3 YEAR 77-NO, 203 LADIT'SOVER Strange Stor Story Told By A Youn R UNHAPPY UFE| R THE Txvonre NATE MAR. RIAGE TO CLERIC, ATRQGSTON, ONTARIO, THU BSDAN, SEPTEMBER 1, LAST EDITION rem-- ree Sowly we came $6 reir we we did not [ LEAD IN HIS LUNG. SWEEPING RESOLUTION WEATHER PROBAREITING Jove each other so much ax we thought Toronto, we did, when we hurried away to} Ballet Rowdier Carried for Forty-Six Adopted 'Regarding Disarmament Valley "and Taper & a ATONE marry. After about six weeks we al Years Located. Roosevelt Criticized. rate tortherly winds; sine and slightly k Sept. 1. --The anti- quite convinced that the romance had Danville, Pa., Sept. L.--A rebel bul Copenh. . ended. And we felt glad to get out of let, which Jongh W: Miller bay car TT cutie of the Interna it the host way we could. 1 do not ried in his left lung over since the tional Socialist (congress, yesterday, know where he is now, and | wut | Dispatches Fr From Near battle of Spottsylvania, forty-six years adopted a resolution, dedaring it to never see him again. ago, hits been definitely located by be the duty of all social democrats And Pistam Places CONFERENCE BUSINESS. means of the X-ray. An sitempt to re 10 resist militarism, to refuse to vote move it would be dangerous, and Mr. money in parliament for military pur- Some New Things That Have Been Miller will continue to sarry about poses and unceasingly to demand dis- Decided On, OCCURNENGHS. Ti RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. ie. To Be Met By The Scout Movement BADEN POWELL SURE OF THE SUCCESS OF MOVEMENT IN CANADA. Mark Goes Out the Word that Our New Suiting, Dress'Goods And Trimmings Are here, We know we've Bit the bull's eye, because the rush in this see tion is amazing, even to us, Women want the right goods and they know where to get them, i'd with him the leaden compliment so armament until this object has been cag rudely handed him long ago. reached. The resolution also declared Victoria, B.CS Sept. 1.--The steady When first wounded Mr. Miller's re that linutation of naval armaments conservatism of the delegates to the covery seemed out of the question, For and the repeal of the prize law must Methodist general confersnce was seven years after he was wounded he be demanded, the negotiations of sec plainly manifest when a number of expectorated pus, but later he recover ret treaties i and those now recommendations to change the word- ed from all ill-efiects. For nearly forty existing published. ing of the discipline was voted down Jyears he was in the best of health, James Keir Hardie, on behalf of and one recommendation especially the carried to have churches built se Matters That Interest Bverybollye but recently began to suffer ill-effects, English socialists, objected to that people could kneel at prayer, in : : He is conscious of the presence of the resofution as not being comprehensive c n ] | Notes From All Over--Litle of |hullet, and experiences at times a enough. The resolution, he declared, accordance with the instructions of the Everything Easily Read and Re discipline, nerviolls sensation, which he can scarce. ought to contain a declaration in T i membered, Justice Maclaren thought it was a ly endure. favor of a general Inistnational strike int the event of a war out, constitutional question and might It is understood that a British firm thus rendering hostilities possible. prejudice the union negotiations. | he | will build Chilis new warships. Herr ledebor, a member of the vote stood twenty-four in favor and | The first charters of the new grain German' réichstag, during the meeting sixty-foor against. {crop were wiade at Chicago, on Wed- made a vigorous attack on Col. Roose The recommendation for quarterly nesday. velt for his military tendencies and boards to make regular provision for | I'wo children, named Longlaid and also because of his meddling in the an annual vacation for the pastor car: | Woods, were burned to death in a barn Egyplian question, and support of vied enthusisstically. The number of at Byog Inlet. Rritish rule, Herr Ledébor declared circuit stewards may be increased in| Toronto's population, judging by Roosevelt's action was incomprehen- churches having over 400 members, | {figures of the asdessment department, sible, inasmuch as the former presi: one steward itional to