XEAR 77-NO. 199 A SENSATION Caused By Speech Of The German Kaiser DIVINE MANDATE BY WHICH HE RULES, HE DE- CLARES. A Speech Made at a Provincial Ban. quet--The Discourse Will Have a Deep Political Rifect--The Em- porer's Constitational Position to be Reopened. Berlin, Aug. 27. The speech, deliv. ered by Emperor William, at the pro- vincial banguet at Koenigsburg, on Thursday night, in which he reiterated and his belief in the divine mandate by which he rales, referred to the Prussian crown as bestowed by God's grace and vot by purliaments or. peoples' assemblies, and laid a lance against the present movement for woman suffrage, is the political sensation of the hour. The leading organs of the German profs devote éxtended comments to AE LE BT LT ne WILLIAM. it, early Ciutivising the emperor's uft and. | mre indications . 1908, e | ondon Daily with the ic speaking of The serious Vossiuche Zeitung, the Tageblatt, the Post, and other pa- pers, point out the constitutional character of the Kingdom of Prussia in the empire, and inquire whether Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg vy to the chancellor's pur " vering such a speech. 'hey _ predict this will lead to a renewed discussion of the emperor's constitu- tional } position when 'the reichstag res in November. . a Ws Gibson, the Red Cross man, most complete tine of goat i in the city. © and OTennor's orchestra ot Wonderland: to-night. lawn social. Wolfe 1Is- ent Waoife Islander whe en Tare, 26c. Fe pita: date Gown "The w Bt B. 8 Harvey , of an interview iil crn by' the Telegraph, of a the |™ Orphiang' Guba at St we, len Jaro Aug, x Admit salon, 10¢. \ IW Bl KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AVGUST 29, LATEST NEWS: Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THEWORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEVEST Pos SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Re- membered. A Russian prisoner in Winnipeg will put up strong fight against extradi- tion, A new method is put in force in re-! respect to criminals from the United States. . An alleged murderer wanted in To | ronto, has beén arrested at Fort Frances. The Canadian Northern live to Win-* nipeg from Edmonton, will be open next year, Theodore Roosevelt will attend the state fair at Syracuse, N.Y., on SBep- tember 17th. $1.50 and $1.25 rebounds "Best sdlers" at 0c. each. The College Book Store sale. The Brantford the Dominion Y M.( on September 17th. Cheese sales : Belleville, 10%c. 10 13-16¢.; Brockville, 10 11-16e.; sel, 10fc.; Winchester, 104, Indians at Los Angeles offered up $2,000 as a sacrifice the God of Fire. The monty was burned. Nir Bdward Morris has returned from 'The Hague. Newioundland does not 'want confederation, he siiys. Reginald €. Vanderbilt is ill with ty- phoid fever qt his farm, Sandy Point, a few miles dutside of Newport, R.1. The Russisg ministry of war has placed an order for artillery amount- ing to XLABHO0 with the Creusot works in Frame. The appropriation was voted with the understanding that it' wonld be expended in Russia, © WiLL HST Woop PU LP. Government of United States to Erect First Plant. Wausau, "Wis, Ang. 27. Contracts have been filed here for the building in this city of a government experi ment station for testing wood pulp. A fireproof building will 'be erected with- in sity days. As soon as special ma- chinery is installed the workof testing Wise wonsin wood for paper making will begin. ihe government will spend $40,000 on this plant "during the first fiscal year. The forestry service believes that this testing plant will develop me- thods and material for making paper which heretofore have been unknown. This will be the only plant of its Kind in the United States. KEEPING PLANS AT HOME. England to Inspect Them. Ottawa, Aug. 27. Firms which de- sire to tender for thé construction of vessels for the Canadian navy will have to examine the plang in England, While the work of construction is to be carried out in Canada, admiralty ofisinls are pot anxious to have the plans sent to Canada for even con fidential inspection. It is also argued that, as most of the tenders will be made by British firms, or by British and Canadian firms allied, there is no reason why the plans should be sent to Canada until the work of construe: tion begins, FLIGHTS BY AIRSHIP, Must go fo of FouR YC A. A, is holding Riplane Behaves Splendidly at Field championships Near Redwood. Alexandria Ray, N.Y., Aug. 27.