YEAR 77-NO. 202 ABAD RINE SOLDIERS SLAIN TWO NEGROES KILLED BY A THIRD WHO FLED, S---------- Private and Corporal of 24th Shot and Instantly Killed in Ballroom Fight--Murderer Dashes Thorugh Horror-8tricken Throng to Liberty! Watertown, N.Y., Aug. 31.--Private Turner, of B company, and Corporal Jones. of C company, 24th Regiment, both colored, were shot and instantly killed in a Bght among soldiers in the ball room the Freeman house ut Great Bend, Monday night. > Private Moles, also colored, of 1 traop, 10th Cavalry, is being sought us theic slayer. He has 50 far escaped, hut soldiers are scouring Pine Plains in 'ny effort to apprehend him. Sherif Bogart, Turnkey Schell and Coroner Smith left. here in an auto mobile for the scene of the shooting Whe bodies of the two dead soldiers lie stretched out npon the ball room floor awniting the éoroner's arrival. Private Turner received a bullet from "the heavy army. revolver through the back, while u second, from the same pistol, struck Corporal Jones: above the heart, bringing instant death. In the confusion which followed and before the ball room had cleared 'of ihe smoke from his pistol, the murderer dashed through a throng of Borvor- stricken men and women and fled from the little hotel into the da-kness of the wight. The vast sand wastes of the surrounding country offer excellent temporary hiding Shncin, The + Freemién house, located in the village of Great Bend, across the bridge and on the road to Pine camp, has been the weens' of many soldier parties during the encampment. In anticipation of breaking camp, many of the men drank heavily. As the evening progressed signs of trouble be came manifest, Bn 1 nie vin gat sev mo in rep. of hav wel Are of ug to sta ma Swi for Bishop of Joliette Will scomuntobtel Montreal, Archambault has decided that a good Catholie ta tween Freemasons, be they of French, even of the bishop of Joliette, who de clare that aims at the destruction of the Catholic church, or social order, or. political authority and the artiagt tie. members of any of these lodges wonld not only be refused the sacraments of the mother church at death, but will also be Catholic burial. Mgr, Archambault then referred grave charges that certain residents of Joliette were members of these forbid: den lodges, and declared that if this could such persons from the cathedral pulpit against them either at municipal, pro- Western Ruthenians Will Send Pets Winnipeg, Aug. 3L--Three thousand Ruthenians Sunday night, and after listening asking for married Ruthenian priests | The petition will be DIPLOMAT WAS INDISCREET, Toasted Republican riyy and Was Stockholm, due. entirely does not eonvinee common belief is that the real reason DENOUNCES MASONRY, Members. Aug, 31. --Mgr. Alfred make no difference be- Seolch rite. in fact, all alike in the lish or 'hey are, eneral oman Freemasonry in His lordship also said that the bouwr of refused Romnn to be proven, he would denounce I would ask the faithful to vote lon cial or any other election. WANT MARRIED PRIESTS. men has tion to Rome, A of Winnipeg and district hered at an open-air meeting, rig to impassioned speechés, unani- a petition to Rowe, | Si B.C era usly to j west, to most all their churches in the lace the present incumbents, whom are French born, and who e not been getting along any too! 1 'with their Ruthenian charges, presented to shbishop = Andrew :Szeptyeky, legate the Greek Catholic church, té the haristic eongresy- for transmission Rome. ; --------l eabi stee) and Recalled: Us Aug. 31. ~The tement that the retirement of Her | n de Lagercrantz from the post of | edish mifister at Washington was{ Th to his personal wishes | has the public. The | gal, rect G. Sou official | not the diplomatic return is to be Matters That Notes From All Over----Little of Everything Easily Read and 'Re membered, The Russian emperor and empress are Germany is Orders for $2,000,000 of placed by LATEST NEWS Hoes Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE NEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED In ------ Interest Everybody a visit to Hess. puzzled to find employ- t* for the 54,485 students special- Irgland, on board, been reported at Belle Isle, number of United States. phys izing in her universities, The steamer with Cardinal Vannutelli Empress of iciaes have wuroeeded in producing - the leprosy bacillus 'in pure cultures, r Willeid Lautier spoke at Nelson, on Puesday, dealing with the tarifi and Oriental immigration. Viennese pensant girls are beginning orize their hair and refuse to sell it to their French sisters. James Ten Eyck, aged fifty-eight, de foated James Riley, sixty-four, in three mils sculling race on Lake The Company is constructing lines to Belleville General Managua in triumph, ,assumed the visional Lonely. and Power two separate from different points. Juan J. Fstrada entered pro- named new Seymour © Electric presidency and vet. structural 1 machinery and equipment will be Mobile Portland Cement Coal company, aited States customs officers are watching the Canadian border closely {10 see that valuables from Europe ate smuggled in that way. he dsappearance of the ballot hoxes invalidated the elections at Sabu Portugal. A priest who was dic ing the voters was arrested. N. Elliott, secretary of the Owen nd YMCA; has resigned, having KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST #1, 19i0. re -- MESSAGES FROM SPIRIT LAND, Late Prof. Wm. James Will Attempt Experiment. Boston, Mass, Ang. 31.---To some of the members of the Society for Psy- chical Research, the passing of Prof. William James, the Harvard paycholo- gist, means more than the loss of one of the most learned and valued mem- bers cof the famous organization. Be fore hesleft the earth le promised to those who remiaiged after him to help them solve the great question which the sotiety has # many years been trying to elucidate ; "Can the dead 'ommunicaté with the living through thediums or otherwise ¥" The late Dr. Richard Hodgson, of the Batk Bay, and Prof, James had es Sayed many tests of this and each had iven the other a message, unknown i) any one else on earth, which the first to die was to communicate to the other, il when he passed bevond the vale he found' communication possible. After the death of Dr. Hodgson Prof. James anxiously awaited the message agreed upon, but €0 far 4s known it was never received, It is undesstood that Prof. James, before his death, confided messages to certain menibers of the society which he promised he would send to them from the spitit workl I Te found com- municgtiol _pdksifile, WONTRETCR Mgr. Sbarretti Papal, Delegate To Canada FAILED TO AGREE WITH SOME OF THE BISHOPS OF QUEBEC, Regarding the Appointment of a Suc- Cessor to the Late Archbishop Du- hamel, of Ottawa--sile Will Not At. tend Eucharistic Congress, Special to the Whig Ottawa, Aug. 31.---The opinion is gaining ground that his excellency, Mor. Sharretti, apostolic delegate to Canada, will never return to the bo- inion. While the United States re- presentative from Washington, Mgr, Fallonio is expected, to attend the great eucharistic congress at Montreal, there will be no apostolic one frou Canada. Archbishop Bruchesi at Mon treal said to-day: "Mar. Sbarrétti will not attend," but he refused to discuss the rumor that he will not come back to Cagada. It is alleged Sharretti and some of the Quesec bishops have not seen ox- actly "eyvé to eye" regarding the an pointment of an archbishop for Otta- wa, and, though the late Archbwshop Duhamel has Deen dead and buriad ov¥er a year, no appoiniment has vet been made. Archbishop Brachesi refused to lis cuss the ramor that Archbishop Gauth- ier, of Kingston, is to come to tt. Wa. Joseph * Bergeoh, aged thirty-one years, was found* suffocated in a mass of clogged pulp in one of the eard- board machines in No. 1 mill of the E. B. Fady company's establishment, in: Hull, to-day. "Bergeon was a sieve threader and how he came to be in this part of the machine is unknown $0 any one but it is surmised he was trying to splice the felt which had be- dome broken near his