Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1910, p. 3

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'FALL, 1910 We are in receipt of an im- mense shipment of New Flannellettes and Wrapperettes. All the New Weaves | And inthe largestand best va- riety of patterns that we have ever shown, LA TOSCA TWILLS, . EMMNRE TWILLS AND TARTANS, KIMONO CLOTHS, FANCY WAISTINGS nd VELVET ROBE CLOTHS, 10¢, 12}c, 15¢c and 17¢ ; None Higher. CEORORONGH OROTRORONS DROROROROROROE0S This will be the last week that we will give time cards. Being the last week of the se- . ries, the 8 prizes will be: 1st, $3.00 in cash; ; 30d, $2 00 As the enamelled metal bed is to the wooden bedstead, so the * Ideal" Cuaranteed Metal Bed is to ordingry metal beds. If it were not above the average in every detail, the Ideal Guarantee would not be on the footrail, "For while any metal bed is sanitary, sensible, practical, the "Ideal" Metal Bed is all these and more besides, The Guarantee label means satisfaction to the buyer. Because "Ideal" Metal Beds retain the snowiness of their etiamel-- no chance of its turning yellow or dingy, - Take it down or set it up : without risk of breaking it, and with no need for a mallet and much muscle--the parts fit snugly. Forty inspections make us so sure of that that we can afford to guarantee it to you. Maybe you will be asked a little more for "Ideal" quality--perhaps forty Sents more. Bat that cannot weigh against the certainty the "Ideal" Guarantee gives you of genuine ro of the same Suality in 'material and workmansh ach hough but three dollars for your _ "Ideal" Metal Bed 00 1 BEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, atid endorsed "Tender 'for construction of Pler at Brockville, Opt," will be received at this office un- tl 400 pm, W ay, September 21, 1010, for the construction of a Pler at Brockville, Leeds County, Ont. specification and form of eon« ons p eon and. ean orms as pA tae i. A of foe ted o Bi le TS athct Bin Bi dro, ling SE Ny tmanster at Brockville, L raons tendering are et) that |, before October 1st, 1 8 will OL. be Eu unless Tenders must be made on the forms s | supplied by ar Lemmissioners, which may be ha application to Mr. Gordon nan. Chief ngineer, Ottawa, Ont. Tenders must be signed and sealed by all the parties to the tender, and d be accompanied b ue on a chartered nion of Canada payable to rder of the Commissioners the anscontinental Rallway for Fy sum equal to 5 per nt (10 pc) of the amount of the tend The right is ar rod to reject any or all tenders. By order, Tenders for Rails and Fastenings. SEALED TENDERS to "the underpigned a ender fi Rail Fasenin oan Se, will be ingea at the office oF the Tomminsionars of he ranscontinental Railway at Ot anti 12 o'clock noon of the 1 for approximately 7.54 Biatbe rang, 0 ia del rails; and the necessary eal tee s, de- livered f.o.b. cars at Cochrane, nt, © printed Bed iF orcupations & a alr Ee In the case apd, hae firms, the 'res at , the nature of the oc» a al Slnatics, o of residence of each her of the Ptirm must given, 'Each tender must be accompanied by préd Shout or a charjersd Minister of Public 1 sum of one tho ($1,000.00), which will be for- felted | if the person tendering decline anter inte a contract when called por o do ao fall * Shmplels the the 3 t or. e tender k contiacied theque will be a P. E. RYAN. Secretary. The Cgmmissieners of the tinental Railway. Rated at Ottawa, August 23rd, 1910. inserting this advertises met nt without FER con Sesssesecssnscesencnes De ment does not bind itself Ty he Tomer or any tender, By order, RC DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department of Paiblic Works Ottaws, September 2 3 ine SHA it ast sell Vihnaut lhority Tram t the Qo we WE INVITE YOU 10 OAL ETHER YOU BUY [TOWNOF GANANOQUE MISS BESSIE HALLIDAY WEDDED ARTHUR ROGERS, Services Resumed at Half Moon Bay wLast of the Canoe Club Races Wedding in St. John's Church. (Gananoque, Sept. 6.