Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Aug 1910, p. 8

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BANKING : 1 Savings Accounts, Household | Accounts and Business Ac- counts are all Invited at The 3 Bank of Toronto, Experienced and courteous officers will give your business éaretul attention. | Bankof Toront $47,000,000 SHOT WITH LAD VICTIM OF AN ACCIDENT AT / MOSCOW. ¢ Was ¥ Cartridges From the Revolver. Suffering from a bullet wound in his right leg, Wilfrid Card, aged thirteen, son of Lester Card, of Moscow, was taken to the general hospital, on Fri day morning. . which occurred 'at his home on Wednes- and with the use of the X-rays, the bullei was located and removed, dur- ing the course of the morning, and the lad is now getting along nicely, and will be able to leave for his home in the course of a few days, none the worse for his mi ¥ It appears that lad, with a num- ber of companions, were handling a the boys were trying to take out the ing the revolver, when it went off, the bullae going into the leg of young Card, ------------ DIXIE TOOK RACE. Breakdowns. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Aug. 26.--Dix- ie IT won the feature race of the inter- national motor boat meet, which open- ed yesterday, The race was for boats of unlimited horse power, but of no more than forty feet in length, and the starters inel the Duke of West- minister's famous hydroplane, Pioneer. The finish proved something of a fias- co, as in the gathering gloom, Dixie finished alone in 55 minutes 11 4-5 sec- onds for the thirty-seven miles. The other three starters met with engine troubles. Dixie's time constitutes a record for the course, and too high praise can- not be her for the way in which she was handled. Coming past the winding post when it was almost dark the flames were shooting up out a couple of feet. TAKEN TO HIDING PLACE, Tein The Ex-Sultan Has Been Spirited Away. we are selling below cost of the season. = dee PUBLIC NOTICE News for Ladies yOu Ww use of your eratand v hy 'to. have 4 our ' ie it a sipton § 1 can my L. WINSTIN. oe STREET, (Over Carnovaky's), Picton, Ont. Rug, 25.~The - high - Burien Ont Wilts Lo in, : k, nk wre, of ranger, in the chair. A civie 4 i he was resented and d ral s . tural Park. on wa «and headed. by wm Kingston. Ad- : the su- atid you | inced that = thi supbond Fukitention eo roally the former sultan. | found the injured man lying in of blbod. 3 Tenant that the n, suspected Constantiniple, via Phillipolix, Aug. 26. The rumor that ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid has been smuggled out of the Villa Allatini, at Salonika, and that he is shut up now in some place, only known to a few high government offi- cials, was revived, to-day, through the publication of the story of his alleged escape. This happened, several weeks ago, according to today's story when the women of Abdul's household left the harem on the pretext of attending the wedding of Abdul's daughter, a wedding, by the way, that mever took place. The women seemed exceedingly decrepit and the Salonica police are woman Cards; Quarrel; Knives, a quarrel aver a game of cards, last night, one Italian hospital" with his throat cut and an- other, who did the deed, is being pur- sued by detectives. Belardi Minole is the victim and there is slight hopes of and it was here Constable Meagan It was explained by He whipped out a razor and ; Baseball Records, Eastern ronto, 3. Newark, 5; Montreal, 2. ed to General Hospital, Where Bullet Was Located by X according to Corones mutilated panions Were Trying to Remove as The lad was shot in an accident, |i day. He was attended by Dr. Bogart on him loaded revolver, and it is stated that, | cartridges. One of the lads was hold- | The Other Contestants Had Serious of her exhaust pipes to the length of | 3] THE CZAR ARRESTED, Montreal, Aug. 26.