every ex- Lo now about 370,000. dent of the, United States belonged to tra hundred members. Quarterly B An effort is on foot to send the & nation: which came' into: existence by boards may elect alternate delegates | 24th Regimental band, Windsor, to the virtue of a revolution. Herr Ledebor to the annual district meeting, | coronation of King George. = = closed by dubbing Col. Roosevelt "'a Provision is made for holding al 5 J Curtin Fd xy Jlew hit political probenreiter," namely "a rati on aeroplane Irom evelanc WweaAKIng a "» ' | Pega annual 'congregational ment: {records for flights over water. drummer. ah -- i La ED Strong disapproval was expressed Rev. R. Weaver, late of Mount Fl in an interview, that this was not al against the practice of employing In- | gin Baptist church, has accepied a military organization, although it was dinny for exhibition purposes in wes- | avip. ane Phgemo to thé Sarnia town E ja better training for Ritare soldiers tern Canada. The government is also ship and Plymouth Baptist churches, than cadet drilling was. There was no to be urged to prevent the transporta- The French war department has or: formal reception here, the geméral be tion of intoxicating liquors inlo ane {dered filly aeroplanes, mostly of the ing met at the train by Lord Lans- provines" of C anada under the prohibi- | biplane type, and will establish an horough- and Col, Sherwood, ¢ 33. tion law. | nerial navy. The dominion police," sent to Lata: The conférence has authorized the! A coroner's que to suppress illicit liquor selling on appointment of a western association uslcaown nish; : 3 the N.T.R., have returned. There were editor of the Christian Gu Guardian, with' a wire about his body, was five convictions and sentences were fully murdered. uspended b tied i Hon. George P, Graliam has taken he ¥ nar an the parties agreeing to eave the district. It Will Give Better Training Than Cadet Drilling---Dominion Police Prosecuted Hlicit Liquor Sellers at Latuque. Ottawa, Sept. Story That Reads Very y--=floth Glad to be Rid Tie--They Decided They Not Love Each Other. New York, t 1 ~With a similarity 10 Bei Hichens' rea tures of the imagination in his Gar den of Allah," Miss Katherine Joann Sa gelato hee extraordinary romance, F martiage on May 28th at Atlantic y with A Consolazio, a ico of Princeton, dénth of the .J., and finall pa they euiled Miss Johann anid the murriage was annulled two weeks ago, she heing only sixteen, The last chapter in this Sirange romance was written when Consolario sailed for Rone last © week. Like the hero of Jlobert Hie hens' fancy, who knocks {Ar repentance t the big iron doors of the monas- 3 the young ex-clergyman is now : family to bear in ¢ forgiveness and admission to the monastic brotherhood. It was said hy some of his clerical friends in 'Tremton, who did not de wort him in his trouble, and to whom confided his remorse, that he would shortly enter upon a long period of i and prayer to expiste the sin disobedience to the laws of the -------------------- 1L.~Gen. Baden-Powell arrived in Ottawa, this morning. He will address a mass meeting at the Y.M.U.A. building, and the Canadian Club tomorrow. He is assured of. the sucoess of the Bov Seout movement in Candda. It is better advanced, he says, in the west than in the east, with the exception of Toronto. He believes that the Canadian boys need the training; which they will receive as a Boy Scout, as much as the Brit ish boy does. The Canadian boys need | training in discipline, in being our | teous, etc. They are manly boys to begin with; he 'said. He emphasized, strange } ! f | [| { i nse M. Prise: NEW SUITINGS IN NEW WEAVES AND COLORS AT TRE RIGHT PRICES. RESILDA ------------------ Act of Bad Boys, St. Catharmes, Sept. 1.