Si PAGE FOUR, Dropsy-- - Given up by Doctor - I Bad dropsy, and was told By my family physician that there was no chance for me. My family also gave me up. My limbs and body were swollen one-third larger than natural, water collected around my heart and I had to be propped up in bed to keep from smothering. I took Br. Miles' Heart Remedy until 1 was entirely cured. This was in 1902, and I am now able to do any kind of work on my farm. My cure was certainly marvelous." L. TURLEY CURD, Wilmore, Ky. Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy has been wonderfully successful in relieving heart trouble. Its tonic effect upon the heart nerves and muscles is a great factor in assisting nature to overcome heart weakness. Price $1.00 at your druggist. He should supply you. If he does not, send price 20 us, we forward prepaid. DR MILES MEDICAL GO., Torents, Everything in Fuel for the Kitchen Range, the Furnace, or the Open Fire Place carefully Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts. 'Phone 66. HasItEve Ocenred to you that a firm who adlvertised a certain subject or ma terial, and then advertised again, and continued to keep on advertising, must have a pretty strong reason for doing so. Perhaps you have an enually strong reason for not paying "amy attention to our appeal, but don't Blame us for being persistent. We ~ know we have the goods--it's just a question of bringing them to your motice. This is our apology for say. ing "Good Morning. Was your Break fast Cooked by Gas?" ¥ Hingston 1. & Power G0. of the law. | BREAD ACT A FAILURE. . 4 joHEAP, CLEAN and CONVENIENT. The police magistrate of Toronto The British Whig Publishing Co., Lad. sali nd Welvett OF B Daily Wihig. VALUE OF A BIGNATURE. The people who storm and fuss be cause the Lampman exposed their in- consistency are not mending matters. The man who petitions the council to reduce the number of liquor licenses in the city need not fibd any fault be cause there was a want of discrimina- tion on the part of the license com- missioners. He knows, or he ought to know, that the council has nothing to say about the manner in which the commissioners do their work. It may be improved upon-few will dispute that statement--but that is not the f question. The demand is for a reduc tion in the number of licenses, and the man who asks for this, or who peti- tions for it, is not in a position to protest that the wrong man has been put out of business. Perhaps the ex- perience of the year will have one beneficial effect. It will make some people think twice before they again sign anything. Some men may still sigh their own death warrant without knowing it. Theirs is not the signa- ture a preacher in the city discoursed about yesterday morning. A GAMBLE IN BONDS. The aldermen who compose the To- ronto works' committee were shocked, it is reported when they learned that it had cost $23,000 to float a loan of about $200,000. The shock passed away "when it was explained that the deben- tures carried interest at 3§ per eent,, and that money was worth more than that. The loan had to be effect od by a discount sale of the securities, On the three and one-half per cent, de- bentures between eighty-eight and one- hall and eighty.nine were realized. The | question is, What does any municipal- ity gain by issuing debentures with in- L terest above or below the market rate? A sale at a discount makes a bad showing, and means that the product | may fall far short of the amount de- sired. A sdile at a premium may yield |a larger sum than that desired, and the excess may be misapplied. It pro- f porty belongs to the fund for which the bonds were sold, and somé councils use the premium for general purposes, and succeeding councils have to pay for it in the larger coutribution to interest account. The honest way--and the word honest is not used in any cyni- cal senwe--is to raise by loan only the amount required, and to put the rate of interest so that the bonds will sell al par. Anything else than this in- volves a gamble for which there is no justification. {not Col. Denison, but his assistant), convicted a Toronto baker of the of: fence of moking and selling small bread which was not in conformity with the Nickle act. But in Hamilton { and in Brantford there have been oases in which the defence has won. In Hamilton appeal was taken to «the county judge, from the decision of the magistrate, and his honor quashed the