How About Your ; New Fall secsesssernsssssssce Suit? ROROROREOROEORORORONN0 We are now showing the advance fall styles in & all fashionable shades. Navy Blue, a variety of Rough Finish Diagonals and the Beauti- ful Venetian Broadcloths New Goods coming in every day. CRUMLEY BROS Brown, Green, Dk. Taupe, Tabac Brown, Cadet Blue and Black. ORCS ORORORORORRR The range covers quite AORORORORE OE OEORDROEOEORORORORCRORCRS WATROUS Sask. LOTS FOR SALE PRICES ranging from $100.00 to $150.00. WATROUS is a Railway Centre; is in the heart of a prosper- ous farming community; and is destined to be one of the most POPULAR HEALTH RESORTS IN AMERICA ENQUIRE QUICK. BUY QUICK. All information on application tg i Thomas Mills oo A. F. Bond 79 Clarence Street, Kingston, will be received ay 'this office "until 4 p.m. on Wednesday September 14, 1910, for the werk mentioned, fon, form of eon. yoy oy of tender at the office of Clerk of Works, "Yohee t, Toronto, at the t Office, Waterloo, Ont, or at this Pas rtment. der aré notiffed that a itl ot be He considered unless made a eprint oe oral Pilea. 5 Ww | Spaces, = br atin thelr, -gocupations firma. the the bey signature, the nature of the occupation. case of nder must be accompanied b rE ., cheque on a chartered Sank made payable to the order of She §onsura I "Minister of or of the am. unt ot be t RR i Bender whi foreteit Co: ter nko end Work gor nracted to 'actented the hus will be re nos T t does not bind itself to SE De Towsst OF any tender. y DESROCHERS ng Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, August 23, 1910. ot be pald for this Newipansn t Po nee A re Xe t ihont rbd from the Furniture Finishing Charles Hebert & Pred Camie Have opened up business at 128 to 132 Ontarib Street, and are prepared to do all kinds of Finishing, Hardwood Floors, Show Cases and all Interior Woadwerk. 'Furniture and weraped ¢ HE Underwood Type- i writer is sold In Canada by a Canadian Company, operating with Canadian capital, and with Canadian employees, ONTED TYPEWRITER C0, LID. 4. BR. CO. DOBBS, KINGSTON. JAnnouneement ! iin We are prepared to do Upholster- ing and all kinds of Furniture Re- paired and Cabinet Work. Pianos Tuned and Repaired. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Apply to CONNOR & SLEETH 128.132 ONTARIO STREET (Hooper - Slater's Factory), - LADIES' COSTUMES MADE UH LOOKING, re- moet fron Iodier costumes by our methods of cleaning and pressing They are restored to original freshness. «three years, Bn timer 4 a 3a the home of a sister- : Mrs, Burt, hon 8 will be taken tol emigrants from attack by hostile OF & WAGGON PARTY CROSSING THE PRAIRIES, The Lady Hopes to Reach the Cent. Spokane, Wash, Aug. 26.--Mre Catharine Belknap, sole survivor of the Watts vaguon train party, which crossed the plains from lows to Ore gon . in 1848, and oldest pioneer wo- man in the North-West, celebrated the ninetieth anniversary of her birthday at the home of her grandson, Walter Belknap, 2323 East Providence avenue, Spokane. a few days ago. She is in good health and expects to reach the century mark. She has not ex enced a day's sickness in eighty-three years, Mrs. Belknap is a native of Ohio} ™ born an August 15th, 1820. When nineteen years of age, she married George. Belknap and moved to Van Buren eountg, lows, than a territory, where she and her husband joined the Watts party. The train, which was composed of forty waggons, started for Oregon, in which territory the gov- ecoment then ofiered a half section of land to "every settler. The Belknaps settled 100 miles south of Oregon City, living there thirty years. The trip - seross the fraught with danger and soldiers plains was troops of were assigned to guard the In- dians. Mrs, Belknap says the scores of shots were exchaoged daily, but few were injured. When the party reached the Oregon border the party divided, tweniy of the waggons crossing the Cascade mountains and there again divided, ten waggons going through to a point 100 miles south of Oregon Ci Ne and Mrs, Belknap moved to Washington territory in 1879, and set- thd in the Palouse country, forty miles south of Spokane, which then had a population of 250 and one gen- eral store and a eross-roads post of- fice, the mail being brought in by pony express, "In those dats none of us believed that Spokane would ever have more than 5000 population," said Mrs. Belknap, "and not even the most en- thusiastic 'booster' dreamed there would one day be a city of 123,000. But it has all eorae About in thirty- one years.' ' GANANOQUE NOTES, Many People are Summering in the Town. Gananoque, Aug. 26.