-Dr. Gibhons" biplane made four flights near Redwood. Henry Brigham, who took the first flight attained a height of 200 feet, the three later flights being al a lesser elevation. The last ascent was one of a circular trend and was a fine example of perfect control of the machine, When nearing the ground, however, after a distance of over two miles had been travelled, one of the wings loosened and the descent for the last few feet was uncontrolled, but neither the operator. nor the machine was injured. to Rus- to HE REFUSED TO PAY WAS MURDERED FOR PRICE OF SANDWICH, PRAYER FOR APPENDICITIS, Failed Save Lite "Zionist Preacher. "The Americar to of London, Aung. 27. Zionist preacher, Mr, Cantal; who was Dowie's right hand man during the latter's netivity in London, died, yes- terday, of acute appendicitis. coroner's in- could 'have , bat Mrs, Cantel refused to allow one to be per- formed, believing only in the Divine Hegler, She summoned a friend to pray by her husband's bedside, and would al- low no other treatment. Extraordinary Incident Surround the * Killing of Young Woman in Vine cennes Restaurant. bs AA EAL RE a har Fie woman having saved by an a young Tn killed by a casual acquaintance over the trifling question as to the price of a sandwich, The eonuple had the evening, and the young the ma y, who in supposed to be a soldier, id for drinks at a eafe, At the end of the evening the young woman ordered a andwioh, but when it came to settling accounts the young man refused to pay for it, He left the cafe in a state of great excitement, and thad not gone far when a shot was heard. The young woman fell down on the pavement with a ballet wound jin her vk, and unconscious. She was taken to an hospital, where after some hours she was restored momen: jtanly to consciousness. She explain: ed Koreans Unconcerned. ! Korea, Aug. 27.--Official an-| nouncement of the annexation of Korea by Japan is made, the news- papers being permitted to publish the news of the meeting between Lieut.- Gen, Terauchi, the Japanese resident general, and the Korean emperor and cabinet at the palace here August 2nd, at which the terms of annexa- tion wax discusped and accepted by that the young man had shot her fthe emperor and his cabinet. The an- in consequence of the dispute over the lnouncement caused no excitement, sandwich. - She had come from the fntany of the leading 'Koreans appear- eyuntry. where her parents are resid- Ling unconcerned about the change in ing, only a few months ago, and was | the status of their country, recognizing employed as a servant. She died soon {hat annexation was inevitable. afterwards as the spinal column lind be {been injured. Rescued the Crew. Bremen, Aug. 27. A despatch from Fayal, Azores Islands, to the North German Lloyd company, reports that the North German Lloyds steamer, Koenigin Luise, encountered the ship Harvest Queen, of Windsor, N.S, which sailed from Dalhousie, N.B., August 10th, for Buenos Ayres, on August 25th, in a sinking condition, Seoul, corsets, three kinds, Great sale of SOc. Dutton's, with hose supporters, 209 Princess street. Photographic supplies. Don't forget W. W. Gibson, the Red Cross man, car- ries a full stock of these. the ship being then in longitude 40.51 west, and in latitude 44.24 north. AN the crew of the Harvest Queen were taken aboard the Koenigin Luise and the ship was left burning in mid- ovean. : hy rom $ver topaidored or ing from a mail-order catalogue 1 not, consider these facts: -- 3 from a department store the customer Is perforce 2 oblied to perform a clerk's duties herself. to find a description of the goods she desires. She must se- eure the | order forms and & trip own. fown for an express ed letter receipt. Then she has to wait one or two weeks for goods 'which may not please her when they do arrive. different when you make your purchases at honfe! Kingston's retall stores Is beautiful and, therefore, #t- 'Goodsnatured salesmen and salesladies are ready to serve courteous and obliging. Ling Prices in Kingston are as low, on the y our purchases reach home almost as soon | back of the whole transaction stands the persons | a OE the tor aan That guarantes to ; ; straight dealing, and the prompt rectifying . How. red the comfort 3 convenience of makihg your puichiasés In Kingston stores as compared with buy- has no oppoftunity of examining. She must make Saw Cardinal Legate Off, Liverpool, Aug. 27.