Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Aug 1910, p. 2

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eaow veo." : Sey : £ Furs "Ordered Now Or Oud Furs Repaired, Stored FREE Until Wanted. JOHN McKAY, | FUR HOUSE, Telepone, 489. 149-155 BROCK STREET 0000000000000 000000 Mid-Summer Sale E t month we will yd Midsummer Sale Antigue Furniture, Bric-s~ enty per cent. off all goods during the Sale 'ome in and see what we have, All kinds of Household Goods ght and id. Drop a ecard to us if you have anything good to Sell or Trade. Dow't Forget the Place. L. LESSES, Princess and S Chatham August Sale Carpets, Curtains and Furniture : Cor Ste, KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (LIMITED), HEAD OF QUEEN STREET. "Highest Education at Lowest Cost" REL A, SEE ce and i fil ari itis. thin OUR ROOSTER BRAND 'Of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco at forty-five cents a pound is a good Tobacco, Why pay eighty-five? Lr iv Nireot. Are your windows nicely decorat- If not, you can furnish them CANADA'S BEST with New Curtains at little cost. 3 Grows Tan Curtains 'at 26¢c, 60e, 76c¢, : pany' $1.00, $1.50 and up to $4.00 per ca 5 inte pair all reduced 20 per cent. equal to imparted at A large Stock of Tapestry Cur tains for the west of the month will be offered at a discount of 30 per cent. : 'Phone 90 : T. F. Harrison Co. 1408 Biol. ulgnd oh LE, Golden Yours, Are You Pale, Anaemic ? Anaemia means colorless bl means languor, blanched lips, ed cheexs. You grow | dyspeptic and nervous. This con dition cannot exist if there is of healthy blood. Dr. 's Tonle Tablets makes blood, rich, nutritious Slood- thar: why they cure. In concentrated form Dr. Blair's WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer, Is en EL a pocket. have sen my the high dohar, n (oes, ats ot services. MARKET SQUARK. Sabha LES ddd dad WILL HAVE NO FIELD DAY. City Baseball League Decides Against the Scheme. A meeting of the executive of the City Baseball League was held in the "College Inn," cigar store, Tuesday evening. William MeFedridge, presi- dent, was in the chair. Those present wore: BI. Tierney, secretary; J. B. Ahearn, vice-president; R. Tilson and W. Palmer, for Irishmen; William Ken- nedy and PP. Moran for C.L.C., and E. Hartrick, and Stanley Trotter for the Victorias. - Everything 'was closed up for the season. The treasurer's re- t whowed that expenses bad been avy this season, algo showed that the league wits hover in'a better con: dition, linancially. ; The question of: having » field day "a ; : . next Saturday wad distassbd and it wan finally agreed that it would bet. | rare | unfailing Ir anaemia. languor, | poor color, and loss of weight. "25c, Box SOLD BY v 9 Rev. .J. 0. Crisp, with Mrs." Crisp and Miss Kathleen, returned home on Saturday from their extended trip on the continent. They have been away ten months and although they enjoy- ed themselves immensely, are delighted to be home again among their friends. They are busy unpacking and settling themselves in the parsonage again at Portemouth and seeing fri who continually drop in to extend the hearty "Welcome Home." Last night a reception was given them in the church hall, which also was the occasion of "Farewell" to Mr. Ellis, who has en- deared himself to St. John's congrega- tion during Whe sbusmen of Mr. Crisp. The croquet tournament commenced on Saturday and in the first Miss Helen Fraser defeated Mrs. Her- bert Dawson. The second game was played on Monday when Miss Lillian Mowat defeated Miss Lillie Fraser. On Tuesday a very exciting time was spent when the Hest game of the sea son was played, really magnificent when Mrs. R, E. Kent defeated Miss Gi. Strange, by just one hoop. It was an. exceedingly close contest and watch- ed with keen interest by an admiring and excited crowd of onlookers. Mrs. Charles Taylor also defeated Mrs. Campbell Strange. + A merry party went over to Wolle Island, yesterday, for a picnic. They were Mr, F. IR. Phillips agd Miss Spangenberg, Mrs. R. Uglow, Mrs. David Murray, Miss Annie Minnes, Miss Margaret and Miss Lillie Murray, Mise Jennie Phillips and Mise Helen and Miss Marjorie Uglow. A very inter- esting feature was a visit paid to the old ruine of Ardoph castle, which is well worth being visited by anyone go- ing over to the island. * & & Mrs. Robert Fraser, West street, was "At Home" on Tuesday afternoon when her sister-in-law, Miss E. Fraser, gave a very small tea and kitchen- drawer shower for Miss Mabel Bowie; only about half a dozen particular Iriends were asked and requested to ac- company the gifts with the usual verses, which they did and much fun was caused by the reading of them. + * Mrs. W. R. Sills, Mack street, gave a small tea and china-plate shower on Saturday for Miss Mabel Bowie, Earl street. Of course, the usual verses ac- companied each gift, causing much merriment. * + If any kind friends mailing" items for "Told in The Twilight" would al- ways send their names they would vonfer a great favor upon the editor of this column. ee Miss May Bolger, Brock street, will spend a few days in Toronto. Miss Sigenldine Daly, Pro street, is going up to Toronto for few this Bn 4 days Mr.