conviction on the ground that small bread, made separately but connected in the cooking, was not an infraction The Brantford case has atiracted ao wider interest. The defendant. com- {pany put the bread in ten ounce 'moulds, but in laying them in pans -- EDITORIAL NOTES, Montreal is to have a winter carni- val without the ice palace. If that concession will placate the great rail way corporations they must be easily satisfied, Mr. Monk is going to make Com- mander Roper repent of his speech at the opening of the Ottawa exhibition. The commodore has certainly commit- ted an indiscretion, and it will be well if, in consequence of it, his usefulness will not be gone. If Dr. Helen MacMurchy was good enough for one of Toronto's school at- tendants, she was good enough for all the work, and could have done it well, But the doctor is a woman, and the medical men of Toronto don't want her to rise too rapidly. Mr. Roosevelt insists that he is go- ing to curb the great corporations. How? He must mean as president of the United States, and his announce ment must be mnother way of declar- ing that he will be a candidate in 1911 The Manufacturers' Association is do- ing a tour across the continent on its own account. Its advice to the far- mers is to let well enough alone. The advice of the farmers is to give them the benefit of cheaper machinery and then talk of hushing up ou the tariff question. Bishop Fallon has disapproved of the teaching of the French language in Rssex county. His reason is not giv- en. Probably he believes in children studying the language of the majority and of the county, which is English. Later on they can take up French, and very much to their advantage. The Orange Sentinel contrasts what the Catholic Register said about the Orange Order and the Knights of Co- Jumbus in the same issue. Ovders, by the way, are not to be judged by their name or look. The fraternal society, like the church, is to be judged by its work. By their fruits shall ye know them, influence of Wall street the against "The money and the commercial influence Merchants' Exchange are Roosevelt. They regard his recent speeches as the greatest menace to trade that has been given in recent years. The New Nationalism is the name of the mew party which, meta- phorically, punctuates its threats with bayonet thrusts. of Lucky to Get Dollar. 'Minnedpolis Journal A man na Smith won a case in the lower courts, the higher courts and the supreme court. Smith was thus finally awarded, after seven years of litigation, $500,000. Smith heard the glad news sped to his lawyer. "Hurrah !" he said. "Gimme my $500,000." "Yes, $500,000 was the award," said the lawyer, and at the same time he handed Smith a dollar bill, "But--what's this for?" Smith, "That's all that's left, Mr. Smith," explained the lawyer, "after the dedue- tion of my fee, the cost of the varions appeals and other expenses, which will be duly rendered you in an itemized account." : Poor Smith studied the bill in his he gasped "Say, what's the matter with this ?"" be demanded. "Is it bad 7" . Punishing Wife Desortion. Ottawa Journal $ A movement is on foot in Toronto to have the government frame amend- ments to the law which will make it easier to punish the wife deserter» It is to be hoped the movement will sue coed. The wife deserter is, if any- thing, worse than the wife beater. In the latter case the brute at least gives his wife some measure of support. The cowardly wife deserter, on the other hand, runs away and leaves the wo- man and her children to struggle for a living. The government will do well to make whatever revision of the law A Hero Passes Away. El Paso; Tex., Sept. 19.--Frank Ber- tain, whe was voted a medal by con- for heroism at the battle of ila Bay, died here {ed States barbers themselves for "tip | tional u MUST BE NO DISPLAY TIGHTS ARE BARRED IN GER- MAN THEATRES, Emperor's Wife Succeeds in Having Royal Edict Issued--Chorus Girls in Despalr--Managers are Also Mourning. Berlin, Sept. 19.