<As the result of is in Notre. Dame his recovery. The quarrel happened in a boarding house on Mercier street 1 y those vessor, who was Minole of cheating. after slashing Minole's throat made his es- Scape. League--Jersey City, 5; To- RBo- {sand DATLY WHIG, 1910. AY, : PTH OF THE NEWS. ot 25m se FOOTNOTE IS TO' GO |ChIM Stolen for Ransom Foully ES The Very Latest Culied From All Done to Death. : s m------ Over The Wi : Kingston, N.Y. Aug. 26 The kid: CONFERENCE DECIDES OF A ; Ww. Johnson, M.P.P., Belleville, '| napper: who stole li SUBSTITUTION. T 'and Hon. (ol. Matheson, provincial Peter Fabian, str i . i ! treasurer, will attend the internation under' the clutch al fax convention at Milwaukee. A cable received from J. H. Plam- mer denies the rumored merger of the be i : Dominion Steel and the Canada Steel Vietoria, B.C., Aug. 26.--~The newly- corporation. general super +. Rev.| William Ross, the young man who . for the first time displayed such bravery in rescuing vie- at the session this evening, and show- tims of the Torooto yacht disaster, re- cod himself skilled in the art of holding | time of the Toronto yacht disaster, re- : the gavel. The business on hand was ceived a medal and an address. and while . the father does ¢ of the fraternal dele-| R. A. Gray, of Malvern avenue high terror gates from Japan, and also one from school, Toronto, was recommended by greater vengeance, it is commonly be the M. E. church, south. The address 'the management commitiee for the lieved here that dem for ransom es were mosi principalship of Oakwood school. The conference. elections were col- | Six suits have been entered in the , when Rev. Dr. superior court at Montreal, and there was elected are a couple of criminal actions pend- of missions, and ing in connection with the famous Casey mine. .! Bo fiercd - did 'the gale become at Queber, to-day, that the steamer E- ~ press of Britain broke her moorings. ] y The vessel did not suffer any damage, that Dr. Carman was able to prevent however. the, persistetit. secretary from adver-' Rev. S. Stewart, D.D., professor of tising his books and i - Old Testament sheology at Mount ference to support work, A brisk Allison university, Sackville, N.B., is debate arose on the report of » dead, after a distinguished career in {commission on the rules. This report the Methodist church ! fingers, ton, and left in an outhuilding .. The wanton mur- § caused the most intefve excite ment in this vicinity. . Fenak Jabian, the father al the boy, believes i cap: i ture, apd in Aha kiinappes the child. Peter was stolen several his ------------------------ > T » bd - DID HE ay DOUBLE. duals with the ssiebea untad footuate, Ir-| The Join Daily Express says that --- | i yo itted in view of his present and prospective A Teller of a Bank Thinks He Did an amendment with report of the com- | unemployment by the Babin ina mission as follows : | Field Marshal Lord Kitchener proposes oy t the footnote be amended pend the winter in Persia. iread: The general rules are. to be' It is not likely that Ottawa will be understood . as addi repiesented in the international cric- . ket match at Philadelphia, Only one Ottawa. man,. William Johnston, was chosen and it is not likely that he will go. Sir Wilirid Laurier, who will con clude his tour by a speech at Medi cine Hat, on Wednesday, will at once return east, with a view of reaching Montreal in time for the opening of the Eucharistic Congress. Some of the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of the Ottawa district, are hot on the trail of May or Hopewell because he "dared" to ex- tend an invitation to Theodore Rouse- velt to open the Ottawa fair, Permission to put chains on the pil ing at the Toronto island breakwater, has been given by the Dominion gov. ernment to Property Commissioner Harris. The chains will be used . as protection from drowning. The Hamilton liberal executive has decided to offer the powition of colleée- tor of customs, formerly held bv the late F. E. Kilvert, to Adam Zimmer- man, ex-M.P. The job is worth $3,500 per year. ' John Bagley, arrested in Toronto, and believed to be Charles Kuightly, 'of New York, and the perpetrator of a number of check frauds, will be held for a week while the police are look- ing up his record. All the friendly suits, necessary final- 'ly to settle disposition of the late Senator Fulford's estate, having been ended, the provincial government has received its share of the estate amounting to a trifle over $200,000, | The British cruiser Scylla has sailed from Ki y Jamaica, for Hondu- Toronto, A teller of the i branch of the Bank of Ottawa, found, unde 8 x