-and Mrs. OC. A, Jeweth and their daughter; Margaret, who have been spending the mouth of August with F. G. Wallace, at "Alwington," left for their home in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Daniel Taylor, of Shields, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blackall, of Edgewood Park, Pa., will spend the first two weeks of September with' F. G. Wallace, at Al wington, * 9 * Misses Katie and Ethel Mackie, Sy- denham street, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Gibson, East View Park. Mrs. David Gillies and Miss Elsie Gillies, Carleton Place, are guests of Mrs. J. 8. R. McCann, Union street. Miss Ada Sharman, Wellington street, "and het guest, Miss Jean Hep- burn, of New Rochelle, N.Y., spent the week-end at Alexandria Bay. Mrs. Brown, Brockville, is the guest of Mrs. J. Plewes, Division street. Wellington street, have left on a trip to Rochester, N.Y. * 9 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Robinson, Wellington street, and: boys, are spending a few days in Torouto. Mrs. Charles Brennan, Deseronto, has rePurned home after visiting Miss Ida Shaw, Colborue street. gone out to the camp of Mes. H. W. Richardson, at Godfrey. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Taston, guestz of Mr. and: Mrs. E. P. Jenkins, Prin cess street, have returned to Lon don Mrs. Patrick Daley and ron, Bert, of NI h. Mrs. W. G. Anglin, Earl street, has? few days, also her sister; avenue, are visiting at Aylmer, Que. Miss Helen Patted, the guest of Canon and Mrs. A. Cooke, "Hazel Dell," left for Toronto to-day. Nes. F. Asdtinn rd son, Mr Burton Asselstine, Belleville, have ar- rived at Mes. NM. A. Aselstine's, Al fred street, to spend a week. They came in their motorboat from Alex- andria- Bay, wheres they had sttended the motor-boat races. Col. aE olen, London, Ont., ormer Ki i will be here the week-end enroute for Eugland, and will be en pension with Mis. Murray, King street. Many old friends will meet. them and greet them with pleas a true saying is, "No friends = Dupuy has been much missed during her ce and her numerous extend a hearty f'Welsoms Rome, = * Mr. Max Duff, Bank of Commerce, New York, is his holidays with his parents, Lieut.-Col, and Mrs. Ramsay » Princess street. Miss Hurst, Victorian nurse, on her holidays, returned for a few hours on Thursday, en route to Toronto to visit the exhibition. Dr. and Mrs. 8. A. Mitchell, of Co lumbia university, New York, an visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mit chell, William street. Miss Mabel Bowie, Earl street, left, "to-day, for Toronto to spend a few days and take ip the exhibition whik there. Mrs. Singleton and family, Albert street, have returned from their out ing on Cedar Island. Sire, George Booth and Miss Etta Smith have returned from Toronto. : ¢ * ° Miss Anna Simmons left, on Sa: turday, to visit friends at Three Mile Bay, N.Y, Mrs. 8. J.# McBride and son, Kirk, are expected from New York this week, Miss Annie MeBride has returned fram Toronto, Mr. and Mgs, William Allan Ford (nee Miss Swales), have retutned from their wedding tour and have been the guests of Mrs, W. E. Swales, Gore street. . They deft for, their pew home in the west to-day. Dr. Leonard Clements and Francis Machee have returned Mount Clements, Mich. Mrs. Willlam Crothers, jr., returned from a pleasant visit wilh friends down the river. * + 9 Mr. and Mes. J. H. Seels, Johnston Mrs. from street, have returned to the city af ter a very pleasant outing at Mac donald Cove. Dr. and Mrs. S. H. Simpson and little son, Donald, are with Mrs. Da vidsou, "The ' Cedars," Macdonald Cove, Miss Bessie Murray, Niagara, is ex. pected to pay a visit to"Mrs. E, B. Wilson, Union street. Miss M. Watson, Toronto, arrived to-day and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Carson, Brock street. Miss Lily NortonTaylor, Wellington street, returns. from: Metis 'to-morrow but' Mes. Norton-Taylor bas gome to Halifax, * * & Dr. and