closed at once. As some of the here are wondering if they will be able to play ju the intercollegiate series it will give them a chance to this league. HEE i who went up to Napauee, on Wednes- | DAILY _| street. and Gabanoque have teams emtered |: nd THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN : GENERAL. Occurrences Tn The Clty And Vicinity «Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read Remembered. : Asa for "commandments. The siraw hat season is ended. "High class perfumes," at Gibson's. Fake or whatever it may be Ita is a wonder. Gem jars, half gallons, quarts. Craw- ford's, : William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 778. Prouse's Laxative Quinine . Tablets will cure a cold n'a day, 25¢c. Hox. moonlight pights are superb; fine tea meeting dance weather. Men's 85 shoes, waterproof soles, for $3.85. Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Prin- cess street. The C.1.C. baseball team went to Picton, to-day, to play the local team at,_the Sait. " i + Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering 's. ve orders at Mo- Auley's bookstore. Yi hats are out. We saw one; it trimmed peach basket. Be sure and read Crumley's to-nigh The dria Bay, is still open, but business at the hotel is § i Big sale. This is your chance to get bargains in all kinds of footwear, Dut- was a peach, in fact it was a ie ton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess street. ! Frost was reported around the dis- | trict, on Thursday the night. Now is the time to stock yourselves with shoes for fall and winter. Sale at Dutton's Shoe Store, 209 Princess A Kingston man was fined 81 and | costs at Brockville police court for disorderly conduct. fle was on a fracas there. Ogilvie's Royal Household flour, quar- ter sacks, 80c. J. Crawford. ; The annual meeting of the Rowval So- ciety, postponed in May, owing to the king's death, will be held in Ottawa, on September 27th and following days. ! Royal Household flour, quarter sacks, ! 80e. J. Crawford. The Kingston jlery has recom- menced nh as a suitable person to engage in church work at Bannerman, Mapn., where he is located. val Ho flour, quarter ., 80c. J. Crawliord. The non-resident pupils in the first form in the Collegiate Institute, have been notified that owing to lack of accommodation they cannot further attend the institute. Order your corset now, from $3 up, perfect fit, specially made shoulder braces, spinal supports, abdominal belt, ete. No city agent. Dutton's, 209 Princess street, A despatch from Detroit yesterday, stated that a man named Charles W. Harris, found dead in a vacant house, there was believed to be a Kingston- ian. As far as can Le learned, he has no relatives in the city. "Shaving in comfort." A Gillett Salety Raror with CUolgate's Rapid Shave Powder, sold in Ki at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. An emjoyable dance was held on Wolfe Island, on Wednesday evening, in the CM.B.A. hall, under the an- spices of the fair committee. Croshy and O'Connor's orchestra was present and rendered choice music. A very large crowd pvas present from places far and near. Gem jars, quarts, pints, half gallons. J. Crawiord, Thomas Kelly, accused of having sold tips gt the Blue Bonnets race track, has been released after two weeks' im- prisonment. He lived in Kingston, he said, and had only gone down to see the sport, He wore a green necktie like the immortal Kelly. Men, 'women and childrensyou want bargains; we want ready cash. Call and see what we offer in boots and shoes, also trunks, suit -eases, ete. Button's Shoe Store, 209 Princess St. One of the biggest attractions that has yet played the Princess left town this morning, and the management were loth to see it go, but owing to other engagements it was impossible to keep them. This tre is one of the cosiest in town, and oné thing you are sure to hear, if you visit the Princess, is good, lively music. They have 'a first-class pianist in Ernest Madrand, and George Bottdn, the trap drummer (the only one in town), is a oracker-jack. PRESSED HARD. Coffee's Weight on Old Age. When prominent men realize the in- s of coffee and the change in health that Posium can bring, are glad to lend their testimony for the benefit of others. - ni ¥ practically at» standstill j that is our business method. Ved SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. By Those Whe Buy Goods Away From Home. Modern Grocer. The ten commandments revamped sod revised, which if obeyed, would fatten the of the Catalogue House , is cleverly ¥ out in the following list of "rules," " They are de- = to "correct the conduct of those who are now patronizing this class of merchant jn preference to their local merchants." 