himself, when he came to balance his duties of any. kind, im accounts, last night, that he was $100 ducts indulgence. in i short in his U od States money. Be i ae he puying, selling or using in- at once reported the money to. t oxicating liquors, as a: beverage or detective department giving . Henry taking such amusements. as are ob- Scavia as the name of the men to viously of a misleading or question whom he had over-paid the amount. able moral tendency, and all acts of Scavia, an Italian, who had presented disobedience to the order and discip- a check for $400, was the only man line of the church." Gordon said to whom he had paid Rev. J. T. Pitcher moved that the United States bills in any amount Dllowing be substituted for the foot. and he believed he must have given note: him double denomination bills - and | "That the rules stand thus paid out $500 instead of $400. with the exception that The otive department at once set be stricken out." the wires in motion with the result | Dr. Carman ruled that this was a word was received from Windsor that | onstitutional change demanding a» Scavia, with his brother, wife and threefourth vote. J. R. "Starr, of ; hild, was being held there pending Toronto, appealed against the ruling wiructions. The man be of ihe chair, and argued that para- {brought back to-day. graph 34 stated these are the general | rules of the society, and therefore parafzaph 35. or the footnote, was not | _---- . a rule, ... Stewart, of Winni He Was In a Garden in Tiégal contended that this was added TE: Way. [the basis of union and the three Berlin, Aug, %6.~The czar of all the fourths rule did not apply. When tempers as they are, the footnote will i {Russias has been arrested by a thevole was taken the appeal from !German policeman, accordieg to a the ruling of the chair was sustained. story printed here, to-day, by the, This was the first (ime in many years Tageblatt, Nicholas and, a grand that the venerable chairman has had | duke shipped across the border in. this experience. With that cheerfulness ' ognito, according to the story. Dur. characteristic of the man, he bow- ing their stay at the Woll's Garden ed to the decision of the confer- | they entered a park whose use is for- Pugin ' : | hidden to the pulls and were arrested | The Sit cam rales of order by gendarmes. Taking their predjca- Was mast exci and it required all as a joke they went. to the the skill of Dr. Carman to keep or- lice station. They were finally re- der. The final outcome of the de fone with apologies pro- bate, was the elimination of the foot- sented by ils ranging in rank note, and the substitution of the fol- {from the to minister and lowing, sebmitted by Dr. Andrew, | ambassadors. The last photograph of Sackville. The vote was praciical- | *as to col n lof the czar, however, is in the pos. ly unanimous : ' fof three Jamaicans, recently commit- "session of the police and the error will | "Forasmuch as these rules are' to [ted by Hondurans, and to protect the 'not happen again, be interpreted by enlightened Chris- { British turtle fishermen on the Hom- rr re tian liberty, revealed in God's word, (duran coast. A Royal Romance, our members are earnestly admonish- | It is announced that considerable , London, Aug. 26,--A Brussels de ed that they guard with great . care dredging work for the dominion gov- spatch reports that after six years their reputation as servants of Christ, (rnment will be stopped at once ow- waiting the Jove romance of Princess and in the case of these amusements ing to the exhaustion of amounts Clementine, of Belgium and Prince and practices which are of a doubt- Voted last session for the purpose. Victor Ni is about t6 come toa ful or questionable tendency, that 'There is to be no exceeding of ap happy climax, their marr being they eng: in none injurious to their Propriations this year. imminent. When King Leopo! hear spiritual life or incompatible with | Work on the decoration of Montreal of kis daughter's intention to marry their allegiance to Jesus Christ the streets along which the processions are the imperialist. pretender to the throne Master." to pass during the Eucharistic con of France, he promptly refused his con-| The following is the report of the gress, next month, is