--At the home of De. and Mrs, J, P, Sinclair, Charles street, on Saturday evening, at 7.30 o'clock, Mrs. Sinclair's daughter, Miss Bessie lsola Halliday, was united in marrioge to Arthur Rogers, only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. 'Kogers, Stone street and manager of the Bank of Toronto, at Dorchester, Ont. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Henry Gracw', pastor of St, Andrew 's church, in the 'parlor which was tastefully de. corated with flowers and ferns, After the ceremony a dainty dejeuner was & served, followed by a reception from 9 to 11 pom. Shortly after 11 pan. Me. and Mrs. Rogers were driven to Thousand Island Junction, where they took the west bound tenin for King ston, where they made the trip to Toronto by boat. The bride was one of Gandnoque's mos¢ popular young ladies, and will ve much missed Ly her large circle of friends. The list pf presents to the bride was-a most ela- borate one, attesting to her great popularity. By request, the services at Hall Moon Bay, discontinued 4 week ago by ord- ér of the commitive, were resumed last evening, a large number availing them selves of the privilege: The funeral 0 the late Thomas Fair, a highly redpected nonagenarian rewi- dent of Leeds township was held on Saturday afternoon, from the home of his son Willians Fair, to Gananoque vault, and was very largely attended, Howe's London Circus was the at- traction at Rogers' field, near Grass- hopper Park, on Saturday and all though, the weather was bad, was (quite largely patronized, The Citizen's Band filled their last engagement for this season at the Thousand Island Yacht Club's elub house, at Condort Island, on Satur- day evening. Fish and Game Overseer George Tover made a seizure of another large seine pear Fiddler's Efoow, the lat ter part of the week. Mre. William McDonald, Charles street announces the engagement of her only daughter, Miss Julia E. Me- Donald, to William J. leeder. The marriage will take place this month. Wallace Steacy, Fine street, met with a sovere mishap, at the Pro- vincial hotel, Saturday. Opeting a wrong door he fell down the cellar stairs, breaking one of the bones of his arm near the wrist. Dr, Sinclair attended the injured man. Miss Mary McCammon has been ap- pointed teacher in the room formerly in charge of Miss Janet Crouch, in Stone street school, Miss Hazel Lloyd, fills the vacancy in Miss Crain's de partment, and Miss Black takes Misa Lloyd's roons. Thig leaves one room without a teacher. John's church was the scene of a protty wedding at seven o'clock, Monday morning, when Miss Mary Delia Wocry, adopted daughter of Mrs, Lawrence Bo; oy Leeds Lu Hahin was united in Me- Donald, son or Wtio A ald, Charles sereet. The bride, who was gowned in her travelling spit ' of electric blue chifion Liroadeloth, with hat to match, was attended hy Mise Kane, of Kingston, while the groom's interests were attended to hy Wm, J, Leeder. At the close of the marriage ceremony, which was performed Ly Rev, J. P. Kehoe, a nuptial mass was celebrated , after which the bride and groom were driven to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ozie ledger, where 4 dainty wedding breakfast was served, Mr. and Mrs; MoDonald left for King- ston, thence going to Watertown and Syracuse N. to spend their honey: moon. On their return they will lo cate in Gananoque. The Gananoque Canoe and Motor Boat Association completed its series of races yesterday afternoon. The events were keenly contested, and as a result of the series the handsome souvenir cup was won by Dave Wing, Alter the races-a banquet was held in the assembly rooms under direction of mine host Welsh, of Gananoque = Ing and this was followed by a stag dance during the evening, closing a most successful season for the cluls. The Citizen's Band and Orchestra ac- companied by the Frontenac Orchestrg beld an outing at Sugar Island, on 1 | Sunday