Stable AM the little helps. WAGGON JACKS. AXLE GREASE. Ol8 HARNESS DRESSINGS. BPONGES. SUMMER SHEETS, LAP RUGS. : HORSE BITTS. Ete, Everything supplied as cheap or leds than cata- "logue or out-of-town prices. Corbett's 3 Hardware. EC a ad J ' i We have some excel- dent Soft Lump Coal | for threshing engines. Try it, and you will be surprised to gee how gnickly it will raise steam. S. Anglin Co. Take This Tip Sooner or later you'll buy your Boots at Johnston's: because of superior quality Bud lower prices. WHY NOT TO-DAY? : Men's and Boys' Shoes exclusive iy. . Better Investigate, Johaston's Shoe Store ¥ M. NOLAN ¢ ~ FOR YOUR GROCERIES, i 338 PRINESS ST. _Onr Coffee at 28¢ and 36¢ cannot be boatey. a ------ of and « the conservative \] Presaes The British Whig Publishing Co., RE yp Kibo Bl OTE Shia, BB Baile Wihig. VERY LATEST THEOLOGY, Another saviour of the world has erick Bluska. His religion is summed up in a few words, "A Heart And A Home." 1i is set out in a brief pam philet of four pages. The basis of it is that no one can be saved who believes in wars, and holds to the laws that kill. Unitarianism, Christian Science, (new thought, higher criticism repre sent the works of the devil. Evolu- 'tion ix a snare and a delusion. "There {were no ships in monkey land," and the idea that men developed from monkeys is the foolishness of grey- headed men, Disease people bring upon selves because they ure out of har mony with divine Jaw. It is the com mon sense theory that disease is the result of a violation of natural law. It means the swine thing. But what a lot of diners there are in the world when, according Bluska, "every them: to | man who votes in a state which hangs, -electroentes pnd kills people commits a sin, becnuse he takes part in that which 'kills his fellowinan for which he and his family will soffer." This is a theology which the murderer will ap: preciate sine it means "hands off," when he' embriles his hands in the bload of his felloWman. "If you are sick pray direct to God yoursell, and you: will get relief, but you wiust not believe," says Blus- ka, "in Christian Sdience, Spifitualism, or any other chirch on © earth, bot only in the livieg..pewer of God in Christ o heal you." And all this has been revéided 'to Bluska by Christ, through the spirit. In all reverence it may be inferred thatthe communica: tion is incompléte or that it has not been fully understood. It reads like the dream of a misguided man. i I -------- : A ROW.IN RENFREW, The visit of Mr, Bordes, to Ren frew county, 'in the interest of tory- ism, militant and otherwise, has been cancelled, and for the reason that the party quarrelled over the dates and dethils of © the meetings. The politic cians in the upper part of 'the county were not ponsulted. . They kicked and the resul® was disagreenient and dis- order. The Chronicle, the conserva: tive paper, secs the necessity for say- ing a few plain words, and remarks : "There is but one remedy, and that is that a county president should as sume office auly on the distinet un- derstanding knowledge that he is being surrounded by men who are comparatively young in years = and whode ton Bt shall continue st within = them even after shall have leit the convention hall; they should be men, too, who are i - favours and who will their , their 'time their ability in cause of a grat litical party. necessary in opposition in the house of commons, and it would seem 'that such is also necessdry in about half of the county associations Here 1s a serious veflection ! "BIBBY'S GAB STAND AGH Phone 201 throughout the land." The old timers, the daddies of the party, are admonished to suppress them. selves, 16 give place to young 'men who will be on the job, or on the brakes. of the machine, all the while, 'and who will not hesitate to give of their time and talents to the cause. DAY OR NIGHT | The housecleaning that was necessary in the commons should, it is said, be extended to the county associations ! Some objection was taken hy the press,' (not the members of adnoiinied hin calling=Charles Fred: J t- The Whig has been challenged by | that there wad only one way of reaching the governor, and that he did not accept advice, as: dp the discharge of his duty, from suy one. : The first term of Mr. Hughes was sirenitous in 'the extreme. He had {some difficelly in impressing his per- tspaality upon the legislation of the day, but he saw that it was stamped on the bills he approved. He faced a siew election with the consciousness that the old guard was disgruntled. There are some men who would have scared when confronted with this con- dition' but Mr, Hughes accepléd no- mination for & second term; and set ting out to explain his position, found everywhere. He astonished his party * by ing ~ shead of its strength and provigg the ofie redecem- ing feature of the state election. When it was asnounced that he was going out of politics great was the satisfaction which the old guard ex- pressed. But suddenly a pew danger looms up, at first a cloud no bigger