Mrs. Conway Cartwright ar- rived, on Monday, frem Ottawa, to visié Sir Richard and Lady Cart wright, at "The Maples." rs. John Fisher, Brock street; Miss E. Fisher, . Portsmouth, and Miss A. Fisher, Stratford, left, on Monday, for a week's trip-to Quebec; on their return, Miss A. Fisher will go to he home in Stratiord. Mrs. Granville Fisher and threb chil- dren, Bound Brook, N.J., who paid a flying visit, on. Tuesday, to Wiss Mil- lie" Ferris, "Willow Cottage," left for their home yesterday. Mr. John Phillips, Detroit, Mich., visiting Mrs. M. A. Awselstine, Alfred street, left, on Monday, for his home. * * 9 Miss Gertrude Power, Sydenham street, returned home to-day after a delightful visit at Rosemary Hill, Greenwich, Conn., and Fair Haven, Mrs. James St. Charles, Belleville, is on a visit to friends in Kingston, Miss Florence Elliott, Barrie sireet, went to Renfrew, to-day, to visit her aunt, Mrs. A. C. MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Anglin, Queen street, have gone up to Toronto, Mrs. G, Kerr Dean, visiting her sis: ter, Mrs. J. W. Power, Sydenham street, leaves to-morrow 'for Mon. treal but her som, Mr. Morton Dean, will main = for some time longer with his aunt, Mrs. Power, until fully Mr, J, lnifies, Torouty, spending hi r. oJ, , Toronte, 'spending his holidays with his aunts, the Misses Mes. DD. J. Millan, Earl abet, went | Baxter, Sydenham = strat, Jot to Toronto, to-day, to visit with re Mouday. mn Iatives. 3 * 0 Mes. Henry Moors, Barrie street, who has been out west for the sum- mer, is remaining in Toronto for a i Miss Kate is so large that you~ can't _bossiily want something we Our Suit Case Umbrellas are Jers. Prices from $3 wy. Men's Rainconts $7.59, $10, aa se Our assortment of Umbrellas 31, 1910, _-- ---------------- tee it Linen. at 95c. 00000000 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000060000000000000000 600 YARDS ROLLER Special at 6ic Yard. LARGE SIZE BEDSPREADS, large cnough for double bed. Spegial Special prices in 43 inch. PILLOW SLIPS. LARGE SIZE WHITE SHEETS, double bed size. Bpecial this week Ladies' Tailoring & Dressmaking Department Opens Sept. 1st Orders Booked Now S0000000000000000000000000000000000 0 Special Sale of Bleached Table Linen © One and one-half yards wide, worth 50c yard. Special this week at 385c yard. Remember this is not mercerized cotton, but we guaran- TOWELLING, Linen and Cotton Mixture, This week at 1§¢c Each. 85c. Maclean, but the maid and children will arrive to-morrow. Mrs. John Donaldson, has returned home after a four months visit in Tillsonburg with her daughter, Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. R, J. Stevenson, 68 street, Miss Nicholson, who has been visit ing Miss Mildred Pierce, Victoria street left for her home in Montreal. Mrs. Hugh Lawson and daughter, of Watertown, N.Y., are visiting Mrs. H. McCaugherty, Frontenac strect. * + Mrs. (Dr.) Bhd Rockwood, left to-day for Toronto. Mrs, W. Cook, Rideau street, is in Monireal © seeing her two daughters, Dora and Ada, off on their voyage to the old country. Mes. M. E, Nomingway, of Chicago, is at present visiting her niece, Mrs, William A. Gray, Division street, hav- ing spent the summer at Sixteen ls land Lake, a guest at Idyl Wylde, the beautiful summer home of Dy, B_ 8. Stackhouse, Lachute. Later she will he visiting relatives at Peveril, Que. Miss Lula and Léonard Drury, Princess street, returned, to-day, from Newburgh, Ont, where they visited their cousins, Mrs. Hodge, and daagh ter, Maude, of Guelph, and other relatives. Mrs. J. B. Gould, 206 Bagot street, eft, on Tuesday, on a trip to Que bec. + + + Miss A. Sewell, Toronto, is leaving for her home, this week, after spend: ng a delightful visit at "Ongwa-na- da." Mr. Raymond Mulock, of Winnipeg, as returned home, after spending a month abroad with his uncle, Mr. 8S. Cummings, who is pleasantly remem- wred by many Kingstonians in the lays of "Auld Lang Syne." Mrs. W. H. Dyde went over to Wolfe 'sland on Monday to keep Mise Etta Henderson commuany during the aby encé of Mrs. ~J. R. Henderson, She will return on Saturday. Mrs. J. 8. Smith, Johnston steeet; wd her guest, Mrs, J. L. Gurd, Mont treal, went over to Wolfe Island and {unched with Mrs. E. T. Steacy ~ at Mr. Steacy's pretty summer home, + % 9 1 Miss Louise Strathy, Toronto, sidled for England last Saturday. Mrs. G. Mahood and children have returned from Stella Point, and Mrs. L. Gwynve and family, Tarrytown-on the-Hudson, left on Saturday, also Mrs, C. Gwynne and family, Orange, N.J., left on Sunday, and are the uests of Mr. and Mrs. George Ma od, Gore street, for a short visit be fore Jeaving for the Catshills en route for their home. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Murray and chil: dren returned from Ivanhoe, on Sa turday, after & very pleasant visit. The many friends of Miss Anitp Fen wick are delighted to hear she is inak- og such rapid strides towards regov- ery. - * + Mre. James Laturnety and daughter, Ada, Nelson street, left, Tuesday, for & week's visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Gibson, Inverary, Miss Hazel Browne, Clergy street jwest, returned on Saturday after a most delightful time at Colborne with ber cousin, Mrs, George Merciman, Miss Hazel brought her little cousin back with - ber 10 spend a week in Kingston a: the guest of Mr. and Mrs. rd Browne, Professor Robert Laird, with Mes, Laird and two children, summering at Noeway Bay, returned home on Mon iy. Miss Duncan, who was the guest of Mrs. 8S. Lowe, Portsmouth, has left for her home in New York City. Mrs. Howard and her daughter, Mrs. 1iDr.) Walker, of Texas, are the guests the |: of Mrs. Thomas McCarthy, at home of Mrs. 8. Lowe, Portsmouth.' * * 9 Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Sawyer, Have lock, Ont., annonnce the engugymoent. of their daughier, Ethel Mary, to "Mv, Ropald A, Mckee, Peterboro, the mine Sage to take place early in Septem. * + 0 : The engagement is announced of Miss Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. . Greenwood; Wolis Island, sto Mr, R. V. Matthews, of York. = 0000000000000 00000000000000000000 Joyceville, Mies Edith Clack, Earl street, leit, ll to-day, for Toronto, to visit her aunt, 1 Sullivan {{ ll Camera. | makes clear photos: i CORRIGAN'S. Photographic Supplies | ANSCO FILMS. They give the best results. All sizes to fit any Kodak or Once used, always | "used. CYKO PAPER No spots or friction marks. All sizes, Cyko Postal Cards, 15c doz, "Anti-Friction Developer," be each, Films Developed Promptly. E The DRUG | MAHOOD'S cro: PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. i Diamonds P0000 000P00CRONOOOOONBL 200ODOONOOIIOOINS 0f Worth Almost every week brings os parcels of Djamouds for our selection. We eaveliflly: Jaok them over to clean out defective stones, welgh them, and have them properly set in 14K set- tings for sale. Our Diafond Ring values at $25. $50, and $75 are unexcelled. 3) SMITH BROS. Jewellers, * * Opticians. 850 KING STREET. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 3 | | ; Will to get the Chikiren's Wearables soon be ringing. Time ready, the can buy. We are headquarters for best Hosiery that money HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE pairs In all sizes, special, 2 . . . he oe ei PRINCESS RIBBED AIA lr MAAS FURS. NANI AHN sit W. F. Gourdier. 76-78 BROCK STREET. HOSE In Black sorrect sizes the all a pair and Colors hose for vor girls, HERCULES RIBBED COTTON HOSE For Bovs, str mg and dur able, perfect Black, all sizes . 25c. a pair RIBBED HOUSE. y 1 In Wool wr Fine Casinnere, all the best wakes, all sizes . Ie. and up Our stock of New Dress Goods iz the best yet. « Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. A Summer Tonic For that worn out, tired and J rus down feeling there is no J 'better tonic than a combination + of - Beef, Iron and Wine. : 3 : Seoveseee Sieve svensbeseOReRRe So 8 8s ss 8 and the them, they that are in darkness, to : the unenlightened who use voal oll, PLAIN AND and likewise unto him who lets his wife swelter over a coal stove that S0s0000000000000000000 S0000000000000000000 ¥ And Behold it came to pass, as it is written, that upon a certain day the Gas Com pany did send a8 man, called Hunter, and did say unto nim Pete out among the multitudes, 'tao thou oul into the bywavs and highways preach unto e may be warmed and filled: and say unto them: Rejoice. for 1 have this day brought glad tidings of great Joy Behold,. I say unto you, Why will ye wear thyself out in the heat of the day when the stands ready, yen, | say unto you, and eager, to instal the pipes In your home so that you may Gas Company "COOK WITH GAS" HEAP CLEAN CONVENIENT. Kingston L. H. & Power Co. C. ©. FOLGER, Gen. Wunnger, ee The Right Rub in the Right Way The rub that rubs seams, edges, ends, middies and corners; the rab thet ruts out dirt without rubbliog in Boles; the rub this laundry uses while robbing for cleanness; A HARMLESS RUB TO EVERYTHING. BCT pint, Kingston Launday, > » * » . a » * " » * . = * * . * » . » * * . * ® # *® » » # ® *® » * % . # * * * " . . -

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