afternoon, in honor of the suc. cessful close of the season for the | Citizen Band, The big steel freighter Tagona was in port yesterday, on her tnp from Montreal to Fort William, and _ took on a considerable A few days in Ki Churchill, of the Ganan- aque My office staff, enka i yesterday for Cayuga Lake, N.Y. Dr. Scott and son, Ray, of Peterboro, spending the : > s SB ENE0E000000000000000000000000000000000000" Rmusements. | ---- | The People's Forush FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, mENEY B. wAnnis ruusErrs S "A COMEDY BY JAMES FORBES, Isms ONE YEAR J IN Ww NEW YORK. h |e WOMAN. APPLY, HUB Get the Habit AND FOLLOW THE CROWDS Griffin' sport Huse Whe Mame. of Pours F. DAILEY, Mapager. Prone 942. PROGRAM : SEPTEMBER 5, 6, 7. ARTHUR LYNN, Popular Song Illustrator. DOT DAVISON, Premier Song and Dance Artiste. SPECIAL ATTRACTION {At enormous Expense), < VITTORIO and ROMA, Direct From the Operatic Stage. See our Splendid New Pletures. "KIT CARSON." "FOR THE SUNDAY EDITION." "THE LITTLE CHANTECLERE. "A BRETTON WEDDING." NO ADVANCE IN PRICES, 5 and 10 Cents. Compe ensiy. to avoid the crush. "» and 7 p.m. Str.America BULLETIN: SATURDAY, SEPT. 5.--2.30 p.m, Tour of the Isiands. Fare, De, HOUSEMA ID PRIVATE A COMPETENT MAID; CLERKS TO APPLY TO MRS. GAR- 1, 62 Johnson Street. HOUREMALD, , AT ROCKWOOD HOS- pital. Apply to the Matron TUTOR TO PREPARE BOY for matriculation. Apply at this office. MUST BE A plain cook. Apply at 1086 rrie Street, A TOUBEMAID AND GENERAL SER. vant; references required. to 207 William Street. A oe MAN TO MAKE HIMSELF enerally useful and care for horse. ppv to J. Hiscock. BOILERMAKERS WANTED FOR TO- ronto, layers in, and fitters: highest wages paid. Box 96, care Whig of- fice. A GENBRAL SERVANT, TO GO OUT Ap- of town, for a family of two. Ap 103 Lower Union Street, tv een one and three o'clock. PELLIGE! P MAY for articn iculars, Sari nd es 3,969 Lockport, N.X. FOR THE RINGSTON PUBLIC SCHOOL secon ond class professional teacher for junior work; initial salary, $409, maximum $600; annual Increase, $25. Apply to Becretary of Board of Education. A FEW YOUNG LADIES TO OPER: ale sewing machines, makin knit. ted underwear: light and pleasant employment ; i steady work and 0 wages Apply to Kingston Rostery Co., 14d. King Street Vent. PERSONS HAVING WASTE SPACE £ IN cellars, outhouses or siables can make $156 to $30 per week growin mushrooms for us during fall an winter months: pow is the best time to plant. For full particulars and fllustrated booklet write Mont real Supply Company, Montreal TO SELL ARTICLES MUCH ally by needed in every home, ary; per working men; manent poRtiOnS ond you are work- ing for small Salary behind ine counter, write an be go you can double your wages and boss. Apply, Bex * office. o MONDAY, SEPT, 5, LABOR DAY. B80, Trip te Cape Vincent. Be returtl, Meals on nil Trips. EXECUTOR'S SALE E0042 PPP IP EP PPPPP IIIS Young rapher; ledge of once, Prin STENOGRAPHER lady wanted as sten must have some know bookkeeping. Apply to Midland. Shoe Co, cess Street. '181 "Honekela Far Sale op Real on Br 'Netsun Biseet, Septem her Tih Fa. at 10 am. real © estate tO one reserve Bid; WANTED--GENERAL. ONTARIO AND SA. JETERAN SCRIB 10 buy for cash J. 8 R, a Brock Street. ble 26 and 27 Nel Street, con taining & rooms each contains 41 foot fronta ih 8 and a dept 130 feet. cent. day' of ale balance in 30 day The Household Furniture is in class tundition Sondisting of Dominion Plano, Mahogany Pa Plecen, Ax- minster Ban on Pal a and Water Coluts, Brocaded Plush Coue alr Cloth Sofa, Extension Table, Seated Oak Diners, Oak Hall FROM 16th SEPTEMBER O TWO QUEEN'S furnitheq House for family of i thioe J adults). Apply, Box $3 Whig of- ce, STUDENTS WISH TO secure a Double Room with study for coming term; use of piano; fire- hour ir possible; with or without oard, Address, Box R., Whig of- Drop Head Singer Sewin Hedroom Suites. Iron Mattresses, Dresse tts, Pug Stove