than a man's hand opened the politi- cal horizon. Presently there appeared the outlines of 'a club, and the hand' and the club were identified as Roose velt's. The ex-president had the tewme- rity 'to endorse the Hughes' pro gramme of direct representation from the primaries, and he was at once re The regular republicans reali thal they have éfred in judgment. Already they are yepenting of their affront to Myr. . Roosevelt. The threat to fight him to a 'finish is passing awny. Be fore the day of the cavcus arrives the fire-eaters will he completely subdued. They. will be tame enough to eat from the hands The Hughes revival 'has come to stay.' Hughes passes from the stage, as a political strategist, and a more imposing figure takes his place. GETTING AT THE FACTS. a member of the council because it held that honourable body responsible for the curious legislation of the Board of Health. There js no desire to offend by again referring to it as crazy leg- islation, for that is the term which one alderman resents. It is quite, true that the Board of Health has the pow- er, under the laws of Ontario; to pass enactments in the interest of the pub- lie. health, and the Council has no right to interfere. But the Council is an interested par- ty. It has to do the financing for the Board of Education, and the demand that the sanitary conditions of the schools be changed within a certain (and inadequate) time, at an expense which no one could estimate, was such as the Council could protest against, agid with very 'good 'reason. The Board of "Héalth cantiot make the |® Council and the Board of Education do impossible things, As for the old institute building, the Council had better call a halt in its negotistions with the School of Mines. The Board of Education has not, so far as the Whig can learn, decided to lease any building for a' term of years. Nor does it, so far as our information goes, propose to spend $7,000 or $8, 000 in improvements for which, at the end of ita term of occupancy, it is not to receive due compensation. The Board of Fducation wants more ac- commodation at once--thanks to the hasty legislation of the Board of Health--and if the old institute build: ing is not av#ilable the Council will be asked to provide the funds fof a new school on some convenient np- town site. The Wiig is not speaking for the school 'board or any committesfol it, but it is expressing a common sense view of the situation with a tolerably correct knowledge of all the facts. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Whig has no objection to the reading of its editorials in the city council. "Hl the aldermen keep up this practice' they will in time get infor ntation and improve cobsiderably in debate. t Borden as a candidate for perial gpnference. The Whig approves. The conference need not composed of government representa tives. . Think of what the educatior would be for the fellovs in opposition. people to jail, and the jailer tests, municipalities are required to provid refuges for the aged and infiom, why not Toronto ? government tain ampled prosperity. pen ? asks Sir James. will suggest that he hold his until he about, Elephants of a eirclis bills. the magnificent horses all day as they ge sense, oe ring and performing horses know when they will be needed and . when how to stand up in 4 +o) they know how'tdi hey inzcpse of 2 storm. They ean do everything talk. Don't for i ton, M an appeal to the courts, has been con- demuned to pay $729 services of militia : called out to pre setve order during 'strike troubles 1902. There have heen guite a num- ber: of awe cases, dnd they have prac tically all ended in one way, as they should. The preservation of the peace is 'a municipal duty, because the. municig cient or insufficient; the disorderly ele- ment becomes rpg called upon, act civil or municipal authority and only il" Snap civil or muni au y Jon the militia gets the hesefit of a Hlot of good men at a 'when it seeks to avoid it- deserves po sympathy. Peterbore Review, mier bas captured the woel, and con servatives vie with liberals in doin; him honor, Every one wondered why William I\ of Germany 'went off at half cock af tér a period of prolonged and pro found silente, The secret is out. H. was under a pledge, Can't some one induce him to take the pledge again or ship oh the muzzle ? * The Ottawa Journal booms Nr the im ily bx who ar De. Chambers, of Toronto, is right when he protésts against the geoding of countless thousands ol dollars annually, for the conversion of heathen, while the aged, the infirm the weak-minded and sufferers setiile decay are without homes care. It id un _protést to some pur pose, the from and Toronto sends its old and decrepit pro Why shouldn'r he? Other and Why should the A curious commentary on the tall of Sir James Whitney in England- that something must be done or th empire will he a recollecfion--is fact that the the trade relations of Bri be enjoying unex What will hap poOome Om show it to pend knows what he is talking emerge: SOME WISE