--Scorgs of and thousands of ? N ON She must hunt®oyer the fill them in hemself. She must order or postal note or a register ling to offer a prise --- IVORY ne NTING PROFITABLE. Explorer Obtained Eight Years. Aug 7 Huntidg ches oan for their ivory is a profitable business. John Boyes, 5 noted African hunter and explorer, who gave Col. welt the tip where to find the hist rhinoceros, has returned to alter eight vears in Africa. In Ja Congo in that period he obtained ivory worth £50.00. For several years Mr. Boyes was king of a tribe called the Kakerus asd commander of {heir avmy of 5,000. When the British government learned that he wh king he had to leave the tribe. PRESCRIPTION, Worth in ondon, GAYE WRONG And Druggist Sow Faces Man- slaughter Charge, Quincy, Mase, Aug. 27.--Paul J. Brown, a local druggist, was held for the grand jury on a charge of man slaughter, for an alleged mistake in {filling a prescription which caused the death of Ruth Kelley, the two-vear- |old ehild of John Kelley, of this city. A physician's prescription called = for sugar of milk. A chemical analysis showed the presence of borasic acid in the child's stomach. ---------- MRS. PERRY BELMONT. Perry Belmont and his wife are warm personal friends of President and Mrs Taft. Their home in Washington is one of the handeomest in that eity COMMANDER OF AEROPLANES, First Country to Confer New Military Distinction, Paris, Aug. France 3 minister has also docidett to ask for an appropriation of $100,000 for the adroplane department. The minister intends to order fifty aeroplanes this {all and he is also go- to army officers aeroplane that military upon all improvement for a new shall be an existing types. 423,715 in Buffalo, Washington, Aug. 27.--The bureau announces the 1910 population of the following eities : Bufinlo, N.Y, 423,715; Denver, Col., 2E1381; Patter- son, N.J., 125,600; East Orange, N.J., 34,371. Congregational Minister Killed. Mount Washington, Mass, Aug. 27 --Reév. Pr. William Wilson Davis, a prominent Congregational minister, of Pittsfield, and father of William Stearns Davis, the author, was killed by falling over a ledge at Bash Bish Falls. TOY PARLIAMENT PRINCE AVERTED REVOLUTION BY GRANTING DEMAND. Split Into Four Parties--Common Council Gets $200,000 Yearly Without Any Excuse for Spending the Money. 27.~Some months ago Monaco sdonly woke up one morn. ing with a Rent for parliamentary government and marched upon the prince's palace. A revolution was averted by the prince consenting to re ceive a deputation, to whom he said : "If yon want to elect each other to something, by all means do so," or words to to that effect. elected Money accordingly oe other 30. & body whith, ney call ed the communal council, alter going all the proper formalities of sid spellbinding. The body The fikevharre, Pa, A G. Salmon, of OM fatt known, Inspection and compari Mr. Th BRET efile 3 lit up into four 27. France is the first [cer. Crazed hy eink, accortling to his i am mene ett, Bh. Ld war has Gust © appointed Cen. Roque [about the matter, rw hj Bony to that office, It is said that the [said he had nothing to say for public oensus | 7. | Guest; ; Phave used incom me. KILLED BY THRESHER, Threw Him the Ground. oe Fly Wheel to GENERA LAKE Presented The D.R. A Cup And Trophies LIKELY TO GET GOVERNOR- GENERAL'S GOLD MEDAL. Braid- was kill- a short distance He is a thresh. to Brampton, Aug. Joseph ner, aged twenty-five vears, od on the roadside from here, last night, er, and was moving his machinery the furm of Mr. Clark, lot 16, 4h line, when un short distance from that place the engine stopped. Braider climbed up on the wheel {oo start it again, and seised hold of the fly wheel to turn it. Jt started more quickly than be expected and he was thrown over the wheel, siriking his head with terrific force, and was instantly killed. A brother of the young man was with him at the time of the accident. He had only been > JJjengaged in the threshing business for He Made a Possible at the 800 Yards'| art time. He sm Arbon v5 Range--The Kingston Men are Said to be Shooting Well--They Will Come Home To-night. Special to the Whig. Cholera in Vienna. Vienna, Aug. 27.