WE PAY PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. HAD TO PAY FINE OF CARDINAL VANNUTELLI, THE Lie idle ? . s You can get interest at The ik of Toronto, and get your er required. Sums' of $1 and upwards re din our Savings Depart- SECURED LIQUOR WHEN ON "PROHIBITED LIST." License Inspector--No Charge Was and Costs for Two Glasses of Beer. Because he procured liquor, from the American hotel, when he was a mem- ber of the "prohibited list," Charles Bartender Made the Complaint to the few Made Against the Hotel--Paid $10 Walter Noyes, Clueago, is visdii'n; in tha eity. Miss Mabel Laturney is spending a daye in Montreal. Fire Chief Armstrong went to Tor- onto, Wednesday night. 2 E. E. Wathen, Nelson street, luivas 'to-morrow, for Toronto. Fire Chief Williami Howard, of Peter iboro, is a visitor in the city. { Misses Jessie Mackenzie and Gertrude PAPAL LEGATE To the Eucharistic Congress----The Pope's - Representative Given a Father Poins, Que, Sept. 1.--The Steapiship Empress of Ireland, from Liverpool, passed inward at 6.30 this ah, and will ardive az Quobee about Deseron de Paul Aug. 3ist, marriage Veronica Kathleen Slavin, davghier of * and Mee. P. Slavin, of Deseronto, Great Reception, T Father Hartigan. decorated with grysapthemums palms, and Stewart Brenuan chose for music the bridal march from Lohen grin, to, Aug. 3k~At St, Vincent chiirch, W the of Miss Harvey Price, of St was solemmized by Rev. The church was and homas, y morning, | During NOTICE September This Store Will Close at 5 O'clock Each Evening Except Saturday, as originally agreed on, and we ask the buying public and friends favorable to this forward movement to help make it possible. 3.3L this . Among her phases engers ave His Fuinence Cardinal Vin cenze, Vanputelli, papal legate; His Fntinence Cardinal Logue; primate of Ireland; Rev. Father Vaughan, of London, and many other high Romsn Catoolic church dignitaries on their Grahant are visiting in Toronto. A. E. Shannon, of the Standard, enjoying & vacation at Bob's Lake. Superintendent Flynn, of Richard: son's feldspar mines, was a visitor in the city to-day. 3 Miss Pearl Clement, Gananoque, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. J. White, 363 Bagot street. Mrs. E. J. White has returned home from a week's vacation among the Thousand Islands. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Kirkwood died, yesterday, at their home, 59 Bay street. Mrs. J. Gardiner and Master Russell kp ytings. Gardiner, ¥grl street, have gone to To-}* Montreal, Sept. }.--The arrival ronto to visit friends. Canada of Cardinal Vannutelli, i Miss Bertha Holden, Colborne street | papal legwte to the World's Encharis is visiting her uncle, Robert Holden, [ tic. Compress in Moutveal, marke the Unpajoharie, N.Y. © commencement of the ceremonies which Rev. Pr. MacTavish wént to Toron- Fwilt extend over the next twelve years, . H. Wilson, was pred $10 and costs or Delay in depositing or twenty days in the police court on wing funds, Thursday morning. Magistrate Far- ' rell presided, having returned from a ph t. vacation. Wilson pleaded guilty to the charge, and the magistrate a him how he man lo go into the hotel to at cure liguor. Wilson said that he hap- pened to be thirsty, when pasting, and #0 he went into the bar and was "Coming out I met a man I knew," he said, "and I think that he squeal- ed," Wilson said that he did not know the bartender. It appears that ope of the men coming out of the bar did know Wil son, and that he then told the bar: tender. The bartender did not know Wilson, and had no idea that he was - The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a gown of white sa- tin, veiled in white chiffon, and car- vied white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Genevieve Price, sister of the groom, wore gold colored satin, Fach wore the gifts of the groom, a neck: Ince with pearl pendant aud a neck- lace and cross of pearls. The groom was #itended by inald V. Slavia, B.Sc, of Montreal, brother of the bride. The ushers were ¥. J. Con nolly, of Boston, and Charles B. Price, of St. Thomas, A reception and de- jouner were held at the residence of in the bride's parents and after receiving