TRIS Son) Td "I FEEL IT MY.BUTY wilh Lhe Shor? Avtar zr cS ils 'i Guaranteed GasTight. || mme---------------- | To Gi You 2 Staomat = and Smoke TM : | | Sa i 3 In Regard To Fruif-a-tives' 5 20 years use has proved no opening, nor any possi- : , ? 1 : 4 Hanowicks, Mmxasucms, N. B, Jan. 17th, 1910 the strength of this bility of thefe being an : 4 Se ] fo pe fee) ty Suty is ghew pom ahd the wtid s a Shsclicited Siatenient {x guaran opening, Yeltien th fie 5 ! BB RE Eh XE Ini the"Hecla" Furnace, and the warm air chamber. 2 : . : was Lreated by Phsich Tas without the. siightes Permantut benefit, and I tri. . . 5. 3 5 oy ; : the castirontopandbottom ~~ 20 years 'Hie, proves 28 % 3 ; in Thor or Ee onal of the radiating chamber, - this. ; by New Brunswick's "Grand . . N . Old Man', the Hon. John and the steel sides, are Fused Joints are a : i py Costigan, aud T Kntge that fused pe rf ect p ' i § 7 anything he stated was . © Pos. v. 2 honest and troe aud given » Lin 2 % £4 i ee only to help his fellowen. That 18, ; , guarantee : 7 ; e «Rela I tried ' Fruitatives' and they are A agaiast : the effects were miost mar- . oa 1 5 . : vellous, und now I am entirely heated at " f smoke, gas % well from ail my Chronic . : . y Constipation that I suffered white heat and dustin ; 5 5 i from - £0 many years. 0 £ " "» : My general health is once until they J a "Hecla 4 y bd HE more excellent and I cangot become y heated i or] eo ; x 3 say too much to express my ' : ; § : thanks for the great benefits | practically v ? home, 3 ; ; 5 = derived from taking 'Fruit * a F a-tives.'" 0 7 > 3 : § : Es . STV ne piece » ae) No other ' a A. G. WILLISTON: of metal, ? 1 \ : * Pruita-tiveS is not got ' furnace : ; Pe ter: up by druggists or expert Th chi q J hits Fu sod g : \ NG chemists--who know nothing about disease and the needs pL ' d . id : y ¥s of the human body--hut is Fus ed - be Joints ] : - ; ? the scientific ed i x dick b of t re 55 1 : p wel knowin Ro stcigis dnd 15.48 a onlysmc in the world fruit juices Joints are they # soc. a box, 6 10 or ful side, 256, edn dealers, Budee hoi ry on absolutely and perma- exclusive "Hecla" patents. ; on % 3 receipt of pce by Praitetives Lunied, Ottawa. nently tight. There is InsistthereforeonaHecla. : 4 More and' more attention is being | the irim, mannish look of these walk. styles of pumps are shown--one of pa- : : i paid to the dressing of the feet, and |ing shoes of perforated calf. tent leather on goad lines to display If you are going to put in a new furnace this year, where a few years ago the averlge Low shoes are worn far into the au handsomely embroidered silk hose let us plan the heating arraingements, and tell you wars was content Nitheonepaie. of ump by Semen who prefet them, hut {above, and the other style, of wum- : . » . ¥ . : Ape . 4 walking boots, a pair of patent lea- {the woman who attends fo smartness metal calf, having the ikle s just what it will cost to install the right furnace to ther ig "best" and some pretly even- [in dress details sees to it that the | which keeps the mp sotupely op A daint delicious delight heat right. Write for free copy of our book *"Hecla ing sBppers, nowadays there must be [footwear is fresh and new with the be foot when much walking is indulged ' Heated Homes ¥hoes, boots and pumps to match | ginning of the autumn, whether the i. Mannish in type and well suited every costume; slippers for at-home [shoes be low or high. Half-worn low {to the needs of the woman who likes a for the summer days when the a Sppetite wear and dainty affairs of gold and |shoes, which have done duty all sum- Igerviceable, smart, low ' shoe for au- silver for the ni costume. All 3 f f h . A craves light and wholesome { oo evening mer, will spoil' the effect of the erisply tumn street wear, are the Oxfords at these boots and slippers are exquisite pressed wool suit and new fall hat | the centre of the lower line. I hese CLARE BROS. & €0., LIMITED, - PRESTON, Onl. ly kept, too, by the fastidiogs woman. | completely, and it is veally not an | shoes have stout welted soles and mod- " They stand in rows, not on the closet {extravagmnce to purchase new low [erate heels, and thes come well up di ELUOTT BROS., Kingston, Ont.