~Cholera, it is of ficially announced, has broken out in this city. After throwing doubt for two days upon the reports of cases in Vienna, the health department of the ministry of the interior, to-day, an nounced that bacteriological examina- tion of several suspected cases had es- tablished that the patients were suf fering from Asiatic cholera. The vie: tims. are from Hungary, into which country the disease spread from Rus sia. : this tro- Lake, DRA. ~-(en, the Aug. 27. presented Ottawa, afternoon, phies and cups. It looks as if Lient. Milne, Vancou- ver, will win the governor-general's gold medal. On the S00 yards, this morning, he made a possible and he led with 101 on the first three rapges. This gives him a total of 136, and a good lead. Kingstonians are shooting well. They leave to-night for home. Negotiations are in progress, here, looking to the acquirement hy the Liverpool, London &. Globe, of a con- trolling interest in the Canadian Railway Accident Insurance compeny. The Initer was organized in 159 and is one of the most flourishing insur: ance organizations in Canada. ---- ---- CS ---- S-------- WAS THE WRONG MAN. Moir Intended to Shoot Sergt~Major Gilmour, Hamilton, Ont., Aug. gest sensation, following the escape of Moir and Taggart from the local #Hsy- lum, has just been announced by a man who has been in "close touch with the cases before and after Moir's in enrceration in "the asylum for murder ing Sergt. Lloyd. of London. Moir, af- ter his arrest, at Niagara Falls, eon fessed to this man that when he shot Sergt. Lloyd he murdered the wrong man. He admitted he had intended 0 shoot Sergt.-Maj, Gilmour, at that time connected with the London regi ment, and now sergeant-major of the Hist Highlanders, of this eity. 1b is believed Moir, fretting under the dis- cipline administered by Sergt.-Maj. Gil- mour, became drunk in order te work up sufficient nerve to shoot that offi- 27.~The hig- ho REV. DR. ¢RBIGHTON Will econtingne his work as editor of The Christian Guardian, He Is an able writer. in CAUSED TR TROUBLE CUSTOMS OFFICER ERS AS. SLEEP DISTURBERS. eation, rifTYy YEARS WED. Many Guests of Half Century Ago at Anniversary. Renfrew, Ont., Aug. 27. Married filly years, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Guest nre celebrating their golden wedding anni- versary. Mr, Guest is peventy-eight vears, and Mrs. Guest four years younger. They were hoth born in Tip- perary, Ireland, and Mr, Guest coming to Canada a young mun, became a prosperous farmer in Ross county. He retired thirty-six years ago. There were forty guests 16 celebrate the anniversary. Among those present were two brothers and a sister of Mr. Messrs, George and Francis and Mre. C. Crovier and three sisters of Mrs. Guest, Mrs. D. K. Peever, Mrs. H. Lyons and Mrs, William Wall, who, with D. K. Peever, were all at the marviage of Mr, and Mrs. Guest. A SUNDAY TRIP. Ransacked Vacant Rooms Mauretania Awake. New York, Aug. 27.--Passengers on the Mauretania, who dected to sleep on board after the liner docked late last night, were bitter in their de mmciation of the custom officials. Collector Loeb had seized upon the night arrival of the Mauretania = to search for undeclared dutiable articles, pecial Treasury 'Agent GC. OC. Wall boarded the steamer with six" assis tants -- and searched the staterooms. The plan was to search only the va cated rooms, but to find out just which were vacant the customs men tried all doors. Where one was lock ed they compelled the occupants to state whether they were going ashore before morning, The vacant rooms were thoroughly ransacked. Inasmuch as the search: was so thorough the occupants of adjoining stateroom had little chance to slumber. The cus say that certain, persons a practice of hiding valu in staterooms and tha! on the and Kept Everyone Wilfrid Laurier's Tour. Victoria, B.C., Aug. 27.