Imperial Oxford Range, Crockery, Glassware, Gém Jars; ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone 252. PUPILS WANTED PRIVATE LES- wons given to backward athdents lo those desiring tuition in ublecta, For Janjtulars, api. pe fetoria Terra Montreal Street, or ui Whig office. ADJOURNED MEETING Liberals of Victoria Ward ENTLEMEN TO RING THEIR Cloth and Rave, 1t Made up ta into S up to-date suits. o ve "on tie Esa ship guarant Botice. Thomas Galloway, 130 Brock Way, roc 8t., next it Bibby's 14 ory, 2A Whigs! M188 FLORENCE LOSER, EY FINANCE AND INSURANCE. C 8 KI surance Ticket, Ki GENERAL JRSURANCE: FIRE LIFE Acchd and Health Policies lssu- ed; £ i-cians Bablea; standard rates. 1 Agent, 168 Wellington Street. K. CAR DISTRICT AGENT Dominion Amuyrance Company, also Fire, Sickness Viate Glass Insurance, ie arte Btreet, Kingston. ano. JA Te AN, CUSTOMS BROK- involces in an Senvel one cen. stamp oan I 1he nearest ter box We th oa rest. All lads of Rin Ingurance pi on shert no! "Phone 9." 1 Clarence St, Kings insured rates Before r Siving fasee a Sir ness get ra. Phone, « MUSIC, MISS MURIEL KING. PUPIL OF MIS New York othe), a the synthetic method, re popens he: plano class September 15th. Pupil repared for RXaninations; Ad- ress, Alice Street, 'Phone 962. MISS FLORENCE 6G. WEESE WiLL Read her class Sept. 6th, in Plane ry, ete, at her Btudio, 121 Princess Street, LETTIE WALKER - TEACHER of Pipe Organ and. Plano... Classe: reopen onday, Sept. 12th. Ad dress, 220 Queen Street, Youka LADY, WITH FIRST CLASF uplis in plano gsons for four dollars, Apply, 222 University Ave MISS "HAMBLY, ATCM *® (THEORY plane pupil of J. D. A "Fripg 1s pre- pared to give lessons in plano and theory every Fhuraday and Fri. day at 65 Unlon Street MISS BESSIE CHAPMAN, TEACHER of Planoforte and Theory, reopens her class September 1st; pupiis pre pared for examinations. Address 22 Queen Streel. = YPubne, 250. FTOM. PY PUPIL OF DR t, ens her plano anc Aly ¢ Ra ptember 1; pupil prepared for Toronto Conservatory Examinations. Address, 333 John son Street, Kingston. : KNALR A 8B COLLIN} Bay, of Toronto Conservatory of Music, Normal Class (teachers course), will Fesume her class © plano and theory in s.ngston, be ginning September 1st, or terms eto, write above address, or 49 Prices trest. . MRIDICAL. JP TR ay and 7 to 8 LIMESTONE RESTAURANT, NO. © Pringesg Street, one door from King Streét; hot lunches, 15 dinners, 20c¢; oysters in season, lo ream; soft drinks: private parties catered for: upstairs sitting rooms C. & P. May, Props. Your patren- age blieTean. Phone 985 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. DROP A CARD TO JOHN R. MAYELL Carpenter and Joiner, 262 Syden- ham Street North, for reasonabl pricdh on all kinds of Jobbing. Al work done promptly and neatly. Si SST ads Eidas or Sobbing, ng. Lia work dons TUESDAY EVENING, Sept. § at 8'P.M. in the Reform Rooms, Golden Lion Block, for the purpose of leting the represemtation on the Executive for the year 1910 and 1911, R F. ELLIOTT, President, Kingston, Sept. 3rd, 1910. Seman ------------------------ BY YOUNG LADY, A AOSITION POSITIONS WANTED, office or store. x Williams Street, chy LOST ddress, "E" 7 CP.R. TICKET FROM SHARBOT LAKE to Port Arthur, in the city. Finder please return to this office and re- ceive reward, 3 ----r EE Bt EE ll hE | | TENDERS FOR SOY LT RET Rn "Tae0 Fostdonc, TI arvensis ver |ogan SERS Eh Sai 1.200 tons Waterworks heat unit arbon, TN Bn ha A ash per ¥ 5, per cent. of te F arity price. T. HEWITT. Kingston, Sept. Sipe. . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE For City Property a Grocery Busi- fess, one of the best stands in the, city, doing & splendid Bard gain for a quick Address, Box 838, RE olin ST TE ERNEST R. BECKW) ® En iy and Es iawn a Eydentiam net an i He" wa rest. Plan . pi ent) tes given for all RIARSES of work PAINTERS AND GRAINERS, WHEN YOU HAVE SOME HOUSE Eaimtin that you want done rien send for Bushey, 371. Division Street, painter and grainer. Work done by the day or job. An est) mate for the asking. TWO GOOD SECOND- Machines, Bran or SER rR GEM JARS, PICKLE BOTTLES AND Catsup Bottles ai reasonable prices while they last at Turk's. one 70 MOWING J. Hay, 136 a s------------------------------. ROAN PONY, GOOD DRIVER: QUIET in every respect. nine-year-old; can bought reaso te. Apply to 236 Albert Street. LEASE, THE PREMISES Ne. He Bh Princess Street, suitable for Borage, live livery, aisle ar garage. SRCUND- HARD FURNIFURE. ws ANY risen havi Second-hand toves and MrAiture years dis- ou want posing Jet J me to buy ge Sod Soak Raves or Heaters Jon . We sell cheap. Thompson. ae Pripcesa Street. UR SCHOLARSHIP (ANY, SUBJRUT) IN International SorRaaps A to crane snd" profitable yung man woman; ul dispose of at reasonable price f taken at once. Apply, Box 48 ig office. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS --OLD- astablished General Store Business and Stock for Sale; stock about §4.- 500, fre and up-to-date; good business bein done and prospects are : it will pay you to investi- gate this chance; Jatinlactory rea~ sons for selling. ply te to Dickson & Son, Camden Bas! mt TABLE HOUSE, CENT. COMFO od. Apply at 311 Queen rally lo Street, QFFIC WITH ALL MODERN CON- Len lances, fa Orpheum Hall Apply, . Baker, Princess Stree! BRICK HOUSE: WO $8.50 per month, ineclud- Apply, 133 Brock St. SIX-ROOMED and yard; ing water. vPRIOAT PIANO (MASON & RISCH), il May 1st. For terms and parti a a address, A. B, Whig office. STORE, ¢§ BROCK STREET, FORMER- ly occupied by W. A. Bowen. Ap- ply to David Hall, §6 Brock Street. A FURNISHED HOUSE LIGHT AND sunny, with modern improvements and furnace: rent moderates, at 311. Queen Street. GROCERY STORE. tion, with dwellin drive-house and sta J. 8. R. McCann, 51 oc IN GOOD LOCA- storghouns, ply to treet NEW 5-ROOM HOURE, MOD BRN IM. Division thesis Ab 7 v. 3 i J n etn, ev. Boyd, 106 Pine Brest City A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWELLY NO, 05 Wellington Spat whey Crothers' bake R. Webster, £1 STORAGE FOR FURN ry, siry room fier] Fou on Vio "Phone 5260, i iniets Phx 209 Queen FURNISHED HOUBE, VERY CENT. pail located; seven hedrooms; ern improvements; furnace Fon for copking. ste. fine brick Teslaence. App y. ox 828, Whig oO Ce IN OCT, ist 24% BARRIE RTREET, new house, in good repair; hot water heating; all modern lmprove- Apply to R, treet. ments; moderate rent. W. Nesbitt, 357 Johnson FOR SALK OR TU LAT. HE WJEXTHNSIVE BUSINESS PRE- mises for many years oncupled by Henry Skloner Co, Wholesale sglata, extending id treet to Ques frontage on doth. {ehatve balid ngs ningham & -CLASS BOARD AND LODGING her or separate may be venient to yarsit ann, -- i . ome; gas and modern conveniences. PERSONALS. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, warts, ete, removed permanently without soar Twent ears' x perience. Dr. Eimer 3 fake: Ey Par, Nose, Throat and Skin Blam. ish Specialist, 258 Bagot Street DENTAL. PATENTS. INFORMATION. Ragas: ri song. Tog fr hea aa Ottawa, ON NEUE DRGs. p 3 the" Found ncess one 44 hourn, 1 wE# o | ------------------ THE NEWT RULES REGULATIONS SPARKS AND ICTR 230 1-2 Princess Btreet, "Phone 346. DR C. C, NASH, DENTIST, D Welch ker, ny fevistant, 183 Pe PRnasion: DR. A. E SNAPE, DENTIST, 18 MONT real Street, near Princess Street. 'Phone 852. SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, RTC, -. ger foin, 5 ia grash | Sation od in the. rk Sours a) train ¥ i Central Telegraph 4 Hasire or i ary free, rit r To Soh at - Fras e n on, Prinel and Sand We guarantee uniformity in all sizes. Our s Ont 23 stem insures it, Clean, Bright J * sof Music, resumes ng Beptember Sth. at 184 Johnson PROF, JAMES SMALL, nist denh ESCA J sentative of } Cob . i. rest. Pupils prepared for the esxarsing- jtions Yous side of, cw seyupeut a far in he dossn's

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