MOTHER or * FATHER Would s» appreciites Fur Coat | to keep winter. Why »n present t mas, Now is the time. Come it John McKay, FURRIERS. 149-155 BROCK ST. witout of them warm the coming ot CLUB together and hem with one for Christ- Ww Shia a This Is the store. and talk it over. Write for Catalog, SSABSsssascscecensssse # Novec mn we history ~ of the store have wo shown » nch High-Class Desig « and lower prices. Carpets, so 0 'R. McFAUL. CAKPET WAREHOUSE, $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000800 bbs A Mid-Summer Sale the next month we will agld our Annual Midsumissr Safe Antique Furniture, Bric-a- foi hie cent. off ail goods uring the 8 nS see what we have. PUNT of Household Goods Da card to us od 1 have wich Dent Forget the Place. good to Sell L. LESSES, Cor Prineens and Uhatham Ste, Wah Long's gid a St wile call LLIN: Ay Jor Four ery : ce Sts. and NO WORE GRAY aE EL Carter's Hair Restorer will Jil; back your halr to its Hi al color and kill the fi} ang germs. Produces a Juxnriant ai of hair. : 78¢ Bottle. fold in Kingston by Curtains or Furniture You should always go to Harrison's. We have just feteived our New Fall Carpels. beautiful variety of a ster and Wilton Rugs. Color effects never before produced. A number of Axminsters lin the reliable wood shades. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. 'Phone 90. THOMAS COPLEY, PHONE 987. : a card to 19 e Street when nh the Siven on all" K wo al Ro, rs Of all kin All nN redeive Rrompt at ehtion, Queen St Ar A MOST HAPPY CHOICE In Selecting Archbishop Gauthier for See of Ottawa. LLL Naw ae John, N.B., Saturday, 17th, says: "During the week a cable confirmed the rumors and al sen: timents of the Canadian le, that the Most Rev. Charles Hugh Gauthier, archbishop of Kingston, was transfer red to important see of Ottawa, vacant since a year ago last "Juhe. The news will be hailed with satisfae- tion, even joy, by all except the priests and people of 3 Kingston, for --. will be po to part with their illustrious and nh loved areh- bishop. "It lacks but a few days of twelve S0 Ringrion, and dung tht time be| Sting that time nt at Kingxon: has " priests and endeared [poole bythe char of bi hasacter the splendor of his work and the suc : inistration PROF. JORDAN AT A BANQUET IN TORONTO. A New Pianist at the Orpheum-- Henry Mugridge Has Removed to Hamilton--Visitors in the City. J. Stansbury returned home, Satur: day, from Ottawa, where he spent the past week. Mrs. BW. H. Close, of New York city, is the guest of Henry Cunningham, 21 King street west. Mrs. M. Cummings, Nelson street, left, on Saturday, for g few days' visit with friends in Wilton. Miss Campbell, a deaconess, of To- | Fre ronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs, W. 6. , Princers street. Mix. MoH , wife of Judge Me Hugh, Wi , ia. a guest at the Hotel Da for a few days. Arthur Kane, Earl street, was taken to the Hotel Mien, to undergg wn operation oe Sppendiith, Mr. and Joseph Groves, have retumed to te. fo gud taken wp residence on Charles street. Mrs. R. J. Allan, Kingston, sister of Mrs. J. H. Miller, is a guest at the Methodist parsonage, Almonte. : John Bleird has returned to his home, in Latimer, after spending a few days with friends in this city. Sidney C. Smith, Broek street, is back from the Brotherhood of St. Andrew's convention in Montreal. Miss Gertrude Little, who has been visiting at her Wome, on King street, returned to Bifialo, on Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Mullen and daughter, have returned to Chicago after visit- ing Mrs, (Capt.) Doyle, York street. B. Koen, Oates, visiting friends at Syracuse, N.Y., for the past week, re- ports the state fair o great success. Miss Fleanor Daley, Wellington street, returned home on Saturday from Oitawa, where she spent a week. Mrs. Henry Mugridge and family left on Saturday, for Hamilton, where Mr. Mugridge has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buyer, Roches. ter, N.Y., spent the week-end with Nr. and Mrs. Charles Creer, Albért street. Rev, Samuel Sellery, Kingston, preached on' Sunday morning in Berkeley Street Methodist church, To- ronto. Ald. R. H. Toye and wife have re- turned home from Ottawa. Ald Toye was judge of the bread