end of 'the ma- chine, which is a very long one and GENERAL, ELOY auFARO 1 contains several large eyvlinders' which President of Fucador, South America JUDGES WERE APPOINTED For Horticultural Show 0 be Held Next Month. The directors of thé Kingston Hor- ticultural, Society met, Tuesday even- ing, with a good attendance. The following judges were appointed for the exhibition in the Armouries, on September 14th and 15th : Fruit--George Nickle, Cataraqui; Wil- liam Craig, 'Glenburnie. Vegetables B. Lancaster, J. Heaton, Cataragui. Plants and cut flowers--William Carr, D. J. McCarthy, Portsmouth. It was i to put on a convert each evéning of the exhibition, in addi- tion to the orchestra, W. H. Macnee was appointed superintendent of the exhibition, with J. Bushell in charge of the vegetable exhibits. School children will admitted to the exhibition, from four to six o'clock, each afternoon, at five cents admission. The Poultry Association has decided to hold its exhibition in connection with the horticultural 'ex- hibition, one admittance for both. Ernest R. Beckwith has kindly dopat- ed a large cement urn to be given, as a special prize, in the plant and cut flower class, for the exhibitor who wins the greatest number of points, the object being to encourage larger exhibits. Everything looks very pro- mising for a splendid exhibition. STRICKEN ON HIS HONEYMOON. Frank leslie, Halleybury, Seriously Bl in Hospital, Frank Leslie, of Haileybury, was brought to the general hospital from Godfrey, Wednesday morning, sufferings from an attack of appendicitis, yr. McCarty actompanied the patient, and with Dr. Bogart, operated, this fore. noon. It was stated this afternoon, that Mr. LesMe was in a very danger ous condition. The case of Mr, Leslie, is particular Iv sad, in that he was just married og Friday last, at Haileybury, and with his bride, came down to visit at his home in Godirey. He is a young nan, and has many friends who are hoping that he will he able to pull through, Dr. McCarty has two other satients in his district, suffering from Wendi citis. John Abrams, of Desert 1 ake, and Reuben 'Garrison; of Petworth ave being treated at their homes, -------------------- Opposed to Paved Streets. A prominent man of the city, in con- vertation with a representative of (he Whig this morning, expressed him views ---- LAS® EDITION iE -- WEATHER PROBABILITERS. Toronto, Onl, August 31, am. Ot Ta atte Showery. loca ing during the night. TRureday fine a ------------ _-- Speeding t Mark Goes Out the Word that New Suiting, * Dress Goods And Trimmings Are here, We know we've hit the bull's eye, because the rush in this sec tion is amissing, even to us. Women want the right goods and they know where to get NEW SUITINGS IN NEW WEAVES AND COLORS AT THE RIGHT PRICES, Is the name of a beautiful material for aiternoon gowns, We have it in all the new shades, also black, a resis ly beautifel weave--Delightfully soft -- Lustrous and sitky-Non-creasing and drapes exquisitely: We invite you %o call and see all the new things. i. One of the colored soldiers alleged that another had stolen a gun from his packet. Angry words passed. An instant later the ball room wae thrown i a poanie as one soldier whipped out lis and begs; found in the speech which he delivered | . in New York, in the course of whieh 'acoepted the position of secretary of he is reported to have toasted, "Phe {the West End Y.M.C.A., Poronto. 'probable success of the republican par-| George H. Waite, Watertown, N.X., ty in the coming canipaign." has been arrested, accused of ayson. He is twenty-three years of age and ; ; May be Made Cardinal. i from Vermont. He is not considered an Sh on Batusday Rome, Aug. 31. is stated somi ie wl Tibmon ro! by enty ight. gin, , officially that three American prelates | AU Bind, Muine, Wichmond 77, fo Me. and Mrs. William Bryan, of the a Ingersoll, former treasurer of the | 1OWnship of Amaranth, near here, are to be made ciardinals at the newt | DE oro ae died, and was to have been buried Ves A -------------- "evolve very