the | the congratulations of the friends as sembled, Mr. and Mrs. Price left for an extended journey. They will reside in Winnipeg, Mr. Price being the western manager of the Stone Limited litho- is pris en rps anid by Mgr. Braonesa, | archbi "of Montreal and his surte. | Several steamer: went out from Rim: ouski and Father Point to mes the L Emdpress, all guily decorsted with on the list. When he was told he was on the list, however, he immediately called up .C. W. Wright, the license in- spector, and told him the circumstan- oes, > The inspector investigated the case, to, on Wednesday, to attend one of the committees of general assembly. J. 8. R. McCann was elected a dele- gate to the supreme court in 1911 by the Eastern Ontario high court, 1.0.F. John Porter, Cataraqui, was strick- and constitute an epoch marker in tle weligious history of the dominion. Flahorate preparations have been go- ing on for the landiny of the potw's representative at Quebes from the Em- old. lace trimming, receiv lowing guests : Welland, who looked very chic in blue graphers, Toronto, ; silk with the fol Mrs. G. Porter, of The bride's mother in rajeh with black trimming and black bat; Miss Vandervoort, in a cream and green silk gown, most becoming to her fair face and hair; Miss Knox was in blue embroidered. silk, which perfectly suited her tall, willowy fig- ure; the Misses Marrin, of Winnipeg, were. very smart in white embroidery and blue rajah silk; Miss Dalton wore an exquisite: blue lingerie gown; Miss Hryden's gown of green and. white was becoming apd stylish; Mus. MN. 8 The 'civi Connolly wore cream veilin wit The fivic address was presented on Persian, trimming and Jnrge blue AL Dufieris; Toprace. : hat; Miss Georgie Stafford, of Belle- i ht. earcinal remains in Yuebee to- ville, wore a stylish and girlish gown nigh, Starting on the government .f ue eolienne; Miss Myrtle Johnston Montreal BY SIR Soar to for wore brocaded silk, and her dark hair and Sorel N Spring: at Three Rivern:|,; olive complexich were most a / " yeep z . tractive under a large tuscan hat wil siatiorate hed ha: Monttyes] with willow plumes; Miss Reins looked - seathed ou Satusiay after charming in cream voile with hand: noon. $ : some trimmings. PEPPERED WITH SHOT. oress of Ireland. A wireless has bean L recived from the steamer stating that Hid Eminence is in excellent health, and thoroughly enjoved the passace across the Atlantic. The cardinal and "his. household are being given an on- husiastic reception by the citizens of Quebec. After landing at the King's wharf, the party entered the carrinre of the late Cardinal Taschereay, snd, rsurtounded by an escort of cavalry, praceeded to the Basilica, where Arch. bishop Begin received the cardinal. en with paralysis, on Wednesday even- ing. and was taken to the general hos. ital. Mise Lillian Orr left, yesterday, for Toronto. She will also visit Niagara Falls and Stratford before returning home. Mrs. CGoulette, Watertown, N.X., wht haw been visiting in the city for n few days, left to-day for Ganan- Oyue, J. G. Elliott, managing editor of the Whig, left to-day, for lnm to at tend the Cavedian Press Ass viation westing, Mrs. Thomas Sullivan and son, George, of Ruffalo, N.Y., are visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, William Geos ghegan, 15 Clergy street west. Dr. Harry Hunter, of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived in the city today on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Nrs, G. H. Hunter, Collingwood street. Little Miss Letty Saunders, Brock street, entertained about twenty of her little friends' at & birthday party on Tuesday, from four to eight o'clock, Miss Edyth Laird and Miss Mabel Laturney have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Charles Gib son, Inverary. William Fletcher, representative of the Heintzman Viano Co., left to-dav for the Toronto fair to look af: x the company's exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Woodruff and Miss Woodruff, Cape Vineent; arrived here yesterday, with their automobile, and will make quite an extensive tour of Ontario, Among those who went to the exhi- bition: at Toronto, yesterday, were Harold and Hdivey