-The kaiser has declared war on the display of danc- ers' legs at the ballet of the Imperial Opera House. This extreme measure is the result of the importunities of his wife, the ultra-pious empress, who ob- jects to the display of limbs before her young but grown-up sons. So she has influenced Emperor William to ban and prohibit the short skirt with tights underneath. Emperor William, so the siory runs, x 4 r ¥ WN ented DUKE OF OPORTO Uncle of King Manuel of Portdgal and brother to the assassinated ing Carlos. He is the heir apparent to the throne of Portugal. and recently there nas been talk of King Manuel! abdicat- ing in his favor. gave the order to a director of the Court theatre, Count Von Huelson, who listened to the edict in despair. Hence the ballet dancers of the Im perial Opera House will be clad in long, flowing garments and there must be no display of dainty lingerie, The court theatres, both the theatres and the opera, are dull and now (he kaiser has to pay a heavy annual de- ficit out of his own pocket, The bal let was the one remaining attraction. Count Von Huelson foresees its disap pearance will make the business more unsatisfactory and augment the kai- ser's losses. He warned Emperor Wil. liam, but the kaiser replied that mor ality and his wife's wishes must come before mew sordid considerations, The ballet girls are unhappy. They see no chance of attaining fame in un- suitable garments. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over the World. William Yates was drowned by canoe upwetting at London, Ont. A Toronto man, reprimanded by his wife for insobriety, committed suicide, Roumania and Turkey are said to have entered into an alliance against Bulgaria. Thieves sawed their way into a To- ronto store and got $1,000 worth of garinents, Thirteen balloons Saturday afternoon, and distance test. The late Mrs. W. L. Thompson, Leth- bridge, Alta, left $23,000 to the Y.M. C.A. of that city. Capt. Larsen made a successful trip through the whirlpool, at Niagara, in his motor boat on Sunday. The Central Capada exhibition, Ot- tawa, had a total increase in receipts over last year of 3,005.83. The officers of the Orange order are issuing a eall for the organization of a national wovement in defence of Protestantism, : Roy Wilson, a newsboy, was caught in an elevator shaft in a building on Sparks street, Ottawa, and had both legs broken. The Ontario railway board has or- dered all telephone companies to sub- mit their tariffs of rates on or before November 19th, At Kamsack, Sask, two unknown men were suffocated in a well sixty five feet deep, on John Bowes' farm. The men were Yorkton well diggers. Bishop Dumoulin, Bishop Farthing and Bishop 'Worrell spoke at the clos- ing meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, at Montreal, on Sunday, Spiros Matsonkas, the Greek nation al poet, who is trying to raise a mil lion dollars for & battleship for Greece, has raised $10,000 among his countrymen in Montreal. William Walker, son of P. A. Walker, Wawota, Sask, jumped off a hay wag- gon and his shotgun exploded. The shot entered his - abdomen and the Deke who is a well-known athlete, was his left Indianapolis, in an endurance A movement is on foot among Unit- less barbers" and the elevation of their profession to the degree of "I. or Sonsorial Gostor, 8 Shan- genera i t nterna: Barbers' Union, is promoting he Valea Tron Works, Winsi , Winnipeg, which claimed ha damages rag i tion in THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, SEPTEMEER 19, 1010. Y= afterdisaer Coffee and Joe Cream will be far better relished with these daiaty confections. PATERSON'S Cambridge Wafers A delicious new biscuit made from cream of wheat and sold by ell gro- cers. lo tins only, always fresh and crisp. You'll like their Saver. Made by Paterson of Brastford. ' REMEMBERED HER. Model Servant Given House and Lot. Poughkeepsie, N.X., Sept. 19. De- cause she been a model servant, Kate Brown has received from her em- ployer, Mrs. Julia De Windt Thomp- son, wife of Dr, Thompson, of Ferns Lane, a suburb of Poxghkeepsie, a gift of a new house, om a lot of ample size, next to the Thompson property. The deed conveying the property from Mrs. Thompson to Kate Reon was filed in the Dutchess county clerk's office, Saturday. : Mrs. Thompson sent for Benjamin Brevoort, a surveyor, some lime ago, and had him measure off a generous strip of land Trom her eslate. She built a substantial and attractive house on the lot, and when it was all done she surprised Kate by walking into the kitghen and giving her the deed. The Thompsons have a New York city home, THE WHIG'S PUZZLE. What tree? Saturday's pugzzle---Minnow. Sanitary Measures Elsewhere. Brantford Expesitor. The new socialistic administration of Milwaukee is preparing energetically to carry out in that city the prévisions of the law in Wisconsin that