--Two lads, Harry Holman and Claude Fillingham, were committed for trial by Police Magistrate C ampbell, in police court this morning, charged with releasing brakes on u freight car, standing on the Wellandvale Mig. Co.'s siding. The cat ran down a steep grade and did considerable damage to the build, ings, and was itself badly crippled. ---------- jury decided that the found in Toronto Bay, wil- CHARLES E. BARKER, * Johann is not penitent, hut ; "that the marriage has heen an- nulled. "It was all a dreadful mis : ®," snid Miss Johann, "No mar o like this could possibly be a py one. A woman wrote me the 14 letters from Pittsburg. She ] she felt so sorey for me, She had ' in love with a bishop in Wash. dngton. It was a romance just like Muine. She said they weve unhappy af- forward, and in a few weeks Kansas City, Sept. they | I : ¥ church in Lee Summit, Mo., late A DREADFUL CRIME UNFROCKED CLERGYMAN KILL- ED ONE, THEN SELF, Had Received Medal for Bravery Dur ing Boer War----Seriously Wound- ed Another. L=Rev. € Brown, formerly of the S. Christian last up the cliims of the Grand Trunk men recenely on strike, in correspondence with President Hays. Six hundred followers of Madriz, the last considerable body ol Nicaraguan {government troops to hold out, have {surrendered to Gen. Estrada, Complete results of the Spanish elections where soldiers permitted them to be held, returned ninety mio- isterialists with an opposition of fifty four. Dy. Sawdon, Listowel, died, day, from smalbpox, after a brave Tues- Phigician to President Tan. Falsely Charged, Hangs Himself. New York, Sept. 1.--Hecatise Patrick Jafiney, a sober, industrious mechanic, of fifty years, could not master his humilitation over what he felt was a false arvest, he hanged himself, Inte last night, in his home in the Bronx. The man was a widower with two grown diughters. He never missed a day's work and did pot drink. Fol lowing his arrest apn a trivial charge not sustained in court, he threw up of from previons The immigration department has an- nounced the immigration figures for the month of May. The total arrivals for that month were 47.58), made up 33,395 via ocean ports and 14,194 the United / States, or an increase of sixtyffour per cent. over the corresponding month of the |. year. There was an increase of 15,472 arrivals via ocean ports, and an increase of 3,087 from the United States for April and May. The first two months of the present fiscal vedr, the total immigration has been 95,771, CHAYTON YOUNG romance starting at a ball given MAN GIVES FRIENDS SURPRISE. Acquaintances Formed at a Ball Last Winter Culminates in Marriage of James A. Kelley and Miss Eva J. Hin. Clayton, A pretty at N.Y., Nept. 1. Is the name of a beautiful material for afternoon gow, We have it in all the new shwdes, also black, a real ly: beautiful wesve--Ralighthilly soft Lustrous and silky--Non-ereasing and drapes exquisitely, We invite you to call and see all the new things. B SPECIAL NOTICE §. She got. a divorce. He went Canada to join some trotherbood, wl she married a Pittsburg million je. So 1 know of at least two such Depawville fast winter, which culmina+ ted in the marriage of James A. Nel ley and Miss Eva J. Hill, at King: ston, Thursday, came -as a surprise to Cldytou's younger set. Mr. Kelley is 'a popular young me chanic of this place, but the village belles never took him seriously, as he wins considered a "homespun sort of fellow," who could reel off a colillion of a polka tolerably well, but when it came fo a two-step or waltz had no tine. To pretiy, rosy checked Miss Hill, over in the adjoining village of Depauville, it was different, and Jim was just the best partner that ever graced the ball room floor. In speaking of the courtship and marriage, Mrs, Kelley told a reporter that while their engagement was not long, both were of the same mind, We ay night, when Jim proposed. Marriage preliminaries arranged, the next day they skipped away from their friends to Kingston, where Rev. 7, E. Bourke tied the knot. ANDREW DARLING DEAD. night, shot and Killed Mrs. Edith Ward, seriously wounded Mre. Ann IF. Lamphere, and then ates uicide in rooming house. lousy is said oh o of jhe tragedy This store will Be 8 for business unfil 6 fight for ten days, The doctor con- [his job, begun to drink heavily and tracted the disease while attending a [sank steadily deeper into despair. sick Jumberman. - . Macdonald, Toronto, © has ations of fdependiente to bd held on the 14th, 15th and 16th September. He is going. POLISH GIRE'S MISTAKE against 5,267 for the same two months of 199-10; or an increase of eighty per cent. For the two months, the ocean acts fi immigration mow ; doubled, ng from 29.651 hy » O12. Thited Stat States immigration % for the same two months increased WATER from 23.716 to 34,557, or an incrense of TortySix per cent. It ix amdounced that 000 men are required