going steadily sent. committee on church union, which forward and even now the prepara Owing to the king's objection Prin. held the boards to-night : tions are something elaborate. Great cess Clementine and Prince Victor ceas-| Your commitiee, therefore, recom- arches and altars have been built in ed to meet, but remained faithful to merds that the general conference de- different parts of the city. leach other. _|clare its approval of these documents! The Tumber tariffs fyled with the Se ---- agreed upon by the joint committee railway commission by the C.P.R. and Gave a Concert. as a basis which the Methodist, 17. T.R. are objected to by the . Capa- On the trip down. among the Thou. | Presbyterian and Congregational dian Lumbermen's Association which Inland, on Thursday, on the has sent a protest to the commis sion. The association maintains that t indemnity, for the murder | chester, 9; Providence, 0. Baltimore, steamer North King, A.0.H. delegates 5-1; Bufialo, 9-2. fy ere entertained at a fine concert, - churches may unite : (1) Also that we further recommend the general con- ference to send the documents of the basis of union agreed upon by the the recent order of the railway board to the companies to file tarifis in 4. ¥ 9; Philadelphia, 6. Nati League--Pittsburg, Brooklyn, 3. Chicago, 6; New Yi 1. Boston, 2; St. delphia, 7; Cincinnati, 2. At Taranto, Italy, a boiler explos- ion on the battleship Regina Marghe- rita killed two sailors and e--Boston, 7; Cleve | which was contributed to members be Washington, 2. New York, 8; Chicago, 4. St. Louis, Louis, 1. }¥ - which the export rate would be lower than the domestic rate is not being carried out. Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Aug. 25.-Dr. Spsakie visited the school on Monday. School re-opened a week later than usual ow- ing to the death of the teachers fath: er, Me. Revelle. Miss Dottie ( amp- salk has gone to teach at Ballautyne. ial Miss Stella Trousdale teaches at Mur- i- vale and Mise Bertha Jeffrey is going @ proposed basis to teach at Florida. A picnic was received from the held at Silver Lake on Tuesday. Min- the reports from or Babeock, of the firm of Chown & Sons, Kingston, attended the funeral documents of his uncle, Edward Revelle, last Suartaly Tuesday. at o tl tended joint committee to the district meet- ings for consideration, and the annual conference of 1911, for consideration and adoption or rejection, the confer- ence to report their ' decisions and votes thereon, with any additional in- formation : deemed desirable by them, to the conference special com- mittee, after the close of + (2) Also, for. x the Sifleront orders, T. J, Ol nor, popular member of the local recep committee, presided at ' nd. his songs and selec wete much appreciated, A hearty of thanks wag tendered to the {Kingston branch by the visiting delegates for their kind hospitality, 'and the convention was voted one of the best id the history of 'the order. vote if Lp Ht 8 ay t & i i; Li i i : iH 5 i i 0 h i - SPECIAL. SALE J TO-MORROW, ALL DAY We liave secured some particularly good things during the past ten days and will To-morrow place them on sale. 2.000 Yards Summer Wash Goods Consisting of Scotch Ginghams, White Muslin, Colored Suitings, Duck Suitings, Galateas. The prices range from 10¢, 12{c, 15¢, 25¢, 35¢. Your Choice To-morrow 13 Off 1,000 Yards White Victoria Lawn This was a special purchase at a price much below its real worth, and To-mor- row, commencing at 9 a.m. aud continuing while the lot lasts, at 7c yard PROS A Children's White Dresses Children's Print Dresses, Children's Gingham Dresses, To-morrow 13 Off. CORSETS French Model Corsets, $1.50, 1,00, 1.75, 1.25, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00. Crompton Corsets, 50c, 75¢, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50. Children's Corset Waists, in a great va- riety of makes, 25¢, 49¢, 39c. a i ------ Butterick Autumn Fashions The Large Book. FREE PATTERN in each book. Pe800000000000000d0sN0000000000sestssssssen 0000000000000 % a A great Bargain, Solid Leather, 2 Strapsall round. Linen Lined. : Sizes 21 inch, The Lockett Shoe Store a. S%asessessesenvececminee Suit Cases and Trunks

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