--Agents. floor to gather the dust, but on nic #hoes in September, for they will come lover the instep. They are made of aha kel racks built for their special ae [in very agreeably with the first warm [black calf, with neat perforated trim- - commodation or on a low shell, where {days next April, before the sume: ming, or broguing, at the tip. -- they can be easily reached and selec: supply of low footwear is prov ided. | Ten vears ago we could not get our tion made, and each pair is provided loots for dressy wear are shown in {stockings lacey enough. Two years ; » all sorts of new styles. There is : N tendency to build 'these hoots higher at A i } : the top and to add a good deal of a , 3 ; elaborations at the upper edge. Often : a a "collar" of some contrasting leathes & . BISCUFT is put at the top, and this is fastened El with laces and "a tassel in front, ¢ though the vest of the boot has but tame. The buttons: alta are mall ani | | 10 with berries, peaches, sliced bananas and et closely together, the low topped | BE other fruits. Heat the biscuit in the oven to | mannish. boot with large buttons set an jin h apart being now entively out gi restore crispness, then cover with fruit and HT i a ween ; serve with milk or cream, adding sugar fo appe £ ; dressy boat and poor-Lyour NR em very beautiful are some of them, and 3 suit the taste, weary--just glass of ; : exquisitely soft and fine the materi be. ; i Gs bd By a 1 8 ; : Shredded Wheat is made iq Canada of choicest : ; uch heots are made by hand and ' : } selected Ontario wheat. . Contains all, the musele- a ' 3 shoemaker gives to lis dainty task 1 j i neat, ! 4). Lhe le 2 and t ut 2 " 3 - fsame solicitons" édre that the * violin ; to making, brain-building elerhents in the whole Oo £0 maker 'gives to hix defleate instru ' wheat, made digestible by steam -cooking, shred- palate, - refreshes the 3 ment. - Pays are spent ine. putting the ; \ dinig and baking. A Canadian food for. Canadians. Lin hand stitches Shrough the J athe Start the day right with Shredded Wheat Fiscuit So A truly wholesome bever- : cupy 8 whold morning, Needless to i k served with milk or cream. Then you it age He ly nourishes. For a ag i WB |say, high prices are asked fdr (hese : for any meal with fruits. oy Labatt's . hand-made Boots, and only the wo- 7 . men, whe can ard 10 be oxtravagnn Make Your "Meat" Shredded Wheat with shoe trees to keep the lines per [in dress may indulge hex So in lid » § 3 i i py cos- YO no adv ould ear openwork London Lager j fect. Light evening slippers, of iin hand made footwear to match her ox ge Ain 2 de Wine bpeguork THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT 00, LIMITED" + fare wrapped separately in tissye { contradictory fashion's wheel, lace NIAGARA FALLS : ONTARIQ i % The foc shown illustra: | ©! Contr: OLY : g "" Equal "to the Snes German per and kept in boxes. 3 The footwear she wn in the illustra openwork stockings are the ultra Torente Office : 49 Wellingion St. East of The woman who dresses well is [tion gives a good idea of the correct . . nov, Verein rth "Rie Shot on [dn Sn rt HR By | no mot sa saline for the; lavender | wear. She may be very extravagant {age woman for fall wear. There are Vbenatifall Rr] A aa al i as regards yuantify and quality, but |sturdy, yet smartly built laced boots | 2000 y- R ¢ r he styles she selects ave refined and of gunmetal eali for general shopping A SS a» -- while her motor waited without se quist, the conspicuous and sensation- yand walking use, and these show the lected. with the aid of her od. ARE b-{ es G SR i DOCTOR {al effects being left to the class who {new perforated trimming on vamp huhidied Goliary' worth of lb Bosion ! : : : RE ! pd do w yr of silk hos x {delight in loud dressing. Black fool- [and upper. A bit more dressy "are the I te Di Ot NOEIOEY ON YOUR v ATION A (wear is much the vogue in Paris just |patent leather boots with cloth uppers, } roid a : } ' - EEookinDs War - (LAGER STYLE) .' now, and smart black pumps or slip and these come. i with uppers of Te rT mht mn wr were " toons TE brew--tastes and. } ors. with openwork black silk stock- |velvet or silk. The shape of the toc Al ag > y by x =" he 54 choice rity Es | ings, are worn with many costumes lis good, and the Spanish heel is not A ad 7 om a whi 8 ack, ppetite. | which a vear ago would have heen jtoo high for comlortable walking. tS avian rR Si eh on 0 Si a a sanied by ede footwedr of a [Much higher is the heel of the dainty : er ui » ho Th / 3 Order ome today. ! matching shade, : Comfortable