-At the | Methodist general conférence a letter |loms men was read By the secretary from the have made Methodist , missionary at Port Simp-|able articles son statifig that ome of the features later members of the crew woald planned,' or the entertainment of Sic|*muggle the goods ashore. Among Wilfrid? Laurier was a Sunday excur- the passengers on the Mauretania were gion. When this wis mentioned to | lord and Lady Northelifie, Seth Low, him he courteously declined the pleas Mand Adame, Paul Morton and Mrs, ure, saying that, indsmuch as the Potter Palmer, government has a law called the aa Lord's Day act, it is incumbent on Baseball Records. the representatives of the govern-| Eastern Lesgue-Jusey City, 6; To ment to observe it. conference tonto, 3. Newark, *Mountrénl, | greeted this announcement with hand | Buffalo, I; Baltimore, 0. [clappifig. 2; Rochester, 1. American League--Boston, 3; Cleve To Make Investigation. land, 9. Philadelphia, 6; St. Louis, 0 . joh., Aug. Wi National League--Pittsburg, 4; eatirosd, the county and The state Brooklyn, 2. Chicago, 3 New York, | making independent investigations of Cincinnati, 8; Philadelphia, 1. the Grand Trunk wretk at Duffield, a near here, it is evident that gteingent Fell 80 Feet, Not Hurt. action will follow. Secretary Kelly, of | Niagara Falls, N.Y., Aug. 27. John the state railroad commission, is in- Kelly, a sailor, hailing from Halifax, mitigating for that body, afd Chair fell over the river bask at the canti- Glasgow, in Lansing, declares | lever bridge, and though the drop was that if the Grand Trunk is found io | eighty feet, go suffered no injiries other men after the than a few bruises. After the doctor edict during the strike sgainst incom [had looked Kelly over he prescribed a petent strike breakers, the road w 1 be! good sleep for the sailor. frosecuted. Brakeman Graham, of the! ontreal express, a strike breaker who | Dr. J, Crippen and Ethel LeNeve, was held over wince the settler rant, socnged of the murder of Belle EJ says that the tail of the ex wess more, arrived st Liv ol, toxiay. were ing. Spencer, of Crowds early began arriving swirling No. 4; says that no tail lights were the expected astrival. The crowds be burning. he Crand Teank wil begin jcame vo. dense and wiruly: thot it was its enquiry Superintendent necessary to drive them back and Frick sk Rule Crk, at 'oni su, a barricade to proteet and help ER A t sovers, Urippen and Miss Le Dropped Dead on Way From Prison. Neve, - al Seotland is hrestomid wich fam: the result of destruction of Continned rains fvcident of Sir Providence, § gale, on Suturday, is and win sont dow saveiiing (he whole const of Great - | Pritain and heavy loss of life is Tear fe iopided] tion Groen m1 priest Sep anim ihe. goveiament. are feared in Portugal. Torenta, Ont, ott Vall nd Y he 5 % Re Mtawa Valiey a ~-Fige to-day and on Su hoa littie Nigher Fa 10~ MORROW at Steacy's EE NEW LACE JAROTS, LACE COLLARS, LINEN COLLARS, MUSLIN JABOTS, SILK SCARFS, LEATHER BELTS, BLACK STOCK COLLARS, FOR FALL. Bright Without and Within, Thoroughly interesting from cover to cover, every page lilustrating the latest fashions for Fill Garments. A 88¢ Book for 20¢. With Coupon for any 18e¢ Past ponents hs a pew = STEACY'S Monthly Style Book Free. ROBERT J, REID, The ndertaker, Phone 557. eo g -------------- JAMES REID wd SR oa ee, TAKE NOTICE. A Lot of different Old-fashioned Furniture, all ready Rotistad, Bargains for Cash. Terk's. Phone 705 All Kinds of OLIVES IN ALL SIZED BOTTLES, Queen Olives. Manzanilla Olives, Pitted Olives, Ripe Olives, Olives Staffed with Nuts, Olives Stuffed with Celery. Olives Stuffed with Pimientos, Jas. Re OF FINE & Co. BLOWS KILLED COMRADE, French Fur Trader Gives "Himself Up. Montreal, Aug. 27.-Edward Chau mont, who had come from La Tuqus to' Montreal to bity ammunition for a hunting teip, surrendered himself ine to 'custody at the detective depart. ment at the city hall as the result of the fatal termination of » rel he had with named Eugene of August \7th: Just before he La Tugue, drinking, bad a charges agniokt hi, enraged at th Watertown, N.Y. A Vien President James 8B, in this city, be made the that be whe olit