--The meet of the A.C.A., at Sugar Island, finishes to- day. Quite a number will, however, remain over until next week. Local sports are attending the races at Alex. andria Bay. The steamer America will run an excursion, for the Citizens' band, to Brockville, next wi David Byron was in Kingston, repre- senting Court No. 1, A,O.H., at the convention. Mrs. Duerr and party, Buffalo, N.Y., in camp at Tremont Park, for the past month, have return ed home. The annual convention of the agents of the § Sun Life Assurance Sopa will be held here next week. Rativau are: a art sapuied. Fe - Now, F Richardson, for- merly in charge of -- loenl corps; vis- iting the latter's parents, Mr. sud Mrs. Liddell, have left for Nelson, B to take charge of he Salvation Army corps there. Rev. William Triplett, Philadelphia, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. Nelson, at her summer home, "Upton: on-Severn," Tremont ark, He will conduct the morning service in St. An- drew's church, on Sunday. William McLellan's speedy motor launch, Dasty Miller, came to grief on the rocks near Grindstone Island, yesterday, and Mit- chell & Wilson's tug and scow were en goged raising ber and bringing her over to town, Miss Maud Willis, entertainer, under the auspices of St. Andrew's Y.P.A,, drew out a fairly good attendance last evening. This was Minn Willis" first ap- pearance before a local audience, and she gave excellent satisfaction. Dr. Snyder, New York, has joined Mes. Snyder, here, for a few days' visit with relatives. He will make a short J visit to relatives in Maitland. Miss Kasie De Long is spending the week in Ottawa. Miss Muriel Connor, Atkin oll, is the guest of Miss L. E Hurd. A. E. Jackson.-is in , NY. Robert , spending the pat six weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Genge, at the Arlington hotel, has left to resume his. duties in Fort William. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cornett, Topperish, Wash; Dr. G. W. Cornett and Dr. W. A. Moore, Chicago, are guests of the former's sister, Hugh Wilson. Miss R. Evans, Mont real, is with her sister, Mrs. A. C. H for a week. Mr. and Mrs. James Brophy, Buffalo, N.Y., are with the latter's sister, ie 4 J. man, at her summer gods Island. A ri Seiale have been in t rumors ee the local road is in large corporation, lr gid of the Misses J are guests ° 'and, Vera Crouch, oe Velma Bo ee ibis Belleville Intelligencer. A strangely . PET wr Hudsementa Lake Ontario Park Io Night BIG Fi F Tea, gy ah, a. 4 BIJOU "An Up-to-Date © Comedy" Telling the stury of a lady who on one of the inodern "tled-below-t knees" skirts, dnd all the fanny things that happened to her. "A Wicked Step-Mother" A heart-stirring drama. beautifully acted, showing the evils that often fol- tow second marriages. Mr. C. B. S. Harvey Will be heard in the latest (Nustrated Ongs. Se, TO-DAY, Be "Davy ones and Capt. Bragg." "The Wicked Stepmother." Mr. Harvey In illustrated songs. Get the Griffin Habit Griffins Opera OUR PROGRAM: huust 2516, 266 and: 270 Hal. Morgan Latest Popular Songs lhe Four Grohvines Novelty Juggling and Acrobats. SEE OUR NEW SENSATIONAL MOVING PICTURES, Among the Roses The Return of Ta-Wa-Wa An. Easy Winner Mysterious Fine Arts The "Princess" Ja has not arrived. away, Ne been 1mving her heauty sleep, and has awakened in all her splendor. ut Monday Afternoon, Aug. 29h rvamme for the Opening OD, 50 and Shae Das. JACK and MABLE PRICE, In a Novelty Act of Dancing, Singing and Talking. In Illustrated Songs. UP-TO-DATE MOVING: PICTURES. And an Extra Attraction of