as the | little three-eyelet tie. at the right-hand also delectable pink afiairs, others of J Lots of limes on a vacation 1: al p cer orn cold . x . ! suede boots and slippers are they un- [lower corner. This heel curves inward {P™'¢ blue, 'lavender and corn colo you'll find a drop of good Whisky Premier Beer Youbtedly make the:lopt look larger, something the ai¥le oh She Louis pd Modkinge to. mateh gold 4 invaluable. City-bred folks are susceptible : huge" he on Se oct [raed le matt is show well sled | ing 1 the he cue fc om cud inthe ily svoning bi ott moss PW RAT Wi : r frocks. Two | iy ' : i i 5 S | much. shorter than. that of one of pa for housewear"with pretty frovl , brilliant red. % Ch ie tains or lakeshore... Carry a doctor in your sviteasds i The silk footwear is the daintiest various Eo tor be tod. - the A bottle of | thing that shoemakers have brought selection made was careful and well Corby"s "SPECIAL SELECTED" out in a long time. 'The lines are considered. Maosf of these beautiful dainty and the heavy silk fabric keeps | stockings showed ornamentation of Rye Whisky Lits shape and really wears very well; a e {some kind--either hand embroidery, {though a shoe of this character is, { openwork on the instep or elocks at will remedy the host of minor ills the vacalionist is of course, not subjected to very hard | the side; but the openwork styles pre heir to. This pure, well-matured whishy is & beneficent ndage. High-buitoned boots are to 1 vailed. resforative whea you are out of sorts, Those who. tel t , " [aes Hable pep Sahel rims e we S . take » * Lilile Tosch" before turning is sleep well | cing frocks will be accompanied: by . ; Would Keep Him for Life. o'nights, even thoggh the sir be raw andthe blanke(sthin {buttoned boots of lightwolored satin, "I have been troubled with | New vork Tribune, 3 The removal from the county clerk's re I pay jmportant constipation for several years, oflice of two safes which had been pur Your, Grocer can supply. you: with Corbya Are concerned--last spring, all the | and have tried a great many chased by the city in the days of BESCIAL SpiuoTsb rapped "oe hh . ss "Boss" Tweed recalls the story which . torregated cartoh lo prevent ge, | bridesmaids wore with their diaphin: kinds of pills, as well as medicine a man once promineénd in ABlmny poli v , high v . 4 AGENT, sma KING STREET ha A tet lh blue dik and | from the. _ doctor. Nothing [tics wed 1s tell swhemeveé he hdl nn his Boe S01 Yor, or ion | seemed to help me uni 1 be. [oppor Jon Med oi nth -- ng ih ding taking Dr. Miles' Nerve and | {the inter cirgle, was met in the "City 2 - 3 ", i ion the appropriate nt flattering ver Pills. 1 found the little Hall Park one day by o pan ao] hog Freneh-he Mipper Wit iy pills very effective, and 1 am {"F am a glazier; can't you get me =» Velvet is & newcomer in footwearaf thankful that af last T have a lok on ihe coors house city bai 7 ee reliable remedy." [a i nt 7 "iL | gyn H, CORBY DISTILLERY Company prétiy and so becoming to raved foot KIN, think 1 ena. , They give these jobs to LIME thai they will continue to be very MRS. F. M. DUN [5 Yorkers." TED 2 xox -- | popular through an coming Winter, LeRoy, Ills. a ed nt culy the job to put is #Corby's of Corbyville for Over Halt-alintasi™ LS ¥ ¥ t of these velvet . slippers v " be : y 'he Rotmewife:uses Ber preservi : a rathef than French heels, and Dr. Miles' : at good wil "hat 8 you? a ad vantage, obtaing bes Fi od of the v AS he 5 : a och of the foe cil does Nerve and Liver Pills pane of. plas row he gemiemes . . : . : hove. A small; buckle 3 my (amily is pre the nity mall. this Tittle buckle Ee simply cause the bowels to move never work again," was the reply. vastly more becoming to the foot. than in a normal manner, and with- es hich with one ining r= 'ares. oy aRprore, on wave oui hie griping effects of catia 4. UAre vou wre that indicator ve tics and purgatives. That's why | conc wn vet fam "Yes," they are so universally used by |answorsd the taxi eal man. ~ "Vou il The (*ron't disputing i, are you ¥"" "No, women and children. Mm congratulating myult. Nw. Oy the less fwent that far in so short a time we. are needed Natural conditions {ror er oe Joky Bot to get. ar i Be Haba]: ay ' Sou ve. send pics ol 1, Wochefollor a. indulging #0 a | Jdaily w bath. Too many men's take the Bb torually, Rapa hg Fifth avenue shop the other day, and