slowly. The first intima- SHOCK KILLED HER. tion the foreman and attendants had that anything was wrong 'wis when slother Dropped' Dead After Death [the broken of the felt paper gume of Hoy. through the roll at the finishing end of the machine The government i at a los to know the wheveahonts of the' stedmer Enrl Grey, which is somewhere up around Hudson Bay, where it is to ¥ Commencing Sept. 1st 'Closing every day on the action taken byv the city coun. ol at its méoting Monday evening, De saith, "We do not paved stéets. Maca: damized roadt are zood enough for thay city, of they are kobe in condi $i Princess treet 'was hulll alow vighteen years ago, aha wil wan fy new, ong cond not wish for ao Metter road. Bat it has nit benny kept in bo v thi do ob Ea tl Wy A staggered a Wostrate hitpul out their refrai from shooting. the alleged murderer, is said fo have taken one look at the fallen wen and ran for the door; revolver in hand. message was immediately sont Ao the sherifi's office here, = Ne one totiched the dead men, whose baddies, weltering in the blood which stained the ballroom floor a deep cher- * remained there until Coroper Smith arrived, Tater--After an exciting chase the sherifi's captured the soldier, whose name is MoKeo. He held them at with a gun, but was finally shot in the back and collapsed from lows of blood. He will die. BLIND WOMAN'S SAD VIGIL. Waits Patiently for Dead Husband to Awake. Suclph, Aug: 31~-Edwin Henry Hall, non eenidont, in his home for some. time before i mat blind wife knew that he x thought he was sloep- ing when he did not answer her, and covering him up as well as whe could, she sat beside 'his bed and patiently waited for him to wake up. All Sat urday afternoon and might aud nearly all Sunday she waited. Then some mighboss ome in and told her the 1 y : Ef 5 con F. ber, the vat of O08 # act wpe are given as Archbishop John M. Farley, New York; Bishop William H. Connell, Boston, sistory, whie There are nine lege of cardinals. Mgr. Kennedy, his five years' work at Rome, as head of lowed by his becoming attachal to the LATE OF KINGSTON Mrs. BE. W. Foubister Said to Have Taken Poison During a Fit of De. spondency. 3 In a fit of despondency Mrs. EK. W 'Oubistor, Fourth street, Oswego, N.Y., took car bolic acid, and Dr. Elder was quickly summoned, The doctor administered emetics and soon had the woman out of danger, but little of the acid having reached her stomach. Her mouth and throat, however, were badly burned. Mrs. Foubister and her husband, who company, On of | Kingston t, ; a loss to explain the net of his wile, and could aribute it othing but despondency, following contin : illness. : London , Aug. 3L<Dr. Hawl Ie jointly ae with Fithel Clara = Neve, wistory. The three chosen by the vr, o and Mar. Thomas Kenvedy, Philadelphia. The «con. will be held in Novem. three years. cols in tee, , will be"'the first in vacancies in the Yi rea, the American College, there, won friendship of the pope and his ele jon, it is understood, will be: fol: wal court. day WEGO WOMAN'S LIFE SAVED! dot BY -EMETICS. living-at- No, - 23. East Sunday afternoon. Her was discovered by her husband, day flict sess men employed at the Oil Well = Supply x Some here recently es The husband was at to nothing to sissies DR. CRIPPEN IS ILL. 'of the murder of his wife, has coll cloged Lieut. Gon, nose other Japanese notables. Rev. Me. Rochester, secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, has decided prosecute vers, Sask., who worked binders Killed himself by cutting with a razor in a New York hotel William H. Holcomb, vice-president of the United Exchange, a million dollar arvested in Chicago on the using the United States mails to de- fraud, George Thotel at sort near Rochester, N.Y., died, Mon panese, son of a member panese council, next month. | The statement that tion of Hon. W. NS. Fielding to lift the York County Savings bank, ha throat, and is in a critical condition, Lloyd C. Griseom, chairman of the New York county republican commit: says he is absolutely dortain = Me. Roosevelt