for taking the dominion cen- sus next June. This is comeéwhat lesa than were emploved for the cen sas last time. Dozens of applications are in for the vacancies at the printing bureau, the offices of superintendent of printing and superintendent of stationery, the date for receiving which closed, to-day, The appointments will not be made by the cabinet for some weeks. THE NUNS ARE ALARMED, WM BABY ABOVE EIGHT HOURS. Fr he had ay $300 of chureh funds. gambled. aw HOLDS He pled = money and was for given. But four months later he forg: wd checks for $60, lost the money in a poker game, and was placed in the i Rant jail. Me was unfrocked, and quit the ministry. Since then he has worked as a street car conductor and locomotive fireman. a Woman Stands in Cistern With Child Aloft Until Help Comes--WIill Try and Secure Hero Medal for Her. Sedan, Kas, Sept. 1-<Standivg' in five feet of water m the bottom' of a cistern at her home near here, Mrs, John Burch, wile of a farmer, for eight hours held aloft Her two-year old child, until the arrival home of her husband. The child had fallen tern and the mother, who saw the ae cident, sprang. after it, seized the babyy in her arms, raised tt above the surface of the water and ealled for help. No oné was within heaving of the woman's calls, and throughout the greater part. of the day Mrs, Burch stood, the water renching up almost to her neck, and waited for the retury of her husband from his work in the fields, After being taken from the cistern Mrs. Burch "collapsed and is danger ously ill, hut the child suffered no ill ness, Friends for 4 Carnegie medal for Mrs. Thought Bath Tablets Were Made to Eat, Pittsburg, Sept. 1.--Mary Rojesvaky, Polish girl employed by a wealthy . Hast End family, is dangerously ill, Prades nid diner Count, § pm, { the result of eating tablets. Mary has Jou The Hpuse Party" "The! Charles Henry Fox, youngest son of wen in the conntuy but a few months Barrel Jumper." "Under Both Titans John Fox, Brockville, and Miss Lois and in that time has been solving the ns wii ak " Sh In ihe pro Powe, daughter of the late George |intricacies of the American ladies' me at Lake Pack iis] * i ping. i Towe, were married on Wednesday. toilet. Saturday she purchased some : hath perfume tablets and before retir- TT Hing at night she stepped into the bath tub and then swallowed two of the tablets. Several hours riedly called a who may die, WOOD---At Kingston, on Bbitembey 19190, Isaac .¥ Funeral from his ate résidence, 287 King Surest East; on Saturday, at 2 Montreal, suddenty; vVenlng, 30th Au Arthur 1. Meore, third son ol late R 5 Moore, of the Bank o Montreal, Kingston Funeral will take place on Friday oon from the foot Be Johnson Street t Cataragu! Cemetery, on arrival of the fast train from Montreal, ROBERT J, REID, "Phone O77. 00 Princesd' drei, JAMES eR La The ¢ oar Ane 2 TAKS NOOR, A Lot of different Old-tashiondd Farnitaure, ah Joadr 'ne for Cash Kuoee ® aT he into the cis 's Good Points Montreal Rumor That Hotel Dien is to be Blown Up. Montreal, Sept, 1.--~A story was cir culated here to the effect that the Hotel Dieu was to be blown up when the sacrament was deposited there, The nuns at the Hotel Dien, alarmed by these rumors, communicated therh to the police, and a strict watch will he kept by private detectives on the hospital while the repository is guard: od during the night. later the family hur mr physician for the gil, A Prominent Toronto Wholesale Merchant Passes Away. Toronto, Sept. L--Andrew Darling, head of the Andrew Darling company, and one of Toronto's most prominent wholesalers, dropped dead, this mom- ing, at hin home, in Sussex Court. Apoplexy is believed to have been the cause of death. Mr. Darling was for many years associated with the old wholesale firm' of Wyld-Darling, and ew when this firm, after the big fire of five or six wears agb, sold its assets and good will, and retired, he went All Kinds of into the wholesale ¢loth and clothing business. Mr. Darling, who was of OLIVES Seotch descent and was born in Mont. ig veal, in 1852, leaves a widow, but no IN ALL SIZED BOTTLES. Queen Olives. family. A brother, William Darling, Manzanilla Olives, lives in Montreal. ISSUE AT NEXT ELECTIONS, Pifted Ollves. Ripe Olives. Will Go to Country on Georgian Bay Olives Stuffed with Nufs, Canal