Angrove, Prof. Small, D. J. Hey and James Brady, Pay Mike Ada, who' law Been ith friends in Ottawa for the past two weeks, bas returned io the city "dnd will 'take charge of the new ready- made department of George Mills. & Col and then laid a charge against Wil- son. No charge was laid against the hotel. The "prohibited list" is to prevent men from securing the liquor, and in view of the way the bartender hud acted in the matter, the inspector considered that he could not make any charge against the hotel. An assault case, in which two wowién are involved, was billed for, to-day, but as one of the womeéh did not put in an a rance the case had to be ey for a day. ie Depicted Scene of Violénce. Toronto, Sept. l.--Anothe* moving picture showman; Morris § ogi, of 234 Yonge street, was fined 350 ond costs in the police court, this morn- ing for depicting scenes of violence at his theatorium. The film in question was called "A Political Dispute." One of the political gentlemen strangled his opponent, packed the body in = trunk and hid it in a straw stack, Many attractive weaves in the! néwest Fall Dress Materials are now on view and sheuld attract the attention of those who wish to se- cure the new thing, New Basket Weaves, New Bouele Cloths, New Tweed Effects. * No matter what kind of a Plough Ou have and you have a poor share YOU CAN'T PO GOOW WORK. have génuide Sh for all of Ploughs, and number for the a ---- Early Fall Underwear Ladies' Fine White Merino and Fall Weight Balbriggan Undervests, 49¢, 69¢, 75¢. And Drawers, 49¢. 69¢, 75c. And, Combination Suite. 'Children's School Stockings We are all ready with everything requir- ed in Hosiery for Children And have special values in BOYS" RIBBED CASHMERE STOCK- INGS, made with double knees, heels and toes. All sizes from No. 0 up to the largest . 20¢ to 50c, BOYS' FAMOUS "LEATHER KNIT" Ribbed Cotton Stockings. These are ex- ceptionally strong and the sale has in- creased wonderfully for this make during . the past two years. WILKINBON'S, PERRIN. PERCIVAL. CONNOLLY'S. Agent for Shteration) Budget From Myers' Cave. Myers' Cave, Aug. 30.--School ve. opened on the 15th inst. and all were pleased to see the former teacher, Miss Campbell, Kingston, again. Quite a dumber from here attended the har- vest home picnic given by the ladies of Harlowe Methodist church on Wed- nestiay last. The programme wax good, the seleetions being interspersed by several speeches. Dr. T. W. Kd- wands, M.P., was called upon to speak and addressed the audience. The [ladles of Harlowe sre to be con: gratilated on the success of their entertainments as they seein to gain in popularity every year. Miss Han- ual Critchley has returned to Ther school, near Flinton, after spending the vacation at her home here. John Criléhiley, who spent the past two months. at Driftwood (Monteith), New Ontario, returned home on Saturday last, James Perry has resumed work at the Wabash mine. Misses Edna and Maggie Curtis are suffering from a Hight attack of tonsilitis, = John Curtis and son, James, left for Cache lay, on the 10th, to work in the lum- ber woods. Miss Cora Sedgwick and cousin, Miss Leila Sedgwick, of Flin- ton, were the guests of Mrs. T. D. Perry on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs, John Critchley spent Sunday even- ing at the Cave, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 7. BD. Perry. Mrs. Robert " Gray, Grayvidle, has left for an ex- lug t to Winnipoy over the | jonded visit with her daughter, Mrs, Grand Trunk Pacific, bis tram will | john Cook, Forest Mills. William run over the Canadian Pacific from |g © jr., left on the 15th for Car- Molicine Hat to Winnipeg. It is pos | perry, Man. - Mr, and Mrs. W. Loucks tible' Hon. George I. Graham wilk wm: | C00 ver Sunday guesty of friends in wpect. the prairie portion of the vans: | 4 around Arden, John Mitchell, continental en route to Pas Mission. Lake View, was the guest of his Macleod gave the premier a cordial | 4. hier, Mrs. D. Gray, on Tues welcome, A processions, with bands, | , * ¥ marched through the decorated streets | ""%" to the city hall, where addresses wer. d:livered from the plutform, to a galt. ering of 3,000. T address nk el for a new | fide and su change $1 50 feceed he 2.00, 6.50, etc. Chairs, $1, 1.50 and George's Guests Excited at Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Sept. 1.