went in- to effet on September ist, abolishing drinking cups on trains, boats and in public places. The railroads in Wiscon- sin are installing individual eup-vend- ing machines in accordance with the new law. Railroad officials as yet, however, as a body are inclined to pose laws such as those in Kansas, Minsissippi, Michigan, Oklahomu, Towa and Wisconsin, which prohibit the or. dingry drinkin% cup. It js now six vears since Kansas enacted its law and the reform has made less headway in the jntervening time than might have bien expected. The New York Central the Penpsylvania, and the Baltimore and Ohio railroads, as well as dome of the other eastern lines, supply individual peper cups which are obtained by dropping a coin in a slot wamchine in the more important stations: The Baltimore and Ohio of ficials are even seriously contemplat- ing lurnishing paper cups for each person on all the trains on its Jines Some kinds of naper cups which may be used several times do not cost more than three dollars a thousand and there is no reason why they could not be swoplied on through trains at least, if not on all, without a special charge for them, A Fatal Delay. Utica Globe. Sir Wilbam Crookes, solentist, who has been appointed a member of the Order of Merit, was one of the carliest amateur photo- graphers. Heo experimented with the camera as far back ay 1850, and was always saying to his wife, "Sit."' She used to reply, "It sounds like a hen," Sir William if rather fond of telling the following story as illustrating the "instantaneous" knowledge needed in the profession of medicine. The pro- fessor of a certain medical college &- ted a hypothetical case on one occa sion, and asked a student w much of a certain medicine should be ad- ministered to the sufferer. "A table spoonful," answered the young' man. In about a minute, however, he raised his hand and said, "Professor, | would like to change mv answer to thai) question." The doctor took out his watch, "My young friend." he remark- od, "your patient has been' dead forty the eminent NEW COLLARS, 2 FOR 2. RF RO RR RRO CRS TR HORROR RR RR RRR ORR OOH ly new. WE FIT YOU PERFECTLY. Faced or Plain; ANTEED. NEW WORSTEDS, CHEVIOTS, NEW COLLARS, § 2 FOR 5c. Men's Nobby Fall Suits : . $15.00 You may be as "touchy" in regasd to the looks, make and fit of § your Suit as you pease, and sll you can We had particular folks in mind when we had our Suits made. OUR $15.00 SUITS are remarkable round goodness. The patterns and colorings of the labrics are entire be fully satistied here values--remarkable for all o & ENGLISH SERGES., Tweeds See Our Dressy $15.00 Fall Overcoats : A GOOD FALL OVERCOAT isn't a loxury---it is a necessity. OUR FIFTEEN DOLLAR COAT Fine English Worsteds and Cheviots, in Had Tailored Garments IS A DANDY. The fabrics are 8) rich Blacks and Greys; Silk §&8 A. PERFECT FIT GUAR- & The Curfew has rung and the Straw Hat is under suspicion if discovered 28 out of doors. The Stiff You can save from 00g. to $1.00 you. buy your Hat heve. and Soft Hats--We've the 8 correct blocks in both styles of Hats. NEW COLLARS, 2 FOR 206e. {The H.D. A BEAUTY FOR $2.00, NEW COLLARS, 8 2 FOR 20e. Bibby Co! The Big Store With Little Prices. Effects of the Tour. Montreal Herald. Before the last election the most act ive of the oppositioniste had carried their graft campaign through the country, making all familiar with it, and trying to put the liberals on the defensive. Then Laurier went through Ontario just as he has now gone through the west, the jpeople floc ked to gee him, in their thousands just as they have dope now, and when he had swung round the circle his name alone had become the dominant issue of the campaign. Human nature is not dil ferent in the west. The same motives brought out great crowds in the east And when the time comes, as it must in a couple of years, for the nand of Laurier to be spoken again, does Mr. Willison think it is gong to matter nothing that hundreds of thousands of people have welcomed the chance to see and hear and messwe him for themselves ? Does he suppose nobody else thought what that one man at Prince Albert said, "That man ought to have a life job." "Buy drug store needs" at Gibson's. | Cardinal Logue attended two ser vices and blessed a new pulpit in To ronto, on Sunday. NEWEST PATTERNS. [Ascot Shoes SWELL TANS, PATENTS AND CALF. BEST - LEATHERS COMFORTABLE FITTING, $5.00, $1.50, $4.00 and $3.50