ANIMALS. and Bducated Horse: With Howe's Show. Not all of the many sides of interes ilgrimage. is seen upon the Could our readers--but follow about the show ground they would surprised by the revelation of horse There are fo be counted with Howe's Great London Shows almost 200 head of horses, and they are all beauties Fach of these horses can find the car in which it Irpvely at night and can find its proper stall, when the train is unloaded it know: where to go and where to stand. It knows when its cage or den is ready to be taken to the ground, and where In the morning s load alould be taken. The horse will find its" proper place in the big fos, Sof mone pre ready it where it foll in. These circus 'horses know as much "UY" performances 85° do' the peo Th with the show. It has been claim- and . is probably. true, that the in the ring: that ean tell by the music of the band. circus horses know when to pull to lay down; they know oving 'ear and but date nge- ah 3 : ---------- Don't Pay to Riot. in Yontreal Star. The town of Sault Ste. Marie; after the cost of the » in and when, either m pal force is ineffi- and troops in aid of the force. The by calling fow rate, and paying therefor -------- Harmless Lunatics, No one has been whole day to tell us how to are for sn . ask us to spare it and exempt it} Lfrom the requirements of the law ? \' The after-dinser Coffee end Toe with these dainty conlections, / PATERSON'S Cambridge Wafer! A delicious pew biscuit made from i cream of wheat and sold by all gro- cers. ln tins only, always freshand §° erisp.. You'll like their favor. end EE BUYING A TYPE WRITER THE CHOICE MUST BE AN UNDER WOOD OR SOMETHING XOT 80 GOOD. UNDER- T.WOOD EFFICIENCY CAN- NOT RE BQUALLED. UNITED TYPEWRITER C0, LTD. 4. BR. C. DOnns, KINGSTON. JOS. B. ABRAMSON t COLBORNE STREET, KINGSTON, Dealer in all kinds of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats, also Ladies' Suits, Offering special reductions in Lin sleums and Oileloths for one week only. ] All sizes of Rugs, 'Lace Curtains, Chenille, and Tapestry Goods Oil- 'loths, Carpets, Jewellery, Rlankets. Art Squares, ete, sold on Weekly, fortnightly and Monthly - Instal- ments. Easy payments, - All kinds of Boots and Shoes, Ladies', Men's, Children's. Call at my residence and examine my stock. COME. SEE. COMPARE. NO MORE DANDRUFF, Newbro's Herpicide Pestiferous Dandruff. Does your head itch ? Is voor eoat or dress full of white flakes after dress- ing your hair? That's the effect of dandruff. 1s your hair thinning ? Are you begioning to get bald in 8 Are you already, in fact, rapidly be coming bald ? If so, that is the éffecs of a measly little parasite that bug. rows in at the root of the hair... ane rows up the scalp in déndruff and eats off the hair at the root. Science's Iatest discovery is a destroyer of that pestiferious germ. That destroyer is contained in no other Rair prepara: tion on earth but Newbro's' Herpicide. Try it, and be convinced, A delightiul dressing. Sold by leading druggists. Sead 10¢, in stamps for sample ta The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. $1 bottle guaran teed. James B. Mcleod, druggist, spe 'cial agent, Kingston, Ont. ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT. Over 300 Students enrolled annually, half of whom are young ladies. . High- est advantages in all departments, Buildings heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Will re-open Tuepday, September Sth, 1910. For Calendar or room address PRINCIPAL DYER, DD. CANADA'S ONLY TRADE SCHOOL ins the TWENTY. FIRST YEAR September Destroys the Canse of Annoying sew term on ast of Freak Clothes are dead and the few that remain unburied are rap idly being gathered in. MIN OME Cda The man who wears our sort of clothes can wear them in com pany with pleasure. Their style, the fit and the richness of fextare is always very gra- § tifying to the man inside of them. SUITS AT $15.00 These Suits are real Beauties. All the Inte nickels, all the correct fabries," all the points of good tailoring embodied in our splendid Fifteen Dollar Suits. { FALL OVERCOATS. $12.50 At this price we show a handsome range of Fall Overcoats. Fine 8 Grey and Black Cheviots, Grey Worsteds, plain or silk faped reverses, hand-tailored garments, the very latest models, Other lines, $9, $10, $15, $18, A a RAINCOATS, $12.50 At this price we show our Celebrated proof Worsteds, good rain or shine, beautifully shades of Grey, Bronze and Black, Rain: rich Grosvenor English tailored, in Other lines, SR.50, 310, 815, R18, CO CA a Qa COO EOVO FHCRC OHOHORORONOHOR PIG LEAD and ANTIMONY IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. : THE CANADA METAL COMPANY, LIMITED. OFFICE: 31 WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO. $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ®'so000000 # snr ABERNETHY'S. FALL SHOES 3 All the Newest Styles Are Here soles, medium sole; in Tans, Patents, Gun Metal and Kid. Everything that's new for Men, Women, Boys, "Heavy Girls and ren. 'Inspection invited,