=The guests of King George were. thrown into panic to-day when a shooting accident, in which two persons were hurt, octurved on the Dee side preserve. Lord: Kilmar- nock second secretary to the diploma- tic service, was peppered with shot around the éar and nose, and his right arm wad riddled, A gillie or gun bearer, was also riddled; while both the lord and the retainers were declar- ed to be geriously injured, and requir ed immediate murgical attention. Fi forts to keep the affair secret weve made, but ib was learned that the ae cident wax caused by the carlessness of one of the party. = I ------------ Canal Accident at Ottawa. Ottawa, Sept. l.--Navigation on (ne Rideau Canal, between the canal pasin here and the Ottawa River, and all through freight, will be impeded as the result of a sand scow turning turtle in lock No. 7 just. below Sapper's Bridge. The obstruction is of surh a nature that a couple of days will be required to remove it and in the mean: time it will be necessary to transier freight and passengers arom the lock ,. Harvesting' Co. Dr. H. C. Creed, one of tHe most King ' prominent Baptist Jaymen in the mar- «. Repairs of all Kinds, itime provinces, died, Wednesday af ns ternoon, in Fredericton, N.B,, from : hemorrhage. He was a native of Halifax, sixty-eight years old. "Fresh on Thursday," = Huyler's sweets, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Many dogs were poisoned, Wednesday night, at North Bay. Strychnine was used. Toronto's population is now 350,000, "Fresh' Huyler's," at Gibson's. a AR pl bb, LAURIER IN ALBERTA, - ---- | Situntion: Reg@iling Indians to be Looked Into. 1ethbridge, Alta., Sept, 1.-Sir Wi. frid Laurier's schedule has been chang- ed. Instead ol proceeding again to Calgary and Edwsonton, asd travel 20c, 23¢, 20c pair. Girls' Black Cotton Stockings. Girls' Fine Ribbed Cotton Stockings, Girls' Plain Black Cashmere. Girls' Fine Ribbed Cashmere. Girls' Double Ribbed Cashmere, All sizes in each make, Passenger Boat Ashore. Alpena, Mich., Sept. 1,--The passin: gor steamer Lake-Land, ronni be- tween Port Huron, Mich., and Duluth, went hard aground on a reef here yee. terday, while entering a slip. Many of hor 200° passengers wire brought ashore in launches, Mrs. Robert Webster, aged sixty, of Fast Boston, was accidentally shot while ing motor boat on Summerside Harbor, P.E1. Tt is not known who fired the shot. Her condition is eriti- eal. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be unable to attend Winnipeg banquet. Live Poultry We pay highest market prices, and make returns up" (greatest Ma -------------- Stricken Zealand Family. Zéaland, Aug. 31.--~The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Bourke are glad t6 hear that Master Harbert, their gon, who is dangerously ill with cere- bro spinal meningitis, is a little bet- ter, Much sympathy is felt for them, as their eldest boy, Arthur, 'sixteen Butterick Patterns For September All ready. Many decided novelties in Fashion Book. = At Pattern Counter. Cote eastw:r] sinew hyt regratiully. he west had done him ir mental and (ae : cally, "1 H+ Ottawa - adh 1 ['vears of age, died very suddenly. return an enthusiast," he stated. He jembiny were interred last Thursday referred to the problemsiof immigcea- =» Zenlund Meth 1 b tery. tion and transportation as demanding y following, Carrie, their deugh- the attention of the fer, twelve years of age, was laid to the . The question of improy.. | st bexide him, both. being stricken postal facilities was everywhere acute. | With the same fatal disease. "The west has grown so fast that the | Sadie Garrett has returned home af- as return a the day shipment is receiv- 'ariment. i oe." i aberly. . 3 + dey meh not Shie to keep pace, 3 visit to Silver Hill ed. Write us for quotations. to on Sunday. Miss esi wo, |THE HARRIS ABRTTON. CO, Lite $ Se -------------- s Sharpton, Aug. Er Blk Montreal. shed. D. Vroo- x] FOOTWEAR Try our Sehool Boots; you will be satisfied. Bought from the Largest and Best Manufac- Every pair solid. 8