at the exhibi- tion. Mises Mav and Kutie Dovle, York street, and Mise Annie Seruton, Ste- phen street, spent Sunday in Clayton, N.Y. R. J. MeC Jelland, assistant city a gineer, left on Saturday, on a w visit to relatives in Detroit and Bay City. Mich. iss M. Sieeth, Johnson street, has left on a visit ta Rochester, N.Y., where he 3 will be the guest of 8S. A, MeCam: Mrs. Floyd Miller and two children, of Bigelow, N.Y., have arrived in the city, on a visit to her isther, Horace Attwood. Miss Katie Diamond, Montreal street, has left on a visit to Montreal; where dhe = will be the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Hammill. Pérev Smith, of the G.T.R. works, Montreal, #pent the past few days in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Tus in, Main street. ilies' Caiger, of Toronto, is treasurer and takes care of the strong box of the Melba company. He is well-known i Ringston. Prof, Jo of Queen's, attended the farewell rer to Prof. McFadyen, of Knox College Toronto, on Friday last and m an address, Mrs, F. W. Clayton and children, of Oananoque, "titted to-day, alter week withs her mother, Mon, Aan, Clergy street. Mrs. M olan and daughter, Mar- ion, street, have returned to the city, after n- nt visit with friends in Syrdedse, N.Y., Oneida and Watertown, Prof. Gwillith, of the School of Mining, « homie from his trip to Northern. where he did mining survey work the govern- ment. : James Bite. of Houston, passed through here this morni is touring dar on his way from anoque to Buck Lake, on a fishing trip. Charles E. Milinet, late organist of St. Mary's cathedral, presided at the organ in St, George's cathedral. on Sunday, diring the a'mence of R. R. Harvey, Armetrong MoCormick, one of King- ston's oldest Mitizens, who was wiri- ously ill for past, few days, at his hom on Cente street, is reported to fiery a Bore Sonics, former clerk in Hong's drug store, who his been daying at his home, in Carleton Pl is now in Jotanto, attending the School of Mrs. ava "of Peterboro, who has been very ill during the t month, is Her Texas, in SOME OF THE ADDITIONS To Queen's Staff--Dean Ellie Assist. Lunt Here, The ement of the seventioth session at Uueen's will wee several ' @ splendid additions to the already able | dessorial stall of (he university. W. Grant, sof of the late illustrious Principal Grant, comes as professor of colonial and Canadian history. King. stonians sre alres: well aequainied with the disti scholarship of Prof. Gednt, and his association with Oxford University as lecturer in colo- nial history. R. Davis, another gra- duate of Oxford, will act as assistant professor in French, Mr. Davis comes to Queen's highly recommended, and carrying with him the Siatinguished i Rev, MacNeill, and will carry on the work in the department of oratory and public speaking. Nr. Greavey from Carleton College, Minnesota. '. John Dall, M.A, B. D., of St. Andrew's University, Scot- land, will lecture to the theological students in church history. Mr. Dall brings with him an enviable reputa- tion both as preacher and professor, He was at one time assistant pastor of Bt. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh. As has already been snnotnced, W. 8. Ellis will aét as dean of the fu culty of education. Sindair Laird, M.A., who will be associated with Dean Ellis, has already 'arrived in' the city, and together with Mrs. Laird, are guests at the principal's house, meme teense REOPENING OF CHURCH. Special Services at St. John's, Pitts. burg. ' Sunday marked the opening of St, John's church, Pittsburg, which has been closed for some time past for a general overhauling. Altogether shout 81,000 has been expended on interior decorating and reseating the church. The Ladies' Aid, of which Mrs. Reede is president, undertook the responsi- bility of the work, and they have the hearty thanks of the congregation for their untiring efforts. They deserve a great deal of credit, as the layi ing out of such a large sum of money is no small thing. © Rev, Prof. Robert Laird, of Queen's University, conducted the opening ser- vices both morning and evening, The church was packed at both services, as all the surrounding churches, both Methodist and Preshyterian, withdrew their