Double- voiced Singing and Yodeling, ; Str America BULLETIN: : FRIDAY, AvVGQUST r= a for burg. SATURDAY, Aveust fy Re" $n] I er DAY Axgus = sen MONDAY, Aveyer Hoandepn "am. tor Lake om the Mouatain ness, one of the best stands in the city, doing a splendid business. Bar| $ grin for a quick purchase, - House, I Princess Theatre Wl Reopen DAN DONNELLY, the New Manager, / gio Ema seeseess 0000000000000 00000000 | The People's Forum | | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion Jo a word Ench ton secutive tnsertion thereafter half cent & word. Minimum charge for ane luo sertion, 30a. three insertions Bboy six, $1; ons month, #3. HELP--~WANTED. A SMART BOY. APPLY AT WHIG office. SEMAID, AT ROCEW HOUSEM Apply to ROC Matro COOK AND HOUSE- , Pense, King n HOS. Ya IMMEDIATEL yr Ber Beet West. 3 PLY, KINGSTON STEAM any Fir Cor Sydenham and Prin- cess Streets. D GENERAL SERVANT: RE- x OO nances required Appl Mrs Minnes, 199 Gore Street, a BAMER AMERICA, LADY'S Fon a nd aitress. Apply to Folgers Ticket Office. ID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; MA references required. Apply to Mrs, Uglow, 164 Barrie Street. q 10 LEARN "Hin of + FOR TEST Canadian Peterboro, SMART BOY OF 16 OR ocery busine a Eanawiitine, Box wil fice. SEVERAL SKILLED MEN Department. A hy, General Electric ar ory rt cate, CLERKS TO SELL ARTICLES needed in every home, Norking meh; ¥: per. juaneht position; it it you are rn. or sma sala; deh counter, write to-da you can gouble 58 rate And Our, UWL offipe. ont, » ELLIGENT AN n $100 monthly MUCH ially by Whig WANTED--GENERAL. INTARIO AND S.A. YER Reta ol i for cash. J. a 0c Street. LX WASHING, BY 4A YOUNG man; terms moderate. Apply, Box $24, Whig office. THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping odern conveniences. Ap- ply, Bok 81%, Whig office. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FROM September 1st; no chijdren. Mec- Cann, Brock, Cor. King Street, YOU WANT ANY . PAINTING, paper hanging or kalsomining done fara to T. Beale, 112 Barrack St, City. BOUTH TATE AN AND ONTARIO | "AY ripts, Cobalt Bonds and Debentures. A wi 'o i . O. Hutton, 18 Market St, Kings- on. GENTLEM TO BRING a ve it made up into up- erkman- Hie -- next te POSITIONS WANTED. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE POSI- tions together as walter and cook; man willing to take charge of horses, Apply, Box 268, this oe. of OSTROPATHY. Edna Ashcroft, ! *BEALTH PH IEROoUT BRIG a. " Pound hn 'Phone 4 sultation hours, 98 to 12 2 toh 6 tos Es CARD LOST. GOLD BAR BROOCH, [ni 2 and corner eta Sunday, Aw fri kindly return to } Street and redeive rewa BETWEEN Princess and St 21st. William LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. BAY MARE WITH WHITE SPOT ON forehead, two stars on left hind leg. on August Isth, from 1% Lower Bagot Street. Anyone har- boring same after this notice will be prosecuted. FOUND. LADY'S JACKET, ON AUGUST 1th, between Kingston and Cataragul; owner may have same by payin for advertisement. Call at, 52 Princess Street. FINANCE AND INSURANCE. 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN- 2 surance Agent and an Steamshi Ticket Agent, 43 Clarcace Stree Kingston. one BES. ERAL INSURANCE. FIRE. LIFE AE hunt and Health P: oe firm companies J. Wellington A x, CARROL, Sine Fire, ate LL standa Agent, 159, DISTRICT AGENT, urance Company, Slekn rance, 14 ket MS BRO 1 Yaced "0 Ingurince' pias Ciasince Ste ERPQOL. LONDON, Fire PE) De fans which policyholders bh 1 security the) unlimited Habliity of all the stockholder Farm. and city ToDAtLy instred at Sowest Sotalbre rates. + Before renewing old or Eiving new business get from & Strange, Agents ki issu. | SCH olicles a BABY CARRIAGE. IN FIRST CLASS A jonditton. Apply to 187 Princess TWO GOOD SECOND-HAND Wi Machines. ply, B. J. 3 HY pe 's In. ket Square AND Ae Phone Clarence SKIFFS AND GASOLINE iculars a Ry portum, OEM, SARS, PICKLE BOTTLES atsup Bottles ai reasonable While they last at Turk's. 05. DOURLE STONE near King: Partioulars $1450 BUYS A Dwelling, Gore Street, good cellar a yard, at Mullin's Gregery, OR FOR LEASE, THE PREMIS. 