will 'not be the party's ean- didate for governor, Syok, the deposed emperor of Ko- has conferred decorations upon Viscount Terauchi; Japa- resident general of Korea, and to American farmers at Red: all on Sunday in the harvest fields, Despondent becatise of continued ill health, Sol. J. Hirsch, a millionaire of Chicago, his throat hing manufacturer, twenty- corporation, has been charge of F. Popp, . proprictor of an Glen Haven, a summer re- night, from a bullet wound in: ed by himself while insane through illness, The Methodist general conference, in ion at Victoris, B.C., on Huesday, voted down the proposal to admit wo- to the church courts and ap- pointed committees to prepare for the publication 'of a new hymn book. With Miss Ethel of Horace Mann the approval of her parents aria Bagg, a graduate school, New York, is marry Zentaro Morikubo, a Ja of the Js parliament and Tokio . ity it is the inten- upon American cattle, and thus i ing field i : Peet the thirteen Bengalis of the hetter class arrested recently on the charge of conspiri Gireat {at the govirmment's eet his oxcellency and party after their overland journey. The vessel is expected to report shortly as her coal supply is Hmifed. Canadian customs riveipts for A. gust is $6,479,795, an increase of #],- 139338 over the same month Jast year. Receipts for the port of Ottawa during the month were $HT000, an increase of "$28,000, The city will, on Thursday, consider offers for about half a million dollars worth of civic * bonds." Several Toron- to and Montreal firma are in the field for them. : SAD TALE OF LIFE. Woman Who Shoots Herself Legven Pathetic Message, New "York, Aug. .81.--Tn the hand- bag of a fashionably dressed young woman who shot herself in the Hotel Astor was found a letter addressed to her mother, which ran : "It is really deplorable that a girl eabnot get along honorably in New York," ran the letter . to her mother. "In some things 1 might have succeed: ed had I conceded to the wishes of men, cultured, usually moneved, but niinus morals. Never reproach your self for what Lam about to do. 1 can hear you say, 'Now, my dear, it is very wrong for one to take one's life whatever the incentive may be." The letters hore no address, and the woman, who is in a critical condition, refused to disclose her identity. Becomes Desperate. St. Panl, Minn, Aug. 8L-1x & re volver duel' betweed Charles Welch, a teil, have grown lepra bacilli in pure ---- and Ae Ray a ---- euiture outside the human body, and agent in 'the railway head offices this in ting thin lass tubes in 'the labor- morning, Welch was killed. With his story the loathsome germs are now joo strength be threw & pint bottle uf growins in their third generation. nitro-glveerine. wr. in a new Four timex the scientists have taken | OORT apply > the infection from the Body of a leper fo vetted the honib _ Sed St attificially propagated the wacilius [RTE PTT eC 8 bomb from ox ou heof "broth, xg or the amoeba of | Po 8: 4 «9 Hil, the intestines of a guinen pit. The railway magnate, and hiv son, Losiis work of Dr. Moses 1, Clegg, who de Jun, Presiden of the ind: wee 'Vight Slated dese Than & year ayo ut Manilla AN hei the a he gi Poh that bo had found that the bicillus | P10 the police. way the explosive ould te cultivated eutside 'the huiman | 8* Sflcient 16 Mow the entire build: body, is. verified und extended. (are | IE 10 pieces Bad it exploded. Ray ir Bix baer 'rushed from the Munills trent : ihe . : ete gh Station oe Molokai to assist Y-W.CA. Meeting. This pir hom 8 ofA Or account of next Weriday tei 4 holiday the September nesting of tke Dead of a aement of the V8 was b on Gay afternoon, a' the home, on Johnston streot. Very so received terday afternoon. In the morning Mes. Bryan, the boy's mother, dropped dead, and the double funeral takes place to Urothwood cemetery. Mr. Bryan is a prosperous farmer, amd his wife was but forty years old. Easy Civil Service Jobs, Ottawa, Aug, 3L.