services, so that owe who wish- od to could attend. Rev, Mr. McCon- nell, of the, Methodist . church, spoke briefly in the morning, commending both Mr. and Mrs. Reede for the splendid work they had carried Shtaugh. The interior of the church is ex ingly pretty. Miss Reede, soloist of St. ndrew's church, of this city, spent the day with her parents, and assisted singing, morning and evening. PASSHD AWAY SUDDENLY, Henry Daun Pied at Montreal on Sat. A telegrym ro in the city, con- veyed the sad intelligence of the death at Houteeul, on Saturday morning of Henry Dunn, was a son-in- law of Mes. M. J. MeC ammon, of Queen street, and was sixty-five years of age. He was in Kingston, about ten days ago, on a visit, and had been in his usual good health. Saturday morning he was about to go down town, when: he was stiicken. Heart trouble, was the cause. He is survived by two daughters and one son. A Strong Company. N Supporting "Ita" one of the strong est vaudeville companies will appear to- morrow atktl week, at the lirand, and includes : The Musical Harringtons, better known as Eugene the mad musician, and daughter, Lucille. The Harringtons play over twenty instru- ments and they never fail to create the most favorable i impression; the Oscaros, comedy jugglers; the Perrin Bros., ec centric dancers; Mon Dennay, from Bonnie Seotland; Billy Grady, the diminutive comedian, ete, It is gq boast from "Ita" that whe=ever she bppears she never fails to create quite and this clever little exponent of mental telepathy or mind reader will, no dolibt, as the Peterboro Ex- aminer said it, "have the public going, coming shad" guessing," James Gordon, a retired sontioman, who has resided in the city for the past two ' years, Passed away at 9.30 o'clock Saturday evening, at his late residence, 183 Division street. Death resulted from a xy. Deceased for- merly lived in levitle, but, about two years ago, he came to the city and Seuitied utr wer Sine, al was seventy-iine vears al ad been partially an invalid. "he funeral ser- viges will be conducted at 8. 8. Cor bett's patlors, to-morrow morning, and the remains will be sent to Relleville on the noon train. nn es ts. The premier returns from Arthabas- kaville, on ° F § i : : a Ladies' Trimmed Hats We are showing three hundred Ladies' Trimmed Hats. Prices From $2.75 Up. 'An Easy Way to Buy a Hat By Paying One Dollar Deposit On Any Hat You can have same put aside. The balance can be paid in small payments if desired until hat is required. BScatesTeteasee Ssesessnsanesert LAKE ONTARIO. ==lLives at the Sand Banks. To those who have heen in the liab- it of spending their summer vacation in the vicinity of the celebrated "Sand Banks" of Prince Edward county. the name and sight of Mr. and Mrs. James Hyatt, who will Gelebrate their gold en wedding in October, are very fami liar. The sturdy old sailor, who has pass ed the three-score-and-ten, was saving lives glong the lake front in the neighborhood of his home, log before Humane Society medals had ever heen thought of and is still ready and eager to extend a helping hand to any mariner in distress. He has spent his entire life in his fishing yawl, and at the age of seventy-three rows out and visits his nets daily. Sixty years ako the steamer Ocean took fire in the course of her trip down Lake Ontario, and went to the bottom off Lony Point, James Hyatt, after an unavailinly attempt to save some of the survivors of the disast- er, found the body of Lyman B. Fiske, a wealthy Bostonian, who had evi dently jumped overboard. . Fiske's partner, a man named Hum- phrey, came over from Cleveland as soon as he had learned the news, and offered Hyatt a reward of $100 for the possession of the hody. The latter readily complied, and signed away his right to claim any of the dead man's personal effects. Thereupon Humph- vey extracted from Fiske's pocket 36 one thousand dollar bills, and trans. ferred them to his own wallet. Mr. Hyatt afficros that, accordin® to the law at the time, he was entitled to half ofthe money found on the dead man, ¥ his claim, and the wealth that been within his grasp was now possession of another. One of the old fisherman's most heroic acts was the saving of six fives from the schooner