34-38 Princess ste livery, Cunn EhAm Neo. table for bie "ot garage, 'Mudle, IN BARRIEFIELD, SOLID BRICK & Seven-roomed House, in con dition; half acre jot; fruit trees; sheds and boathouse: near Water Address, Mrs. Phebe Salsbury, Barriefield P.O. LARSHIP (ANY SUBIBUL Sek ue ton, a Pa] wo make & b min oF Posies? sire toe Any young aM at PoasoRab) flake st Suck Apply, POOL TABLE, 5 GOOD CONDITI cheap for eash le; an Hd uni ir ir "Boat ply. J. O Ro Market nges. Bonds A FURNISHED HOUR LIGHT AND h modern improvements i rent moderate, at 311 Queen Street. OFFIC yom w. 'Phon * Mose. -- Miss MURIEL] Xin PUPLL OF MISS Mb ahe ork (Leschetizky ad); coruits teacher of the synthe! meth reopens her plano cl ptember 15¢ Pupils prepared examinations. Ad- dress, Alice y Btre 'Phone 962. YOUNG LADY, WITH FIRST CLASS diploma. on jake puplle in plano. forte; t m of 29 a for four dollars, ADp ¥, ee Oniversity Ave MISS BESSIE SHARMAN. TEACHER of Planoforte and eorTy, Teopens her class tent] - pupils pre- Ped for examinations Address 22 Queen Street. 'Phone, 260. MEDICAL. C. Bred v8 Nin § > sonsulitan SUMMER COTTAGE ed gla ictanare, oc) oe. FURNISH) D ROOM without: all modern ehcen. Ahr. 2 ns Willem venis corner of NEW §-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN IM. piovements, ornar Rev. Myision Streets, Boyd, 106 Fine Brest A COMFOR ABLE BR 208 ellington Crothers' bakery), R. Webster, 51 Princess BRICK ;HOUSKE, No. 87 YORK STREET; mi tn improvements; er oy Tor Soak possess once. Apply, a York Street, $n dre 4 363 Kio Be gore i ta 8 ¥. SPARKS, BA. MD, | ours: A HIER and 7 to § pm. HOTELS AND RLSTAURANTS. a Wadlon. she blac led; chal oe ron, TMES TONS SS ESTAURANT, incess icing Berndt: or" py 'soft ofc delake gater red for: upstairs C, age bD Mar" E Wha AR CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. CHAS. W. oe work done or' reson PATENTS. "pel Song INFORMATION. ON pend los for haoklet and , Ottawa, Ont. RY 34s Lockport. A a LBGAL 5 She ia On ER JORome Universit a ue, 00n~ hit) Seanensenantesasstesas eptember ther" Yonini to care: gs and modern ReGhBBARONDERS CA) section ERNEST R. BECKWITH, CONTRACT: ng Engineer and Architect a Bs uildery' tien, Sydenham Street bo) Street. Plans prepared ih et) mates given for ail classes of work PAINTERS AND GRAINERS, WHEN YOU HAVE SOME HOUSE Painting that you want done ri»: send or Rushey, 371 Division Street, painter and grainer. Work done by the day or Job. An esti mate for the asking. ARORTTEOTS. HEN King Sores' a Think SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- ut son igact.tfion, family, a bet. pn a. And Anderyou. 8 1 STORAGE FOR a CLEAN, ary, oo rooma, Ty ' Ee eT ae own lock a Storage, 299 'Phone 626b, LARGE, COMMODIOUS HOUSE suitable for roomers and boarders; nine bedrooms; ™ oconveni- ences: hot waler jheating: good location; Parti. culars at Muthin's Grocery. FOR SALE OR TO LET. FARM OF 100 ACRES ON KINGBTON Mills Road, 8 1-2 miles from oity; Wel} utered; ood dulldings, . James A Potter, Pembroke y. Bir reet THE EXTENSIVE BURINESS PRR. mises for many Years occupied br Henry Skinner Co., Whotesat Druggists, tiending rom treet to sel Age on bonne a imeleg Sha Ne front tensive buildin ningham i 2giogn. Apply 10 DENTAL. SPARKS AND SPARKS DENTINTS, 330 1-1, Xo incens Street, Kingston. DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. Weicker, assistant, 183 Princess ow 'Phone 735. SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, ETC. THE NEW BST RULES, REGU LATIONS nd Forms to Btation an courses of trainin riven: y+) the Central Telegraph hool 1 Gerrard Street. East Toronto articulars fres, Write T. J. Johnston, Princi- pal PERSONALS. LANGUAGES TAUGHT By MAIL, §0¢ lesson; easy method. M. Lapa, 299 Grand Street, Paterson, It means you get the best grade of COAL AND WOOD which means saving money, st SWIFT'S Fake. her, sof, dsughter, and oo a bv him in ng > rom ates patent) exhausted hin not obtain Must reside each of three Fears. cults od erect a house W. W. CORY, Prauty of Lin nister of the B83 msl ek Rr EAE