<A move is on in the civil service to secure during Sep- tember the shorter hours that have provailod during June, July and Aug- ust, and whereby the departments close at four instead of five o'clock. is has also been proposed that such hours obtain during all of the i ses sional recess, but go decision has been reached, THE LEPROSY CURE SEEMS ASSURED BY: REMARK. ABLE EXPERIMENTS. Bacllus is Isolated---Last Stand Against Science is Believed to be at Hand at Hawaii Station. Washington, Aug. 31. Leprosy, the unoorguerel scourge of the ages, -is making what is Delieved to De its ast stand against science. From Molokai, the coral idle and prison for the play stricken in the Hawaii wroup, a few words have been faghed Ralf way around the worll to Washington, teding of an achievement wocounted second only to 'the discovery of the Iopra Tacillus by Hansen, in 1879. Trrce surgeons of the United States public. health aud marine hospital service, after months of unremitting tion station, sodutlion & I, ant uight / ne kill condition. If the would employ men to go over the roads aM the tir and keep them in rena's we would not have the streets in the sonaition that they are now. Grasive rock was put on Princess street when it was built, and it has lasted well. -------------- Hockey Money for Hospitals, The general hospital and the Hotel Dierh, each received the sum of $12 as their shave of the proceeds of the Allan cup hockey matches played here last March, ---- WEAR SOCKS OR JUST GO WITH- our, The French Government is Trying to Pecide About Soldiers' Footgeare-- What is Suggested, Paris, Aug. 31,~Conscientiousness is the foible of the French government departments, especially the war of Bice. This is the question which has been studied since the .issne of an order on Decemaber 2nd, 1908. The problem has not yet been satisfactor. ily settled, After the second year of experiment- ing, and after the supplementary re ports, the war office hopes to bein a position to decide the sock or no sock guestion finally, 8 the reports op socks veguired by the end of this year, four points must bY order, be specially considered : (h percentage of men who do not' ask for socks because they do not employ them: (2) the percentage of men who asked for socks; (3) the number of pairs of sogks needed per man and per annum; (4) the cost of purchase, washing and daring the socks. Some critics war office make bitter allusions fo the "last gaiter button" of forty years ago. HIS DEATH EXPECTED. Is No Hope for Recovery of Dr, Wood. ; The doctors in attendance apo Dr. Isage Wood, ho was stricken on Mou. day with apoplexy, hav bowve of his recovery. The distin cma nd surgeon v cotmcSous for two days, and can take no nourishment. He is slowly sink ng, and h may occur at aly time. Two years ago, Dr. Wood told a find that be bad symptoms of . apoplexy, and that he that dav he would be ed down with that die. eave. ---------------------- Eastern League- MN League--Montres!, 5, Balti move, 2. T. to, ¥% Providence, 6 Newark hg i 0 = dewey city, 5 BORN. NEILSON-Qn 'August 23nd. 1810, to Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Neilson, Olter Station, 8 son MARRIED. BAWDEN--BAWDEN ult 30th, 1910, at Mt. George's i a de Toh, rt t ng awden. Der, = a Fragels E. Bawden, of Ollawa, Ont, PIED, ENNIS Ip Kingstop, on .August 30th, 10100 Jane, beloved wife of the lnlee James Ennis, and mother of John Andrew James, and Eonis Mra. J Hagerty, ate Mary Ann and Jennie ¥ Funeral private) from 84 William St Burial ian Chicago y MOORE In Montreal. suddenly, on uesday evening & August, Arthur BR. Moore, third son of the late BM. Moore. of the Bank of Montreal Kington Fanérdl will take place on Priday noon from the foot of Johnson Street to Cataratrul Cewmidlery, on arrival of the fast train from Montreal ROCHEFORT "In 'Kinghtoh. August 30th, Fe Alexander Hochefort, aged 81 Fears. Funeral from the residence of his sone invlaw «WwW iiHpe), 47 James 81. sday, at § am, it. Mary's Ca 1, w requiem mass will be sun repose of his soul RI 8 maT, ing nl | at JAMES . w PAT A, © TAKS Newmsm | Alf Kinds of OLIVES On. Tuesday, and ac- teapestfnlly rev