International, driven ashore on the "Banks," in a terrific storm, thirty years ago. De. spite the fact that a tremendous seq was rolling, Hyatt. fearlessly launched his yawl, and, rowing out to the rap: idly sinking wreck, brought the surviy- ors ashore. On another occasion Mr. Hyatt sav ed the lives of four fishermen who had run aground during the night, and were in an unconscious cond:tion when he had managed, after nearly capsiz- ing a dozen times, to reach them. r. Hyatt has become a veritable landmark in the Long Point district, and it ix the sincere wish of his friends on the lake and ashore that he "may pass many more milestones heofore "erossiny the Har." rmsd had the HOPE FOR BIG THINGS Physical Director. Ralph Bowron, the Y.M.C.A. physi cal dicector, who is to come here from Ottawa, is expected to-morrow. He 8s being tendered 5 hig reception in Ottawa tormight Gy the citizens there who regret losing sueh a good. man, Mr. Bowron is a young man but nal ready he has made his influence fell for ood in the work in Ottawy., He comes to the city with several trophies tied to his belt, and, by all accommts, he is just the man the institution nere has been lookin: for. It will take him pome time to get accustomed to the state of things here, and when he gets things working nicely, there will be a reception given him by the directors. it in expected that the affair will come off about Oct, 3rd, and this night will also mark the opening of the classes for the winter. Efforts are being made to have an annual romd race started here to be run off en Thanksgiving Day if possible, but arcangzements have not been completed. Fveryone is look. in forward with much Snterest to the coming of Mr. Bowron, and he is as sured a roval welcome, Guarding Canadian Interests, Toronto News. Has Saved Many Lives--Will Cele} brate Golden Wedding in October | | CORRIGAN' S. FISHED EVERY DAY || JAMES HYATT LIFTS NETS FROM || Rexall Diarrhoea Compound An invaluable remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and all, Derangements of the Bowels, Absolutely free from opium or narcotics. Relleves Cramps and Grip- ing. Very prompt in action. One of the renowned and guaranteed Rexall Remedies 74 Renal sue 00D'S roe PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. --_ -- sm ms ------" I------------. sl, AS Sans sin. 0 0000000000000 0 0000 POIPIRNNOPOOOORONSG cut GLASS These pleces are severq in their plainness being rut out of very heavy "Rock = Crystal" Blanks with the simplest thread decorations, ~ These articles come in Claret § Bottles, Dessert Setts, Candle. sticks, ete, SMITH BROS, Jewellers, Opticians, 850 KING STRENT. Issuers of Marriage Licenses 000. Bat he had signed away From Ralph Bowron, New Y.M.C.A. SUPERB DISPLAY a FALL SUITINGS Now ready for your inspection. All that is new and desirable and approved by Fashion Centres may be had at this store. Call and see the range that we are showing at §0c A YARD AND UP The early buyer has a big advantage as many lines cannot be duplicated this season. We are doing the Coat trade of this city. No old garments to show, but every one crisp and new this sea- son. Call and see for yourself, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. "No. 99" Tooth Brush An imported Tooth Brush made + F by Keat Bros, Bog. the best! ® brush by the best house. Bristles warranted not to come out. the teeth readily. In two size. 25e Bach. . Bold only by Made with a carve 10 get at . W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. Properties Bought, Sold, Rented and Exchanged. Estates Managed and 'Money to Loan Cholee Properties For Sale in Every Part of the (iy. $6,000, ~lLarge, commodious Brick House on Princess Street, suitable for roomers or boarders: 11 beds rooms; combination heating; gas: good cellar; large lawn "and grounds, <wogether with a good stable. Mullin, Cor. Johanson and Division Streets. $2649449804040840084000¢ sane nuffing Harry Baby Belle! know bout & Sam and laundry. Sailor Jack -- A laundry is where all Filufly Ruffles take duds, Buster Brown ---- A Cemetery laundry is where they bury Mike's robes. Wise: Minhle--A Sanitary Jaun- Gry is seldom--hut mother @ Seminary the their I rn EN000R000000 0000000000 es0BcBeeeRbenPee .