Proposal. Montreal, Sept. L-Gerald ¥. White, Olives Stuffed with Celery. M.P, for North Renfrew, stated at the Olives Stuffed with Flmlentos, Windsor, that there oh dyes every pet of the approaching parlia- ment being not ae lengthy, but s prolonged trial of strength between the two parties. Mr. White is ont of the foremost champions in the Tae of the i Bay eunal, and is of the that Sir Wilirid Lautier will Rewarded for Keeping Promise, Toledo, O., Sept. 1.The keeping of n promise by a Polish laborer, in earcerated in the Toledo House of Correction, to return, secured for him his liberty to-day. 3 "The man who came back," as he 'has been desighated by Superinten- dent Stevens, was allowed to attend the funeral of his wife's brothers. He promised to ¢ome back by npon the following day if the officials would let him out. True to his promise, one minute. be fore the time was up he appeared and surrendered himielf, In recognition of his honesty Safety Director Mooney paroled him, Hen Feed Yields §800 Pearl. Jefferson, Wis, Sept, 1.--A new field for the pearl hunter has been discov: ered--the chicken yard. While feeding elams to her chickens a Jefferson wo man happened fo pick up one "of the shells she had thrown away. Init she found a pearl which she subse | quently sold for ht Public Schools. Separate Schools, School of Mining and. Agriculture. emiversity Son ege. i hover val Mian College. eas College. rie eh ran Opera House, ur Vau 'and Moving Picture Houses, well-oauipped El trie Railway. on ha Great Lake. in Summer, t Works, dian Artillery. t, with two bande A ------ To Keep Out Cholera. Néw York, Sept. 1.--Because of the recent. spread of Asiatic cholera in Europe, and the recent outbreak of the plague in a suburh of Berlin, Dr. Doty, the health officer ol the port, is mak ing a most drastic investigation in the case of every ship arriving at quaran- tine from Cermany or the Mediterran- ean. have determined to apply Burch. FLYING HORSESHOE HITS GIRL. Galloping Horse Injures Onlooker 50 Feet Distant, Jersey City, Sept. 1A tnique ue cident oocutred in connection with «a fire that damaged 88 Mark's Zion Alr-Meinodist Episebpal ehuech, in Monmouth street. - Miss Milie Sanders was seated at a window on the second floor of lier home, 663 Newark avenwe, watching the ongives go bw, when, suddenly, she fell back from the window in a faint, with blood streaming from her face, It was discovered that she had been struck over the right eye with a horse. shoe, thrown by ong of the horses drawing a fire enzine. The shos was burledh 5 distance of fifty feet. Miss Sanders has the alive she intends to sue the be a i Swam St. Lawrence. Quebec, Sept. 1.--A feat that Has seldom, if ever, beew achieved bhi'ore Wie recorded vesterday afternoon bets when "Jack" Williams, a waiter on ope Of the Richelion and Ontario Navigtition Co. steamers, swam across the St. Lawrence from Quebee to St, Joseph de Levis; a distanee of about two miles, Whitby, Sept. 1.~Chief Jamieson late Inst night raided a Chinese laundry and arrested four: i opium: The are twb' whites, a young man named Porabws, girl giviny the name of Edna Frank: of Oshawa, and two Chinese who car- viel on a lanndry hove: yh of Sine pon, $0,000,000. the Provincial Penitentiary. re Er ice with 244 hydrants. be Show each year. EE 'Halls in the Provinee. ilding Companies, and Engine Works. Mil and a Tannery. ories. Brockvills, ONY; Sept. 1. , morning Deteetive J. J. of the _ Agency, placed at os Place, a ¥ erand wits impading in ofieer 3 charles of his duty af the (7. . tion on the might of July the strike Ty took oo dv TH, station. The detective if idles vestizatig the doradiient of Moecdssin express on July ed: areests are likely to take pues, wi a me Alpens, Wich, Sept. I-The gor slender Fie Lind, tween Port Huron, Mich, went 5, od ip: terdny, while entering a her J dam. ty for trip to Pritish Columbia shortly, 3 TE --,.-o DETROIT MAN ARRESTED For Carrying Passengers From Wind. sor Race Track. 2 Nalluavitie, Oot, Sept. 1-Louis Arnold, of Detroit, was arrested by Custom Officer Latham, of the ferry dodk staff, last night, and handed over to the Windsor authorities, cmvy from wd shatied with parscengerd Ww ed ps Arnold bree Weekly Newspapers. § of Trade with & memberdhip of 21 Biases it in the front rank of Canaan Citles. SEE 3. 1 i | 2