1. Xou shall sell your produce for cash wherever you can, but not to us; we do not buy from you. 2. You shall. believe our statements in preference to your loeal merchant, who has been vour life-long friend, and buy all you need from us, because we want to Le good to you although we are not personally acquainted with you, 3. You shall send the money in ad- vance to give us a chance to get the goods from the factory with your money; meanwhile you will have to wait patiently for a few weeks, be- cause that is our business method. 4. You shall apply to your nearest city tg aid you in building good roads so that you may conveniently get the oods that you wuy from us, from the advt., | depot for we do not build country A i Thousand Island house, Alexan- roads. 5. You shall buy chuorch bells and interior church fixtures from us and forward the money in advance, for 6. You shall collect from the busi- ness men in your community ss much money as you can, for although we weather turned decidedly cool during £8 igre. money from you, thas they do, it is against our rules to domate money for building country churches, 7. You shall buy your tools from us and be your own mechanic, in order to drive the mechanics from your vi- cinity, for we wish it so. S. You shall induce your neighbor to buy everything from us, as We need the money. 9. You shall have the mechanics tha] repair the goods vou buy of us, book the bill, so you can send the money for their labor to us for new goody. 10. You shall, in case of accident, sickness or need, anply to your local dealer for credit, as we do not know vou, PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. F. Conway went 10 Toronto on Wed. nesday. J. B. Slack, Toronto, is visiting in the City. H. A. Calvin, returned this morning from Quebec, Michael Flannigan hasireturned home from a visit at Pelerboro. Mrs. Thomas Dowker, Harrowsmith, is vigiting in the city to-day. J. C. Connolly, of Yarker, has been spending a few days in the city. Mrs, E Sharpe, Brock street, visiting her son, in Bay City, Mich. F..W. Valleau, of Cataraqui, will yo to Parham fair, on Friday, to act as a judge of the dairy produce, Mrs. J, S. Gallagher, Harrowsmith, wife of J. 8. Gallagher, M.P.P., for Frontenac, is visiting at Capt. Hun- ter's, Belleville. 3 . F. W. Shibley and wife came in from their summer home, at Sharbot Lake, Wednesday afternoon, and returned to their home, in New York, to-day. Isaac Allen, who was called to the city, as a witness in the land case, heard at the high court, returned to his home in Mississippi dn Wednesday, Mrs. A. G. McKay, Wellington street, and her guest, Miss Allen, of New York, left this morning on the steam- er Rideau King for a trip to Perth. Pr. Tennant, of Maynooth, is spend: ing a few days in the city. Dr. Ten- nant is a graduate of Queen's Univer. sity, and is being welcomed by his friends. Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, Rev. W. F, Wilkins and Rev. John McClung sup- ported church union at the Kingston presbytery meeting in Belleville. Rev. James Cumberland and Rev. J. W, Mitchell opposed it. At Pleasant Valley, Pleasant Valley, Sept..21.~Farmers are cutting corn which is a Ww crop. William Ashley and J. Kerr arc in the vicinity with their stone lifter, also J. Shibley with his corncutter. George Barr has purchased a mate for his fine roadster "Dan," from William Soook, of Desert Lake. Visitors--Mr. and Mrs. E. Townsend, Harrowsmith, at George Barr's; Mrs. I. Rutian, Harrowsmith, at Mrs. A. Irish's; Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Bradiord, at Harting. ton: Mr. and Mrs. Georze Truesdale, at E. Whitty's; Mrs. William Trous Jdele, Holleford, at F. Fllerbeck's, also Mr. and Miss Florence Joyner, at F. iv they | Ellerbeck's; Miss L. and Miss Violet Sigeworth, at Hartington; Mis A. ker, Holleford Desirable New Dress Materials For Fall Many smart and distinctive «effects in the goods we are now showing. Cheviots, Basket Weave Serges, Diagonal Serges, Inverness Tweeds, And others in the most fashionable shades. Many of them to be had in one dress pattern only, so that your costume may not be duplicated. Beautiful New Trimmings Jet and Gold Inseriions, Persian Trimmings, Fancy Braid' Trimmings, New Allover Laces, New Allover Gold Netts. LITTLE BOYS' Box Kip Leather, solid soles, sizes 8,9, 10, 51 The Girl's Boot made just the same, only with- 3 out hooks. Sizes, 9, 10. $1.00. ; > © Exceptionally good value. } = Lockett Shoe Store. : :

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